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968 Sentences With "run the risk"

How to use run the risk in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "run the risk" and check conjugation/comparative form for "run the risk". Mastering all the usages of "run the risk" from sentence examples published by news publications.

You do run the risk of being exposed, I guess.
"It is unethical to run the risk," the letter said.
Such partnerships run the risk of sounding contrived and inauthentic.
You also run the risk of producing a negative stat.
"I just don't want to run the risk," she said.
Otherwise, you run the risk that they will be destroyed.
It should be a well-known, otherwise we run the risk.
Standard bikes run the risk of chain derailment at the hill.
Cheats run the risk of up to six years in jail.
They also run the risk of limiting their freedom of expression.
Such towns also run the risk of their corporate champions stumbling.
Young brands on Amazon run the risk of being private-labeled.
Therefore, they run the risk of falling flat on their faces.
Also, you run the risk of Chinese whispers and subsequent misunderstandings.
Your voter-fraud allegations run the risk of undermining that faith.
Plus, they run the risk of getting negative feedback and press.
Similar recipes often run the risk of being sweet and sticky.
People also run the risk of not qualifying once they're older.
They run the risk of shutting out people like Wilmot Collins.
Here, I run the risk that they withdraw the contract. Poof!
And you might run the risk of accidentally buying a knockoff.
Stocks run the risk of getting trapped in another oil slick Wednesday.
And you probably won't run the risk of forgetting your sweetheart's birthday.
In which case, we run the risk of malpractices simply happening again.
Hillary is willing to run the risk, but not Don't-Disclose Donald.
Plus, you run the risk of offending the person speaking to you.
This is good — reboots run the risk of becoming "special appearance" vaudeville.
We always run the risk of delusion when Neptune's on the scene.
If you do anything else other than that, you run the risk.
You need to seize them or run the risk of missing them.
"Close bonds always run the risk of feeling like bondage," she said.
Otherwise we run the risk of being used for purely political purposes.
Remakes — especially of beloved classics — run the risk of alienating sentimental moviegoers.
If you are an immigrant, you also run the risk of deportation.
However, you run the risk of owing the taxman the following spring.
But these run the risk of becoming tough or slimy or both.
I think we run the risk of overlearning the lessons of 229.
You may not want to run the risk of compromising that friendship, anyway.
But we also run the risk of overdoing it under this excessive energy.
Or do you take the high road and run the risk of losing?
But sometimes these archival displays run the risk of draining out the magic.
You may run the risk of turning a mere ghost into a zombie.
Those distracting and annoying advertising techniques run the risk of alienating potential consumers.
The Chainsmokers run the risk of seeming the opposite of natural: ominous, synthetic.
And with cash, you run the risk of your principal dwindling in retirement.
Opening that phone, does, in fact, run the risk of opening everyone's phone.
"They mustn't be buried, otherwise they run the risk of overheating," he says.
Oppose him -- even occasionally -- and run the risk of losing for your apostasy.
Rebooting the classics can run the risk of leaning too hard on nostalgia.
That doesn't really run the risk of being much of an exaggeration there.
Tag a building in reality, and you run the risk of getting caught.
That means you run the risk of being poked by a stray quill.
Democrats run the risk of losing Sanders holdouts to a third-party candidate.
And they run the risk that blood sugar levels will dip too low.
If they do not, museums run the risk of becoming culturally irrelevant artifacts.
If anything, we run the risk of thinking too conventionally about the future.
If you under-invest, you run the risk of a false negative, i.e.
"They run the risk of losing access to the asylum system," Vidal said.
Meanwhile some powerful messages, such as "Fuck Cancer," run the risk of rejection.
Heavy payloads run the risk of slamming into the ground on the way down.
But the discussions run the risk of becoming politically charged in the current environment.
I think we run the risk of creating too much leverage in the economy.
TC: But do we run the risk of not taking this displacement seriously enough?
Some parties run the risk of blaming social media platforms for winning or losing.
Local dope-smokers still run the risk of arrest for possessing even tiny quantities.
If you lose one solo satellite, you run the risk of losing all information.
That means future elections, including ones next year, run the risk of being tainted.
Dye your hair black and you run the risk of headaches on sunny days.
By lowering the sodium levels in food, you run the risk of increasing obesity.
If you talk about a niche activity, you run the risk of being misunderstood.
You do run the risk of the machines malfunctioning, something can always go wrong.
By increasing the price now, Groen would run the risk of bidding against himself.
If I choose to do so, I run the risk of losing my license.
Budget-friendly retailers in particular run the risk of alienating customers by raising costs.
Anything below that and you run the risk of being too cold and uncomfortable. 
"Do we run the risk of depressing our base by repudiating the guy, or do we run the risk of being tarred and feathered by independents for not repudiating him?" asked Glen Bolger, a Republican pollster working on many of this year's races.
Otherwise, we run the risk of making the same Trump mistake — not once, but twice.
They may be cute, but backyard chickens run the risk of making you seriously sick.
Residents planning to rebuild run the risk of having their property inundated by lava again.
For example, public blockchain architectures run the risk of abuse by users hiding behind pseudonyms.
Interrupt an activity for a reward, and you run the risk of annoying the athlete.
Even then, you run the risk of accidentally getting salty ice in your ice cream.
In doing that, we run the risk of also increasing government's effectiveness to do harm.
Any major design change would run the risk of altering that balance, and the aesthetic.
They run the risk of being shunned by others within their communities for doing so.
However, while telcos will not vanish entirely, they run the risk of being completely marginalized.
Algorithms trained on this database run the risk of making decisions that reproduce these judgements.
"To protect yourself against a possible audit: "Don't run the risk of losing your receipts.
Corporations always run the risk of alienating customers when they step into the political sphere.
But do liberals run the risk of talking to themselves, and not broadening their bench?
Drivers also run the risk of fines and other consequences for using their phone in transit.
If you spend more, you run the risk of becoming "cost burdened" by your living expenses.
It's not ideal in a cavern because you run the risk of bumping into a formation.
Companies that are losing money might run the risk of not being able to pay salaries.
Without it, we run the risk of employing automated systems that reproduce biases at light speed.
In other words, companies run the risk of being investigated for not complying with transparency rules.
And when you start dissecting pleasure, you run the risk of ruining the whole damn thing.
If they do, however, they run the risk of getting called out for shirking their responsibilities.
Simply put, you run the risk of losing your files even if they pay the demand.
But with Treasury bonds, you run the risk of sacrificing too much income for capital preservation.
Otherwise, we run the risk of swaying people who need medical help away from getting it.
They run the risk of making a gaffe or otherwise screwing up in a costly way.
Or their accomplishments run the risk of being ignored, making them feel unwelcome in their field.
If China doesn't become more open and capitalistic, they run the risk of falling into stagnation.
If you pick the wrong place, you run the risk of stifling your drunk doppelgänger's fun.
We have undervalued women's speech for so long that we run the risk of overburdening it.
You also run the risk of not qualifying once you're older because you've developed health problems.
"Your voter-fraud allegations run the risk of undermining that faith," she wrote, according to CNN.
With norovirus, you run the risk of being sick for several days and ruining your vacation.
Investors in cryptocurrencies should be aware that they run the risk of losing all their capital.
Brown, who could run the risk of appearing like a caricature, never once does so here.
But millions of people run the risk of showing up late for work or missing appointments.
"We run the risk of missing other important concepts and paths to advancing A.I.," he said.
Companies that fail to make data protection an everyday priority run the risk of being breached.
We see him often with mutual friends and run the risk of seeing her as well.
Better to keep job growth and wage growth slow than to run the risk of overheating.
But when you lose genetic diversity, you run the risk of losing a whole bunch of plants.
If I keep trying to get the screw loose, I run the risk of ruining it forever.
Get it wrong and you run the risk of an unhealthy, unproductive workforce — and risk your reputation.
Necklaces become intertwined, earrings end up losing their backings and watches run the risk of getting scratched.
If you don't, she says, then you run the risk of receiving a "no" from your employer.
Obama appointees run the risk of getting shoved out at any time if they cause any problems.
And they all run the risk of going against Congress specifically for a project Republicans haven't prioritized.
TC: Whenever you open source anything, you run the risk that people won't pay for your services.
Even innocuous reforms run the risk of getting bogged down in proxy battles in the Brexit wars.
Banks also run the risk of damaging their relationship with investors if they choose not to call.
And I didn't want to run the risk of stretching out a tattoo if I got pregnant.
"If they falter, we run the risk of sell-offs like we had in December," Tchilinguirian said.
And, actually, I think there's far more risk to continue — you run the risk of disappointing people.
Children of citizens as well as children of foreign nationals would run the risk of becoming stateless.
What seems clearer is that the requirements run the risk of tossing out valid, legitimately cast votes.
You run the risk of being stagnant and staying stuck in a rut when you avoid change.
Otherwise we run the risk of women feeling "icky and shameful and abnormal" about what they've experienced.
"Stray too far and you run the risk of inviting scorn from his biggest defenders," he said.
Otherwise, CGI creations run the risk of being either too bouncy or too stiff when they move.
"The media run the risk of being disrespectful to the president of the United States," she said.
Two women also run the risk of being perceived as "ganging up" on the other male members.
Red state Democrats don't want to run the risk of being labeled as responsible for a shutdown.
Congressional leaders who don't understand and act on that run the risk of losing their leadership privileges.
Construction-safety lapses happen because it pays for companies to run the risk of letting them happen.
Every day that vendors go out to sell, they run the risk of confiscation, jail, and even deportation.
For families travelling together that might be unpalatable, since they would run the risk of being split up.
PERINO: Well, one of the real dangers too is that -- it does run the risk of chilling conversation.
If we're seen as being too focused and serious, we'll run the risk of receiving a low tip.
Does the Tory party really want to test the populist gods and run the risk of Mr Johnson?
However, any reason that doesn't come from a deep, personal belief can run the risk of looking sloppy.
Those runs are handled by daring souls willing to run the risk of getting fined, drivers told Reuters.
Without that legitimacy, we run the risk of devolving into the morass in which other nations have sunk.
That's another thing: Do we also run the risk in that age of missing out on some innovation?
They run the risk of retaliation not only from fellow students, but also from professors and the administration.
Instead, Trump argued those pushing for higher rates run the risk of doing "scary" things to the economy.
You run the risk of filling the plane with smoke, or lighting someone's carry-on bag on fire.
Strategists said candidates who focus too intently on the findings run the risk of appearing shrill and partisan.
While this can be beneficial, you run the risk of bleaching clothing that comes in contact with it.
"You run the risk of desensitizing people of the issue," said Mark Orlando, CTO of Raytheon's cybersecurity practice.
All that notwithstanding when we bring in celebrities to represent us we run the risk of being misrepresented.
These industries are all trafficking data for profit and all run the risk of abusing American's data rights.
Even then, women run the risk of criminal punishment if they self-induce an abortion with online medication.
The low adoption numbers run the risk of discouraging companies interested in developing TB diagnostics, said Ms. Lessem.
Should I donate what I want, and run the risk of appearing cheap and not a team player?
Or, they run the risk that Congress is going to get in their business and start regulating them.
On the other hand, projects that are too specific and rigid run the risk of delivering monotonous results.
I have to keep calm, though, or I'll run the risk of being labeled an angry black woman.
They could force Mr. Trump to reassess his approach, but also run the risk of backfiring on Democrats.
They run the risk of losing their member base because they don't feel as relevant to the consumer.
Even fancy beers run the risk of contamination with the same unregulated potential environmental hazards as cheap beer.
The opening pages of "Motherest," a moving debut by Kristen Iskandrian, run the risk of misleading the reader.
Keep your emotions — and sarcasm — in check, or you run the risk of turning your reader against you.
Moreover, that strategy would have run the risk of allowing Verizon to walk away from the purchase altogether.
The automotive industry is built around long lead times, and so any changes run the risk of delays.
Obviously, the goofier you get, the more you run the risk of being dismissed by 'serious music fans.
Yeah. I think you can run the risk of either being too far out there or too near.
Confined to beds, hospital patients run the risk of developing pressure ulcers, which can lead to life-threatening infections.
Additionally, researchers run the risk of framing data-gathering questions in ways that don't capture male experiences with assault.
You run the risk right now if you're unhappy with Donald Trump of being diminished a bit as malcontent.
"If 2018 and 2020 are a referendum on rhetoric, that's where you run the risk of a blue wave."
However, in addition to bacteria, you run the risk of your dog trying to reclaim what was once theirs.
Because block-granted programs aren't entitlements, they basically all run the risk of cutting off people who need help.
People have children and mothers run the risk of losing their job if they stay home with their child.
So if you repeatedly tweet "fuck you" to various users, you run the risk of having your account limited.
"When you use moisturizer every day, you run the risk of making your skin older, not younger," he warned.
Finally, if you buy coverage, you run the risk that your insurance company may raise the premium over time.
But such second acts, which can sometimes be two or three seasons long, also run the risk of fatigue.
This is not a sustainable system, and if it keeps getting worse, we run the risk of a revolution.
The problem is, if you leave trolls alone you run the risk of letting them poison public discourse unabated.
Pavey said "major (inland) cities ... run the risk of running out of fresh water in the next 12 months".
Yet both companies run the risk that strategies which did well in their home countries may not succeed elsewhere.
However, had Moody's failed to do so, it would have run the risk of seriously eroding that agency's credibility.
When controlling glucose with insulin, patients run the risk of getting critically low blood sugars, or hypoglycemia, experts say.
When individuals lack soft skills, companies run the risk of suffering from high turnover, terminations, and ultimately, lost productivity.
You don't just run the risk of losing your stuff—you also might get hit with a substantial fine.
When it comes to makeup, experts warn you'll run the risk of accidentally buying expired products from dollar stores.
It is unethical to run the risk, just for Games that could proceed anyway, if postponed and/or moved.
Keep him, and they run the risk of chaining themselves to a player whose offense will always be limited.
Families who take in formerly incarcerated members - spouses, children, siblings - run the risk of eviction for violating the rules.
People exposed to "feels like" temperatures above 90 degrees run the risk of heatstroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion.
"I run the risk of seeing my career as a devoted soldier threatened," Mr. Bolsonaro wrote in the piece.
"Also they run the risk of being arrested and charged the moment they set foot in Malaysia," he added.
Cillizza: Do Democrats run the risk of overplaying their hand against Trump because they dislike him so much personally?
If they are not heavily subsidized, they run the risk of becoming unsustainable and going into a death spiral.
They either need to recognize it and kiss the ring or run the risk of not having a job.
"Tariffs also run the risk of provoking China to take further destructive actions against American manufacturing workers," Timmons said.
We otherwise run the risk of winning the battle for the past while surrendering the battle for the future.
Not only are none of these terms technically accurate, but they all run the risk of being actively misleading.
He may be a showman, but inspectors general who don't ruffle feathers run the risk of becoming ineffective lapdogs.
In fact, those student-athletes would be punished and run the risk of losing their scholarship if they accepted anything.
For now, lawyer Debashish Tandon said victims were still having run the risk of encountering their alleged traffickers in court.
