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205 Sentences With "reads out"

How to use reads out in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "reads out" and check conjugation/comparative form for "reads out". Mastering all the usages of "reads out" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Sick of the way your GPS app reads out directions?
The way the clerk reads out the name of each resolution.
Trump reads out Lindsey Graham's cell number at a campaign event.
A talkback service reads out every feature and image on the app.
They repeat after Mr. Safi as he reads out loud from the board.
There are some powerfully negative reads out there in the economy as well.
And be able to make the right reads out of pick-and-rolls.
" In a wavering voice, the grandmother reads out the texts she is sending her granddaughter: "Hide.
Power reads out, which means the most critical components of the device are in working order.
Text-to-speech software, which reads out options in menus as they are highlighted, is another boon.
The Post also included a picture of Mitt Romney choking on tears as he reads out his speech.
A board official then picks one of the canisters from the bowl, and reads out the winner's name.
She begins writing him letters, which she reads out loud to Sylvere as a kind of conceptual art foreplay.
I tried to make good reads out of double-teams and tried to put pressure on (Minnesota) down low.
It generates, and reads out, a description of a photo, listing out items that may be in the picture.
Harlo: I have to appreciate the car chase escalating in intensity as the guy reads out fucking VIN numbers.
In the new PSA, Pamela's driver reads out loud the terms and conditions for the ride-hail app, Via.
" Daulerio can't help but laugh as he reads out the unfathomable sum: "$230 million is the amount of the hold.
No one said this was going to be pretty, but there are some very fine reads out there this year.
It has a nice feature that reads out the appointments for your day, but it links to only one calendar.
In a promotional video for his upcoming film The Mountain Between Us, Elba reads out genuine Idris Elba-inspired fan-fiction.
We'll know for sure when the Academy reads out the Oscar nominations (she is, let's say, 80% likely to get one).
The feature reads out text in one of 28 supported languages whilst highlighting each word on the page as it goes.
Paytas waves at the otherwise empty room and looks lovingly at her cardboard groom while the minister reads out their vows.
Sarah reads out there, and the girls help me plant herbs like cilantro and basil and tend to the plants and flowers.
To find the best reads out there, we asked founders, business owners, and executives which books they recommend to anyone starting a business.
He reads out "hate comments" he gets on YouTube and other social media, and comments on discriminatory political agendas like the LGB Alliance.
Like say when host Ted Allen reads out a seemingly cohesive basket, only to have the last ingredient be something like pickle-flavored cupcakes.
The bulb reads out your schedule for the next day, and you realize you're supposed to take a snack to your daughter's class party.
Your interviewer reads out a prompt, you take notes and draw graphs during that process, and you walk them through solving that particular problem.
Early in the second episode, Guggenheim reads out the "Inside Bill's Brain" title in the lead-up to a question he's posing to Melinda.
After the cast reads out loud the ten possible acts of obstruction, Zachary Quinto's recitation of Attorney General Barr's summary sounds more misleading than ever.
In the Late Show clip above, the Anchorman legend reads out some of the real-life Valentine's notes he's sent his wife over the years.
The more ground a player can cover, the easier it is to force the ball-handler into difficult reads out of the pick-and-roll.
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Basically Kimmel reads out a fact about one of them, and they all have to write down their guesses as to who the fact refers to.
On intake, you stand in front of a sensor and put your hand into an orifice; a screen reads out your height, weight, temperature, and blood oxygenation.
Android reads out your five most recent incoming SMSes, with the option to repeat or reply to each one along the way, and it works really well.
In the piece of writing Curry reads out loud, Camille wonders whether she enjoys caring for Amma because she's kind or because she's sick like her mother.
A special light-measuring instrument inside the PCR machine then reads out these fluorescence patterns to determine which samples have the virus in them and which don't.
There's also the question of how it reads out loud — which is especially important for babies or toddlers who are on that delightful, babbling verge of talking.
"It's like watching an American drug ad during which a voice-over reads out lists of horrific side effects over footage of frolicking, picnicking families," he wrote.
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"I will be undergoing surgery and will be down at least a month," Martson, who battles lupus, captioned a text post that reads, "Out of service for repairs."
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In another, a narrator reads out the accusatory suicide note of Reinaldo Arenas, a gay novelist who died in 1990 after suffering decades of persecution by Cuba's government.
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In "Vincent," a ravishing documentary of 1987, strewn with paintings and drawings, John Hurt, in his softly scalding voice, reads out passages from the letters of van Gogh.
When she has a completed draft she prints it out and then rewrites it all in longhand again, and that version she reads out loud into a Dictaphone.
Trebek reads out clues from the past 35 seasons — that's actual archive footage from the show over the years, mixed in with more recently recorded prompts from Trebek.
They work on Jaylen's penmanship, and Mr. Washington discusses the importance of class participation, making sure that he answers the teacher's questions and reads out loud in class.
"I get a lot of crazy comments — I'm talking about hate and vitriol, not constructive criticism," Aina says in a video where she reads out some of those comments.
The review is likely to be a tense affair, as each party presents their case, and reads out letters of support for both sides, in front of three councillors.
Modern Love In this week's podcast, the actor and filmmaker Mark Duplass ("Blue Jay") reads "Out of the Darkness," about the uncertainty of loving a person with mental illness.
Somehow, the two find each other through a house-swap website (an interaction where each actress reads out the chats aloud, because that's how movies portrayed the internet in 2006).
In the clip above from Jimmy Kimmel Live, Harbour even reads out a text that Al sent him shortly before he rocked up to the studio to record the show.
Graphic Content Six pages into SABRINA (Drawn and Quarterly, $163), Nick Drnaso's new graphic novel, the title character's sister reads out a clue from the crossword puzzle she's working on.
But the thing is, amidst the horribly outdated diet books and problematic fitness guides that you'll find on bookstore "health" shelves, there are some pretty solid, and helpful reads out there.
Before the opening credits of Abhijit Panse's "Thackeray", a somber voice reads out that the film does not intend to hurt anyone's feelings, defame anyone, or endorse any sort of violence.
According to the Register, all of the afflicted websites ran British tech company Texthelp's Browsealoud plugin, which reads out websites for people with visual impairments like full or partial blindness or conditions like dyslexia.
At the beginning of the clip, the baby boy raises his arms in the air and claps as his mom reads out loud but is soon more interested in something that's distracting him off camera.
The first one only reads out text when it's highlighted, and the second one will read out all the text on a screen, but only when you swipe down with two fingers from the top.
It isn't just a color video with sound because (besides the intermittent and ominous sounds of footsteps) a steeply pitched, screeching voice reads out a script throughout, and this voice hovers on the edge of comprehension.
More than 4,200 sites were infected with a malicious version of a widely used tool known as Browsealoud from British software maker Texthelp, which reads out webpages for people with vision problems, according to The Register.
Just pressing "Recognize This" tells you that you're pointing at a book and reads out the title, but a more detailed text recognition mode ("Read This") will read more detailed information off of the spine and cover.
Report card season can be a nerve-wracking time for any student, but in this situation, the stakes are even higher: She reads out loud his teachers impressions, filming the process for her millions of YouTube subscribers.
Android being Android, plenty of other apps can lend a hand—Hands-Free SMS will set you back $4.99 but automatically reads out your texts as they come in, and lets you reply using your voice as well.
Though Ashley and Jay do eventually get married, they initially have to call off their dream wedding in a barn after their wedding page is bombarded with violently racist posts — which Ashley helpfully reads out loud to him.
