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85 Sentences With "reductively"

How to use reductively in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "reductively" and check conjugation/comparative form for "reductively". Mastering all the usages of "reductively" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It does a disservice to Mr. Smee's complex analysis to reductively seek a common denominator in these four cases.
If Bolt is the knight errant, Gatlin is cast — reductively, not to mention inanely — as his opposite, a dark avenger.
A lot of women interact with the world emotionally — not reductively, but thinking about humans and empathy and the human condition.
I believe that to reductively use this imagery as a marketing tactic is absolutely another example of the appropriation of Black culture.
Very reductively, Shintoism holds that certain things — notably, trees, stones, rivers, places and certain animals — are possessed of kami, or a divine essence.
AD: Being dismissive of or reductively hating on an artist is just so boring—and also kind of a masculine power play, I think.
The result is a show that isn't reductively "racial" but includes race on a spectrum of meanings that runs from polemical to personal and poetic.
Reductively, those politics are the product of Bay Area social liberalism meshing with the "anti-statist gospel of cybernetic libertarianism" that grew out of hippie culture.
A wonderful exhibition at the Landing gallery last summer, which included stunning works by Tanya Aguiñiga, Loie Hollowell, Lenore Tawney, was titled dryly—and reductively—2015 Women.
Eishar Kaur, a member of Britain's Punjabi diaspora, explains how her treasured cultural heritage has been reductively dismissed as patriarchal oppression by an incurious, white-dominated feminist movement.
Rome cringed as she recalled a marketing campaign unveiled by the French soccer federation some years ago that reductively revolved around high heels, glitter and the color pink.
Statements are crafted this way because of how they move through the media machine: often taken out of context, then used to reductively characterize position, moral character, and ideology.
There have been an awful lot of recent documentaries lauding the glories of this particular "old" New York, but Ms. Driver's evocation of it is smart and seductive without being reductively nostalgic.
Yet all around him the belief persisted that literature should be studied theoretically and reductively, for its structure and etymologies, as if genius could not appear and astonish out of a clear sky.
Tonight, it is host to GAIKA, a Warp Records artist whose music can most reductively be described as a mix of dancehall and bass, two scenes well connected to his United Kingdom base.
And yet, even as we cue into these harmonic convergences, Pousette-Dart is likely to introduce a different kind of shape or line into the panel that prevents us from viewing the connections reductively.
But its buzz has cooled considerably in recent years as some investors grew skittish about hardware plays and others struggled to wrap their heads around what could reductively be considered just a toy business.
That a human-fucking spirit should be the logo of the largest coffee chain in the world, in and of itself, speaks to the great cultural prevalence of what I reductively generalize as demon sex.
The baby-chinned Mini-Me has grossly and reductively likened an estimated 11 million displaced Syrians to the kaleidoscopic candy that is Skittles in a tweet that has blown up the internet and enraged many.
If Jersey club is often reductively defined by a bump-bump, bump-bump-bump kickdrum pattern, the 26-year-old producer and former Brick Bandits-affiliate proves just how versatile and unpredictable it can be.
Unlike Latin American art, which has historically been rigidly and reductively divided by nationality — Mexican art, Peruvian art, Cuban art — Latino art is less about a single ethnic origin than it is a shared experience.
It's easy to reductively summarize arcades as simply places where you once paid to play games, but that misses so much about "the arcade" as a very unique sort of gaming platform, with its own constraints and biases.
Buried in the reductively hierarchical, all-or-nothing language built into football is the fact that he may be one of the best dozen in the world at his job, which happens to be the toughest in American sports.
Although the image encapsulates Debord's contempt for consumer culture, it reductively implies that his work was mediaphobic (Debord later adapted The Society of the Spectacle into his first feature-length film by utilizing footage from advertisements, newsreels, and other movies).
The first season of "Feud," which explored the relationship between Joan Crawford and Bette Davis, wasn't simply fantastic; it was one of the sharpest, most painful examinations ever of how brutally and reductively so many women are treated as they grow older, particularly in Hollywood.
To display its ribosome-inactivating function, the ricin disulfide bond must be reductively cleaved.
The ester methyl α‐phenylglycinate is used to convert carboxylic acids into homologated unsaturated ketones. These reactions proceed via cyclization of phenylglycinamides to oxazolones, which can be reductively cleaved with chromous reagents.
