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569 Sentences With "shifts from"

How to use shifts from in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "shifts from" and check conjugation/comparative form for "shifts from". Mastering all the usages of "shifts from" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Their body language shifts from one of uncertainty to confidence.
The market shifts from these devices could be even bigger.
Then the novel shifts from one surreal adventure to another.
They called in some more shifts from the plant in Barstow.
I ended up having to work night shifts from ten o'clock.
Essentially, the risk shifts from the government to the private sector.
It is experiencing massive economic shifts from a changing energy industry.
To be sure, the shifts from Graham are nothing completely new.
All the participants "worked" for four day-shifts from 7 a.m.
At times, the surface shifts from flat to a ridge-like line.
Their relationship is frayed, and the tone shifts from light to dark.
He shifts from a compliant Republican Congress to a stubbornly divided one.
The action shifts from Tokyo to the nearby port city of Yokohama.
As this book slides forward, it shifts from first person to third.
That's when this indie rom-com spoof shifts from charming to absurd.
The soprano line shifts from phrases of aching lyricism to chantlike declamations.
The density and color of the line shifts from black to pale gray.
That signal then shifts from higher to lower frequencies as the shock slows.
And slowly, the balance shifts from a death wish to a survival instinct.
With just one phone call, Lawrence shifts from vaguely depressed to downright morose.
Electro chromatic glass shifts from clear to opaque for privacy and light sensitivity.
From pure ink to thinned wash, the color shifts from blood to pink.
Do you enjoy how this collection shifts from one genre to the next?
Radical Suburbs falters in the tonal shifts from historical research to narrative anecdotes.
And I hope that our culture shifts from enabling predators to empowering survivors.
The United States has long tried to impose such shifts from the outside.
It is one of the places where the show shifts from private to public.
The weather outside suddenly shifts from being warm to cold, or cold to warm.
Despite the automation, Peapod employs 22.8 people here, working two shifts from 13 a.m.
The hate rapidly shifts from the video to comments on Kathrene's gender and appearance.
Because the calendar is lunar, the month of Ramadan shifts from year to year.
His walker shifts from side to side, threatening to buckle under its heavy load.
Venus shifts from intellectual Air sign Gemini into nurturing Water sign Cancer this morning.
The plane's wings twist forward as the aircraft shifts from vertical to horizontal flight.
Shifts from the 7-speed PDK dual-clutch gearbox make eye blinks seem slow.
According to PayScale, positions in a call center have shifts from Average Hourly Rate:
The soundtrack shifts from show to show as audience members contribute to the playlist.
The DOJ is also reportedly considering having two rotating daily shifts from 6 a.m.
The Neediest Cases Fund Without warning, Tyrell Williams's mood shifts from gleeful to morose.
They don't tell consumers when the product shifts from being safe to not safe (PDF).
But as the economy shifts from farming to manufacturing, working women are becoming more independent.
The second priority shifts from how you fund infrastructure to how you spend those funds.
The songs shifts from major to a haunting minor as the chorus sings QAnon text.
In an otherwise succinct tale, O'Sullivan's script wobbles when the focus shifts from that dynamic.
Instead, the show shifts from tone to tone, more temperamental than genre-bending thrill ride.
I can feel it when the clamor at a nightclub shifts from festive to menacing.
"My broader theory is that as the world shifts from TV, movies, magazines and newspapers to the Internet, one of the secondary effects of that is that cultural influence shifts from places like New York and L.A. to the Bay Area," Mr. Dixon said.
When your motivation shifts from intrinsic to extrinsic, your performance naturally drops over the long-run.
Our attention shifts from time past to time left, and that requires a process of adjustment.
Photograph by David Williams for The New Yorker The short menu shifts from season to season.
But his more recent work shifts from individual photos into grand murals incorporating hundreds of people.
Rotation is when money in the market shifts from one group of assets to another group.
In this kind of world, the key source of economic value shifts from stocks to flows.
This restless, fantastical music shifts from bursts of fidgety runs to fleeting passages of searching lyricism.
But soon the concept shifts, from basic opposites to explaining what makes an opposite an opposite.
At the end, the focus shifts from the agonies of Saroo to the glories of Google.
That's being unfurled as the Chinese economy shifts from a manufacturing focus to services and consumption.
Patient compliance is critical as the control over outcome shifts from the orthodontist to the patient.
As soon as the lights go out, her look shifts from a singer to a neon demon.
The action shifts from the sterile, controlled madness of the laboratory to the lush and peaceful forest.
According to the department, 54 FBI staff are working each day in two shifts from 8 a.m.
It's a kind of decoherence where my work shifts from a quantum state to a classical one.
That's why small shifts from one survey to the next can be magnified in the final results.
You work 12-hour shifts from September 11, 113 until the site closes on May, 30, 2002.
I believe we are seeing the mother of all shifts from a focus on growth to margin.
Henceforth, the movie shifts from the disquieting to the freaky and, by the end, the absolutely nuts.
A web of blues lines that shifts from fish scale to grid also demarcates the black shape.
Even still, investors may be worried about what may come of future policy shifts from the Fed.
It was specifically designed to prevent broad federal shifts from occurring abruptly, favoring democratic state-based action.
But then, as the kiss happens, the noise shifts from confusion and apprehension to a warm commotion.
Moving left to right, the work's color shifts from bright yellows and greens to reds and blacks.
Water shifts from gas to liquid, constantly transforming, responding and adapting to its environment, much like emotions do.
During our interview, Turner swiftly shifts from serious to goofy, her tone changing when she discusses her character.
The focus gradually shifts from the vastness of the desert to the claustrophobia of Mr Cantú's troubled mind.
At the front lines are the "admissions representatives," some 300 phone recruiters working two shifts from 8 a.m.
Now, as the focus for much of the city shifts from rescue to recovery, so does Paul's efforts.
Dating apps writ large have been blamed for tectonic social shifts, from delayed marriage to relaxed sexual mores.
As Nadja's voice in the memoir becomes less distinct, her role shifts from investigator to agent of reconciliation.
Clinton shifts from the Democratic presidential primary to a likely showdown with Donald J. Trump in the fall.
And then finding shifts from that is the key to early detection of disease long before it's symptomatic.
These shifts from the final polls turned small Democratic leads in Indiana and Missouri into easy Republican wins.
Ramin Djawadi's score (the show's M.V.P., crystalline even in the muddiest of moments) shifts from martial to plaintive.
The mood shifts from contemplation to creation in the nearby forest clearing containing Baan Kang Wat artisan village.
It's no secret that we're living during a time of seismic shifts, from technology to politics to spirituality.
When the mindset of American business shifts from expansion to defensive restructuring, a recession cannot be far behind.
By replacing "mundi" with "mundo," the phrase shifts from Latin to Spanglish, even while retaining its original meaning.
The second half of the exhibition shifts from the fineries of religious life to the sacred iconography of death.
Scorpio season begins at 1:20 PM and the mood shifts from light and breezy to mysterious and intense!
That's a bold stance to take as the music business shifts from brick-and-mortar sales to e-commerce.
The musical style shifts from baroque to Mozart to Verdian drama, and the two leaders sing in surprising harmony.
It seamlessly shifts from being a home console to a portable device, essentially eliminating the distinction between the two.
That's not to say RoT is bad, it's just that it shifts from great to middling far too often.
That is what an endorsement sounds like when the choice shifts from left versus right to normal versus abnormal.
Holly Bass takes a more personalized view of the shifts from the 1950s to the present for African Americans.
But as the collector demographic shifts from baby boomers toward millennials, prewar cars are proving a more difficult sell.
The number will increase once the focus shifts from firefighting and rescue to more damage assessment, fire officials said.
South America has also presented headaches for the White House as it shifts from the policies of previous administrations.
Ruefle shifts from one state of consciousness to another in less time than it takes to blink: Who won?
The challenge now shifts from reducing waste in these supply chains to making sure the full fisheries remain sustainable.
At Medicom's United Medical Enterprises production facility in Augusta, Georgia, 70 workers are now on shifts from 6 a.m.
CNN: The final movement of the book shifts from your professional to a more personal experience with border crossing.
After eight months in office, Trump's actual shifts from the previous administration's foreign policies are pretty limited in scope.
Once Jack sits down across from Thomas, the movie shifts from a portrait of solitude into a progressively violent duel.
Or when I can sigh happily at the top of a steep ascent, as gravity shifts from encumbrance to emancipation.
Selected candidates will get round-trip tickets to Idre Fjäll where they will ski in daily shifts from 9 a.m.
It abruptly shifts from a show about bros hanging out into a weird melodrama, and it probably doesn't need to.
Chromogenic shows photographs of nature in a spectrum of color that shifts from yellow/green to grey to purple/blue.
These are particularly significant issues now, as Internet retail shifts from being mostly about price to being largely about convenience.
Tonal shifts from ribald to sweet and from raucous to sensitive aren't always smooth, and the sentiment can get gooey.
He shifts from second to second with a visceral rushes of nu-metal and powerpop, hard and soft as one.
Some artists may try to simultaneously grow both of their undertakings — and yet the balance shifts from year to year.
But these days the Old World holdout's clientele shifts from old regulars during the day to Instagram stars at night.
As the contest goes on, it shifts from one that's fluid and unpredictable to one that's about cold, hard math.
Then comes that crucial moment of a Warren gathering, when the power dynamic shifts from the stage to the crowd.
It mixes and reinvents inherited forms, blithely shifts from third-person to first-person narration, reproduces dreams and dramatic monologues.
As an orbiting planet tugs on its star, the starlight we see shifts from blue to red and back again.
But Trump has been falling behind in the polls as the election cycle shifts from the primaries to the general.
Same goes for the story, which is very clear in the way it shifts from one location and focus to another.
The rhetoric of energy policy will undergo a transformation as the focus shifts from climate change to energy security and affordability.
The piano part goes through quick shifts, from dreamy musings to flinty outbursts, spiky 12-tone like intricacies and sizzling jazz.
These shifts from meat to meat and from country to country are just as important as the overall pattern of growth.
The film, director Julia Ducournau's first, is about a French woman who gradually shifts from being a vegetarian to a cannibal.
Over time a person's brain chemistry shifts from a serotonin-based system to more of a dopamine or norepinephrine-based system.
At this point, they're intimately familiar with MCU banter, and the shifts from somber to sarcastic that keep the tone manageable.
When a search hits a result in the system, RideAlong can help officers detect subtle shifts from a known baseline behavior.