In one Lehoko skit mocking the broken manner in which Zuma reads out large numbers in English, he and Mandela are sitting round a fire smoking marijuana, when the anti-apartheid leader accuses Zuma of hogging the joint.
The screenplay is adapted by Ian McEwan from his novel of the same name , and, as in the book, the conclusion at which Fiona arrives, in the judgment that she reads out to the court, is revealed surprisingly early.
Back on Settings, tap Accessibility for a plethora of other options: Select to Speak will read out texts, while TalkBack reads out everything on screen, so you don't have to look at the display at all to operate your phone.
As expectant migrants gather on the plaza, many carrying packed bags or pulling roller suitcases, a volunteer reads out the numbers and names of the people who will be able to make their cases in the United States that day.
"The study looks generally fine to us and within our expectation and we appreciate the more important study reads out in May, which is the Phase 3 one-year safety study," Jefferies analyst Michael Yee said in a client note.
From a pile in the centre a staffer peels out the long ballot slips—there were 20003 candidates—and hands each to his boss who reads out the vote and passes it to the appropriate delegate, who adds it to his or her stack.
Rachel's mother and sister ask him a few frank questions about whether he's been paying attention to a rising tide of racism in the United States, and he happily reads out his scripted answers, confident in the belief that these women are nothing to worry about.
Turnovers like the one in the clip below also led to wide-open Toronto transition looks, as the Cavs were routinely mixed up defensively on the break: Even James, who usually makes excellent reads out of the pick-and-roll, was disrupted by Toronto's paint-packing strategy.
The director Kelly Reichardt said in an email that before making a movie, she always rewatched "Jeanne Dielman" and "News From Home" (1977), in which Ms. Akerman reads out loud letters from her mother in Brussels — loving, banal, domestic — over images filmed in gritty New York.
In one of the album's characteristically 'unlistenable' moments the host (a mysterious DJ Escrow) reads out a phone number—a number he says he thinks he gets right—so, naturally, I text the phone I'm assuming belongs to DJ Escrow, saying how much I've been enjoying the album.
There has been some interesting reads out this year that I've added to my to-read list: Ronan Farrow's War on Peace: The End of Diplomacy and the Decline of American Influence, as well as Paul Scharre's Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War that are both quite good.
Teams like the Denver Nuggets and Boston Celtics are able to create effective offenses without a lot of roll to the rim gravity because they have centers who are able to make reads out of the short roll and either score on the pop or find open cutters and shooters around the court.
You can see the pure glee that then-deputy commissioner Adam Silver has as he reads out the name of a pick he clearly has never heard of—a mystery prospect who sends ESPN analyst Tom Penn into a Thomas Friedman-esque filibuster: Almost immediately, there was speculation around the league about Ngombo.
His latest version of the clock has thousands of supercooled strontium atoms arranged in a three dimensional lattice (imagine M&M's sitting on the peaks and troughs of an egg carton.) The atoms are prodded to start vibrating using a red laser tuned to strontium's frequency and then an optical frequency comb reads out that vibration.
Though mining bitcoin can only really be done using powerful, specialized computers, mining digital coins such as monero requires much less processing power — which is part of what makes it attractive to the criminal underworld The hackers didn't compromise each individual website, but attacked a widely-used plugin called Browsealoud that reads out text from websites for blind or partially-sighted people.
A Captain reads out a proclamation to a group of stonemasons. The religion of Amon is to be restored to Egypt.
Instead, at the end of the podcast episode, Ken reads out a selection of listener emails from after the live broadcast.
All the cards are dealt among the players. There must be at least two players, and at least one card for each player. The starting player (normally the player to the dealer's left) selects a category from his or her topmost card and reads out its value. Each other player then reads out the value of the same category from their cards.
In 1992, Newton released a music video for "The Letter". In the music video, Newton performs at The Hilton and reads out Elvis's note.
Another relative that has also appeared on the show is Cyber-Carlos, Nicanor's cousin. He is supposed to be the electronic voice that reads out loud the news from Reforma.
She reads out loud the last passage from his journal, where he describes telling her, as a baby, that she will have to learn to swallow her pain. Monty dies in Loretta's arms. She smiles.
10 anagrams are shown on screen, the host reads out 10 clues. This is then followed by anagrams taken from letters of the previous answers. The questions are open to any team member. To answer a team member must buzz in.
Emma reads out scatological anecdotes contributed by listeners and the live audience: hospital lab technicians receiving stool samples in "unofficial" containers (e.g. a Lidl carrier bag), an elderly relative retrieving an apparently undigested pea from their own excrement and eating it, and so on.
Article 49 Para 3 allows the president to adopt a law on his authority. To this end, the prime minister goes before the Lower and Upper houses, reads out the bill to the legislators and closes with "the administration engages its responsibility" on the foregoing.
Customarily the sovereign remains standing at meetings of the Privy Council, so that no other members may sit down, thereby keeping meetings short. The Lord President reads out a list of Orders to be made, and the sovereign merely says "Approved".Brazier, p. 199.
Falso enters to protest the loss of his niece; the Duke reads out the next section, which indicts Falso for abusing the niece and abetting his thieving servants. Phoenix testifies again and the niece confirms it. Falso wonders who has informed against him; Phoenix finally uncovers himself.
Nanukuttan spreads the news that Bhargavi had committed suicide. The novelist reads out the story to the ghost who by now has become quite compassionate with him. Nanukuttan overhears the story. He fears that once the story is published the truth behind the death of Bhargavi and Sasikumar will be out.
Zag, wanting to bring some Saturday morning classiness to the show persuades Zig to read out some poetry, however despite the classical music in the background and polite applause Zig inevitably reads out song lyrics from hot club tracks in a posh style, until Zag realises that he's been duped.
The prosecutor reads out the "fact" of the crime. This is a narrative of the events that constitute the crime. This narrative has been agreed to before court as being accurate and a fair representation of what actually occurred. Each participant is then given an opportunity to speak about the offence.
In one comic strip, Jon gets a letter from 'his brother' (Doc Boy) which is in secret code. Jon says that makes him remember his childhood, and solves the code. It reads, "Whoever reads this is a poo-poo head." (which Jon reads out to Garfield) and Garfield says "They've gone so far".
In the TV show Mad Men, season four, episode five ("The Chrysanthemum and the Sword"), the du Bois novel is being read by a child, Sally Draper; in season two, episode three ("The Benefactor"), her mother, Betty Draper, reads out of the Fitzgerald collection containing his story (Babylon Revisited and Other Stories).
A young married couple, Gilles and Marion, are in a lawyer's office. The lawyer reads out the formal terms of their separation. Then, they book a hotel room together. We then go back in time, with the second chapter showing a tense dinner party, at which Gilles appears to admit to infidelity.
If they make a mistake, then their opponents win the list. The first team to win two lists advances to the Money List round. If both teams win a list, a penalty shootout-style tiebreaker is played. The sound remains on in both pods, and the host reads out the subject for the round.
The process of recording information to read later is writing. In the case of computer and microfiche storage there is the separate step of displaying the written text. For humans, reading is usually faster and easier than writing. Reading is typically an individual activity, though on occasion a person reads out loud for other listeners.
Claire says no. She then reads out the letter she found in David's pocket that reveals Fiona had been seeing her ex-boyfriend Ray. Claire storms out and Ben goes with her to bring her to the bus. David and Fiona have a talk about their relationship and Fiona asks David to marry her.
