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"rewinding" Antonyms

136 Sentences With "rewinding"

How to use rewinding in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "rewinding" and check conjugation/comparative form for "rewinding". Mastering all the usages of "rewinding" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We just kept rewinding and rewinding the scene, getting more and more excited.
I wasn't rewinding as a means of bypassing an unfair area; I was rewinding because I was lazy.
He has watched it hundreds of times, pausing, rewinding, and
Barlow described the Carbon Black tool like rewinding a video tape.
Adding subtitles negated the need for rewinding over and over again.
But most players will play around with Rewinding at some point.
I had no problem, at all, with rewinding this particular section.
I had it on video, so I just kept rewinding it.
But with this, it was like we were rewinding that process.
Sick of pausing and rewinding YouTube tutorials to replay that tricky part?
It's as if we're watching a film of the 20th century quickly rewinding.
" Then Hill, rewinding the memory, thought again: "I'm not sure why I did that!
She has studied the image, taking apart its planes and colors, rewinding Copley's brushstrokes.
To understand, it's worth rewinding back to one of the earliest vaccine fights in America.
With a little pausing and rewinding, it's short work to find where the end begins.
It has been occupied by Moen Electric, an electric motor rebuilding, rewinding and repair company.
The idylls are punctuated by the discordant sounds of a tape rewinding at hyper-speed.
Rewinding back to January, this was not necessarily a predictable ending to the 2019 season.
Rewinding the clock 303 years, researchers found a shift in attitudes toward the elderly in 1880.
The video, titled "Rewind," begins in November 2017 and continues rewinding to Election Day of 2016.
Also, without fail, I will mess up rewinding film into the cartridge at least once per trip.
A reminder that, once upon a time, rewinding a tape was a literal rather than figurative action.
Max Caulfield — the time-rewinding heroine of the first game — is an absent figure in Chloe's life.
In the original, it was Max's time-bending powers, which let her solve puzzles by rewinding time.
It also has a simple button interface on the side for playing, rewinding, and deleting with ease.
In gumshoe fashion, Stephanie recounts what happened, how and why, rewinding the story in an extended flashback.
He kept rewinding the video back to the scene where they jumped off of the mule in tandem.
I experimented by watching just the dramatic scenes in an episode, then rewinding and watching the documentary bits.
Moreover, I frequently experienced lag when rewinding quickly or going backward more than, say, 10% at a time.
And supporters of S.2777 have no intention of rewinding progress or goals of overhauling our entire system.
Watching it over and over, rewinding, fast-forwarding, I knew in my gut that something had gone down.
It's an interesting attempt to unbundle YouTube: Sick of pausing and rewinding YouTube tutorials to replay that tricky part?
"When someone comes to me with a problem, it's as if I'm rewinding the hands of time," he said.
One fight takes place around a train crashing through a building, rewinding, and then crashing again, over and over.
I want to start by rewinding the clock a bit to January when President Trump was planning his administration.
In theory, rewinding is a great way to alleviate some of the frustrations inherent in fast-paced retro action games.
The video that played back was of relatively high quality, and because it was a disc, it didn't require rewinding.
Still, the AirPods "look odd" and had occasional glitches, like rewinding short sections of audio and crackling interference, Chen wrote.
When I was her age, the epitome of kindness was rewinding the VCR tape when I was done watching it.
It's crude and not always effective, but often I'm able to find a bug by progressively rewinding my own code.
The experimenters attempt to run the system's dynamics forward and backward in time, like rewinding and fast-forwarding a movie.
Nyong'o remembers wearing the tape out, rewinding it over and over until she knew all of the words by heart.
If you're thrifty, you don't actually need Learn Mode; you just need to be willing to keep rewinding whatever you're watching.
If China suddenly shut off access to these materials, it would be like rewinding the tech industry back a few decades.
The effect of "rewinding" the creation of art makes for a flashy visual, but not when you can't control it effectively.
When we recall something, it's not like our brains are rewinding a tape, and playing back events exactly as they unfolded.
