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5 Sentences With "reechoed"

How to use reechoed in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "reechoed" and check conjugation/comparative form for "reechoed". Mastering all the usages of "reechoed" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Anne ran downstairs singing until her voice reechoed through Green Gables.
Such self-giving beauty should be reechoed in the celebration of the Liturgy and a true culture of life and love.
Arthur Berger. (1988). Lives and Letters in American Parapsychology: A Biographical History, 1850-1987. McFarland. p. 62. . The charges made against Hyslop by Pope and Friend when they resigned from the ASPR in 1915 have been reechoed recently by the historian R. Laurence Moore: Hyslop ran the ASPR "like a dictator".
Hue-Tam Ho Tai The Country of Memory: Remaking the Past in Late Socialist Vietnam 2001 – p. 74 "Unlike the decorous Trung Sisters of popular culture, whose female soldiers are said to have fled at the sight of naked Chinese males" Within months, they had taken many (about 65) citadels from the Chinese, and had liberated Nanyue.Nola Cooke, Tana Li, James Anderson The Tongking Gulf Through History 2011 – p. 8 "When the Trưng sisters rose against the Han administration in 40 C.E., the sound of bronze drums must have reechoed throughout the gulf, as the peoples of sixty-five citadels, from as far south as modern central Vietnam and as far north as ..." They became queens regnant of Nanyue and managed to resist subsequent Han attacks on the country for over three years.
Outram, still roped to his guide, went first, and Kaufmann, in the upper, less secure position, moved cautiously down the rocky cliff. > "Drawn out for one long hour of concentrated tension were the successive > experiences of helpless groping in the dark depths for something to rest a > foot upon, of blind search all over the chilled rocky surface for a knob or > tiny crack where the numbed fingers might find another hold, of agonizing > doubt as to their stability when found, of eerie thrill and sickening > sensation when the long-sought support crumbled beneath the stress and > hurtled downward into the blackness of space, whilst the hollow > reverberations of its fall reechoed through the silence."Outram, p.426. As Outram observed, after "nearly 17 hours of adventurous companionship," the mountaineers finally unloosened the rope that had bound them together.

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