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264 Sentences With "ruminations"

How to use ruminations in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "ruminations" and check conjugation/comparative form for "ruminations". Mastering all the usages of "ruminations" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Dalio draws inspiration from more than just his own ruminations.
Writing in Commentary, Eva Hoffman found Mr. Pirsig's ruminations obtuse.
Now, though, she's pouring ruminations on other relationships into her work.
How could writing down my anxious ruminations help me overcome anxiety?
" It had intricately picked ruminations, like "15 Step" and "Present Tense.
Bullough spurns authorial chaperoning, catapulting readers directly into the Hamers' ruminations.
All resonate with ruminations about the relationship between character and the brain.
Today, I'm headed to ruminations on the future of sex with Made.
Expect hard truths and witty ruminations on aging, gender and generational differences.
I am offering ruminations on why actors perform and why people watch.
My mind was filled with ruminations about the ways my life was collapsing.
His ruminations about them, turgid phallic references aside, are enlightening, if rather bleak.
A mode of transportation that takes my thoughts from anxious ruminations to empowered actions.
Our dip into The Question Bucket brings ruminations on the virtues of the mundane.
His ruminations (voiced by Elio Germano) contribute to the film's quiet sense of magic.
Ruminations and reminiscences drift into place like the fluttering contents of a snow globe.
He's evolved from dazzling taunts to ruminations that are sometimes snappy and sometimes lumpy.
But beyond its big fight, Endgame offers thoughtful ruminations on grief, failure, and mourning.
What was more interesting about Mr. Brooks's ruminations is that he never once questioned Mrs.
A generous number of clips from Mr. Jia's films accompany lengthy ruminations on their themes.
Like Runciman, Goldberg has emerged from his ruminations with a melancholy outlook on the future.
Mr. Theise's companionable ruminations provide much to ponder, preferably with a glass of great wine.
He is citing as an authority the ruminations of a discredited right-wing conspiracy theorist.
The book is full of philosophical ruminations as well as descriptions of the natural world.
She still licks her lips a lot, but today there's less time for lengthy thoughtful ruminations.
Societies learn more from their bitter experiences, after all, than from the ruminations of their intellectuals.
His ruminations coincided with final exams, which began just a few days after Navy played Army.
Instead, we get the kind of fever swamp ruminations you might find on a barely read blog.
"Ruminations" is sparse and folky: Mr. Oberst solo, playing guitar or piano along with some huffing harmonica.
With O.C.D., the brain misfires, causing it to malfunction and react to disturbing thoughts, images and ruminations.
The firefights and chase sequences made way for unhurried ruminations on the malleable fate of the self.
Henry is a loquacious dispenser of anecdotes and aesthetic ruminations, which he chalks up to his Southern provenance.
In Badlands, Sissy Spacek spins dry, folksy ruminations in a Southern lilt over horrific and quotidian events alike.
Somehow the juxtaposition of sensitive French ruminations never jars with the apparently meaningless aggression of the gameplay visuals.
I'll not soon forget the intimate way she shaped the poignant ruminations of the second movement's wistful melody.
Earlier, the fine-grained narration of lived life occasionally blossomed into ruminations on art, literature, music and life.
However, as Shadia Drury has clarified, Kojève was interpreting Hegel's complex philosophical ruminations through a distorting Nietzschean lens.
With its rhetorical ruminations and dramatizations of historical events, Francofonia could be considered Sokurov's stab at creative criticism.
More ruminations on what the heart wants, and more examples of Eastern Europe's disparate ways of expressing it.
They are ruminations on the social conditions that have become really, really explicit in the last couple of years.
The show lays out a lifetime spent turning generic subjects into ruminations on place, sense of self, and time.
And in probably the pick of the three, singer Sia's ruminations as she gets dressed in her elaborate getup.
His final ruminations were on mortality, love and a divinity that he faced and questioned to the very end.
To browse a volume of the correspondence is to wade through ruminations on color, blooming on almost every page.
Posting numerous times daily, he shares homemade parody videos and offers pop cultural ruminations ("Macklemore Is the White Eminem").
As part of that, we asked some of our Edit contributors to share their own 18-year-old ruminations.
It's filled with his young ruminations, character sketches and observations on life in the Catalonia region at the time.
Throughout his archive, he penned ruminations on musical best practices, race relations and the frustrations of the jazz industry.
Half of his posts were about his own family and the other half were his "personal ruminations," he says.
Yet, when the character's ruminations take the music into higher lyrical phrases, Mr. Owens sings with poignancy and tenderness.
This is a book of misgivings, spells, invocations, dialogs, commentaries, songs, and ruminations on philosophy, poetry, art, and politics.
And, it's not like ruminations on gentrification or the meaning of art always lend themselves to Lost-style twisting riddles.
Along with these insights, though, are ruminations on Gucci's legacy as the most quietly influential rapper of the last decade.
This quickly became a fixation with him, and other execs like Michael did not stop him from his dark ruminations.
Because it's asynchronous, and because there are no limits on space and time, it often leads to endless, pointless ruminations.
The 12-episode documentary series will literally just focus on things that Goldblum finds interesting, and his ruminations on them.
I'm sure my ruminations would have reached some kind of conclusion if the train had been conducive to coherent thought.
My ruminations become more intense when they transition to what I might leave behind in my personal and family life.
There's an obvious through line from these ruminations to Magic Wand, primarily in its commentary on the artifice of the genre.
Ms. Calloway often posts deeply personal ruminations on the most intimate parts of her life, sometimes multiple times in one day.
