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131 Sentences With "scoped"

How to use scoped in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "scoped" and check conjugation/comparative form for "scoped". Mastering all the usages of "scoped" from sentence examples published by news publications.

S2000mple dropped down and no-scoped Edman while mid-air, then peeked out and no-scoped Krimz to win the round.
Guys with scoped high-power rifles up there on the roof!
Shortly thereafter, Waymo scoped out Chandler to begin autonomous car tests.
He scoped until he found a herd of about 100 elk.
Right, like it had to be something that was scoped differently.
OK, we've scoped and smushed; now it's time to smell and snarf.
NEW DELHI — Mysterious figures in sunglasses have scoped out the Taj Mahal.
The Rod Stewart restaurant hadn't revealed itself, and Woodward scoped out another.
Then word leaked that the gunman had also scoped out a Disney shopping complex.
One evening, my father took his cinematographer to a place he had scoped out.
And we've even scoped out gifts for kids and pets, just so everyone is covered.
He went to an ear, nose and throat specialist who scoped his nose and throat.
Last month we scoped that Sequoia was marketing the fund to some U.S public pensions.
Until Ana arrived, Widowmaker was the only hero in the game with a scoped weapon.
Widowmaker's own tools — scoped aim, high-powered fire — are devastating when you turn them against her.
Once at the field, we put down the shovel and pick and scoped out the scene.
That doctor looked into her ears and scoped her nose and the back of her throat.
"I have an idea of a guy who came in and scoped the place," he said.
Nonetheless, that doesn't mean all those efforts are necessarily well-scoped or well-executed in practice.
She sent the patient to an ear, nose and throat specialist who scoped her upper airways.
It's brief, though the shot does lose its charge if you jump or leave scoped view.
To keep herself occupied during the trip from Barbary Station, Adda had scoped out the ITA's databanks.
Ana is the second Overwatch hero to tote around a scoped weapon on the battlefield, after Widowmaker.
And we have scoped that opportunity for the company, and it's more than a $550 billion market opportunity.
She scoped out the office, pretending to be a Swarthmore student researching the bureau's receptivity to hiring women.
Our sports reporter Andrew Keh, who was among the first to arrive, scoped out the town for us.
The police say Mr. Smollett even scoped out neighborhood security cameras to ensure the assault would be recorded.
Lopez and Rodriguez looked happier than ever and didn't hold back the PDA as they scoped out the jewelry.
If you're still playing the field and you live in The Big Apple, we scoped out some potential contenders.
Despite the challenge at hand, we've scoped out a few on-trend options that work for fit and fashion.
Makonnen, the rapper from Atlanta, wore a black Clash T-shirt and scoped the swarming multitudes from the bar.
Limitations on Chinese investment in the U.S. — if carefully scoped and adaptable to Beijing's evolving toolkit — would do more.
She needed to be scoped, and the biopsies obtained from her esophagus and stomach would give them an answer.
So, I scoped out all the places in Toronto that were having an "orphan's Christmas" and went out bar-hopping.
Or maybe, you've scoped out a certain blouse you've seen everywhere and are ready to run in, grab, and go.
The test itself is done under mild sedation, and I've never felt any pain, only slight pressure, while being scoped.
I scoped the aisles of The Container Store for desk organizers and storage solutions I could fit under my bed.
"Acting Secretary (Patrick) Shanahan has initiated a new, narrowly-scoped review into the Niger incident," Pentagon spokeswoman Commander Candice Tresch said.
A skeptic might assume the worst of a fan project of this longevity—that it's a messy, over-scoped, amateur production.
It could be part of a larger solution but no one has actually scoped out what that larger solution would entail.
Ana, with her scoped rifle, shares that all-range capability, with abilities that cater more to speedy heals and counter-flanks.
We're told they made their way around the corn maze, picked out pumpkins and scoped out some of the animals there too.
Among these features are block-scoped variables and functions, constants, arrows to simplify closure syntax, string interpolation, classes, modules and much more.
That said, it should come as no surprise that I've already scoped out the deals before they officially hit shelves November 24.
It was made in 48 hours for Ludem Dare, and I daresay I've not played another game that was so perfectly scoped.
Rather, these updates will facilitate timely and appropriately scoped environmental reviews and permitting decisions for critical infrastructure projects requiring federal agency approvals.
We scoped out online retailers and found some great Keurig machines on sale right now to fuel all of your coffee needs.