Remembering is more than just rewinding a tape, after all—it's a rich, weird thing we're only now just beginning to understand.
It looks as if someone were watching a video of the dance, rewinding over and over, trying to transfer it to memory.
In addition to recording TV over-the-air, you can watch live TV in HD, while also pausing and rewinding the content.
"It's a rewinding of history, overtly looking for trade with Commonwealth countries, rather than with Europe," said John Lamb, a chamber spokesman.
MELBOURNE, Australia — There's no rewinding the results in sports, as New Orleans fans still fuming about last week's N.F.C. Championship game can attest.
As Lieberman moves his phone backward through the cloud of blobs, the noises replay in reverse as if he were rewinding a vinyl record.
" She grew up in Pennsylvania Amish country watching Jacques Cousteau specials on TV and repeatedly rewinding a VHS copy of Disney's "The Little Mermaid.
There were cagey mutterings about Easter eggs and other elements that might reward close attention and rewinding, and about a possible real-world component.
Rather than the idea of going back in time, it's more like rewinding a video (remember when we had to do that?); nothing changes.
We've done some of the brainwork for you, rewinding the clock to recap the best talking points of 2017 that are primed to be costume-ified.
You'll find yourself rewinding just to relish in characters' zingers once again, and your joy will be compounded because they so clearly relish their own zingers.
Despite the general unexciting nature of the episode, there was one moment that had fans jumping up from the couch and rewinding for a closer look.
Like a retractable leash, or a tape measure, the ES 02 Extension Socket uses an internal rewinding system to give users an adjustable length of cord.
Dedicated VR controllers make rewinding and fast-forwarding precise and convenient, and the headset gives you some freedom to walk around a scene without hitting buttons.
Its constant pausing and rewinding reinforces the sense that a lot of things are happening very quickly, and the player's job is to parse them out.
Also for Sling TV: pausing, rewinding, and fast-forwarding through recorded content is always permitted, which can be a hit-or-miss thing on other services.
The series's rewinding powers have been replaced with a far more appropriate option for Chloe, a "Backtalk" conversation mode that feels more authentic to her character.
Rewinding to earlier, Legere clearly relished his first live presentation in some time, berating and taking his signature hold-no-punches digs at T-Mobile's competition.
The Chrome extension generates an invite code that, when used to log into Netflix, automatically synchronizes your streams while pausing, rewinding, and fast-forwarding into account.
These two seconds are set on a silent endless loop, infinitely rewinding a moment of joyful outcry, scaled to only 3 inches wide via a tiny projection.
The feature delivers a button prompt to viewers to "replay" what they just watched at the end of a scene, without any rewinding or fast forwarding necessary.
Rewinding the mental movie of our lives together, I see us on our first date a few weeks after that kiss, talking during a long evening stroll.
Related: Rewinding the tape on one year of Trump Never have the lines between news and entertainment been blurred as much as they have in this presidential cycle.
But in 2015 it began rolling out paid subscriptions with premium app features, such as unlimited right swipes, rewinding back, "super likes," and the ability to switch locations.
If you're a fan of YouTube videos but often find yourself pausing and rewinding to a specific section, slowing down a YouTube video's playback speed may be beneficial.
One after another, women and girls with various names reveal episodes of their lives in regressive chapters, rewinding toward an implied mysterious, violent and formative point of origin.
Such options include switching between transparency and active noise cancellation mode, playing and pausing content, fast-forwarding and rewinding audio, triggering Siri, and answering and ending phone calls. 
More than three years after the release of its time-rewinding, episodic adventure Life Is Strange, French video game developer Dontnod Entertainment is in the midst of developing a sequel.
Instead, when you arrive at a natural ending, the movie will give you the option of going to credits or rewinding to a pivotal moment to try it all again.
And I remember my pal Derek, no slouch of an M.C. himself back then, rewinding "As the Rhyme Goes On" so he could digest every iota of the genius's work.