Dehalogenimonas lykanthroporepellens is an anaerobic, Gram-negative bacteria in the phylum Chloroflexi isolated from a Superfund site in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It is useful in bioremediation for its ability to reductively dehalogenate chlorinated alkanes.
Two families of naturally occurring products feature the diazo group: kinamycin and lomaiviticin. These molecules are DNA-intercalators, with diazo functionality as their "warheads". Loss of N2, induced reductively, generates a DNA-cleaving fluorenyl radical.
Biotin synthase reductively cleaves SAM into a deoxyadenosine radical, which abstracts an H atom from desthiobiotin to give an intermediate that is trapped by the sulfur donor. This sulfur donor is an iron-sulfur cluster.
In the presence of a strong base, alkyl chlorides undergo dehydrohalogenation to give alkenes or alkynes. Alkyl chlorides react with magnesium to give Grignard reagents, transforming an electrophilic compound into a nucleophilic compound. The Wurtz reaction reductively couples two alkyl halides to couple with sodium.
Choice, however, is the product of judgment, not calculation. Comprehensive human judgment is able to include non-mathematical factors such as emotions. Judgment can compare apples and oranges, and can do so without quantifying each fruit type and then reductively quantifying each to factors necessary for mathematical comparison.
Nitroimidazole antibiotics have been used to combat anaerobic bacterial and parasitic infections. Perhaps the most common example is metronidazole. Other heterocycles such as nitrothiazoles (thiazole) are also used for this purpose. Nitroheterocycles may be reductively activated in hypoxic cells, and then undergo redox recycling or decompose to toxic products.
Growing in use are organobromine biocides used in water treatment. Representative agents include bromoform and dibromodimethylhydantoin (“DBDMH”). Some herbicides, such as bromoxynil, contain also bromine moieties. Like other halogenated pesticides, bromoxynil is subject to reductive dehalogenation under anaerobic conditions, and can be debrominated by organisms originally isolated for their ability to reductively dechlorinate phenolic compounds.
It is the capacity to choose that ultimately makes us human. Comprehensive human judgment is able to include non-mathematical factors, such as emotions. Judgment can compare apples and oranges, and can do so without quantifying each fruit type and then reductively quantifying each to factors necessary for comparison. Weizenbaum was the creator of the SLIP programming language.
Dickinson recognized that color relationships are more important to the artist than single colors in isolation. As he did, she painted figuratively but she believed color harmonies to be more important than accurate representation of a subject. Their compositions tended toward bold, simplified shapes and were more reductively abstract and spatially flat than those of many of their contemporaries.
The compound was first obtained in impure form by cyclization of the alkyne o-C6H4(NH2)C≡CCO2H in water to give 4-hydroxycinnoline-3-carboxylic acid. This material could be decarboxylated and the hydroxyl group reductively removed to give the parent heterocycle. This reaction is called the Richter cinnoline synthesis. Improved methods exist for its synthesis.
Wierzbicka and colleagues refer to all the natural semantic metalanguages as 'isomorphic' with each other. Conceivably, if the dictionary of meaning descriptions of each language was reductively paraphrased in the text of its natural semantic metalanguage, and that natural semantic metalanguage was translated to a common natural semantic metalanguage for all natural languages, it would greatly reduce language barriers.
Due to steric factors, dehydrogenative coupling of tertiary silanes is slow. Disilane formation has been demonstrated in the presence of CpFe(CO)2CH3 combined with UV-irradiation. The mechanism is proposed to involve dissociation of CO ligand, oxidative addition of the Si-H center, followed by reductive elimination of methane. From there, the disilane R3Si-SiR3 is reductively eliminated from the complex.
In other words, in the bacterial species where this enzyme is found, tetrachloroethene is reductively dechlorinated to trichloroethene and chloride. This enzyme is one member of a family of enzymes including trichloroethene dehalogenase and vinyl chloride dehalogenase. The other members of this family do not have their own EC numbers at present. Reductive dehalogenases are key enzymes for anaerobic respiratory process, termed organohalide respiration.
Like Kalat, Hutson finds Dehaene's dismissal of the hard problem unjustified because consciousness is "unique" in being "inherently private, subjective", unlike other phenomena that can be reductively explained. Ned Block responds to Dehaene's criticism of pure qualia divorced from information processing by suggesting that phenomenal consciousness can indeed play a functional role when it "greases the wheels of cognitive access" but that phenomenal consciousness can also exist without access.