Everyone except Lethe exits. Lethe notes that his project to marry Quomodo's daughter is going well except for one problem: Quomodo's wife hates him. He wonders aloud why she should despise him so much — he has enough money to provide her daughter with the finest possible husband. He reads out a letter he has composed for Mistress Quomodo.
Paul sues Georgia for breach of contract, but later drops the case. Georgia's cousin Gem (Kathryn Beck) arrives in town and fails to get on with Kate. Georgia and Kyle get engaged, and decide to move in together. During their engagement party, Georgia reads out an email from Kate detailing her one-night stand with Kyle.
The sound remains on in the pods. The host reads out the subject for the round. The first team gives an answer and if it is on the list then the opponents have to answer correctly or they lose. If the first team give a wrong answer then their opponents will win with a correct response.
Standing on the balcony of the University's Senate House, the examiner reads out the class results for mathematics, and printed copies of the results are then thrown to the audience below. The examiner no longer announces the students' exact rankings, but they still identify the Senior Wrangler, nowadays by tipping their academic hat when reading out the person's name.
Unterberger, p. 202. California was also the location for the film's penultimate scene, in which Shankar, looking out over a windswept beach, questions the validity of his attempts to bring Indian culture to America.Shankar, Raga Mala, pp. 210–11. In his narration for the scene, he reads out a passage adapted from My Music, My Life, reaffirming his belief in Nada Brahma.
Nervous, he runs back to the steps that exit the beach, but as he turns around again, the figure has disappeared. Back at his hotel room, he cleans the ring he has found and sees it is inscribed with the Latin words for "Who is this, who is coming?", which he reads out loud. Later that night, he is awoken by noises.
A group of singers at Shopcom sing a protest song that was written in a different context by Faiz Ahmad Faiz, an actor in Mangalore, Saumesh Bangera, reads out the last letter of Rohith Vemula, his suicide note. and on blank screen, portions of the article written by journalist Sudipto Mondal named 'Rohith Vemula, an unfinished portrait' are read out.
In the final round ("What's the Story?"), Tim McGarry reads out a recent newspaper headline and the contestants state their take on the headline. The game ends with Tim McGarry telling the audience if they "blame (team) for winning, to cheer now". The television version cuts out "Blame It on the Boogie", and the majority of the show consists of "Pass the Buck".
Mouse starts to cry and admits that things are bad between her and Dick. Later, Raoul reads out loud a letter from Dick to Mouse, in which he is breaking up with her. She is in despair, as she had already told her friends they were married. At the end, Raoul says he never saw Mouse again, and he continues to go to seedy cafés.
Burns is angry and pauses for a few seconds and asks to wipe off the sweat, but Trump refuses to let him do so. That night at dinner, Hardy reads out a list of men not doing a hard days work and for them to get their whipping. Burns is included. Burns declares it's a lie, but none of the guards or Hardy defend him.
Benjamin is actually very upset about all this, saying he would be devastated if he went before any of the other three. He does not think "they" bitch about them as much as they think before calling them deluded psychos. Michael reads out the instructions to a task- to act out a live sitcom! They have to re-enact important times from the house.
In fact, "Anthony Weiner" is the last in the list of pseudonyms Dexhart reads out at a press conference. Leslie briefly considers running for his seat after being impeached, but is dissuaded by Jennifer Barkley. The district that Dexhart is in charge of is a run-down, crime-ridden part of town that he had promised to clean up, but his only action has been to rename it Beach View Terrace.
She reads out an item about a baby competition and Mrs O'Brien is suddenly transfixed, determined to enter little Conor. Dickie's fiancé, Dymphna, arrives with news that baby Max Hennessy from next door (Miriam's son) is to be entered for it. Mrs O'Brien is roused and commands Sheila to complete an entry letter for Conor immediately. The family disperses and Dymphna nags Dickie to set a wedding date.
Sunny's friend Pappi regularly gets magazines with porn stories and both enjoy reading them. Both are alone at home when Pappi reads out the latest edition of the magazine to Sunny in the room where their grandmother Darshan is resting. As fate would have, grandma wakes up from coma listening to the porn story, and the name of the central character "Bimla" sticks in her mind. However, she falls unconscious again.
The magnetization varies from region to region, and the misalignment between these regions forms boundaries that are key to data storage. The inductive head measures the orientation of the magnetic moments of these domain regions and reads out either a “1” or “0”. These bits are the data being read. Grain size is important in this technology because it limits the number of bits that can fit on one hard disk.
He warns them against experimenting with human nature. The Spirit of Hypsis reads out the terms of a contract between God and Vivaxis. In the industrial depths of Point Central, Sat, a member of a species exiled by Hypsis, meets with the twin-detectives Frankie and Harry. They inform him of Hypsis' intervention on Earth and suggest that he travels with them to deal with the situation personally.
He is greeted seemingly friendly by the housefather Brockmann in his garden. He interrupts his gardening and reads out loudly from Wolfgang's juvenile acts. As a result of this, the Youth Office noted that Wolfgang was "aggressive", "renitent" and "disobedient" and had fled from the Heidequell school near Bielefeld after three months. He defended himself by saying that he had always defended himself and had never become violent.
His interview on a U.S. radio station has been widely acclaimed. His interview has also appeared on the front page of Times of India. His music concerts consist of singing the poetry of the self realized saints of India, such as Kabir, Gorakshanath, Tulsidas, Tyagaraja, Surdas, Meera on a base of Indian classical music. He has also translated these songs into English and reads out his translation before singing the song in the original vernacular.
It is believed that people who commit sins go to Hell and have to go through punishments in accordance with the sins they committed. The god Yamarāja, who is also the god of death, presides over Hell. Detailed accounts of all the sins committed by an individual are kept by Chitragupta, who is the record keeper in Yama's court. Chitragupta reads out the sins committed and Yama orders appropriate punishments to be given to individuals.
Shivani is Shikha and Shruti's aunt, who at the starting of the film, receives a letter from the US, which Shikha reads out. The letter turns out to be from her old lover Amol (Dharmendra), who left her for the US 40 years ago. He conveys in the letter that he is coming to India probably for the last time before dying and he wishes to meet Shivani for the last time.
At work, Michael gives Christine permission to do another segment. Christine reads out several minutes of local news. When footage of a crime scene jams and she is asked to stall, she announces that the station will be airing a live suicide attempt, pulls out a gun, and shoots herself in the head. Christine falls out of her chair bleeding, causing her disbelieving co-workers to realize it is not a prank.
Everyone smells something fishy & they discover that each of the prospective brides is tied up. Before any ruckus is created the police officer intervenes & reads out the letter which was earlier given to him by Girdhari where he has confessed to his crimes. Girdhari & Robdar are arrested for kidnapping & before leaving blesses Pankhuri & Banwari (consenting to their marriage). In prison, Girdhari finally realises his dream of storytelling & where the prisoners are listening to him ardently.
In the second pair, one official reads out times for the other to record. At the end of the race, the two lists are joined along with information from the entry information. The primary disadvantage of this system is that distractions can easily upset the results, particularly when scores of runners finish close together. Chip timing has grown in popularity to increase accuracy and decrease the number of officials required at the finish line.
3 new voices have been added to FIFA 13: Sky Sports Reporter Geoff Shreeves is touchline reporter explaining the severity of an injury, Alan McInally has goals as they go in from the other matches in a role he performs on Soccer Saturday on Sky Sports and Mike West reads out the classified results from the league or cup your team is in, he performs this role on BBC football results show Final Score.