Learning from legends like Peter Aerts and Ernesto Hoost, the brothers studied the tapes until the magnetic strips eventually degraded from all the rewinding and fast forwarding of their favorite knockouts.
Sex Scenes From Hollywood FilmsIf you grew up pausing and rewinding erotic scenes from mainstream movies, you might fancy a collection that links directly to the sex scenes from popular films.
And if the cassette's tape got scrambled from rewinding and fast-forwarding (a very common thing), you'd have to use a pen or pencil (or your finger) to straighten it out.
While others peer into space or manipulate the human brain, McKay is rewinding the course of life, all the way back to primordial Earth when everything was "just chemistry," he says.
While playing back recordings, you can pause, skip ahead 30 seconds, rewind 20 seconds, in addition to rewinding and fast-forwarding, where you'll see thumbnail previews to help you find your place.
Or, rather, considering that no one seems really rattled by what the kidnapping might mean for the family's future, you begin questioning your original perceptions, rewinding scenes and sentences for new meaning.
Yet, there is no denying that two turntables and a mixer are the tools of the trade, and rewinding a record manually or scratching samples lies at the core of hip-hop.
But that's only if the viewer sees it—the ad reportedly won't pop up until five seconds after the video is paused in the event that someone is just rewinding or fast-forwarding.
Four minutes into his song, Eminem says, "To rewrite a mistake, I'm rewinding the tape," referencing every drug he's taken and the realization that he might not make it out of the hospital.
"We are seeing a big rewinding of positions that had been built up since the start of the year, such as euro longs," said Masafumi Yamamoto, chief forex strategist at Mizuho Securities in Tokyo.
TiVo's ability to instantly go back a few seconds to catch a line of dialogue was far more convenient than waiting for your VHS to finish recording and then rewinding to watch it again.
There's a lot worth pausing for, rewinding, and then watching over and over again until the electric charge of the images and the raw dialogue stay with you forever in Sara Jordenö's ballroom documentary Kiki.
The routine use of antibiotics and the reckless misuse in humans and animals accelerates resistance: We're rewinding to a world where death begins in childbirth, where premature babies die, where newborns go blind from gonorrhea.
And as the viewer, you can move like a ghost through the entire city — exploring the 3D environment, following individual characters, and rewinding or fast-forwarding the action to figure out how they all connect.
On her desk are two identical TV remotes; the second is a back-up, as the buttons on the first are starting to wear out from the sheer amount of pausing and rewinding she does.
In a few of the more overtly game-like parts, the recordings become little puzzles as well: you can get through a locked door, for example, by rewinding to see a character enter its code.
Streaming services promise the consumer total ease and control, including effortless bingeing, rewinding and re-watching (remember: Blockbuster movies had to be returned in a matter of days) all from the comfort of your home.
Unfortunately, the cast is introduced via a nonlinear timeline that revisits the events of Harley's first week post-breakup before rewinding at key moments to explain how each new face factors into the grand plot.
It sounds similar to a name often used for Donald Trump: Chuan Pu. The firm makes toilets for "high-end spas, hotels [and] public institutions", and uses the world's first "continuous rewinding toilet sanitary cover device".
Don't get me started on how Strange made his mystical time-rewinding gestures after he was flattened, flamed, or pincushioned, but the general conceit that time is a baffling burden for an immortal creature is just brilliant.
"If you're old enough to remember rewinding and forwarding songs on cassette tapes, it can take a while to get to the part you want," Richard Black, Microsoft's principal research software engineer, said in the blog post.
To do this, some are taking the unusual move of rewinding the technological dial, debating measures that would add paper ballots — similar to how many Americans voted before electronic voting started to become widespread in the 1980s.
It's also heavily limited on settings like fast-forwarding, rewinding, or playing at a faster speed, and it's a bit cumbersome to find the exact episode you are looking for if it isn't the most recent one.
In addition, TV shows had to be simple enough for viewers to understand the first time, because there was no second time, Professor Mittell wrote on The Conversation — no rewinding, no DVR and reruns only in the summer.