René Descartes, in De homine (1662), claimed that non-human animals could be explained reductively as automata; meaning essentially as more mechanically complex versions of this Digesting Duck. Reductionism is any of several related philosophical ideas regarding the associations between phenomena which can be described in terms of other simpler or more fundamental phenomena. It is also described as an intellectual and philosophical position that interprets a complex system as the sum of its parts.
As in the Ru0 proposed mechanism, this agostic interaction leads to the oxidative addition of the ortho C-H. Reductive elimination releases H2, which remains coordinated, giving complex 3. Coordination of ethylene and decoordination of the ketone results in complex 4 which then undergoes migratory insertion of ethylene into the hydride to give 5. Following oxidative addition of H2 (6), the complex reductively eliminates the product to give the product agostically bound to the complex.
This coordination compound is prepared by the reaction of tungsten hexacarbonyl with 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-2H-pyrimido[1,2-a]pyrimidine (Hhpp) in o-dichlorobenzene at 200 °C: :Synthesis of ditungsten tetra(hpp) The reaction gives W2(hpp)4Cl2. Dichlorobenzene provides the chlorine atoms and is itself reductively coupled to 2,2′-dichlorobiphenyl. The bond order between the tungsten centers in W2(hpp)4Cl2 is three. This dichloride is further reduced by potassium metal to W2(hpp)4.
The Nights continued to be a favourite book of many British authors of the Romantic and Victorian eras. According to A. S. Byatt, "In British Romantic poetry the Arabian Nights stood for the wonderful against the mundane, the imaginative against the prosaically and reductively rational."A. S. Byatt On Histories and Stories (Harvard University Press, 2001) p. 167 In their autobiographical writings, both Coleridge and de Quincey refer to nightmares the book had caused them when young.
Art in America writes: "Her works manage to wear their own artifice openly, even awkwardly, without becoming reductively trite or archly postmodern. They seduce us even as they reveal the tricks of their seduction. This is the beguiling—and redeeming—paradox of her art." Her practice is considered difficult to define, however "music has been an important component of Irvine’s work", a recent example of this type of work includes the lauded If the Ground Should Open.
At -60 ̊C the reaction of 1 and 2 afforded evenly to the lactone (3), the carbonyl addition product which underwent conversion on treatment with acid. The free acid (4) was obtained when the latter was cleaved reductively with zinc and alkali. Cyclization of the product occurred when treated with ZnCl2 in acetic acid anhydride and gave the compound 6-acetoxy-3-MC (5). Reducing this product with hydriodic acid in propionic acid resulted in 3-MC.
Reductive dehalogenation is the removing of halogen atoms from a molecule. However, the traditional method for dehalogenation uses stoichiometric organotin reagents, such as tributyltin hydride. While this reaction is powerful with high functional group tolerance, organotin reagents are highly toxic. The cleavage of activated and reductively labile functional groups including sulfoniums and halogens is the earliest application of photoredox catalysis to organic synthesis, but early attempts were limited by the need for specific substrates or by the formation of dimeric coupling products.
As charge carriers serve electron holes. That means, the conductivity of conducting polymers, which is nearly comparable with metallic conductors, only starts when the polymers are doped oxidatively or reductively. A polymer electrolyte must be able to penetrate the anode's finest pores to form a complete, homogeneous layer, because only anode oxide sections covered by the electrolyte contribute to the capacitance. For this the precursors of the polymer has to consist of very small base materials that can penetrate even the smallest pores.
By these sequential reactions, the canaline-urea cycle (analogous to the ornithine-urea cycle) is formed. Every time a canavanine molecule runs through the canaline-urea cycle, the two terminal nitrogen atoms are released as urea. Urea is an important by-product of this reaction sequence because it makes ammonicial ammonia (urease-mediated) that is available to support intermediary nitrogen metabolism. -Canaline can be reductively cleaved to -homoserine, a non-protein amino acid of great importance in the formation of a host of essential amino acids.
The resulting adduct decarboxylates. The resulting 1,3-dipole reductively acetylates lipoamide-E2. In terms of details, biochemical and structural data for E1 revealed a mechanism of activation of TPP coenzyme by forming the conserved hydrogen bond with glutamate residue (Glu59 in human E1) and by imposing a V-conformation that brings the N4’ atom of the aminopyrimidine to intramolecular hydrogen bonding with the thiazolium C2 atom. This unique combination of contacts and conformations of TPP leads to formation of the reactive C2-carbanion, eventually.
