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88 Sentences With "prone to error"

How to use prone to error in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "prone to error" and check conjugation/comparative form for "prone to error". Mastering all the usages of "prone to error" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The death penalty is too final & too prone to error.
Unfortunately, microscopy requires specialized labor and is prone to error.
But they are real people, prone to error and misjudgments.
By "better," we mean faster, more efficient, less prone to error.
Cyber-security types said the system was insecure and prone to error.
But human perception is prone to error, philosophers have long pointed out.
"The problem with typing code is it's really prone to error," Leavitt said.
The first thing to know about human memory is that it's prone to error.
Retrieving such experiences from memory is an equally selective task and prone to error.
"Like all human judgments, the Nobel committee's decisions are prone to error," he said.
In practice, such estimates rely on small sample sizes and are easily prone to error.
But they are also more fragile, more flawed, more prone to error, more susceptible to pressure.
Is the upsurge in mutations merely a secondary consequence of a repair process inherently prone to error?
A lot of them do them in Excel and email, two processes that are prone to error.
Trump is, just as Rudd's essay on the oath warns, inconsistent, fallible, and often prone to error.
But that confidence quickly turned into arrogance, clouding my judgement and making me more prone to error.
And people are prone to error, buying when asset values are high and panic-selling when they dip.
Physical scrubs are more prone to error, like people pushing too hard which causes them to overdo it.
Directing and approving airstrikes from miles away, as often happens across Afghanistan, can sometimes be prone to error.
Perhaps you've heard that because human defenders are slow and prone to error, artificial intelligence (AI) will save us?
The process was prone to error, employees said, especially given the speed with which the checks needed to be completed.
That's the argument of London startup what3words, which says such addresses are expensive to provide, restrictive and prone to error.
The most I can say about why I have cancer, medically speaking, is that bodies are delicate and prone to error.
However, the manual kit is less prone to error, while the Withings app gives you an easy place to record your data.
That's one way to get the job done, but it's after the fact, it's messy, and it's prone to error and excess.
A 2014 article in the Berkeley Science Review also found that the more intense the exercise, the more the Fitbit was prone to error.
Thus the review is of little use in assigning responsibility for individual deaths, or evaluating whether some hospitals, doctors or nurses are especially prone to error.
"[Leaving voicemails] a very tedious process and one that's very prone to error but [restaurants] are going to repeat it every day," Choco CEO Daniel Khachab tells TechCrunch.
However, experts say that the technology is so prone to error — especially when identifying people of color — that it could cause agents to go after the wrong individuals.
Amazon is a leading developer of law enforcement facial-recognition software, which independent studies have shown is deeply and intrinsically flawed, prone to error and gender and racial bias.
Surveys taken months before the November election, when primary races are still being contested, are of course more prone to error than ones conducted just a few days before the vote.
Just as studies have found a systemic racial bias in the justice system, it's also been shown that facial recognition is particularly prone to error when used on people of color.
Most controllers use rubber buttons — "squishy," Wasabi says while scrunching his face — that have a maximum life of 21,2000 presses before failure, and use a metal dome contact that's prone to error.
The whole thing is also still far flimsier (and prone to error if you mess up the wiring) than a regular power pack, which, in addition to being safer and more reliable, is also rechargeable.
The new technology underpinning them is also currently prone to error, and even if they were perfect, the data-hungry companies that built them are constantly thinking of new ways to exploit users for profit.
"Watch lists are notoriously overbroad, rife with secrecy, and prone to error, raising significant civil liberties and due process concerns," Jonathan Hafetz, a professor at Seton Hall University School of Law, told Refinery29 via email.
In due time, this growing chorus against a system of punishment that has been shown to be discriminatory, prone to error and ineffective as a crime-fighting tool should spell its demise once and for all.
And yet they're also smart enough to understand that almost all organizing principles that humans come up with, be they political, social, or religious, are prone to error because, well, it's humans who come up with them.
"The scientific consensus in the field is that judging deception based on behavioral observations is inherently highly prone to error," psychologist Maria Hartwig of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York told BuzzFeed News by email.