There are 13-plus people on it, and it regularly shifts from family updates to Gujarati or Hindi memes or videos.
And as the movie shifts from realism to surrealism to something all its own, we're carried along by what we see.
Delightful details abound, especially when the scene shifts from New York to Africa (Segways to scoot around the royal palace, anyone?).
Despite this, the games tend to evolve at a glacial pace, rarely making major shifts from one entry to the next.
It's a vision of breathtaking, casual cruelty that inexorably shifts from the personal into an indictment of a soul-sick country.
It is worth examining what led to the policy shifts from antagonism to budding cooperation and back again to open hostility.
We fall off course the minute our intention shifts from following our hearts to responding to what we think others believe.
While Dumbo shifts from an artist hub to a tourist hot spot, its long-time residents miss the good old days.
"In my experience, once a manipulator is exposed, all the social power shifts from the manipulator to the intended victim," Nail said.
"They are very close to that day when the focus shifts from the revenue or subscriber growth to [more] profitability," Nail said.
If Sanders wins Iowa, look for more leftward shifts from Clinton until her proposals and the Sanders economic platform become virtually indistinguishable.
Notice how the song shifts from third person to first person near the end and it's actually the observer who has transformed.
Upon approach, Transparent Seas shifts from ladies, to a quartet of skulls, to a series of elemental symbols embedded in each character.
By my mid-30s, the constant shifts from job to job were hard on my finances, my résumé and ultimately my marriage.
The emphasis shifts from living longer to living better, from medical treatment only to a person's own natural healing capacity and wellbeing.
"The argument's center of gravity shifts from 'This shouldn't happen to anyone' to 'This shouldn't happen to people like this,'" he writes.
Your focus shifts from your career to your social life today, as the Moon enters Capricorn, encouraging you to do some networking.
It is honing in on the billions of waste that racks up when money shifts from insurers to health providers, including doctors.
Beatrice swiftly shifts from gripping Henrietta's hand in support to refusing her pleas to hold her baby before she is taken away.
And so the movie's focus shifts from the private world of work and family into the court system and the news media.
The priestess's jealousy explodes into a trio that at its climax suddenly shifts from minor to major in a glorious vaulting phrase.
Staying in and staring at a laptop shifts from being the very essence of coziness to hurling you into an existential hole.
While analysts expect few major policy shifts from Varadkar and his new cabinet, the new Fine Gael leader has hinted at some changes.
The also-ran social platforms may also take some solace in the upcoming week as the earnings spotlight shifts from networks to hardware.
But she stressed that the company is thinking deeply about privacy and consent, especially as it shifts from the workplace to the home.
It's an interesting move for Giphy as it shifts from a GIF database site to one that takes more of an editorial role.
Focus shifts from the invented world of Nocturne City to the future alleys of Tokyo following the conclusion of the War Against Machines.
But the British fishing industry is demanding a large share of the catch when control of the waters shifts from Brussels to London.
Last year, the venture cut jobs with a mix of voluntary and compulsory redundancies and reduced daily production shifts from three to two.
As the film moves into 2016, the focus shifts from Marcos to her son, Bongbong, and his race for the Philippine vice presidency.
Second, the pattern of Chinese demand is changing as the country shifts from an investment-led economy to one based more on consumption.
The gearbox makes the best of all eight cogs, acting intelligently but responding quickly to any user paddle-ordered shifts from the driver.
That may change as the week progresses, and the focus of the convention shifts from achieving party unity to winning the general election.
When the patient of the week starts dreaming, the show shifts from live action to animation, and that animation can get fairly outlandish.
When you experience something associated with a fear or emotional disturbance — an internal thorn — your attention immediately shifts from whatever you were doing.
Union officials said they expect the BOP to soon order "emergency rosters," which would extend the work shifts from 22019 to 12 hours.
Once the focus shifts from building machines that are "intelligent" to ones that are "beneficial," controlling them will become a far easier feat.
Now Xi has inserted himself in the process; Trump's task -- without wanting to understate its complexity -- shifts from two- to three-dimensional chess.
Instantly, your attention shifts from your task to the interrupter as they begin telling you about an issue they want your help with.
Over all, "Steel Crow Saga" is a vigorously animated novel that shifts from shade to light with the warmth of a beating heart.
On Monday, Weight Watchers announced plans to rename itself WW, as common parlance shifts from an emphasis on diet to one on wellness.
But after touching his fatal wounds, doubting-Thomas-style, the narrator shifts from disappearing into her clients' dramas toward fleshing out her own.
Trump's policies toward China have been a jumble of incoherent policy shifts from threatening radical protectionism to imagining China as a friendly ally.
"It really is, because you're making sure that the democracy shifts from what the people want to giving out that misinformation," she added.
I need to make sure that, as the weight shifts from the conservator to the supervisory function, that the supervisory function is there.
The strength of collage images relies on controlled coincidence — the tension between compilation and composition, and shifts from the past to the present.
She leans forward, eyebrows raised mischievously and cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink as her tone shifts from presidential candidate to excited mom.
As the industry standard for APIs shifts from creativity to uniformity, for example via RAML's reusable patterns, the copyright question around APIs will disappear.
Azana's motion-capture, computer-generated world provides dramatic visual shifts from the real world, but the focus is just on the dialogue between characters.
Gravity Bone then dramatically shifts from a seemingly silly spy game into a very introspective character study, and it's thanks to these cross-cuts.
Halloween shifts from a Saturday to a Monday this year, which will likely take a bite out of the adult costume business, Harrison said.
Plus, women undergo major hormonal shifts from conception all the way through breast-feeding, and our thyroid hormone levels can nosedive after giving birth.
"When the mission of the entire department shifts from 'protect and serve' to 'punish and profit,'" he writes, "then just what constitutes good police?"
Even as our economy shifts from making things to providing experiences, the American "foodie" turns out to be a manufacturing and job creating powerhouse.
As the grins slide off their faces, the scene's color shifts from the show's usual Technicolor buoyancy to a cooler, far more subdued tone.
Jonathan Martin of The New York Times has sources suggesting we watch the airwaves as the campaign shifts from New Hampshire to South Carolina.
The song that's playing, "Higgs," suddenly shifts from a soft, lilting thing to a heated club track; it sounds like an alarm going off.
Lyft's new division marks a change in the company's strategy, as it shifts from partnerships to its own advancement of self-driving car technology.
Even as the tone shifts from desperate to comedic, the episode feels as one, unlike many episodes from the first half of the season.
She says that the business shifts from real estate to hospitality and that the team has to adapt by hiring staff with hospitality experience.
Your attention shifts from researching for your career to finding comfort in networking on Tuesday afternoon, when your communicative ruling planet Mercury enters Cancer.
More broadly, the bank is potentially facing an extensive overhaul in its business model as it shifts from pushing sales to improving customer service.
I always found this interesting, when somebody shifts from CNN to PBS, which people have, like Judy Woodruff, she doesn't have to relearn journalism.
As the tariff threats grow in scale, and the battleground shifts from rust belt industries to new technologies, the markets are growing more skittish.
Only at night, when Davelle shifts from kissaten (coffee shop) to izakaya (pub), will you find oden, a wintry stew that dates back centuries.
Attention, though, soon shifts from that seemingly harmless stunt, as the body of a music teacher is found at the base of a cliff.
" If both companies end up raising the money they are hoping for, this problem "simply shifts from the current investors to the new public shareholders.
When food enters your stomach and activates the gastrointestinal tract, "blood flow shifts from the muscles and brain into the stomach and intestines," he explained.
En mi opinion, it made a lot of quality shifts from the book that made it a quality popcorn flick that wasn't too nerdishly pretentious.
But today, as the market changes and shifts from on-prem data centers to the cloud, how does a company like Oracle make that transition?
After you've shared shelter, fire, whisky, and food with someone, your relationship quickly shifts from stranger to friend, and the photographic process feels more natural.
In reality, though, they are no more getting rid of performance reviews than a person who shifts from drinking whisky to wine is becoming teetotal.
In the "Hang On to the Night" video though, Hanawalt — who also directed it — shifts from BoJack's cheekier designs to something much softer, even dreamier.
The fan end looks tailor-made for sweeping on powders so that there are no lines or stark shifts from contour to blush and highlight.
Unlike the P2128 Pro, the Honor 2399 catches the light in distinct vertical stripes, and the way it shifts from the purple is also different.
And both parties seemed to argue that public opinion will be on their side once the investigation shifts from closed doors to a public setting.
Yes, Google's dedication to consumer welfare is looking a little frayed around the edges these days as it shifts from disruption to legacy turf protection.
As with other shows in the Public Works series, this "Twelfth Night" shifts from the original text to a modern vernacular in Ms. Taub's songs.
The company has cut about $300 million in capital expense as its shifts from offshore to shale, and cut another $300 million in operating costs.
It's possible that gaps in gender pay, promotion and mental health will narrow as medicine shifts from a boys club to one with more women.
Once again, the D.J. Ori Lichtik provides a score that shifts from manic to melancholy while L-E-V's seductive performers dance out their demons.
Then, one day, he falls down, and the film subtly shifts from a quietly comical character study to a delicate reflection on loneliness and mortality.
But it, too, sucked tension out of the proceedings, and the abrupt shifts from the presenters' patter to the announcements of the winners were jarring.
If a large number of officers were exposed, the department could lengthen shifts from eight hours to 12 hours for those still on the job.
Excessive moisture in 2008 delayed soybean planting and emergence, and the hairline move in 2004 was the result of acreage shifts from the June report.
The novel shifts from a strip club in San Francisco, where Romy works, to a women's prison, where she is sent after killing a stalker.
Often passed from generation to generation, many of these ancient trades have been fading as the world shifts from the artisanal to the mass produced.
" In his view, "quarterly earnings obsessed" corporate owners would not have the same priorities because "the emphasis instantly shifts from taking risks to taking profits.
The spotlight now shifts from Charlotte and Fayetteville to Capitol Hill, where Republicans on Wednesday began considering the results — and their own chances next year.
Then the camera quickly shifts from the first-person point of view to a wide shot of T'Challa's sister Shuri, standing outside by a lake.
The statement of corporate purpose, which shifts from shareholder primacy, was signed by the heads of more than 180 U.S. companies, including the CEOs of Amazon.
We see growth in revenue taking Netflix to $400 over the next 12 months even with de-rating as valuation shifts from 2019 to 2020 estimates.
Up until this point, Buffy was always funny, and from this point Joss Whedon does these brilliant tonal shifts from comedy to something that's deadly serious.
