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110 Sentences With "relocatable"

How to use relocatable in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "relocatable" and check conjugation/comparative form for "relocatable". Mastering all the usages of "relocatable" from sentence examples published by news publications.

If the recommendations were put into law, the EU anticipates they would create new, non-relocatable jobs at repair shops.
Investing in relocatable technologies and other assets that can be moved regularly in order to mitigate this could be of value.
"The idea here is that CODE is going after mobile or rapidly relocatable targets, so the target locations cannot be specified precisely in advance by humans," Scharre says.
For example, since the early 1990s, the United States has increased the size of the Border Patrol from roughly 4,000 agents to roughly 20,85033, deployed thousands of underground sensors, sophisticated fixed and relocatable radar and camera systems and constructed more than 670 miles of physical barriers on the southern border.
A relocatable library for linkable object programs and a source statement library for assembler macros and include text were also supported. Installations could define additional private relocatable and source statement libraries on other disk volumes.
Two object code loaders for loading absolute or relocatable object code.
COM files. MS-DOS version 1.0 added a more advanced relocatable .EXE executable file format.
A relocatable expression is one that contains one or more terms that require relocation by the linkage editor when the program ls linked, for example, in the following code 'ACON' has a relocatable nominal value. LAB DC H'0' ... ACON DC A(LAB-4) A complex relocatable expression contains terms that relate to addresses in different source modules. For example, `DC A(X-Y)` where 'X' and 'Y' are in different modules.
The nominal value of the 'DC' is a list of expressions enclosed in parentheses. Expressions can be absolute, relocatable, or complex relocatable. An absolute expression can be completely evaluated at assembly time and does not require further processing by the linkage editor. For example, `DC A(4900796)` has an absolute nominal value.
A adcons normally store a four byte relocatable address, however it is possible to specify the length of the constant. For example, `AL1(stuff)` defines a one-byte adcon, useful mainly for small constants with relocatable values. Other adcon types can similarly have length specification. V type adcons store an external reference to be resolved by the link-editor.
Due to the age of the main building, it was completely rebuilt in 1983. The school has 63 classrooms and six relocatable classrooms.
The minimum information contained in a symbol table used by a translator includes the symbol's name, its relocatability attributes (absolute, relocatable, etc.), and its location or address. For relocatable symbols, some relocation information must be stored. Symbol tables for high-level programming languages store the symbol's type: string, integer, floating-point, etc., its size, and its dimensions and its bounds.
The functional modules are distributed in relocatable format (.REL) and the GEN command is a specialized linker which builds an executable version of the system.
Guix pack enables the user to bundle together store items and output them as a docker binary image, a relocatable tarball or a squashfs binary.
Most of the money was used to design and build relocatable communications vans that would be activated if there was a threat of nuclear war. The rationale for relocatable vans was that the National Military Command Center (NMCC) at the Pentagon and the Alternate National Military Command Center (ANMCC) located in the Raven Rock Mountain Complex were already targeted by the Soviet Union and therefore would not survive a nuclear strike. The same criticism could not be leveled at the Boeing E-4 aircraft that made up the National Emergency Airborne Command Posts (NEACP), but the plan for relocatable communications vans went forward nevertheless. The government agency that was the strongest advocate for relocatable vans was the Defense Communications Agency (DCA), since renamed the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), whose responsibility it was to plan for continuity of military communications despite the possible loss of both land and satellite-based links.
PMC can have as many stories as building codes allow. Unlike relocatable buildings, PMC structures are intended to remain in one location for the duration of their useful life.
There are two linking systems used. The collector (@MAP) combines the output relocatable elements of the basic-mode compilers and assemblers into an absolute element which is directly executable. While this linker is intended primarily to support basic mode, the relocatable and absolute elements may contain extended-mode as well. This is often the case when an existing application is enhanced to use extended mode or call extended mode libraries but still contains some basic mode code.
In addition, fixed installation and relocatable urinals are available for use by girls and women. Some designs require the user to supply their own personal female urination device, while other designs do not have this expectation.
Programs that use autopackage must also be relocatable, meaning they must be installable to varying directories with a single binary. This enables an autopackage to be installed by a non-root user in the user's home directory.
At time it is discussed to run all installed 3rd- party tools in a Sandbox by default.Developer blog: Listaller - The next steps Programs that use Listaller must also be relocatable, meaning they must be installable to varying directories with a single binary. This makes it possible for Listaller to install software for non-root users into their home directory, although this method has to be enabled explicitly and its use is not encouraged. The Listaller Developer Tools provide tools and documentation for application developers to make their software relocatable.
TPF also had its program segments allocated as 381, 1055 and 4K byte-sized records at different points in its history. Each segment consisted of a single record; with a typically comprehensive application requiring perhaps tens or even hundreds of segments. For the first forty years of TPF's history, these segments were never link-edited. Instead, the relocatable object code (direct output from the assembler) was laid out in memory, had its internally (self-referential) relocatable symbols resolved, then the entire image was written to file for later loading into the system.
They are comparable to buildings built strictly onsite in terms of quality, life span, and materials used for construction. Relocatable Buildings – modular units built offsite for assembly onsite that can be partially or completely reused and relocated at future building sites.
Sonningdale has a church, post office, community complex, seniors centre, a library, and a firehall. The two story school had an enrollment of 33 in 2005, and was closed in June 2006. Two relocatable classrooms were move away in 2009.
The HLA Back Engine (HLABE) is a compiler back end that translates an internal intermediate language into low-level Portable Executable (PE), Common Object File Format (COFF), Executable and Linkable Format (ELF), or Mach-O object code. An HLABE program mostly consists of data (byte) emission statements, 32-bit relocatable address statements, x86 control-transfer instructions, and various directives. In addition to translating the byte and relocatable address statements into the low-level object code format, HLABE also handles branch-displacement optimization (picking the shortest possible form of a branch instruction). Although the HLABE is incorporated into the HLA v2.
