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25 Sentences With "sexual relation"

How to use sexual relation in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sexual relation" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sexual relation". Mastering all the usages of "sexual relation" from sentence examples published by news publications.

His attorney told the NYT, "Moonves denies having any nonconsensual sexual relation" and cooperated with the investigation.
My sexual relation with my wife is based on two people being intimate and developing a life together.
Moonves' lawyer also said his client "denies having any nonconsensual sexual relation," while acknowledging some incidents that he says were consensual.
According to Lubow, Arbus maintained a sexual relation with her brother, the poet Howard Nemerov, that began in childhood and was renewed, once again, just before her suicide.
Mister Cee's complicated justifications show the extreme pressure men feel to maintain the illusion that they are "real men" in a society that narrowly defines masculinity in (sexual) relation to cis femininity.
Police arrest him after Kamal commits murder. Naåeema, a female prostitute, has her first romantic sexual relation with Ahmad. She comes from a poor background and prostitutes herself in order to support herself. Kamal, a male prostitute, is an employee of Åli.
Joseph seizes a bull and rides on it. He has a further dream in which he sees a storm at sea and the brethren being separated. Again there is a reference to the recurrent theme of sexual relation. A copy of the Testament of Naphtali was discovered at Qumran among the Dead Sea Scrolls taken from Cave 4 (4Q215).
In many countries a sexual relation between a teacher and a pupil is not a serious disciplinary offence and policies on sexual harassment in schools either do not exist or are not implemented. In recent years, though, some countries have introduced laws prohibiting sexual relations between teachers and pupils. Such measures are important in helping eradicate sexual harassment in schools.
In the Dominican Republic, the population ages 15–24 are documented as the healthiest age group. One issue in the health sector is sexual health. 15% of females and 24% of males ages 15–24 reported have their first sexual relation before age 15. The proportion of youth who have sex at a young age was inversely related to both education and income.
His wife was enslaved during the battle for Balkh in 705 and given to the Arab general's brother 'Abd-Ullah. Their sexual relation produced a son known as Khalid, whom 'Abd-Ullah later acknowledged as his natural son. She was later restored to her husband after peace was reached. Barmak had also been summoned to cure Caliph Abd al-Malik's son Maslama in 705.
However, nothing could be changed as she was already pregnant with his child. In a Minahasan myth, a significant event is that of the sexual relation between a mother and son. The story narrated that they were both separated, and met years later with neither recognizing the other. They married after conducting a trial which demonstrated that the two were fated to become husband and wife.
Male members are cautioned to visualize themselves as women, in order to avoid a homosexual relationship with Jesus. Many TFI publications, and spirit messages claimed to be from Jesus himself, elaborate this intimate, sexual relation they believe Jesus desires and needs. TFI imagines itself as his special "bride" in graphic poetry, guided visualizations, artwork, and songs. Some TFI literature is not brought into conservative countries for fear it may be classified at customs as pornography.
However, Kinsey himself disliked the use of the term bisexual to describe individuals engaging in sexual activity regardless of gender, preferring to use "bisexual" in its older, biological sense of reproductive hermaphrodites, saying, "Until it is demonstrated [that] taste in a sexual relation is dependent upon the individual containing within his [sic] anatomy both male and female structures, or male and female physiological capacities, it is unfortunate to call such individuals bisexual" (Kinsey et al., 1948, p. 657).
Many of Adkins' songs were accompanied by a dance of the same name. "The Hunch" was understood to be a dry humping dance craze, although Adkins failed to define it in interviews. He used the term to describe anything of sexual relation, even naming his car the "Hunchin' Wagon". "The Slop" was a song and dance Adkins pioneered for "the drunks", which he made so "you could just go left or right or fall down or anything you ran into".
One of Maria I's earliest actions was to remove Pombal from office because of her intense dislike of him. There were several reasons for this. One was a response against his anti-clericalism and especially his decision to expel Jesuits from Portugal. Another was that, despite the fact that the assassination attempt on her father had probably occurred because of his sexual relation with the Marchioness of Távora, Pombal's treatment of the family had alienated the aristocracy and the queen took their side.
Similarly, in the History of Sexuality, society validates and approves people based on how closely they fit the discursive mold of sexual truth. As Foucault reminds us, in the 18th and 19th centuries, the Church was the epitome of power structure within society. Thus, many aligned their personal virtues with those of the Church, further internalizing their beliefs on the meaning of sex. However, those who unify their sexual relation to the truth become decreasingly obliged to share their internal views with those of the Church.
Emerson in a luxurious > rural habitation somewhere on Long Island and practically deserts her, this > expedient would hardly seem to be of much social service. However, after > neglecting his wife for about six years, Emerson grows weary of his > mistress, quarrels with her and runs way from her to visit his wife. The > mistress, much incensed, follows him, and a short of three-cornered debate, > --protracted, sophistical, and indelicate, --on the sexual relation is held > at Mrs. Emerson's country residence, in the course of which that lady > manifests a sweet temper and admirable self-control.
