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2 Sentences With "rule with a rod of iron"

How to use rule with a rod of iron in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "rule with a rod of iron" and check conjugation/comparative form for "rule with a rod of iron". Mastering all the usages of "rule with a rod of iron" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Tom's world is an overtly homosocial and homosexual one, a world dominated by denim-clad authority figures who rule with a rod of iron and a massive cock.
Also to the angel of the church in Philadelphia [Revelation 3:10] > (it was signified) that he who had not denied the name of the Lord was > delivered from the last trial. Then to every conqueror the Spirit promises > now the tree of life, and exemption from the second death; now the hidden > manna with the stone of glistening whiteness, and the name unknown (to every > man save him that receives it); now power to rule with a rod of iron, and > the brightness of the morning star; now the being clothed in white raiment, > and not having the name blotted out of the book of life, and being made in > the temple of God a pillar with the inscription on it of the name of God and > of the Lord, and of the heavenly Jerusalem; now a sitting with the Lord on > His throne . . . . Who, pray, are these so blessed conquerors, but martyrs > in the strict sense of the word? For indeed theirs are the victories whose > also are the fights; theirs, however, are the fights whose also is the > blood.

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