As is clear from 2016's Ruminations, where 10 of these 17 songs surfaced as acoustic demos, material per se isn't enough.
The narrative follows him as he works toward adulthood, with digressive ruminations on his adolescence, hopes for a girlfriend and youthful ambition.
Without a regular dose of them, The Ringer relies on his successful podcasts to give readers their doses of the founder's ruminations.
Unlike this episode, its ruminations are very much of a piece with the whole, instead of arriving from out of left field.
Those surprises serve as punctuation for the claustrophobic ruminations on heartbreak and new love that form the bulk of the album's writing.
The result has been a gold rush of CBD marketers, a raft of online ruminations about what is permissible, and, increasingly, confusion.
Andrew M. Cuomo this fall, and Ms. Miner's public ruminations about such a challenge are sure to rankle state Democratic Party officials.
The coming Broadway version will include that story as well as Ring Lardner's "The Haircut" and other ruminations on family and mortality.
All my desires and ruminations are no more and no less than eddy currents generated by the gradual exhalation of our universe.
But he doesn't volunteer lengthy ruminations about its impact on how he sees the world or showcase it in any other way.
The first half of the game is filled with B.J.'s ruminations about death, his feelings for Anya, and him remembering Caroline.
These are raw and rushed ruminations, journalism on the fly, but it's an attempt to hold politicians accountable instantaneously for their rhetorical stretches.
He wrote the idea down in his phone and then called his wife from work the next day to share his midnight ruminations.
It's a wonderful nod to Smith's legacy and, if you listen through to Conor Oberst's Ruminations, you can see why that's still important.
Why the adrenaline, the ruminations, the bullet and the knife, and when had the light begun to feel like sand in my eyes?
Our article on the results generated many thoughtful (and a few silly) ruminations on America's high points — and how greatness should be measured.
Studies find that anger, vengefulness and all the negative ruminations that come with not forgiving can damage the human organism, especially the heart.
These albums are smaller than that — plangent ruminations that demonstrated that even amid all the tumult, not all of his instincts abandoned him.
" He is writing another feature script as well as ruminations on his life in anticipation of a sequel to "It's Not Yet Dark.
The documentary presents the performance in full, spliced together with behind-the-scenes footage and ruminations on motherhood, scholarship, and the creative process.
Where to watch: Netflix/Hulu This humble British comedy is one of the most beautiful, relatable ruminations on modern love that you can find.
Utilizing multiple disciplines, techniques, and mediums from video, photography and painting, Basim Magdy's kaleidoscopic works provide thought-provoking ruminations of what is to come.
Everything that happens afterward, be it told through flashbacks present-day ruminations, or any one of three other characters, is connected to Will's passing.
Despite his resistance to the brisk pace of contemporary rap, Electronica's much-lauded lyricism and ruminations on spirituality and struggle continue to captivate. mean.
"The Outer Beach" is a collection of more than a half-century of Finch's observations and ruminations on Cape Cod's 40-mile eastern coast.
They include ruminations on home, place, architecture, cosmic and celestial happenings, sacred geometries, correspondences with her sister, war and refugees, language, Urdu poetry, and faith.
While the blog begins with ruminations on the power of AI storytellers, it ends with insight into how emotion-detection might predict social media engagement.
In this case, Newton was scribbling down the ruminations of a Harvard-educated chemist named George Starkey, who sometimes went by the pseudonym Eirenaeus Philalethes.
Zimmer wraps up his manifesto with ruminations on how destructive individual car ownership has been for cities and how wasteful it is as a concept.
The comic was, apparently, the product of an ex-harvard psych professor's ruminations on submission, domination, bondage, and the power of women in the world.
Instead, though, you're lying in bed wide awake, lost in a wormhole of existential ruminations about your life, and why you suddenly have the spins.
Eight thematic sections give you a foothold in Johns' ruminations, through his work, on the nature of perception, on literary figures, memory, mortality and more.
He was in the midst of those ruminations in January 228 when Sheryl Sandberg forwarded an email from one of her college friends to him.
If Anthony remains, the downside will be another season of ruminations on his brand being tethered to a loser and his supposed championship window closing.
RICK GREER Morristown, New Jersey Johnson's ruminations over punctuation reminded me of the pedantic editor who agonised over whether to use a hyphen in "anal-retentive".
Posts include ruminations on beauty standards, observations of life and death in prison, poetry about Black Jesus, and political commentary on family separation and prison reform.
While there were ruminations that SoftBank was considering cashing out some dollars from Arm using loans early last year, such rumors have apparently not panned out.
The energy, lyrics and moods of this record grew from ruminations on the roles, pressures and conditions that our society places on women, past and present.
As with her series Journey, Hornick used shamanic drumming to conjure the animal spirits and tap into the inner ruminations of painted subjects for Unbounded Histories.
Still, the "master's scandalous fecundity" has left much that's yet to be published, and Amis's output of Nabokov ruminations will certainly rise further into double digits.
Some, like her rehash of the custody battle over Baby M, are downright rote, and her ruminations on lives without children could have been much richer.
But in the 2016 election, the man who loves their show and listens to their political and cultural ruminations became the leader of the free world.
The show's title comes from the address of this building, 887 Murray Avenue in Quebec City, which serves as the primary touchstone for Lepage's memoiristic ruminations.
While posting videos of himself doing everything from watering his plants to giving pop-psychology ruminations on success, Khaled was becoming a bona fide Snapchat star.
Waters employs flashbacks, ruminations, and excerpts of old letters throughout the book in italics as a way to connect readers to sidebar moments of her life.
