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189 Sentences With "reaching across"

How to use reaching across in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "reaching across" and check conjugation/comparative form for "reaching across". Mastering all the usages of "reaching across" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Reaching across the aisle is more important than satisfying liberals.
There's no currency, no market for reaching across the aisle.
"There's no value to reaching across the aisle," Flake said.
Reaching across parties like that would be pretty much unprecedented.
"It's about loving people and reaching across borders," they said.
"There's no value to reaching across the aisle," he said.
And she has not given up on reaching across the divide.
I don't mind taking risks, which includes reaching across the aisle.
Brian Sandoval, a Republican, Pelosi endorsed the idea of reaching across the aisle.
He also lamented the unpopularity in both parties of reaching across the aisle.
They can deal with the problem of partisanship by instinctively reaching across party lines.
And his record of reaching across the aisle could antagonize liberals fulminating against Republicans.
When in power, neither party will win enduring victories without reaching across the aisle.
"There's no value to reaching across the aisle," said Mr. Flake on Sunday night.
Light, color, music, dance, ancient traditions reaching across the globe to this city — magic.
I really like the idea of reaching across the aisle and making things work.
The Trump administration is reaching across the aisle — and it's all thanks to Chelsea Clinton.
As for how GOP leaders are feeling about Trump reaching across the aisle dinner table?
Throughout the meeting, Schumer and Trump kept reaching across Cohn to shake hands, King said.
True patriotism now requires not reaching across the aisle; it demands mounting the political barricades.
Once we were a country known for reaching across the continent, then for the moon.
He was known for his bipartisan comity, reaching across the aisle to advance his agenda.
But Marvel's efforts keep expanding, becoming more ambitious and wide-reaching across different media and genres.
Reaching across the aisle wouldn't be a shameful thing, and we might even undo some gridlock.
He noted that Heitkamp and Donnelly's defeats could scare off Democrats from reaching across the aisle.
Instead of reaching across the pews to shake hands, they greeted each other with gentle bows.
Mr. da Silva's once unthinkable decline is just one expression of the turmoil reaching across Brazil.
There is plenty of precedent for presidents reaching across the aisle to bolster their governing capacities.
A key to making these policies a reality is reaching across the aisle and compromising, Thaler said.
When it comes to reaching across the aisle, progressive feminism has a lot of work to do.
Republican and democratic senators are reaching across the aisle to demand answers from three U.S. tech behemoths.
Due to their track record on reaching across the aisle, some might view it as a pipe dream.
The angel and artist are joined together by her arm reaching across the bed and touching his shoulder.
But the most magical moments happen when they break out of the interface, reaching across windows to interact.
Together, we are committed to reaching across the aisle to work together for our oceans and our nation.
Up is down, and reaching across the aisle would be like sticking one's hand into a meat grinder.
Members are hardly friends with others on the same side of the aisle, let alone reaching across it.
He not only deleted the tweet, but actually apologized for the egregious act of reaching across the political aisle.
They also relentlessly criticized the likes of congressional leaders Sam Rayburn and Lyndon Johnson for reaching across the aisle.
Having spent a collective 48 years in the Senate, we understand that reaching across the aisle isn't always easy.
And talked about unnamed Democratic advisors: Trump said he's had lots of Dems reaching across the aisle with advice.
"Reaching across the aisle to protect DACA recipients before the holidays is the right thing to do," they wrote.
Mysterious fingers of green light reaching across the sky are a new type of aurora, new research has confirmed.
Biden is known for reaching across the aisle and has a fairly moderate record compared to other 2020 contenders.
The biggest names in the connected home category are reaching across the aisle to create an open-source standard.
Cross those invisible lines (even if you're just reaching across the table for some salt) and search for common ground.
Redistricting reform alone will not solve all the problems we face, nor will two state governors reaching across the aisle.
His right arm is reaching across and touching his left, a gesture that people sometimes make when they are nervous.
The case has shaken Saudi dissidents abroad, who fear Riyadh is reaching across borders to keep its citizens in line.
We have been reaching across the darkness for a long time, and I'm glad to see recovery groups move online.
Matthew Passion" not as a concert work or theater piece but as a "transformative ritual reaching across time and space.
Now that Yang has helped put UBI on the map, he's reaching across the aisle to assist the Trump administration.
So the biggest names in the connected home category are reaching across the aisle to create an open-source standard.
Well, what everyone should understand is that Syria is a humanitarian catastrophe of historic proportions, with consequences reaching across the globe.