LUnix also supports 2 MHz mode and boot disk convenience of C128 platform. LUnix came with an extensive documentation at the time. Well-defined library calls, relocatable code support and decent memory management functions made it possible to develop software for LUnix easily.
CP/M-86 was a version of the CP/M operating system that Digital Research (DR) made for the Intel 8086 and Intel 8088. The system commands are the same as in CP/M-80. Executable files used the relocatable .CMD file format.
The assembler for the System/360 Model 67 Time Sharing System has a number of differences in directives to support unique TSS features. The `PSECT` directive generates a Prototype Control Section containing relocatable address constants and modifiable data used by the program.
Off-site construction is very similar to modular construction, but it is focused primarily on permanent construction; modular construction can be either permanent or relocatable. Also known as offsite construction, or OSC, and also incorporates many MMC - or Modern Methods of Construction technologies.
A response to the devastating Christchurch earthquakes, the work is designed to be a permanent but relocatable feature of the city. In the 2018 New Year Honours, Morison was appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit, for services to visual arts.
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory - Press release. 21 December 2017. a mission proposal to the 2017 NASA New Frontiers mission solicitation, which was selected on 27 June 2019. The mission entails a relocatable dual-quadcopter lander to investigate the surface composition and meteorology of Titan.
The CHPS Best Practices Manual is a six-volume technical guide for high performance schools. The manual covers planning, design, high performance benchmarks, maintenance and operations, commissioning and relocatable classrooms in high performance schools. California DGS. There are versions of the Criteria Volume available for all participating states.
In 1989, Schlüter presented a new line of products. Its name was Euro Trac. Specific for these new tractors were its driver's cab in the middle of both axles, together with relocatable ballast weight, placed on top of the front axis. More or less, this tractor was almost similar to the MB-trac.
Many early computers, or small microcomputers, support only an absolute object format. Programs are not relocatable; they need to be assembled or compiled to execute at specific, predefined addresses. The file contains no relocation or linkage information. These files can be loaded into read/write memory, or stored in read-only memory.
If sugar cannot pass to the fastest growing parts rapidly enough, those parts die. Boron is not relocatable in the plant via the phloem. It must be supplied to the growing parts via the xylem. Foliar sprays affect only those parts sprayed, which may be insufficient for the fastest growing parts, and is very temporary.
Rubb Halls in Cambodia A Rubb Hall is a commercial name for particularly large, relocatable tent-like structure often used in situations of emergency (e.g. humanitarian) and temporary industry (e.g. construction projects).Rubb Group - History The name derives from Rubb Building Systems, and Hall Engineering of Bergen Norway, manufacturers of this kind of structure.
The U.S. Navy Relocatable Over the Horizon (ROTHR) receiver site was built in 1997 on government land at Fort Allen as part of a surveillance network which is designed to monitor flights over an area encompassing more than in South America. The (ROTHR) radar consists of 34 antennas and support structure from 71 to tall.
NASA's Dragonfly lander/aircraft concept is proposed to launch in 2025 and would seek evidence of biosignatures on the organic-rich surface and atmosphere of Titan, as well as study its possible prebiotic primordial soup.Dragonfly: Exploring Titan's Surface with a New Frontiers Relocatable Lander. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #49, id.219.02. October 2017.
A TSC is usually a three-phase assembly, connected either in a delta or a star arrangement. Unlike the TCR, a TSC generates no harmonics and so requires no filtering. For this reason, some SVCs have been built with only TSCs .[Horwill, C., Young, D.J., Wong, K.T.G. A design for a relocatable tertiary connected SVC.
Reclaimed Space is an American company based in Austin, Texas, that builds custom sustainable living spaces out of reclaimed materials. They are known for their relocatable and drop-ready functionality. Reclaimed Space's architecture is also known for its solar/wind energy capabilities and rainwater harvesting systems. Off-grid living is one of Reclaimed Space's main functionalities.
The primary concern of the original engineers appears to have been fragmentation - that is, the repeated allocation and deallocation of memory through pointers leading to many small isolated areas of memory which cannot be used because they are too small, even though the total free memory may be sufficient to satisfy a particular request for memory. To solve this, Apple engineers used the concept of a relocatable handle, a reference to memory which allowed the actual data referred to be moved without invalidating the handle. Apple's scheme was simple - a handle was simply a pointer into a (non relocatable) table of further pointers, which in turn pointed to the data. If a memory request required compaction of memory, this was done and the table, called the master pointer block, was updated.
Assembly languages directly correspond to a machine language (see below), although there may not be a 1-1 mapping between an individual statement and an individual instruction, so machine code instructions appear in a form understandable by humans. Assembly languages let programmers use symbolic addresses, which the assembler converts to absolute or relocatable addresses. Most assemblers also support macros and symbolic constants.
An object file is a computer file containing object code, that is, machine code output of an assembler or compiler. The object code is usually relocatable, and not usually directly executable. There are various formats for object files, and the same machine code can be packaged in different object file formats. An object file may also work like a shared library.
AFRL/RW develops, demonstrates, and transitions science and technology for air-launched munitions for defeating ground fixed, mobile/relocatable, air and space targets to assure pre-eminence of U.S. air and space forces. The directorate conducts basic research, exploratory development, and advanced development and demonstrations. It also participates in programs focused on technology transfer, dual-use technology and small business development.
This temple was damaged by floods in 1905, but its deities and relocatable parts were saved before the floods and relocated nearby to Second River temple, one that has remained in use for over 100 years. The early temples in South Africa were simple, but followed the traditional Hindu temple design and architectures. Temples built later were larger and more elaborate.Paul Mikula et al.
