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"pull at" Definitions
  1. to take long deep breaths from a cigarette, etc.

123 Sentences With "pull at"

How to use pull at in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pull at" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pull at". Mastering all the usages of "pull at" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Mr. Rubio's story is intended to pull at the heartstrings.
It wants stories from regular Americans that pull at the heartstrings.
I like that," I responded, continuing to pull at my skin. "Cool.
Get past its technical problems, and Nier could palpably pull at the heartstrings.
Moving and poignant, this flick will more than pull at your heart strings.
The Air Force wants its new training jet to pull at least 7.5Gs.
CL: One could pull at the threads of this show at multiple places.
At a recent truck pull at the McHenry County Fair in Woodstock, Ill.
"It's an unnatural motion to push and pull at the same time," Glasco said.
These experiences are graphic, compelling and pull at the sensory strings of the user.
"When you pull at a thread, you never know what you're going to unravel."
But sometimes — whatever loose strings still exist — it's best not to pull at them.
Alas, I have no pull at Netflix, and neither seems to be coming soon.
I pull at the brisket with a fork and it practically falls apart with tenderness.
Even if this doesn't pull at your Disney heartstrings, we'd bet the spring hues will.
Instead of the delightful, sweaty, pull-at-your-heartstrings finale, we get...La La Land?
These little feet on the back of the headband will tangle and pull at longer hair.
Even if you don't know the term, you've definitely seen a cheese pull at some point.
"You've seen how emotional Ben gets – he does pull at least a /34 Mesnick," Harrison said.
Credit card readers have more variation, but still: Pull at protruding parts like the card reader.
No matter how hard we try to pull at their heartstrings, it isn't going to happen.
I put on latex gloves and reached around another student to gently pull at a forearm muscle.
Another hundred or so use their hands to pull at the cement, papers, and pieces of wood.
Those are tethered together with a cable that would constantly pull at and sometimes dislodge the earbuds.
But it's not like the lame-duck Obama has many other levers to pull at this point.
Within an hour, I had a notebook filled with the kind of quotes that pull at heartstrings.
As the spacecraft swooped through the rings, it precisely measured the net gravitational pull at every point.
Arya, in the spirit of a young child, calls her out and begins to pull at Sansa's hair.
Emergency crews in helicopters managed to pull at least 10 people alive from areas cut off by the flows.
Despite Yang's hustle, the idea of VFA's elite,high-performing students working at startups didn't pull at donor's heartstrings.
"Within an hour, I had a notebook filled with the kind of quotes that pull at heartstrings," she writes.
When Earth&aposs electric and magnetic fields fluctuate, they push and pull at the particles in this plasma, creating waves.
In the meantime, I wanted to pull at a thread that I've been tugging on since I first got here.
There are levers to pull at levels of government other than the executive branch as well as in civil society.
Shonda Rhimes knows how to pull at our heartstrings, but Meredith Grey's flashback moment in the latest episode is especially heartbreaking.
Lea Michele has been reminiscing on Twitter with photos from her past, and her latest post will pull at your heartstrings.
Sean was at least sober enough to put his hand on his chest, and pull at his collar in mock embarrassment.
Now, it feels like a nostalgic relic designed to pull at our heart-strings without offering anything new to deserve it.
A "steering flow" is part of an overall wind pattern that can push or pull at smaller weather events, like hurricanes.
It's a show that is going to pull at your heartstrings and it is going to have that family vibe too it.
But the impact of Trump's actions could pull at the thread of immigration and immigrants woven into the fabric of American society.
Unrequited romances can pull at the heartstrings, only to be smashed apart before the two individuals have any real shot at happiness.
Onlookers in the center can be heard telling officers to stop, but the officers continue to pull at Headley and her child.
Its television commercials with scenes of men, women and their families coping with deep emotional pain pull at the heart and purse strings.
Just because you know a person's personality, it doesn't mean you'll be able to craft the perfect ad to pull at their heartstrings.
Susie begins to pull at the threads of a dark, hidden side of her new institution — which leads to an extremely violent climax.
These arguments pull at the heartstrings of many native Oregonians, even as natural resources play an ever smaller part in the region's economy.
Democrats intend to fight Maguire to obtain the complaint, with Schiff threatening last week to pull at Congress's pursestrings and go to court.