In both of his previous State of the Union addresses, Trump has made gestures toward bipartisanship and reaching across the aisle.
The winger scored on a rebound, reaching across the top of the crease to backhand the puck past Hutton's right skate.
" White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders added: "He is reaching across the aisle on infrastructure, immigration and now on school safety.
The Chamber is working to recruit candidates in the midterm elections who are interested in reaching across the aisle, he added.
Discomfort at reaching across an age gap is one of the sorry consequences of living in a profoundly age-segregated society.
He talks fast and frenetically about this stuff, and punctuates his sentences by reaching across the table and touching my forearm.
In this case, though, he sits back and it's Mr. Turnbull who does the moving, reaching across the table between them.
Ellen's kindness monologue wasn't the only instance of "positivity" and "rising above" and "reaching across the aisle" to go viral lately.
"We've already been reaching across the aisle to Republican women for this reason, and I'm not sure who's reaching harder," she said.
However, many Republicans feel that reaching across the aisle and getting things done isn't great if you get the wrong things done.
Sure, all of this messaging around "reaching across the aisle" or "finding middle ground" is one annoying part of the political game.
Democrats have pointed to that strategy as irrefutable proof that Republicans have no interest in reaching across the aisle on health care.
Queen Elizabeth is reaching across the pond to give her emotional support as the deadly wildfires in California continue to rage on.
It is so cold that Republicans and Democrats are reaching across the aisle in Washington so they can huddle together for warmth.
I've made my political career by reaching across the aisle in tough times and do what we can together, to work together.
Travel need not be about changing locations, but reaching across generations to break out of the artificial age segregation of our era.
But it's actually something far more complex, reaching across space (think of Faulkner's work, or Louise Erdrich's) and through layers of memory.
He campaigned on his ability to serve as a check on the Trump administration while still reaching across the aisle to pass legislation.
This could mean placing your telephone near the dominant side of your body so you're not reaching across your desk to answer calls.
That has conservatives worried that Trump has gone soft or become mesmerized by the positive press he's received for reaching across the aisle.
I can't remember a time when I didn't calculate the ramifications of asking for seconds, or reaching across the table for the gravy boat.
International travel spending alone supported about 1.2 million American jobs in 2016, invigorating local economies and reaching across areas like hospitality, entertainment and aviation.
I thought it was such a beautiful story: People reaching across race and culture to share with one another, to commune with one another.
This deep seated hatred preordained that members of the opposing gangs could not conceive of any circumstances that could justify reaching across the divide.
This is also the first iPhone that will not have a home button, with the new screen reaching across the entire front of the device.
The man known for reaching across the partisan aisle was one of a few U.S. attorneys who survived four previous administrations — Trump's is his fifth.
And Biden's recent comments about reaching across the aisle to get things done in Congress with segregationist senators has drawn considerable backlash from other Democrats.
Reaching across 15 years and multiple countries, "Les Cowboys" repurposes the narrative codes of the classic western to explore the complexities of a disrupted world.
It caught attention as a rare example of a Malaysian reaching across social and cultural barriers to form an empathetic link with a foreign worker.
Biden's best moment was when he pointedly refused to give up on his decades-long commitment to reaching across the aisle to work with Republicans.
Northam also led Gillespie by 10 points on the question of which candidate would be better at reaching across the aisle and finding bipartisan solutions.
Reaching across the aisle can sometimes mean "accepting" the other party's positions as morally neutral or simply different — even when those positions threaten real violence.
And, with a large population of vulnerable people, those networks have swelled, their tentacles reaching across the country and up to the highest levels of government.
While President Trump has often defied conventional wisdom, history shows very few campaign pledges become law as originally shaped and often require reaching across the aisle.
Voters, in general, tend to like the idea of politicians reaching across the aisle to pass legislation, even as their policy preferences make collaboration increasingly difficult.
In the spirit of reaching across the aisle, let's hear from someone who has a different perspective — and who also says they are a United employee.
Maybe your ideal evening looks like something out of the movies; you're in a black velvet jumpsuit, reaching across the mahogany bar for another glass of champagne.
Israeli officers warn however that Hamas has been rebuilding its network of tunnels reaching across the border, 32 of which were destroyed by Israel during the fighting.
Here was a group of politicians, reaching across the aisle, putting people before party, standing up to Washington, etc, etc, pick your cliché, because they all fit.
The consequences of reaching across the aisle—primary challenges, lost committee seats, diminished influence—were so drastic that most members thought it better to toe the line.