In broad terms, transformation design is a human-centered, interdisciplinary process that seeks to create desirable and sustainable changes in behavior and form – of individuals, systems and organizations. It is a multi-stage, iterative process of applying design principles to large and complex systems. Its practitioners examine problems holistically rather than reductively to understand relationships as well as components to better frame the challenge. They then prototype small-scale systems – composed of objects, services, interactions and experiences – that support people and organizations in achievement of a desired change.
In 1973, Marc Julia and Jean-Marc Paris reported a novel olefin synthesis in which β-acyloxysulfones were reductively eliminated to the corresponding di-, tri-, or tetrasubstitued alkenes. Basil Lythgoe and Philip J. Kocienski explored the scope and limitation of the reaction, and today this olefination is formally known as the Julia-Lythgoe olefination. The reaction involves the addition of a sulfonyl-stabilized carbanion to a carbonyl compound, followed by elimination to form an alkene. In the initial versions of the reactions, the elimination was done under reductive conditions.
Specifically, Adler's conceptualization of the "Will to Power" focuses on the individual's creative power to change for the better. Adler argued for holism, viewing the individual holistically rather than reductively, the latter being the dominant lens for viewing human psychology. Adler was also among the first in psychology to argue in favor of feminism, and the female analyst,Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for our Time (1988) p. 503n making the case that power dynamics between men and women (and associations with masculinity and femininity) are crucial to understanding human psychology (Connell, 1995).
Though influenced by Marcuse, he commented that Eros and Civilization was referred to surprisingly rarely in gay liberation literature. In an afterword to the 1993 edition of the book, he added that Marcuse's "radical Freudianism" was "now largely forgotten" and had never been "particularly popular in the gay movement." The social psychologist Liam Hudson suggested that Life Against Death was neglected by radicals because its publication coincided with that of Eros and Civilization. Comparing the two works, he found Eros and Civilization more reductively political and less stimulating.
He suggested that the book was neglected by radicals because its publication coincided with that of Eros and Civilization. He found Eros and Civilization more reductively political and therefore less stimulating than Life Against Death. The critic Frederick Crews wrote that Brown's work was "a disservice to the important cause of applied psychoanalysis" and that Brown had become the center of a "cult" among literary humanists that needed to be challenged. He maintained that, despite Trilling's praise of Life Against Death, Brown was an unreliable interpreter of psychoanalysis.
In the initial synthesis, cycloparaphenylenes with n = 9, 12, and 18 have been synthesized starting from macrocycles containing 1,4-syn-dimethoxy-2,5-cyclohexadiene units as masked aromatic rings. Lithium–halogen exchange with p-diiodobenzene followed by a two-fold nucleophilic addition reaction with 1,4-benzoquinone yielded a syn- cyclohexadiene moiety. Borylation of this material followed macrocyclization under Suzuki–Miyuara cross-coupling with an equivalent of the diiodide produced macrocycles in low yields which could be separated by column chromatography. These macrocycles were then reductively aromatized using sodium naphthalenide to yield [n]cycloparaphenylenes.
The A. saccharovorans genome sequence was reported in 2010 as the first full genome of an archaeon that is thermoacidophilic and obligately anaerobic. The genome contains genes consistent with the Embden-Meyerhof and Entner-Doudoroff metabolic pathways. Unexpectedly, it was also found to contain genes encoding the oxidative tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes, albeit without the key enzyme, ATP citrate lyase, that would enable the pathway to operate reductively. Unusually for an archaeon, it encodes a beta-oxidation pathway, which would be expected to enable it to grow on triacylglycerides and fatty acids.
Swern oxidation of alcohol 14 gave ketone 15. The next step set the final carbon- carbon bond between the B and C rings. This was achieved through a Chan rearrangement of 15 using lithium tetramethylpiperidide to give α-hydroxylactone 16 in 90% yield. The hydroxyl group was reductively removed using samarium(II) iodide to give an enol, and chromatography of this enol on silica gel gave the separable diastereomers cis 17c (77%) and trans 17t (15%), which could be recycled to 17c through treatment with potassium tert-butoxide.