There's a good chance that you'll be able to pull at least an extra $0003 toward your goal after making these short-term changes.
First, she instructed Knight to pull at the cord but not too hard, or else he could invert his girlfriend's uterus, which could kill her.
That presumption unravels as Morck and Assad pull at its threads, and as we see a series of flashbacks that run parallel to the investigation.
But the trailing wisteria strung up on wire is made of plastic, and the October winds pull at sleeves and napkins, signals of Northeastern autumn.
The hashtag still has pull at the end of the decade, but there are new ways to lasso together our fast-paced online conversations, too.
Hopefully, The Conners can demonstrate that you can have your shameless nostalgia grab — sans the racism — and still pull at the heartstrings (and wallets) of Americans.
But Disney is a global powerhouse whose films can shape cultural perceptions for generations, and Aladdin will doubtless have plenty of pull at the box office.
The Flair Espresso machine is the best shot of espresso you're going to pull at home, and you can get the machine for less than $200.
As a married man and the father of infant twins, he can poke and pull at another man's collar or waistband without making him feel silly.
He clearly has a soft spot for songs that delicately pull at the heartstrings, and emotional ballads that are best listened to while scream-singing along.
We forgot that we have been down this path before when it comes to Pyongyang and its openings, promises and attempts to pull at our hearts.
But as their bodies steamed up in the deep grayblue of morning and the meat there seemed to breathe, I began to pull at various organs.
Who knew the "Terminator" franchise (and Schwarzenegger) could pull at the heart strings while also bringing some amazing action, but that's why "T2" is so beloved.
It allows you to use a single interface to pull, at last count, 509,000 different data series from 87 different sources of economic and financial data.
The miraculous release from gravity's pull at the top of a hill, followed by a childlike caper down the other side, with arms outstretched like a plane.
So Axe has to come bigger and her promises that he'll pull at whatever string Chuck left that links him to this until Chuck goes down too.
Beyond the racing and car feuds, the relationship between Miles and his young son is at the heart of the film and will pull at your heartstrings.
These impacts, along with the loss of subscribers to AT&T's pay-TV business and other streaming services, also helped pull AT&T's overall revenue down in Q2926.
There's no real story here that's going to pull at your heart strings, as Datsyuk, Jagr, Mitchell, Boyle and Cullen are all old guys with Cup rings already.
If my nails are not done — and sometimes even when they are — I will bite, pick, file, and pull at them until my fingers are raw and bleeding.
The girl uses both hands and continues to pull at her, reaching around her mother's neck and trying to pull her head up; grabbing her chin and patting it.
You might get some nuggets of lore, but by and large, they're meant to be easily repeatable events, allowing you to have another pull at the game's loot machine.
Trump and Biden each pull at least 90 percent support from within their own parties, but independent voters back Biden by a margin of 55 percent to 2023 percent.
Even in arid climates where humidity levels are as low as 10 percent the device is still able to pull at least two liters of water from the air.
The move to pull (at least some of) his movies off of Netflix means he's swapping out Netflix's guaranteed money for an unknown sum he hopes consumers will pay.
The difference, online, is that we also pull at one another; everything becomes a fight to ensure that everyone else is experiencing and interpreting the shock the same way.
So they&aposre being covered with silver mylar blankets, and then you hear this ProPublica audio secretly recorded, maybe inappropriate, but the audio is going to pull at heartstrings tonight.
That's not to say there is no gravitational pull at all, rather it has been coming in the form of incentives offered by LME warehouse operators in the Asian region.
If that's Renault's vision for what cars can and should do in the future — using their technological and engineering innovations to pull at our heartstrings — then consider me a fan.
The ability to promote its own products through its deals platform and, now, its network of connected devices in consumers' homes, is a lever Amazon can pull at any time.
Red Dead Redemption 2's main story takes dozens of hours to complete and that's not counting the many side missions and random activities that constantly pull at your attention.
For people of a similar background, fusion can pull at the tensions of our often-confusing multiple identities; fusion dishes arise with relative ease, but our mixed cultural backgrounds don't.
And some health data experts worry that these kinds of partnerships pull at the fraying threads of the US's aging privacy laws and the patchwork of regulations covering medical data.
Dumbo makes sounds similar to that, though the filmmakers seem to have made his voice a little softer and more puppy-like, just to pull at our heartstrings that much more.