In Genesis 38, Judah orders Tamar—the widow of his son, living in her father's household—to be burned when she is believed to have become pregnant by an extramarital sexual relation. Tamar saves herself by proving that Judah is himself the father of her child. In the Book of Jubilees, the same story is told, with some intriguing differences, according to Caryn A. Reeder. In Genesis, Judah is exercising his patriarchal power at a distance, whereas he and the relatives seem more actively involved in Tamar's impending execution.
Yusuf Peer, president of the Council of Imams Queensland, in referring to the sharia law death penalty for homosexuality said, "that is what Islam teaches and that will never change." The Imam of Australia's largest mosque, located in Lakemba, NSW, Shaykh Yahya Safi has said, "In Islam we believe it's a major sin to have such relations between men and men, a sexual relation. We don't discuss this because it's obvious." In August 2017 the National Imams Council issued a statement opposing the proposed introduction of same-sex marriage in Australia, and several individual religious leaders have also argued against same-sex marriage.
The age of consent in Uzbekistan is 16 for heterosexual males (oral sex for homosexual males) and both lesbian and heterosexual females. Only male homosexual anal intercourse is punishable with imprisonment for up to three years (called Besoqolbozlik). Sexual relations with a person under sixteen (16) years of age, Clause 128 of the Criminal Code: (1) A sexual relation or satisfaction of sex requirements in the unnatural form with a person who was obviously less than sixteen (16) years old, shall be punished by corrective labour measures for up to two (2) years or by the arrest up to six (6) months, or with imprisonment for up to three (3) years.
In parallel with these developments, the New Kingdom sees Hedjhotep being given medicinal roles. He is invoked with Shezmu, the god of the preparation of unguents, in the treatment of headache and stomach-ache, and in the making of amulets where he is in charge of their cords. Another papyrus of the same time period presents Hedjhotep as a dichotomy: beneficial as a god of clothing but harmful as a deity who committed an offence against Montu, possibly running away with one of his divine wives or having forced a sexual relation on him similar to what happens in "The Contendings of Horus and Seth". From this time onwards, Hedjhotep is often associated with a goddess of weaving named Tayt as well as with Renenutet.
While off Earth he develops a somewhat romantic and sexual relation with Gladia, a Spacer woman who, prompted by meeting him, becomes the first Solarian in centuries to willingly leave Solaria and the last to do so. In "Robots and Empire" he is seen in a number of flashbacks, in particular over the course of the novel, Giskard, Gladia and finally Daneel all recall the last time they ever met him. Daneel's memory is notable as it covers an extremely elderly Baley bestowing his last words upon Daneel and reveals he perished mere moments after Daneel left his presence (at Baley's request, to prevent the sight of his death from distressing the Three Laws-compliant Daneel). His words have a profound impact on Daneel's behavior even many thousands of years on.
Subsequently, falls into a trap of a famous prisoner named Enrique Blanco Sotomayor "The illusionist" (Julio Cesar Luna) so that it would be involved a leak taking advantage of a Commission on human rights to the jail visit. The flight is carried out in complicity with Corporal Ordóñez (Henry Castillo) but Carlos Alberto is discovered by Captain Escobar after trying to say goodbye to Victor. "The illusionist" has been moved from jail while Carlos Alberto and Victor are tortured by Captain Escobar, this was asked to report to one of the traitors guards but Carlos Alberto to see Ordonez refuses to accuse, to denounce it and Corporal saves the life of both by sending them to the Dungeon. Carlos Alberto is still more implicated in the death of Susana already that the nails of the corpse had been found remains of the failed sexual relation between her and the man skin and blood what did result in a rape.
See: The Second Sex (1949), by Simone de Beauvoir In 1957, Betty Friedan reported that a woman's social identity is formally established, by the sexual politics of the Ordinate–Subordinate nature of the Man–Woman sexual relation, the social norm in the patriarchal West. When queried about their post-graduate lives, the majority of women interviewed at a university-class reunion, used binary gender language, and referred to and identified themselves by their social roles (wife, mother, lover) in the private sphere of life; and did not identify themselves by their own achievements (job, career, business) in the public sphere of life. Unawares, the women had acted conventionally, and automatically identified and referred to themselves as the social Other to men. Although the nature of the social Other is influenced by the society's social constructs (social class, sex, gender), as a human organisation, society holds the socio-political power to formally change the social relation between the male-defined Self and Woman, the sexual Other, who is not male.
His 1948 work Sexual Behavior in the Human Male stated that among men "nearly half (46%) of the population engages in both heterosexual and homosexual activities, or reacts to persons of both sexes, in the course of their adult lives" and that "37% of the total male population has at least some overt homosexual experience to the point of orgasm since the onset of adolescence." Kinsey himself disliked the use of the term bisexual to describe individuals who engage in sexual activity with both males and females, preferring to use bisexual in its original, biological sense as hermaphroditic, stating, "Until it is demonstrated [that] taste in a sexual relation is dependent upon the individual containing within his anatomy both male and female structures, or male and female physiological capacities, it is unfortunate to call such individuals bisexual." Although more recent researchers believe that Kinsey overestimated the rate of same-sex attraction, his work is considered pioneering and some of the most well known sex research of all time.

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