In computer science, pointer swizzling is the conversion of references based on name or position to direct pointer references. It is typically performed during the deserialization (loading) of a relocatable object from disk, such as an executable file or pointer-based data structure. The reverse operation, replacing pointers with position-independent symbols or positions, is sometimes referred to as unswizzling, and is performed during serialization (saving).
SQUOZE (abbreviated as SQZ) is a memory-efficient representation of a combined source and relocatable object program file with a symbol table on punched cards which was introduced in 1958 with the SCAT assembler on the SHARE Operating System (SOS) for the IBM 709. A program in this format was called a SQUOZE deck. It was also used on later machines including the IBM 7090 and 7094.
The school was built in 1964. Students who attend West Lake come from the area approximately bounded by 2100 South on the north, Redwood Road on the east, 3500 South on the south, and 4800 West on the west. The school is located in the heart of West Valley City. The school has 64 classrooms, including six relocatable classrooms and a Parent and Family Center.
In 1974, he designed Hove Town Hall. He also designed a "relocatable church", a TV studio in the Arabian Desert, and financial headquarters next door to St Paul's Cathedral in London. He served as Vice- President of the Royal Institute of British Architects and President of the Commonwealth Association of Architects.Design and Health: John Wells-Thompson He also served on the Advisory Board of the BBC.
This is especially true for simpler high level languages without (many) dynamic data structures, checks, or type- checks. In traditional compilation, the executable output of the linkers (.exe files or .dll files or a library, see picture) is typically relocatable when run under a general operating system, much like the object code modules are but with the difference that this relocation is done dynamically at run time, i.e.
Investors included Menlo Ventures and Morgenthaler Ventures. For the National Science Foundation (NSF), SRI operates the advanced modular incoherent scatter radar (AMISR), a novel relocatable atmospheric research facility. Other SRI-operated research facilities for the NSF include the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico and the Sondrestrom Upper Atmospheric Research Facility in Greenland. In May 2011, SRI was awarded a $42 million contract to operate the Arecibo Observatory from October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2016.
Around this time a roofed loading dock and mail handling area was constructed between the southwest corner of the mail room and the relocatable building used for the API recreation room. The adjoining basement areas was converted to contractor's rooms and an earlier mail conveyor area was enclosed. The rec room was later converted to a contractor's parcel area. The first floor manual exchange was converted to a conference and training centre.
In August 2010 both projects announced they will announcement: Listaller and Autopackage will merge As consequence of the merge, Autopackage abandoned its own package binary package format and all user interfaces to install Autopackage packages. Autopackage tools like BinReloc to create relocatable applications or APBuild are now developed as part of the Listaller project. Reason for merging Autopackage into Listaller was mainly a great lack of developers in both projects so they decided to join forces.
Government funding saw a new five-classroom "social sciences" block (F block) open in early 2004 as a permanent solution. However, the school's roll soon increased to 940 students, requiring the relocatable classrooms to remain. The old Wainuiomata College site was abandoned, and in 2005, it was used as the filming location for the first series of school-based comedy Seven Periods with Mr Gormsby. Much of the old school was destroyed in an arson attack in July 2010.
Two relocatable classrooms from Lismore were moved to Mayfield to add two additional classrooms while another building was used to extend the library/hall. Mayfield School is a decile 9 co-educational state full primary school (U2 grade) catering for New Entrants to Year 8 students. At the end of 2010 the roll was 71 students. Secondary education is undertaken at Geraldine High School or Ashburton College, with school buses running from Mayfield to both schools.
A semi-trailer is normally equipped with landing gear (legs which can be lowered) to support it when it is uncoupled. Many semi-trailers have wheels that are capable of being totally dismounted and are also relocatable (repositionable) to better distribute load to bearing wheel weight factors. Semi-trailers are more popular for transport than full trailers, which have both front and rear axles. Ease of backing is cited as one of the semi's chief advantages.
Output consists of absolute or relocatable punched cards or card images. The output is binary data in the twelve card rows 12, 11, and 0–9. Each row contains two 36-bit words in columns 1-36 and 37-72, indicated as left (L) and right (R) respectively. Data is conventionally numbered by row and position, for example, columns 1 to 36 of row 9 are designated 9L, columns 37 to 72 of the same row are 9R.
In 2012, Fonroche Énergie, through its subsidiary Fonroche Environnement Urbain, revealed to the market a range of passive solar lighting, called Illum'in. It is an intelligent photovoltaic candelabra, manufactured in France. It minimizes the impact of public lighting on the environment and enables municipalities to save money, because its requires less maintenance than a conventional, electric, installation. Fonroche has also developed within the same range, solar candelabras dedicated to tropical countries as well as street furniture (range Urb'in) with relocatable anchors.
The Sale Yards are a series of open pavilions with bush-timber posts, concrete floors, dressed timber roof framing and corrugated iron roofs. The roofs are a mixture of gabled, half-gabled and hipped forms, with fixed timber louvres infilling some of the gables. The yards contain a series of pens, framed in walls and gates of timber slats, with some of the walls being relocatable to vary the size of the pens. The gates have sliding timber slats used as catches.
The environment for the boot program is very simple: the CPU is in real mode and the general-purpose and segment registers are undefined, except SS, SP, CS, and DL. CS:IP always points to physical address `0x07C00`. What values CS and IP actually have is not well defined. Some BIOSes use a CS:IP of `0x0000:0x7C00` while others may use `0x07C0:0x0000`. Because boot programs are always loaded at this fixed address, there is no need for a boot program to be relocatable.