Indeed, Ms Krauss's recent divorce makes it rather easy to presume a level of autobiography in the ruminations of her novelist alter ego with the same name.
Interspersed are ruminations on what these memories might mean, as if Hemon is turning them in his hands like a Rubik's Cube, unsure how they fit together.
It's impossible to discuss Perry's work without touching upon his transvestite persona — Claire is her name — since ruminations on gender and identity infuse much of the work.
But McAuliffe's ruminations were taken seriously enough in 2019 that some top donors said they were waiting on the former governor to decide before backing another candidate.
Mr. Trump's lawyers, inside and outside the White House, have grown increasingly concerned about his social-media ruminations, outbursts and angry self-defenses on legally sensitive topics.
Democrats in Washington took Bloomberg's presidential ruminations more seriously, however, after he pledged in June to spend $80 million on behalf of Democrats in the 2018 midterms.
And as the play grows more serious, she brings emotional authenticity to Alice's ruminations on the rewards of marriage and the crises that inevitably come with long intimacy.
He commissioned Susan Sontag's dispatch from Hanoi at the height of the Vietnam War, and James Baldwin's ruminations on race in America after the assassination of the Rev.
But his latest album, "Ruminations," was released this year after he overcame one of the most trying periods of his life, including a severe health scare in 2015.
In "Aging Thoughtfully," published in 2017, she and the legal scholar Saul Levmore, a colleague at Chicago, traded ruminations on wrinkles, retirement communities, late-life romance and colonoscopies.
His Facebook post about the strange saga and his plea for a "pardon" from the hotel last month unleashed an outpouring of appreciation online, and ruminations on forgiveness.
The nerdy, technical details of this conflict are more revealing about the tensions within the embattled European Union than the inexorable drift back to ruminations on the Holocaust.
The American artist Spencer Finch is an eco-conceptualist, distilling the essence of landscape (light, water, air) into eye-catching ruminations on memory and the passage of time.
One of the great pleasures of reading this book is the way the images interact with the textual elements, which take the form of short ruminations and memories.
In recent years, Ms. Varda had focused her directorial skills on nonfiction work that used her life and career as a foundation for philosophical ruminations and visual playfulness.
Dylan soon shuttered all his social media accounts, replacing the relationship ruminations he featured on his personal blog, Noodles and Beef, with actual recipes for noodles and beef dishes.
The requisite hitman movie philosophical discourses on guilt and innocence (are you worse if you protect bad guys or kill them?) are mixed with ruminations on life and love.
Sounds issue from the sentinel boxes: odd tunes that might be a blend of ambient noise, and garbled speech combined with the early synth-pop ruminations of Thomas Dolby.
The panel featured two separate ruminations over the company's almost-decade of released films, first with Rudd and Peña at the beginning, and again before the Infinity War footage.
This is certainly a worthy idea, but it is not as exciting or original as Smith's looping, contradictory ruminations on the role of the first-person voice in fiction.
But the neighbor is a MacGuffin, a distraction from what strikes me as the real substance of the book: the narrator's ruminations on the nature of memory and time.
The most dynamic pieces here are Arendt's interviews, in which the sweep and depth of her ruminations are layered with the caustic wit and engagé appeal of her voice.
On Tuesday's episode of Desus & Mero, the VICELAND hosts talked about DiVincenzo's cringeworthy posts, which included complaints about his mom and dad, gay slurs, and ruminations on butt play.
At the height of the 1950s, Beat writing was characterized by political ruminations and a call to bohemianism as a rejection of America's normative and oppressive, war-torn climate.
Check out our second set of recommendations for historical deep dives into the Valley's past, as well as, yes, a few more ruminations on technology's detrimental effects on our lives.
A riff on Cold War spy thrillers, peppered with ruminations on a late-middle-aged man's many regrets, Counterpart is one of the more somber examples of the doppelgänger plot.
He started the journal to "help me learn to write" and filled it with ruminations on nature, character sketches and observations on life in the Catalonia region during his time.
But for all of Girardi's ruminations on the subject, he said he has never made a formal presentation to Major League Baseball, the godfather of the W.B.C., about his plan.
Memories of sexual violence also tended to linger, with victims reporting significantly more "ruminations" of the incident -- recurring thoughts about the past -- than those who remembered other stressful life events.
In contrast to a studio practice in which thinking leads to action, to deciding to do this or that, his makes his ruminations the subject of much of his work.
It's in the midst of these weird ruminations, as well as the more polished invective, that it's hard to believe Herzog isn't in on the joke of his own memeification.
But while these sociopolitical ruminations are interesting enough, the documentary is at its best when it homes in on the technical aspects of putting together such a complicated, labour-intensive scene.
Both scan as ruminations on loneliness, but the latter felt life-affirming to me, proof that one's existence can be as small and dazzling as any light seen across the water.
His seven-volume "In Search of Lost Time", published between 1913 and 1927, is known for its long, winding prose and its many ruminations on time and the slipperiness of memory.
Their ruminations on a life-long unrequited love felt somewhat tragic and surprisingly earnest—for two guys who would pen a song called "Too Many Dicks on the Dance Floor," anyway.
Einstein letter is sold: A 64-year-old message from Albert Einstein, known as the God letter because of its ruminations on formal religion, sold for almost $2.9 million in Manhattan.
Conversations that usually were swept under the rug or shooed away with weak explanations of "the games just weren't that good" became deeper ruminations on how studio mismanagement can lead to ruin.