The content shifts from elegant, upright trees to falling boughs, smoking branches; the world splits apart, sometimes quite literally, as miniatures are jarringly spliced in two.
Because, look, the lesson of the internet is power shifts from those who control distribution — meaning supply — in every industry, to those who control the buyer.
Europe faces an almost-existential moment, he argues, as the world shifts from a global order based on rules to one determined by muscular power politics.
At the advanced level, though, the emergencies become interrelated in an accelerating mass extinction, "and the tone shifts from Pixar to Stephen King," Mr. Joseph said.
The tax burden shifts from lowering the deduction cap could be felt disproportionately in states where Republicans are looking for support to pass a final bill.
One technique tracked the neural firing patterns during the solving of each problem; the other identified significant shifts from one kind of mental state to another.
Now, as the focus shifts from the primaries to the general election, Hillary Clinton appears to be playing by the same playbook used by Trump's rivals.
Microsoft said its Office 365 subscriptions increased by 1 million in the last three months of 2017, as it shifts from operating systems to software services.
These are the losers of a Medicaid-style marketplace, as the law shifts from what drafters envisioned to what health insurers are actually willing to build.
The brawl shifts from the heart of the venue to the exit ... where you can see Crawford throw EVEN MORE huge punches at Coyote Ugly staffers.
When the second alarm goes off at 3:45 — a reminder to leave for the train in 15 minutes — her morning shifts from leisure to precision.
That's the question in this lightly feminist film, which shifts from being a domestic dramedy to an underdog sports tale, a favorite genre of Indian movies.
He holds the third iteration, reinforcing it mid-word, as the orchestra shifts from C minor to C Major in a crowning fortissimo burst of optimism.
A key topic of debate has been Whole Foods' efforts to centralize its merchandising, as the retailer shifts from a local orientation to a national one.
The automaker said it was cutting production shifts of Nissan Vans to one from two, and Frontier and Titan pickup trucks to two shifts from three.
But this one takes things a step further, particularly with Molly, who shifts from being a frustrating (albeit engaging) character to one who is downright unlikable.
The prime responsibility for that sales pitch shifts from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.).
In Wang's kaleidoscopic essays, memoir has been shattered into sliding and overlapping pieces so that the story of her life subtly shifts from essay to essay.
I just picked up some shifts from someone else who got sick (unrelated to COVID-219), and I imagine I may be doing more of that.
Gradually, as the work's momentum shifts from those recordings to motifs driven by the ensemble, Ms. Matthusen shows her own talent for springing stealthy electroacoustic surprises.
Throughout the show, La Medea shifts from performance to dance to concert to musical to telenovela, but retains a single identity, much like its shero, Medea.
Cate White shifts from working within familiar concepts and processes to risking improvisation, integrating known and unknown, private and public, controlled and free, self and other.
As manufacturing shifts from offshore mass production to customized, local fabrication, new jobs will open up for human workers, some of which have yet to reveal themselves.
As the intellectual property shifts from the freelancer to the client, he or she is going to automatically receive payment as per the terms of the agreement.
"The problem is that policy fluidity suggests pretty much anything can happen almost without notice," he said, pointing to several policy shifts from Powell since October 2018.
They think that as our attention shifts from driving to being driven, we will use our time to work, play, consume content, and interact with one another.
"Muscular micro-shifts from visitors will be captured and correlated with complex emotional and cognitive states recognized by the innovative software engine," it said in a release.
By eliminating the dependence on molds and direct printing for both prototyping and production, their team shifts from months to hours in the development and production cycles.
As the world economy shifts from making goods to selling services, auditing is becoming more complicated: scale and the multidisciplinary expertise of large firms count for more.
The sound shifts from warm to cold, smooth to jagged, lush to denuded as it strains to match West's oscillations between gladness and despondency, devotion and suspicion.
A steel structure resembling the frame of a house, assembled by the dancers, shifts from place to place, intact and in parts, as transient as our protagonist.
On Friday, CNN reported that hundreds of TSA screeners have called out from their shifts from at least four major airports since the shutdown began in December.
Eventually he and other researchers learned that during this state, the brain shifts from low-frequency to high-frequency electrical waves, like those produced in waking hours.
Ms. Kudtarkar beautifully handles the tonal shifts from one reality to another, but the scenes set in a grim future Brooklyn, which bookend the play, feel unnecessary.
A tormented young genius dreams only of hippos; the pictured hippo shifts from our-world gray to all the colors of the universe in the boy's imagination.
The moments when sentiment shifts from optimism to fear, like the last few weeks, are scary when you have an accumulated pile of savings declining in value.
It makes rapid and abrupt shifts from scene to scene, from noise to noiselessness, from jittery, dust-choked, unstable near-dark to the blare of full illumination.
The senator right now holds perhaps more power than any other over the President, as the impeachment trial shifts from questions to voting as soon as Friday.
Mercedes-Benz is preparing six factories to produce EQ electrified vehicles, and to manufacture eight battery plants as the German carmaker shifts from combustion to electric cars.
With call-blocking, the barrier to carrying out good polls shifts "from people not picking up their phones to people not even getting the call at all".
As she shifts from an unpaid internship to tenuous employment to grad school to freelancing and finally to motherhood, Hannah is constantly personal branding, even to herself.
There are constant shifts from obsessively repeated notes and chords, to wildly skittish bursts, to rhythmic episodes that almost — but never quite — slip into a marching groove.
As demand shifts from stores to online, a wave of retailers has announced store closings across the US, leaving surplus amounts of vacant real estate in prime areas.
That back wall proves remarkably variable in its shades of illumination, courtesy of Dante Olivia Smith, whose stark but subtle lighting shifts from searing clarity to muddling obscurity.
As culture becomes more Westernized or industrialized or urbanized or whatever term you want to use, it shifts from a more collectivist culture to a more individualistic culture.
Her style shifts from sultry club performer in the opening to post-Beyoncé swagger through the verses to a more '90-style melismatic scale-climbing at the end.
In the far left panel of "The Golden Striker," the palette shifts from blues, deep violets, and grays along the left edge to luminous greens on the right.
But Gugino's smiling, rigid mask gives way to warmer feelings later in the film, and Beard has a particularly demanding role that sometimes shifts from moment to moment.
"It almost feels as if our role shifts from analysing the bonds' fundamentals to advising clients on the eligibility criteria," says Matt King, a bond strategist at Citigroup.
Another version of reform shifts from an income tax to a consumption tax, where you are taxed on the money you spend rather than on what you make.
About 10 percent of its residents are refugees, resettled with the help of local agencies and injecting new blood as the economy shifts from industry to small businesses.
As commerce shifts from wholesale to a direct-to-consumer model, companies are using their relationship with you to create a superior customer experience at a lower cost.
You're busy getting things crossed off your to-do list today, Scorpio, but tonight the energy shifts from focusing on your responsibilities to romance and even some adventure.
Kurt Rhoads shifts from the snarling Duke Frederick to the openhearted Duke Senior in seconds, stepping back from the goings-on to let the playtime have its space.
Your attention shifts from your career to your social life today as the Sun enters Virgo, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules friendship and community.
Trump has been restructuring his legal team as he shifts from dealing with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe to battling Democratic-led investigations in the U.S. Congress.
This election is probably the last before Hungary shifts from what is already a deeply damaged democracy to what political scientists would call a full-blown electoral autocracy.
The use of mapping by age to inform malaria control and treatment strategies will become increasingly important as the burden of the disease shifts from children to adults.
Red leans heavily on visual flair, employing high-contrast shadow, dense fog and monochromatic hues to signal tonal shifts from upbeat, pop-friendly moments to gravely dramatic ones.
The quartet "Where Is Evil" binds the opera's four voices into a tight matrix of counterpoint as the orchestra shifts from startling blasts to patches of elusive harmonies.
The opening level, for example, shifts from a tutorial in an idyllic playground — to suddenly devolving into a nightmare hellscape of body horror presumably directed by David Cronenberg.
But these are small lab tests compared with the plans editors have for a next-generation New York Times, one that shifts from monolithic to something more bespoke.
The car journey toward the crash site from the capital shifts from a three-lane highway to a winding dirt and rock track past farming homesteads and villages.
Questions arise and are left hanging, concepts introduced without any background or explanation, and jarring shifts from section to section (sometimes even sentence to sentence) are the norm.
So the length of the season shifts from year to year: In 21960, Christmas fell on a Sunday, which means the season stretched over a total of 10 days.
Its been reported that hundreds of TSA screeners and agents have called in sick from their shifts from a number of major airports as the partial government shutdown continues.
Scriabin's Fantasy in B minor, true to its title, is a fantastical piece that audaciously shifts from episodes of milky, harmonically murky lyricism to unhinged bursts of incandescent runs.
Markets have been whipsawed in a give-and-take this year marked by shifts from excitement over signs of economic growth to hand-wringing over higher inflation and yields.
It's a regular Friday night again, and the mood shifts from eager and revolutionary to more laid back as people sip box wine from plastic cups and compare notes.
The focus shifts from flying as fast as possible in the qualifying rounds to just surviving the dizzying turns around the warehouse's boxes and out its back loading doors.
The setting shifts from Brooklyn to Eastside Los Angeles, where Michelle and Brett Pierson (Lynskey and Duplass, respectively) have built a life, bought a house, and had two children.
Like a distracted news anchor, the movie's attention shifts from one section to the next with minimal overlap, leaving the men's fates as unresolved as the issues they dramatize.
They don't always make it easy for viewers to keep up as the focus shifts from Gilgo Beach to other places where there have been multiple murders of prostitutes.
This dovetails with how he deploys differing points of view, as he shifts from what Cecilia sees to seemingly unmotivated camera moves, like a pan to an empty corner.
A close-up of his rear, as the weight shifts from cheek to cheek, gives a decent sense of his charm onslaught: It's dopey, broad, ripe with self-assurance.
As the action shifts from mountains to rain forest, Landes makes clever use of drone-mounted cameras and trippy sound design to turn the natural world into a hallucination.
Shafak's narrative shifts from the internal to the external, from thoughts to action, and from the summing up of an entire life to the twists of one hectic day.
The update also illustrates the broader change at Google in recent years, as it shifts from a company geared toward providing answers to one that helps you get things done.  
It's an art-house concept executed with blockbuster flair, an experiment in genre that shifts from farcical comedy to political thriller to dystopian science fiction and back for 171 minutes.