Washington Memo WASHINGTON — Just weeks after a bitterly fought election swept Democrats into power in Congress, a Republican president known for reaching across the aisle passed away.
Palestinian and Jewish residents frequent some of the same city parks and shopping malls in West Jerusalem, and some Israelis have also been reaching across the divide.
They need to value reaching across to different communities, to discuss and debate; they need to choose not to build walls against the Other, but to engage and persuade.
Given the partisanship that has taken root in the decades since Biden first entered Congress, harping on about reaching across the aisle may appear out of touch with reality.
The upper chamber, like its House brother, will be a place where majority makes might -- and where the idea of reaching across the aisle is essentially a non-starter.
Jennifer Pierotti Lim: I think another reason she's appealing to so many Republicans in this election cycle is she has such a long history of reaching across the aisle.
Biden often touts his work reaching across the aisle during his 36 years in the Senate as well as his two terms as vice president under President Barack Obama.
He believes that reaching across the aisle is the only way to win back the Trump supporters who also voted for Barack Obama in 2012 and create real change.
Sanchez said he would start on Monday by reaching across the political spectrum to Pablo Casado, the leader of the conservative People's Party as well as centre-right Ciudadanos.
While this kind of reaching across the aisle may have already been unusual in the country's polarized political climate even 10 years ago, it was not unusual for Pickens.
The result is a franchise that has been allowed be flexible, finding success in multiple different iterations and formats — and reaching across multiple different eras of fans in the process.
Beltway editorial boards and columnists might be impressed by "reaching across the aisle," but there isn't a single voter suddenly motivated to abandon Trump because of Schumer's appeal to bipartisanship.
" The solution to this, the author concludes, is "everyday citizens rising above politics, reaching across the aisle and resolving to shed the labels in favor of a single one: Americans.
So, doing the hard work of coming together, reaching across political, religious, and racial divides—all of these areas where the Russians are trying to turn us against each other.
But the real difference will be made by everyday citizens rising above politics, reaching across the aisle and resolving to shed the labels in favor of a single one: Americans.
Naysayers will claim our current political discourse is irreparably broken and the unfolding impeachment with its mostly party line votes proves that reaching across the aisle can no longer happen.
When a wary squirrel or bird trusts you sufficiently to take food from your hand, it's gratifying and special, a reaching across the border between us and them, wild and tame.
Smith and her colleagues say they are going to keep reaching across the aisle, with the hopes that Collins's support could very well open the door for others to join her.
My research predicted that factions with less to lose from ideological vetting — that is, more extreme political figures — would be leaders in reaching across party lines, counterintuitive as that might seem.
And anyway, growing political polarization has made reaching across the aisle, especially in a presidential election, less of a winning electoral strategy—there are simply fewer leaning Republicans to win over.
The Rap-A-Lot Records CEO has tons of experience with famous rap beefs ... so he's no stranger to reaching across the aisle to try and ease tension and settle differences.
When it comes to punishing society's scapegoats, reaching across the aisle doesn't seem to be as large an impediment as it is made out to be in other areas of governance.
President Trump has been dining with senators from both parties, reaching across the aisle out of concern that it will be impossible to pass a tax bill with only Republican votes.
But I&aposve just had this visual of President Trump calling Jack Dorsey in to the cabinet room of the White House and reaching across the desk and saying you&aposre fired.
I'm not saying we should all go into coalition, but why isn't that idea reaching across so that any negotiation is actually carried out on behalf of the majority of the people?
She has a history of reaching across the partisan divide, yet, as we saw at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last week, she is despised by many in the opposing party.
Lizzie Fletcher, Democrat of Texas, told The Times in early October that despite the impeachment battle, voters still want to see lawmakers reaching across the aisle to pass legislation improving their lives.
As the cold civil war across our nation continues to roil and hyperpartisanship remains the order of the day, a candidate who can contemplate reaching across the aisle is a welcome change.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham has a long history of reaching across the aisle to legislate on this topic and is working now on a bill to address our asylum system.
His most recent three-part video series interviewing Trump supporters made reaching across the aisle seem actually plausible, and he was one of the few liberal pundits to successfully predict Trump's rise. 2.
Tavares fell twice and was jabbed at repeatedly by Couturier but maintained the puck until he could hold Couturier at bay with one arm while reaching across his body and passing to Bailey.
Mr. Trump dined with senators from both parties Tuesday night, reaching across the aisle out of concern that Republican disputes will make it impossible to pass a tax bill with only Republican votes.