Paying close attention only to the text of a law and not venturing into ruminations on lawmakers' supposed purposes or intentions may sound like a spare, noble statement of a judge's role.
Modeled on an eleventh-century Japanese text called The Pillow Book, the memoir is slight, just under one hundred pages of lists, anecdotes, and ruminations, all loosely concerned with mothers and babies.
That prize has inspired its share of controversy over the years—some AI researchers call it a publicity stunt—along with plenty of wistful, poetic ruminations on what divides humans from machines.
Songs like "A Perfect Miracle" and "The Prize" offer hazy ruminations on the meaning of life and the fragility of existence, all while earnestly attempting to dig into what makes us human.
As a result, only a small fraction of your mental capacity remains engaged in what is before it, and mind-wandering and ruminations become a tax on the quality of your life.
In The Weight of the Earth, it comes across as a way for him to feel himself through language, to broaden the scope of his experience, and to allow himself unrestrained ruminations.
Shore wishes to give the movement a human face, but she devotes so much space to people's appearances, professions, families, ruminations and inner thoughts that her account resembles a collage of personalities.
That is the case, here, of his ruminations on the flight of birds, the luminosity of the moon, or the unbounded nature of water, which is the main object of Leonardo's scrutiny.
Brotton punctuates his narrative with ruminations on the Moors and Turks on the English stage, which varied from caricature to Othello; yet the real life encounters could be more complex and surprising.
The Palantir repurchase and Andreessen Horowitz's ruminations highlight a more fundamental point: Compensation at venture-backed companies needs to be rethought in an age when many of these companies are staying private longer.
It also poses a question: In a dance-music bazaar often driven by shiny musical thrills, mass market-oriented festivals and nighttime party economies, is there room for the ruminations of elder statesmen?
Marshmello played "Alone" toward the end of his set, and it's chorus—"I'm so alone, nothing feels like home"—took a weirdly new resonance in the midst of my ruminations on national identity.
When Running Ruminations blogger Erin Mink Garvey was looking for a hydration vest while training for her first 50K ultramarathon in 2014, she was intrigued by the woman-specific fit of this style.
Outside of this minute population, literally nobody cares about, let alone reads, the ruminations of the senior fellows who staff Washington's ersatz think tanks, churned out to satisfy the whims of dotty donors.
Charlemagne's ruminations on the 100th anniversary of the armistice concluded that it was "political twists in Berlin, not crushing defeat on the battlefield" that pushed Germany to sue for peace in 1918 (November 10th).
In much the same way, this newspaper will publish worried ruminations about the impact of this diabolical social media, questioning its very moral foundations, by sharing them on the selfsame social media under discussion.
An upbeat shimmy of a pop song, which belies the song's dark ruminations, the visuals feature Selah Sue standing before a mirror, dressed in black, her auburn hair piled high—here she serenades herself.
The first time I saw her perform, I filled an iCloud note with slightly stoned ruminations about how cool she looked up there, flanked by fierce female backup dancers dressed like kawaii monster girls.
But you sense that his inspiration comes more from interaction with materials (like the pistachio shells and plaid plastic bags that make up another, more promising group of paintings) than from 3 a.m. ruminations.
The section about Balanchine — which expands from a theory connecting the choreography of his seminal "Agon" and the polio of his wife, Tanaquil LeClerq, to broader ruminations on disability and race — offers another angle.
The critical one for me, and the one that says the most about the game's ruminations on death, is the choice to sever the castoffs from the tides (the Tides of Numenera as it were).
And now An American Marriage, with its ruminations on masculinity, married life, and what constitutes marital debt, manages the trick of arriving at the right time while also feeling utterly untethered to just one era.
Ruminations on the pressure women face to stay thin, beautiful, and youthful have been a common thread in popular music for years, particularly because the pressure doesn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon.
And in between our interview with David Walker on the power of black history in comics and the disturbing ruminations of our Divination Bot, we even found the time to get spooked out by Momo.
Speaking, as Barrett Watten does in his ruminations on the movement, of "a foregrounding of language as opposed to reference" is not helpful, since reference is merely an aspect of language and not outside it.
Among commentators, these ruminations have been considered profound, and it was surely Strauss's intention to depict the Marschallin as a wise woman, reflecting the standard for what women should be and do as they age.
Mr. Cooper's "Cast" was too self-conscious an ending: music that blends nostalgic, jazzy ruminations with disintegrating stretches, trailing into a cosmic coda of Messiaen-like piano chords, scratchy violin phrases and a repetitive vibraphone riff.
As paleontologist Darren Naish noted in Scientific American, this was a thought experiment that was already ascendent during the 1980s, amplified somewhat by Sagan's ruminations about dinosaurs with advanced intelligence in The Dragons of Eden (1977).
Through meandering, obsessive ruminations, the narrator recollects a life-turning (imagined) encounter in 1953, when he, then a piano prodigy, and Wertheimer, a friend and also a prodigy, studied with Horowitz at the Mozarteum in Salzburg.
Theron Zahn, a KOMO broadcaster working the early morning shift Wednesday, passed the time with praise for hard-working trash collectors, ruminations on the value of coffee and jokes about the likelihood of rain in Seattle.
On their new album, "Graft (La Greffe)," the shape-shifting Thiefs join up with both French- and English-speaking vocalists, who deliver ruminations on political uncertainty, anxiety and the inevitable arrival of history on today's shores.
MATTHEW BUCCELLIBerlin Bagehot's ruminations about the state of history as an academic discipline brought me back to a time when I faced similar concerns, as I considered whether or not to pursue a doctorate in history.
