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57 Sentences With "rinsed off"

How to use rinsed off in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "rinsed off" and check conjugation/comparative form for "rinsed off". Mastering all the usages of "rinsed off" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Even as the blood rinsed off, he didn't feel clean.
For one thing, it's too thick not to be rinsed off.
A true FRAKTA is simply rinsed off with a garden hose when dirty.
The kittens were rinsed off with a bottle of water as one let out a weak meow.
After my mat was rinsed off, Davis asked the class to sit cross-legged and close their eyes.
Throw it in the dirt: A true Frakta is simply rinsed off with a garden hose when dirty. 4.
If I had a dime for every time I've rinsed off a mask and wondered, What did that even do?
Once home and only slightly rinsed-off (to preserve the musk of my workout), I tied myself a lengthy necktie.
I hate how dust inevitably accrues on the vac and has to be wiped down or rinsed off monthly to stay pristine.
Once home, I rinsed off my running sweat using a lavender and olive oil bar of soap before attempted my second TM session.
"Purple shampoo would help to ashen your hair but it's messy and requires more purple dye because it is rinsed off," he explains.
It works counterintuitively: a milky face wash that leaves a protective layer of sunscreen on the skin after the product is rinsed off.
I stepped out for a break, rinsed off in the shower, and climbed into the deepest cold pool, where the water came up around my chest.
As a general rule, it's best to only use products on your body that are designed to get rinsed off if you're exposed to nuclear fallout.
Not willing to risk this one outside the confines of my apartment, I drove back to LA and rinsed off the day's grit, remaining nude after drying off.
Suds that stick around Getting people to use the soap, the team knew, would be easy -- but making it effective after it has been rinsed off would be hard.
The  Trump administration's proposals weaken rules dealing with the residue from burning coal, known as coal ash, as well as the residue rinsed off of filters installed on smoke stacks.
The Trump administration's proposals weaken rules dealing with the residue from burning coal, known as coal ash, as well as the residue rinsed off of filters installed on smoke stacks.
Those with sensitive or excessively dry skin may also find that sulfates increase irritation when not rinsed off properly, and in that case, investing in a sulfate-free shampoo might be a better option.
Jayne also said that even if a product is irritating to a child, that irritation can be mitigated if the product is completely rinsed off, which is very easy to do with this bubble bath.
Last year's deal: Bioderma Sensibo H20 Micellar Water, $9.90 (originally $14.90) [You saved $5]This French pharmacy staple is a gentle cleanser that removes makeup and doesn't have to be rinsed off when you're done washing.
Some of Palmer Paints' first forays into the hobbyist market came in the form of Lil' Abner figurine painting kits as well as washable paint boards that could be painted, rinsed off, and then painted again.
The FDA said the amount of lead exposure a customer receives depends on whether the product is intended to be left on all day, such as lipstick or eye shadow, or rinsed-off right away like shampoo.
After an hour of cycling conditions ideal only for provoking hellacious swamp ass, the sweat on her body and soaked into her hair and clothing will be rinsed off with distilled water and a "sweat soup" will be made.
I slept in my car the first two nights and rinsed off in the ocean before work until I found an affordable place to rent, and because the internship was unpaid, a job at a gluten-free store where I could work evenings.
Those with oilier skin types might prefer Lixirskin's Soft Clay Rubber ($32), a mask and scrub with a pliable, gel-like feel that can either be massaged onto the skin then rubbed off to manually lift dead skin or, for a gentler fix, left on for five minutes and then rinsed off.
Surfactants such as soap reduce the sensitivity of the test and must be thoroughly rinsed off.
The foam wears away, rather like a pencil eraser, leaving behind a slight residue which can be rinsed off.
Chlorine-based compounds are usually handled in water solutions, powders, or tablets, that are mixed with water before use. They may have to be rinsed off after application to avoid corrosion of metals and degradation of organic materials.
Areas where the emulsion has been degraded may redevelop unevenly. Emulsion removal can cause a reversal effect when redeveloped. Once the image has been redeveloped, it is rinsed off again. The print can be fixed in fixer at this point.
The ash and soot build up can be easily avoided by applying a thin layer of dish soap (preferably biodegradable) to the outside of the pot before cooking. The ash and soot will stick to the soap which is then easily rinsed off later.
Rice bran is sometimes added to the guano for the purpose of exfoliation. The powder is mixed with water yielding a paste. The paste is massaged into the skin for a few minutes and then it is rinsed off. The facial is usually rather odorless and sanitized.
Once dipping is begun, the surface tension of the water will allow the pattern to curve around any shape. Any remaining residue is then rinsed off thoroughly. The ink adheres to the desired surface and it cannot be washed off easily. It is then allowed to dry.
