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109 Sentences With "put together with"

How to use put together with in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "put together with" and check conjugation/comparative form for "put together with". Mastering all the usages of "put together with" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Gfrörer's longer graphic novellas are put together with formal rigor.
"These stockings are put together with care and with thought," Trugman adds.
This is the second record you've put together with a consistent lineup.
"He's put together with a lot of pins and screws," Mr. Reyes said.
It's quieter inside, and the plastics appear to be put together with more care.
"The number of looks you can put together with these pieces is endless," she said.
If you want to look put-together with minimal effort, you put on red lipstick.
This convention has been put together with great care, by someone who understands the arc of a story.
But as the big names struggle, tiny titles put together with staplers on kitchen tables are enjoying a boomlet.
Cleland-Hamnett told Allen in the exchange that the desk was likely put together with glue that contained formaldehyde.
Washington did put together with NATO allies the European Reassurance Initiative, to help prevent further Russian incursions into Ukraine.
A major donor dinner in New York this month, for instance, was put together with just six days' notice.
And the initial list of 20 that the president put together with his team and with the advisors was outstanding.
"When put together with the fact that the book was written while on safari in Kenya, the coincidence seems striking."
Both the Toyota and the Honda are known for being exquisitely engineered and expertly put together with top-notch reliability.
Menendez described Blair Waldorf's style as "Parisian Prep," always put-together with a romantic, European spin on prep-school chic.
Princess also introduced wine rooms whose pairing menus were put together with the help of famous vintners including the Mondavis.
They do not have the thematic inevitability of the creamed spinach, but they're put together with more sophistication than average.
The case design is something I put together with some art one of the players had done of the whole party.
"Living in the U.S.A." was put together with the idea of playing at the Democratic National Convention in 22 in Chicago.
The six-point plan, put together with the help of regional mediators, included a preliminary agreement to form a consensus government.
Put together with Magento, it gives them marketing and ecommerce, and all it cost was over $50003 billion to get there.
"Now we have 1443-story buildings that are put together with one thought in mind: price per square foot," he said.
If not, here are approximately eleventy million Thanksgiving recipe suggestions that we've put together with all tastes and diets in mind.
He could not be sure it was the court he had watched Robin's father put together with the boards from Woodstock.
"What do you think, seven days?" asked David Straka, considering the memorandum he had put together with his partner, Karolina Farska.
Take jaffles put together with the aid of a photocopier, or a plate of fish and chips designed with a paper MacBook.
In 1979, he devoted himself full-time to art and began making large-scale paintings and sculptures put together with found items.
Like every pie I've eaten at Razza, these two had been put together with exquisite sensitivity to the needs of the dough.
And In-n-Out's double-double is put together with such precision and care that it puts the other burger to shame.
That exchange about investigations for a meeting with Trump had been explicitly put together with Mulvaney, Sondland told those in the room.
Ever since Mr Erdogan took power, the country has been a test of what happens when democracy is put together with political Islam.
The other tracks were an amateur choir that his wife, Betsy Burris, had put together with singers from her Congregational church in Williamstown.
The massive race was put together with 35,000 traffic cones, 40,000 feet of snow fence, 30,000 feet of rope, and 15,000 plastic ties.
The portrait required over 213,000 Perler beads and took half a year to put together with the help of 24 people, Kotaku reported Monday.
The case is polished to a high sheen and everything – from the screws to the beautiful domed sapphire crystal – is put together with great care.
I knew when I started there would be disparate stories, each of them saying, I am too important to be put together with that lot.
And he is always very nice and pleasant — [which is] hard to put together with many of the things he has said in his campaign.
Boosters argue that design codes put together with locals could help to overcome NIMBYism elsewhere, and that more landowners could take an interest in developments.
This is one version of Other Wind, put together with care by people who were close with Welles and collaborated with him on the film.
At the compact bar by the front door, cocktails are put together with the simplicity and respect for aperitif wines that you find in Italy.
Much like with Pebble OS, Fitbit applications will be relatively easy for developers to put together, with an SDK built on Javascript and SVG web standards.
Released Friday, the Fourth National Climate Assessment was put together with the help of 1,000 people, including 300 leading scientists, roughly half from outside the government.
Whitehead also recently released It's Not About Pretty, the first all-female skateboarding photography book, and one she put together with her husband, photographer Ian Logan.
The study authors write: When put together with gravid [egg-carrying] females, males seemed to be attracted, moving directly towards the female and joining her for mating.
NASA was able to develop a turbopump for their rocket engine that was put together with 45 percent fewer parts than pumps made through conventional manufacturing processes.
I had a bunch of resistors left over from previous salvaging operations and two PET bottles put together with electrical tape to make them look like resistors.
The report, put together with the help of 1,000 people, including 300 leading scientists, roughly half from outside the government, is designed to cut through that partisanship.
"It was basically put together with spit and toilet paper," Carolyn Wilson, one of AltSchool's founding teachers, who is now the company's director of education, told me.
He proposed a $20 billion school-choice plan earlier this year — a plan put together with the help of DeVos' advocacy group, the American Federation of Children.