Modus' product also proved useful in the telecommunications industry as relocatable shelters for telecommunications equipment. Production of the units began with a major sale to Clearnet Networks (now merged into Telus) and continued to include orders to Bell Mobility, Bell West and Expertech. Other units were shipped to end-users such as the Department of National Defence, SNC Lavalin, Morrison-Herschfield, Alberta Fire-Net, Alberta Supernet (Axia) and Suncor Energy. In 2009, Randy Ludwar was named CEO and the prior partners joined the Board of Directors.
AFHRA document 00076530 The Army closed its communications facility at Amchitka in August 1950. On 31 December 1950 the Air Force 2107th Air Weather Group pulled the last of its personnel out of Amchitka and the facility was abandoned.AFHRA Document 00496942 The site later hosted an Air Force White Alice telecommunication system in 1959 to 1961, and a temporary relay station in the 1960s and 1970s. A prototype Relocatable Over-the-Horizon Radar system existed on Amchitka between 1991 and 1993 to conduct surveillance on Russia.
The rise of object-oriented languages for programming the Mac – first Object Pascal, then later C++ – also caused problems for the memory model adopted. At first, it would seem natural that objects would be implemented via handles, to gain the advantage of being relocatable. These languages, as they were originally designed, used pointers for objects, which would lead to fragmentation issues. A solution, implemented by the THINK (later Symantec) compilers, was to use Handles internally for objects, but use a pointer syntax to access them.
Microsoft MACRO-80 (often shortened to M80) is a relocatable macro assembler for Intel 8080 and Zilog Z80 microcomputer systems.Microsoft MACRO-8O ASSEMBLER CP/M Version Software Reference Manual for HEATH/ZENITH 8-bit digital computer systems (1981) The complete MACRO-80 package includes the MACRO-80 Assembler, the LINK-80 Linking Loader, and the CREF-80 Cross Reference Facility. The LIB-80 Library Manager is included in CP/M versions only.Microsoft Utility Software Manual (1979) The list price at the time was $200.
This resulted in BUTTERFLY which was described by George Forsythe: > Each grader program was written as a BALGOL-language procedure. It was then > compiled together with a procedure called BUTTERFLY, written by Moore. The > result was a relocatable machine-language procedure, with a mechanism for > equating its variables to variables of any BALGOL program, in just the form > of the BALGOL compiler’s own machine-language library procedures (SIN, > WRITE, READ, etc). Forsythe anticipated a problem as described by Bob Braden: > BALGOL at Stanford outlived the B220 hardware.
ASR 8 is the analog precursor to the ASR 9. It is an aging radar system that is obsolete, not logistically supported, do not provide digital inputs to new terminal automation systems, and do not provide a calibrated precipitation intensity product nor any storm motion information. It is a relocatable, solid-state, all-weather radar with dual-channel, frequency diversity, remote operator controls, and a dual beam tower mounted antenna. The radar provides controllers with range azimuth of aircraft within a 60 nautical mile radius.
Relocatable Dynamic Object File Format (RDOFF) is used by developers to test the integrity of NASM's object file output abilities. It is based heavily on the internal structure of NASM, essentially consisting of a header containing a serialization of the output driver function calls followed by an array of sections containing executable code or data. Tools for using the format, including a linker and loader, are included in the NASM distribution. Until version 0.90 was released in October 1996, NASM supported output of only flat- format executable files (e.g.
This simple fact was not published until some years later.(The author has been unable to identify the source that he clearly remembers; the closest is Gries, 1968.) > The ALGOL 30 system suffered one defect that hindered its wide use as a > student-oriented language: it was a two-pass system. The intermediate code > was similar to relocatable binary, but had to be punched onto paper tape. > Compilations could be "batched," but the delays between presenting the > source code tape and the final execution were too great to allow widespread > student use.
Executable programs for CP/M-86 and MS-DOS were not interchangeable with each other; many applications were sold in both MS-DOS and CP/M-86 versions until MS-DOS became preponderant (later Digital Research operating systems could run both MS-DOS and CP/M-86 software). MS-DOS originally supported the simple .COM, which was modeled after a similar but binary incompatible format known from CP/M-80. CP/M-86 instead supported a relocatable format using the file extension .CMD to avoid name conflicts with CP/M-80 and MS-DOS .
An Australian modern prefabricated house In Australia these homes are commonly known as transportable homes, relocatable homes or prefabricated homes (not to be confused with the American meaning of the term). They are not as common as in the US, but the industry is expected to grow as this method of construction becomes more accepted. Manufactured home parks refer to housing estates where the house owner rents the land instead of owning it. This is quite common in Queensland in both the form of tourist parks and over fifty estates.
The mission of the Munitions Directorate, located at Eglin AFB, Florida, is to "develop, demonstrate and transition science and technology for air-launched munitions for defeating ground fixed, mobile/relocatable, air and space targets to assure pre-eminence of U.S. air and space forces." The current Director of the Munitions Directorate is Col. Gary Haase. Notable projects which have been made public include the GBU-28 "bunker-buster" bomb which debuted during the 1991 Persian Gulf War in Iraq and took only 17 days from concept to first deployment.
"The Wiggles music isn't all that far removed from what we did in the Cockroaches, just a different subject matter", Field stated. "The Cockroaches sing about girls and love and stuff like that; the Wiggles sing about hot potatoes and cold spaghetti." Moran stated that the Wiggles wrote songs they liked and would listen to, and then made them appropriate for children. They approached simple and relocatable topics, such as food and nutrition, as teachers would in a pre- school setting, with simple melodies that were easy for children to sing and remember.