Some fans have speculated, inaccurately, that Escrow is just another one of Blunt's personas: his slang-laden interludes border on a satire of the typical London rude boy, and at moments his ruminations are particularly timely.
But there's a lot packed into this movie: ruminations on the 1960s in America, race, war, religion, music, surveillance culture, and much more — so much that it's probably inevitable that some of it just doesn't work.
It's a rare series that can mix ruminations on freedom and subjugation with fire-breathing robot dogs and wheelchair-bound shooter segments, but developer Machine Games seems to be having serious fun with the venerable Wolfenstein license.
Tusk's tweet was a response to Trump's recent ruminations on NATO ahead of this week's meeting, including earlier Tuesday morning when he tweeted about US spending ahead of his departure for this year's NATO summit in Brussels.
Despite the scholarly ruminations about Cixi, many Chinese tourists seem more interested in her extravagant lifestyle and come to see what is left of the loot, much faded because of neglect by the Communist Party's cultural administrators.
A tense detour on a space vessel in distress and a chase sequence on the moon are especially effective, just because they pop, creating visceral excitement as well as a necessary contrast to McBride's hushed, repetitive ruminations.
This selection of new comics may help fight the winter doldrums and give some extra reasons to look forward to spring, with coming-of-age adventures, ruminations on the past and a farcical look at the future.
Last month's "Pretty Face" — his first full-length recording — is built on the same melancholy lyricism and lo-fi production that defined previous projects, but it feels more resolute, nudging up the intensity on his heartsick ruminations.
"Women sometimes will experience increased anxiety about the baby, will be unable to sleep even though they are tired and the baby is sleeping, have excessive worry, [and] ruminations that the baby will die when sleeping," said Varma.
Take, for example, the hallucinogenic ruminations of two jabbering Google Home devices, or the stock market "flash crash" of 2010 that occurred thanks to trading algorithms playing a super-speed game of securities hacky sack with each other.
The book is full of ruminations on mortality and aging; Frank's failed marriage surfaces issues with self-doubt, and he spends much time reflecting on what he hasn't done, like learn German or sleep with a movie star.
Browsing Not only do the last days of summer tend to inspire ruminations on life's more fleeting qualities, but they also present a challenge for those of us who sometimes cope with such dark realities at the stores.
O. 2020 seems to be the year of the hybrid memoir, and Doty's is a masterful example — weaving a close reading of Whitman's life and writings into Doty's own ruminations on art, queerness, humanism, and the American experience.
The roster is impressive — it includes Mary Chapin Carpenter, Joan Osborne, Joss Stone, Lee Ann Womack, Sarah Jarosz and Sara Watkins — and the songs are even better: ruminations on time, distance, mortality, purpose, shared humanity and long-term love.
His subsequent novels — with protagonists like a clairvoyant crusader in the Middle Ages, a shipwrecked adventurer in the 1600s and a 19th-century physicist — also demanded that readers absorb heavy doses of semiotic ruminations along with compelling fictional tales.
Some of these events were presented as lectures: Ho Rui An's "DASH" (2016) began with ruminations on the dissemination of (and obsession with) serious car accident footage via dashcams, which expanded to scan the Singapore government's crisis-prediction apparatus.
Inspired by the chronological structure of the two sections of "The Fire Next Time," Ward organizes the poems, columns, essays and other ruminations in this collection into three sections confronting the past, present and future of blackness in America.
But the quilts, in "Ruminations and a Reckoning" at the Baltimore Museum of Art, are also a visually arresting reversal of the usual distinction between foreground and background that makes the starkly outlined figures leap out like avenging angels.
I often find myself scrolling Twitter in vain, searching for some relief from my constant ruminations before heading to Facebook, then Instagram, and then back to Twitter to see if anything's changed since I last checked four minutes ago.
Its ruminations on death, grief, suppression, family, and consequence are always delivered with laughs and stunning cinematography, and every single episode finds at least one way to reach out from the TV screen and punch its viewers directly in the stomach.
Attitude also matters, so good thing that by the time he cut this—after ruminating not just on Ruminations but on 2013's stillborn Upside Down Mountain—Oberst had become more upbeat, not to mention concerned about his professional future.
It is the guiding theme of "The Argonauts", Maggie Nelson's memoir of motherhood, marriage, gender and writing (the title is itself a reference to Roland Barthes's ruminations on the thought experiment, which centre on a wooden ship called the Argo).
He did one called Ruminations last year that's just him and an acoustic guitar, not a lot of bells and whistles on it, and he just released an accompaniment which is all the same songs but with a full band.
When the music finally started, at noon, it was piano ruminations by Bing & Ruth, near the edge of a cliff overlooking the basin, followed by clean, contemplative techno tones by Christopher Willits in the amphitheater — palate cleansers after a raucous meal.
It was there, drinking, smoking cigarettes, and mentally recovering in a familiar, isolated setting, that he wrote the songs for Ruminations, a collection of lonely, bare bones tracks that would get a full-band revamping a few months later as Salutations.
Rather than providing Marnie with any sort of tell-all aria, the opera gives her short transitional "links," as Mr. Muhly calls them, disoriented soliloquy-like passages where in broken bits of restless, leaping lines she voices bitter, confused ruminations.
For generations, artists have tried to wrap tangible form around such ruminations on the ineffable; in modern art, exercises in the material in the service of the unknowable have been mainstays of certain abstract-art makers for more than a century.