They run the risk of losing a pile of money if the results aren't what they want them to be.
It's much easier than hitting a moving hero, where you run the risk of throwing the grenade past your target.
We do caution that some of these nature docs run the risk of you hooking up to baby animals dying.
Passengers run the risk of their electronics being stolen from their checked baggage -- something that has happened in the past.
Selecting the right broadband speed is important, especially when you run the risk of ruining that long-awaited movie night.
Hot cleansing gel actually gets hot — like, almost sauna level — though you won't run the risk of discomfort or burning.
The new generations run the risk that if temperatures go off balance this (world) turns into a huge frying pan.
You can't have anything at all to do with your former life, or you run the risk of getting caught.
But beware: Buyers run the risk of losing their deposit if they waive the contingency and their financing falls through.
New Zealand customers who absolutely refuse to give up their Note7s, obviously, run the risk of the phones inexplicably combusting.
If Mueller's responses are flat, Democrats run the risk that public interest will wane heading into the monthlong August recess.
The Syrian pullout would run the risk of negating so many of the gains that have been made against ISIS.
If we delay, we run the risk of making most of the Earth uninhabitable by the end of the century.
If you try to throw AirPods away, you run the risk of starting a fire in a garbage compactor facility.
People who are too relational run the risk of being seen as friends, abdicating the credibility they need as leaders.
When we build systems to separate and segment content, we run the risk of them being used to do harm.
In this factual vacuum, we run the risk of ultimately adopting at best irrelevant or at worst extreme legislative responses.
When the briefings veer into Trump rally territory, they lose value and run the risk of actively harming the audience.
But by staying put, you run the risk that a health crisis will force you out of your home unexpectedly.
"We think that without this agreement we could run the risk that Iran could restart a nuclear program," Maas said.
If leaders push an anti-American message too far, they run the risk of nationalist sentiment spiraling out of control.
Likely because he is unwilling to even run the risk of angering his hardcore base between now and November 2020.
Essentially every time consumers use their credit or debit cards, they run the risk that their data will be breached.
If not, then monetary policymakers run the risk of aborting an economic expansion that this still has room to run.
"Those expectations I think run the risk, maybe paradoxically, of causing supply shortfalls and thus new price swings," he said.
"Otherwise, we run the risk of digging ourselves into a deeper grave in which violence and terror only grow further."
Married women run the risk of not having enough saved to provide for both members of the couple in retirement.
Those sitting in ringside boxes also run the risk of a 300-pound, near naked wrestler landing in their lap.
And GOP members who vote for "amnesty" for DACA recipients run the risk of facing primary challenges from other Republicans.
If the House does not act, if we wait and delay, we run the risk of allowing the president's misconduct.
The velocity and variety of ideas and plot keep things from getting stagnant but also run the risk of dilution.
But if the threat is credible, insurers can't afford to run the risk that the markets might collapse around them.
Do you run the risk, as you expand into new markets, of ROH's road schedule getting a little too grueling?
A: Lock your bike to someone else's property and you run the risk that they might do something to it.
It's something which has no clear path to monetization, but does run the risk of sending rubberneckers to get themselves whacked.
As a result, brands run the risk of appearing to endorse political stances or rhetoric that potential customers may find objectionable.
Although clearly phones have never been likely to run the risk of running people down in the street and killing them.
That being said, we still run the risk of nabbing a subpar, moisture-sucking formula (they can't all be perfect, right?).
Without accountability, oversight, and thoughtful ethical intervention, algorithms run the risk, arguably and demonstrably, of making an already complex situation worse.
Then again, you always run the risk of a crappy market chipping away at that balance, though I've largely seen gains.
People who don't sign up for health coverage during that period run the risk of being hit with an Obamacare fine.
If they decide to throw the data away, they run the risk of having nothing with which to train their models.
Does McMahon run the risk of strangling the business just as the vibrancy of it is returning fully to mainstream visibility?
Both Labour and the Conservatives run the risk of bleeding support from their flanks, whether to avid Brexiteers or radicalised Remainers.
If he cannot secure tangible returns for his efforts, he will run the risk of looking naive, or foolish, or both.
Yes, there are waterproofing sprays that you can buy, but you run the risk of ruining your shoes by over spraying.
Without Okada, the bout would've run the risk of becoming a spotfest: a collection of nearly unconnected, yet always impressive, moves.
"It is unethical to run the risk, just for Games that could proceed anyway, if postponed and/or moved," it stated.
Clinton and all other presidential candidates for 40 years who have released returns have run the risk of triggering an audit.
Notable by their absence would be vitamin B12 and vitamin D. You could also run the risk of an iron deficiency.
The list of pre-existing conditions that would run the risk of being denied coverage is substantial, to say the least.
But we can no longer run the risk that the Electoral College will once again subvert the will of the people.
If they speak up, they run the risk of appearing to be a liability, rather than an asset to party leaders.
"If I start mandating things to put out fires, it could run the risk" of releasing more chemicals into the atmosphere.
These rocks, which formed from lava that rapidly cooled long ago, sometimes run the risk of outgassing potassium out into space.
That's true of any genre, of course — but most characters don't run the risk of sudden, violent death in romantic comedies.
Stick with him and run the risk of being dragged down by his unpopularity with everyone outside of the Republican base.
Changes to Department policy and failure to uphold the law run the risk of undermining federal oversight authority in this space.
If we respond to these myriad problems with trade wars, we run the risk of creating more problems than we solve.
If you tried to actually live off pet food indefinitely, however, you run the risk of malnourishment in the long term.
Otherwise they run the risk of a similar proposal returning in two years when Democratic turnout will likely be even higher.
"As people get more senior in the company ... they run the risk of not having an accurate feedback loop," Gleit explained.
Plus, you won't run the risk of walking down the street only to pass another pedestrian wearing the exact same pair.
So families run the risk of not being able to send their kids to school with fresh shirts, pants, or underwear.
Without that protection, banks and their employees run the risk of being sued by clients, or fined or penalized by regulators.
If it's the latter, you run the risk of making yourself look petty; if it's the former, stick to the facts.
Last, implementing this would run the risk of creating two separate pools, leaving insurers reluctant to continue to offer regulated coverage.
If it required developers to revamp their apps , it would run the risk of app-makers just ignoring the platform completely.
"The responsibility of protecting the legacy is huge, but you run the risk of losing touch with the world," he added.
But don't you the run the risk, in starting over with a new regime again and again, of screwing things up?
This is called "protecting a player," and if the teams don't exercise this right, they run the risk of losing that player.
But we run the risk of overdoing it and punishing the politicians who do the right thing and put the information out.
But now you do run the risk that somebody like Maxine Waters paints everybody in the Democratic Party with a broad brush.
But members of Congress, regardless of party, are not bound to host events that run the risk of becoming free-for-alls.
This measure is particularly important now, as tensions with Iran run the risk of sparking yet another war in the Middle East.
Otherwise, you may run the risk of ruining your vacation, just like 27-year-old couple Lewis Mundy and Kimberley Floyd did.
If we write checks we can't cash, we run the risk of turning the entire space into the second coming of Clippy.
Now that he's in the thick of it, he'd better be a fast learner -- or run the risk of being left behind.
"There isn't really anything that we could tell you that wouldn't run the risk of compromising our security activities," the email read.
With such a punitive policy don't you run the risk of forcing fighters to choose between their health and their economic stability?
So large pieces of cargo run the risk of gathering too much speed en route to the surface, and slamming into it.
And they run the risk of being attacked, accurately, by Democrats for proposing to increase taxes on middle-class Americans come 2026.
"Of course, we always run the risk of coming up with a structure that takes into account a previous event," said Bennett.
Congress should not run the risk of another Rusal style train wreck and cannot depend on the Trump administration to avoid it.
If you allow yourself to put weight and value on every possession, you run the risk of burying yourself in the physical.
"Energy use can run the risk of damaging or abusing the receiving party's psyche, messing with their energy or feelings," Smirk says.
With Kit Kats, you don't run the risk of getting hung up on a flavor or a texture you might not like.
We would still have to contend with roads, traffic jams, air pollution, and run the risk of being hit by a bus.
With so many active rules and laws in place, though, innovators run the risk of becoming criminals if they try something new.
Data aggregators like Quandl run the risk of having the originators they pull from shut off with little-to-no heads-up.
Trump had run the risk of being blamed by Democrats for a shutdown, which would start on his 100th day in office.
If they beat you to the punch and make the matter known internally or externally, you run the risk of looking complicit.
But commercializing the science behind treatments for cancer and longevity run the risk of making them only available to the wealthiest individuals.
That's why some don't ever want to run the risk of a nuclear conflict — and are trying to do something about it.
While playing sports has clear health benefits for children and teens, young athletes do run the risk of injury, the study team notes.
But if you try to describe it to someone who hasn't seen it, you run the risk of sounding like a revivalist preacher.
They also run the risk of adopting elitist or savior mentalities due to the experience they've gained from their educations and jobs abroad.
Amir Attaran of the University of Toronto says not delaying or moving the games would run the risk of spreading the virus globally.
Confidence: Medium-High Tonight: Skies may be cloudier than not through the evening, and we still run the risk of some conversational snowflakes.
The agency has also asked eBay to take down all listings of Juul vaporizers, which run the risk of being sold to minors.
For the first time in our history, then, we run the risk of building machines that only monsters would use as they please.
Those that fail to recognize the changing technological landscape run the risk of losing their market share and their position in the marketplace.
This will caramelize the sugars in the soda into a dark, flavorful crust, but any longer and you run the risk of scorching.
In addition to being more expensive, you also run the risk of buying highly believable counterfeits and getting denied access at the door.
Used to living in flocks, fledglings who are abandoned run the risk of not learning how to socialize and or to walk properly.
The doors to the waiting room haven't even opened yet, and already, latecomers run the risk of being turned away on the spot.
Otherwise, you run the risk of not knowing how to answer follow-up questions about something you have little or no experience with.
If you spend too much time relying on the advice of a mentor to solve problems, you run the risk of never failing.
GoPro is revealing many new goodies today, including a few new accessories with run the risk of getting the lost in the noise.
If the market does top out soon, investors who sell run the risk of not getting back into stocks at the right time.
When ordinary people start losing their jobs as an unintended consequence, sanctions run the risk of playing straight into the hands of Putin.
A lot of rental goggles are don't fit well and you run the risk of them fogging up, which can affect your vision.
If a person does contract HIV and continues taking Truvada alone, you run the risk of that HIV strain becoming resistant to Truvada.
"They run the risk—quite literally—of sugar-coating the very real abuses that women and girls endure around the world," warned Rees.
Obviously when it sounds authentic you run the risk of it sounding similar to certain artists, but that's not why it's being created.
Those secondary routes to less profitable markets run the risk of disappearing completely should a network change be made by a major airline.
In fact, you should avoid pouring water directly onto the plant's central rosette — if you do, you run the risk of rotting it.
It is that AI-based assistants, as they get better, run the risk of ultimately making obsolete the workers they're meant to help.
I could hold onto my anger at Rasheed for the decisions he'd made and run the risk that he'd never contact me again.
"So we run the risk of an inflation surprise," which could lead to the Federal Reserve acting more forcefully to increase interest rates.
Be aware that if you pay your nanny off the books, you run the risk of owing the IRS back taxes and penalties.
When you scroll back through someone's photos, you always run the risk of accidentally double-tapping on a three-year-old bathroom selfie.
If protesters decide to slow or even briefly shut down a transit system, they run the risk of fostering backlash against the movement.
That way, you aren't tempted to check your Twitter feed and you don't run the risk of your phone ringing during the interview.
When you abandon a couch, you rid yourself of a nuisance but run the risk of inflicting harms on the rest of society.
But by forgetting to use one of the most persuasive words in the English language, you'd run the risk of blowing the sale.
Until we combine screening with a commitment to provide essential, time-sensitive services, we run the risk of continuing to fail mothers and children.
For years, saying the wrong thing publicly has run the risk of leaving you unwelcome in person, unfriended on Facebook, unjobbed in your career.
Double albums often run the risk of offering too much; that 22nd bite of pie never tastes quite as sweet as the first five.
As a VC, you also run the risk of missing out on a hot deal if you can't get it closed before the holiday.
However, Democrats run the risk of alienating their constituents if they condemn antifa with the same language they use to condemn the far-right.
But if mental health is something the both of you have already discussed, you might run the risk of the other person feeling attacked.
What's more, companies that fail to comply with the new law within the allotted time will run the risk of penalties up to $300,000.
The case highlights the challenge faced by brands in China, whose products, such as cosmetics, and even automobiles, run the risk of being copied.
If you think you're over it and start ignoring the signs, you run the risk of falling into a deep depression or severe mania.
If his contract is not renewed, we run the risk of being handicapped by giving up the momentum we have established in this region.
If Trump were to veto the bill, he would run the risk of an embarrassing political setback if Congress were to override his veto.
If the legislature gets involved, it would run the risk of prolonged legislative standstill that could leave the issue unresolved for months, he noted.
When you buy artwork online from a source you are not certain is legitimate, you run the risk of buying forged or stolen works.
" Nor, with busy work schedules, did they "want to run the risk of tearing our hair out on three-hour drives back and forth.
Keep fighting the petition and run the risk of being cast as decidedly weak if and when the 25th Republican signs on to it.
Needless to say, it's starting to get a bit chilly for the Voyagers, which run the risk of freezing so far from the Sun.
Speaking of which... Sorry, yes, we run the risk of enraging an entire legion of fans here, but, uh, superheroes are kind of boring?
Like, you can call yourself an artist to other people, but then you run the risk of them thinking you're just a fucking idiot.
If we do, we might even run the risk of desensitizing people, who will end up taking this issue less seriously than they should.
And if you overuse them, you run the risk of making them mean less or, in the worst-case scenario, mean nothing at all.
While we are becoming a laughingstock in the eyes of the world, we run the risk of amusing ourselves to death in the process.
Even workaday cable news appearances run the risk of rousing the First Viewer, especially if adverse weather upends executive tee times in New Jersey.
If we do not, we miss a critical opportunity to develop our nation's human capital — and we also run the risk of deepening inequity.
Arnold said future AirPods with health sensors are possible, but the NPD analyst speculated that would run the risk of cannibalizing Apple Watch sales.
But world powers fear the Turkish action could exacerbate the conflict, and run the risk of ISIS prisoners escaping from camps amid the chaos.
The case highlights the challenge faced by brands in China, whose products, such as cosmetics, and even automobiles, run the risk of being copied.
We've reached the point where we run the risk of coming across as monstrously arrogant if we're insufficiently humbled by even the smallest accomplishment.
These companies run the risk of antitrust regulation as well as laws that could inhibit their ability to collect data — and, by extension, revenue.
But he also added that there's a lot of inconsistency in manufacturing quality: "Backyard operators" who make e-cigs may run the risk of contamination.
The problem with pegging your company's hope on the holiday season is that you run the risk of smashing head-on into supply chain issues.
While it would've carried great nostalgic value, I didn't want to run the risk of Lionel suddenly sailing back into the channel during our interview.
