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35 Sentences With "reifies"

How to use reifies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "reifies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "reifies". Mastering all the usages of "reifies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Thinking that way just reifies your participation in the petty game you've been tricked into playing.
What they didn't recognize is that the "nation of immigrants" rhetoric reifies a white supremacist social contract.
In fact, if anything, it reifies rather than deconstructs the societal factors that cyclically make America evil again.
Ultimately, it reifies the racism that claimed the career of Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, and that risks claiming Colin Kaepernick's.
The inequalities it reifies expose the limits of the posthuman, post-racial philosophy that helped bring the entire series about.
It also reifies efforts by GOP-controlled state legislatures to enact laws that make it harder for Americans to vote.
Trump's best hope for survival is to delegitimize the process itself so Republican senators can't justify a vote that reifies it.
It reifies what writing about identity "ought" to look like, making it harder for writers in her wake to step from this path.
From large-scale paintings to small-format photography, the art on view reifies Casals's desire to diversify the space for all types of queerness.
With these images, Cooley reifies and dramatizes the problem of water pollution, urging his audience towards a greater awareness of where our water comes from.
Second, Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital reifies the separate-and-unequal regime Israel has imposed on Palestinians throughout the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
It also reifies the claim that Dylan Farrow's allegations were orchestrated as an opportunistic act of revenge, nakedly bolstering the notion that Woody Allen is a victim.
The cinematography reifies this perspective, following Elsa closely and revealing the mundane horrors in her own life as well as in the lives of the people around her.
When you turn to the legal system, you are requiring of yourself—as an advocate, of your subjects—coherence within a conservative framework, that reifies and reinforces that framework.
It reifies overly simplistic notions of difference that fall apart under scrutiny (Nigerian immigrants have the highest levels of education in the nation), and codifies the patronizing fallacy that demographics are destiny.
So don't yell at Apple or Microsoft or Google when apps break on new versions of their OS. Doing so just reifies the idea that they are our benevolent overlords and takes away some of our own power.
In addition to a stable of political allies who would likely agree with him, the president also enjoys a mostly pliant Republican establishment that's unwilling to rein him in and a powerful media apparatus that reifies his every decision.
It's deeply frustrating that this story has reappeared, with all its problems, at a moment when we're taking a hard look at the very kinds of power imbalances and consent issues within the industry that this film reifies, and even romanticizes.
And while the Whitney may be enthusiastically engaged in taking on a leadership role in the symbolic battle over defining what is legitimately American, I am not convinced it recognizes how it reifies links between access and socio-economic class.
The association and the entity type that reifies are both the same model element. Note that attributes cannot be reified.
The same fact, however, could also be viewed as an entity. Viewing a relationship as an entity, one can say that the entity reifies the relationship. This is called reification of a relationship. Like any other entity, it must be an instance of an entity type.
Generally speaking, the term "local to global" refers to the idea that a global problem is first done at a local level, which tends to simplify the questions. Then, of course, the information gained in the local analysis has to be put together to get back to some global statement. For example, the notion of sheaves reifies that idea in topology and geometry.
2, and Suzuki (1960), p. 26. The Madhyamaka-school elaborates on the notion of the middle way. Its basic text is the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, written by Nagarjuna, who refuted the Sarvastivada conception of reality, which reifies dhammas.Kalupahana 1975, page 78 The simultaneous non-reification of the self and reification of the skandhas has been viewed by some Buddhist thinkers as highly problematic.
Many techniques are used to analyze music. Metaphor and figurative description may be a part of analysis, and a metaphor used to describe pieces, "reifies their features and relations in a particularly pungent and insightful way: it makes sense of them in ways not formerly possible." Even absolute music may be viewed as a, "metaphor for the universe," or nature as, "perfect form" ( cited in ).
He reifies metaphoric accounts about a Moldavian Princedom "flowing with milk and honey": "Had this been in any way true, people would be glued to fences, like flies".Hrimiuc, pp. 313–315 Even the protagonist, Kostakel, is a writer, humorist and parodist, who has produced his own chronicle of "obscenities" with the stated purpose of irritating Ion Neculce (who thus makes a brief appearance within Harrow's "chronicle").Hrimiuc, p. 322.
In an XML Topic Map (XTM), only a topic can have a name or play a role in an association. One may use an association to make an assertion about a topic, but one cannot directly make assertions about that assertion. However, it is possible to create a topic that reifies a non-topic construct in a map, thus enabling the association to be named and treated as a topic itself.Practical Introduction into Topic Maps .
Desan's recent work argues that such theories cannot explain how decentralized agents have a commensurable unit in which to work. More generally, Desan critiques neoclassical economics on the ground that it naturalizes existing arrangements and reifies "the market" as a sphere with a self-evident structure. Her work contends that design features associated with modern monetary systems are distributively non-neutral, contributing to escalating inequality. Desan's earlier work focused on the monetary practice in early America.