The contestant who won the Preliminary Round would select one out of 26 cases, hoping that the chosen case has the largest bounty. After that he/she needs to reveal six other cases before hearing the first offer. The mysterious "Banker" communicates to Wee Ping through a phone, from which he reads out the Banker's offer to the contestant, tempting him/her with the catchphrase (pinyin:mài huò bú mài, lit. "to deal or not to deal").
Whitney tells Ricky to leave her and Tiffany alone as she is nothing to do with him, but he reveals that Tiffany is his daughter. Whitney begins to ignore Tiffany so Bianca and Ricky tell her the truth and she is happy. After Whitney gives evidence at Tony's trial, she says she is still Whitney's sister and they hug. On Christmas Eve, Tiffany reads out a letter to Santa, wishing him to bring happiness to Whitney.
Emily continues to complain about the pain, but Karl notices her wince when she eats some ice cream and realises the problem is actually with her teeth. Emily begins talking about a new friend called Madge. Harold Bishop (Ian Smith) believes Emily is talking to his late wife and he is happy that he has a new link to her. Emily finds and reads out a letter from Toadfish Rebecchi (Ryan Moloney), which details his feelings for Maggie.
At his request, Aki and Saku steal the principal's remains from the cemetery and give them to Shigezou. Hoping to win a Walkman, Saku and Aki write to a local radio station that reads out listeners' stories of tragic romance. When Saku wins by concocting a story about a girl with leukemia, Aki records a tape chastising him, saying it is wrong to lie about such things. He apologizes and they begin exchanging long messages on tape.
PDS rationing in districts of Andhra Pradesh can be an illustrative example of using modern technology to prevent retail corruption. Ration cards and corresponding bank accounts of the heads of families (HoF) have been linked with Aadhaar Numbers of family members. When a beneficiary buys rations from a PDS shop, their eligibility is authenticated through an Aadhaar KYC handheld device. The PDS computer system reads out the quantity eligibility and balance of each item in the local language.
Later, he pays a visit to his 22-year- old daughter (Iris Chatziantoniou), but he doesn't tell her of his diagnosis. Instead he gives her some letters written by her mother, who she reads out loud, triggering his memories of the time when their daughter was a newborn at her baby shower. He learns that his daughter and her husband have sold the family's beach house without telling him. Also, they refuse to keep his dog with them.
These are gathered by 14 CCD sensors, . HiRISE's onboard computer reads out these lines in time with the orbiter's ground speed, meaning the images are potentially unlimited in height. Practically this is limited by the onboard computer's () memory capacity. The nominal maximum size of red images (compressed to 8 bits per pixel) is about 20,000 × 126,000 pixels, or 2520 megapixels and 4,000 × 126,000 pixels (504 megapixels) for the narrower images of the B-G and NIR bands.
At lunch a jovial Göring holds court over the other defendants while Speer begins to show signs of remorse. Maxwell-Fyfe puts forward an emotive eyewitness account of the Nazis' genocidal policies toward Jews and others, while Jackson reads out dry documentation. As the court begins to tire of Jackson's meticulous approach, Maxwell-Fyfe urges pushing on to the witness interviews, which reveal the horrors of the concentration camps. The court is shaken by documentary footage of the camps; even Göring appears unsettled.
For example, in a pack based on cars, each card shows a different model of car, and the stats and data may include its engine size, its weight, its length, and its top speed. All the cards are dealt among the players. There must be at least two players, and at least one card for each player. The starting player (normally the player sitting on the dealer's left) selects a category from his or her topmost card and reads out its value.
Each other player then reads out the value of the same category from their cards. The best (usually the largest) value wins the "trick", and the winner takes all the cards of the trick and places them at the bottom of his or her pile. That player then looks at their new topmost card, and chooses the category for the next round. Ace introduced the Super Trump, a card that beats all other cards except “A” cards regardless of its data.
The programme started in the summer of 2005; the original presenter was Anjali Rao who is now an anchor with CNN. The programme employed its own sports presenter, Graeme Winch, who reads the sport live (all other overnight sports bulletins are recorded). The programme also features an international weather forecast, which the presenter reads out over graphics of a world map. In the past the team has made use of content from American broadcasters in the back half hour segments.
This signal is often wired to an indicator that reads out locally, or remotely in a control room, and/or as a control (or feedback) signal to a valve, pump, or other control element to maintain a set pressure, or limit a maximum pressure. Typically, the signal is 4-20 mA DC loop current, where, usually, 4mA represents the minimum differential pressure and 20mA represents the maximum differential pressure. . Alternatively, the signal may be a variable voltage, or digital information stream.
During the annual Budget, which the Chancellor of the Exchequer reads out in outline, the Chairman of Ways and Means presides. The Speaker never presides over the Committee of the Whole House, which consists of all the members, but operates under more flexible rules of debate. This device was used so that members could debate independently of the Speaker, who they suspected acted as an agent or spy of the monarch. Now the procedure is invoked to have a less procedurally strict debate.
Maggie and Evan discuss selling their house to pay for Matt's legal fees and Maggie realises she needs to stay loyal to her family. She goes to see Toadie and tells him she is sticking by her family and rejects him when he tries to kiss her. Emily later finds and reads out a letter from Toadie, which mentions his feelings for Maggie. Evan becomes angry when Maggie tells him Toadie made her feel alive, and he demands a divorce.
However, instead of accepting straight away, Kyle leaves Georgia to go and get his grandmother's ring, so he can propose to her. Georgia's cousin Gemma Reeves (Kathryn Beck) discovers Kate and Kyle's affair after hacking into Kate's email account and finding an unsent email from Kate to Kyle detailing their one-night stand. She places the email in a pile of congratulatory email messages at an engagement party thrown for Georgia and Kyle. Georgia then reads out the email from Kate.
The Rabbit accuses Alice of the crime and the Queen is ready to have her head chopped off, but the King says she needs a trial. In the meantime, the Queen orders Alice to be taken to prison by the Gryphon, who introduces her to the Mock Turtle. Alice is then summoned to her trial, in which absurd and nonsensical evidence is presented. Finally, Alice herself reads out the charge, which states that the Knave of Hearts stole the tarts.
The House of Representatives is authorized to censure its own members by the scope of United States Constitution (Article I, Section 5, clause 2). In the House of Representatives, censure is essentially a form of public humiliation carried out on the House floor. As the Speaker of the House reads out a resolution rebuking a member for a specified misconduct, that member must stand in the House well and listen to it. This process has been described as a morality play in miniature.
The kermis (church consecration festival, locally known as the Kerwe) is held on the second weekend in October. On Sunday afternoon, the village youth carry a tree decorated with colourful streamers, the Kerwestrauß (“kermis bouquet”) through the village. This is then fixed onto an inn, and then comes the Kerwepredigt (“kermis sermon”), in which the Kerwepfarrer (“kermis pastor”) reads out a rhyming, humorous account of the year's happenings. The kermis ends late Tuesday evening with the traditional burning of a straw doll, the so-called Kerwelotte.
However, Richie finally arrives and reads out a poem he wrote for her, putting her at ease. Mackenzie becomes distressed when Grant sends her a friend request, unsure whether she should accept or not. On the advice of Kyle Canning (Chris Milligan), she accepts his request and later learns that he is returning to Erinsborough. Mackenzie makes an effort to accommodate Grant, although voices her anxiety to Susan about having to juggle her dad's feelings on top of her school work and upcoming surgery.
