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3 Sentences With "seraglios"

How to use seraglios in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "seraglios" and check conjugation/comparative form for "seraglios". Mastering all the usages of "seraglios" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The political environment was ripe for a folksy upstart like Perot who railed against the seraglios of Washington: a recession alienated many Americans from Bush, while stories of marital infidelities and avoidance of the Vietnam draft, left just as many suspicious of Clinton.
During the Middle Ages, the bay was of some mercantile importance to the Genoese traders who referred to the seaside village as Maurolaca. Before Russia secured the coast by the Treaty of Adrianople (1829), a brisk slave trade had been carried on between the mountaineers and the Ottoman Empire. Since the Circassian beauties were usually traded for gold and other commodities before being taken to Turkish seraglios, the market place became known as "Gelendzhik" (from "gelincik"), literally, "little bride" in Turkish Language. In 1831, one of the first forts of the Black Sea Coastal Line was set up at Gelendzhik.
Lions are part of a group of exotic animals that have been central to zoo exhibits since the late 18th century. Although many modern zoos are more selective about their exhibits,de Courcy, p. 81-82. there are more than 1,000 African and 100 Asiatic lions in zoos and wildlife parks around the world. They are considered an ambassador species and are kept for tourism, education and conservation purposes. Lions can live over twenty years in captivity; a lion in Honolulu Zoo died at the age of 22 in August 2007. His two sisters, born in 1986, also reached the age of 22. The first European "zoos" spread among noble and royal families in the 13th century, and until the 17th century were called seraglios; at that time they came to be called menageries, an extension of the cabinet of curiosities. They spread from France and Italy during the Renaissance to the rest of Europe.

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