In computer science, a continuation is an abstract representation of the control state of a computer program. A continuation implements (reifies) the program control state, i.e. the continuation is a data structure that represents the computational process at a given point in the process's execution; the created data structure can be accessed by the programming language, instead of being hidden in the runtime environment. Continuations are useful for encoding other control mechanisms in programming languages such as exceptions, generators, coroutines, and so on.
In the discussion of history, events are sometimes considered as if in some way being agents that can then bring about other historical events. Thus, the combination of poor harvests, the hardships of the peasants, high taxes, lack of representation of the people, and kingly ineptitude are among the causes of the French Revolution. This is a somewhat Platonic and Hegelian view that reifies causes as ontological entities. In Aristotelian terminology, this use approximates to the case of the efficient cause.
The rhetorical devices of metaphor and personification express a form of reification, but short of a fallacy. These devices, by definition, do not apply literally and thus exclude any fallacious conclusion that the formal reification is real. For example, the metaphor known as the pathetic fallacy, "the sea was angry" reifies anger, but does not imply that anger is a concrete substance, or that water is sentient. The distinction is that a fallacy inhabits faulty reasoning, and not the mere illustration or poetry of rhetoric.
The protesters occupied the gallery and surrounding area with bullhorns and signs, many of which were left and taped inside the gallery. In a statement by CAB the gallery has been called “a hostile act towards communities on the front lines fighting tenant harassment, cultural appropriation and erasure. The conception and installation of this show reifies racist narratives of uncleanliness, otherness and blight that have historically been projected onto Chinatown.” Despite actions by protestors the gallery defended Fast and the gallery remained open until its last day. Subsequently, after the gallery’s statement, Fast himself released a statement apologizing but defending his choices, choosing to leave the protestors signs inside the gallery.
Venus has been examined by a number of scholars, including Lisa Anderson who analyzed it as a commentary on the femininity and sexuality of women of African descent. Theatre and cinema scholar Jean Young states that the ahistorical portrayal "reifies the perverse imperialist mind set, and [Parks'] mythic historical reconstruction subverts the voice of Saartjie Baartman;" she further points out the ironic re- objectification of Baartman in its attempt to portray her story. However, other critiques argue that the portrayal actually objectifies the colonizers instead of the heroine. New York Times critic Ben Brantley stated that Parks "doesn't present Baartman as just an uncomprehending victim", implying that Parks had written Baartman in way that suggested that Baartman prolonged her own imprisonment for the sake of fame.
A study of 225 video game covers found that both male and female character's physiques were over-exaggerated, but women were more "physically altered" (especially in the bust) than their male counterparts, and even more so if the female was the main character of the game. A 2011 study regarding Gender Identity and representation in Digital RPGs found that hyper-sexuality, which is often associated with female avatars, tends to negatively affect numerous types of gamers, who deeply identify with their avatar. The study found that this issue reifies the idea that "a woman's power, in-game or out, comes entirely from her sexuality". However, a 2016 study of 571 games released between 1984 and 2014 found that the sexualization of female characters was at its height between 1990 and 2005, and then began to significantly decline.
The Achievement Gap also addresses a gender gap achievement, and standardized test score gaps broadly across countries, notably with standardized examinations on STEM subjects. The Discourse can also be seen as a turning away from traditional explanations of performance in school as individualistic, to the creation of cultural framework understanding to help explain what conventions hinder and produce successful students. Under performing, adequate yearly progress (AYP), highly qualified, below basic, and proficient are some terms used to mark good and bad aspects of schools, their teachers, and their students which in turn reifies the Achievement Gap theory. As a broader Discourse, it is an idea which is multimodally shared and accepted as common belief between parents, policy makers, teachers and students through various means according to James Paul Gee's idea of Discourse in socio-linguistic analysis.
In addition, they introduce a calculus that reifies ML's notion of reference cell. Ariola and FelleisenThe call-by-need lambda calculus by Ariola and Felleisen, Journal of Functional Programming 1997 and independently Maraist, Odersky and Wadler The call-by-need lambda calculus by Maraist Odersky and Wadler, Journal of Functional Programming 1999 completed this line of work with the design of a lambda calculus that precisely relates the notion of call-by-need aka lazy functional programming to an equational system of calculation. Unlike Plotkin's call-by-value and call-by-name calculi, this call-by-need calculus requires four axioms to characterize function calls. Chang and FelleisenThe call-by-need lambda calculus, revisited by Chang and Felleisen, European Symposium on Programming, 2012 were eventually able to show how to create a by-need calculus with a single, but complex axiom.

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