They included issues around payment acceptance — credit card companies didn't want to allow the company to accept card payments, so for a while it operated on a cash-only model, prone to error, fraud and more — through to poor (negative) margins reselling other retailers' products.
Digital Rights Group Calls for a &aposComplete&apos Federal Ban on Government Use of Facial Recognition TechAgainst a backdrop of U.S. government agencies abusing unproven and potentially unjust facial…Read more ReadExperts widely agree the technology is prone to error, especially when applied to women and people of color, as studies have repeatedly shown.
Take the fact that quantum machines so far have been too prone to error when used for extended amounts of time: last week, I wrote about a startup called Q-CTRL that has built firmware that sits on top of the machines to identify when errors are creeping in and provide fixes to stave off crashes.
This made both encryption and decryption faster, simpler and less prone to error.
Accuracy, however, is not necessarily improved and productivity is not maximized. For example, data entry remains tedious and prone to error, formula errors are common, and collaboration and information sharing are limited.
Messaging applications on the market that use encryption include Signal, WhatsApp, Wire and iMessage (which uses end-to-end encryption). Applications that have been criticized for lacking or poor encryption methods include Telegram and Confide, as both are prone to error.
Box's M test is susceptible to errors if the data does not meet model assumptions or if the sample size is too large or small. Box's M test is especially prone to error if the data does not meet the assumption of multivariate normality.
The speed indicated by the radar unit can be prone to error due to multiple reflections etc. With a minority of vehicle types such as lorries towing a curtain sided trailer. Further, it does not distinguish between multiple vehicles in shot, however secondary check marks will identify which vehicles are speeding, providing the police with corroborative evidence.
In a labyrinth of rooms and corridors, several stories are told simultaneously. Characters seemingly exist in every time and every place. The lost room could be seen as a melancholic nostalgia for the future. In addition, memories are often not a literal reproduction of the past, but instead rely on constructive processes that are sometimes prone to error and distortion.
Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission on Credit Reports: Consumers' Ability to Dispute and Change Inaccurate Information: Hearing Before the Committee on Financial Services. 19 Jun 2007. Nonetheless, there is widespread concern that information in credit reports is prone to error. Thus Congress has enacted a series of laws aimed to resolve both the errors and the perception of errors.
Studies have shown that early parts of the system development cycle such as requirements and design specifications are especially prone to error. This effect is particularly notorious in projects involving multiple stakeholders with different points of view. Evolutionary software processes offer an iterative approach to requirement engineering to alleviate the problems of uncertainty, ambiguity and inconsistency inherent in software developments.
Prostitute talking to a potential customer in Turin Accurate estimates of the numbers of workers in any particular country are hard to obtain, and prone to error and bias. A 2008 report stated that were some 100,000 prostitutes in Italy. In 2007 it was stated that the total number of workers was 70,000. The Italian Statistics Institute stated the number of street workers in 1998 was 50,000.
The length of a bird is usually measured from dead specimens prior to their being skinned for preservation. The measurement is made by laying the bird on its back and flattening out the head and neck gently and measuring between the tip of the bill and the tip of the tail. This measurement is however extremely prone to error and is rarely ever used for any comparative or other scientific study.
Classical commentators commonly explained the unequal treatment of testimony by asserting that women's nature made them more prone to error than men. Muslim modernists have followed the Egyptian reformer Muhammad Abduh in viewing the relevant scriptural passages as conditioned on the different gender roles and life experiences that prevailed at the time rather than women's innately inferior mental capacities, making the rule not generally applicable in all times and places.
For a font developer, editing a glyph by stroke is easier and less prone to error than editing outlines. A stroke-based system also allows scaling glyphs in height or width without altering stroke thickness of the base glyphs. Stroke-based fonts are heavily marketed for East Asian markets for use on embedded devices, but the technology is not limited to ideograms. Commercial developers included Agfa Monotype (iType), Type Solutions, Inc.
FreePPP 1.0, the first version, was simply a repackaging of MacPPP from Merit Network; MacPPP developed for the most part by Larry Blunk. MacPPP was actually the first PPP for the Mac OS but was unstable and prone to error. The source code was made freely available and various users released fixes for common bugs. Steve Dagley aggregated most of those patches to MacPPP and added ISDN functionality.