As captured by a FiveThirtyEight polling aggregation, backing for impeachment has grown from 40.1 percent to 49.5 percent since late September, driven largely by shifts from Democrats and some independents.
Why it matters: As the national conversation on tech gear-shifts from admiration to regulation, Apple hopes to carve out a safe harbor by positioning itself as a privacy champion.
The gold and bronze performances were Jamaica's first medals of Rio, a count that is expected to rise as the focus shifts from swimming to athletics over the coming week.
Higher rates, a shift to fiscal stimulus and changing political winds all mark big shifts from the post-2008 investment world and will likely require a significant adjustment in approach.
Even Samsung's prismatic color options live up to their name, especially the prismatic white colorway, which shifts from electric purple to hot pink to pale blue depending on the light.
After more than seven years of monetary policy intervention, capped by recent shifts from several central banks towards negative interest rates, the economic and investment outlook is murky at best.
According to a spokesperson: Project Sonoma is an app we are testing with a limited group of customers that lets employees view and manage their work shifts from their phone.
It is here that Mongillo's voice shifts from shy reserve to full-on vulnerability, employing more feminine vocal patterns as he gradually lets his guard down around this new figure.
Clinton still holds significant advantages as the contest shifts from Iowa and New Hampshire to Nevada and South Carolina, two states with much larger minority populations -- among whom Clinton leads.
Shouldn't it be okay to swap out my different pairs of pants seasonally — whether that means actual temperature shifts from winter to spring, or different periods or "seasons" weight-wise?
Currently, fire department liaisons are on staff at the center in two shifts from Monday through Friday and during special events, for a total of around 80 hours per week.
A striking feature of this memoir is that, as the milieu of his reporting shifts, from the South Side to the Pentagon and Vietnam, his attitudes and methods remain unchanged.
By analyzing coyote scat, scientists have linked this behavioral change to dietary shifts from diurnal to nocturnal prey, with implications for small mammal communities and for competition with other predators.
This is the tiresome yet unavoidable nature of business as Brexit shifts from a theoretical event to something real: Companies must plan for outcomes both wildly unknown and potentially damaging.
From the moment we meet Margery, bristling with anger, and John, who soon shifts from placating her to suggesting an exorcism, Ms. Nichols and Mr. O'Connell are delicious to watch.
This new necklace features three exquisite imperial topazes from Brazil, including a dangling 11-carat pear-cut bicolor stone with an ombré effect that shifts from fuchsia to Tuscan yellow.
Ms. Whitsitt attempts something similar here as her play shifts from cozy domesticity — Toklas cooks while Stein labors at her desk — to an unsettling descent into the writer's inner world.
The 2019 version finds success in its characters and their dialogues, and the depiction of John Shaft (Samuel L. Jackson) shifts from an action hero to a politically incorrect dad.
Shifts from the dark catastrophe of the Sicilian court to the rustic comedy of the Bohemian coastline, and then back again, can give you whiplash, especially in this trimmer version.
For local goods, the street whose name shifts from Sluizeken to Oudberg to Kraanlei turns up elaborate women's hats by Ria Dewilde (Sjapoo), minimalist leather handbags by Mayenne Nelen (Mayenne.
Made of cotton equipped with air sensors and color-changing dyes, the shirts' fabric shifts from black to white when in the presence of radioactivity, carbon monoxide, or particulate pollution.
We've seen a lot of action in the Other Bets category to turn things around this year, including shifts from pure research to early commercialization at Waymo and Verity, for instance.
As the Fix NICS Act shifts from a slam dunk accomplishment to a plan denounced by the president as insufficient, the Senate is turning its mind to other matters for now.
The console's success will be crucial to Nintendo as the firm still places console gaming at the centre of its business, even as casual gaming shifts from living rooms to smartphones.
Heavy snow and freezing rain will hit the northeast, Ohio Valley and Great Lakes regions while freezing rain shifts from the mid-Atlantic to portions of the northeast, the NWS said.
Last, there may be room for the expansion of global supply chains, as work shifts from ageing China and other middle-income countries, to Africa and poorer places with more labour.
"One of the reasons I wanted to talk now is because I think after 20 years, somebody shifts from being a contemporary person to one of history, actually," says Charles Spencer.
"Incremental shifts from business-as-usual don't get us anywhere near where we need to be," Pete Smith, leader of the Environmental Modelling Group at the University of Aberdeen, told me.
A longer piece called "Anamnesis: Pt. 1 & Pt. 2" — dedicated to Tamir Rice and Sandra Bland — gradually shifts from elegy to outrage, evoking the devices of a composer like Charles Mingus.
"One of the reasons I wanted to talk now is because I think after 20 years, someone shifts from being a contemporary person to a person of history actually," he says.
The way he shifts from an upright stance to lower his shoulder and step into his swing is out of comic book where our hero was bitten by a radioactive baseball.
But when Hippolyte reaffirms his love for Aricie, Rameau shifts from recitative to a frenzied duet in which Phèdre lashes out against Aricie and a puzzled Hippolyte springs to her defense.
Especially if the Senate filibuster remains, these are ambitious enough ideas, and huge enough shifts from the current model of wage-setting in the US, that expecting passage is probably optimistic.
The production design uses a wealth of actual fascist Italian architecture and deep color contrasts — the color scheme frequently shifts from fully washed-out neutrals to vibrant, almost garish primary colors.
In "Heart of America" and the title track she shifts from detailing the loss of her family's farm to telling the stories of others who have been victims of the system.
If you think your cuddling skills are up to par, Caromont Farms has a sign-up sheet online where people can volunteer for four-hour shifts from early February through March.
She shifts from rebuke to righteousness ("How could you believe that I wouldn't fight back?" she sings on "Telling the Truth") and begins to use her story as a teaching tool.
That opening movement goes through dramatic shifts, from moments of dreamy lyricism, which Mr. Waarts shaped with melting beauty, to bursts of perpetual-motion busyness, which he dispatched with articulate fervor.
Wolfspeed compound semiconductor technologies promise to give Infineon a leg-up as the electronics world shifts from a reliance on silicon to embrace newer semiconductor materials, including silicon carbide, he said.
FBI Director Christopher Wray recently announced the bureau was doubling the number of personnel working to respond to the document requests, to 54 staffers working in two shifts from 85033 a.m.
This week begins with the Sun transiting the exciting first degrees of Leo on Monday, amplifying Leo energy as the mood shifts from nostalgic (good bye, Cancer season!) to passionately expressive.
Perhaps inevitably, that makes the story disjointed in places, as it shifts from Mandela's claustrophobic confinement to the government violently tamping down protests to the emergence of new leaders like Steve Biko.
The House resolution attempts to address those concerns by setting rules for a new phase of the investigation, as it shifts from gathering information in private to evaluating the allegations in public.
Facebook warned Wall Street about revenue deceleration, as sharing shifts from feeds to Stories and advertisers have to adapt, but turning local merchants and influencers into paying customers could smooth that transition.
Coming to the U.S. on a work visa is getting harder across the board, but workers from India in particular are feeling the effects of recent policy shifts from the Trump administration.
ET. The console's success will be crucial to Nintendo as the firm still places console gaming at the centre of its business, even as casual gaming shifts from living rooms to smartphones.
At that point, it shifts from being a sort of NPR-Lite style effort, and one where you're listening to a conversation — albeit one with a polished, media-trained exec like Mycskie.
In "Cherry Blossom Symphony" (1973), Thomas painted vertical bubblegum-pink brushstrokes on a ground that shifts from blue-black to blue-green to yellow-green to blue-black and blue-green again.
If the rhetoric on both sides shifts from abusive to explanatory, Democrats and Republicans would be able to further their party's goals, pass policies, and ensure Americans get the reforms they deserve.
For that reason, any fix to the process embodied in a statute is barely worth the paper on which it is written when legislative power inevitably shifts from one party to another.
When Beyoncé shifts moods on "Lemonade" away from indignation and toward healing, Jay Z shifts from a shadowy figure to a near-collaborator, even though his voice is nowhere to be heard.
It is time that the political discourse shifts from the permanent "bond" between the Puerto Rican people and the United States initiated a century ago with the enactment of the Jones Act.
"Oracle's strength in database and middleware is countered by long-term uncertainty in applications and hardware as IT consumption preference shifts from traditional, on-premise solutions to public cloud models," he said.
As the center of gravity now shifts from criminal investigation to congressional investigation, irrespective of the on-going cases in New York and elsewhere, in many ways Congress' role is more significant.
Throughout the video for "Shut Up Kiss Me," she shifts from one attitudinal pose to another — seated calmly with chin jutting out, leaning back on a bar stool, astride a vintage Mercedes.
Working in shifts from sunup to sundown, and battling strong currents, the 10-person team dumps the sediment on the riverbanks before hauling it by truck to a landfill outside the city.
It's a burnt-out rap opera (and accompanying screenplay), laced with bleary, smeary production and song-to-song tonal shifts from glittering radio singles to multi-part suites to hallucinogenic stylistic experiments.
With the challenge of figuring out who committed the murder is removed from the equation automatically, the story shifts from an investigation of a crime into an exploration of an emotional landscape.
Finally, when Victoria has her epiphany that she's happy with her friends, and she loves her alleycat life, she shifts from singing enviously to Grizabella about the "beautiful ghosts" of her memories.
As innovation shifts from the car to the code, companies that commit to the Autonomous, Shared and Electric vision of the future will create significantly more new value than those who don't.
The shifts from football game high jinks or a character's apple-bong-toking abuelita to the question of whether to shoot another teenager in the head are disconcerting, to say the least.
As the sound shifts from classical to the buoyant jazz of "Blues for Timme" by Mary Lou Williams — with whom Ailey collaborated on "Mary Lou's Mass" in 1971 — the mood changes, too.
We watch fantasy fade and a relationship dissolve in the course of one violent, dusk-to-dawn spree, set to the rhythms of period dance music that shifts from exhilarating to bludgeoning.
Now lobbyists are pushing back against the conventional wisdom that work slows down in an election year as the focus shifts from policy to politics, in hopes of keeping that boom going.
Later, the scene shifts from downtown Los Angeles to a Shanghai airport, from "real life" to the fantasy of a hit Chinese musical, one in which Xue falls in love with Mrs.
He told me that he enters a meditative state behind the lens: waiting for the flickering moments of alignment that occur when a view of the landscape shifts from discordance into order.
For now, as the primary shifts from the overwhelmingly white states of Iowa and New Hampshire to the more diverse states of Nevada and South Carolina, it is a source of weakness.
