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19 Sentences With "says aloud"

How to use says aloud in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "says aloud" and check conjugation/comparative form for "says aloud". Mastering all the usages of "says aloud" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"XOXO, Gossip Girl," Corinne says aloud, to no one in particular.
" Nate instructs Poppy as the trio collectively says aloud: "Keep growing!
"Hey, you've reached the Reynolds," the message says aloud in Lively's voice.
If you want to be alone, he says aloud, I can go.
He suggests taking notes on what your boss says or repeating what he or she says aloud.
" And under his breath, with head bowed, Dre knows what's coming and says aloud, "Please don't say it.
"Anybody who says aloud that Russia is normal is either an idiot or a provocateur or both," she wrote on her blog.
Gary (Chaz Bono) says aloud that the seat doesn't matter and Kai slaps him, kind of like he did Meadow (Leslie Grossman) in an earlier episode.
"I went into journalism to help people make sense of the world," Roy says aloud to the glowing live-feed display, and the bots keep chattering.
He stands next to Vladimir Putin and says, aloud: My people came to me, Dan Coats came to me and some others and said they think it's Russia.
"What Men Want" doesn't stick to that conceit, however, despite such barbed moments as when Nick says aloud that he would fire Ali if he didn't fear a #MeToo outcry.
The text is relegated to the very bottom of the pages and is written mostly from the perspective of the man: "I'm lonely," he says aloud in his house to no one.
The end of the movie shows them driving away in the "Mustard" Machine. A post-credits scene reveals the "Mustard" Machine wearing a wig that looks like Shaggy's hairstyle. The GPS inside the van says aloud that if it had hands, it would remove the wig, but as such, it has none.
He then says aloud to the other players, "George had to pay a sales chicken when he bought a box of chicken." The player that created the sentence then tells the other players which pair of identical words, in this case "chicken", has replaced the homophone pair. The other players then try to think of the correct homophone pair.
None of which matters any less to her, as long as she has fun doing it. Millie says aloud what others think, and does what others, for fear of reaction from the people around them, would not dare. She, like Ozy, often tries to answer the most important questions in life, but her method of finding the answers makes her unique.
After they have all been presented once, and the participant has responded, the cards are presented again and the participant is told to rearrange the cards to match what they saw the first time. The researchers watching monitor every movement and everything the participant says aloud as well and records it.Rorschach test This is a lot different from the Howard test because the cards are re- presented to the participants. Tests like the Blacky pictures test and the Thematic apperception test involve making up narratives for the pictures presented to the participants.
After the family returns home, a parcel is delivered one breakfast later, containing an elephant's foot. The children are disturbed as Mr Crumpdump proudly explains that he had someone trophy hunt for him but they move the foot towards the door by the leopard skin rug to use as an umbrella stand. One rainy day, before a trip to the shoe shop, Belinda says aloud that she wished that the rain would stop as she takes her umbrella from the elephant's foot. The rain stops and the sun appears in the sky.
This suggestion begins to affect Batman's already-strained psyche (he almost died and was forced to re-live very traumatic moments in his life as Batman just weeks earlier) and he passes out when Jezebel says aloud a word that was on all the Bat-computer's screens: Zur-En-Arrh. As he passes out, Dr. Hurt and minions of his diabolical club, the Black Glove, infiltrate the Batcave. They drug Batman, beat Alfred, and wreak havoc upon the cave. When Bruce Wayne is seen next, he wakes up in a pile of garbage with no memory of himself.
Changed by Ricky's "attractive, profound confidence", Lester is convinced that Angela is attainable and sees that he must question his "banal, numbingly materialist suburban existence"; he takes a job at a fast- food outlet, which allows him to regress to a point when he could "see his whole life ahead of him". When Lester is caught masturbating by Carolyn, his angry retort about their lack of intimacy is the first time he says aloud what he thinks about her. By confronting the issue and Carolyn's "superficial investments in others", Lester is trying to "regain a voice in a home that [only respects] the voices of mother and daughter". His final turning point comes when he and Angela almost have sex; after she confesses her virginity, he no longer thinks of her as a sex object, but as a daughter.

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