The IKEA interior design team scoped out my house prior to moving in and found items that truly make my home mine.
We're told Kanye scoped the place out on his own while in town for Art Basel, and Kim had never even seen it.
Within 30 minutes of sitting down at a picnic table at NASA's Langley Research Center, Nathanael Miller had scoped out an entire mission.
So, we scoped out and scooped up all of the best-selling rosés available in this designated area for a definitive taste test.
When officers searched the apartment, they found a black scoped rifle and took Alvarez and De La Ros to the precinct for questioning.
Sniper Elite 4 doesn't just let you punch Nazis; you can also use your powerful scoped rifle to shoot them in the head.
But things started to look even worse when, defying the police's warning, the group left the hotel and scoped out the border checkpoint.
They should have scoped out the amount that was going to be in there so that they could bring the right size vehicle.
A 'mountain' towering over Los Angeles, once listed for $1 billion and scoped out by Jeff Bezos, has finally sold — for just $100,000
"It could be part of a larger solution, but no one has actually scoped out what that larger solution would entail," she continued.
She also allegedly scoped out a rural site just over the North Carolina state line where Lovell would be killed and her body dumped.
Whether your regimen is minimal or extra AF, we've scoped out the products you need to make these next two months worth staying inside.
Kim and Kanye scoped out the 6-bedroom, 7-bathroom crib and fell in love with it, so they got down to brass tacks.
The scoped weapon is a multifunctional support tool, with any shots fired restoring the health of allies but dealing damage over time to enemies.
Apple has scoped out an idea for Bluetooth sensors that help cars communicate with each other, according to an updated patent published on Thursday.
The extremely competitive Purselle has already visited a number of Lemonis' businesses and scoped out Chicago real estate that would be useful should she win.
One reason some of the scientists working on the 2020 rover aren't enthusiastic about Columbia Hills is that it's already been scoped out (hey, Spirit).
We want you to be the hostess with the mostest this Galentine's Day, so we scoped out some of the best bar carts on sale.
So in honor of National Burger Day on May 28, we scoped out nine of the most over-the-top burgers across the United States.
One time I also nearly walked into a female lion in long grass, which was my mistake for having not scoped out the area thoroughly.
The executive said that Apple has not fully scoped out the project, but that it would take on the order of several weeks or several months.
Over the weekend, we scoped out what's changed in a game now sprinkled with secret agents, laser beams and all manner of things dipped in gold.
Miles scoped newspaper ads and found a faux-Tudor house he liked further east, on Rosemary Street, offered by an investment company called Detroit Progress LLC.
JA: Everything is scoped into a project with campaigns, and projects are typically four- to eight- week-long commitments involving three to five people who opt in.
He landed a job as an electrical engineer for Motorola, which had scoped him out after a successful senior design project: waterproof walkie-talkies for SCUBA divers.
Edward Snowden said Joseph Gordon-Levitt scoped him out in an hours-long lunch in preparation for the film chronicling the situation that led to his political exile.
Authorities believe the thieves probably scoped out the fancy wine stash in the basement of the home before hatching their complicated Ocean's Eleven-style heist to steal it.
" The Secret Service agent wrote that Krohn also posted a picture of a camouflaged man holding a scoped sniper rifle and, above it, wrote, "The EXPEDITER of Trump!
Clearly a person of strategy, Jetton also emphasized that he had scoped the site out countless times before, to see if there was any chance he'd get caught.
Before I left Texas to begin my freshman year, I had scoped out a couple of jobs, but it was rather difficult to find jobs with my limitations.
The family had plots at Hollywood Forever cemetery near Paramount Studios and the family even scoped it out Thursday, but ultimately decided on buying plots at Forest Lawn.
A program at the University of California, San Francisco, for example, coaches patients through a decision-making process known as Scoped: situation, choices, objectives, people, evaluation and decisions.
Screenshots of his Facebook obtained by the Beast included a photo of an semi-automatic scoped rifle with the caption "She's a bad bitch," but not anti-fascist symbols.
A scoped rifle with a 6-round clip that shoots darts capable of either healing an ally for 75 health or dealing moderate damage (80 health) to an enemy.
The only way Apple can have a tweet floating out in the ether on Twitter without somehow attaching it to its main timeline is a specifically scoped ad buy.
But by then the police had cracked down on stowaways, and he wasn't able to get near the container ship he'd scoped out at the port in La Goulette.