The show-stealing firsts for Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair are coming so regularly at this point that they run the risk of becoming routine.
Headband-style headphones often run the risk of being too tight, too loose, or too heavy—all qualities that can discourage you from wearing them.
" He warned that protectionist postures run the risk of becoming "a cycle of tit-for-tat, a race to the bottom, where all sides lose.
If the home button — which includes the Touch ID sensor — is replaced, you run the risk of getting a dreaded "Error 53" on your phone.
But connecting all evils to the EU is inaccurate and unfair; and makes us run the risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
When you sit in a chair, you also run the risk of someone not seeing you, thinking your chair is empty and sitting on you.
So astronauts run the risk of fainting when they get back to Earth, since they don't have adequate blood flow right away to the head.
Element42 – Fraud is a major problem — For example, if you buy a Rolex on eBay, you run the risk of winding up with a counterfeit.
Nurses manned separate sexual-health clinics for young people, so teenagers did not run the risk of bumping into their parents at family planning centres.
Even if another company were in a similar position, its founders might prefer to pay bankers' fees rather than run the risk of early volatility.
"If you move too fast you run the risk of upending the entire initiative," Dan Shreve, one of the report's authors, said in an interview.
But, unlike in some American states, those who use cannabis in its most basic leaf form to treat other illnesses run the risk of prosecution.
By beating on the same old "I-work-in-management" drum 24/7, you run the risk of not even being seen for anything else.
The only studies we need are the millions of casualties that are behind us and that we run the risk of seeing ahead of us.
Some Coalition campaign posters urged people to vote "Yes" to defend family values or run the risk of gay couples stealing or adopting their children.
The story goes that if you eat a salema, you run the risk of spending the rest of your night feeling a bit, well... fishy.
This is not the time to binge watch movies about conspiracies, aliens, or the paranormal, as you run the risk of feeling paranoid as hell.
Stop asking a stranger to snap your photo — they're never good, plus you run the risk of having someone run off with your fancy smartphone.
They can't withstand too much weight or pressure, and they can't stay the same snug little harbor forever or you run the risk of suffocating.
I know you run the risk of a death by a thousand cuts, but if we have good sound policy, we should lead with it.
But the current system also still means women "run the risk of being denied care by an arbitrary and discretionary system" says the ALRANZ spokesperson.
But to be blunt, Morrissey's kind of a skid mark, and his sewage opinions have continually run the risk of ruining his former band's reputation.
If they appear to make this about the president and oppose Trump at all turns, they run the risk of undermining a response and recovery.
Using this process to pass legislation could run the risk of legislation being challenged in court, for example by an outside group opposing the legislation.
Any plan to fix Syria will, by necessity, be immensely complicated — and will run the risk of making an already bad situation even more deadly.
But if society is unwilling to accept the answer, we run the risk of undermining the very equality we are trying so hard to preserve.
As a result, incumbent banks, insurers, and asset managers run the risk of becoming utilities with low brand awareness, little differentiation and diminished customer loyalty.
If you live in a state of hypercommunion with others, you run the risk of emotional depletion — or "empathetic distress," as a psychologist might say.
So I think a lot of the authorities are quite clear about opposing ... that window of opportunity, rather than run the risk of another 2011.
What is clear, though, is that they run the risk of endangering a hard-won peace that the creation of the European Union helped secure.
Absent some satisfactory calibration, our national security agencies run the risk of being marginalized and ultimately irrelevant and ineffectual, with grave consequences for national security.
We run the risk of scrubbing, disinfecting, vacuuming and filtering out the fortifying mix of microscopic creatures that our immune system needs to develop properly.
"I think you always run the risk that the delay runs into some other big thing happening - so that becomes another delay," said California Sen.
"If you're edgy or controversial, you run the risk of alienating fans," said Bob Dorfman, a sports marketing executive who has never worked with Trout.
The company said it did not want to run the risk of signing up so many people that it could not serve them all well.
Retailers run the risk of further eroding margins as they cut prices throughout Thanksgiving/Black Friday weekend to compete with Amazon and other aggressive shopping sites.
A lawyer hired by Yoga Alliance concluded that if yoga teachers claim to treat health conditions they could run the risk of coming under government regulation.
"You run the risk of drawing unrealistic conclusions," Wood told reporter Steve Davies, who has done excellent work on the 422nd TES and F-35 tactics.
Yeah, you could shove a water bottle into your bag, but then you run the risk of leaks getting all up in your phone and wallet.
"And you run the risk every hour of every day of being on the wrong end of an RAF or a United States missile," he said.
You could also run the risk of running afoul of prohibited transaction rules that come with severe tax penalties — losing as much as your entire IRA.
Employers run the risk of overworking their top-performers, who are likely to be pursued by headhunters as resurgent drilling yields labor shortages and bidding wars.
Pelosi — whose district, CA-12, covers San Francisco and a number of tech headquarters — rarely makes policy comments that run the risk of dividing her caucus.
The reality is that when two people decide to share their salary details, they run the risk of being jealous of what the other person makes.
Seen out of context, the photographs run the risk of romanticizing the communist leader, in the vein of Che Guevara posters in American college dorm rooms.
Women who look like Mo'Nique who don't roll over and accept the scraps that are offered to them run the risk of being labeled as troublemakers.
"It's not just us, all the hotels run the risk of shutting down because there's hardly enough water," said P. Chandrasekhar, a supervisor at the hotel.
If you don't get their blessing or neglect to disclose your earnings and hours, you run the risk of being deemed ineligible and losing your scholarship.
Efforts to prosecute self-induced abortions often run the risk of prosecuting inadvertent miscarriages, particularly when prosecutors focus on fetal remains as evidence of the crime.
If you blow off your statements, you run the risk of missing suspicious account activity, said Marina Edwards, a senior retirement consultant at Willis Towers Watson.
In the longer run, though, if he cannot secure tangible return for his efforts, he will run the risk of looking naive, or foolish, or both.
If Democrats stand firm on opposing any Trump nominee, however, they run the risk of losing seats and perhaps even the chance of regaining a majority.
Reboots give our favorite characters another chance on the small screen — but if they're not done well, they run the risk of ruining the show's legacy.
Some campaign posters and adverts urged people to vote "Yes" to defend family values or run the risk of gay couples stealing or adopting their children.
"Those who show so little respect for the rule of law run the risk of isolating themselves politically", he warned in German newspaper Bild am Sonntag.
Cars which start up when it is very cold outside run the risk of having condensation build up in their catalytic converters and engines causing rust.
Procrastinators run the risk of missing out on college and state aid, which may be doled out on a first-come, first-served basis, Levy said.
People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of a serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume the product.
Those pining for the political destruction of Donald Trump run the risk that the villagers will not come running if and when a wolf finally appears.
I think we run the risk of exaggerating the degree to which philanthropy is focused on, or even big philanthropy is focused on, direct policy advocacy.
If we were to eliminate training and lift restrictions we run the risk of increased poor quality practice at best and more pills mills at worst.
If Democratic votes are spread too thin, they run the risk of getting locked out of the general election and allowing Republicans to retain the seats.
For an entertainer, this is a bold topic: You run the risk of alienating or confusing your audience by distracting them with fourth-wall-breaking tricks.
They run the risk of communicating an overly aggressive scorched-earth approach to criminal law by Trump's critics, who have no shortage of stronger legal arguments.
The Republican establishment can only attack him so hard and so often before they run the risk of Trump ensuring Hillary Clinton wins the general election.
Users who accept run the risk of unwittingly provoking the ire of the aggressive police state, resulting in deleted data or accounts, or harassment and imprisonment.
If you withhold far too little, you take home more money with each paycheck, but you run the risk of owing the IRS the following year.
These longtime loyal aides are naturally inclined to measure their words and hold back on their critiques to not run the risk of offending their boss.
Support Trump entirely and run the risk of being labeled a rubber stamp for a President who may well be under 50% approval in your state.
To provoke anger among the legions of Trump loyalists back home or to run the risk of turning the 19923 midterms into a Democratic wave election?
Unlike synthetic material currently used in most surgeries, the futuristic yarn wouldn't run the risk of causing a detrimental reaction from patients' bodies, the team said.
Neither party wants to run the risk of a total PR disaster by plucking someone who isn't used to the bright lights of a national address.
His team says any visits to the early presidential caucus and primary states run the risk of shifting attention from the candidates to his presidential ambitions.
Of course, Amazon's marketplace is constantly changing and its merchants run the risk of competing with Amazon itself and its increasing number of private-label brands.
Most know that of the ingredients, the raw eggs lead to Salmonella, but the raw flour means people also run the risk of an E. coli infection.
Unfortunately, when we deny aspects of our humanity, we run the risk of compounding the stress, anxiety and burnout we often feel under a mask of bravado.
They will not build better systems; indeed, they may run the risk of obscuring structural problems like racism or inequality by focusing on individuals' relationships and sympathies.
"Their similar behavior and similar reaction functions to events such as falling house prices run the risk of amplifying the downturn in the housing market," Debelle added.
Growers who don't band with Pharmacielo and other legitimate cultivation operations run the risk of having their crops—as well as their livelihood—eradicated by the army.
They also run the risk of dividing moderate and progressive Democrats, and could give Republicans the chance to get off the ropes on health care in 2020.
In theory, infrastructural attacks against agents of a foreign government could have significant diplomatic repercussions, and run the risk of being taken as an act of war.
If you're like Shiinaneko and opt for direct screen-to-food contact, you run the risk of consuming harmful iPad germs and straight-up ruining your device.
"  "By choosing beautiful things, like sunsets, you run the risk of coming across as naive," Lee added, "where ugliness is the genre of the more aware.
He warned that since the GOP nominee has a huge following, his comments run the risk of sparking action by one or more of his "vulnerable" followers.
And as we enter into the planet's Sixth Mass Extinction, we run the risk of damaging critical ecosystems and radically diminishing the diversity of life on Earth.
The PBOC would then run the risk of an even more rapid depletion of its currency reserves should the markets have no faith in the fixed rate.
I didn't really want to run the risk of not having that space, which is a problem I've run into with a lot of friends I've made.
When investors buy a stock just because it is going up, they run the risk of not knowing what to do when it starts to pull back.
The reality is that protectionism, in every form, must be resisted at all cost or we run the risk of a severe meltdown in the capital markets.
"Rather than run the risk of a trial, we agreed to something that was a misdemeanor, did not involve the need for sex offender registration," Baruch added.
Over time, children forced to clean their plates at every meal may gravitate toward sugary foods and snacks and run the risk of becoming overweight or obese.
When buying a car from a private seller, you run the risk of buying a car that has recalls, improper repairs, or might even have been stolen.
It does run the risk of a boy who cried wolf dynamic, if you consistently get indications a trade deal is soon and it doesn't actually occur.
However, those who do have an allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reactions if they consume the beverage.
Being able to choose this means I don't run the risk of him waking up, but during the day I get that nice solid confirmation I like.
Not only do you have to pick a design, color, and placement, but you also run the risk of regretting your permanent decision a year from now.
"They absolutely run the risk of overhyping it and overblowing it," Nowicki, 41, who voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, said in Reedsburg, in southwest Wisconson.
Those other methods also run the risk of gas or liquid seeping back into the atmosphere, whereas the Icelandic method so far appears to render it inert.
The organization said thousands of people currently seeking refuge in the United States run the risk of being sent back to their countries by staying in Mexico.
COVID-19 patients are currently being treated at several hospitals around the country and the new guidelines ensure that other patients won't run the risk of infection.
"It is utterly unacceptable and frankly staggering that any [government] would run the risk of inflicting this damage on people," tweeted Scottish National Party MP Ian Blackford.
In short, Mr. Trump has run the risk of doing what he charged President Barack Obama with doing in Syria: drawing a line and not enforcing it.
Choose goals that seek to exceed the progress you made this year; otherwise, you run the risk of not growing your finances as quickly as you might.
And, like O'Rourke, she needs to make a very careful choice about her next race, or run the risk of losing that ever-elusive buzz and momentum.
But as the yield curve flattens, long-term interest rates run the risk of falling below short-term rates, a phenomenon known as an inverted yield curve.
But these changes, perceived by some as seismic, run the risk of confrontation between the Pentagon and the four-star generals who lead the regional headquarters. Gen.
If you&aposre inadequately prepared, you run the risk of taking on too much capital or the embarrassment of having to go back to ask for more.
Plus, you run the risk that those late sales may leave you with a middle seat, a long layover or route through a winter-storm-prone city.
Yet as the rise in American oil stockpiles shows, producers run the risk of pumping too much and creating a new glut that could push prices down.
If we don't have a skilled workforce, we run the risk of losing our economic advantage and won't fulfill our promise to provide opportunities for all citizens.
The world is changing rapidly and our policies absolutely must keep up or run the risk of serving as an anchor to the realization of new opportunities.
Residents who fail to pay their rent run the risk of eviction, which can make it harder for them to secure a rental property in the future.
By contrast, Italian basketball teams near the bottom of the league run the risk of relegation to the second division, which is a bad result for everyone.
On their own in gallery shows, these works read as clever commentary but also run the risk of becoming one-note; here, they gain much more purchase.
If the number you've chosen is a fair price, then stick to it or run the risk of offending the seller and losing his or her respect.
However, it's problematic that given the heightened interest in what is going on in the Arctic, we'd run the risk of causing a blind spot in that area.
And we run the risk that a newspaper like the Washington Post, which has been skeptical of many Trump initiatives and statements, will be left outside looking in.
When we offer misleading statements in service of what appears to be a higher virtue, or higher goal, we run the risk of making very bad policy choices.
A lot of this material is protected by copyright—so you run the risk of falling foul of your country's laws if you rip this kind of material.
Do you run the risk, particularly when it comes to Hulu and Disney Plus, both operating at scale, of confusion amongst the consumer, or with the different interfaces?
Young people who get cold feet or leave the community and want nothing to do with the practice run the risk of being tracked down and forcibly circumcised.
Do days like this help people come to record shops more often or does it run the risk of turning it into a novelty once a year outing?
He begins to search for her throughout the park, averting death at all costs, so as to not run the risk of having his memory wiped once more.
While Firefly's brief season was largely good — even great at points — more episodes means that you run the risk of having bad ones in the mix as well.
League leader Matteo Salvini urged Forza Italia and 5-Star on Friday to stop bickering and agree to govern together or run the risk of a new election.
Cars which start up when it is very cold outside run the risk of having condensation build up in their catalytic converters and engines, which could cause rust.
"Extra care and attention that must be paid in debug because when you alter ANYTHING in a title, you run the risk of introducing new bugs," Larry said.
"But they should do so cautiously, and be very specific about what their requirements are, or they may still run the risk of burdensome litigation and unwelcome publicity."
You still run the risk of attracting malware, or penalties from the companies whose software and hardware you're not using, in return for all that freedom you're getting.
"I think any time you put anything on screen, you run the risk of glamorizing it just by the nature of it being on screen," Levinson told Variety.
Image: NASAExcessive exposure to the Sun's harmful rays is an occupational hazard endured by astronauts, who run the risk of contracting cancer and heart disease as a result.
