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4 Sentences With "quequisque"

How to use quequisque in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "quequisque" and check conjugation/comparative form for "quequisque". Mastering all the usages of "quequisque" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In Bolivia, it is called walusa, in Colombia bore, in Costa Rica tiquizque or macal, in Cuba malanga, in Mexico mafafa, in Nicaragua quequisque, in Panama otoe and ocumo in Venezuela. In Brazil, the leaves are sold as taioba. The tuber (called nampi or malanga) is also used in the cuisine of these countries. The plant is often interplanted within reforestation areas to control weeds and provide shade during the early stages of growth.
Many Nicaraguans have small gardens of their own full of vegetables. From time to time, flowers are incorporated into their meals. Commonly used ingredients (including fruits and vegetables) are peanuts, cabbage (shredded in vinegar, this is called "ensalada" and used as a side dish. Sometimes carrots and beets are added.) carrots, beets, butternut squash, plantains, bananas, fresh ginger, onion, potato, peppers, jocote, grosella, mimbro, mango, papaya, tamarind, pipian, apples, avocado, yuca, and quequisque.
The main economic activity is agriculture, particularly agriculture (quequisque, cassava, taro, bananas, tomatoes, rice, beans, corn, etc.), Since livestock is intended primarily for domestic consumption locally and nationally. The low productivity for agriculture of land won from the jungle a few years after plowing makes the peasants will continue leaving for pasture and forest clearing, which is calculated in a few decades could float away all the forests area. Now it seems one of the most developed municipalities of Nicaragua, but this development is based on unsustainable agricultural activities and not suitable for the tropical wet forest vocation.
Xanthosoma is a genus of flowering plants in the arum family, Araceae. The genus is native to tropical America but widely cultivated and naturalized in other tropical regions.Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families Several are grown for their starchy corms, an important food staple of tropical regions, known variously as malanga, otoy, otoe, cocoyam (or new cocoyam), tannia, tannier, yautía, macabo, ocumo, macal, taioba, dasheen, quequisque, ape and (in Papua New Guinea) as Singapore taro (taro kongkong). Many other species, including especially Xanthosoma roseum, are used as ornamental plants; in popular horticultural literature these species may be known as ‘ape due to resemblance to the true Polynesian 'ape, Alocasia macrorrhizos, or as elephant ear from visual resemblance of the leaf to an elephant's ear.

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