Work was stopped on irrigation infrastructure in 1962. The dam featured unusually large outlet works, capable of discharging (compared with a spillway capacity of ) because the outlet works could be increased in size at lower cost than the spillway. The first element of construction at Fontenelle Dam was the building of the Fortenelle community, the base camp for construction, with work starting in 1961 to build prefabricated relocatable houses for dam workers. The contract for the base camp was awarded to and completed by the D.H. Butcher & Co. construction company.
The merger took effect in January 2002, ready for the 2002 school year. Parkway College, like most New Zealand state secondary schools built in the 1970s, was constructed the "S68" standard plan. The S68 is characterised by single-story classroom blocks of concrete block construction, with low pitched roofs and internal open courtyards. When the two schools merged on the one site, the combined 800 students exceeded the capacity of the school's three S68 blocks (A, B and C blocks), requiring relocatable classrooms to be moved on site to deal with the extra students.
The school also used the sports fields to the rear of Ongar Leisure Centre and immediately adjacent to the playground. The main contractor, Elliott UK, had experience providing purpose built permanent, temporary, and relocatable schools and classrooms. Planning permission was granted by Epping Forest District Council for the temporary premises on 17 June 2015 and the premises were handed to the school on 29 July 2015. In March 2015, The Ongar Academy presented initial artists' impressions of a multimillion-pound new build school which would replace the temporary premises from September 2017.
Wooleybah has the ability to demonstrate the technological practices associated with saw milling from the 1930s until the 1990s and the social organisation of small forest milling communities. Wooleybah provides evidence of the deliberate management of the Pilliga forests as a regenerated timber resource and the early relocatable timber- industry practice of moving milling operations close to the source of timber. In particular Wooleybah is an example of the historical development of the forestry industry in Pilliga West State Forest. Aboriginal people played a considerable role in the forestry industry and in particular in the Pilliga.
An illustration of the linking process. Object files and static libraries are assembled into a new library or executable Programs written in a high level language are either directly executed by some kind of interpreter or converted into machine code by a compiler (and assembler and linker) for the CPU to execute. While compilers (and assemblers) generally produce machine code directly executable by computer hardware, they can often (optionally) produce an intermediate form called object code. This is basically the same machine specific code but augmented with a symbol table with names and tags to make executable blocks (or modules) identifiable and relocatable.
The references being resolved may be addresses for jumps and other routine calls. They may be in the main program, or in one module depending upon another. They are resolved into fixed or relocatable addresses (from a common base) by allocating runtime memory for the memory segments of each module referenced. Some programming languages may use a feature called smart linking whereby the linker is aware of or integrated with the compiler, such that the linker knows how external references are used, and code in a library that is never actually used, even though internally referenced, can be discarded from the compiled application.
The stadium hosted the 2017 IAAF World Championships and 2017 World Para Athletics Championships (the first time both events had been held in the same location in the same year). It hosts a rounds of the IAAF Diamond League each year, known as the London Grand Prix, sometimes called the London Anniversary Games. It also hosted several 2015 Rugby World Cup matches. The stadium can also hold concerts with up to 80,000 spectators, and, due to its oval shape and relocatable seating, was deemed to have the potential to host for other sports such as baseball and cricket.
The system library contains a binary loader supporting standard, address-dependent Atari binaries as well as SpartaDOS X address-independent ("relocatable") binary files. It also facilitates such tasks as error handling, parsing the command line, as well as managing memory, file and device resources etc. The library also contains a menu-driven disk formatter, that can be invoked at any time, not only from the DOS' Command Processor, but also from within an application program. The entire library occupies 24 KB of the cartridge (in three banks, 8 KB each) and can be switched off as necessary to release some memory.
In addition, the handle-based approach also opened up a source of programming errors, where pointers to data within such relocatable blocks could not be guaranteed to remain valid across calls that might cause memory to move. This was a real problem for almost every system API that existed. Because of the transparency of system-owned data structures at the time, the APIs could do little to solve this. Thus the onus was on the programmer not to create such pointers, or at least manage them very carefully by dereferencing all handles after every such API call.
LLVM can provide the middle layers of a complete compiler system, taking intermediate representation (IR) code from a compiler and emitting an optimized IR. This new IR can then be converted and linked into machine- dependent assembly language code for a target platform. LLVM can accept the IR from the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) toolchain, allowing it to be used with a wide array of extant compilers written for that project. LLVM can also generate relocatable machine code at compile-time or link-time or even binary machine code at run-time. LLVM supports a language-independent instruction set and type system.
Student enrollment in the 2007-2008 school year was a 36% enrollment increase above the permanent build facility level approved by the Ministry when the school was completed in 2002. History in Ontario has shown that many of these relocatable/portable classrooms will in fact be on site at the school for 15 to 20 or more years. As of 2017 the school has not used portable classrooms for at least 2 school years. No provision is made by the Ministry for important and needed specialty classrooms for these additional students enrolled beyond the official building capacity.
Within a word the bits are designated, from left to right as S (sign bit) and 1-35, thus bit position 13 of the left word in row 6 is designated 6L13. Word 9L of each card is a control word, and 9R is an optional checksum. The control word contains bits indicating, for example, whether the data on the card is absolute or relocatable, whether or not a checksum is present, the absolute or nominal location of data on this card, and a count of the number of words of data contained on this card.
The term "linkage editor" should not be construed as implying that the program operates in a user-interactive mode like a text editor. It is intended for batch-mode execution, with the editing commands being supplied by the user in sequentially organized files, such as punched cards, DASD, or magnetic tape, and tapes were often used during the initial installation of the OS. Linkage editing (IBM nomenclature) or consolidation or collection (ICL nomenclature) refers to the linkage editor's or consolidator's act of combining the various pieces into a relocatable binary, whereas the loading and relocation into an absolute binary at the target address is normally considered a separate step.