She is now the acting chair based on her seniority on the committee, has chaired other committees, is well liked by her peers and has a history of effectively reaching across the aisle.
His calls for bipartisanship, for instance, have rightly been met with deep skepticism given the radical outlook of a GOP that hasn't shown any interest in reaching across the aisle for several decades.
Reaching across the proverbial aisle is a tall order for anyone, but for someone as polarizing as Silverman — particularly with the "un-like-minded people" she hopes to reach — the task is infinitely tougher.
"Our work hopes to bring people together who under ordinary circumstances would not necessarily do so, reaching across multiple generations and backgrounds and creating shared experiences even if for just a moment," says Mongiat.
For lawmakers committed to enhancing public safety and refocusing our prison system on rehabilitation, partisan politics and minor disagreements shouldn't prevent them from reaching across the aisle to make a real difference, right now.
But Lim isn't the only point of concern for Trudeau in dealing with North Korea, whose aim to develop nuclear missiles capable of reaching across the Pacific has Canadians worried they are in range.
At a time of intense partisan rancor, it was a stark example of how McCain's spirit and aptitude for reaching across the aisle could still live on, even for brief moments like these. Rep.
Whether that change takes the form of integrating digital technology, reaching across the aisle to TV, or using its name-brand recognition to champion worthy causes, Ghibli can continue to make cinema a Ghiblier place.
One answer is to support governors who are reaching across the aisle to actually solve problems and improve our lives — and to recognize their work as the type of governance our country so desperately needs.
Despite their sprawling size, employees say they're often working close to their colleagues, whether that's reaching across a conveyor belt to hand off a package or standing side by side at a workstation, packing boxes.
Radios in sleek Bakelite pay tribute to the new medium as a means of instantaneous communication reaching across the planet; one by Raymond Loewy from 1933, called "New World," is even shaped as a globe.
Yet it is this prospect that might terrify the elites (and by elites, I mean corrupt rightwing politicians) most — feminists, and poets, shape-shifting and elusive, reaching across borders to share and to join cause.
What was once primarily an Eastern Europe problem has steadily expanded westward, reaching across the Atlantic and generating a wave of political instability that has continued to wreak havoc in Washington well beyond the 2016 election.
They finally appear in full during the rousing closing performance of "Born to Run," and the film ends on a note of community, with the Boss reaching across the lights to shake hands with his fans.
In a bid to help shape and build support for the tax package, the North Carolina Republican has been reaching across the aisle to a handful of moderate Democrats, he told The Hill in an interview.
Her material is less tethered to the news, and she rarely utters Trump's name or weighs in on specific political viewpoints, instead drawing on broad themes of the moment––patriotism, nationalism, immigration––and reaching across the divide.
Like Obama, Biden could talk all he wants about reaching across the aisle, but the reality is that the odds remain extremely low that congressional Republicans would agree to anything if he were in the Oval Office.
Reaching across the aisle may seem old-fashioned, or even impossible in this day and age, but it really is the job of Congress to work collaboratively to create a solution that benefits and protects all Americans.
My history has been one of reaching across political aisles, but also to try to help all people, treat them with dignity, respect, try to make sure all people are treated equally in the eyes of the law.
In the aftermath of the disastrous general election in 2017, the prime minister might have pursued a very different strategy, reaching across to Labour MPs to establish what sort of Brexit might command a majority in the House.
MORE (R-Ariz.) cast the deciding thumbs down to the "skinny" repeal at a session in August, many legislators on Capitol Hill immediately began reaching across the aisle to work on a unified way forward on health reform.
He photographed, for example, the tools that workers stored in back alleys connected to kitchens and gloves hanging from industrial pipes and bamboo scaffolding, ballooning in the breeze as if they were disembodied hands reaching across the city.
"We are reaching across the aisle... to come up with a cooperative agreement," acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan told reporters when asked if the United States was seeking a 'safe third country' agreement with Mexico.
Her voice is so peaceful it's exactly how an immortal being from the great beyond would sing if they were reaching across into our dimension, dispensing with songs to help send people to sleep or deal with depression.
This message could be effective in both the primary and general election, as it speaks to unifying the various factions of the Democratic Party as well as reaching across the aisle to create a better country for all Americans.
Still, after years of impasse in the peace process, a growing number of Israelis and Palestinians seem to be searching for creative ways to bypass politics, reaching across the divide to find professional peers, new resources and receptive audiences.
