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5 Sentences With "relaxedness"

How to use relaxedness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "relaxedness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "relaxedness". Mastering all the usages of "relaxedness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We fit elliptical isophotes to a diverse sample of Chandra cluster data and summarize other methods for quantifying relaxedness.
Jeremiah had red hair just like Grace's, but instead of sizzling with energy like his sister, Jeremiah seemed to exude calm and relaxedness.
"Juhani Pallasmaa, The Reality of the Image: The Microcosms of Tom Kundig, Tom Kundig: Houses 2, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, NY 2011. "I believe Tom's success is grounded in the relaxedness and centeredness of one that devoutly performs a strong and personal vocation, which allows him to master the personas that he chooses to present. Rejecting the self- indulgent, Tom doesn't shy away from the profession's extremes of making a personal work dedicating his efforts to his clients.
Reading self help books is associated with higher well-being, however, there is poor evidence on life coaching. Proactive laughter as in laughter yoga increases mood and improves pain tolerance. Smiling ummarised increases attractiveness, calm in stressful situations, retrieval of happy memories, likeability, happiness, perceived happiness (by others), perceived politeness/relaxedness/carefree, perceived honesty but also perceived stupidity. However, proactively smiling only increases happiness among those who believe smiling is a reaction to feeling happy, rather than a positive intervention.
The ancient Greeks have used the word ethos (ἔθος or ἦθος), in this context best rendered by "character" (in the sense of patterns of being and behaviour, but not necessarily with "moral" implications), to describe the ways music can convey, foster, and even generate emotional or mental states. Beyond this general description, there is no unified "Greek ethos theory" but "many different views, sometimes sharply opposed." . Ethos is attributed to the tonoi or harmoniai or modes (for instance, Plato, in the Republic (iii: 398d-399a), attributes "virility" to the "Dorian," and "relaxedness" to the "Lydian" mode), instruments (especially the aulos and the cithara, but also others), rhythms, and sometimes even the genus and individual tones.

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