The first permanent structure was the Campus Center (now the Administrative Building), which was dedicated in the spring of 1970; prior to this, classes were held in six relocatable classrooms the college had purchased. Since 1967, West Shore Community college has experienced growth in student body as well as facilities. From an initial enrollment in the fall of 1968 of 118 students and an initial graduating class of 62 students, the college has grown to a current enrollment close to 1,200 students, with the most recent graduation class consisting of nearly 140 students eligible to receive degrees or certificates. Growth in facilities includes the following: In 2002, an 18,000 sq. ft.
The school opened in February 1975 to serve the growing Hornby area. The permanent classroom blocks were supposed to be ready for the first intake of 240 Form 3 (now Year 9) students, but delays within the Treasury and Ministry of Works saw the completion date pushed back to early 1976. As a temporary solution, the Canterbury Education Board constructed twelve CEBUS relocatable classroom blocksCEBUS stands for Canterbury Education Board Unit System at the eastern end of the school site. Most of the CEBUS classrooms are still present at the school, alongside the permanent S68 classroom blocks typical of 1970s-built New Zealand state secondary schools.
Some TSCs have been built with the capacitor and inductor arranged not as a simple tuned LC circuit but rather as a damped filter. This type of arrangement is useful when the power system to which the TSC is connected contains significant levels of background harmonic distortion, or where there is a risk of resonance between the power system and the TSC. In several “Relocatable SVCs” built for National Grid (Great Britain), three TSCs of unequal size were provided, in each case with the capacitor and inductor arranged as a “C-type” damped filter. In a C-type filter, the capacitor is split into two series-connected sections.
Conceivably, one can load a device driver binary into memory, patch the KERNAL I/O vectors, and from that moment forward, a new (virtual) device could be addressed. So far, this capability has never been publicly known as utilized, presumably for two reasons: (1) The KERNAL provides no means for dynamically allocating device IDs, and (2) the KERNAL provides no means for loading a relocatable binary image. Thus, the burden of collisions both in I/O space and in memory space falls upon the user, while platform compatibility across a wide range of machines falls upon the software author. Nonetheless, support software for these functions could easily be implemented if desired.
Partitions may be either static, that is defined at Initial Program Load (IPL) or boot time or by the computer operator, or dynamic, that is automatically created for a specific job. IBM System/360 Operating System Multiprogramming with a Fixed Number of Tasks (MFT) is an example of static partitioning, and Multiprogramming with a Variable Number of Tasks (MVT) is an example of dynamic. MVT and successors use the term region to distinguish dynamic partitions from static ones in other systems. Partitions may be relocatable using hardware typed memory, like the Burroughs Corporation B5500, or base and bounds registers like the PDP-10 or GE-635.
Today, nearly all operating systems support preemptive multitasking, including the current versions of Windows, macOS, Linux (including Android) and iOS. Some of the earliest operating systems available to home users featuring preemptive multitasking were Sinclair QDOS (1984QL History FAQ: Firmware) and Amiga OS (1985). These both ran on Motorola 68000-family microprocessors without memory management. Amiga OS used dynamic loading of relocatable code blocks ("hunks" in Amiga jargon) to multitask preemptively all processes in the same flat address space. Early PC operating systems such as MS-DOS and PC DOS, did not support multitasking at all, however alternative operating systems such as MP/M-86 (1981) and Concurrent CP/M-86 did support preemptive multitasking.
Főnix Hall is located in Debrecen, which is the second largest city of Hungary, in a pleasant environment: close to the Nagyerdő area, near Road 4, along the thoroughfare to Košice called Kassai út. Entering the building through the main entrance, one immediately find itself in the arena space. Along one of the longitudinal sides of the amphitheater, there are locker rooms and service facilities for the athletes, while the other side is actually a multifunctional area that can be freely divided with the help of relocatable partition walls. In the city, the demand had long been in the air for a state- of-the-art convention hall/arena with a larger than average seating capacity.
This necessitated the development of alternatives that would be independent of both landlines and land-based radio systems, and also satellites, all of which were thought to be possibly subject to destruction or impairment in an all-out war. The alternatives needed to be capable of being relocated, perhaps frequently, and set up rapidly in a new location when necessary. Since the facts of nuclear warfare also seemed to indicate that High Frequency (HF) Radio propagation might be disturbed by unfamiliar nuclear effects, this led to the consideration of exotic technologies such as troposcatter and meteor burst communication links. Such systems, while effective, used relatively small antennas and could indeed be transported efficiently and economically in relocatable vans.
Coverage of the three U.S. Navy ROTHR stations in Texas, Virginia, and Puerto Rico The United States Navy created their own system, the AN/TPS-71 ROTHR (Relocatable Over-the-Horizon Radar), which covers a 64-degree wedge-shaped area at ranges from 500 to 1,600 nautical miles (925 to 3,000 km). ROTHR was originally intended to monitor ship and aircraft movement over the Pacific, and thus allow coordinated fleet movements well in advance of an engagement. In 1991, a prototype ROTHR system was installed on the isolated Aleutian Island of Amchitka, Alaska, monitoring the eastern coast of Russia. It remained in use until 1993, and the equipment was later removed into storage.
In 1952 the Jornada was transferred to the then newly created Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The ARS expanded the research program from its more narrow beginnings to one with national and international significance for land and its conservation and management. Research during the past century is effectively categorized into six principal themes: plant and landscape ecology, ecosystem sciences, rangeland management, land monitoring and assessment strategies, rangeland improvements, and rangeland livestock production and husbandry. The Jornada was named a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1976, was named one of the original cohorts of Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites in 1982, and was designated a relocatable site within the new National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) in 2012.