LONDON (Reuters) - European shares rose on Monday, with gains across bourses and industry sectors, as the focus gradually shifts from the earnings season to monetary policy and politics with Italy's election on Sunday.
While the series and show tell an ongoing story, the self-contained stories in Leviathan Wakes and Caliban's War are a stumbling block as the show shifts from one arc to the next.
It's also connected to population shifts from big cities to less populated areas, and it's upending sectors of commercial real estate, both in terms of how spaces are designed and where they're located.
But here there is another kind of persistence — one in which the relation is static and the work shifts from producing an effect of anxiety in its audience to one of contemplative awareness.
In 1954 Arthur Lewis, a Nobel prize-winning economist, argued that development occurs as labour shifts from an unproductive "traditional" sector—activities such as subsistence farming, or petty trade—into modern, capitalist activities.
With Mars in Pisces, occupying your house of personal finance and self-esteem, your focus shifts from conceptualizing your projects to finding the right structures to support them—both immaterial and material ones.
The lesson of this admittedly potted history is that when the central political division shifts from economic materialism to disputes over fundamental values and questions of national identity, democracy threatens to become unstable.
"We are not disclosing numbers, except to say every Atlanta police officer will be on duty, working 12-hour shifts from January 26 to February 5," Atlanta police spokesman Carlos Campos told CNN.
In the second part, the poet and spoken word artist Saul Williams provided caustic, needling lines that underpin the remainder of the show as its perspective shifts from the personal to the social.
The first and last movements of Mr. Shin's 10-minute score convey tension through gripping music that boldly shifts from pointillist bursts to whooshing sound effects to eerie passages of wafting string lines.
It will ensure Sanders stays competitive as the campaign shifts from the early states to a national primary — a change that calls for substantial money to reach voters in multiple states with ads.
The Ministry of Health in Singapore employs a dedicated team of 140 contact tracers, who work in shifts from 8:30 in the morning until 10 at night every day of the week.
It stands to benefit for many years as hundreds of billions of dollars in information technology spending shifts from traditional purchases of hardware and software to effectively renting them in the data centers.
The music by composer Ryan Ike is likewise perfectly suited to the mood as it shifts from folk, to bluegrass, to jazz as you wander from the Northeast to Chicago to New Orleans.
Now his promise to Russia's 267 banned Paralympic athletes is getting twice the acclaim, as the public's mood shifts from outrage at the "discriminatory" ban on Russian athletes to a deeper sense of indignation.
LONDON (Reuters) - Gulf Keystone Petroleum has appointed two new board members following the completion of its debt-for-equity swap with bondholders, beefing up its leadership team as it shifts from survival to growth.
Murakami is also known to channel his artistic alter ego, Mr. Dob, who "[morphs] its own form, and whose ambivalent personality shifts from friendly to fierce, seemingly at will," according to a gallery description.
Once he arrives, the movie shifts from a bizarre courtroom story to an ominous (and very convincing) demonstration of the threat that big money tied to big egos poses to press freedom in America.
In an industrial strategy published on February 5th Peter Altmaier, the economy minister, warns that Germany's economic strengths are not "God-given" and must be earned—particularly as China shifts from consumer to competitor.
As a result, Jones expects Macau's January-February combined numbers may be a better measure of performance because it evens out the influence of the holiday and the time shifts from the prior year.
At capacity usage this might take around two years, after which the revenue split shifts (from a negotiable initial split to 50/50); it's a small, safe source of income for years to come.
Eventually, a sort of natural narrative order suggests itself, but it's a bumpy road to an uncertain destination, frequently interrupted by shifts from fairy tale metaphors to scenes that don't involve Louis at all.
Chinese companies that are considering options to enter the U.S. market will also face difficulties if the relationship between the two governments shifts from a "partnership basis" to one of a potential trade war.
Schools for the Deaf, branches of their state public school systems, are likely to be endangered by budget cuts and funding shifts from the public sector to charter and voucher systems, which Trump endorses.
Some transfer stations are expected to see significant increases in the trash they process, as garbage shifts from one facility to another, but advocates said that those are mostly in more heavily industrial areas.
Code Vein shifts from intricate setpieces to open halls and arenas for big fights against swarms of mad-max vampire zombies and 12-foot tall goth knights, maybe because that's where it feels comfortable.
Healthcare is the most profitable business of the trains-to-turbines group but will need large investments in coming years as the industry shifts from the simple selling of equipment to managing health more broadly.
"This is the biggest quarterly decline since the fourth quarter of 2013, confirming that inventory builds are now reversing as the market shifts from oversupply to undersupply," Bernstein analysts said in a note to clients.
But while the BOJ announced some tweaks to its equity purchase programme and said its stimulus plan would be more flexible, the changes did not show any inclination for radical shifts from its accommodative stance.
Several luxury goods peers, from Louis Vuitton owner LVMH to Gucci parent Kering, have reported similar trends so far in 2019 as spending by Chinese customers shifts from tourist destinations overseas to their home turf.
As ad spend shifts from television to social, plenty of brands will need help, and Indivio will charge them 5 percent to 10 percent to make sure their marketing resonates with our fast-moving feeds.
"The good news is that we are getting closer to the time of the year when the seasonal mantra shifts from 'sell in May and go away' to 'buy in October and stay,'" he said.
"One of the reasons I wanted to talk now is because I think after 20 years, somebody shifts from being a contemporary person to one of history, actually," Spencer explains in a clip released today.
Higher Ground Labs backs 13 startups to help Democrats win in 2018 and beyond "As the political world shifts from analog to digital, we need a lot more tools to capture that spend," says Dutta.
The program also makes it simple to update shifts from week to week, by offering a "Copy last schedule" feature that lets managers use the prior week's shift as a starting point before making changes.
"But due to the fact that they often go into the meeting with a misconception of Kim based on caricatures from outside intelligence community, the perceptions often shifts from one extreme to another," he added.
On a set of looming walls and fractured beams, his excellent chorus shifts from rig workers to churchgoers to brutal lovers with smooth, telling costume changes — as Bess wanders, nearly mad, from scene to scene.
We propose an alternative strategy, where the focus shifts from fortifying self-control to changing one's environment and setting realistic goals to make it as easy as possible to manage the complex demands of diabetes.
Ms. Bartosik's "Étroits sont les Vaisseaux" shifts from calm to turbulent, rolling and receding like the tides, and follows the patterns of the oceanic tidal cycle, compressing it into exactly 24 minutes and 50 seconds.
As designed by the great Miriam Buether, the set for "Machinal" gradually and surreally shifts from the early 1920s to the present, suggesting that even as times change, a woman's lot remains much the same.
The unexpectedness lies in a screenplay (by Dave Allsop and Alex Francis) that cares little for audience expectations, and a mood that shifts from tense to terrifying in the space of a single, unearthly sound.
The vibe shifts from intellectual to emotional at 2:24 PM, when the Moon enters sensitive Water sign Cancer, where it'll boost our psychic abilities and make the vibe a little more emo in general.
Many professional people in modern societies find that the moral center of their lives shifts from the family into which they were born to the family they make through love and friendship as they mature.
Many professional people in modern societies find that the moral center of their lives shifts from the family into which they were born to the family they make through love and friendship as they mature.
Cinephiles will instantly recognize it from the final third of "Goodfellas," when the story of Henry Hill suddenly shifts from a decades-spanning gangster epic to a frantic, paranoid, cocaine-fueled day in the life.
Pittsburgh air quality, although dramatically improved in recent decades due to the collapse of the steel industry and shifts from coal to gas in electricity generation, remains worse than air quality in many US cities.
Cluster headaches can develop at any age, occur in men more often than women, and strike out of nowhere, always on one side of the head (though sometimes the side shifts from attack to attack).
Given a context of minimalist repetition, small changes can lead to larger ones, as when "Galaxies" very gradually shifts from static chaos to jaunty strumming and back to chaos again, over the course of an hour.
The bottom line: It's an important case as more and more of the economy shifts from physical marketplaces to digital ones, and one more way in which the antitrust argument is being made against Big Tech.
The Jumanji stories have always been about fantasy, about taking on a heroic role that shifts from make-believe to real, and discovering that the courage you needed to confront your fears was there all along.
When we last talked in this hour we were speculating about how nimble North Korea might be to react to the changes, the shifts from the White House regarding the cancellation of next month&aposs summit.
With more complex music, the constant tempo changes and shifts from verse to verse would nauseate; here it registers as eager, itchy nervousness, and keeps you on your toes, always curious to hear what comes next.
WATCH: The Great Council House Scam – The Cocaine Dealer You're likely to spend anywhere between $65 and $100 for the standard stamped-on crap "Freddy Flake" shifts from the driver's window of his three-door Hyundai.
"The narrative shifts from 'the slowing global economy has to drag us into a recession' to 'we're probably in the same kind of economy, but not going into a recession,'" Hogan told CNBC's "Worldwide Exchange " Thursday.
"One of the reasons I wanted to talk now is because I think after 20 years, somebody shifts from being a contemporary person to one of history, actually," Spencer explained in a clip released June 29.
That eventual return to the city explains how Final Fantasy XV shifts from an open world to a more linear experience in its second half, as Noctis and friends age over the story's 10-year span.
Eventually the game shifts from a con to something more felonious, as the women, rather than plying their marks with drinks and winks, slip knockout drugs into their cocktails and empty their wallets and expense accounts.
As the story shifts from farmhouse to manor, from the kidnappers to Getty Sr. (each side armed, impatient, brutal), a parallelism develops and it becomes clear that he took his family hostage long before the kidnapping.
But I really want to see you back in the game with a leapfrog moment — one that redefines assistance in the user's image, that operates in my interests, that shifts from tedious recommendation to blissful anticipation.
Here's the rundown: There's Unicorn Baby Glitter, which are spackled pigments that shift from white to mint green, Unicorn Love Glitter, which goes from white to amber, and Unicorn Snow Glitter, which shifts from white to blue.
If the role of these unpledged, automatic delegates shifts from this informal, elite-centered winnowing to being able to help decide in the case of a contentious nomination, this might make real competition over nominations more viable.
At first, I loved taking in the world, and the moments where little was happening were a great chance to soak in the incredible soundtrack, which shifts from folk to jazz to blues depending where you travel.
Despite the fact that the pilot program has reportedly been around for some time, reports on its use in Amazon's facilities also come as the company shifts from a two-day to one-day Prime delivery standard.