I had made a long trek back from a mission and stopped by a few places, scoped out a squirrel, some chickens, a deer and some other things in passing.
Thinking of that distant view across water, visualizing the possibilities, Ms. Hadid had scoped out the site from a police boat before finalizing the design that won a 2000 competition.
According to President Donald Trump, the operation to capture or kill al-Baghdadi at his compound in Idlib began two weeks ago, once US forces had the ISIS leader "scoped."
Connor was in prison at the time of the theft but authorities had suspected his involvement, since he had previously "scoped out," the museum, according to The New York Times.
We had an extra day and decided to venture away from the dunes, catching a bus to Uradome beach, which my 12-year-old daughter had scoped out on Instagram.
Total is extremely familiar with the slice of South Pars that it will work on, having scoped it out before sanctions made work in Iran impossible for big international companies.
They have already scoped out a number of child-friendly perks: rows of nearby markets and mom-and-pop restaurants, a public pool that was packed this summer and friendly neighbors.
The statement of charges also said she selected the hotel as a target for an explosive device and then scoped out St Paul's as a location to plant a second bomb.
You know you&aposve scoped out that former coworker who seems to have unlimited amounts of free time in her schedule for travel and fun, and still maintains a successful career.
Both are extremely powerful wizards in their own right — and crucially, both seem to have been scoped out and targeted by dark wizards wanting to exploit them for their own agendas.
A large number of weapons have been removed — or "vaulted" in Epic parlance — and they include clingers, pump shotgun, poison dart trap, scoped revolver, suppressed assault rifle, thermal assault rifle and balloons.
The ambitious half-hour animated feature pairs a tightly scoped storyline with a highly polished design that is whimsical and delightful in a way few other studios have managed to figure out.
His throat was scoped, and he was found to have an entrapped epiglottis, a triangular-shaped flap of cartilage that lies at the base of the airway, the trainer Richard Mandella said.
At the top of that list for Android apps is probably "scoped storage," which limits apps' ability to look at storage outside of their own silo (similar to how the iPhone works).
Whether it's through changes in the map itself or the introduction of new weapons like the Stink Bomb and the Thermal-Scoped AR, Fortnite Battle Royale continues to evolve with each passing week.
For years, she said, she had thought of Paloma's high school graduation as the event that would untether her from the city, and had scoped out the possibilities whenever she traveled for work.
Smaller tweaks and changes: There are also plenty more changes that are simply under the hood, like better support for folding, waterfall, and pinhole displays, 5G integration, scoped storage, improved privacy and security, and more.
Cops say they scoped the well with their own video equipment ... and believe the object is a rock, but say they're going to return in the morning with a cadaver sniffing dog, just to be safe.
Post, who was once the wealthiest woman in the United States, scoped out the property that would become the estate in the 1920s by crawling through the junglelike brush between Lake Worth and the Atlantic Ocean.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Thursday it has started a new, "narrowly-scoped" review of a deadly 2017 ambush in Niger, in which four U.S. soldiers were killed, to see whether additional punishments were needed.
ESPN's Dave McMenamin reported that the All-Star big man will get his left knee scoped, costing him six weeks of recovery time and forcing him to miss this weekend's All-Star festivities in New Orleans.
Once they've scoped out Tulum's boho paradise of a boutique scene, Cori, Chelsea, and Grace throw on their suits for a slightly more rugged activity — wading into the cenote's jewel-blue waters to beat the afternoon sun.
Though the event was conspicuously absent of non-collab offerings from Nike and Adidas, VICE's Cheech Hall scoped out the exhibition booths to find out which drops are worth your time and money—and which ones aren't.
The shift from a "top to bottom" review described by Shanahan to one that the Pentagon is now describing as "narrowly scoped" could signal a change in the nature of the review from what Shanahan had initially intended.
In South Carolina, Stirling says, couriers have run through the woods and chucked backpacks of contraband over prison fences; drones have scoped prison yards, waiting until guards are out of the area before dropped cell phones into inmates' hands.
Access is scoped by job function, and designated employees are only allowed to access the amount of information that's necessary to carry out their job responsibilities, such as responding to bug reports, account support inquiries, or valid legal requests.
At 3:45 P.M. on the appointed day, Hersey drove to the demonstration route he had scoped out: a stretch of industrial roadway on the perimeter of the First Calvary Cemetery, with a sweeping view of the two bridges.
After work and on the weekends, he scoped out the clearance aisles at Walmart, scanned a few items using Amazon's app and bought up toys, games, and home improvement items he realized he could re-sell for a profit.