On 9 July 2008 Television 3 News broadcast a news item (video) stating that Ngāi Tahu, the owners of the aerodrome (acquired as part of a treaty settlement claim) are to close Wigram Aerodrome by February 2009. Wigram airfield officially ceased operation as an airfield at 00:00 Sunday 1 March 2009 NZ Local time. After the Christchurch earthquakes of February 2011 which resulted in much of the Central Business District being off limits due to earthquake damage with office buildings largely damaged, destroyed, or inaccessible, Ngāi Tahu moved its offices to the Wigram site using a mix of prefabricated relocatable buildings, and a refurbished Control Tower building to house most of its staff until a permanent long term solution could be found.
U.S. Navy Relocatable Over-the-Horizon Radar station The most common type of OTH radar uses skywave or "skip" propagation, in which shortwave radio waves are refracted off an ionized layer in the atmosphere, the ionosphere. Given certain conditions in the atmosphere, radio signals transmitted at an angle into the sky will be refracted towards the ground by the ionosphere, allowing them to return to earth beyond the horizon. A small amount of this signal will be scattered off desired targets back towards the sky, refracted off the ionosphere again, and return to the receiving antenna by the same path. Only one range of frequencies regularly exhibits this behaviour: the high frequency (HF) or shortwave part of the spectrum from 3–30 MHz.
North American surge suppressor power strip with separate protection status indicator lights Connecting MOV-protected power strips in a "daisy chain" (in a series, with each power strip plugged into a previous one in the chain) does not necessarily increase the protection they provide. Connecting them in this manner effectively connects their surge protection components in parallel, in theory spreading any potential surge across each surge protector. However, due to manufacturing variations between the MOVs, the surge energy will not be spread evenly, and will typically go through the one that triggers first. Daisy chaining of power strips (known in building and electric codes as multi-plug adapters or relocatable power taps), whether surge protected or not, is specifically against most codes.
By the time GL was ready to begin testing, the system was able to operate at wavelengths between 3.4 and 5.5 m, reducing the antenna size to a more manageable several-metre length. Similar changes in electronics also produced smaller versions of CH, the Mobile Radio Units or MRU's, which provided both mobile early-warning service, as well as relocatable service in case a main CH station was knocked out. CH-type radar displays use a time base generator to produce a smoothly varying voltage that is fed to one of the inputs of a cathode ray tube (CRT). The time base is calibrated to move the CRT dot across the screen in the same time that echoes would be returned from objects at the radar's maximum range.
The stadium was designed by Populous and Jasmax in a joint venture, and is the world's first fully enclosed grassed (though strengthened by synthetic grass fibres from Desso GrassMaster) stadium since the original grass field of the Astrodome in Houston was replaced in 1966 with what would be known as AstroTurf. The stadium roof was constructed with a clear ETFE roof supplied and installed by the firm Vector Foiltec, the same material as used at Allianz Arena in Munich and the Water Cube in Beijing. The stadium was designed as a versatile venue, and is expected to be able to host a range of events including sports (rugby union, rugby league, football, basketball, netball), concerts, trade fairs and other large-scale events. The use of relocatable seating allows for flexibility to suit a range of event requirements.
The "Portakabin" spelling with a 'k' is a trademark owned by Shepherd Building Group's Portakabin Ltd to identify its range of relocatable and modular buildings but is often used as a generic trademark to mean any portable building of that general pattern. The spelling with a 'c' normally refers to similar temporary buildings made by other companies; Portakabin Ltd argues that the spelling "portacabin" is a misspelling. "Terrapin" like Portakabin, is a portable building manufacturer, although the term "terrapin building" is often used to describe any modular or prefabricated building. The use of “terrapin” dates back further than “Portakabin or “Portacabin” as the company has been trading for over 60 years. The phrase “terrapin classroom” arose from the sudden need for additional classroom space following the post-World War II baby boom era, and is now common usage for any portable classroom.
In IBM System/360 mainframe environments such as OS/360, including z/OS for the z/Architecture mainframes, this type of program is known as a linkage editor. As the name implies a linkage editor has the additional capability of allowing the addition, replacement, and/or deletion of individual program sections. Operating systems such as OS/360 have format for executable load-modules containing supplementary data about the component sections of a program, so that an individual program section can be replaced, and other parts of the program updated so that relocatable addresses and other references can be corrected by the linkage editor, as part of the process. One advantage of this is that it allows a program to be maintained without having to keep all of the intermediate object files, or without having to re-compile program sections that haven't changed.
Del Norte has a comprehensive set of athletic buildings as well as an area devoted entirely to the arts. Del Norte has state-of-the-art facilities including five art labs, two music classrooms, one drama classroom, 11 career-technical education classrooms, a Performing Arts Center and a Fine Arts Village designed to blend traditional mediums of visual arts, drama and music. However, there are still allotted areas for 20 relocatable buildings in case further development is required. The athletic programs that are offered are: men's water polo, football, girls' field hockey, girls' golf, girls' tennis, girls' volleyball, and cross country in the fall; basketball, roller hockey, soccer, girls' water polo, and wrestling in the winter; boys' golf, lacrosse, boys' tennis, boys' volleyball, swimming/dive, baseball, softball, swimming, golf, and track and field in the spring.
This seemed a good idea at first, but soon deep problems emerged, since programmers could not tell whether they were dealing with a relocatable or fixed block, and so had no way to know whether to take on the task of locking objects or not. Needless to say this led to huge numbers of bugs and problems with these early object implementations. Later compilers did not attempt to do this, but used real pointers, often implementing their own memory allocation schemes to work around the Mac OS memory model. While the Mac OS memory model, with all its inherent problems, remained this way right through to Mac OS 9, due to severe application compatibility constraints, the increasing availability of cheap RAM meant that by and large most users could upgrade their way out of a corner.