Likewise can any complex semantic sentence in English be paraphrased reductively to the core words and syntax of the natural semantic metalanguage. The texts can make subtle distinctions English-speakers make between happy, glad, joyful, ecstatic, etc., and can supply those distinctions to those who want to know them. Given the universal nature of the list of semantic primes among languages, and of the grammar, every language has essentially the same natural semantic metalanguage, though each semantic prime sounds different among languages and the appearance of the syntax may differ.
Unique to this method, the authors discovered that a 10:1 phosphine to palladium loading was essential to achieve high yields and suppress the formation of Heck byproducts. The authors hypothesized that the high phosphine loading leads to coordinative saturation of the palladium center to prevent β-hydride elimination from the alkylpalladium(II) intermediate, allowing it to decarboxylate formate to produce a palladium–hydride that could reductively eliminate to give the desired product. Recently, Wu, Loh, and coworkers reported an auxiliary-directed reductive Heck reaction of unactivated alkenes and aryl triflates utilizing proton sponge as the hydride source.
Despite the power of this approach to catalyze the enantioselective functionalization of carbonyl compounds, certain valuable transformations, such as the catalytic enantioselective α-alkylation of aldehydes, remained elusive. The combination of organocatalysis and photoredox methods provides a catalytic solution to this problem. In this approach for the α-alkylation of aldehydes, [Ru(bipy)3]2+ reductively fragments an activated alkyl halide, such as bromomalonate or phenacyl bromide, which can then add to catalytically-generated enamine in an enantioselective manner. The oxidized photocatalyst then oxidatively quenches the resulting α-amino radical to form an iminium ion, which hydrolyzes to give the functionalized carbonyl compound.
A large number of iron-sulfur cluster-containing enzymes cleave SAM-e reductively to produce a 5′-deoxyadenosyl 5′-radical as an intermediate, and are called radical SAM enzymes. Most enzymes with this capability share a region of sequence homology that includes the motif CxxxCxxC or a close variant. The radical intermediate allows enzymes to perform a wide variety of unusual chemical reactions. Examples of radical SAM enzymes include spore photoproduct lyase, activases of pyruvate formate lyase and anaerobic sulfatases, lysine 2,3-aminomutase, and various enzymes of cofactor biosynthesis, peptide modification, metalloprotein cluster formation, tRNA modification, lipid metabolism, etc.
D. lykanthroporepellens is strictly anaerobic and uses hydrogen as an electron donor. It has been cultured in an anaerobic basal medium at 30 °C in the dark. It is able to reductively dehalogenate aliphatic alkanes (non- aromatic alkanes) such as 1,2,3-trichloropropane (reduces it to allyl chloride which abiotically transforms in the presence of water to allyl alcohol). Two strains (BL-DC-9T and BL-DC-8) were isolated from a Superfund site in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 2009 by Moe, Yan, Nobre, Costa, and Rainey—researchers at Louisiana State University and the University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal).
In the mathematical field of representation theory, a reductive dual pair is a pair of subgroups (G, G′) of the isometry group Sp(W) of a symplectic vector space W, such that G is the centralizer of G′ in Sp(W) and vice versa, and these groups act reductively on W. Somewhat more loosely, one speaks of a dual pair whenever two groups are the mutual centralizers in a larger group, which is frequently a general linear group. The concept was introduced by Roger Howe in . Its strong ties with Classical Invariant Theory are discussed in .
On the other hand, "folk", neo-Aristotelian conceptions of human nature seem to have normative implications, but they have no basis in scientific research. Grant Ramsey replied to these claims, arguing that his "life-history trait cluster" account allows the concept of human nature "to inform questions of human enhancement". Appeals to nature often fall foul of the naturalistic fallacy, whereby certain capacities or traits are considered morally 'good' in virtue of their naturalness. The fallacy was initially introduced by G. E. Moore in 1903, who challenged philosopher's attempts to define good reductively, in terms of natural properties (such as desirable).
This method was first proposed by Rudolph Schoenheimer, as he utilised earlier findings by Michel Bergmann which demonstrated that with a mixture of hydrogen iodide and phosphonium iodide, p-toluenesulfonyl amino acids could be detosylated reductively. Schoenheimer used the azide coupling method introduced by Theodor Curtius, and the acid chloride method introduced by Emil Fischer in order to make several peptides. In 1929, Schoenheimer investigated how different sterols impacted cholesterol deposition in rabbits. It had been assumed that only plants were able to synthesize complex compounds whilst animals were forced to obtain these compounds indirectly from plants.