They opened the galleries to the public in 2004, offering three or four exhibitions each year, from ruminations on Mr. Saint Laurent's designs to celebrations of the art and literature he loved, like the work of David Hockney and Marcel Proust.
There are more cultural ruminations on being unsure, like a Wiki How on the subject (How-to -Decide -Whether -Or-Not-to -Have-a-Baby) And in Sheila Heti's recently published book "Motherhood," the protagonist wrestles throughout with the titular topic.
"The Fog of War," in 2003, featured the ruminations of Robert S. McNamara, who oversaw a large part of the Vietnam War, while "The Unknown Known," in 2013, examined Donald H. Rumsfeld and his part in the war in Iraq.
Skipping over a blessedly brief dose of Jacques Derrida, and dutifully recognizing Theodor Adorno's ruminations on punctuation, I found writings by Willa Cather, James Baldwin, and Samuel Beckett, each infusing an emotional sense into the open space between punctuation marks.
Tse's works have simple, clean forms, yet they radiate a multiplicity of meanings that can be read at different levels; she notes that they often wander through her thoughts, ruminations, references and intuition, but ultimately return to beauty and tranquility.
Kraus' After Kathy Acker (Semiotext(e), September 2017) could be characterized as a formal biography – though it's much more complicated than that — while Martin's Acker (Nightboat Books, October 2017) is a series of fragmented mini-essays and ruminations about Acker's work.
It incorporates the sort of ruminations on art and the purpose of creativity that you'd more often find being chewed over at about 1AM in the living room of a jobbing musician, rather than on the YouTube channel of a hugely successful band.
You know all about these people because you can't avoid their ruminations on leaving New York, each as special and pointless as a snowflake in a blizzard, the consequence of hundreds of thousands of residents moving out of the city every year.
Although "Child" finds its voice in the North, it's soul comes from the south: through a sample of Ha-Sizzle's infamous New Orleans bounce track, the song is gifted a frantic energy that allows it to resonate far beyond Drake's usual ruminations.
As a live choir sang a sort of battle hymn in several different languages, Jean-Raymond's message felt especially spiritual, in keeping with his past runway shows, which have served as forum for the designer to communicate his political and cultural ruminations.
Similarly, the Russian cyber burglary of former Secretary of State Colin Powell's email created an uproar with his damning (and private) ruminations about the candidates and such former colleagues as Vice President Dick Cheney, leaks that fueled Trump's attacks on his opponent.
Ms. Lewis's performance of the blues song "I Looked Down the Line" is particularly moving, following Rosetta's ruminations on the humiliations she endured performing at the Cotton Club, where only white customers were allowed, and she sometimes had to put on blackface.
Here, finally, was a wealth of delicate surprises, especially in the fascinating array of colors the players produced, from the monastic severity of the deep piano ruminations in the Passacaille to the iridescent halo created by the strings's harmonics in the Finale.
Some attracted national attention at midcentury, including Henry Kissinger, whose 1957 book, "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy," became an unexpected best seller, and Herman Kahn, whose chilling ruminations on winning and surviving a nuclear conflict made him an oracle of the unthinkable.
The germ of the idea for the "Death Notice" trilogy came from a 2006 music video by Jay Chou, the popular singer and actor from Taiwan, and the narrative is lean and fast paced, with little by way of description or excessive ruminations.
In this book the neurotic in question is the ethnographer Zeke Stark, whose ruminations amount to a series of dense essays about Instagram, pop culture and (beneath it all) his baffled pain over the wife who has left him for his best friend.
The hour was heavy on character and light on violence, which is exactly the kind of emotional whiplash this series excels at, often swerving from horrific, action-packed installments to philosophical ruminations on the meaning of life in the midst of the zombie apocalypse.
The mix of slapstick, situational humor, and heartfelt affection (or sometimes winking homoeroticism) that usually powers the buddy comedy is best suited for lighthearted ruminations on the nature of friendship, often between men; it isn't typically deployed in the service of broader social commentary.
Compared to the somber ruminations that continue to define the scene's major players, Devontee has more fun with things, dropping lines like "W on my head like I'm Wario" into the mix and burning sticky, Migos-esque hooks like "Never That" into the brain.
Since ruminations about this confab started, Russia, Iraq and Iran have all increased production, hitting output highs not seen since the end of the various eras associated with each of them: post-Soviet-era high, post-Saddam Hussein era high, and post-nuclear-sanctions high.
In 2015 curator, Adrienne Edwards wrote "Blackness in Abstraction" in Art in America, an essay that cogently explores Adam Pendleton's recent "Black Dada" works and outlines a history of contemporary artists' conceptual visual ruminations, which have presented blackness in multitudes since the early 1940s.
The only voice we hear is that of the girl, whose artfully paced ruminations are subliminally echoed by Mel Mercier's music and sound design, and Sinead Wallace's lighting, which seems to hold Ms. Duffin in midair above Lian Bell's abstract country field of a set.
"It quickly dawned on me that what he had put in place was a most effective homegrown variant of cognitive behavioral therapy, in which negative ruminations are supplanted by a more forward-looking, problem-oriented way of thinking," Dr. Feinstein wrote of Mr. Silva.
One of his generation's wriest and most vivid storytellers, the Swedish songwriter Jens Lekman returns to perform material from his new album, "Life Will See You Now," which pairs bright, Barry Manilow-style pop arrangements with Mr. Lekman's whimsical ruminations on life and love.
The other three ads have Trump going "through the roof" if dinner's not ready when he gets home, bragging about a "beautiful piece of ass" and advising fathers to neglect their kids — all pulled mostly word-for-word from years of the Donald's ruminations in the media.