And then you need to gingerly pull at adhesive strips to lift the battery out of its housing: The upshot is that this isn't a process Apple wants anyone completing themselves.
The charm of Odyssey is a mixture of amazement and confusion at what you've become, and it always means the player suddenly new ways to push and pull at the world.
At fence gates, she sometimes had to get out to open their combination locks, or pull at a gatepost with all her strength to unhook the loop of wire holding it.
So this wage complaint, as you started to pull at the thread, became massive — hundreds of people, up and down the East Coast working in forced labor and in unimaginable conditions.
Plus, there is some chatter that Iraq could "pull at Qatar" and be the next to quit the cartel, because its goals simply may not align with the rest of the group.
There are no breathtaking photographs of glaciers melting into the Arctic Ocean to pull at your heartstrings, and there aren't any fresh-faced high school students on CNN demanding better gun laws.
That fetuses and newborns should touch their faces as they get familiar with their mouths makes sense, but why do we continue to pull at the corners of our mouths in adulthood?
Schumann placed a spotlight on this nook of musical language, back a couple of levels from the thing ultimately craved, deep into the interior of the way harmonies pull at our hearts.
Instead, we headed to the small Museo Leonardo da Vinci, where the kids could crank and pull at all of his inventions, including what looked like the world's first bow flex exercise machine.
Admin could still pull at any time and gives no clarity for 2018 rate filinns A Health and Human Services spokesperson tells Vox that the administration has already paid out the subsidies for May.
Whereas waxing can be brutal, insofar as it tears the hair from the skin all in one go, threading is more precise, since it only removes the hairs and doesn't pull at the skin.
To fully pull at viewers' heart strings, as the young mother watches herself give birth, a female cover of "Unchained Melody" plays on in the background, to reinforce that feeling of nostalgia and warmth.
NeNe Leakes isn't afraid of Jennifer Lawrence giving her two cents on who should be fired from 'Housewives' ... in fact, she says when it comes to Atlanta, the actress has no pull at all.
They said rescue teams had managed to pull at least five passengers from the vessel, which was sailing from the Hadramout provincial capital, Mukalla, when it sank northwest of Socotra with 64 people on board.
I fear, at least for the moment, history will judge this meeting as nothing more than a Potemkin summit—filled with countless photos designed to pull at your heart, when in fact, zero was achieved.
The NFL hasn't announced a punishment for Rudolph, who tussled with Garrett on the ground -- and himself appeared to pull at Garrett's helmet -- before Garrett pulled off the quarterback's headgear and clocked him with it.
We cannot pull at any of the threads of that tapestry without losing some of its beauty, and without fearing that the entire piece, so painstakingly woven together over the course of 85033 years, may unravel.
The gravitational pull at the surface of this object is about 230 times stronger than what we experience here on Earth—which means it has just enough mass to trigger the fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium.
It's good to see the show making some attempt to use its cleverest chess masters again and giving Sansa her chance to pull at their strings — even if it does just look like she's breaking a promise.
Free Tuition in New York Adds Powerful Pull at Decision Deadline The new Excelsior Scholarship, for use at the state's public campuses, is "huge" for qualifying in-state families when weighed against the costs of private colleges.
Flipping upside down to let her younger sister play and pull at her long brown hair is a regular activity for L. She also spends a lot of time inventing her own language and drawing rainbows and unicorns.
Tiny baby fingers may pull at your hair, making a ponytail tempting, but Samantha Sheppard, lead stylist with Glam+Go, recommends against this and other pulled-back styles, which can emphasize thinning hair and put added stress on strands.
It was a gradual process of a few months where a special snuggle, a smile, a giggle, an early-morning newborn staring contest, a sleepless night we both gracefully survived would pull at my heartstrings and grow our bond deeper and deeper.
Obviously, all kinds of hairstyling can lead to damage, but super tight ponytails worn high up on the head and secured with elastic can pull at the hairs on the nape of the neck, causing breakage and leaving those strands coarser than the rest.
He's the convicted fraudster-turned rich dude who ran MegaUpload, that file…Read more ReadWhen the film's subject cites abuse suffered at the hands of an alcoholic father as the reason why, it's the first manifestation of a predictable bid to pull at heartstrings.