Act 1 A young boy, Smeeton/Smike, sits alone in a class of empty desks. Soon, the rest of the class files in and the Headmaster reads out the Daily Test. The children, however, voice out their reactions to the test (the Headmaster cannot hear them) rather than writing down their answers. At the end of the test, the children hand in their papers to the drama mistress, Miss Grant ("Daily Test Chant") before expressing how they feel about school ("Doing Things By Numbers").
Instead of written credits at the beginning of the film, Gitai reads out the credits, introduces himself to the viewer, and explains that Alila is based on the novel Returning Lost Love. The rest of the movie is made up of forty individual single-shot scenes depicting the lives of several Israelis. The character's lives overlap and collide. Gabi, a bobbed haired sexpot, and her lover Hezi—who is older, balding and married—rent a room to have an affair, while Ezra, a pot bellied divorcee, supervises an illegal construction site next door.
After the outbreak of the COVID–19 pandemic in the country, Mutafchiyski was appointed Chairman of the National Crisis Management Staff on 24 February 2020. The general started holding daily briefings where he reads out statistical updates and takes questions from reporters. He quickly became popular and is arguably the public figure most closely associated with the fight against the pandemic in the country. Mutafchiyski has been consistently advocating the need for social distancing as the only proven measure that can slow the spread of the coronavirus and prevent a collapse of the healthcare system.
At Raj Bhavan, the feast President reads out a short speech highlighting the various difficulties faced by villagers in cultivating the fields, drainage system, etc. In the afternoon the group is treated to a sumptuous lunch consisting of twelve dishes at the feast President's residence, with a boom of cannons in the background. It is customary to play a game of cards for entertainment. The traditions of Novidade revive the bond of friendship between the families under the tutelage of the Comunidade de Taleigão and blessings of the patron São Miguel Arcanjo.
This procession is accompanied by music, and a ceremonial mace is often carried. After this, an official reads out the names of the graduates one by one, organized by class of degree and/or by subject. When their names are called, the graduates walk across the stage to shake hands with a senior official, often the university's Chancellor or the vice-chancellor. This may be followed by the conferring of an honorary doctorate to a highly accomplished guest where a citation is usually read by a member of staff of the relevant faculty/school/department.
On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 37% based on 63 reviews, with an average rating of 4.91/10. The website's critical consensus reads, "Out of Blue smolders without ever really sparking to life -- which, considering the source material and talent assembled, can only be considered a disappointment."Metacritic, which uses a weighted average, assigned the film a score of 49 out of 100, based on 16 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian wrote, "A flawed film, but a valuable one".
As Elinor arrives with the creatures Capricorn imprisoned, Meggie writes out the story on her arm. As she reads out her creation, Capricorn turns into ashes as the Shadow devours him, his henchmen vanish, the Shadow explodes, and all the read-out creatures back are returned where they belong, including Toto. In addition, she grants Fenoglio's wish to live in the world he created, while reuniting her and Mo with her mother and restoring her voice. Dustfinger is also safely read back into Inkheart, where he is reunited with his wife Roxanne.
Jack had given Toby the reins of his horse and Polly some of the bread and cheese, which led to them being charged as two of "the Doolan gang". After a journey of eight months, the Northern Star sails through the headlands into the harbour on whose shores the colony is built. The convicts are greeted by the Lieutenant Governor, Colonel Lindsay Lightfoot, left in charge of the colony while the Governor is inspecting Norfolk Island. He reads out the rules of the colony and warns the convicts of the consequences of disobedience of orders.
Shikha, who often meets her aunt in her Bharatnatyam classes, reads out a letter from The United States for her aunt. She learns through the letter that her aunt, Shivani, had loved a man named Amol forty years ago, but he left her to pursue his dreams in the US. Now Amol and Shivani, who are both in their seventies, are counting their last days. Amol conveys through the letter that he is probably coming to India for the last time and wishes to meet Shivani and spend his last days with her. Shivani agrees.
As Booth dictates, blaming Lincoln for the Civil War and for destroying the South, the Balladeer interjects that Booth's motives really had more to do with his personal problems. When a Union soldier calls for Booth's surrender, Herold abandons him and surrenders. In desperation, Booth throws the Balladeer his diary so that he can tell his story to the world. The Balladeer reads out Booth's justifications, and Booth laments that the act for which he has given up his life will not be enough to heal the country.
Tensions between the two families begin to rise, and similarly between Anne and Pfeffer, with whom she is made to share a room. Anne finds solace in her diary, passages of which she reads out or relates to Schiff. Anne lives through puberty, her teenage years, conflicts with her family, and a burgeoning sexuality, but is forced to undergo it all in the cramped 500 square foot of the annex. After nearly two years, the secret annex is discovered and the eight Jews in hiding are taken away by German soldiers and Dutch police.
It reads "Out to Imperialism: Only the People saves the People" At the 61st United Nations General Assembly, Hugo Chávez gave an anti-imperialist and anti-United States speech calling George W. Bush "the devil" and "world dictator". He accused Bush of spreading imperialism saying "he came to share his nostrums, to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world." He also criticized Israel due to the conflict it had with Lebanon. He then called the United Nations system "worthless" and that it had "collapsed".
Beryl is understandably quite disturbed by this, and proceeds in leaving her current bench and going to sit with Charles. Beryl is a young woman with a husband who beats her, and so she tells Charles this story and reads out a letter from the "bastard". Charles becomes quite sick of hearing this, so excuses himself and goes to sit next to man-hating dog-loving Doreen. Charles is an old business man on the verge of bankruptcy and so has no time for the youth of today.
He was even captured on film standing next to his commander, as "Monty" reads out the terms of German surrender to an Allied film crew. Field Marshal Montgomery (seated second from the right) reads the terms of the surrender of German forces in the North of the country, watched by Colonel Joe Ewart standing immediately behind him to the left (wearing a beret). Field Marshal Montgomery speaking with a delegation of senior German officers at his Tac HQ on 4 May 1945. Colonel Joe Ewart is translating for his commander.
The course ends at a finish line located at the beginning of a funnel or chute (a long walkway marked with flags) that keeps athletes single-file in order of finish and facilitates accurate scoring. Depending on the timing and scoring system, finish officials may collect a small slip from each runner's bib, to keep track of finishing positions. An alternative method (standard in the UK) is to have four officials in two pairs. In the first pair, one official reads out numbers of finishers and the other records them.
There are two methods of handling a division: party vote is used for most votes, but personal vote is used for conscience issues. In the party vote method, the Clerk of the House reads out each party's name in turn. A member of the party (usually a whip) will respond to their party's name by stating how many members of the party are in favour and how many members are opposed. The Clerk tallies up the votes and gives the results to the Speaker, who announces the result.
In terms of the table in the figure, copy the outputs of the truth table (in the column labeled P) into the leftmost column of the triangular table. Then successively compute columns from left to right by applying XOR to each pair of vertically adjacent cells in order to fill the cell immediately to the right of the top cell of each pair. When the entire triangular table is filled in then the top row reads out the coefficients of a linear combination which, when simplified (removing the zeroes), yields the Zhegalkin polynomial.
They return to the celebration, now with two unconscious women and two dead bodies in a room, and Yılmaz in a wedding gown. Hatice shows up and deduces everything that has happened and tells everyone to handle it and not cause a scene in front of the guests. The police arrive because of Yılmaz's fake currency, which Ismail had thrown out to the children during the wedding celebration. Everyone is taken in for questioning and Tarık reads out bits of his statements, which is the voice-over in the beginning of the movie.