These playlists, often put together with the aid of a candidate's staffers, are intended to align closely with a politician's message and serve a couple different functions.
Motorola phones are usually very well put together, with recent models embracing the trend of a sandwich of glass front and backs with a metal frame in between.
Von Miller's crazy spotlight stealing Grammy jacket was a rush job -- put together with just 2 days notice -- with the designer flying in special material from across the country!
Moscow's first real cooperation with OPEC, put together with the help of President Vladimir Putin, has been crucial in roughly halving an excess of global oil stocks since January.
Here are four easy steps for improving Samsung phones, which I put together with the help of Florence Ion, a writer for Greenbot, a website about Android-based products.
The protest was put together with the help of Philippe Reines, a longtime adviser to Hillary Clinton, and Adam Parkhomenko, who co-founded the super PAC Ready For Hillary.
It's an ambient compilation—more or less—put together with the lofty goal of encouraging contemplation about our ephemerality, the idea that everything around us will someday fade away.
They'll then move the mirrors and instruments to Northrop Grumman, a massive aerospace contractor in California, where everything will be put together with the Sun shield and spacecraft bus.
A direct subordinate of no less a figure than the director Frank Capra, he was soon put together with the inspired Looney Tunes animator Chuck Jones, another instinctive genius.
The workload and the pace of life on the road put together with the pressures and strains of everything going on within the band had badly affected my eating habits.
They are the sum product of dozens or hundreds of people hammering themselves up against a game that was, like all games are, put together with duct tape and glue.
Data from website visits, searches, cookies, and your browser is put together with some educated guesswork to try to figure out the ads you're going to be most interested in seeing.
We would do the loud rock songs that were more put together with Casey Rice in a studio, and we'd do the quieter weird ones at our friend Elliot Dicks' loft.
Our punching—and kicking—wizard hero is a cyborg, so, it's part human firefighter and part generic Gundam mech, put together with parts from a "busted up Transformer," Winson told Waypoint.
But the Computer Kit Complete is a full, standalone machine that kids can put together, with an integrated 10.1-inch screen, battery, and even an additional USB board for connecting more devices.
In addition to Mr. Miller, the speech has been put together with Vince Haley, another speechwriter, and Rob Porter, the president's staff secretary, who coordinated input from other parts of the government.
The small changes, and the enormous windfall they generated, show the power of connected corporate lobbyists to alter a huge bill that is being put together with little time for lawmakers to consider.
"As a consumer products business, your brand is a meaningful portion of the valuation, and something where certainly you don't want to have your brand put together with this opioid epidemic," Trucchio said.
In the case of the X-Pro2, for example, the metal body is cast in a factory elsewhere in Japan, and shipped to Taiwa to be put together with all the other components.
Instead, there was a single one-and-a-half-hour session in November, hastily put together with a 1st year MA student with a BFA background, and one of the new faculty members.
Then at a briefing I attended with congressional health staffers earlier this week, the discussion ended with speculation about whether a package could be put together with enough support to override a presidential veto.
"The fact that you're able to sit here and be so poised and calm and put together with the pure hell that you have been through, it says a lot about you," said Eubanks.
"Rotten Tomatoes critic score: 60%What critics said: "The entire film has been put together with such skill and attention to viewer excitement that audiences will readily swallow the whole enchilada without a burp.
I was able to make myself dishes for months that I put together with certain nutrients, and I ate well and I was still extremely happy with my life and I lost 25 kilos.
Later that month, Tia shared a video tour of her daughter's nursery to her Facebook page, taking viewers through the "organic" and "calming" space she put together with the help of interior designer Jake Alexander.
Six fires raging in California now cover an area bigger than both New York City and Boston put together, with the Thomas Fire spanning at least 230,000 acres in Ventura County and Santa Barbara County.
He had already won over many social conservatives by releasing a list of judges — put together with assistance from conservative groups — that he said he would use to fill the vacancy at the Supreme Court.
"Me, as a maker, of course I was extremely inspired to design a bag that is put together with the least effort and three tools actually," Nagler said in an interview with Radio Free Europe.
Before that record comes out, Muller and Matthews put together this week's Noisey mix, which they say wasn't put together with any specific theme in mind, but tends to draw on music that's similarly dispositioned.
We've come to the end of Exhalation, and in light of the book's symbol, we can take a breath now to take a look at all that Chiang has put together with these various stories.
There are a few moments where you're able to run through levels in reverse, so you can see how everything was put together, with the otherwise hidden bits of tape and string now on full display.
"However, due to various market considerations, the consortium has determined not to proceed further," Anbang added, referring to the joint bid it had put together with private equity firms J.C. Flowers & Co and Primavera Capital Ltd.
Theories abound, from a sophisticated acoustic weapon in the hands of the Cubans or other state actors such as Russia, Iran or North Korea, to a simple one put together with the help of the internet.
The game's being developed by Halo head studio 343 Industries, but is being put together with help from The Creative Assembly, the British studio behind the Total War PC games — giving it some serious strategy chops.
What does, or at least equals it as a reason to reserve a table a couple of weeks in advance, is the list of drinks Mr. Durney has put together with Jeff Porter and Kenneth Crum.