U.S. acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan told reporters "we are reaching across the aisle... to come up with a cooperative agreement" when asked if the United States was seeking a 'safe third country' agreement with Mexico.
Indeed bridging differences is what Queer Eye has been all about, reaching across the divide between the five hosts and the individuals they meet along the way, helping them to transform their own lives and rebuilding confidence in themselves.
Love of the gifted people and their imagined life; love of America, the sprawling idea of it, with its gilded tentacles reaching across the Pacific Ocean to wrap around the hearts of small brown people living small brown lives.
A solidarity aiming at transformational change—the horizon toward which solidarity must now, of necessity, be directed—demands we not just recognize and sympathize with the plight of others but also join them as equals, reaching across differences without erasing them.
That kind of reaching across the aisle is rare these days, but many Republicans are openly frustrated with how Trump is handling this situation and some have called for reopening the government or at least funding the Department of Homeland Security.
That meant reaching across the aisle and working with Democrats in a way that now seems inconceivable, leading to the passage of Americans With Disability Act, the amendment of Clean Air Act, and accepting tax increases to lower the deficit.
Their only chance for salvation is staying out of trouble, but this seems as unlikely as reaching across the tracks to take the hand of a pouty Soc (short for socialites, the rich kids) brunette in a well-made cardigan.
And I want to -- I would like, as everyone in the entire probably free world knows right now, we've tried to make sure that this campaign was about finding common ground and reaching across and actually getting things done for the people.
Centrist Democrats are pushing back on the fast-paced approach to climate change legislation preferred by Green New Deal supporters, arguing instead for a more gradual manner that they think will have a stronger chance of passing and reaching across the aisle.
The best next step is for members of both parties to ignore the fear of criticism that can come from reaching across the aisle and put pencil to pad on these and other ideas that repair health care in real, sustainable ways.
Born in 1971, Liang's films manage to capture the full breadth of a rapidly changing world, often reaching across the border that divides centuries—his film Farewell To Yuanmingyuan was filmed in 1995, only to be completed over a decade later in 2006.
Winning trends: Two of the most popular governors — Charlie Baker of Massachusetts and Larry Hogan of Maryland — are Republicans in blue states known for their willingness to enact bipartisan measures, showing that reaching across the aisle still can have a positive resonance with voters.
The cemetery, reaching across three terraces at a rocky and arid site up to 10,105 feet (3,080 meters) above sea level, includes black and white stone strips created on the landscape using pebbles, marking the tomb surfaces, and circular mounds with rings of stones underneath.
In today's hyper-partisan Washington, it's encouraging that members of Congress are reaching across the aisle to champion the value of music and assert that music creators deserve to be paid for their hard work, especially when others are making a profit from it.
Biden is a constant source of this, habitually trying to level with the audience in front of him — say, reminding people about his record of reaching across the aisle, even, long ago, to open segregationists — in ways that will be profoundly alienating anywhere else.
As with similar expeditions led by Stanislavsky 120 years ago, the aim was to plunge through the text and ignite the actors' imaginations, reaching across time to establish a personal connection to the past, making it part of their lives and ultimately the lives of the audience.
The industry is now hoping its strategy of reaching across the political divide will pay off in the form of Congressional support as Republican Donald Trump, a climate change skeptic who has expressed doubts about the role of clean energy, takes the White House in January.
Reaching across the globe through Brazil, Austria, Switzerland, England, Mozambique, Japan and elsewhere, the phenomenon did not take deep root in the United States; however it certainly found adherents here in Henri Chopin, Mary Ellen Solt, and Emmett Williams (all of whom are represented in this show).
In doing so, the former chief executive, whose wife Hillary Clinton is currently the Democratic frontrunner in the presidential election, delivered a reminder to current proponents of improved weapons laws never to stop reaching across dividing political and cultural lines and take stands in the name of public safety.
Sarcasm and exaggeration come easily when writing about royals, and the story of Prince Harry, the rambunctious second son of Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales, reaching across the Atlantic to marry an American actress was custom-made for the tabloids — and, yes, for serious papers like this one.
If the "people you don't like" are also the "people who substantially worked to popularize fascist and RedPill thinking in America" then that's not reaching across the aisle, that's reaching over to fascism and giving it a high-five This is an argument that also applies for accepting Tucker Carlson's endorsement.
Mr. Cali, 210, represented a shift in Gambino leadership in recent years, a boss who sought to avoid the limelight in favor of discreet meetings — face to face, no telephones — while at the same time reaching across the Atlantic and tapping Sicilian networks for foot soldiers and drugs, law enforcement officials said.