They have adopted the martial arts hero Bruce Lee's ruminations on flexibility in the face of obstacles — "Be water, my friend" — saying they should behave like a wave that appears at once to pound the enemy and then promptly recedes into countless drops that cannot be contained.
Rybka, for her part, seemed to revel in the chaos, boasting on Thursday that her own Instagram account had become "the most popular in the Russian Federation" as a result of her role, and posting ruminations on feminism and her own potential future career in pornography.
Jessica Winter's debut novel is a funny and moving commentary on that point in a woman's life when everything seems to come into question — sometime around her 30th birthday, when late-night ruminations go from the provisional and short-term to: Is my job completely pointless?
Thao & The Get Down Stay Down's previous release, 2013's We The Common, was less inspired by her own personal ruminations than it was heavily rooted finding a place within the bigger picture, largely influenced by her outreach efforts for the California Coalition For Women Prisoners.
Indeed, it is in these moments where the book is weighed down by supposition and tangents — like a section on the 1943 Detroit race riot, which one of Forsyth County's former black residents may or may not have experienced — that ruminations overtake the once taut text.
In Tuesday's marathon session, Mr. Sasse and his fellow Republicans on the usually sober Judiciary Committee often abandoned serious discussion of constitutional law for laugh-filled law clerk war stories and ruminations on mutton busting, a rodeo event where children try — often unsuccessfully — to ride sheep.
Two Times writers, the Op-Ed columnist Frank Bruni and the Congressional correspondent Jennifer Steinhauer, were able to bypass all kinds of societal fractures as they collected material from celebrity chefs and politicians for a book of 50 meatloaf recipes (including a vegetarian one) and related ruminations.
They also shine through, though, during the material about Radner's personal life -- including her ruminations about the consequences of fame ("Being famous is almost as bad for dating as being funny"), her whirlwind romance with Gene Wilder and finally grappling with her diagnosis of ovarian cancer.
It will not surprise those familiar with his idiosyncratic, enigmatic works — assemblages of deadpan observations and stories, not quite sung and yet something more than spoken — that "Quicksand" is a spy tale that keeps slipping beyond its genre, into ruminations on love, the Pittsburgh Steelers, country music, Jane Austen.
In the more hardened third person at the end of the book, the narrator has Paul recall a public service ad about AIDS in which it is suggested that when two people have sex they have sex with all their previous partners, and at once the ruminations become interesting.
Graham's recollection hints that such amusing eccentricities reflected a kind of behavioral alternating current, in which Calder, as he made his way through everyday life, was somehow keenly aware of his unusual actions and their impact on others even as, somehow, he remained lost in his own ruminations.
And it's one that the album's ten songs all seem to flirt with in some way, even as Remy cloaks her ruminations on power and gender in T-Rex-worthy guitar solos and swelling disco strings—the irresistible hallmarks of musical languages forged in large part by men.
The would-be terrorist's ruminations point to conclusions drawn by researchers and historians: Perceived external threats or attacks, when a country is already on edge, can dovetail with leaders' use of loaded rhetoric to provoke vigilante justice, or solidify state-led discrimination or other arrangements that favor the executive.
Addressing how femininity is outwardly performed or written into appearance, Kiki Smith's etching "Ballerina (Stretching Left)" (2000) draws on the long legacy of womanhood as portrayed through the dancerly physique, from Degas' 19th-century ruminations on dancing girls to Eleanor Antin's complex feminist performances as her alter ego Eleanora Antinova.
Kinane's gruff tenor and sometimes bawdy vibe belie his undercover-sweetheart material, which in this latest special includes ruminations on how strange it can be to have a doctor one's own age, how he wound up developing gout, or how he sometimes confuses "open carry" laws with open container laws.
Without wanting to pull too great a political reading out of such a light-hearted, fantastical painting, the depiction can't help but recall Robert Storr's ruminations on Abercrombie's life in Chicago and the notable absence of any marks of racial struggle found in the photographs of her and her friends.
The pop singer and songwriter, formerly of the girl group Fifth Harmony, has filled pages of notes on her iPhone with ruminations on the sugar rush of embryonic infatuation and its aftermath — words of hunger and grit that her fans turn into Instagram captions and scream back at her in concert.
Facebook's plans, moves that were signaled in Mr. Bosworth's ruminations, boil down to one basic idea: Dear consumer ensnared in our digital panopticon, you might want to fashion a homemade shiv right about now because you are on your own in this prison of hate speech and dangerous lies we built.
The series—which is simultaneously serialized and vignette-style—is first and foremost a comedy but includes unforgettable moments that go far deeper than most television: beautiful odes to immigrant parents, ruminations on the horrors women go through on a daily basis, inner conflicts between personal desires and religious obligations.
During the 2016 election, Trump admitted that Obama was born in the US. Radio ruminations about Michelle Obama and Ted Cruz In another radio interview in April 2013, Zinke discussed a conspiracy theory about the Boston bombing terrorist attacks that alleged a third person, a Saudi national, was involved in the attack.
While drinking away months of personal and legal issues stemming from false rape allegations, he holed up back home in Omaha to write songs that became a sketchpad of a release in 23, Ruminations, and a fully realized album as Salutations in 20173, one of the best and most personal records of his long career.
Starting with ancient Greek individualism and conceptions of the heroic, we progress through the "dourly introspective" Christian self, the contributions of "Sigi" (Freud) and some of his rival therapists, and on to ruminations by some recent neuroscientists and philosophers who suggest that the self, and its supposedly free will, are more or less a myth.