To Charvakas, inference is useful but prone to error, as inferred truths can never be without doubt. Inference is good and helpful, it is the validity of inference that is suspect – sometimes in certain cases and often in others. To the Charvakas there were no reliable means by which the efficacy of inference as a means of knowledge could be established. Charvaka's epistemological argument can be explained with the example of fire and smoke.
In the field of system reliability orthogonal redundancy is that form of redundancy where the form of backup device or method is completely different from the prone to error device or method. The failure mode of an orthogonally redundant back-up device or method does not intersect with and is completely different from the failure mode of the device or method in need of redundancy to safeguard the total system against catastrophic failure.
"The good citizen ought to triumph not by frightening his opponents but by beating them fairly in argument" (3.42.5). "All, states and individuals, are alike prone to error, and there is no law that will prevent them; or why should men have exhausted the list of punishments in search of enactments to protect them from evildoers?" (3.45.3).Robert B. Strassler, The Landmark Thucydides: A Comprehensive Guide to the Peloponnesian War, Free Press, 1996, pages 180–1.
Because of the complexity of the above calculations, using them for the practical purpose of designing a dial of this type is difficult and prone to error. It has been suggested that it is better to locate the hour lines empirically, marking the positions of the shadow of a style on a real sundial at hourly intervals as shown by a clock and adding/deducting that day's equation of time adjustment. See Empirical hour-line marking, above.
Typically, little communication occurs unless one or both parties learn a new language, which requires an investment of much time and effort. People travelling abroad often encounter a language barrier. The people who come to a new country at an adult age, when language learning is a cumbersome process, can have particular difficulty "overcoming the language barrier". Similar difficulties occur at multinational meetings, where interpreting services can be costly, hard to obtain, and prone to error.
To correct for this, the bomb aimer would first measure their speed over the ground using a stopwatch. They would next look up the time it would take the bombs to reach the ground from their current altitude using a pre- computed table. Then, using both values, they would look up the proper angle for the sights, the so-called range angle, and set the sights to that angle. This solution was far from practical, and prone to error.
The resulting transcripts are then separated by electrophoresis and visualized, so that they can be compared. The method was prone to error due to different mRNAs migrated into single bands, differences in less abundant mRNAs getting drowned by more abundant mRNAs, sensitivity to small changes in cell culture conditions, and a tendency to amplify 3′ fragments rather than full mRNAs, and the necessity to use about 300 primers to catch all the mRNA. The method was first published in Science in 1992.
Chapter 1 'The Patristic Period, c. 100-451.' Irenaeus of Lyons held that 'rule of faith' ('κανών της πίστης') is preserved by a church through its historical continuity (of interpretation and teaching) with the Apostles.McGrath. op.cit. pp. 29-30. Tertullian argued that although interpretations founded on a reading of all Holy Scripture are not prone to error, tradition is the proper guide.McGrath. op.cit. p. 30. Athanasius held that Arianism fell into its central error by not adhering to tradition.McGrath. op.cit. p. 30.
In telecommunication, a line code is a pattern of voltage, current, or photons used to represent digital data transmitted down a transmission line. This repertoire of signals is usually called a constrained code in data storage systems. Some signals are more prone to error than others when conveyed over a communication channel as the physics of the communication or storage medium constrains the repertoire of signals that can be used reliably. Common line encodings are unipolar, polar, bipolar, and Manchester code.
Therefore, Slater used acetate slides to overlay studies onto the charts to identify trend movements. In 1979, with the acquisition of a Texas Instruments TI-59 programmable calculator which was capable of holding 5000 program steps and a magnetic card reader for data storage, Slater was able to program the device to calculate basic technical analysis computations.Gopalakrishnan, J, "Then and Now With Tim Slater", Traders, 24 January 2011 The problem of drawing the charts by hand which was time consuming and prone to error, remained.
The Lineweaver–Burk plot is classically used in older texts, but is prone to error, as the y-axis takes the reciprocal of the rate of reaction – in turn increasing any small errors in measurement. Also, most points on the plot are found far to the right of the y-axis. Large values of [S] (and hence small values for 1/[S] on the plot) are often not possible due to limited solubility, calling for a large extrapolation back to obtain x- and y-intercepts.