In philosophical ethics, the term naturalistic fallacy was introduced by British philosopher G. E. Moore in his 1903 book Principia Ethica.Moore, G.E. Principia Ethica § 10 ¶ 3 Moore argues it would be fallacious to explain that which is good reductively, in terms of natural properties such as pleasant or desirable. Moore's naturalistic fallacy is closely related to the is–ought problem, which comes from David Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature (1738–40). However, unlike Hume's view of the is–ought problem, Moore (and other proponents of ethical non-naturalism) did not consider the naturalistic fallacy to be at odds with moral realism.
Geobacter's ability to consume oil-based pollutants and radioactive material with carbon dioxide as waste byproduct has been used in environmental clean-up for underground petroleum spills and for the precipitation of uranium out of groundwater. Geobacter degrade the material by creating electrically conductive pili between itself and the pollutant material, using it as an electron source. Microbial biodegradation of recalcitrant organic pollutants is of great environmental significance and involves intriguing novel biochemical reactions. In particular, hydrocarbons and halogenated compounds have long been doubted to be anaerobically degradable, but the isolation of hitherto unknown anaerobic hydrocarbon- degrading and reductively dehalogenating bacteria documented these processes in nature.
9. Neither the matter nor the form have being of themselves, nor are they produced or corrupted of themselves, nor are they included in any category otherwise than reductively, as substantial principles. 10. Although extension in quantitative parts follows upon a corporeal nature, nevertheless it is not the same for a body to be a substance and for it to be quantified. For of itself substance is indivisible, not indeed as a point is indivisible, but as that which falls outside the order of dimensions is indivisible. But quantity, which gives the substance extension, really differs from the substance and is truly an accident. 11.
Notably, chilling inhibits SBPase and a related enzyme, fructose bisphosphatase, but does not affect other reductively activated Calvin cycle enzymes. The sensitivity of plants to synthetically reduced or inhibited SBPase levels provides an opportunity for crop engineering. There are significant indications that transgenic plants which overexpress SBPase may be useful in improving food production efficiency by producing crops that are more resilient to environmental stresses, as well as have earlier maturation and higher yield. Overexpression of SBPase in transgenic tomato plants provided resistance to chilling stress, with the transgenic plants maintaining higher SBPase activity, increased carbon dioxide fixation, reduced electrolyte leakage and increased carbohydrate accumulation relative to wild-type plants under the same chilling stress.
Anaerobic microbial mineralization of recalcitrant organic pollutants is of great environmental significance and involves intriguing novel biochemical reactions. In particular, hydrocarbons and halogenated compounds have long been doubted to be degradable in the absence of oxygen, but the isolation of hitherto unknown anaerobic hydrocarbon-degrading and reductively dehalogenating bacteria during the last decades provided ultimate proof for these processes in nature. While such research involved mostly chlorinated compounds initially, recent studies have revealed reductive dehalogenation of bromine and iodine moieties in aromatic pesticides.Cupples, A. M., R. A. Sanford, and G. K. Sims. 2005. Dehalogenation of Bromoxynil (3,5-Dibromo-4-Hydroxybenzonitrile) and Ioxynil (3,5-Diiodino-4-Hydroxybenzonitrile) by Desulfitobacterium chlororespirans. Appl. Env. Micro. 71(7):3741-3746.
Deductive reasoning, also deductive logic, is the process of reasoning from one or more statements (premises) to reach a logical conclusion. Deductive reasoning goes in the same direction as that of the conditionals, and links premises with conclusions. If all premises are true, the terms are clear, and the rules of deductive logic are followed, then the conclusion reached is necessarily true. Deductive reasoning ("top-down logic") contrasts with inductive reasoning ("bottom-up logic") in the following way; in deductive reasoning, a conclusion is reached reductively by applying general rules which hold over the entirety of a closed domain of discourse, narrowing the range under consideration until only the conclusion(s) is left (there is no epistemic uncertainty; i.e.
The title page of Principia Ethica According to G. E. Moore's Principia Ethica, when philosophers try to define good reductively, in terms of natural properties like pleasant or desirable, they are committing the naturalistic fallacy. In defense of ethical non-naturalism, Moore's argument is concerned with the semantic and metaphysical underpinnings of ethics. In general, opponents of ethical naturalism reject ethical conclusions drawn from natural facts. Moore argues that good, in the sense of intrinsic value, is simply ineffable: it cannot be defined because it is not a natural property, being "one of those innumerable objects of thought which are themselves incapable of definition, because they are the ultimate terms by reference to which whatever 'is' capable of definition must be defined".