The initiative is particularly important for banks as their customer base shifts from a generation that cashed paper checks and got mortgages by walking into a branch, to one that goes online first to transact and borrow.
Despite my wariness of what Khan calls "banal AI" (Siri, Cortana, Alexa), conversing with machines like Amme magnifies shifts happening on micro levels between humans, as human communication shifts from face-to-face to screen-to-screen.
Assuming the Trump administration can get comfortable with a deal that doesn't include significant economic policy shifts from China, there's no reason a goods-based, transactional deal can't result in a "good enough" agreement by March 1.
A bit more than halfway through, the book shifts from Pilgrim's perspective to chapters told through the eyes of other characters she has met, including a Swiss detective chief inspector, a village doctor and a racist mercenary.
If you take the long view and focus on a lifetime of progress instead of point-in-time results, then failure shifts from being something terrible to a source of rich information and an opportunity to grow.
"Airlines increasingly see themselves as retailers that up-sell and cross-sell as their focus shifts from optimizing the revenue per seat to maximizing revenues per passenger," Raymond Kollau of trends research agency AirlineTrends, told CNBC recently.
The focus shifts from Pryor to the work itself, to the rhythms (or lack of them) in its cutting patterns, the organization of the screens, its compartmentalization of the comedian's body in ways both organic and unexpected.
For queer spaces in particular, cultural shiftsfrom the rise of Grindr to gay assimilation and the gentrification of historic gayborhoods—have beleaguered establishments that often take on extra political and social significance for marginalized LGBTQ communities.
"As deep learning compute shifts from the cloud to edge devices, there is a growing opportunity to provide sophisticated and creative edge AI technologies to mobile devices," CEO Borui Wang said in a release tied to the news.
So if the focus shifts from there I think Republicans might be able to wriggle their way out of this politically in the short term, and we will see where it ends up as an issue in November.
MIT's machine learning model reviewed "thousands" of movies and eventually became able to track and label emotional arcs—not story beats exactly, but the shifts from happy to sad a viewer might feel as they watch the movie.
The firm predicts that a number of other things will peak during the 25s, including oil, cars and inequality; the population will age and people will own fewer things as the economy shifts from ownership to the sharing.
No matter what the likelihood is for Mr. Trump's getting a Nobel, his public image among South Koreans has been improving markedly as the mood on the Korean Peninsula shifts from fears of war to hopes of peace.
These images are offset by a far more evocative series from Nan Goldin (1994–95), in which the photographic gaze shifts from a woman in hospice to the dove-embroidered curtains that breathe strange life into her surroundings.
But while Sittenfeld's novel was a tour-de-force study of one person, Montemarano shifts from character to character, addressing events in the round so we can experience the full extent of the havoc the senator has wrought.
So much has changed in education, as the focus shifts from calling out and overhauling bad teachers and schools to listening more carefully to what educators say about their working conditions and how students are affected by them.
An Ashbery poem shifts from "I" to "we" to "he" without warning; unspecified "it"s appear and vanish; the language may seem to stabilize in a typically poetic register only to shift within lines into another mode entirely.
It is worth pausing to admire its sheer, dazzling craft, the deftness of its tonal shiftsfrom polemical to playful, from humorous to horrific, from blaxploitation to Classical Hollywood and back again — and the quality of its portraiture.
As the scene shifts from urban building projects to suburbia, from the present to the past, the filmmakers eavesdrop on intimate kitchen-table conversations, fold in historical re-enactments, drop by community meetings and conduct talking-head interviews.
Mr. Macron's unrequited pleas for policy shifts from Mr. Trump are perceived as failures, and more than half of those surveyed in a poll last weekend disapproved of his gushy performance, for which he got nothing in return.
He notes that over the two parts of the Passion—the first centered on Peter's denial of Jesus, the second on Jesus' trial before Pontius Pilate—Bach shifts from flat key signatures to sharp ones and back again.
In this way, it's easy to see how Siri shifts from the capable, if only sometimes helpful, "assistant" we have today to a super intelligent force that subtly manages nearly every aspect of how you use your phone.
Europe's gains came on the heels of a stronger trading session in Asia as investors' focus shifts from a murky, complex trade war to company earnings which they can more easily pin down and price in to markets.
Since then, he has been the recipient of praise and policy shifts from Trump — NATO is obsolete; no lethal military aid to Ukraine; no, I wouldn't defend Estonia if attacked (a violation of Article 2023 of NATO). 18.
The report does not indicate any potential policy shifts from the Trump administration, which has acted aggressively to reverse much of the Obama administration's climate change work and shift the conversation about the issue in the United States.
The group, which owns other labels including Christian Dior and Krug champagne, is setting a high bar for rivals chasing the same clientele, though not all are benefiting equally as Chinese spending shifts from overseas shopping capitals to home.
Charles Ridulph, who was 303 when his little sister Maria was kidnapped and murdered, said he believes his family has been abandoned by the legal system as attention shifts from the victim to the convicted killer and his appeals.
Between five and 10 African countries are likely to see their industrial sectors take off in the next decade as production shifts from Asia, said John Page, a Brookings fellow and former chief Africa economist at the World Bank.
Roy feels a bump of pleasure as he shifts from weary commuter to seasoned journalist, digging into the bare-bones wire-­service report to turn it into an article, with quotes from law enforcement and details about both groups.
Although there is still time for farmers to make their decisions and this price ratio is not the only determining factor, there is a reasonably good relationship between February values and the eventual acreage shifts from the previous year.
Even with the recent strength in the Chinese currency, China's role in global supply chains is unlikely to replaced in the near term as the country's export competitiveness shifts from low-value added to high-tech products, added Wang.
He likens such a change to other major historical shifts, from the United States' build up of World War Two industrial might to the research and development program behind the Apollo space program that landed Americans on the moon.
The system of global free trade has downsides — when an industry shifts from one country to another, masses of workers can pay the price — but it was set up as a kind of permanent win for the United States.
"On the other hand, the focus shifts from the artistic value to monetary value of the work, and for most artists the art is an extension of the artist, so you yourself start to feel commodified," Mr. Abosch said.
" The novel charts a year of Sofia's life as she shifts from "grieving in slow motion" to facing dramatic inward and outward changes — especially when her father starts dating an advice columnist for Fifteen magazine known as "Dear Kate.
Republicans and Democrats appearing on the Sunday morning political shows offered differing takes on who should testify during the next phase of the House's impeachment inquiry as it shifts from the House Intelligence Committee to the Judiciary Committee. Rep.
Once Harriet finishes the tale of how she escaped slavery, the light in the room shifts from a bleak gray monochrome to a warmer gold — the kind she insists greeted her when she made it out of the South.
The real win for the company would be if a lot of search activity shifts from general Web queries — where Microsoft is a distant second to Google — and onto bots, potentially becoming a significant source of digital advertising dollars.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is restructuring his legal team with lawyers more at home in a courtroom than a television studio as he shifts from dealing with Special Counsel Robert Mueller to battling Democratic-led investigations in the U.S. Congress.
He explained that as China shifts from a labor-intensive economy to a higher-skilled one, Vietnam, with its low wage costs and relatively good infrastructure proposition, was reaping benefits as more companies shifted their manufacturing plants to the country.
Watch out for surprises when the Moon connects with Uranus at 11:38 AM. Venus enters Pisces at 6:20 PM, putting people in a romantic mood, and the vibe shifts from cool, aloof Aquarius, to a much more empathetic energy.
Often, once a fundamental breakthrough has been published, the center of gravity quickly shifts from a handful of elite researchers to an army of tinkerers—engineers with enough expertise to apply the technology to different real-world problems and customer needs.
Each star system has its own skybox, and different regions of space are somewhat color-coded; it's not unlike how in Skyrim, the color palette shifts from autumnal oranges in the south, to cold blues and whites in the north.
Yet when exercise shifts from a seemingly healthy habit to an addiction, the signs and symptoms are often overlooked -- and the shift happens slowly, said Paula Quatromoni, an associate professor and chairwoman of the department of health sciences at Boston University.
Coming from a family with a French-speaking mother from Quebec and an English-speaking father from America, the subtle but constant shifts from one language to the other––either casually in mid-sentence or to add emphasis––felt spot on.
Arguably not, yet these 2929s rock stalwarts recently took center stage at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, where they brooded through cuts from "Lightning Bolt," their most recent album, which shifts from mortality-obsessed balladry to brash, punk-tinged fervor.
Meanwhile the film shifts from red to purple to bright turquoise or appears scratched or upside-side down, reminding the viewer that this is not a simple documentary; Schneemann shaped the work by burning, baking, cutting, painting, and collaging the film.
That's not to say that some songs aren't great, like this one, sung by a self-described "baby merchant": As that tune probably indicates, the series is full of jarring tonal shifts from episode to episode and sometimes scene to scene.
Mr. Rodrigues opens up a world like a scroll as he shifts from realism to the fantastical and then the allegorical; pauses to meditate on the beauty of the world; and insists on the fusion of the spirit and the flesh.
The dynamic between Elena and Mia shifts from the outset; instead of two women with every appearance of being cordial, they have obvious preconceived notions of each other — and a keen awareness for what the other must be expecting as well.
Christopher A. Wray, the director of the F.B.I., said in a news release that he had doubled the number of employees assigned to expedite the request for documents, with a total of 54 people working in shifts from 8 a.m.
Valente always writes with a kind of stylized, rococo voice, but her register shifts from book to book — sometimes from chapter to chapter — and half the fun of reading her work is trying to guess which register she'll give you next.
However, as the world shifts from a place where all we do is take, to a place where we (at least give the illusion that we) are giving back, it only makes sense that companies and businesses evolve alongside us.
Long portions of the film have the screen black as Mr. Mekas, who is 95, reads from his book; sometimes its color shifts from black to white, from white to gray; at times a field of red fills the screen.
Now, no party looks likely to win a majority in these three urban centers, ushering in a new era of coalition politics as South Africa shifts from what has effectively been a one-party system in the period immediately post-apartheid.
In normal circumstances, two fundamental shiftsfrom traditional and religious values to secular and rational values, on one hand, and from survival to self-expressive values, on the other — "tend to move in the same direction over time," Wilkinson writes.
Like the miner's canary, the Indian marks the shifts from fresh air to poison gas in our political atmosphere; and our treatment of Indians, even more than our treatment of other minorities, reflects the rise and fall in our democratic faith.