However, the smaller deletions in bacterial plasmids have been associated with replication slippage, while the larger deletions associated with mammalian cells are caused by non-homologous end-joining repair, which is known to be prone to error. The toxic effect of ethidium bromide (EtBr) on trypanosomas is caused by shift of their kinetoplastid DNA to Z-form. The shift is caused by intercalation of EtBr and subsequent loosening of DNA structure that leads to unwinding of DNA, shift to Z-form and inhibition of DNA replication.
Han et al. (2012), "LEPOR: A Robust Evaluation Metric for Machine Translation with Augmented Factors," in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2012): Posters, pages 441–450, Mumbai, India. Relying exclusively on unedited machine translation ignores the fact that communication in human language is context-embedded and that it takes a person to comprehend the context of the original text with a reasonable degree of probability. It is certainly true that even purely human-generated translations are prone to error.
Consequently, a major limitation of linear referencing is that specifying points that are not on a linear feature is troublesome and error-prone, though not entirely impossible. Consider for example a ski lodge located 100 meters to the right of the road, traveling north. The linear referencing system can be extended by specifying a lateral offset, but the absolute location (i.e. coordinates) of the lodge cannot be determined unless coordinates are specified for the road; that process is prone to error particularly on curved roads.
All measurement is prone to error, both systematic and random. The measurement of certain bird characteristics can further vary greatly depending on the method used. The total length of a bird is sometimes measured by putting a dead bird on its back and gently pressing the head so that the bill point to the tail tip can be measured. This can however vary with the handling and can depend on the age and state of shrinkage in the case of measurements taken from preserved skins in bird collections.
Some researchers consider this process prone to error depending on the sample, the sorter and the group of organisms in question. Therefore, quantitative studies based on parataxonomic processes may be unreliable and is therefore controversial. The term is attributed to Daniel Janzen who used it to describe the role of assistants working at INBio in Costa Rica. During the time period that Janzen's parataxonomic model was in place, INBio became the second largest biological collection in Latin America with over 3.5 million collections, all of which were digitized.
According to author Colin Bevan, Haque dissatisfied with anthropometric system proposed by Francis Galton began to work on a classification system of his own. He devised a mathematical formula to sort slips into 1024 pigeonholes in thirty-two columns and thirty-two rows based on fingerprint patterns. Beavan further writes: > By 1897, Haque had collected 7000 fingerprint sets in his cabinet. His > simple methods of further sub-classification, which were easier to learn and > less prone to error than Galton's, meant that even a collection numbering in > the hundreds of thousands could be divided into small groups of slips.
Due to the high level of incorrect calculation errors, alternative pediatric emergency tapes that can be customized have gained popularity. A tenfold adult overdose of a standard adult medication would require multiple syringes and tends, therefore, to be obvious to a caregiver, effectively warning of the error. In contrast, for a small child both a 1x correct dose and a 10x overdose of a drug can be administered in the same syringe thus providing no clue as to a potential error. Furthermore, pediatric emergency care is especially prone to error due to the chaotic nature and stress associated with the emergency setting.
Digital polymerase chain reaction (digital PCR, DigitalPCR, dPCR, or dePCR) is a biotechnological refinement of conventional polymerase chain reaction methods that can be used to directly quantify and clonally amplify nucleic acids strands including DNA, cDNA, or RNA. The key difference between dPCR and traditional PCR lies in the method of measuring nucleic acids amounts, with the former being a more precise method than PCR, though also more prone to error in the hands of inexperienced users. A "digital" measurement quantitatively and discretely measures a certain variable, whereas an “analog” measurement extrapolates certain measurements based on measured patterns. PCR carries out one reaction per single sample.
The types are: the pump gun, the semi-automatic and a two barrel gun. Pumps operate with one hand on the grip and trigger, and the other on a sliding wooden or composite forearm. In turn, the forearm is attached to one or two bars that operate the action, both to load the chamber with the first round and to cycle the action after firing, putting another round in the chamber for the second shot. The power is supplied by the shooter pulling the forearm back and then pushing it forward: a process prone to error on the skeet field because it requires speed, consistency, and precision from the shooter.
