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17 Sentences With "right inverse"

How to use right inverse in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "right inverse" and check conjugation/comparative form for "right inverse". Mastering all the usages of "right inverse" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Lipschitz map Logarithmic map is a right inverse of Exponential map.
Left and right inverses are not necessarily the same. If is a left inverse for , then may or may not be a right inverse for ; and if is a right inverse for , then is not necessarily a left inverse for . For example, let denote the squaring map, such that for all in , and let denote the square root map, such that for all . Then for all in ; that is, is a right inverse to .
An inverse that is both a left and right inverse (a two- sided inverse), if it exists, must be unique. In fact, if a function has a left inverse and a right inverse, they are both the same two-sided inverse, so it can be called the inverse. : If g is a left inverse and h a right inverse of f, for all y \in Y, g(y) = g(f(h(y)) = h(y). A function has a two-sided inverse if and only if it is bijective.
And if each linearization is only surjective, and a family of right inverses is smooth tame, then P is locally surjective with a smooth tame right inverse.
Gomez is left footed. Mainly a left back, he can also operate as an offensive left winger, defensive and offensive central midfielder, right inverse winger or even striker #11.
All examples in this section involve associative operators, thus we shall use the terms left/right inverse for the unital magma-based definition, and quasi-inverse for its more general version.
A function g is the left (resp. right) inverse of a function f (for function composition), if and only if g \circ f (resp. f \circ g) is the identity function on the domain (resp. codomain) of f.
Like automatic groups, automatic semigroups have word problem solvable in quadratic time. Kambites & Otto (2006) showed that it is undecidable whether an element of an automatic monoid possesses a right inverse. Cain (2006) proved that both cancellativity and left-cancellativity are undecidable for automatic semigroups. On the other hand, right- cancellativity is decidable for automatic semigroups (Silva & Steinberg 2004).
Then F and G can be restricted to D1 and C1 and yield inverse equivalences of these subcategories. In a sense, then, adjoints are "generalized" inverses. Note however that a right inverse of F (i.e. a functor G such that FG is naturally isomorphic to 1D) need not be a right (or left) adjoint of F. Adjoints generalize two-sided inverses.
They call an element x right quasiregular if there exists y such that x + y + xy = 0,Kaplansky, p. 85 which is equivalent to saying that 1 + x has a right inverse when the ring is unital. If we write x\circ y=x+y+xy, then (-x)\circ(-y)=-(x\cdot y), so we can easily go from one set-up to the other by changing signs.Lam, p.
150px In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a section is a right inverse of some morphism. Dually, a retraction is a left inverse of some morphism. In other words, if f : X → Y and g : Y → X are morphisms whose composition f o g : Y → Y is the identity morphism on Y, then g is a section of f, and f is a retraction of g.Mac Lane (1978, p.19).
A wide generalization of this example is the localization of a ring by a multiplicative set. Every localization is a ring epimorphism, which is not, in general, surjective. As localizations are fundamental in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, this may explain why in these areas, the definition of epimorphisms as right cancelable homomorphisms is generally preferred. A split epimorphism is a homomorphism that has a right inverse and thus it is itself a left inverse of that other homomorphism.
Prime (top-left), retrograde (top-right), inverse (bottom-left), and retrograde-inverse (bottom-right). As early as 1923, Arnold Schoenberg expressed the equivalence of melodic and harmonic presentation as a "unity of musical space." Taking the example of a hat, Schoenberg explained that the hat remains the same no matter if it is observed from below or above, from one side or another. Similarly, permutations such as inversion, retrograde, and retrograde inversion are a way to create musical space.
Schematic illustrations of two styles of graded bedding: left: normal grading; right: inverse grading. Schematic illustrations of two styles of graded bedding: left: normal grading; right: coarse tail grading. In geology, a graded bed is one characterized by a systematic change in grain or clast size from one side of the bed to the other. Most commonly this takes the form of normal grading, with coarser sediments at the base, which grade upward into progressively finer ones.
Every section is a monomorphism (every morphism with a left inverse is left-cancellative), and every retraction is an epimorphism (every morphism with a right inverse is right-cancellative). In algebra, sections are also called split monomorphisms and retractions are also called split epimorphisms. In an abelian category, if f : X → Y is a split epimorphism with split monomorphism g : Y → X, then X is isomorphic to the direct sum of Y and the kernel of f. The synonym coretraction for section is sometimes seen in the literature, although rarely in recent work.
More precisely, a member of the Jacobson radical must project under the canonical homomorphism to the zero of every "right division ring" (each non- zero element of which has a right inverse) internal to the ring in question. Concisely, it must belong to every maximal right ideal of the ring. These notions are of course imprecise, but at least explain why the nilradical of a commutative ring is contained in the ring's Jacobson radical. In yet a simpler way, we may think of the Jacobson radical of a ring as a method to "mod out bad elements of the ring" – that is, members of the Jacobson radical act as 0 in the quotient ring, R/J(R).
Indeed, this condition is necessary since the multiplication mapping \mu : A \otimes_K A \rightarrow A arising in the definition above is a A-A-bimodule epimorphism, which is split as an A-K- bimodule map by the right inverse mapping A \rightarrow A \otimes_K A given by a \mapsto a \otimes 1 . The converse can be proven by a judicious use of the separability idempotent (similarly to the proof of Maschke's theorem, applying its components within and without the splitting maps). Equivalently, the relative Hochschild cohomology groups H^n(R,S;M) of (R,S) in any coefficient bimodule M is zero for n > 0. Examples of separable extensions are many including first separable algebras where R = separable algebra and S = 1 times the ground field.

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