Woven in Bali using native grasses that grow in the region's volcanic soil, this unique bag has a cheery butterfly pattern and is lined with traditional Indonesian batik-print fabric, with a drawstring pull at the top to keep all of her stuff secure.
"Tragically and sadly, Mr. Valladares was right by that window and he was bound and obviously with his hands in front of him ... and he actually grabbed the rifle, our investigation is showing so far, and started to pull at the rifle," Acevedo said.
Instead, they are learning to live with a sometimes capricious American President keen to redefine the West in his own nationalist image, who goes against the consensus of centrist, multilateral international politics, and who is not afraid to pull at the divisions existing within the European Union.
But early on, as Cap'n Bill Paxton waxes rhapsodic about the vessel, an underling replies, "You are so fulla shit, boss"—a line that gets at the push-pull at the film's heart, in which tough-stuff action comes up against unabashed romanticism and folds upon contact.
The summer is full of films that rely on international grosses to become blockbusters, and if overseas markets continue to be shuttered by the outbreak, studios might be forced to choose between a smaller pull at the box office or the costly decision to delay openings.
While Kevin may be the comic relief of the NBC drama that knows exactly how to pull at our heartstrings, his new role sounds even more ridiculous than Kevin's turn as The Manny on his former show — though it may involve him taking his shirt off just as often.
The discussion of the emergency declaration as a way out of the shutdown makes it seem like an escape lever that Trump can pull at any time — with the lever triggering an automatic chain reaction that ends with a California judge stamping "ENJOINED" on a piece of paper.
You could feel that pull at the debate, where the toughness with which Kelly grilled Cruz and Rubio on immigration — even showing footage of past remarks that caught them in flips, flops and contradictions — was a clear demonstration of her readiness to put any candidate on the skewer, not just Trump.
"If we were to start to impose certain things like 'it has to be this' or 'it must only do this,' we would start to pull at a thread of authenticity and potentially be a place that didn't celebrate — as deeply and emotionally as we do — creative expression," Mr. Van Amburg said.
Somehow each Tuesday I've been able to put aside all of the series' tropes and cliches so I can cuddle up with the Pearson family, completely giving into their unabashed attempts to pull at my heartstrings — the knee-slapping Toby jokes, the Big Three mantra, the starry-eyed romantic flashbacks of Jack and Rebecca.
"But in the end," he wrote, "I decided to use the voice that God has given me to sing – to sing with the conflicting emotions that pull at my heart … the honor, the pride, the frustration, the sadness … Colin Kaepernick's message, the hope of my ancestors, and the sacrifice of those who gave their lives protecting our flag."
If you pull at the threads of Apple's businesses, there's evidence the company is moving in the right direction: The Apple Watch leads the wearables market, many billions of dollars have already been returned to investors, earnings are at all-time highs, and the software and services business brought in $8.47 billion in revenue last quarter (that's about the size of 13 Twitters).
Listening to "Sandalwood II" for a third time on my walk to work, Greenwood manages to pull at that particular thread in my chest which recalls all the other moments when women I know, like Alma, learned to stand up for themselves in the face of someone more powerful or wealthy who didn't necessarily know more than those women did.
At a time when top recruits seemingly face a binary decision—attend the NBA incubator at Kentucky or enter Coach K's gravitational pull at Duke—Simmons chose a football school in the SEC with a middling hoops program, one that is now just 8-5 despite a season in which their star player is averaging 20.5 points, 13.1 rebounds, and 5.4 assists per game.
The lyrics will pull at your heart: The animals, the animalsTrapped, trapped, trappedTill the cage is fullThe day is newEveryone is waiting, waiting on youYou've got timeThink of all the roadsThink of all their crossingsTaking steps is easyStanding still is hardRemember all the facesRemember all their voicesEverything is differentThe second time aroundAnd you've got time Spektor shared the video on Twitter and thanked the "OITNB" team.
If there is a common thread to pull at — aside from the centrality of racial cross-pollination and appropriation in American pop, and the infinity of things to say about the Beatles — it might be a nagging feeling of loss, a belief that the music was better whenever you happened to be 13 and a fast song or a good beat first got your heart pumping faster and suggested a whole big world beyond whatever boundaries you thought were ruining your stupid teenage life; as with martinis, the first sip is invariably the best sip.

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