Though it may not be the most trend-forward item you'll own, it's still one that'll look polished and put-together with minimal effort — and it's especially useful if your office has a more formal dress code.
We are presented with a tableau of human misery or global catastrophe that has been put together with the vague but unarguably noble intention of "raising awareness," as if such awareness were itself a kind of solution.
Now he's originating a category-defying role of his own in "Taboo," an adventure tale he put together with the producer and director Ridley Scott; the screenwriter Steven Knight; and his own father, the writer Chips Hardy.
Video game studio Vintage Digital Revival wants to dredge the Titanic digitally and let players walk through an accurate recreation of its voyage, put together with almost as much lavish attention to detail as the original ship.
Coming from the US Global Change Research Program, a team of 13 federal agencies, the Fourth National Climate Assessment was put together with the help of 8003,000 people, including 300 leading scientists, roughly half from outside the government.
Reiniger pioneered silhouette animation: Hand-making detailed black cardboard cutouts put together with wire hinges, she would bring her puppets to life by capturing small movements frame by frame on a multi-plane camera with a strong backlight.
The promotional photo of the $11.00 pizza looked sort of cute and also sort of creepy, but it also looked well put together with a good-sized stem, symmetrical olive pupils, and nice, clean pepperoni crust, eyes, and mouth.
Again, it's an expensive option overall (even with its current discount), but it's also typical in terms of Dyson tech as something that's put together with care and utmost attention to quality, and something you can trust to last.
Some of the most relevant conclusions in the study were: Take some time and explore all of the 120 cities included in the study through this map, which with was put together with lots of love by VICE Colombia.
During the campaign, Mr. Trump shored up the support of skeptical right-wing voters by promising to select Supreme Court justices from a list Mr. McGahn put together with help from the Federalist Society and the conservative Heritage Foundation.
Shane was finally located in time for her music to enjoy a renaissance during the 2010s, and in 2017, Numero Group released an acclaimed box set of Shane's music that had been put together with the singer's active involvement.
The host of Tia Mowry's Quick Fix shared a video tour of her daughter's nursery to her Facebook page on Friday, taking viewers through the "organic" and "calming" space she put together with the help of interior designer Jake Alexander.
He said on Tuesday he will launch Beyond Carbon, the continuation of a 2011 initiative called Beyond Coal that he put together with the Sierra Club dedicated to moving the country away from oil and gas and toward 100 percent clean energy.
Forky is a hilarious visual gag: Since he was put together with clumsy kindergarten hands, his limbs are always slipping down, his eyes pop off, his smile slopes off his face, and he waddles with a click-clack sound in each step.
Put together with footage from other documentaries and specials, the six-and-a-half minute video also showed clips from Candy's most famous scenes, as well as touching interview with costars like Martin Short, Tom Hanks and Harold Ramis, who died in 2014.
"Here's a company that occupies a very interesting niche: Stitch Fix provides monthly curated shipments of apparel, shoes and accessories to their customers — called fixes, hence the name — and these shipments are supposedly put together with great care by the company's excellent stylists," Cramer explained.
Highlights from his many conversations with famous people — from President Barack Obama to just about every living comedian of note — make up his new book "Waiting for the Punch: Words to Live From the WTF Podcast," which he put together with Brendan McDonald, his producer.
As our own Cameron Kunzelman stated in a column not long ago, "like all games are, put together with duct tape and glue," but I live for finding out just how artful (or utterly goofy) the solutions are to making some semblance of a coherent system, world, or character.
"Here's a company that occupies a very interesting niche: Stitch Fix provides monthly curated shipments of apparel, shoes and accessories to their customers — called fixes, hence the name — and these shipments are supposedly put together with great care by the company's excellent stylists," the "Mad Money " host explained.
Pinch some fish inside the gim and eat it, and the flavors that unspool are some of those that are brought to the table with Korean sashimi, but they're put together with a harmony that's hard to achieve when you swab them yourself under the influence of a few glasses of soju.
The two of them moved to Los Angeles to make Chrysalis, a women's art magazine that they put together with the help of the feminist artist Judy Chicago and other people working out of The Woman's Building, a radical arts community that existed in a spacious building near downtown Los Angeles until 1991.
With the fourth anniversary of the coalition's formation in sight and the apparent military defeat of ISIS on the battlefield, it is an opportune time to consider whether a coalition put together with a relatively narrow, primarily military objective in 2014 remains a useful framework for sustaining international cooperation in a "post-Caliphate" environment.
Prime Minister Theresa May has embarked on another European tour to seek more flexibility from the continent's leaders over her draft Brexit deal May decided to postpone a U.K. parliamentary vote on the Withdrawal Agreement, a 585 page-document that she put together with the other 27 European countries and which outlines how the U.K. should leave the EU in March.
As you can see in this table we've put together with data from Apptopia, Timehop's own usage gradually began to decline on both iOS and Android after that point: Further to this, data provided to us by Sensortower, showed that downloads in the U.S. between Q4 2015 and Q4 2016 declined by 38 percent across the two major mobile platforms combined.

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