The attorney general said that summaries would have run the risk of "being under inclusive or over inclusive" or trigger analysis without the full report first being released.
The process of mentoring a backup can be so time-consuming that many would rather overload themselves and run the risk of burn-out than teach someone else.
"As far as the market's concerned, tariffs on steel would be very bad news, because it would run the risk of setting off a trade war," he says.
Without the rigorous methodologies outlined in the National Academies report, we run the risk of attributing extreme weather to climate change based on sheer conjecture or political bias.
He's trying to scare people -- Republicans in particular -- to go vote on Tuesday or run the risk of having a whole lot more like Bracamontes coming to America.
If their executives sign contracts without following their companies' due process rules, they run the risk of violating compliance standards meant to control costs and guard against corruption.
If the past is any guide, the German government will strongly resist such recommendations on the grounds that this would run the risk of stoking up German inflation.
Offering it to every American would not only strain the finances of Medicare, but also "run the risk of depriving seniors of the coverage" they have, she said.
In these impoverished areas, vulnerable populations run the risk of falling into the hands of criminal organizations that have turned the Amazon into a dangerous cocaine-trafficking corridor.
In a separate appearance on ABC's "This Week," Biden argued that Democrats would run the risk of losing their House majority in the event of a Sanders nomination.
One State Department official said in an interview that in arming the drones out of Niger, the United States would run the risk of more accidental civilian casualties.
"If [the iPhone 8 is] delayed and consumers feel they won't get it until 2018, you run the risk that people will look to other devices," he said.
When you want to make the United States more like Europe, you always run the risk of destroying what makes America unique: its hustle and unrelenting creative churn.
As lawmakers prepare to expand the popular $28503,22019 child tax credit, they run the risk of overlooking the child care credit, a provision that cries out for expansion.
So while you run the risk of showing up to dinner in the same look as your middle-aged father, at least you'll be doing so in style.
But the judiciary committee&aposs sessions have been more about showmanship over substance and run the risk of losing the public&aposs attention and, potentially, support for impeachment.
"I seriously cannot imagine that the railway workers would run the risk of bringing France to a halt during such a crucial period," he told France Info radio.
Reject Trump's endorsement in any sort of public manner and run the risk of Trump savaging you on Twitter and working to find someone to run against you.
Which would run the risk of reminding viewers that maybe the dress a celebrity was modeling was actually chosen because, well, the brand offered the most money. Yucky!
And while a single-mindedly slanted talk show can run the risk of feeling dogmatic and intellectually deficient, one without a perspective or clear thesis is just as hazardous.
"If nothing is done, we run the risk of suffering from the hyperinflation that is hitting other countries, and of reliving the nightmare of the 1990s," Matata told lawmakers.
During the day, the white metal and fiberglass run the risk of blending into the exterior of The Standard, or being obscured by the totemic cypress trees surrounding it.
Perhaps she can make them in front of Donald Trump and gauge his reaction, though she does run the risk of him saying every one of them is spectacular.
Beware: When you submit your mind to the whims of a super-computer with an excess of emotion and severe rationality deficiency, you run the risk of a McMurphy.
They can take longer, but they then run the risk that Congress would not recognize the state's reported results (and would instead decide for itself who won the state).
Even if the Kardashians decided to push ahead with a civil claim against Chyna, attorneys BuzzFeed News spoke to agreed that they would run the risk of it backfiring.
Because the disease is only passed down from mother to child, many women with the condition decide to adopt rather than run the risk of having an affected baby.
Sometimes you get lucky with the in-flight entertainment or meme-tastic safety videos, and other times you run the risk of getting into a massive, all-out brawl.
But if you say nothing in those moments before a meeting starts or when you and your boss are in the elevator, you run the risk of becoming invisible.
Any direct U.S. military action would run the risk of massive North Korean retaliation and huge casualties in Japan and South Korea and among U.S. forces in both countries.
Change becomes increasingly difficult, and our use patterns and belief systems run the risk of being locked up in a self-enforcing cycle, similar to an algorithmic Groundhog Day.
"I would rather run the risk of taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut than taking a miniature rock hammer to tunnel my way out of prison," he said.
It's separate from your checking account, so you don't run the risk of spending money that's supposed to be for rent and bills on a last-minute festival ticket.
Cutting funding needed for development of the bomber at this early stage could paradoxically run the risk of increasing program cost—exactly the outcome we all seek to avoid.
My fear is that as young investors migrate to ESG funds they run the risk of duplicating exposure to some big stocks they already own in other core investments.
Batteries run the risk, under some conditions, of growing small spikes of metal that can pierce other parts of the system, causing it to short circuit and catch fire.
Those twin decisions would ramp up the pressure hugely for Trump to talk to Mueller -- or run the risk of looking like he is hiding something if he doesn't.
"If you give support to the Venezuelan military and it destroys Pdvsa, you run the risk that if Maduro falls, the new guys may not be happy with Rosneft."
But if you come into contact with COVID-19, then touch your unwashed hands to any of these areas on your face, you run the risk of infecting yourself.
If we become overzealous in our efforts to limit so-called hate speech, we run the risk of setting a trap for the very people we're trying to defend.
If the risk threshold is too high, clinicians run the risk of missing a serious condition that could harm a patient — and potentially expose their institution to legal jeopardy.
The lack of services in these detention centers create conditions in which juveniles are essentially lost to society and run the risk of being repeat offenders over their lifetimes.
And having been attacked by the left, I know I run the risk of focusing inordinately on its excesses — and providing succor to some people whom I deeply oppose.
"They run the risk of becoming mere pretty pictures," Artforum noted in 2002, citing a series he once made of shipping containers stacked, like colorful blocks, in a shipyard.
A marked tightening in liquidity could run the risk of pushing up interbank money rates, which the PBOC has been guiding lower to reduce strains on corporate balance sheets.
The company said people who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of a serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume the product.
Pick a position -- and a message and go with it -- or run the risk of spending the next year trying to return tennis balls slammed directly at your feet.
You run the risk of getting carried away with overly convoluted or abstract ideas in the coming weeks, but don't forget to be mindful of more practical problems, too.
But the two applications don't necessarily work together, because the same sensory characteristics that make your taste buds most excited can run the risk of burnout with each additional bite.
"I think when you try to fit an unusual circumstance into a statute that doesn't quite fit, you run the risk of an acquittal if you're a prosecutor," he said.
Descriptions of millennials and their spending habits often run the risk of resorting to stereotypes but for businesses operating in Asia, these qualities remain key in guiding customer engagement strategies.
Young girls like Khalil's sisters can help around the house but as they get older they run the risk of being targeted by terrorist groups who indoctrinate at-risk youths.
That would run the risk of Mr Trump losing patience and leaving regardless, particularly if no progress had been made by the time of America's own elections in November 20013.
Doing so would also run the risk of letting Donald Trump move to her left on trade policy, given his repeated defense of protectionism — a defense he reiterated again today.
" By carelessly wiping out biodiversity, Perrott added, "we run the risk of forever losing the opportunity to study organisms with insight into humanity's most pressing medical challenge, the aging process.
Carlsberg says it allows bars and restaurants to try out some of the lesser known and more expensive beers because they don't run the risk of the beer going flat.
"Anytime you let social convention dictate what you do rather than doing what feels best for you, you run the risk of anxiety, depression, and so on," says Dr. Kubiak.
The Democratic National Committee raised the threshold to qualify for the fall debates, meaning many of the candidates run the risk of not making the stage in September and October.
Tests conducted by the agency have concluded that when large electronics overheat in luggage they run the risk of combustion when packed with aerosol canisters like hairspray and dry shampoo.
I could fail to write a single thing for my workshops, or, at the least, I could sporadically submit woeful pieces, and not run the risk of losing my fellowship.
Presumably, if I got injured (shredded my elbow writing a villanelle), I didn't run the risk of some NYU kid coming in and taking my spot on the poetry team.
While investors may be tempted to book profits by selling out of stocks at all-time highs, such a move would run the risk of missing out on future gains.
" At the same time, Kelchen said, "If you try to target more narrowly, you run the risk of needy students not thinking they're eligible, or not hearing about the program.
For instance, if you need it soon for, say, a big vacation, and it's all in stocks, you run the risk of its value dropping if the market heads lower.
S. trade war raises fears of a global recession, businesses run the risk of being caught in a self-fulfilling vicious cycle, a top Australian central banker warned on Thursday.
Singapore, a major global financial center, said in a notice earlier this week that investors "run the risk of losing all their capital" given the speculative nature of cryptocurrency investment.
The danger of truffles losing weight is always around the corner, and unless we sell these precious few ounces as soon as possible, we run the risk of losing money.
The choice is this: Pay more every month for peace of mind later, or pay less and run the risk of having higher out-of-pocket costs down the line.
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump's verbal attacks on the media run the risk of triggering real violence against journalists, the U.N. rapporteur for freedom of expression said on Thursday.
In a multi-candidate field, the contenders who launch personal attacks don't just run the risk of appearing shrill; they're often the least likely to benefit when their blows land.
Litigation is costly and distracting, and could run the risk of exposing the marketer as not being fully aware of how their company's budget was being spent under their watch.
Otherwise, as Frank Bruni pointed out in his latest column, we run the risk of becoming his accomplices in amplifying his voice when we should be trying to diminish it.
Yes, we know when cats get fat they run the risk of all sorts of health problems and we're not trying to glorify that, but large cats need love too!
Such tricks might boost Facebook's ad revenue, but they also run the risk of upsetting users on Instagram, especially those who don't even know that Facebook owns their favorite app.
Travelers using Atlanta as a hub to return to more isolated hometowns run the risk of introducing the virus to their communities, starting the cycle of transmission all over again.
Side too often with Democrats and run the risk of not only alienating the conservative base in your state but arousing the ire -- and itchy Twitter finger -- of this President.
Since I normally fall between a size 14 to 16, I decided to go for the 2X/3X so that I wouldn't run the risk of anything being too small. 
"When you have that kind of extreme coming at a time when a stock is testing its all-time high, you run the risk of a double top," he warned.
The best research shows that tailored services produce better outcomes than "one size fits all" programs that run the risk of providing individuals either too little or too much help.
"As we try to amp up the immune system, we do run the risk of having the immune system recognize some of our normal tissues," and attack them, he said.
The group has evidently decided it could not run the risk of supplying further information to the AIF, which acts as both a banking supervisor and a financial-intelligence unit.
Professor Susskind said that traditional marketing in the travel industry had evolved: "You run the risk of not being able to compete effectively in the marketplace without these enhanced approaches."
Critics say that a Taylor-run Fed would run the risk of tightening monetary policy too fast and choking off the recovery from the 2007-2009 financial crisis and recession.
"We run the risk for ourselves and our allies that we're not dealing aggressively enough from the outset with the adaptation of this group, which could become catastrophic," Mr. Zarate said.
There's a big incentive for businesses to use chip cards; those that don't run the risk of being held liable for in-store fraud, per transaction rules established in late 2015.
Still, because hikers may run the risk of occasionally encountering abandoned wild animals, Walker advises that people wait to make sure that animal is truly alone and in need of help.
The phrase "take the test and risk arrest," means that if you know your HIV status, you could run the risk of potential incarceration, creating a direct deterrent to HIV testing.
"We don't evacuate our animals since hurricanes can change direction at the last minute and you run the risk of evacuating to a more dangerous location," the zoo wrote on Facebook.
The second is to return to mass, pre-emptive vaccination, which would be costly and run the risk of people dying, as a handful probably would, from reaction to the vaccine.
"Right now we are in a situation where the currency has gone up so strong, the dollar, that we do run the risk of potentially another Mexican style crisis," Rubenstein said.
Fighting court cases against wealthy buyers can also be expensive, difficult, and time-consuming, while public auctions run the risk of granting rightful land owners below-market prices for their property.
So if you wanted to tweet "fuck you" at a specific user or tell someone to "fuck off," you'd run the risk of having your account "temporarily limited" for 12 hours.
Why it matters: Lawmakers using rumors to support claims of bias run the risk of turning serious policy discussions about the danger of algorithms and media consolidation into unsubstantiated political barbs.
"If you're trying to bring up the effect [their mental health] has on you, you will run the risk of making it seem like you shouldn't be complaining," Dr. Bonior says.
You run the risk of looking like a second-rate version of the era you're paying homage to, mainly because those obsessed weren't old to enjoy it in the first place.
If you always rely on the advice of others, you run the risk of finding yourself branded a mouthpiece concerned only with maintaining the status quo or, even worse, your job.
While moments of melody may seem like an easy grab elsewhere, they flow so naturally within the album's pacing that the album would run the risk of feeling forced without them.
Critiques are often based on worst-case scenarios far off in the future, and run the risk of minimizing the troubling aspects of the project as it is in place today.
John Cook, a professor at George Mason University's Center for Climate Change Communication, said that fatalistic scenarios run the risk of being self-fulfilling, but he added that fear is effective.
"I think that if we do nothing, we run the risk of being irrelevant in the space," Timothy Liebmann, chief operating officer of pharmacy at Fred's, said on a conference call.
Democrats run the risk of behaving like Inspector Javert in "Les Miserables," obsessed with prosecution (although admittedly, Trump's indiscretions are significantly worse than Jean Valjean's pilfering of a loaf of bread).
"A blanket recall of all inflaters would be easier to explain, but it would not serve safety and could run the risk of exceeding N.H.T.S.A.'s statutory authority," Mr. Rosekind wrote.
Lean into Henry Higgins's inherent misogyny and you run the risk of alienating (at least) half your audience; attempt to alleviate it as much as possible and the ending gets weird.
But the most serious so far—Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and Bernie Sanders—run the risk of falling into the same trap as the main Republicans did in 2015.
However, those creditors now run the risk of getting little in return for millions of dollars spent on legal fees if the United States moves against Venezuelan assets on its territory.
If instead you wait to put the funds in the account after you're paid, you run the risk that you won't have the money or will make deposits inconsistently, he said.
Karwowski points out that these employees are "essentially providing authentic, free advertising" but admits that you also run the risk of someone having a bad day and going on a rant.
The administration also issued a global maritime advisory warning those in the shipping industry that they run the risk of U.S. sanctions if they are involved in shipping oil to Syria.
Their structure makes them quick and easy to digest and since many processed foods are high in these types of carbs, they run the risk of spiking your blood sugar levels.
If too many students show up, the system will buckle, even if more cash accompanies them, and students run the risk of being shut out of packed classes, college leaders say.
The new Leaf's somewhat staid design might be divisive among electric vehicle enthusiasts, but it won't run the risk of turning off a lot of people altogether with a radical new approach.
The five-times major winner initially defended his actions, saying he intentionally incurred a two-shot penalty rather than run the risk of a bigger score, before later issuing an embarrassed apology.
Photo: GettyBefore you book your next stay in an Airbnb, check to make sure it doesn't run the risk of becoming a blazing hot inferno that will lead to your untimely demise.
Working out at home, you can run the risk of "majoring in the minors," which means putting a lot of effort and intensity into activities that just don't have that much payoff.