I can watch it on a big-screen TV or a small one, with the sound on or off, in one sitting or many, while fast-forwarding through parts I don't like or rewinding to rewatch parts I do.
Between their keen sensibilities, a mountain of reference material and a painstaking juxtaposition of the everyday glamor and banality of showbiz, Becker has been delivering an exhaustively rendered Hollywood that begs for rewinding and rewatching in each new episode.
Luckily, a violent drug-deal scene from the movie-within-the-movie presents some relevant dialogue, the audio from which Kevin uses to communicate and complete the transaction by acrobatically rewinding and fast-forwarding to his quotes of choice.
Cops like my husband are exhausted by the amateur lawyers with 20/20 hindsight who feel they would do better at making a decision in an eighth of a second after they spent a few hours rewinding and replaying the video.
Compared to the murky premiere, I could almost tell what everyone was up to without rewinding three times, with the notable exception of a few good mysteries that I have a feeling will be stringing us along for a while.
When reviewing streams, moderators may watch the live portion of the material itself as well as sections that already aired, and multiple moderators may work on the same clip, each rewinding to the point the previous reviewer stopped, the document indicates.
According to quantum mechanics, the probabilities of all possible states of particles in the universe must respect "unitarity," evolving in such a way that the universe's past states can in principle always be uniquely determined by rewinding from its present state.
Yet no sooner does the book settle into a comfortable rhythm of depicting Gene and Carlotta's life together — the drinking binges, the spousal abuse, the weepy remorse — than it essentially starts over, rewinding to cover O'Neill's previous marriage to Agnes Boulton.
This inconsistency is not explored, nor is it apparent why, if she is merely Bee some years hence, she is also an omniscient narrator, confiding to the audience and acting as a kind of wizard, rewinding time with a remote control.
Having picked one, he and the crew proceed to create a mini-musical on the spot, first telling a comically exaggerated version of the volunteer's story, then rewinding it back to the beginning before retelling it with a happier resolution.
More so than watching old footage on YouTube, or on a season-review stocking-filler DVD, playing the past is proving quite the unexpectedly vivid means of rewinding to where I was, why I was, and where I wanted to be.
Tracer, who is one of the most iconic characters in the game because she is featured on the game's packaging and promotional materials, can zip forward in time and get out of trouble by rewinding through her actions with her "Recall" ability.
But instead of using a single avatar, you select two or three at a time and play as all of them — not with unified squad movement or a series of sequential turns, but by rewinding and fast-forwarding to control each character simultaneously.
Free Tinder users can also choose to upgrade to Tinder Gold, which will include all the features currently available in Tinder Plus – like rewinding past swipes, browsing matches outside your city, more control over your profile, an ad-free experience, and more.
Physical tape recorders are the equivalent of walking 5 miles in the snow to school, uphill both ways: All the fun of ceaselessly cringing at your own voice and questions, compounded by the joy of rewinding a microcassette two or three hundred times.
Those few minutes of winding my watch in the morning are quite emotional and enjoyable and makes me feel like I'm rewinding my own energy and giving myself a morning boost much in the same way as a double shot of espresso.
A funny thing is happening at this year's Mobile World Congress: a show defined by its future-facing announcements and innovations essentially ground to a halt to gawk at Nokia rewinding the clock a decade and a half with its launch of the Nokia 3310.
Almost every episode ends on a cliffhanger, and much of the series' drama involves rewinding a sequence involving one Miles to show what the other version was up to at the time, and how it led to events playing out the way they did.
Rewinding back to 1991, followed by years of bloodshed in the Kurdish parts of Iraq, it was only through the efforts of the international community that the people of Kurdistan established a government and system of their own after the uprising against the former dictator.
"I think he scored three baskets, and we must have watched each of them 212 times, rewinding the tape over and over again just to relish every detail," John wrote in an entry for a family scrapbook made on an anniversary of Malcolm Kerr's death.