The first modern restaurant was opened in 1766 by a businessman named Mathurin Roze de Chantoiseau and was inspired in part by 17th- and 18th-century salons, intellectual gatherings in Paris run primarily by women with an emphasis on "reaching across class," says Faith Beasley, a French literature and culture professor at Dartmouth College.
Younger Democrats, who also tend to lean further left, seem to have less interest in returning to a time when reaching across the aisle was easy because the Overton window was more like an arrow slit in a medieval castle: Biden's support among Millennials is consistently in the teens and sometimes even single digits.
The result: Elected leaders are reaching across the aisle to get these bills through because they know that in order to be truly equal, cis-women and our fellow trans and nonbinary Americans must have access to the same opportunities as men—and that includes the ability to control our bodies and make our own healthcare decisions.
The tragedy is that in the "good old days" for white Americans without a college degree, their prosperity was less dependent on their unfair advantages over minorities than on a social consensus reaching across both parties that government could and should invest in infrastructure projects that create jobs for working people and enforce policies that protect workers' bargaining power.
The Trump administration can do better ensuring our refugee policies reflect our strong support for vulnerable people whose greatest hope is a chance to start anew in the U.S. Finally, if we are going to reform our immigration system, then we must address the cultural and economic anxieties over immigration by reaching across party and community lines.
It's time the Democrats realized that today's Republican Party is not their father's genteel G.O.P. Republican leaders no longer seem to be interested in reaching across the aisle and working together; they're more like a bunch of no-holds-barred, down-and-dirty mercenaries, ready to do the bidding of whoever will keep them in office.
" (Susan Sontag); "Don't ever let me think, dear God, that I was anything but the instrument for Your story" (Flannery O'Connor); "Tired from rowing and reaching across big old beds to make them" (Berlin); "I'm a shivering housefrau waging a day to day battle against cold and dirt" (Plath); "Can I love someone … and still think/fly?
My campaign has been built from the very beginning even in in the primary on having dialogues not monologues, built on trying to bring people together, to have a unifying voice, reaching across the aisle, because I truly believe that as a state and a country we need to try to bring people together to try to find some common ground.
The RNC's "Stop the Madness" campaign, which started at about the same time, has held more than 100 events targeting 60 vulnerable House Democrats who represent Trump districts or campaigned on reaching across the aisle to work with Trump, including those in North Carolina, Ohio and Nevada, and Senate and gubernatorial candidates in Louisiana, Alabama and Kentucky, a RNC spokesperson said.
But in reaching across the aisle, the Wisconsin Republican risks alienating the Freedom Caucus, the bloc of conservative rebels who last year toppled Ryan's predecessor, John BoehnerJohn Andrew BoehnerLobbyists race to cash in on cannabis boom Rising star Ratcliffe faces battle to become Trump's intel chief This little engine delivers results for DC children MORE, for cutting those very types of deals.
The prospect of reaching across the aisle, in pursuit of good-faith compromise, has also struck many as out of touch with the moment, especially as Democrats fight with one arm against GOP efforts to undercut Obamacare -- like they did in eliminating the individual mandate late last year -- and the other to chart a path toward expanding coverage and care to millions of the uninsured.
Another instance of creatives reaching across disciplines in homage to art history came in the March issue of Harper's Bazaar, as photographers Ken Browar and Deborah Ory (themselves a married, collaborative, slightly interdisciplinary outfit, working as the New York City Dance Project) worked with ballerina Misty Copeland to recreate some of Impressionist Edgar Degas' most beloved paintings on the occasion of a new Degas show coming to the MoMA.
The president will try to use his message to draw contrast with the Republicans, label us extreme, and express his disappointment at our unwillingness to work with the White House, but it is Republican leadership in Congress that has offered a true message of hope and success, reaching across the aisle to enact common sense policies that ensure our national security, return power to our states, and grow our economy from the ground up.
Fox News host Jeanine Pirro says she "can't blame" President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE for reaching across the aisle to make a deal with Democrats this week that raised the debt-ceiling and funded the government through early December.
Woody Harrelson is reaching across political divides — and into the realm of heavy prosthetics — to become the 36th President of the United States in a new trailer for the upcoming political biopic LBJ debuted exclusively on EW. The Rob Reiner-directed film charts Johnson's early years and subsequent rise to power as one of the country's most unexpected leaders, whose term began mere hours after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, under whom he served as vice president between 1961 and 1963.

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