ASTM F22 describes a version of this test. This test does not detect hydrophilic contaminants, but the electroplating process can displace these easily since the solutions are water-based. Surfactants such as soap reduce the sensitivity of the test, so these must be thoroughly rinsed off.
The limits above which the allergens are required to be declared are 0.001% for products intended to remain on the skin, and 0.01% for those intended to be rinsed off. This has resulted in many old perfumes like chypres and fougère classes, which require the use of oakmoss extract, being reformulated.
They are highly scratch- resistant, although materials harder than glass, such as diamond, can scratch them. They do not absorb dry erase or permanent marker ink. They allow the use of magnets. The surface can be cleaned with any non-abrasive cleaner suitable for porcelain, then rinsed off with water to prevent smearing.
Side effects if contact occurs may include skin irritation and chemical burns to the eye. They may also cause corrosion and therefore may require being rinsed off. Specific compounds in this family include sodium hypochlorite, monochloramine, halazone, chlorine dioxide, and sodium dichloroisocyanurate. They are effective against a wide variety of microorganisms including bacterial spores.
Solid soap, because of its reusable nature, may hold bacteria acquired from previous uses. A small number of studies which have looked at the bacterial transfer from contaminated solid soap have concluded transfer is unlikely as the bacteria are rinsed off with the foam. The CDC still states "liquid soap with hands-free controls for dispensing is preferable".
Lime pickles are soaked in pickling lime (not to be confused with the citrus fruit) rather than in a salt brine. This is done more to enhance texture (by making them crisper) rather than as a preservative. The lime is then rinsed off the pickles. Vinegar and sugar are often added after the 24-hour soak in lime, along with pickling spices.
After the preparation, the lutefisk is saturated with water and must therefore be cooked extremely carefully so that it does not fall to pieces. To create a firm consistency in lutefisk, it is common to spread a layer of salt over the fish about half an hour before it is cooked. This will "release" some of the water in the fish meat. The salt must be rinsed off carefully before cooking.
Too-frequent shampooing can strip the hair coat of natural oils and cause it to dry out. Though horses in heavy work, such as racehorses, may be rinsed off after their daily workout, it is generally not advisable to shampoo a horse more than once a week, even in the show season. A well-groomed, clean horse can be kept clean by wearing a horse blanket or horse sheet.
Before the draft, Wyatt was helping the state of Texas with highway cleanup in 1969, when he picked up a 7 Up bottle that had been lying on the highway easement. When he rinsed off the bottle, it exploded from the Texas heat and a piece of shrapnel hit him in his left eye. Wyatt has been blind in that eye to this day. However Doug never disclosed his injury to anyone.
The ionic bond of the paint to the metal creates the paint coating, in which its thickness is directly proportional to the length of time the parts are left in the tank and the time the charge remains active. Once the parts are removed from the paint tank, they are rinsed off to remove any residual paint that is not ionically bonded, leaving a thin film of electrostatically bonded paint on the surface of the part.
Microbeads are purposefully manufactured for cosmetics, cleaning products, and personal care products in many countries. They are too small to be recycled like other plastics, allowing them to accumulate and persist in the environment in large quantities. Since they are typically designed to be "rinsed-off," microbeads easily make their way through sewage treatment plants and into surface waters (rivers, lakes or coastal waters). Due to their small size and large distribution, the beads are nearly impossible to remove.
The result is an insoluble, blue dye (ferric ferrocyanide) known as Prussian blue. The extent of color change depends on the amount of UV light, but acceptable results are usually obtained after 10–20 minute exposures on a dark, gloomy day. After exposure, developing of the picture involves the yellow unreacted iron solution being rinsed off with running water. Although the blue color darkens upon drying, the effect can be accelerated by soaking the print in a 6% (v/v) solution of 3% (household) hydrogen peroxide.
If necessary, excess bleeding colors and sizing can be rinsed off, and then the paper or fabric is allowed to dry. After the print is made, any color residues remaining on the size are carefully skimmed off of the surface, in order to clear it before starting a new pattern. Contemporary marblers employ a variety of modern materials, some in place of or in combination with the more traditional ones. A wide variety of colors are used today in place of the historic pigment colors.
Hair that grows on the bottom of their feet between the paw- pads needs trimming to allow traction on smooth floors. If they go out in the snow, ice clumps will stick between their paw pads, which can be rinsed off in warm water or protected against with booties. Some develop tear staining. A veterinarian might suggest treating red yeast issues to help diminish or eliminate staining; sometimes diet allergens are to blame and switching to a food without common allergens can be helpful.
Steps to restore anterior fractured tooth: # A diagnostic cast and wax up # Fabricate lingual matrix - an impression of the lingual surface using additional silicone (Polyvinyl siloxane) -. # Isolation with rubber dam # Beveling the margins - ## 75 degree bevel at the facial side using diamond bur, followed by infinite bevel extending to middle third. ## 45 degree at Lingual side using diamond bur # Etching with phosphoric acid to the enamel including all beveled surfaces ## Etching time based on manufacturer’s instruction ## Etchant is rinsed off # Application of bonding agent. Agitate the bonding agent against the enamel surface.