Phoenix chief: to clone or not to clone? By Ed Scannell, Page 35, 1987-05-18, Computerworld, Neil Colvin, chief executive officer and chief scientist at ... He was also a cofounder of Xitan, which developed various operatingTechnical Forum:Technical Design Labs Relocatable Object Module Code Format, Volume 02 Number 11, November 1977, Byte Magazine, ..format used by Technical Design Labs, originated by Neil Colvin. This text was given to us at the TDL booth at the National Computer Conference in Dallas last June, and offered as documentation of a standard which is in use by that firm, and is reportedly being examined for adoption by two other major software vendors in the personal computing marketplace. In 1979 Carl Galletti and Roger Amidon had started a new business called Computer Design Labs that acquired the rights to all TDL software.
Following the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake, the school site closed, with classes operating at Burnside High School in the afternoons. Two school blocks, including the Main Block, were condemned following the earthquake and were demolished. Students returned to the Avonside site at the beginning of 2012, with relocatable and prefabricated classrooms filling gaps left by the condemned buildings, but due to significant land damage adjacent to the school site, it was clear that the school might need to close or relocate. Education Minister Hekia Parata announced on 16 October 2013 that the school would move, and be co-located with Shirley Boys' High School at a new site in east Christchurch, and on 12 Feb 2015 the site was confirmed to be the former QEII Park site – and the move was complete in April 2019.
A number of important commercial CP/M products were written in the BDS C subset (no long integer, no floating-point arithmetic) of the C language, including PeachText from PeachTree Software, MINCE and Scribble from Mark of the Unicorn, and most of the software in the Perfect Software suite including Perfect Writer, PerfectCalc, PerfectSpeller and PerfectFiler (which suite was bundled with the Kaypro). Weak points of BDS C were that the floating point math routines and the file access functions were incompatible with the Unix C compiler's and its relocatable object files were not compatible with the Microsoft assembler, making it more difficult to integrate C code with assembly language. BDS C was bundled with a subset of the Unix system written in about 1980, called MARC (Machine Assisted Resource Coordinator). This effort in some ways resembled GNU, though MARC was to be able to run CP/M software through emulation.
The AGM-88E was designed to improve the effectiveness of legacy HARM variants against fixed and relocatable radar and communications sites, particularly those that would shut down to throw off anti-radiation missiles, by attaching a new seeker to the existing Mach 2-capable rocket motor and warhead section, adding a passive anti-radiation homing receiver, satellite and inertial navigation system, a millimeter-wave radar for terminal guidance, and the ability to beam up images of the target via a satellite link just seconds before impact. This model of the HARM will be integrated onto the F/A-18C/D, F/A-18E/F, EA-18G, and Tornado ECR aircraft, and later on the F-35 (externally). In September 2015, the AGM-88E successfully hit a mobile ship target in a live-fire test, demonstrating the missile's ability to use antiradiation homing and millimeter-wave radar to detect, identify, locate, and engage moving targets. In December 2019, the German Air Force ordered the AARGM.
U.S. Navy Relocatable Over-the-Horizon Radar station How a skywave OTH radar works: A powerful shortwave signal from a large transmitting antenna (left) reaches a target beyond the horizon by refracting off the ionosphere, and the echo signal from the target (right) returns to the receiving antenna by the same route. Over-the-horizon radar (OTH), sometimes called beyond the horizon (BTH), is a type of radar system with the ability to detect targets at very long ranges, typically hundreds to thousands of kilometres, beyond the radar horizon, which is the distance limit for ordinary radar. Several OTH radar systems were deployed starting in the 1950s and 1960s as part of early warning radar systems, but these have generally been replaced by airborne early warning systems. OTH radars have recently been making a comeback, as the need for accurate long-range tracking becomes less important with the ending of the Cold War, and less-expensive ground-based radars are once again being considered for roles such as maritime reconnaissance and drug enforcement.
Noting that the ways to conquer the complexity of program translation could readily be applied to protocols because of the analogy between programming languages and protocols, the designers of the TCP/IP protocol suite were keen on imposing the same layering on the software framework. This can be seen in the TCP/IP layering by considering the translation of a pascal program (message) that is compiled (function of the application layer) into an assembler program that is assembled (function of the transport layer) to object code (pieces) that is linked (function of the Internet layer) together with library object code (routing table) by the link editor, producing relocatable machine code (datagram) that is passed to the loader which fills in the memory locations (ethernet addresses) to produce executable code (network frame) to be loaded (function of the network interface layer) into physical memory (transmission medium). To show just how closely the analogy fits, the terms between parentheses in the previous sentence denote the relevant analogs and the terms written cursively denote data representations. Program translation forms a linear sequence because each layer's output is passed as input to the next layer.
Former South Campus of Mary Ward on Greenfield Avenue (now Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts) from January 1985 to 1986. Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School started out as two campuses known as the "Tin Can", one which later became Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts and a demolished relocatable. It was founded on January 23, 1985, during the 400th anniversary of Mary Ward's birth as a conventional high school in northeast Toronto under the leadership of the first principal, Mary Anne O'Leary with 200 students.Mary Ward Planet, Spring 2009 The school came to existence due to overcrowding population secondary schools at Francis Libermann and Senator O'Connor. The North Campus of Mary Ward was situated on 25 Canongate Trail at Birchmount and Steeles near the current building with 102 students in relocatables and the South Campus is located at the former St. Edward Catholic School on 36 Greenfield Avenue near the Board offices on Sheppard and Yonge (later the site of Cardinal Carter) with 47 students until they were consolidated in the Canongate campus in 1986 with 400 students. By 1987, another "South Campus" was built with 600 students and 70 portables on the present site at 3200 Kennedy Road in the northwest corner of Kennedy Rd. and McNicoll Ave.

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