"By starting at a smaller size, plus retailers would run the risk of distorted fit or have to invest in new patterns that enable them to service a wider range," she said.
Oddly enough, sometimes it's even easier to talk about this stuff with a friend who doesn't have kids because you don't run the risk of having someone compare your child-rearing skills.
At the same time, if this is made too explicit you run the risk of upsetting your current employment status, not least if you are caught in the act of job hunting.
Nowadays, however, I leave my pubes to grow out for so long that if I wear a skirt or a dress in high temperatures, I run the risk of starting a bushfire.
Some of the substances run the risk of interacting with drugs (like anti-depressants) in unpredictable ways, especially if you're taking the substances in large doses — say, as a replacement for alcohol.
"Those who transact business for or on his behalf run the risk of being sanctioned themselves, including VTB Bank or Glencore should they choose to work on Deripaska's behalf," said the spokesman.
You can pick a shoulders-up or full-body shot, but full-body images run the risk of looking more like a senior portrait than a professional photo if you aren't careful.
But it's hard to recommend because it's so expensive and, if you buy one, you run the risk of not being able to run apps you might need for work or school.
Those who decide not to run the risk of fleeing are living in fear of getting killed or wounded in their homes, with little food and water and limited access to healthcare.
Once you're at least 20 percent underinsured you run the risk of being sorely disappointed if you were to ever make any claim, even if it is not for a complete rebuild.
Without calling out the deeper problem that lies behind attacks of Omar, however, we run the risk of reducing the campaign against her to the particulars of her person and her situation.
When it comes to financial data, consumers are increasingly exposed and run the risk of their personal information getting into the wrong hands with each use of a credit or debit card.
But none of my fears (and I have many) of what a Hillary Clinton presidency will bring are strong enough to make me want to run the risk of being proven right.
Any boss who treated an underling like this in a more traditional work setting would likely have to go through some forced management training or run the risk of being fired themselves.
So I am thinking if I try to walk out, I take the risk of IEDS (mines) if I go off road, and I run the risk that I will be sniped.
Every time you succumb to the urge to pinch a bit from the bowl, you run the risk of picking up a case of salmonella—but it never seems to stop us.
But you also run the risk of contamination if conditions aren't completely sterile (Hallen-Adams says she's tasted her own, but said she feels far more comfortable with a store-bought bottle).
My advice would be to stay a reader, and to never run the risk of writing as a job—there is, it pains me to inform you, no leeway for taking holiday.
You run the risk of stupid little crumbs getting lodged beneath or between those shallow keys, disabling the key switch so completely that typing a single sentence can become a Herculean task.
It's the sort of music that asks you to close your eyes and really listen—otherwise, you run the risk of missing out on a multitude of tiny nuances and instrumental embellishments.
Trump's views (not to mention his stated anti-immigration policies) run the risk of discouraging bright individuals, particularly women and non-white minorities, from bringing their intellectual capital to the United States.
"Without a diverse low carbon mix and with increasing demand to power electric vehicles, we run the risk of becoming more reliant on burning fossil fuels to produce our electricity," he added.
Much has been said about the "normalization" of such ideas — that by portraying Nazis as average, even sympathetic, people, journalists run the risk of helping to integrate violent ideologies into the mainstream.
Given the outsize attention these collaborations are likely to attract, they feel more like stunts than creative choices, and run the risk of reducing his rebounding career to the symbolism he deploys.
"But they are very ensconced in higher education, and if you try to do some kind of ban, which is often what people are asking, you run the risk of underground behavior."
Andy Rothman, an investment strategist at Matthews Asia, said in March that Chinese debt is "a serious problem" but is unlikely to run the risk of a hard landing or banking crisis.
Two, you become like a wildcat bank from the 1800s and issue banknotes that aren't backed, but then you run the risk of a bank run and your value going to zero.
"You run the risk of exposing sensitive sources and methods," said Robert Litt, a former general counsel for the director of national intelligence and now an attorney for the law firm Morrison & Foerster.
"We would run the risk of aggravating the food crisis in that country, products would be getting out-of-date or could be delivered that are not fit for human consumption," Lira said.
You have to fully engage on lots of fronts all at once because, if you don't, you run the risk of causing major problems -- for yourself and the country -- without even meaning to.
Technology can be hard to write into stories, and writers run the risk of creating a piece of work that will eventually become dated if they name-drop MySpace, Twitter, Snapchat, emojis, etc.
A broader focus would "raise additional questions about how to protect American patients," and would run the risk of allowing counterfeits or other unsafe drugs getting into the U.S. supply chain, HHS said.
"I would like us the raise the debt ceiling sooner rather than later so we don't run the risk of defaulting," said Mnuchin, insisting that the government is obligated to honor its debt.
Many patients get started on opioids after a hospital stay, and once they start they run the risk of staying on the drugs for a long period of time, Stevens said by email.
Bank of England Governor Mark Carney has previously said Britain and the EU should adopt a system of mutual recognition or run the risk of a damaging hit to financial services across Europe.
"We run the risk of making everything worse, but I'm not sure it could get much worse than the money bail system we have in place right now," explains Schancke, the legal scholar.
In our attempts to make the internet safer, we run the risk of making it much more hostile to a vulnerable group that's deeply dependent on the web for activism, community, and connection.
If your gums bleed when you brush, you run the risk of bacteria entering your bloodstream, theoretically exposing you to communicable diseases like hepatitis B and HIV, says South Florida periodontist David Genet.
"If you rely on private companies to make these improvements, you then run the risk of having improvements only made in specific areas," Andrew Albert, a member of the MTA Board, told Gothamist.
For a grow this size, guys like Jim sometimes opt to fly their workers in from another country rather than run the risk of hiring locals who are more familiar with the region.
But it is puzzling: If animals stay in one place for many generations, they run the risk of inbreeding, facing resource scarcity and other dangers that moving elsewhere could allow them to avoid.
"If [male] birds are avoiding noise to be heard, they run the risk of dispatching a signal outside the time period when it could be heard by females or potential rivals," he explains.
Adam Taylor from The Washington Post explains: The move is likely to cause consternation among rights groups, which have already argued that anti-misinformation laws run the risk of hindering freedom of speech.
Wines of The Times Wines made from the handful of international grapes planted throughout the world must have qualities that cause them to stand out or they run the risk of being ignored.
" Davis contrasts the leadership of her father's administration to Trump's, writing for the Daily Beast that, "We run the risk, it seems to me, of forgetting what the presidency is supposed to be.
Read more " _____ • Saikrishna Bangalore Prakash in Vox "Those pining for the political destruction of Donald Trump run the risk that the villagers will not come running if and when a wolf finally appears.
Morey's apology underscores the difficulty American companies face when they want to do business within China's massive economy, but can't run the risk of saying anything that will upset the country's autocratic government.
The Nation's Jeet Heer, for instance, argued Wednesday that a broad impeachment would "run the risk of getting bogged down in details" and be more easily framed by Republicans as a partisan exercise.
But doing so could run the risk of frustrating lawmakers in the 235-member caucus who called for impeachment long before a whistleblower complaint was filed raising concerns about Trump's interactions with Ukraine.
And a pastor who's never preached on immigration reform but suddenly starts pointedly doing so weeks before an election could theoretically run the risk of losing the church's tax-exempt status as well.
But those who dismiss the past just because it's past run the risk of not appreciating the fact that the past, like most of us in earlier times, was imperfectly doing its best.
It is in none of our interests to run the risk of an accidental no deal (exit) with all the disruption that would bring, or to allow this to drag on any further.
"When you nominate candidates who are unqualified and an embarrassment to the party, you run the risk of ruining your entire brand," said Josh Holmes, a Republican consultant and close ally of McConnell.
Even in solidly blue states like Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maryland, voters have opted to install somewhat moderate Republican governors rather than run the risk of letting Democrats raise taxes on the middle class.
"Those who have not completed their planning by June and start implementing it run the risk of being on the losing side next year after Brexit," he told the Anglo-German club in Hamburg.
European Union and Greek law forbid extradition to a country where an alleged offender would run the risk of not receiving a fair trial and where his or her life could be in danger.
"They run the risk of having inadvertently violated the criminal conflicts of interest restriction at 18 USC 208," Shaub wrote, citing a federal conflicts law in an email to Trump Transition aide Sean Doocey.
"It would run the risk of rejection and serious discord," according to Sobel, who added that Washington is well aware that other countries are skeptical of U.S. attempts to maintain the World Bank presidency.
They know both are connected, but run the risk of being accused by the government of bringing reporters to places where they can do what Kiir's regime considers to be "negative" stories about it.
Visco, referring to new European rules that seek to limit the amount of state aid to salvage lenders, said these cannot run the risk of undermining confidence in banks and the deposits they hold.
Consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist Shazia Malik also tells The Independent that Passion Dust users could run the risk of inflammatory discharge and tiny scratches that might lead to sex not being fun at all.
You don't appear to have to swipe on people's faces, though of course that's because a swipe mechanic would probably run the risk of making LinkedIn's feature look more like... well, a dating app.
"If these two effects—acute and long-term light exposure—were driven through the same pathway, then every minor light exposure would run the risk of completely shifting our body's circadian rhythms," Schmidt said.
What the looming qualification challenges mean for these candidates is that they NEED to make something happen in this debate or run the risk of being left behind as the 2020 campaign grinds on.
In both his public and private, paid speeches, Obama doesn't plan to criticize the current administration, according to his aides, who felt any disapproving words run the risk of galvanizing more support for Trump.
E-commerce companies are under pressure to offer free shipping from deal-chasing consumers, and those who don't may run the risk of falling behind their competitors, President and CEO Josh Silverman said Wednesday.
The rating system, which uses customer feedback to determine driver performance, is a pain point for many drivers, who run the risk of getting kicked off the platform if their scores fall too low.
"If that trust is broken at any point we run the risk of not being able to realize the important and valuable effects of AI being infused in enterprises around the world," Frey says.
Telecom companies argue that the U.S. model means they can make long-term investment decisions safe in the knowledge they don't run the risk of losing the asset at some point in the future.
"We don't want to run the risk of seeing our territory shut off from European trade routes now that we really need them," the League leader in city hall, Fabrizio Ricca, told La Stampa.
For instance, if you are a young retirement saver and have all your money in safer investments because you're afraid of stocks, you run the risk of your return barely beating inflation over decades.
Particularist appeals to drive turnout among anti-Trump constituencies are unlikely to do the job on their own, plus they run the risk of giving a lift to Trump on the question of sincerity.
The sign in question informs passersby that his bacon has the miraculous properties to ensure that those who eat it will never run the risk of suddenly transforming into a bona fide suicide bomber.
That way, they can discuss their attendance (if they are speaking) or send regrets if they are not (and don't want to run the risk of bumping into each other at the chocolate fountain).
I also have one cautionary piece of advice for my friends in the media: Work harder to make the stories more accurate and airtight; otherwise, you run the risk of further eroding your credibility.
If you feel you're missing out when you see other people with more, you run the risk of wrapping up your self-esteem in your net worth, not to mention spending beyond your means.
"We don't want to run the risk of seeing our territory shut off from European trade routes now that we really need them," the League leader in city hall, Fabrizio Ricca, told La Stampa.
Getting stuck in a negative cycle Friends are good outlets to vent to, but when it's a work friend on the receiving end, you run the risk of getting stuck in a negative cycle.
You also don't want any heavy-handed metaphors like It Follows or Raw, either, which are both great films but run the risk of turning you on before turning you off of sex forever.
Business groups, meanwhile, say lawmakers run the risk of putting the United States at a global disadvantage if it does not reduce the corporate tax rate to a level commensurate with other industrialized nations.
Hundreds of residents, including artists, now run the risk of losing their spaces if they fail to apply to attain legal loft status by June 15, the deadline for applications for Loft Law coverage.
Corruption is a trap that makes it hard for criminalized civil servants to have a normal life outside the regime, because they will always run the risk of ending up in jail or dead.
They also run the risk of forcing the accused to make an impossible choice: Plead guilty with little to no information about their case or go to trial and risk an even harsher punishment.
Despite the seeming well-meaning aspirations of HWS to a create a kind of kunsthalle in downtown LA, they run the risk of blurring the distinction between the public museum and the private one.
Further research points to another reason for concern: If patients don't take all their prescribed pills, the leftovers can be stolen or diverted to other people, who then run the risk of becoming dependent.
We must ramp up quickly; drug resistance is spreading; if it spins out of control, we run the risk of a huge resurgence of malaria in other parts of Asia and especially in Africa.
"What critics said: "Distinctly uncomfortable to watch" and reveals "a sad, surreal, and often funny truth about the American dream: to attain it, dreamers run the risk of blindly believing they're entitled to anything.
In fact, Lew warned that if the U.S. were to overdo it on sanctions in the future, the nation would run the risk of undermining its position as a dominant power across the globe.
For one, if you eliminate gluten from your diet and then get tested for celiac disease, you run the risk of a false negative result, because an accurate diagnosis requires that you consume gluten.
False stories spread so quickly that even authoritative denials often could not contain the damage done and many people run the risk of becoming "unwilling accomplices in spreading biased and baseless ideas", he said.
If you pushed all of your savings into shares of a flashy tech company, say, you'd run the risk of losing a sizeable amount of your investment if the business fell on unexpected hard times.
Sheriff Troy Nehls hopped on Facebook Wednesday to address the driver behind the "offensive display": Get in touch, he wrote in a since-deleted post, or run the risk of getting charged with disorderly conduct.
Most observers and analysts believe the Socialists will go for the first option, to give them time to regroup and not run the risk of losing more ground in a third election in a year.
Value investing and entrepreneurialism are very much the same in the sense that they require contrarian decisions without immediate payback and run the risk of being misunderstood by the market for long periods of time.
Those Russians cunning enough to have infiltrated Kryjivka (and there are many, as the restaurant is apparently popular with Russian tourists) run the risk of getting 'taken hostage' and made to sing anthems in Ukrainian.
E-commerce companies are under pressure to offer free shipping from deal-chasing consumers, and those who don't may run the risk of falling behind their competitors, Etsy President and CEO Josh Silverman said Wednesday.
Guardians 2 crackles with so much wild humor and fizzy color that there's no mistaking it for one of its grimmer superhero cousins, nor does it ever run the risk of being overshadowed by them.
The revelers were transgender, people who run the risk of violence in conservative Muslim Pakistan where they often work as dancers at weddings and other parties but are rarely allowed to hold their own celebrations.
"In Europe, they vaccinate chickens against salmonella, so fewer of their eggs run the risk of salmonella inside the egg," explains Marianne H. Gravely, a Senior Technical Information Specialist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
But it stops short of pre-emptive U.S. military strikes, which could run the risk of massive North Korean retaliation and huge casualties in Japan and South Korea and among U.S. forces in both countries.
Democratic politicians using this language not only run the risk of distracting from their anti-Trump message, but may wind up looking like they're trying too hard, a phoniness voters can spot a mile away.
"If we keep the status quo and not move stuff around, we run the risk of losing populations or species," says Laura Gray-Steinhauer, who researches climate change adaptation strategies at the University of Alberta.