Police say the suspect had harbored feelings of hate toward black men for a decade before he caught a bus from Maryland, scoped out a target and stabbed his victim, who was rummaging through garbage, several times in the back. 5.
My father was no Rocker, but he had scoped out the scene at the Ace Café, which is featured in the film—a twenty-four-hour roadhouse diner with a giant neon sign, where the phenomenon of "café racing" was popularized.
"They scoped the hole with a camera and determined it extended horizontally before intercepting a nearby drainage ditch about 10 feet away [3 meters] and 3 feet [1 meter] below the ground surface," according to a report from the Geological Survey.
What normally happens in this kind of stalemate is that more and more players start fanning out across the map with scoped rifles and machine guns, trying to break the stalemate via opportunistic sniping while inevitably causing it to get worse.
However, Mnuchin said he and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer have already scoped out what they want to get in a phase two agreement, which could be rolled out in as many as four separate parts: 2a, 2b, 2c and 2d.
"Maven is a well publicized [Department of Defense] project and Google is working on one part of it — specifically scoped to be for non-offensive purposes and using open-source object recognition software available to any Google Cloud customer," the spokesperson said.
As far as permissions go, Google also notes that in 2019, it'll introduce new mechanisms and more narrowly scoped APIs that will reduce the need for broader permissions and that will give users more control over the access that they grant to their extensions.
Authorities say Medina scoped out the synagogue for potential vulnerabilities, told a confidential source that a Jewish holiday would be a "good day" to carry out the bomb attack, and then later procured what he believed to be an explosive device from an undercover agent.
In the early 1990s, inspired by TV images of the first gulf war, he bought a night-vision lens and started taking sinister photographs of bridges, roads and factories in and around Düsseldorf, as if the city were being scoped out for an attack.
So there were lots of moments when my husband and I found ourselves enjoying the unaccustomed pleasure of being led around by kids who had planned an itinerary, scoped out restaurants on Yelp, and plotted the walking and subway routes carefully on their phones.
With Android 11 (or, to get technical, with the new API level), it looks like Google is going to be embarking on another one of those quests, but this time it's getting developers to update their apps for new permission structures like scoped storage and location permissions.
From a royal haunt in Stockholm to an "independent universe" in Athens or a rooftop haven away from the hustle and bustle of Istanbul, Business Insider has scoped out the coolest and most exclusive private members' clubs in 9 of the most stylish major European cities.
" In a statement issued by Google on Tuesday that did not directly address the employees protest letter, the company said that "any military use of machine learning naturally raises valid concerns" and that Google's involvement with Project Maven was "specifically scoped to be for non-offensive purposes.
Armed with a scoped crossbow and a hand-cast battle-axe, he goes up against humans that seem one step away from literal supernatural evil, in a place where no one even mentions the existence of legal authorities — let alone the possibility of appealing to them for help.
The group said that the Guide's anonymous inspectors have always relied on five criteria when they scoped out a restaurant, including the chef's commitment to quality ingredients, whether the meal is a good value or a "memorable experience," and the consistency of the food coming out of the kitchen.
"There wasn't time to test everything, digital and mobile payment testing weren't properly scoped, so it wasn't a surprise to me when it went live last week and those parts didn't work," said one source, a project manager who oversaw people working on the upgrade, referring to the testing up to the first deadline.
To get a better sense of why a DJ might want to enter the contest, I scoped out the winner of last year's Miss Djane contest: DJ Mëw, a pop-EDM DJ from Chicago who has her award as the cover photo on her Facebook page and a scant few mixes on her SoundCloud.
However, while her character in Ma fell in with a crowd of hard-partying teens who scoped out adults at liquor stores, Silvers insists no such thing could have possibly happened to her: Before she was a model, she was a high-achieving teen with a highly-structured life that left little room for basement parties.
I had this really interesting but in some ways very narrowly scoped role, and what I realized only afterwards is that I got to work with all of the initial teams that built all of those Google properties, and so many amazing people that I'm lucky to know and be friends with and get to work with today were there during that era.
A long time later, when you're covered in an armored MOPP suit that shrugs off pistol rounds at long range, and carrying a beautiful, scoped Enfield L85 assault rifle that shoots straight and true, you'll think back to this fight the way you think about your first car, your first apartment, and all the other things that you learned to cope with in a world so resolutely hostile to your expectations for it.

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