The fifth and final movement came across as a mercurial rondo that shifts from stretches of harmonically raw vehemence to subdued yet swinging passages that Mr. Bell, backed by Mr. Gilbert and the orchestra, played with an eerily spectral quality.
The way it works is that based on whatever alarms you have set, 25 minutes before any noises go off, the Pixel 200's screen turns on and gradually shifts from orange to yellow in an attempt to wake you up more gently.
Cox and Daniels may feel they've done their part advancing Facebook's product, and that the company needs renewed energy as it shifts from a relentless growth focus to keeping its users loyal while learning to monetize a new from of social networking.
China's energy demand rose by 5.9 percent over the past 20 years, but is set to grow by only 1 percent by 2040 as its economy shifts from energy-intensive industries to services and as Beijing introduces stricter rules on air pollution.
The 21 data includes some big deals, such as a 20.8112 billion euros investment by U.S. firm Lone Star, but shows a rise in smaller ones as private equity shifts from distressed assets to healthy companies riding the country's economic growth wave.
Sales at U.S. jobs site Monster, which it acquired in 2016 for $429 million, fell 16 percent for a second quarter in a row, as the company shifts from a traditional advertising market to online job placement services and social media tools.
The choreography shifts from task-oriented movements referring loosely to cleaning — polishing the floor gradually morphs into twisting and writhing — to a more unfettered, full-body release in an improvisation where the dancers rub up against surfaces and sometimes speak with feverish abandon.
As Lynn Vavreck has noted, the most significant political shifts from 2012 to 2016 have come not among white men but among white women, who are supporting Hillary Clinton much more strongly than they did Obama — a remarkable shift of 8 percentage points.
"These are clearly noteworthy shifts from regular practices and make this vulnerability worth paying attention to and also worth asking questions about," Tenable CEO Amit Yoran, who founded the Department of Homeland Security's Computer Emergency Readiness Team, told Business Insider in January.
The president has so far imposed tariffs on more than $350 billion worth of Chinese goods and routinely shifts from blasting China and threatening additional punishment to trying to calm the waters in the face of jittery markets and negative economic news.
At this time of year, given the inevitable wear and tear after 30-plus games, weight training shifts from a focus on squats to dead lifts, using a chassislike device called a trap bar, to ease the stress on the players' backs.
If the seat shifts from Republican to Democrat, it'll be the first special election lost for the GOP in 2017: races in Montana and Kansas have already gone their way and a race in South Carolina is expected to result in a Republican win.
Furthermore, other non-Islamic State extremist groups in the country, such as the al Qaeda affiliate Hurras al-Din, will be better able to build up their strength as the overall focus shifts from their stronghold in Idlib province to other parts of Syria.
As product research and price comparison are relocated from physical spaces to virtual ones — it's called a browser for a reason — the function of stores shifts from a site of discovery and transaction to something else ... what, exactly, is at the moment hotly contested.
Once David and Marisol ride into Abraham's town — trotting down a dusty corridor lined with gawping town folk and ornamented by prostitutes — the mood shifts from ersatz Terrence Malick to imitation Cormac McCarthy, with charmed snakes in the church and Colonel Kurtz in the shadows.
" Like Sacconaghi, Osborne worries about the Model 3, writing that he and his team "continue to be cautious on the stock, especially as the risk profile shifts from the hype of the Model 3 to execution, or 'production hell' as Elon Musk refers to it.
CFO Role Shifts From Number Cruncher To Business Leader It's time to face facts: Employees throughout the world are are struggling to compete in a fast-moving and dynamic global job market, thanks to an unprecedented number of technological advancements and highly linked information networks.
No matter what makeup look or trend you're trying to tackle in the morning, if you wake up to a breakout, all of your attention immediately shifts from picking an eyeliner to figuring out how to hide your lumps and bumps from the world.
A gifted musician, Elio easily moves from piano to guitar (much as his family shifts from speaking Italian to French to English), talent that makes him seem at one with the villa's miles of bookshelves, its velvet sofas, scattered Oriental rugs and tastefully arranged antiques.
Dean was invited (read: convinced) to create her first live performance work by the biennale's artistic director, Juliana Engberg, and in turn she recruited Stephen Dillane, whose presence onstage (and off, if you believe the script) shifts from heartbreaking to terrifying with storm-like abruptness.
The optical effects are unsettling as the paint shifts from gradated bands (or volumetric presences) to flat bands of color, which appear ghostly, as if they are beginning to dissipate along their outer edges, as in "Nucleus 213-49" (1984) and "Nucleus 85-1" (1985).
The latest shifts from the industry comes from the bellwether fashion label Vetements, which has shown as part of haute couture for the last two seasons — and the official invitation of the Fédération, who bent their own rules to allow Vetements onto the schedule.
As the letter "a" shifts from purple to tan, then to olive green, a deep red, and finally a kind of royal blue across the wall of canvases, it loses its singularity as a letter in the alphabet, becoming instead a sound, an interruption, a shape.
Workers also would be entitled to a break of at least 10 hours between work shifts from one day to the next, and to receive extra pay if they agreed to a shorter rest interval - typically between closing hours at night and opening hours the next morning.
This transition happens most starkly in Stanfield's brief and terrifying role in Get Out, where he shifts from a self-assured black man strolling a darkened suburban neighborhood in the film's opening scene to a lobotomized partygoer whose eyes widen with panic later in the movie.
The question of what America looks like and how people respond as the country's population shifts from being mostly white to being far more diverse is driving most of our big political discussions and arguments right now — and Superior Donuts is tapped into it from the start.
Policy sources have told Reuters that China's leaders will accept a lower economic growth target of around 6.5 percent in 2017, and target a less aggressive expansion of money supply, as the focus slowly shifts from growth to pushing reforms to contain debt and housing risks.
No, this is about paving the road for the return of Senator Bernie Sanders, a much more influential—and potentially threatening—force who'll serve as a quasi-check and balance once Clinton shifts from the "progressive who gets things done" back to her natural neoliberal, neocon self.
Clinton has counted on that robust support to provide her campaign with a "firewall" as the Democratic race shifts from overwhelmingly white states like Iowa and New Hampshire to more diverse southern states like Nevada and South Carolina, which will hold its Democratic primary next Saturday.
As Mr. Baillie shifts from amber hills to the cobalt ocean and lush green mountains — his fluid marshaling of image and sound suggests an epic journey, one that's complicated by his use of "Parsifal," the Wagner opera about an Arthurian knight's quest for the holy grail.
More raw and better cast across the board than it was in New York, the play saves some of its choicest aspersions for Hollywood, all the while prompting us to amend our view of Ben as he shifts from spoiled brat to solipsist to someone deeply damaged.
And when it comes to policy, there have been no meaningful shifts from the prior administration: "There has been very little interaction between the administration and Russia," Ivo Daalder, former US ambassador to NATO and current president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, tells me.
Baldwin's face is literally absent from much of the second half of the show, which shifts from personal narrative to a far less-compelling essay on influence, a study of developments in contemporary art that he, or his work, anticipated, but that he wasn't around to see.
She and her male producer talk about the vibe for her new songs (mostly having fun and being fun), and I watch as Stodden shifts from the sad, thoughtful version of herself she presented to me earlier to a flippant, self-effacing alter ego: stupid, silly, funny, sexy.
Whenever something important happens—a touchdown, a field goal, an incredible catch–Tecmo Super Bowl shifts from the normal, wide view of the field to a special cutscene, where the players take on gigantic proportions as they leap into the air, crash into each other, and achieve athletic greatness.
On "No One's Easy to Love," a skronking song about assimilating the past (it's the track that feels the most explicitly influenced by experimental music—in particular, the art-punk band Suicide's album "Ghost Rider," from 1977), her voice shifts from flat and steady to airy and angelic.
But as the focus of some of the major legal challenges shifts from his policies to Trump himself, there could be disappointments in store for him, according to some legal experts, in particular if the Supreme Court stoutly defends the ability of Congress to pursue investigations of the president.
A more stock villain is a multipurpose male character called the Masque (the baritone Zeffin Quinn Hollis), who shape-shifts from a bigoted reporter ("Harlem," he sings, "a black and tan fantasy that attracts me and repels me all the same") to a tourist to a police officer.
So I broke the eight hours into two four-hour shifts, and started to do one of the four-hour shifts from 22 o'clock in the morning to 23 o'clock in the afternoon, and the other one from 22 o'clock in the morning until 230 o'clock in the morning.
As the Russia investigation shifts from the executive branch to Congress, Representative Jerrold Nadler, Democrat of New York, who is the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, issued a subpoena on Friday demanding that the Justice Department provide a full unredacted version of the report by May 1.
This can be amusing, as when a dinner shifts from a group scene to a bulging eye face-off, and there's something undeniably clever about a visual lineup that consists of a looming human skull that blocks a human head that in turn nearly blots out the sun.
Trump's over the top, transactional style, erratic sudden shifts from topic to topic, random assertion of bargaining goals and willingness to grossly oversimplify, even if it means reversing course a few days later, may appeal to elements of his core constituency or base, as well as to his ego.
The setting shifts from Canada, on the page, to Spain, which is good news for the costume department; the lightweight dress that Julieta (Emma Suárez) wears in the opening scene, as red as a cardinal's robes, would serve little purpose in the Munrovian landscape ("Rocks, trees, water, snow").
"In the context of an upwardly revised growth path, 2018 will likely mark the beginning of three key shiftsfrom negative to positive output gap, from below- to above-average core inflation and from ECB QE to the end of it," noted Daniele Antonucci, ‎senior European economist at Morgan Stanley.
But at some point during the campaign, the role of "uniter" will be up for grabs, and the value of being seen as someone who can fulfill that role, and unite a broken nation, will only increase in value as the focus shifts from grievance to governance as November nears.
China's economy has been the engine of the developing world, but after a two-decade surge, growth there is slowing as the country shifts from an export-led economy to a consumer-driven one like the United States, said Arjun Jayaraman, co-portfolio manager of the Causeway Emerging Markets fund.
And so it continued, with Mr. Pelz's "Repetition Blindness," a restless new piece that shifts from dreamily descending arpeggios to bouts of pummeling chords, at the center of the program, which wound back through the other halves of the pieces by Mozart, Bach and Froberger, and the rest of the Janacek.
Ms. Pite's contribution is by far the most resonant, a prescient reflection of our political moment that shifts from satirical to more gravely chilling, as four dancers — Jon Bond, Imre Van Opstal, Rena Narumi and Fernando Hernando Magadan — hammer out a mysterious deal (or fail to) around a sleek conference table.