These limitations run the risk of negatively impacting women's health, the protection of which is an objective of the state; they may force women to pursue unsafe abortions as a means of terminating a pregnancy.
If they block this plan without going to the negotiating table, they run the risk of the American voters blaming them every time they hit a pothole on the road or suffer from flight delays.
" Mnuchin said he believes there is a bipartisan fix for Fannie and Freddie and one that won't "end up with a giant bailout" or where "we don't run the risk of completely limiting housing finance.
However, cancel culture has exploded online to such a degree that public figures now run the risk of being canceled the moment they make a mistake, or even for mistakes they made in the past.
Unless we can find a better way to ensure that our constitutional democracy serves the country's needs, we run the risk of losing support for democracy to the growing forces of autocracy here and abroad.
But as Bloomberg points out, the price of booze will remain constant, and heavy drinkers will still run the risk of dealing with a price surge on their rides home once the bars let out.
False stories, the Pope said, spread so quickly that even authoritative denials often could not contain the damage done and many people run the risk of becoming "unwilling accomplices in spreading biased and baseless ideas".
While their popularity may lures in traffickers — who are willing to run the risk of being caught in order to find more customers — these websites actually lead to an increase in reports of sex trafficking.
But if the U.K. government cannot agree on a withdrawal agreement or negotiate another extension by April 12, Britain will run the risk of being forced out of the EU without a deal in place.
By downloading security software, consumers also run the risk that an untrustworthy antivirus maker — or hacker or spy with a foothold in its systems — could abuse that deep access to track customers' every digital movement.
Javier Peña, a lawyer for the National Butterfly Center, told CNN the structures run the risk of getting clogged up in the event of a flood with debris pileup and creating a potentially dangerous situation.
That's what Mason says -- that she did not know she was not allowed to vote and would never have run the risk of leaving her family again for prison in order to cast a ballot.
"When you start to talk about mass media, with national or international reach, you run the risk of losing the interest of readers who are interested in stories on their smaller communities," Mr. Gilbert said.
The rebound in reserves could ease fears in global markets that China will engineer another sharp one-off devaluation of the yuan, which would run the risk of inflaming trade tensions with the new U.S. administration.
Unleash your supernatural powers against your prey, but be mindful of your surroundings at all times or run the risk of breaking the Masquerade -- the absolute law of secrecy that keeps Vampire society hidden from humanity.
Image: Facebook/Audra D. BridgesEarly Monday morning, everyone with an internet connection learned that if they fly on United Airlines, they run the risk of being forcibly ejected from their seat and left covered in blood.
There is absolutely no doubt that this bill would require any tech company that encrypts the data of its users to entirely reengineer how it secures said data or run the risk of potentially ruinous fines.
That could take the stock ... I've said I think Tesla could run the risk of declining 30-50 percent this year because they could end up in a liquidity crunch at the end of the year.
Producers Matthew Kaundart and Luka Fisher's documentary 'The Cardboard Artist' takes us through Greenwood's journey as an artist and touches on the life and death of his installations, which constantly run the risk of being destroyed.
"Nicki is more popular (based on Instagram followers) and more powerful (at least by tenure), but if you're lured onto unfamiliar ground, you run the risk of being beaten with experience," The Ringer's Micah Peters wrote.
When we glance over images in a news feed and pass judgment without considering the context, we run the risk of becoming numb to the reality that addiction is a disease, not a choice, he said.
Beto will be in the first CNN debate in Detroit and absolutely MUST find a way to show some life -- or run the risk of watching his once-promising candidacy end sooner than he'd like. 4.
"We run the risk that climate change can feel like something that is happening to someone else but if you visit Kiribati or you visit Tuvalu, this is real, this is not a hypothetical," she said.
"I think if you start ascribing a moral intent as it were to someone by saying that they've lied, I think you run the risk that you look like you are not being objective," he added.
"I can't sleep in my farm because I run the risk of being kidnapped, raped or killed," said Wolmar Baptista, a 55-year-old rancher who rose from a meal to applaud as Bolsonaro passed by.
As it becomes increasingly likely that Omar Mateen, the suspected gunman in Orlando, was motivated by an extremist ideology, we likewise run the risk of forgetting the L.G.B.T. victims of this most recent attack as well.
Worse, neither side has figured out how to explain these institutional constraints without deflating their core supporters or even being attacked as "sell outs" by angry partisans and run the risk of a major primary challenge.
When we allow the President and his staff to dictate what questions they answer -- or whether they answer questions at all -- we run the risk of sliding down a slippery slope away from a healthy democracy.
S. trade war raise fears of a global recession, businesses run the risk of being caught in a self-fulfilling vicious cycle, a top Australian central banker warned on Thursday, threatening the country's sturdy jobs market.
If you're planning on remodeling your home in stages, but you don't want to run the risk of rising interest rates over time, think about asking your bank for a HELOC with a fixed rate option.
The game largely succeeds at this, though it does run the risk of alienating stalwart fans of the older games who fell hard on either side of the Dawn of War/ Dawn of War II spectrum.
But by recklessly highlighting stolen data—especially if it's highly personal—journalists, readers, and the people who share the documents run the risk of not only hurting hacking victims again, but also promoting the hackers' agenda.
In confronting it, we run the risk of being consumed by negative feelings, of surrendering to a reality that can feel like hopelessness: We'll never escape the world's injustice, its idiotic bureaucracies and snarls of traffic.
Republicans are acutely aware that if they turn on Mr. Trump, they run the risk of alienating the voters who made him president, voters the Republican Party is going to badly need in the midterm elections.
Unlike companies, which often settle cases rather than run the risk of negative publicity, individuals are much more likely to fight charges that can result in a rejection of the charges by a jury or judge.
"If the funding is exhausted by the end of January, no one would want to run the risk of having any (bond) issuance being postponed because there is no funding available," one of the sources said.
If health-care professionals are not aware of such significant changes to the federal health-care agenda, we run the risk of watching access and services slip away from our patients that need it the most.
"The takeaway message of this research is not about putting the responsibility on women, but recognizing that without policy measures to address this, we run the risk of never closing the gender pay gap," he added.
Budget cuts that hurt programs that states now have in place to meet those duties run the risk of returning us to a time when some states offered industries a free lunch, creating havens for polluters.
It's not just a problem within the person who's injecting…Wherever you are increasing any sort of disease in any community, you run the risk of it becoming a problem for everyone and becoming an outbreak.
Whereas in Venezuela buyers and sellers run the risk of the government discovering their Bitcoin activities and blocking their bank accounts, in Argentina the government is more concerned about individuals not declaring their income or capital gains.
That's when you need to get your curls from drenched to dry, or run the risk of water — and product — seeping from your hair, ruining your fresh T-shirt, and still feeling damp when lunchtime rolls around.
Conversely, scientists didn't know if there was alien life on the Moon or elsewhere, and they didn't want to run the risk of space agencies bringing back a deadly space microbe that had never been seen before.
Why it matters: The student bodies of Ivy League schools are less representative of the U.S. overall, and campaigns with less diversity run the risk of failing to reach voters from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.
Washington (CNN)Two major projects to build President Donald Trump's border wall using nearly $1 billion in Pentagon funds run the risk of being delayed due to a construction firm protesting the contracts won by two rivals.
That is to say, if you constantly reposition images of public anti-Black violence into the (still racist) public sphere, you run the risk of reproducing violence, and repeatedly forcing Black media consumers to relive racial trauma.
I believe that we run the risk of handing the presidency to Donald Trump if we try to too hard to play it safe or ignore the profound dynamics that are happening in our country right now.
Unearthing them for further exploration just proves you can't go back again, you can't recreate the original magic — and you run the risk of raising the question of whether things were so magical in the first place.
"We would urge caution against EU-only measures that could run the risk of creating double taxation," Chas Roy-Chowdhury, head of taxation at the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), a group representing accountants worldwide, said.
Unless the road linking the Olympic village to the yet-to-be-built National Stadium is constructed in time, Tokyo could run the risk of athletes and spectators alike being stuck in traffic around the key venues.
" Rancic says "over-preparing for the red carpet is a bad thing because you run the risk of not being in the moment and you can easily miss something that's really interesting and right before your eyes.
NBC host Megyn Kelly said Thursday that women need to be careful of how American society and institutions deal with men accused of sexual misconduct, or run the risk that allegations against men will lose their weight.
A Twitter spokesperson pointed The Verge to new rules that the company rolled out in a broader effort to combat spam, which state that violators run the risk of having their accounts being temporarily or permanently suspended.
There was no home cultivation provision written into the language of the bill, so patients could still run the risk of getting slapped with criminal charges if caught with cannabis that is not authorized by the state.
They're also steeper than than Warby Parker's pricetags, which start at $95, though you'll run the risk of wearing the same exact frames as multiple people around you, given the OG glasses disruptor's ubiquity at this point.
Such incentives run the risk of causing more harm to the very women they're meant to support, said Wazhma Frogh, a member of Afghanistan's High Peace Council and founder of the Kabul-based Women & Peace Studies Organization.
Polls with a short fielding period take around three days, depending on what questions the pollsters are asking, and pollsters often run the risk of having their poll completely irrelevant by the time the data is released.
While so-called gray zone operations are meant to stay below the threshold of inciting open conflict, the moves always run the risk of touching off exactly what both sides are trying to avoid: a shooting war.
Of course, founder and CEO Alex Ljung has denied rumors that SoundCloud may be on the verge of closing—or, as some artists have speculated, that users run the risk of their files vanishing into thin air.
The first place a parent brings a sick child is usually the pediatrician's office, and we did not want to run the risk of exposing a new baby to a virus that can remain airborne for hours.
These individuals are less likely to have access to key resources and information, and run the risk of trailing behind when they're not thought of as the go-to person to call with a problem or question.
As Bahar Gholipour wrote for Live Science in 2014: But naming the virus Yambuku would run the risk of stigmatizing the village, said another scientist, Dr. Joel Breman, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
If given these pouches when irritable, children also run the risk of learning to associate sweet snacks with calming down, and to think of snacking in general as an activity to satisfy emotional rather than physiological needs.
But he finally decided it was time to pass the baton to Haddad on the deadline set by the court and not run the risk of votes for his party's ticket being annulled by the electoral court.
Although this proposal provides a good opportunity for lawmakers to engage in meaningful policy discussion with robust empirical data, it does kick the can down the road for three years and run the risk of losing momentum.
Frazier's decision and his subsequent tongue-lashing on Twitter illustrate the tricky balancing act for America's CEOs: Avoid Trump and run the risk of being his target — or get close to this White House at your peril.
"It's tactically smart, but we run the risk now of making tactically smart decisions that are like the tactically smart fouls in a basketball game when you are down," said former Republican National Committee aide Doug Heye.
Remember that if you take out a secured loan using your home, your car, or something else as collateral, you run the risk of losing whatever you&aposve leveraged should you become unable to pay your loans.
If an immigrant fails to appear at court hearings they run the risk of being ordered deported in absentia by an immigration judge, which makes having accurate and detailed information on the forms crucial for asylum-seekers.
And while the terminal can be hard to learn — it's not very intuitive — once they pick it up, a lot of people don't want to learn a new tool and run the risk of making a mistake.
But they don't have much time: The tide is already going out, and only two hours remain to do the field research before they run the risk of getting stuck here in a boat beached in sand.
When online shopping at work, you also run the risk of giving those bad actors access to your company server, which can cause all kinds of problems, said Bill Driscoll, senior district president at Robert Half Technology.
Political scaremongering and kneejerk responses to short run crime statistics run the risk of undoing the progress that we have made to date, and will distract from the focused, localized work that still needs to be done.
But Luis Hernandez, president of manufacturing industry chamber INDEX in the border city of Tijuana, said companies run the risk of falling out of compliance with existing international agreements unless background checks are run on prospective employees.
"We didn't want to run the risk of laying the predicate that he agrees to their version of the facts," the lawyer, Roderick O. Ford, said on Tuesday before Mr. Haas had said the case was closed.
Of course, when you're everywhere, you run the risk of being stretched thin, and Giacchino has recently been just that, even in 2017 (where he wrote the treacly, awful score for the treacly, awful Book of Henry).
Politicians who vote against such bills run the risk of getting hit with attack ads in their next campaign, as famously happened to Ralph Northam when he ran for governor of Virginia against Ed Gillespie in 2017.
But until Congress closes the loophole for White House staffers, or the Justice Department amends its opinion permitting the hiring of such personnel, we run the risk of giving undue power to underqualified relatives of top federal officials.
Repair shops can charge up to $40-70 and aren't guaranteed to provide the same level of service, while battery replacement kits can run as low as $20 but always run the risk of damaging the phone.[TechCrunch]
Most Class 10/U1/V10 cards will handle 1080p video comfortably, but for 4K footage it's a good idea to go up to U3/V30 instead, otherwise you run the risk of losing frames resulting in stuttered video.
"What you've been doing has become so important to you, that when you run into a friend, you run the risk of being more interested in talking about yourself than asking your friend how they're doing," he says.
Twitter's verification system works well enough to be trusted, but the moment we decide to trust it, especially with volatile figures like Musk and Trump, we run the risk of being badly misled should major accounts get hijacked.
But Geoffrey Alpert, an American expert on police chases, thinks the ramming tactic risks "pretty vicious falls" or worse, and so is not widely used in America (though fleeing suspects there run the risk of being shot instead).
Bowser, my go-to character, for example, has a set that will earn you higher rolls than the average die — but you run the risk of whiffing it and landing on a side that will lose you coins.
The deal comes at a time of uncertainty over Britain's exit from the European Union and Blackstone and Thomson Reuters run the risk that the LSE share price could fall if Britain leaves the EU without a deal.
In the process, policies run the risk of treating nursing mothers as children themselves, whose needs are best known by global policy makers sitting thousands of miles away, not doctors and humanitarians nearby doing their best to help.
"We need to continue to develop a broader market base, or else we run the risk that other commodities have had of just becoming so focused on Chinese growth that it can become extremely additive," Woodside's Coleman said.
Bramson has so far failed in attempts to get the lender to scale back its investment banking activities, which he says have weighed on shareholder returns and run the risk of the bank needing to raise fresh capital.
"By allowing everybody equal access, you run the risk that bad actors and hate speech drive out and chill the environment for others," said Emily Bell, the director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University.
As the experience of our allies in Italy has taught us, however, if we fail to take this coronavirus seriously, then we run the risk that in a few months the national emergency declaration will not be enough.
If inflation expectations begin to fall, we run the risk of a deflationary spiral, which occurs when consumers and businesses defer consumption and investment because they know they can consume/invest at ever cheaper prices in the future.
As the Cabo case shows, spring breakers not only run the risk of infecting those in their choice vacation spot, but of infecting themselves, bringing it back to where they traveled from, and infecting those who live there.
If congressional Republicans fail to pass spending bills this summer, they again run the risk of funding the government through stopgap resolutions that keep programs on autopilot — and in the shape that President Barack Obama left them in.
These possibilities are real — roughly 10 percent to 20 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage — and many women prefer to stay silent, rather than run the risk of sharing early, only to have to share painful news later.