Radical SAM is a designation for a superfamily of enzymes that use a [4Fe-4S]+ cluster to reductively cleave S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) to generate a radical, usually a 5′-deoxyadenosyl radical, as a critical intermediate. These enzymes utilize this potent radical intermediate to perform an array of unusual (from the perspective of organic chemistry) transformations, often to functionalize unactivated C-H bonds. Radical SAM enzymes are involved in cofactor biosynthesis, enzyme activation, peptide modification, post- transcriptional and post-translational modifications, metalloprotein cluster formation, tRNA modification, lipid metabolism, biosynthesis of antibiotics and natural products etc. The vast majority of known radical SAM enzymes belong to the radical SAM superfamily, and have a cysteine-rich motif that matches or resembles CxxxCxxC.
Notably, this is one of few examples of a diastereoselective intermolecular reductive Heck. In 2018, Engle and coworkers disclosed an intermolecular reductive Heck reaction of diverse terminal alkenes and select internal alkenes utilizing aqueous tetramethylammonium formate as the reductant. This method tolerated an array of functional groups, including reductively labile groups, on both the (hetero)aryl iodide and alkene coupling partners, and was generally regioselective for the anti-Markovnikov product for terminal alkenes. A variety of terminal alkenes were compatible with the conditions, including simple a-olefins, heteroatom-substituted alkenes, and alkene- containing complex molecules such as quinine (49) and various terpenes. In addition, cyclic internal alkenes (45 and 48) were suitable substrates, affording reasonable yields of product; however acyclic internal alkenes were poor substrates for the reaction in terms of yield and regioselectivity.
Polychlorinated aliphatic C2 and C3 alkanes (ethanes and propanes with at least two chlorine substituents) are industrially important chemical intermediates globally produced on a massive scale. Due to spills and past inappropriate disposal methods, these chlorinated compounds are prevalent groundwater and soil contaminants throughout the US and around the world. Bioremediation approaches that rely on the action of anaerobic, reductively- dehalogenating bacteria, such as D. lykanthroporepellens, have shown great promise for clean-up of chlorinated solvent-contaminated soil and groundwater. Using qPCR (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction), 16S rRNA gene sequences for Dehalogenimonas strains have been found to be at concentrations as high as 106 copies/ml of groundwater contaminated with high concentrations of chlorinated solvents and comprise up to nearly 19% of the total bacterial 16S rRNA gene copies.
Ricin molecules are thought to follow retrograde transport via early endosomes, the trans-Golgi network, and the Golgi to enter the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). For ricin to function cytotoxically, RTA must be reductively cleaved from RTB to release a steric block of the RTA active site. This process is catalysed by the protein PDI (protein disulphide isomerase) that resides in the lumen of the ER. Free RTA in the ER lumen then partially unfolds and partially buries into the ER membrane, where it is thought to mimic a misfolded membrane-associated protein. Roles for the ER chaperones GRP94, EDEM and BiP have been proposed prior to the 'dislocation' of RTA from the ER lumen to the cytosol in a manner that uses components of the endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation (ERAD) pathway.
Thomas Cartelli has characterised MacKaye's depiction of the struggle between Prospero and Caliban as being reductively displayed as a manichean struggle between dark and light. He suggests that the scenes interposed from other works of Shakespeare are those least linked to social and political issues, rather focusing on unproblematic scenes from the romantic tragedies and festive comedies. The "Community Masque" places MacKaye in the position which he dramatises as that of Prospero/Shakespeare, who uses the theatre to uplift Caliban from the material world of Setebos. Cartelli discusses the implications this has in the context of Jewish immigration to New York and suggests that Mackaye is asserting the values of White Anglo-Saxon Protestantism in a way comparable to Senator Albert Beveridge's concerns raised at the turn of the century.
Hobson's research specialty is quantifying mental events and correlating them with quantified brain events, with special reference to waking, sleeping and dreaming. Hobson's recent work puts forward the idea that during dreaming, different aspects of the conscious mind; Primary consciousness and Secondary consciousness, diverge from a unified qualia enter a self-referential interplay where by one constantly creates the environment of another. In this way, the secondary consciousness performs the role of the dream environment itself, with the primary consciousness, not usually involved in self-awareness in waking life, becomes the object of conscious identity. This process transpires for multiple reasons, but the primary one suggested is as a means to reductively simplify and stabilise the ideas learned in waking consciousness to less computationally complex ones, to improve overall system stability and reduce computational entropy, or free energy.