A key component of that may be boosting the lethality of certain platforms, whether to protect our forces or deter an adversary from going to war in the first place, especially as the country shifts from fighting terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan toward addressing larger threats like Russia or China.
"We were surprised by the after hours move in TSLA shares and continue to be cautious on the stock, especially as the risk profile shifts from the hype of the Model 3 to execution, or 'production hell' as Elon Musk refers to it," Cowen analyst Jeffrey Osborne wrote in a note.
Its backdrop subtly shifts from the sparsity of a lone electric piano to subdued orchestral instruments, and its chords start out unresolved and move in and out of hymnlike uplift, as she ponders the breakups of others and her own: "Cannot count the ways you used to love me," she muses.
MacGillis reports extensively on Liberty's aggressive sales tactics, using a 300-strong team of recruiters and a $5013 million Google advertising budget to target potential students before their for-profit competitors do: At the front lines are the "admissions representatives," some 300 phone recruiters working two shifts from 8 a.m.
As Bostrom explains it: One reason I'm addicted, I think, is that Paperclips quickly shifts from a ton of clicking on a single button to make a single paper clip, to clicking and managing several more automated processes that made me feel like I was accomplishing something even though I did not.
You can see this reckoning already begin play out across the media as the focus shifts from Cambridge Analytica's deeds to more general concerns about privacy and the degree to which our personal lives are catalogued so that we can be targeted by anyone with a dollar (or ruble) to spend online.
The onus on Democrats thus shifts from laying out a negotiating position to making issue of the GOP's apparent interest in further lining Trump's pockets, without knowing how lucrative their legislation will be for the president and his family, or why the president lied to them and the public about his financial secrecy.
Midway through the book, the point of view shifts from the mother to the son, and we follow him and his sister as they walk from western New Mexico into the Chiricahua Mountains, and, over a 20-page-long sentence, the son's narration is transposed with the stories of refugees crossing the border.
And playing a panoply of roles that include the authorial surrogate known as B.J.J., Ken Nwosu shifts from earnest to florid and back again, inviting us into the apparent fun house that is Mr. Jacobs-Jenkins's imagination — until the writer locates an image so potent that a playgoer's ready laughter starts to freeze.
"An all-out curfew is in place for everyone, except those working night shifts from 8 PM until 5 AM." Vucic said local authorities and younger people will bring food and supplies to pensioners and that the government will allocate special shops where elderly will be allowed to purchase in the early morning hours.
"An all-out curfew is in place for everyone, except those working night shifts from 8 PM until 5 AM." Vucic said local authorities and younger people will bring food and supplies to pensioners and that the government will allocate special shops where elderly will be allowed to purchase in the early morning hours.
"So what's fascinating is that in the Space Age, suddenly the focus shifts from the past to the future, and Santa — as well as his Soviet counterpart, Grandfather Frost — dabbles in space flight and delivers scientific toys and the trappings of domestic bliss, like the Easy-Bake Oven, to Cold War kids," Archer told Hyperallergic.
Gregory writes with humor and charm, offering up a rollicking and quick-paced plot tailor-made for summer, but what makes the novel magical is his exploration of what it means to harbor these gifts, and to be the World's Most Powerful Psychic, a mantle that shifts from Maureen to Buddy after she dies.
"To ensure our transportation network runs on-time and we are meeting commitments to our customers, we operate transportation support offices 24 hours per day, 7 days per week in shifts from offices in North America, Europe, and India — and have been doing so for the past eight years," an Amazon spokesperson told Business Insider.
"We were surprised by the after hours move in TSLA shares and continue to be cautious on the stock, especially as the risk profile shifts from the hype of the Model 3053 to execution, or 'production hell' as Elon Musk refers to it," Cowen analyst Jeffrey Osborne wrote Thursday in a note to clients.
For all we know about her personal life, the "very boring" mother of two remains a removed figure in our imagination, and her shifts from coy schoolgirl to toxic seductress, from diner gal pal to kinky suburbanite, aren't quite the type of convincing and thorough reinventions that Madonna has mastered and Lady Gaga has come to make her own.
Our focus shifts from the individual items, which have the familiarity of a thrift store or grandmother's cabinet, to its overall configuration, making an unexpected environmental statement that makes you think about how our society has slowly shifted from glass bottles, cups, and containers a century ago, to one choked by plastic and other environmentally unfriendly options.
Within the four cells of the sepulcher, the images shifts from one cohesive body — a photo-negative of the iconic image of Christ in the Shroud of Turin — to a rotating series of media images of Syrian refugees, captured in the midst of the traumatic civil war, displacement, and flight from Syria that has gone on since 2011.
In Act 1, Scene 3, students analyzed why Macbeth shifts from distrust to trust of the witches — and we tied this back to the essential question since Macbeth begins to trust based upon his experiences, just as lack of faith in the police by many of the Ferguson protesters grew out of their own interactions with them.
Slowly our main vector of information shifts from sight to sound: the slap of her shoes on the pavement, the buzz of failing electrical wires, the keening whir of car alarms, squealing tires stopping short in the sudden absence of streetlights and stoplights, the pulsating hum and ominous strings of composer Mac Quayle's never-better score.
As decades of excessive fire suppression have left our forests vulnerable to more and more potentially disastrous fires, the combination of shrinking real non-defense discretionary appropriations, shifts from other activities into fire suppression, and fire-borrowing have hollowed out the Forest Service's budget, leaving it increasingly incapable of carrying out core parts of its mandate.
It was originally a film written and directed by Justin Simien, who then reinvented the story as a Netflix series with each episode focusing on a different character; the spotlight shifts from Samantha White (played by Logan Browning), the host of the titular radio show, to many of the other students — white and black — around her.
In a move that signaled geopolitical shifts from West to East, Italy broke with its European and American allies during last week's visit by President Xi Jinping of China, and became the first member of the Group of 7 major economies to officially sign up to China's vast new One Belt One Road global infrastructure project.
As Russell shifts from 2000, when Vanessa's relationship with the 42-year-old Jacob Strane is an after-class secret, to 2017, when an outpouring of survivor stories prompts another student of Strane's to go public, she knows exactly what threads to pick at in a society in which institutional failures and sexual abuse form the fabric.
" (That was a reference to Trump crudely dismissing the war record of John McCain, the former Republican presidential nominee.) "His support will erode," Cohn wrote confidently, "as the tone of coverage shifts from publicizing his anti-establishment and anti-immigration views … to reflecting the chorus of Republican criticism of his most outrageous comments and the more liberal elements of his record.
"Rule's role shifts from being inadvertently involved with a serial killer to an author considering how lucrative her access could be," Beale writes, going on to discuss a Thanksgiving dinner Rule had with Bundy while he is out on bail: Rule seemed to predict her intentions would be questioned and attempted to explain herself in the preface to the book.
"While the nature of US support to partner forces will adjust as the coalition shifts from from major urban combat operations to stabilization tasks, US support will not end until the enduring defeat of ISIS and will be determined by conditions on the ground," Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon said in a written statement Tuesday outlining the US strategy in Syria going forward.
Thiel's involvement is no longer the complete and total shocker it was when it was first discovered — anyone who followed the story in real time know it's coming — but once he arrives, the movie shifts from a bizarre courtroom story to an ominous, and very convincing, demonstration of the threat that big money tied to big egos poses to press freedom in America.
"As society shifts from conventional car ownership to car usage that can be enjoyed wherever and as much as users would like, there is a growing need for a service that allows customers to freely select the car that they like or want to drive and enjoy it as they like, instead of using a car simply as a means of transportation," Toyota said in its announcement.
But when political debates are about different visions of society, and the federal government has tremendous powers that can be harnessed to those visions, the rule of law helps ensure that the shifts from one administration and ideology to the next aren't too violent — that the vast machinery of state can't be vertiginously swung back and forth, placed wholly in the employ of a particular vision.
When Trinity Wall Street presented a Harrison centennial concert in April featuring a chorus and percussion ensemble from Rutgers University performing "La Koro Sutro," I was knocked out by the music's sheer inventiveness: the allure of its component parts; the instrumental colorings; the intricate choral writing that shifts from stretches of elegiac melodic lines sung in unison to intense passages where choristers alternate phrases antiphonally.
Thiel's involvement is no longer the complete and total shocker it was when it was first discovered — anyone who followed the story in real time will know it's coming — but once he arrives, the movie shifts from a bizarre courtroom story to an ominous, and very convincing, demonstration of the threat that big money tied to big egos poses to press freedom in America.
"Though the rising importance of Mandarin has not devalued English in the Hong Kong job market, it follows logically that when the focus shifts from a single foreign language to two, there is less time allocated to English study than previously," Tran said, adding that Hong Kong's reputation as an international finance hub could potentially be at risk if it lost out to other Asian cities on English proficiency.
Anyway, despite the murders, all the free publicity the CURE center received leads to booming admissions, with tons of people with strange conditions coming for treatment, including a woman who works for the United Nations whose accent shifts from sentence to sentence, which gives us a nice subplot that finds Brock, No. 3, and Dr. Cassidy Cascade (Taylor Lautner) because apparently the condition is contagious, and they become infected.
At one point, deSouza cogently writes how Rothko's "trailing brushstrokes" become "plumes of smoke" and Rothko's orange become the orange he saw in nighttime explosions of TV. He easily shifts from the metaphysical and the past to the physical world of the recent present and then back again to a different past when he makes formal connections to an 1840 work "The Slave Ship [Slavers Throwing overboard the Dead and Dying — Typhoon Coming on]" by J.M. Turner.
As the scene shifts from Hamburg's red-light district back to Swinging London, Mr Norman skillfully tours the reader through its clubs, galleries, and bookshops, peppering his narrative with the argot and tailored clothing of the times, and introducing non-Londoners to Aston Martins, Harrod's, Abbey Road, Twickenham, Chiswick House, Lord's Cricket Grounds, Claridge's, Carnaby Street, Hyde Park, the West End, and Paul's home Cavendish, providing a welcome and familiar air to the playground where its most famous residents composed their masterpieces.
And the other issue is AI and human agency or even the meaning of human life, what happens when AI is mature enough and you have enough data to basically have human beings and you have an AI that knows me better than I know myself and can make decisions for me, predict my choices, manipulate my choices and authority increasingly shifts from humans to algorithms, so not only decisions about which movie to see but even decisions like which community to join, who to befriend, whom to marry will increasingly rely on the recommendations of the AI. Mark Zuckerberg:​ Yeah.

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