Lawmakers have been working through possible compromises that would let people continue to deduct a certain amount of property or income taxes, but Republicans still run the risk of raising taxes on broad portions of middle-income constituents.
Gift a FDT Bouquet, from $40, available at FDTAs with many things you buy online, you often run the risk of ordering something that looks amazing on your screen but ends up being less than impressive in person.
High-level meetings in China are typically accompanied by a security crackdown - as well as uncharacteristically smog-free blue skies - with the stability-obsessed party not wanting to run the risk that anyone or anything offers a distraction.
And, third, when agencies turn to contractors as a 'default' option without careful analysis, they run the risk of paying more to get work done than they would have paid if they had just relied on Federal employees.
Over the counter painkillers—favoured because they are cheap and easily available—are one of the leading causes of liver damage in the UK. Overdose on depressants such as sleeping pills, and you run the risk of brain damage.
"There's a difference between stating your areas for growth in a matter-of-fact way and talking about them as if you are ashamed of them," Pong says, noting that you can also run the risk of sounding disingenuous.
"They are trying to appeal to specific groups with these specific policies (but) when they make all these promises they run the risk of frightening taxpayers," says Glen Bolger, a partner in the Republican polling firm Public Opinion Strategies.
Details: This weekend, charity confederation Oxfam intends to start distributing aid, including water purification tabs and hygiene kits, as hundreds of thousands of survivors in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe run the risk of waterborne illness including cholera and diarrhea.
You run the risk that you'll turn your living room into an electrical fire to be unraveled by CSI, or more likely, that something will be wrong with the old gear or all the components won't be properly paired.
In a more in-depth discussion of the situation on Snapchat, Jenner explained she had never had cereal with milk because as a kid, she liked it crunchy and never wanted to run the risk of making it soggy.
"If you buy what has gone up just because it has gone up, you are buying for reasons that have nothing to do with valuations and run the risk of buying at the top of a bubble," he said.
Since it's decentralized, developers don't run the risk of losing reviews if they are banned or lose access to any particular platform (which is a risk they face if they get most of their work from a single marketplace).
When you jack up your car in a spot that's not a jacking point, you run the risk of damaging the underside of your car or the jack failing, which could be very dangerous if you're underneath the car.
The concern, shared by many Austrians, is that the fraternities' deep roots in the party run the risk of mainstreaming the radical right into national life, giving extremists a powerful soapbox to address their politics to a broader audience.
But if a Democratic candidate today were to talk about the importance of immigrants learning English -- like Obama did -- so that our country has a common currency of communication, they'd run the risk of being excommunicated from the party.
If we don't come to grips with this widespread and high-velocity shift from essentially "doing the work" to "creating, organizing and supervising," we run the risk of continued economic stagnation, increasing social inequalities and a more insular society.
If the economy continues to do well, a majority of voters get a bigger tax break than they anticipate, and the Russia investigation comes up empty-handed, then Democrats run the risk of being the party that cried wolf.
As temperatures creep higher, though, you run the risk of reaching the flash point, at which gases can ignite in the presence of an open flame, or the fire point, at which the oils themselves can spontaneously catch fire.
"Even though it's very emotionally-draining and women are going to have to be stressed, unfortunately asymptomatic partners had been coming in and testing positive, and then they run the risk of infecting their partner and their newborn."Dr.
"An urgent response is required, failing which we run the risk of finding ourselves stuck in a long period of growth, the brunt of which will be felt primarily by the most vulnerable," said Boone in a blog post.
This is because when you leave yourself signed into your Google account, you run the risk of allowing access to your email, your Google Docs, any files in your Drive folders, your calendar, and lots of other personal information.
GENEVA, Aug 2 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump's attacks on the media violate the basic norms of press freedom and run the risk of triggering real violence against journalists, the U.N. rapporteur for freedom of expression said on Thursday.
Desperate to limit the reach of the virus, governments have imposed quarantines, encouraged workers to stay home and generally frightened people into avoiding travel, restaurants, trade shows and other activities that run the risk of encountering other human beings.
Ayers plans to return to his home state of Georgia, where he could potentially run for office, and perhaps did not want to run the risk of his reputation being marred by a tumultuous tenure in the Trump administration.
Until CCC and other organizations set firm anti-harassment policies and name individuals like Appelbaum who have been banned from attending, Komlo and Steele say that women entering the privacy community for the first time run the risk of being harmed.
David noted that in 30 states "you run the risk of being fired or losing your housing or being denied access to public spaces, because of your LGBTQ status" because there is no state law to prevent that from happening.
By omitting or misrepresenting critical health information or failing to present multiple options for treatment, as a physician would do with their patients, influencers run the risk of leaving their followers with a possibly dangerous, largely incomplete kind of hope.
Go to a gym that's close to work If you have to take public transport, you run the risk of less workout time due to traffic or transportation delays - it can also make the whole experience more stressful and unappealing.
If you hold these, you run the risk of the bottom blowing out and spending the rest of your holiday at the ER.Not all states permit the sale of fireworks but this brand is reportedly sold nationwide where they do.
A Supreme Court ruling, if not carefully crafted, can run the risk of engendering suspicion abroad in the American tech industry, balkanizing the internet, or making it comically onerous for law enforcement to get their hands on cloud-stored emails.
If we choose to ignore these women so we can enjoy pure, unadulterated art, we run the risk of sounding like Adrien Brody, who famously said he abstains from reading allegations against the people he's worked with, like Polanski and Allen.
Deciding how to respond in a conversation, or choosing whether to search for food on a mountain that's safe for the apes, or go down to the plains where they run the risk of encountering people; there are choices everywhere.
I'm not saying that I do now, but as I'm working my way up the ladder at my daytime job, I don't necessarily want to run the risk of running into someone who may know me that way while I'm escorting.
If the increase in GDP is much lower than expected, Republicans run the risk of losing key voters who were promised a consistently strong and expanding economy due to the tax cuts supported by Republicans and opposed by congressional Democrats.
But if we chose to only focus on those who fit that singular viewpoint, we run the risk of erasing those, like Chef Hercules, who were remarkable, talented, and resourceful enough to use any and every skill to their own advantage.
The results of GP-write could also lead to stem cell therapy that doesn't run the risk of infecting the patient with another disease, which appears to be what happened to one patient who received stem cell treatment in Mexico.
First, it was reported late Monday afternoon that the FBI had "concluded" that Russia was trying to influence the election, but had decided not to publicize the information because it could run the risk of the FBI influencing the election.
While the historically enhanced scenarios described here might be interesting, stimulating in the moment or semi-entertaining, they run the risk of promoting regressive escapism, playing into the left-wing fantasy that superficial activism is enough, and, most importantly, sowing division.
It was intended to intimidate the press, and it will inevitably have that effect...It's hard to see how journalists could do this [work] with any integrity if they run the risk of prison and being branded as supporters of terrorism.
Otherwise, New York and New England run the risk of losing even more people and industry to sections of the country where the cost of living and the cost of doing business are lower, thanks in large part to cheaper energy.
"Nothing is clear, and I think as a result we could run the risk that Kim is given concessions which are not accompanied by real concessions that the United States is receiving in return from Kim and his regime," he added. .
"We don't evacuate our animals since hurricanes can change direction at the last minute and you run the risk of evacuating to a more dangerous location," the Miami-Dade Zoological Park and Gardens said in a statement earlier this week.
Because those older batteries are incapable of handling peak current draws with the same effectiveness of iPhones with newer batteries and more efficient processors, they run the risk of the device powering down to prevent damage to its internal components.
I would establish six basic conditions to create a climate where Washington sets the diplomatic table in such a way where team Trump is able to test the willingness of the Kim regime and not run the risk of getting played.
But Trump cannot run the risk of ending up in a war of attrition with a hostile Congress, which is why maintaining good relations with congressional Republicans does matter, at the same time as keeping his base on his side.
With a likely simultaneous rollback of the Medicaid expansion, people will find themselves sick and uninsured, with medical needs that can't be put off for the future: Without immunosuppressive drugs, they run the risk of losing their organs and dying.
Not all apples are red, after all, and if we train our network only on images of red apples (even if we have loads of them), we run the risk of the network not recognizing green apples at test time.
People who have coronavirus can be asymptomatic for days or even weeks -- and by continuing to carry on your normal daily life, you run the risk of infecting lots and lots of people if you do, in fact, have the virus.
By making another counterproposal after months of promises that they were only weeks away from deciding about an interview, Mr. Trump's lawyers run the risk that Mr. Mueller could conclude that they are negotiating in bad faith to prolong the investigation.
They also underline the challenges that the widening cultural gap poses for Beijing, whose growing efforts to exert influence over China's diaspora communities run the risk of falling flat or igniting a backlash that would only see them drifting further away.
To secure financing, they would have to project a certain level of income, and if they accept less than that, they run the risk of being in default, or having their lender require them to put more equity into the building.
Microsoft introduced a new performance-management framework based on growth mindsetWith any company culture shift, executives run the risk of promoting jargon more than action, and of HR representatives being the only ones who know there's a culture change underway.
" He adds that individuals rushing into gold in anticipation of a market decline also run the risk of trying the failed strategy of trying to time the market: "No one has ever demonstrated a successful ability to engage in market-timing.
These families could wait, but if they don't and are caught by Border Patrol trying to cross through the desert again, the parents could face illegal reentry charges and run the risk of being separated from their children, Williams said.
Will he run as an unapologetic centrist, a pillar of the establishment and conventional thinking that a candidate for the Democratic nomination can't move too far left or run the risk of losing the sensible center in the general election?
The security concerns were and are more specific: In an era when hackers regularly steal data from both government and private systems, why run the risk that millions of graduates' incomes could end up in the hands of bad actors?
"If our intelligence picture is degraded significantly by a drawdown in presence, we run the risk of failing to collect that critical bit of intelligence that might give us insight on the capability part of the equation," Mr. Rasmussen said.
But as older Democrats start infusing more racial justice initiatives like legalizing marijuana into their messaging and policies, they run the risk of looking particularly untrustworthy when racial scandals surface or when their current stances look drastically different from their past.
Before we dive in, a quick warning: if an app is no longer maintained in the Play Store, it isn't going to be updated anymore and thus may run the risk of not being fully secure or compliant with current Android standards.
"We are required to run it through insurance and we do not have the option of advising the patient regarding matters of the terms of their plan or their options, or we run the risk of being cut from the network," she said.
And short of a massive religious revival in America that restocks the pond, Republicans run the risk Trump's victory will conceal what they likely figured out four years ago — that 2020 and beyond look to be mathematically ugly given America's changing demographics.
This sometimes means you're forced to fiddle with the position of each gadget to ensure it's receiving a charge, or else you run the risk that you come back minutes or hours later only to find your gadget still gasping for juice.
The changes do however run the risk of provoking a culture shock among longtime members not familiar with more raucous preaching traditions, and some groups even carry stricter beliefs and practices like speaking in tongues that could appear shocking to more tradition churchgoers.
But the administration has to be careful not to stray too far from that list of more conservative names if they go to moderate they run the risk of upsetting evangelical conservatives who have stuck with the president and love that list.
"We don't evacuate our animals since hurricanes can change direction at the last minute and you run the risk of evacuating to a more dangerous location," the Miami-Dade Zoological Park and Gardens, home to 3,000 animals, said in a statement this week.
"People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products," according to the Food and Drug Administration, which is working with the company on the product recall.
While people mourn the loss of the headphone jack on the iPhone 7, they ignore the real danger of Apple's AirPods: If you wear them while you use the bathroom, you run the risk them falling from your ear into the toilet.
"Everyone has a different sense of humor, so hiring managers could run the risk of letting their personal biases and humor preferences impact their judgment of the candidate," said Ketti Salemme, a senior communications manager at TINYpulse, a human resources software company.
Recruiting coordinators can manage the entire process and make it as frictionless as possible for companies — and in this competitive hiring environment, companies may run the risk of losing out if they can't pull the trigger on a potential applicant quickly enough.
They argue that doing so would help guard against what's known as short-termism because executives would be more open to investments in the firm's future if those initial costs don't run the risk of sinking the stock value through an earnings miss.
Failing that, which is all too probable given her party's need to compete with the hardline UKIP party, any effort on her part to be more flexible in the Brexit negotiations would run the risk of a party revolt within her own ranks.
In several key races, a crowded field of strong, well-funded Democrats run the risk of splitting the vote, which could mean two Republicans advancing to a general election — locking Democrats out in districts that would have been competitive in the fall.
If you don't, you run the risk that a partner might grab your face in a movie theater and kiss you intensely, thus knocking your aid out and forcing you to scramble around on the floor looking for it with your smartphone flashlight.
As Republicans and Trump eye Minnesota as a key state for 2018 and beyond, they run the risk that the same tough talk on trade that made Trump so popular in the state might backfire on some of his most loyal supporters.
It's too many people over too long a time in real environments, and the number of optometrists that would be needed [was too much] ... I didn't want to run the risk of scratching anybody's cornea and having people complain about wearing them. 
He mentioned the increase and spread of laws that restrict free speech online, admitted that Facebook and other social media platforms run the risk of restricting their users' speech, and said that people are trying to redefine what types of speech are dangerous.
Or, just as European starlings were introduced with good intentions into Central Park in the 1890s, only to quickly spread across the continent, displacing multitudes of native birds, exotic animals run the risk of establishing themselves and becoming a harmful invasive species.
If an asymptomatic carrier of the virus hangs out at a crowded bar, for example, they run the risk of infecting dozens of others in close proximity, who could then go on to spread the virus at an exponential rate all over town.
In it, Peter Baker (not coincidentally, perhaps) said that not only does he not vote, but that he tries–apparently successfully—to not even form opinions about anything that's happening in the world, lest he run the risk of sullying his impartiality.
Those of us who are not bolstered by outside sources, those of us who are but still struggle, and say it out loud, often run the risk of seeming whiny or ungrateful; maybe we worry we will just be thought not good enough.
If Dracula had in fact been buried alive, as the skeleton arm seemed to suggest, that made a certain amount of unfortunate sense; when you spend your days lying in a coffin, you do run the risk of this kind of mixup.
If we allow ourselves to commit the fallacy of looking at things in a superficial manner — that is nearly devoid of critical thought and proper scrutiny — then we will run the risk of being quicker to point our fingers at the nearest suspect.
We would also encourage those who can, and do not want to run the risk of having to be rescued after this predicted catastrophic flooding occurs, to take this time between now and landfall to leave and go to a place of safety.
ROME (Reuters) - Italy's League party leader Matteo Salvini urged his right-wing alliance partner Forza Italia and the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement on Friday to stop bickering and agree to govern together or run the risk of a new national election.
"If you think that by the pope declaring that these are guidelines you have solved the problem, actually I think that you may run the risk of being very much disappointed," Father Zollner said in an interview in his office in Rome.
The problem therein is that all these products run the risk of oversaturating the market and watering down the original concept, turning the Korean 10-step skin care routine into another cronut, cupcake, or CrossFit— a fad whose popularity ended up ruining it.