Cargo cult on Tanna Island, Vanuatu The term cargo cult as an idiom originally referred to aboriginal religions that grew up in the South Pacific after World War II. The practices of these groups centered on building elaborate mock-ups of airplanes and military landing strips in the hope of summoning the god-like airplanes that had brought marvelous cargo during the war. (In recent decades, anthropology has distanced itself from the term “cargo cult,” which is now seen as having been reductively applied to a lot of complicated and disparate social and religious movements that arose from the stress and trauma of colonialism, and sought to attain much more varied and amorphous goals—things like self-determination—than material cargo.) Use of the term in computer programming probably derives from Richard Feynman's characterization of certain practices as cargo cult science.
The term was first used in print in 1945 by Norris Mervyn Bird, repeating a derogatory description used by planters and businessmen in the Australian Territory of Papua. The term was later adopted by anthropologists, and applied retroactively to movements in a much earlier era. In 1964, Peter Lawrence described the term as follows: "Cargo ritual was any religious activity designed to produce goods in this way and assumed to have been taught [to] the leader [of the cargo cult] by the deity" In recent decades, anthropology has distanced itself from the term “cargo cult,” which is now seen as having been reductively applied to a lot of complicated and disparate social and religious movements that arose from the stress and trauma of colonialism, and sought to attain much more varied and amorphous goals—things like self- determination—than material cargo.
" The critic also asked "Why does it matter what Locke and Richard Alpert and Daniel Faraday or anyone else does, when they all seem as clueless and unfettered from reality as we are as viewers? How can these characters have any concrete agenda or strategic approach or philosophical perspective on anything when the rug is pulled out from under them by another Act of God every few seconds?" The New York Times also commented that "what has been most dispiriting about the current season is the show's willingness to abandon many of the larger and more compelling themes that grounded the elaborate plot: the struggles between faith and reason; the indictments of extreme capitalism, the futility of recovery. All that remains is the reductively limned battle between fate and free will largely playing out, now, in Jack Shephard's belief that returning to the island is his Destiny.
The idea of neo-conceptual art (sometimes later termed post-conceptual art) in the United States was clearly articulated by Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo (working as a team called Collins & Milazzo) in the early 1980s in New York City,ART; Now on View, New Work by Freelance Curators when they brought to prominence a whole new generation of artists through their copious writings and curatorial activity. It was their exhibitions and writings that originally fashioned the theoretical context for a new kind of neo (or post) conceptual art; one that argued simultaneously against Neo-Expressionism and Picture-Theory Art. DAN CAMERON ON Collins & Milazzo It was through this context that the work of many of the artists associated with Neo-Conceptualism (or what some of the critics reductively called “Simulationism” and “Neo Geo”) was first brought together: artists such as Ross Bleckner, James Welling, Steven Parrino, Richard Prince, Peter Nagy, Joseph Nechvatal, Sarah Charlesworth, Mark Innerst, Allan McCollum, Peter Halley, Jonathan Lasker, Haim Steinbach, Philip Taaffe, Robert Gober and Saint Clair Cemin.
This was a further development of the concept of social systems of the Berkeley school mentioned above, with the intent to prevent that its applications in systems design be reductively transformed into other approaches such as communicative action in the Kantian tradition, participatory design or co-design in the liberal tradition, conflict in the Marxian tradition or, lately, phenomenological and post- phenomenological postmodernism (and perspectivism, as in postmodern philosophy), social networks, actor-network theory (and its "non-modernism"), and design aestheticism.Ivanov's criticisms are found, for instance, in Ivanov (1991) and Ivanov (2001) Regarding design estheticism that followed and replaced Marxian trends in Scandinavia, Ivanov adduces the critique of post- Marxian aestheticism by especially pp. 16-30, 77-133, 263-282.) Ivanov perceives trends in computer and information science (where the design concept is grounded in design theory rather than systems theory) as related to variants of the intuitionism impersonated by Henri Bergson, or to problematic revisions of Aristotelian phronesis as expounded by Aubenque, P. (1993). La prudence chez Aristote, avec un appendice sur la prudence chez Kant [Prudence according to Aristotle, with an appendix on prudence according to Kant]. Quadrige/PUF.

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