Amy admits that she wants to get back together, but only if Gary tells Sheila to back off, which he does. Gary proposes to Amy, but they are interrupted by Kyle who has returned to Erinsborough to take over Amy's former job at the Robinson Pines development. Amy accepts Gary's proposal and moves back in with him and Sheila. Gary reads out Xanthe's statement at Finn's sentencing hearing and is sure that he will be sent to prison, however, Finn is released into the Kennedys' care, causing tension between them and the Cannings.
The True Crime seasons are filmed all within the Unsolved set, often focusing on cold cases from many years ago. In these, Ryan reads out the story of the case, which includes pieces of evidence the police working on the case used, and then presents a handful of suspects from both the official police reports and others' ideas coupled with evidence that can both prove and disprove their involvement. During these cases, Shane will cut in to provide his input, responses, and theories to Ryan, and they end the episode with them discussing who they think of the presented suspects was involved.
Knowing that that is the last day and dog catchers are after Bhidu, they pray hard to save him. During the interview they are constantly mocked by Bhide and asked if all these dirty tricks and uncultured techniques were taught to them by the textbook. As he asks to stop the telecast, Silencer, who doesn't speak at all, speaks for the first time. He opens his textbook and reads out loud "We must always help others" followed by others reading out "A friend in need is a friend indeed" and "We must do what is right".
While this is convenient for the user and does prevent torn film sprockets at the end of a roll, setting the counter up properly at the beginning of a roll is complex, awkward, and time-consuming. This is a typical example of much of Retina engineering - complex and ingenious, but perhaps over-engineered. The non-coupled selenium cell exposure meter reads out in exposure values (EVs) only. The camera is then set to the proper EV setting via an easily reached aperture release tab, though the EV scale itself is rather inconveniently located on the underside of the lens assembly.
The phrase is used to signify that the monarch has granted his or her royal assent to a bill in order to make it become law. It is used by the Clerk of the Parliaments in the House of Lords. It is only used after the Lord Chancellor, accompanied by the Lords Commissioners, has read out the letters patent for the bill. The Clerk of the Crown then reads out the short title of the bill and the Clerk of the Parliaments responds by saying the phrase towards the House of Commons at the bar of the House for each bill.
The film is set during the Russian Civil War in the period of the Red Terror. In a provincial Cheka (the All-Russian Emergency Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage) office in an unnamed small town, a routine bureaucratic work is taking place. Every day, a Cheka troika tribunal made of director Srubov and his assistants Pepel and Katz reads out a long list of all kinds of real and perceived counter-revolutionaries and class enemies. Those arrested are always immediately found guilty and the sentence, regardless of the accusation, gender and age of the person, is the same - to be shot.
She also defuses the problems that Mal created the previous day, although going a little over the top in dealing with a stressed member of staff. Meanwhile, Mal has the chance to get to know his children better as they open up to him, believing him to be their mother. Mal is deflated to learn from Chrissie that Jill knew about his affair all along, but is horrified to discover what Dean has been doing to her. When Sam returns home, he reads out a passage to Mal (as Francis Flute playing Thisbe in A Midsummer Night's Dream), almost moving him to tears.
William and Stephen ride in the back of the same taxi with the female driver, and William tells Stephen that he will have to forget about Christine. He offers for Stephen to stay at their house because he's worried about him, but Stephen won't. He gets of the taxi, and the driver returns the copy of Sorrows of Young Werther he left before. Back at his apartment, Stephen struggles to write a note to Christine, and eventually settles on leaving another book page reference and the words “There is no hope.” He reads out of his book how the character eventually commits suicide.
Jake is awarded prom king and the principal reads out that the votes for prom queen are tied. Everyone thinks that it is between Janey and Priscilla, but they are shocked to find that conjoined twins Kara and Sara Fratelli win prom queen. During the traditional prom king and queen dance, Janey supposedly left with Austin to go to a hotel. Jake goes to the hotel room where he finds Austin having wild sex with a girl, but is shocked to find that it is Priscilla and not Janey, while Les videotapes them with his pants down.
In order, Ronald's deaths are displayed as him being buried alive in a trench collapse, electrocuted in a condemned building, run over by an earthmoving vehicle, breaking his skull against a metal retaining wall, crushed to death by a pile of bricks and finally drowning in a disused quarry. Back in the real world, Ronald announces he intends to abandon his ambitions, and goes outside to play with Paul and Jane. Over the closing shot of the film, Paul reads out real- life stories of children who were killed in similar ways to those seen in the film.
The song features a guest appearance from Kayvan Novak who reads out a passage from Tariq Ali's 1987 book, "Street Fighting Years: An Autobiography of the Sixties" (in turn quoting a, likely fictional, Jean-Paul Marat monologue from act 1, scene 23 of Peter Weiss' 1963 play "Marat/Sade") to close the track. The music video for the song was made available to watch on the band's official website along with stems files as MP3s during the internet promotion. The stems were later released on Facebook and Twitter. The track debuted on Californian radio station KCRW on 4 April 2013.
The office has always been largely ceremonial. The person appointed invariably has a distinguished record of public service in Scotland as well as having close connections with the church, often being an Elder of the Church of Scotland. On behalf of the Sovereign, the Lord High Commissioner attends the General Assembly, makes opening and closing addresses to the Assembly, and carries out a number of official visits and ceremonial functions (not all related to the Church of Scotland). At the formal opening of the General Assembly, the Principal Clerk reads out the Royal Warrant appointing the Lord High Commissioner, who is then invited to address the Assembly.
Sundarangadan visits a research centre and listens to the words of pandits. One of them reads out the five maxims of life which Sundarangadan does not accept, and argues with the pandits before deciding to evaluate their validity. Instead of pursuing his business goal, Sundarangadan returns to Sundarapuri to verify the merits of the maxims, but his father again sends him away and prohibits him from returning without riches, convincing Sundarangadan that the first maxim (a father cares only for the riches earned by his son) is true. Sundarangadan visits his mother who warmly welcomes him and is upset to know the reaction of his father.
The taxi driver that takes them there stops by at Maradona's house, and lets a family member know about their appearance that afternoon. On the show, Wood reads out an impassioned speech in Spanish directed to Maradona. After the broadcast, presenter Germán Paoloski tells Fisher that Maradona was sleeping as he was set to fly out to Peru that evening, and Wood is clearly distraught having heard this news. They go to the Ezeiza International Airport in the small chance that they will meet Maradona there, however, Camilla speaks to his chauffeur, who tells her that the Argentinean would like to meet the three freestylers at his house.
In the New Zealand House of Representatives, division of the assembly occurs when the result of a voice vote on a motion is split, and a member disagrees with the Speaker's call. There are two methods for handling a division: a party vote and a personal vote. A party vote is the most common method, and occurs for non-conscience issues and some conscience issues. In this method, the Clerk of the House reads out each party's name in order of the number of seats each party has, starting with the largest party, followed by any independent members and any members wishing to cross the floor.
Before the EGM the board of the organisation will have agreed upon one or more resolutions that will be put to the shareholders or members for approval at the EGM. The wording of the resolution is sent to the shareholders with a note about its importance. The theory is that the board has a better knowledge of the situation, and the resolution is in effect their ideal solution, but it may not be in the interests of individual shareholders. Usually, the chairman of the EGM reads out and recommends the resolution to those present for approval, takes questions about the resolution from those present, supervises the vote and declares the result.