While this technique obviously takes better manual dexterity and is more prone to error, it has the countersurveillance advantage that the operatives are not carrying anything after the transfer, and can blend into a crowd even more easily. A variation of the brush pass is the live letter drop, in which one agent follows a predefined route, on foot, with a prepared report hidden in a pocket. En route, a second agent unknown to the first agent picks his/her pocket and then passes the report on unread, either to a cut-out or to an intelligence officer. This technique presents opportunities both for plausible deniability and for penetration by hostile agents.
The instrument had 64 memories which could be backed up to cassette tape in similar fashion to that used for home computers of the time. This system could be prone to error or mishap as the availability of the “verify” feature for the tape backup system can attest to. The instrument did, however, possess the capability in MIDI to allow sys-ex transfer provided you have a computer with suitable software that can send the MIDI dump request message to it. A more reliable alternative to the cassette tape interface is a portable CD, sound player or computer with WAVE files saved on disc (although, in this last case, using sys-ex files is faster and saves space).
Edge finders are the most basic internal capacitor detectors. Edge finders detect the edges of the stud or other material behind the walling. This finder must first be calibrated over an empty section of the wall, and then it can be moved along the wall until it senses a change in density - such as the edge of a stud. Edge finders should be moved from both directions to find both edges of the stud. The single sensor in edge finders can be prone to error, sometimes indicating a spot an inch or more from the stud’s edge. Once both edges have been marked, the user must determine the location of the stud’s center.
This method attempts to treat the infection by disrupting the CCR5 gene, such as introducing the CCR5-Δ32 mutation using a recombinant adenoviral vector or forcing DNA repair by nonhomologous end joining, which is prone to error and results in a non-functional gene. As a consequence, resulting in the expression of nonfunctional CCR5 co-receptors on CD4+ T cells, providing immunity against infection. The zinc finger nucleases that have been synthesized for this treatment are manufactured by combining FokI Type II restriction endonucleases with engineered zinc fingers. The number of zinc fingers attached to the endonuclease controls the specificity of the ZFN since they are engineered to preferentially bind to specific base sequences in DNA.
It refers to the practice of keeping track of letters played on the game board, typically by crossing letters off a score sheet or tracking grid as the tiles are played. Tracking tiles can be an important aid to strategy, especially during the endgame when there are no tiles left to draw, where careful tracking allows each player to deduce the remaining unseen letters on the opponent's final rack. The marking off of each letter from a pre-printed tracking grid as the tiles are played is a standard feature of tournament play. Tracking sheets come in many varieties, and are often customized by players in an attempt to make the manual process of recording, tracking and counting tiles easier, more intuitive, and less prone to error.
One major limitation of PCR is that prior information about the target sequence is necessary in order to generate the primers that will allow its selective amplification. This means that, typically, PCR users must know the precise sequence(s) upstream of the target region on each of the two single-stranded templates in order to ensure that the DNA polymerase properly binds to the primer-template hybrids and subsequently generates the entire target region during DNA synthesis. Like all enzymes, DNA polymerases are also prone to error, which in turn causes mutations in the PCR fragments that are generated. Another limitation of PCR is that even the smallest amount of contaminating DNA can be amplified, resulting in misleading or ambiguous results.
A Professor Tholuck wrote in 1835 that the doctrine of Universalism "came particularly into notice through Jung-Stilling, that eminent man who was a particular instrument in the hand of God for keeping up evangelical truth in the latter part of the former century, and at the same time a strong patron to that doctrine." Schopenhauer referred to Jung-Stilling in his example of how rational humans, unlike irrational animals, are prone to error. People can use, according to Schopenhauer, abstract ideas to make other people do anything they wish: "In the year 1818 seven thousand Chiliasts moved from Württemberg into the neighborhood of Ararat, because the new kingdom of God, specially announced by Jung-Stilling, was to appear there."The World as Will and Representation, vol.