I watched the final fates of a few characters, including Xi and Ava, and patched together pieces of other stories — mostly by starting one timeline, watching until my chosen character met somebody else, and then rewinding to see what that character had done before the meeting.
Thanks to these deals, a number of the most-watched TV networks will now allow users to switch to the recorded version of the show, where they'll have full control over pausing, rewinding and fast-forwarding at any time during playback — even during an ad break.
Television subscribers have played around with the way they've watched TV since taping shows in the '90s, fast-forwarding and rewinding episodes to make for a better viewing experience for themselves — even if that's not the way the showrunners and writers intended it to be watched.
The idea being that if we fast-forward then immediately rewind, we get back to where we started from, but if we fast-forward and make a small change before rewinding, then in a chaotic system we will quickly end up at a very different place than we started.
In every direction that radio astronomers looked, the temperature of the cosmic gravy was exactly the same: 2.725 degrees Celsius above absolute zero, even in places so far apart that, according to a conventional rewinding of the expansion of the universe, the regions could not ever have touched.
Mosley's guests have included Paul F. Tompkins, Lauren Lapkus, and Nicole Byer, so while the show can't help being hysterical, at least once per episode she delivers a line so strikingly, memorably, out-of-left-field funny that I find myself rewinding to listen over and over again.
I had fun, taking all those notes and rewinding videotapes to render precisely what Charles Barkley or the Scooter had uttered, how many times Tom Coughlin's face turned cranberry red on the sidelines when he coached the Giants, or how many replays CBS amassed during an early 1990s World Series game.
And anyone who's spent time in 2017 endlessly rewinding this strange wisp of a song knows that the extreme actions it's inspired are more than deserved: Melodrama is an odd album—even for an art-focused pop star like Lorde, never mind anyone else—and "The Louvre" is one of its weirdest moments.
But Disneybounding—or bounding for short—is a trend that speaks directly to nostalgic millennials like Sterling, that grew up rewinding VHS copies of classic animations like Aladdin, The Lion King and Toy Story and now spend their evenings filling in Disney quizzes or scrolling through galleries of Disney princesses reimagined as mothers.
Seeing as we're all in the process of mentally erasing and rewinding our way into the great Restart button that is 2018 anyway, we decided to rip out the painful stitches of some of those musical memories in our friends and colleagues by getting them to tell us the traumatizing stories behind their most hated tracks.
Netflix is pursuing more interactive content, including, maybe, a rom-com Some earlier predecessors of interactive audio-visual content include sports event streaming, in which the user can decide which particular stream she follows and how she interacts with the live content, for example rewinding the stream and spotting the key moments based on her own interest.
So there is a weird satisfaction in rewinding the story more than 30 years, back to the moment when the two lived in suburban Maryland and coexisted as part of a small social circle of teenagers who hung out at country club pools all summer and whose pressing concern was which parents were out of town for the weekend.
At times, the cross-cutting is used to gloss over how characters got from point A to point B, and while a certain amount of this is acceptable, there are a couple of instances where it jolted me out of the story completely and I actually wound up rewinding to make sure I hadn't missed anything.
Batman: Arkham VR, one of the new games Sony was showing off for its PlayStation VR platform, requires you to solve the murder of a very close friend by watching their violent death over and over in slow motion, rewinding and fast-forwarding until you can identify the precise and horrific injuries that your Bat-scanner deems worthy of cataloging.
Now, I don't currently own a mountain bike, but do live in Brooklyn, which has a noted dearth of mountains, and this all means I've been spending the rare evening at home putting things on Netflix that I don't care about expressly so I can stop rewinding while I read about suspension geometry and wonder if I'm going to live long enough to shred again.
Though she imagined one day no longer needing to know that, or she fantasized about rewinding her life and starting over so she was a person who did not have to know that, or she entertained the idea of a parallel Brit, living in a world in which there was no need to make sense of a man who up and left on the brink of love, of people who up and left, of a life strung together with all these little leavings, but she felt sad for this parallel Brit, an emptier sadness than she felt for herself now.

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