Rovelli, who is a theoretical physicist at Aix-Marseille University in France and the author of the international best seller "Seven Brief Lessons on Physics," explains how scientists in his field look at time, seasoning his book with quotes from the likes of Horace and Shakespeare and a fair measure of his personal ruminations.
This is, admittedly, much stronger and steadier ground for her than "Look What You Made Me Do"'s childish ruminations on revenge, and musically she seems more at home with floaty synths, reminiscent as they are of the intro to her last album's "Blank Space," than the industrial-style clamour she's tried out on the previous two Reputation efforts.
She's prepping a solo album for this year entitled Fin, and has now shared the first single "All About Me." It's a complete 180 from her main gig, a skeletal modern R&B song that features an uncharacteristically hard beat (courtesy of the Internet's Steve Lacy) and Syd taking on more aggressive ruminations in her approach.
"I Like That" feels like another piece of Dirty Computer's puzzle—it feels like a highly ambitious record which will attempt to touch on lots of different genres, and all kinds of relationships, both with others (as we've seen on "Pynk" and "Make Me Feel," which are fun but insightful ruminations on love and sexuality), and with oneself.
They usually take the basic idea of the story (a bizarre kids' show, or a staircase appearing in the middle of nowhere), then filtering it through creator Nick Antosca's sensibility, which means all three seasons of the show so far have indulged in rich ruminations on family relationships, alongside odd creatures lurching about empty suburban backstreets.
"Antin's tapestry of interrelated anecdotes, stories, meditations, narratives, musings, ruminations, philosophical investigations, psychological explorations and linguistic experiments provide a complex and often delightful oral history of one man's journey through reality and consciousness via language," the poet Mark Tursi wrote of the collection "I Never Knew What Time It Was" for The Review of Contemporary Fiction in 2005.
Here in Houston, surviving steamy-hot weather might be more urgent a concern than philosophical ruminations, but a visit to the Menil Collection, a jewel in the crown of the country's many museums, offers both a satisfying cool-down and an encounter with what, lately, the art establishment has come to recognize as some of the coolest art anywhere.
There are scandals involving female prostitutes promoting Heineken beer in African countries, and a Heineken executive's supposed affair with one of the women; Mr. van Lieshout's negative comments about Heineken that went viral; ruminations on colonialism, gentrification, failure and aging; and Mr. van Lieshout discussing his plans to build a pharmacy in Tanzania with some of the prize money.
Black Deutschland, set in the late '80s in what was then West Berlin and culminating in the fall of the Wall (though the narrator's chronologically hazy yet experientially vivid ruminations deftly interweave misadventures in the German city with reminiscences of his hometown of Chicago), probably gives some clues as to where the author might have been turned up back in the day.
The confirmation, present in the track "March 14" as well as in Drake's ruminations on fatherhood elsewhere in the album, serves as a response of sorts to Pusha T's recent diss track "The Story of Adidon" — part of a longstanding feud, and the impetus behind quite a few good Drake dunks — as well as ongoing public speculation about Drake's private life.
The approach pays off in a group of fresh, engaging portraits (many of which originally appeared in Town & Country, The Paris Review and other magazines) of well-known artists — Robert Gober, Jeff Koons and Amy Sillman, to name a few from Salle's august, if fairly homogeneous, list — rounded out by brief ruminations on art-historical forebears and musings about criticism and art school.
As Anhalt rightly insists, by setting some of his scenes behind enemy lines, among the Trojan fighters and their families — from the ruminations of the sadly regretful Helen to the encounters between Hector, the Trojan super-warrior, and his young son — Homer destabilizes the traditional "them-and-us" culture of the ancient Greek world, and its conventional polarization between civilization and barbarity.
But they almost never reflect in a direct way upon the "story" of the opera, instead meandering across ephemera involving a bewildering array of content: masturbation, solitary drinking, out of nowhere ruminations on Renaissance heretic Giordano Bruno, breakfast, desert mirages, lists of numbers, passing clouds of trivial observation, jarring descriptions of camera movements for the video realization of the opera itself.
" Arranged in long-lined verse and in the multi-page prose-plus-haiku format called haibun, the poems' attractive ruminations land Poppick close to John Ashbery, and even closer to near-contemporaries like Nick Twemlow and Dana Ward, who similarly mention friends and coevals by name (Zach, Chris, Andrés): "By alchemic code or grace or another's ear we make our way, flush with the end of things.
" Occasionally, Ritter's virtuoso solo will take in literature too, but even then his predilections tend to veer from the canon, with ruminations on Robert Musil followed by a portrait of his second cousin Alois Musil, an Austro-Hungarian priest who'd "set off, on camelback, in the company of a few Ottoman gendarmes 'loaned' by the kaimmakam of Akaba, into the desert to find the famous pleasure castle of Qasr Tuba, which no one had heard of for centuries, except the Bedouins.
So gender fluid it's soggy, the 128-page issue might well have been themed "No Masculinity," with its androgynous cover image of Pharrell Williams looking like an inverted tulip in a floor-length yellow Moncler Pierpaolo Piccioli coat, followed by ruminations on the "weaponized" male body by Thomas Page McBee, a transgender writer and boxer; a defense of makeup for men by EJ Johnson, Magic Johnson's son whose fashion tastes run toward fur shawls and diamond chokers; and a debunking of the power of testosterone itself by Katrina Karkazis, a cultural anthropologist and author.

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