Typically with most infrastructure businesses, startups can run the risk of being made obsolete if, for example, headset manufacturers have been secretly working on a better, faster version of their product, already well-funded and packaged up for the next hardware release.
"As Democrats, if we don't define a clear space between us and socialism, we run the risk of helping to reelect the worst president in American history, and we should take that very seriously," Hickenlooper told BuzzFeed News in an interview after his remarks.
Investors in the Canadian dollar run the risk of being "blindsided" by financial market volatility caused by global trade disputes, which has offset the boost for the currency from recent strong employment data, said Scott Lampard, head of global markets at HSBC Bank Canada.
Although Affirm may offer as low as 10 percent APR, or in some cases zero percent for select partner merchants, you still run the risk of paying more for a purchase using the company's virtual card than if you had a standard credit card.
Despite a recent rise in hate speech and a lack of progress in ending discriminatory hiring of minorities and immigrants, those who feel empowered to blatantly discriminate against immigrants still run the risk of being instantly outed and facing the wrath of everyday Internet activists.
If we are creating a system of machine learning that plays a fundamental role in all aspects of society, then the danger is that we run the risk that the systems' creators will pass on their own inherent and natural biases onto these machines.
In hindsight, I should not have played some of my matches but, in the heat of the moment, I always wanted to play the next round or the next event... But you run the risk of doing yourself more serious damage if you play on.
Update: Grindr has offered a statement on these issues, which I quote in part below (emphasis theirs): Anytime a user discloses their login credentials to an unknown third-party, they run the risk of exposing their own profile information, location information, and related metadata.
Coal-fired plants also take longer to build than their gas counterparts, and have such a long life that power companies might not want to run the risk that any single administration's policies would have the kind of longevity necessary to justify the capital expenditure.
CARL QUINTANILLA: So if we get -- if we get resolution there, we've already talked a bit about stimulus in areas like China, does the slowdown X - U.S., does your experience show you that we run the risk of having that wash on our shores?
This month, you run the risk of slipping into old family patterns, where other people might have spoken for you or made decisions on your behalf that you had to play along with because it was assumed you should be happy with what you got.
What we really need to do is educate the American youth about the plight of the polar bear, about the thawing tundra, about Alaskan villages that run the risk of falling into the sea because of the lack of sea ice protecting their shores.
So while artists run the risk of theft or the devaluation of their ideas and work, they do so in a climate where many more eyes are out to help and spread the good news than have ever existed in the art world before.
"The choice of de Puyfontaine as chairman seems legitimate but Vivendi would run the risk of clashing with Rome and regulators in a country where the state still tends to exercise some undue influence over the private sector," Andrea Giuricin, CEO at TRA Consulting, said.
Only you know your fertile period, so it's up to you to make discreet plans, or else run the risk of informing your partner in front of all your guests at a dinner party exactly why he can't go on that ski trip next Thursday.
Choose to repeal and replace Obamacare and run the risk of facing a slew of horror stories about people who lost or couldn't afford their coverage -- not to mention the fact that people, judging by the polls, do not want this law radically altered.
"I love being a nurse, and I feel guilty that I am scared to be out there," the nurse said, "but given that I'm not given the proper protective equipment, I can't run the risk of not being here for my family in the future."
If we lose it, we run the risk of turning into a hostile, bitter people convinced that we cannot better our own circumstances, and that any neighbor who appears to have more than we do or is otherwise different from us is to blame.
I don't want to run the risk that my past criticisms of Omar are used as a fig leaf by her bigoted critics, and so I'm going to be crystal clear: I don't think Omar is an anti-Semite, despite her handful of troubling comments.
In many nations, you run the risk of consuming dangerous homebrew liquor without knowing it, as criminal outfits or shitty retailers refill brand-name bottles with unregulated hooch to undercut those selling the real stuff, or make a higher profit margin charging legitimate rates.
If those were to end up in landfills, they'd run the risk of going through a process called "thermal runaway," which is basically a chemical reaction in the battery that can cause it to heat up, potentially to the point of burning or exploding.
For all that the Gates Foundation has real power, it doesn't run "the risk of establishing a private monopoly and taking control of world health as a whole"; neither does the European Commission, "under the influence of American multinationals," want to abolish authors' royalties.
While institutional retrospectives of underground scenes always run the risk of ossifying what was once a chaotic and vibrant period, the exhibition, alongside satellite shows and live performances that took place throughout the city, helped capture some of the energy of a bygone era.
Democrats in Congress, who have started additional inquiries into the president and his inner circle, run the risk of galvanizing Trump's supporters and improving his chances for re-election the same way that the Whitewater investigation helped former Democratic President Bill Clinton in the 1990s.
GUTFELD: Jesse&aposs point, for 18 months they&aposve been trying to find that one issue, the one issue that -- because when you -- when you decided that Donald Trump was Satan on the very first day he was president, you run the risk of running Satan fatigue.
In Italy we have different pictures and there is one with a pregnant woman saying don't smoke or you run the risk of not getting pregnant, and we male always ask for that one, the one that, that we are not going to be pregnant, please.
The lesson in this is that if you can't get your round closed by the end of November, you run the risk of losing momentum during the holidays and having to reset your process or deal with worse terms by having fewer potential investors at the table.
"When you decide to take on the [chief security officer] title, you decide that you're going to run the risk of having decisions made above you or issues created by tens of thousands of people making decisions that will be stapled to your resume," he said.
The FDA warns that people who have a severe sensitivity or allergy to milk "run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products," but acknowledges the product is otherwise safe to consume if you don't have a reaction to milk.
Well, it is the wild west out there—you don't get the security of future Apple updates, you run the risk of installing dangerous code, you'll void your warranty, and to be honest the extra utilities and apps you get aren't particularly compelling (although this is cool).
Don't Talk to Other HumansEven if you successfully set up all of the electronic filters that are needed to avoid the Mueller Report news (or just dump your gadgets into a large body of water), you still run the risk of hearing about it from other humans.
Her command of policy detail and the way our system of government works did not fail her, and she did not thus reveal herself to be a robot (in which case she'd run the risk of short circuiting on the job) or a victim of sporadic dementia.
As most recreational marijuana users can attest, however, there are limits to this feel-good effect: Drink too much before you smoke, and you run the risk of "greening out"—a nauseous sensation that kicks in when you feel sick and overwhelmed after getting too high.
If emulation of the Xbox 360 ever becomes as accessible and accurate as emulation of the Super Nintendo, finding and playing a version of Forza Horizon 2 will be trivial, but would technically be breaking the law and run the risk of prompting Microsoft's lawyers to act.
"From an organizational perspective, if you continue to allow that employee to be there you're certainly going to run the risk of a low morale among other employees who in fact are performing well or want to perform at a high level of quality," says Hartman.
" Once called out by Judge Orenstein, the government claimed IP-BOX was "not a forensic tool' but rather a 'hacking tool,'" that it was "very finicky," that using it would "run the risk of activating the auto-erase feature regardless of the risk of data destruction.
If you purchase something on eBay outside of eBay Authenticate and it turns out to be counterfeit, you run the risk of being stuck with that item and not getting your money back, unless you ask eBay to step in and they're able to remedy the situation.
"I would rather run the risk of taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut than taking a miniature rock hammer to tunnel my way out of prison - like another Andy, the one in the Shawshank Redemption," he said, referring to a film about a prison escape.
Open borders are bad not just because they pose national security risks — yes, you run the risk of letting in criminals — but also because, in the long run, they rip from us the right to define who we are as a nation and as a people.
While there's always room for improvement, some tech projects run the risk of taking the rustic charm out of drinking one of humanity's most ancient elixirs—like replacing human bartenders with more efficient robot ones and using agricultural droids to fine-tune the process of winemaking.
They also suggest balance training for older people and, for the first time, urge kids between the ages of 3 and 5 to be active for at least three hours a day, an acknowledgment that even small children run the risk of being too sedentary these days.
CMOs are unlikely to significantly change their practices as many would rather err on the side of safety than run the risk of situations like 2017 when advertisers like AT&T and Verizon found their ads popping up next to terrorism and hate content on YouTube.
" Peter Kucik, a former expert at Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control, which enforces U.S. sanctions, said such a meeting by an American executive with a sanctioned official would run the risk of violating U.S. regulations if they "went beyond casual conversation, entered into an agreement.
" Peter Kucik, a former expert at Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control, which enforces U.S. sanctions, said such a meeting by an American executive with a sanctioned official would run the risk of violating U.S. regulations if they "went beyond casual conversation, entered into an agreement.
But as a writer and student of literature, I sympathize with Paul Bloom's plea to confine "empathy" to its actual meaning, because if we do not, we run the risk of falling into an anarchic linguistic wonderland where words can mean whatever we want them to.
Subways rarely come on time, and when they do, you run the risk of getting stuck underground for hours, having your face peed on by a complete stranger, catching your first glimpse of a dead body, or witnessing the brutality of the animal kingdom in all its glory.
When Alexander Skarsgård sat down to chat with the Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon Wednesday, he likely didn't think that he would run the risk of revealing any big secrets, especially given that the late night host seemed more focused on Skarsgård's intense on-screen stares than anything else.
"The problem is, if inflation overshoots the 2 percent target that the Fed has, then we run the risk that the market gets idea that the Fed is behind the curve and ... that means that the Fed has to be much more aggressive in slowing growth," he said.
Dr. William Brandenburg of the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver and a colleague write in the Journal of Travel Medicine that people hiking, climbing, backpacking and doing other sporting activities in mountain areas run the risk of injury or illness with little medical care available nearby.
"(We're recommending) to wait for the BBB big issuers to come and to take advantage of that as opposed to trying to move into Single As and run the risk of that company deciding to leverage up and merge," said Robert Persons, a portfolio manager at MFS Investment Management.
"Particularly with software companies, you run the risk of losing your leading salespeople, engineers and developers when the stock falls, because employees feel like they're getting a pay cut," said Ms. Hindlian, who also rang the alarm on LinkedIn's use of stock-based compensation over a year ago.
"If you don't make an effort to satisfy that customer there and then, you run the risk of losing him," said Nick English, co-founder of Bremont, which said it would ship 40 percent of the new watches it is showing at Baselworld in the following few weeks.
Child marriage across the globe forces girls to drop out of school, run the risk of dangerous underage pregnancies, or — like in the cases of three girls featured in a new BBC program — see their lives turned upside down once more when they're abandoned by their adult husbands.
The only reason they did not run the risk of being burned alive was that pretty much anything in the vicinity that could burn had already burned — pine trees, houses, people, pets and cars — even a wooden umbrella on a beach where people had fled into the water.
"In Friday's court filing, Reuters reported, the DOJ argues that if this decision is ultimately upheld, "public officials who address matters relating to their public office on personal accounts will run the risk that every action taken on that account will be state action subject to constitutional scrutiny.
"The dilemma of course is you always run the risk, but the bigger risk right now for them is to not tap their voters' enthusiasm, and Warren and Sanders will certainly help energize them," said Terry Madonna, a political science professor and polling director at Franklin & Marshall College.
But if your dryer is heavy and wheezing and you lost the diffuser attachment, a blowout can feel like a painful bicep workout — and you're tempted to just skip it and step out with dripping-wet hair to run the risk of a rough hair day and possible pneumonia.
" He continued to reiterate his message, clearly stating, "If you're in a stressful situation, I don't care who you are, what your status is, I do not want you to run the risk of losing your life or a family member because you are concerned about SB 4.
You need some sort of rules on where to draw the line or else you run the risk of giving someone who is solely saying they are running for president without actually raising money or building support the same standing that serious candidates who are doing all of those things have.
Furthermore, since the company has taken the unfortunate position of refusing to adhere to all conditions set forth in our initial decision two years ago, we now demand the company unconditionally accept all of the conditions as the Commission unambiguously required in 2016, or run the risk of more severe consequences.
But if we continue pretending it is -- arguing over border walls, deporting good kids brought here as infants by their parents, and deploying our military along the southern border -- we run the risk of making it so, or of at least failing to take full advantage of our geographic bounty.
By opening up the borders to people who will not seek to achieve an American civic identity and instead view America as a place to simply seek financial relief, we run the risk of turning our country into a migrant camp and admitting people who would forever remain as strangers.
All this rigor might run the risk of making the work feel chilly or academic, but in fact the opposite is true: "Resonance II" feels warmly personal, even organic, an effect derived from a process which, in Provosty's description, straddles the universality of geometry and the specificity of subjective perception.
According to Wolfango Piccoli, from analysis firm Teneo Intelligence, the Five Star leader faces a dilemma: partner up with Lega and risk alienating his own party due to conflicting platforms, or run the risk of holding multiple inconclusive voting rounds and not end up with a speaker in the House.
On Saturday, Mr. Schiff and two others leading the inquiry wrote to Mr. Kupperman's lawyer that if Mr. Kupperman fails to show up on Monday as scheduled, he will expose the president to further charges of obstructing Congress — possibly an impeachable offense — and run the risk of being held in contempt of Congress.
Not only did I run the risk of inserting my toys too far and losing them — my friend who is a nurse says this happens much more often than you might think — but I also didn't think that the wide, log-like shape of my vibe or dildo would feel good anally.
But do we run the risk in a disease like Alzheimer's where, if you're approving drugs on an accelerated basis based on some kind of biomarker, clearing of a plaque or protein, that that's not really what's driving the disease, and you're going to get drugs on the market that don't actually work?
It was the kind of situation that appeared to run the risk of dirtying up the nominee in plenty of time for it to cripple her in November while also happening too close to primary day for the impact to sink in with the voters and get them to choose someone else.
Fifty years ago wannabe lovers taking out singles ads in the paper might have run the risk of a respondent who actually lived in a different city, but in this day and age when you set up an online profile, there are different and less obvious ways that you can be exploited.
At this point, the average gig-goer is a pampered customer expecting nothing but non-stop entertainment, which is almost impossible to deliver as a performer if you decide to play new material: people aren't familiar with the words or the melody, and you run the risk of losing your audience's attention.
Policy changes that don't take into account these factors or how they are interconnected run the risk of resulting in a set of decisions that could actually impede the very progress our nation is working toward as it seeks to grow our economy and ensure all people can succeed in their lives.
While these cabinet Republicans run the risk of being ostracized by their fellow Republicans, one could imagine a scenario where their reputations would be enhanced once the dust has settled, when people in both parties realize what a relief it is not to have to deal with such a mercurial and lawbreaking president.
Stewart Patrick, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who served on former Secretary of State Colin Powell's policy planning staff, said that such threats to aid run the risk of triggering a nationalist backlash in foreign countries, because of the perception that the U.S. is trying to pressure their governments.
I'm still able to make games now because my Crohn's disease is fairly well managed; but if I can't pay for my infusions I run the risk of having to go into a hospice for fairly extended stays, that might be too costly for me to even continue doing what I love to do.
The paper outlines five central challenges underlying the need for a new federal authority: Advise sector-specific regulators dealing with common issues: Policy concerns will vary from industry to industry, but agencies working in silos run the risk of having tunnel vision or duplicating efforts in areas such as transparency, bias, privacy and accountability.

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