They are then asked a question about their chosen topic, which can be absolutely anything ranging from academic subjects such as spelling or history, to more specific topics such as capital cities or outer space, to pop culture themed topics. Unlike the question rounds, Beat the Buzzer is open for all teams to answer. Simon Reeve reads out questions to all contestants, who buzz in to answer. This is the most competitive segment of the show as teams attempt to buzz in before other teams in order to score points (10 per correct question). Beat the Buzzer is a speed round lasting for 45 seconds.
Entering through the hotel's front doors, guests encounter an interior designed to give the impression that the Hollywood Tower Hotel has been left untouched since the night of its closure. The lobby is covered in dust and draped with cobwebs, and throughout there are other signs of the hotel's abrupt closure. Past the front desk, the main elevators are in a dilapidated state, and a sign reads "Out of Order". Guests are informed by bellhops that their rooms are not ready yet, and they are then ushered into the hotel library, which houses the hotel's collection of books, antiques, an old television set, and various pieces of Twilight Zone memorabilia scattered about the room.
For example, the commandment stating "No animal shall drink alcohol" is changed to "No animal shall drink alcohol to excess", and that which states "No animal shall sleep in a bed" has been changed to "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets". Another commandment, "No animal shall kill another animal" is changed to "No animal shall kill another animal without cause". Later all the commandments are replaced with one phrase: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". The last alteration to the commandments is seen towards the end of the book where Benjamin (the donkey) reads out the Commandments to Clover (an old cart horse).
The PSA, created by Austin, Texas ad agency GSD&M; and sponsored by the Advertising Council, was a tribute PSA launched in 2001 to salute to all the deaths and tragedies of 9/11. The PSA shows many scenes of people in the United States saying "I am an American", referring to their lives that they live in America. The PSA shows that they have hope during the tragic event, which occurred on September 11, 2001. Near the end of the PSA, the camera goes to a black background which shows the Latin phrase "E pluribus unum" with English translation underneath partially which reads "Out of many," and seconds later, the finishing of the phrase "one." fades in.
The show runs on weekdays, Monday to Friday, for one hour from 5:00 pm. Each episode follows O'Grady being introduced, walking to his desk with one of his pet dogs; originally Buster, a Shih Tzu and Bichon Frise cross, until his death shortly before the show originally ended in 2009, and Olga, a Cairn Terrier who has regularly appeared since the series returned in 2013. O'Grady reads out viewers' letters, sometimes with disgust at the things viewers have sent (which included vibrating soap, a viewer's dead goldfish wrapped in tissue and children's letters asking if Paul wears a wig or dentures). The remainder of the programme consists of interviews with two or more celebrity guests.
Above the panel is an inscription reading AS UNKNOWN AND YET WELL KNOWN AS DYING AND BEHOLD WE LIVE, and below, the inscription reads OUT OF THE NORTH PARTS A GREAT COMPANY AND A MIGHTY ARMY. On the southeast face, facing Lime Street station, the panel depicts mourners laying flowers and wreaths on a Stone of Remembrance, with rows of graves in a military cemetery behind them. Above the panel the inscription reads TO THE MEN OF LIVERPOOL WHO FELL IN THE GREAT WAR with an added inscription below it reads AND ALL WHO HAVE FALLEN IN CONFLICT SINCE. Under the panel is an inscription reading AND THE VICTORY THAT DAY WAS TURNED INTO MOURNING UNTO ALL THE PEOPLE.
"Queen Prepares To 'Rock' Again", Billboard, 16 July 2004. The song's title is used as a running joke in the 2018 Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, starting with an argument between Taylor (Ben Hardy) and May (Gwilym Lee) over the song's lyrical content. Later in the film, EMI executive Ray Foster (Mike Myers) suggests to have it or "You're My Best Friend" released as the first single to A Night at the Opera instead of "Bohemian Rhapsody". Shortly afterwards, on Kenny Everett's radio show, Freddie Mercury hands the single to the eponymous host, who then reads out "I'm In Love With My Car" rather than Bohemian Rhapsody, which is then correctly played on air.
Play begins when one player draws a Topic Card from the deck, and reads out the five topics on it. They range from general knowledge topics (a European country) to popular culture (a James Bond character) to the everyday (something found in a bathroom). Players have two minutes to come up with an answer to each of the five topics, keeping in mind that if they come up with the same answer as another player, both will score 0 points. They also bear in mind the Summit scoring system, in which each letter A is worth 1 point, B is worth 2, C worth 3, up to Z which is worth 26.
The programme is interspersed with "listeners' homework" – listeners are asked to submit answers to one of the questions posed to the panel (normally question two) by e-mail or text message. During the course of the show, the presenter reads out the "best" responses, with the most entertaining answers being read out the following week. Homework questions often involve likening sports people to objects, animals or concepts: for example, "If footballers were houses, what would they be?" Prizes were introduced to encourage respondents; in the first series, the prize for the best entry was a "soundbite" recording of a commentator or sportsman — being a brief piece of sporting commentary involving the winning respondent or recollections of the respondent's sporting prowess (both fictional).
Upon discovering that Max Staefel has died fighting on the German side, Chips reads out his name in chapel, too. He retires permanently in 1918, but moves into rooms across the road from the school at the home of Mrs Wickett (Louise Hampton), attending morning assembly, participating in the life of the school and having boys over for tea. Chips wakes from his nap to welcome his last such visitor, new boy Peter Colley, the fourth generation of Colleys to come under Chips' influence. (Chips was particularly close to Peter's father (John Mills), who was killed in the last few days of the war.) They have a smashing tea and as Colley leaves he turns back at the door to smile and say goodbye.
She also invites Ray, who reveals that he read her book of short stories and asks her if she truly believes she is destined to end up single and alone, telling her that to do so would be a choice, not her fate. Jean goes to her old boyfriend, Jeremiah who tells her that they are over for good. With nowhere to go and having used up all the goodwill from her family, Jean goes to Gordan's home where she discovers that he was a recorded jazz musician, that he followed her writing career and unearths his will. At Gordan's funeral Jean reads out a statement from his will where he apologized for being a terrible father and abandoning his children.
They assault a scholar walking home from the public library; rob a store, leaving the owner and his wife bloodied and unconscious; beat up a beggar; then scuffle with a rival gang. Joyriding through the countryside in a stolen car, they break into an isolated cottage and terrorise the young couple living there, beating the husband and gang-raping his wife. In a metafictional touch, the husband is a writer working on a manuscript called "A Clockwork Orange", and Alex contemptuously reads out a paragraph that states the novel's main theme before shredding the manuscript. Back at the Korova, Alex strikes Dim for his crude response to a woman's singing of an operatic passage, and strains within the gang become apparent.
Henderson and Harvey have meanwhile thrashed out a deal at Hexham, making several concessions to Scotland but stopping short of independence. When the SNP meet to ratify the deal, Henderson is surprised that Mackie's militant wing of the party is prepared to support it, in return only for a letter from Henderson, which states that the SNP remains committed to obtaining independence for Scotland by any means. However, at the Conservative Party conference in Blackpool, Mackie deliberately shows this letter to Anglo-Scottish Tory grandee Lord Thorganby. Although semi-retired, Thorganby still has influence, and when he reads out Mackie's letter in front of the delegates, he thwarts any possibility of the Conservatives ratifying the deal worked out at Hexham.
At the end of the film, a character played by Michael Palin is handed an envelope containing "the meaning of life", which she opens and reads out to the audience: "Well, it's nothing very special. Uh, try to be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try to live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations." Many other Monty Python sketches and songs are also existential in nature, questioning the importance we place on life ("Always Look on the Bright Side of Life") and other meaning-of-life related questioning. John Cleese also had his sit-com character Basil Fawlty contemplating the futility of his own existence in Fawlty Towers.