Many sample probes can be designed to have a membrane on the surface that can selectively bind the sample in question to the probe surface. The surface can then be rinsed off to remove all unnecessary salts or background molecules. The matrix of appropriate salt concentration can then be deposited directly onto the sample on the probe surface and crystallized there. Despite these negative effects of salt concentration, a separate desalting step is usually not necessary in the case of proteins, because the selection of appropriate buffer salts prevents the occurrence of this problem.
The simplest form of non- chemical control is to wipe and wash affected plant parts with lukewarm water and soap, insecticidal soap or dish soap, one tablespoon per gallon of water; strong soaps or detergents may damage the plant. This can also be sprayed if the plant is large but is much less effective than when combined with physical removal. After allowing the soap to sit for a while the sooty mold is rinsed off with a hose/ water. Sooty mold will regrow, unless the underlying reason for its growth is eliminated.
Lautering has two stages: first wort run-off, during which the extract is separated in an undiluted state from the spent grains, and sparging, in which extract that remains with the grains is rinsed off with hot water. Boiling the wort ensures its sterility, helping to prevent contamination with undesirable microbes. During the boil, hops are added, which contribute aroma and flavour compounds to the beer, especially their characteristic bitterness. Along with the heat of the boil, they cause proteins in the wort to coagulate and the pH of the wort to fall, and they inhibit the later growth of certain bacteria.
Parts washers were originally developed for use in automotive transmission and engine repair shops as a way to improve the function of simple soak tanks. Soak tanks are vats filled with a mixture of water and detergent, which take hours to "soften" the built-up road grime, fluids, tars and oils enough to be manually rinsed off prior to disassembly and repair. Since the late 60's many methods of parts cleaning have been developed with improved levels of safety and lessened environmental impact. Stoddard solvent, gasoline, diesel fuel, and kerosene were commonly used to clean and degrease parts.
It takes a long time for the spores to stain due to their density, so time acts as the mordant when performing this differential stain; the slide with the bacterium should be soaked in malachite green for at least 30 minutes and then rinsed off with water which acts as the decolorizer. A counterstain to differentiate the vegetative cells is commonly 0.5% safranin. In the end, a proper smear would show the endospore as a green dot within either a red or pink-colored cell. Terbium can also used to detect endospores, as it acts as an assay of dipicolinic acid based on photoluminescence.
Lauter tun Lautering is the separation of the wort (the liquid containing the sugar extracted during mashing) from the grains. This is done either in a mash tun outfitted with a false bottom, in a lauter tun, or in a mash filter. Most separation processes have two stages: first wort run-off, during which the extract is separated in an undiluted state from the spent grains, and sparging, in which extract which remains with the grains is rinsed off with hot water. The lauter tun is a tank with holes in the bottom small enough to hold back the large bits of grist and hulls (the ground or milled cereal).
The slurry is then thickened, exposed to a cyanide treatment to extract it from the ore and into the solution, absorbed from the solution with activated carbon, rinsed off the carbon, passed through an electrowinning process and finally melted in a furnace and poured into 25 kg bars. The leftover tailings are passed through an INCO/SO2 cyanide destruction process. The remaining tailings are sent thRough a final thickening stage and are pumped into the tailings pond composed of approximately 85% solids and very little cyanide. Twice a year the excess water is drained off the tailings pond where it flows naturally through a series of polishing ponds and a freshwater marsh.
Although many companies that had begun using the biocide in personal care products, such as Kimberly-Clark, Johnson & Johnson, and Unilever are removing methylisothiazolinone from their lotions and wipes, Colgate-Palmolive has added it as an ingredient in a mouthwash put onto the market in August 2014 with the name Colgate Total Lasting White.Abrams, Rachel, Growing Scrutiny for an Allergy Trigger Used in Personal Care Products, The New York Times, January 23, 2015, and in the print edition of the New York edition, as An Unexpected Reaction, January 24, 2015, p. B1 The New York Times reported that some companies are even considering removing the biocide from products that are routinely rinsed off shortly after application.
Kosher salt applied to chicken showing extracted moisture after one hour The coarse- grained salt is used to create a dry brine, which increases succulence and flavor and satisfies some religious requirements, sometimes with flavor additions such as herbs, spices or sugar. The meat is typically soaked in cool water, drained, completely covered with a thin layer of salt, and then allowed to stand on a rack or board for an hour or more. The larger salt granules remain on the surface of the meat, for the most part undissolved, and absorb fluids from the meat, which are then partially reabsorbed with the salt and any added flavors, essentially brining the meat in its own juices. The salt rub is then rinsed off and discarded before cooking.

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