This was a lot of work, and prone to error, so the idea of publishing a magazine directly on a computer- readable medium so that the programs could be run directly without typing came independently to several people. Some ideas of putting bar codes into paper magazines, which could be read into a computer with the appropriate peripheral, were floated at the time, but never caught on. Since the common data storage medium of the earliest home computers was the audio cassette, the first magazine published on a physical computer medium was cassette magazine; CLOAD magazine, for the Radio Shack TRS-80 computer, began publication in 1978, named after the command to load a program from cassette on that computer system. Shortly afterwards, in July 1978, the first issue of CURSOR magazine was released for the Commodore PET.
Claude Piron Relying exclusively on unedited machine translation, however, ignores the fact that communication in human language is context-embedded and that it takes a person to comprehend the context of the original text with a reasonable degree of probability. It is certainly true that even purely human-generated translations are prone to error; therefore, to ensure that a machine-generated translation will be useful to a human being and that publishable-quality translation is achieved, such translations must be reviewed and edited by a human. Claude Piron writes that machine translation, at its best, automates the easier part of a translator's job; the harder and more time-consuming part usually involves doing extensive research to resolve ambiguities in the source text, which the grammatical and lexical exigencies of the target language require to be resolved.Claude Piron, Le défi des langues (The Language Challenge), Paris, L'Harmattan, 1994.
As part of his efforts to improve the accuracy of the calendar, Bianchini was commissioned by Clement XI to construct an important meridian line in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri (the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs) in Rome, a device for calculating the position of the sun and stars."In the 18th-century, Pope Clement XI decided to create an official reference point for telling time in Rome. He commissioned astronomer Francesco Bianchini to build a meridian inside Michelangelo's Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and Martyrs." According to a Catholic News Service online news story by Carol Glatz from 5 August 2011, Pope Benedict XVI noted this when he explained the importance of astronomyespecially when clocks were primitive and prone to error- in the determination of certain liturgical celebration days and the times for certain daily prayers, such as the Angelus.
There have been efforts to determine the evolutionary relationships between the known plant species, but phylogenies (or phylogenetic trees) created solely using morphological data, cellular structures, single enzymes, or on only a few sequences (like rRNA) can be prone to error; morphological features are especially vulnerable when two species look physically similar though they are not closely related (as a result of convergent evolution for example) or homology, or when two species closely related look very different because, for example, they are able to change in response to their environment very well. These situations are very common in the plant kingdom. An alternative method for constructing evolutionary relationships is through changes in DNA sequence of many genes between the different species which is often more robust to problems of similar-appearing species. With the amount of genomic sequence produced by this project, many predicted evolutionary relationships could be better tested by sequence alignment to improve their certainty.
However, with regard to hadd offenses and retaliation, the testimonies of female witnesses are not admitted at all.Rudolph Peters, Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law, Cambridge University Press, , pp 15-29 and 177-178 A number of Muslim-majority countries, particularly in the Arab world, presently treat a woman's testimony as half of a man's in certain cases, mainly in family disputes adjudicated based on Islamic law.Kelly, S. (2010), Recent gains and new opportunities for women's rights in the Gulf Arab states, Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Gulf Edition; Editors: Kelly and Breslin; Classical commentators commonly explained the unequal treatment of testimony by asserting that women's nature made them more prone to error than men. Muslim modernists have followed the Egyptian reformer Muhammad Abduh in viewing the relevant scriptural passages as conditioned on the different gender roles and life experiences that prevailed at the time rather than women's innately inferior mental capacities, making the rule not generally applicable in all times and places.
Early home and hobby users of personal computers in the late 1970s and early 1980s sometimes typed in programs, usually in the BASIC language, which were published in the computer magazines of the time. This was a lot of work, and prone to error, so the idea of publishing a magazine directly on a computer-readable medium so that the programs could be run directly without typing came independently to several people. Some ideas of putting bar codes into paper magazines, which could be read into a computer with the appropriate peripheral, were floated at the time, but never caught on. Since the common data storage medium of the earliest home computers was the audio cassette, the first magazine published on a physical computer medium was actually a cassette magazine rather than a disk magazine; CLOAD magazine, for the Radio Shack TRS-80 computer, began publication in 1978, named after the command to load a program from cassette on that computer system.

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