Jimmy, desperate to find someone to do Maw Maw's community service, offers to pay a prostitute to do the time only for it to be a police trap, and for him to be arrested for solicitation and placed in the back of the police car next to Virginia. Having been bailed out, Jimmy is back at home frantically working on the application when Hope crawls up chewing on a bone. He realizes that he needs to spice up the application. He goes to the new pre-school and after the employee reads out all the other applicants problems, he awards the scholarship to Hope, saying that Jimmy was a promising artist whose hand was injured in the war in Afghanistan while dragging orphans to safety.
Then a piper and a bugler descend from the Hall of Memory. The piper then plays "Flowers of the Forest" as visitors, family members of the individual being honoured that day or visiting dignitaries lay wreaths of floral tributes at the base of the Pool of Reflection beside a portrait (if available) of whomever is the subject of that day's story. If there is no photo on record, the image of a tri-folded Australian Flag is displayed in its place. After which, a member of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) reads out the story, covering where the honoured person grew up, what they did prior to enlisting in the ADF, what actions (if any) they participated in during their respective conflict, and invariably the circumstances of their death and burial.
In subsequent rounds, participants can validate their choices by checking how well they would be covered under different scenarios. The scenarios are described in “health event cards” that each player pulls out from a deck of cards in turn, and reads out aloud; this way, the entire group can validate choices made in the previous round. As the CHAT tool is intended to design a health insurance benefit package for a specific target group, the entire group of participants has to reach consensus on one benefit package for the entire group or community in one of the rounds. The entire process is led by a facilitator who follows a script, which ensures that explanations and process are as standard and comparable as possible in different groups or locations.
Martha, full of doubts, first reads out her request to the Duke to pardon her "abnormal husband Müller", but then cannot bear it any longer and admits this to her beloved: the cannon was filled with wet gunpowder so that the cannonball would fly for several meters and then during the sweeping laughter would fall to the grass so that the Baron's swindle would be considered proven. A general commotion arises when the cannon is reloaded with the dry gunpowder brought by Thomas for public just wanted to laugh at the Baron, not to kill him. There are attempts to convince the Duke to make a decision that the Baron's identity has been verified and that his trip to the moon has been a success. The Baron is offered to "return from the trip" in a blaze of glory.
When the rest of the group arrive, they all, over the first act, reveal what they are working on. Grace shows her illustrations for her children's story "Doblin the Goblin" (with friend Sid the Squirrel), Jess tells her of her vision for her period romance, Vivi explains how her latest detective novel is darker than the last three, Brevis plays a (somewhat tuneless) song "There's Light at the End of the Tunnel" from his musical adaptation of The Pilgrim's Progress, and Clem reads out an extract from his science fiction story (or, as Clem sees it, "science fact", with names changed to protect identities). All the writers have obvious weaknesses with their writing. Grace's children have long since grown up and her ideas would be confusing to the age this kind of story is aimed at.
For the second episode, the writers had upped the ante, and got Phil Bloom to appear completely naked. During a skit, she is reading a newspaper, sitting on a sofa; she reads, out loud, a review of the first episode of Hoepla that appeared in the Catholic daily Trouw and when she lowers the newspaper she is shown to be completely naked. But when photos of the taping leaked out and were published, the scene was shot again; this time Bloom is on a chair (likewise naked) reading another Hoepla article, this time from Het Vrije Volk, the social democratic daily paper, which states that the VPRO cut Bloom's scene after the photos leaked out. As soon as the scene is over, the screen shows the VPRO's postal address, to accommodate those who wished to cancel their membership.
Their oath were invalidated by the clerk and the controversy caused a huge backlash among the Hong Kong public. Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying and Secretary for Justice Rimsky Yuen took the unprecedented step of launching a judicial review seeking the disqualification of the duo. On 7 November, the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) controversially interpreted Article 104 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong to "clarify" the requirements that the legislators need to swear allegiance to Hong Kong as part of China when they take office, stating that "who intentionally reads out words which do not accord with the wording of the oath prescribed by law, or takes the oath in a manner which is not sincere or not solemn" should be barred from taking their public office and cannot retake the oath. As a consequence, the High Court disqualified Sixtus Leung and Yau Wai-ching on 15 November.
Tiro is dispatched once more to the National Archive to research Gracchus and Cicero learns that his agrarian reform law was vetoed by the tribune, Marcus Octavius, and Gracchus called upon the people to vote him out of office but was later beaten to death with sticks by the aristocrats and his body thrown into the Tiber. At a meeting at Pompey's house, Cicero reads out the extract from the Annals and it is decided to use the same precedent – although a dangerous one for the health of the republic – to get Pompey the supreme command. Gabinius oversees a vote although he is opposed by a fellow tribune, Trebellius, a supporter of Crassus, and so Gabinius puts it to the voters to vote him out of office. Catulus tries to intervene and Roscius tries to propose splitting the joint command but is ignored by Gabinus and the lex Gabinia is passed.
This was brought in when Haider with his head shaved, dressed in torn, shabby clothes rants on a traffic roundabout in Srinagar and apart from a few senseless jokes, reads out the bare act of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act. Apart from this, Peer explained that an adaptation doesn't exactly follow the original, like the part of Fortinbras was barely there in Haider. The world of King Claudius and Polonius is portrayed as the counter-insurgency and government-run, counter-insurgent militias in Haider and thematically dominates the action. As per the story of Hamlet, an Oedipus complex exists that draws Hamlet (played by Shahid Kapoor) towards his mother Gertrude (played by Tabu) that could have been interpreted both at a physical and psychological level, however, Bhardwaj kept this reference subtle as the target audience was predominantly Indian and called it 'one of the aspects in this mother-son relationship.
Baldrick offers to take up the role, but Blackadder quickly dismisses the idea (in truth, Baldrick's plan was to marry Melchett and be a Trojan Horse – or 'frozen horse' as he refers to it – to bring down the aristocracy). He then realises he has had a leading lady in his presence all the time and replaces George with Bob. In spite of Bob's more convincing and better received 'drag' act, and Baldrick's now seemingly "feeble impression of Buster Keaton", Melchett proclaims the second night's show a disaster, recognising Bob and still not realising she is a female, and immediately stops any possibility of a tour (and Blackadder leaving). He instead declares that with the arrival of the Americans into the war, morale will be boosted by endless showings of Charlie Chaplin films (with Blackadder as projectionist at a personal request from Chaplin himself which Darling reads out, much to his annoyance).
Lister asks Rimmer where the disc which contains Kochanski's hologram has been hidden so that Lister could go on a date with Kochanski, but Rimmer refuses to switch his own disc off to bring back Kochanski for an evening due to the risk that Rimmer's hologram wouldn't be turned on again. In "Waiting for God" (1988), Holly reads out the captain's confidential files on Lister, explaining that Lister's previous job before joining Red Dwarf was a supermarket trolley attendant, which he left because "he didn't want to get tied down to a career". After translating a holy book written by the Cat's people, Holly confirms that Lister is considered a god in the Cat's people's religion called Cloister, and that his plan of buying a farm on Fiji and opening up a hot dog and doughnut diner has become their idea of Heaven. In "Confidence and Paranoia" (1988), Lister, with the help of a solid manifestation of Lister's confidence (played by Craig Ferguson), deduces where Kochanski's personality disc is hidden as well as a means of how the ship can power two holograms at once.

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