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166 Sentences With "procreative"

How to use procreative in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "procreative" and check conjugation/comparative form for "procreative". Mastering all the usages of "procreative" from sentence examples published by news publications.

So rather than relying on an initial, emotional response, I propose the following framework for evaluating reproductive technologies and the parents who utilize them: procreative liberty and procreative responsibility.
Anthropologically speaking, however, sex fulfills more than a procreative role.
Teenagers are also having less sex, especially of the procreative kind.
Increasingly, scientists track how environmental changes can disturb the procreative dance.
Look, it's been a long time since we shifted from procreative to recreative.
For them, sex needed to have a potentially procreative aspect or it didn't count.
" Savulescu is the father of an idea in reproductive ethics known as "procreative beneficence.
No creature has gone to greater lengths to augment, facilitate, and intensify non-procreative sex.
Many people lost their jobs or their homes, which hardly put them in a procreative mood.
Procreative liberty is the right of individuals to decide whether to have, or not have, children.
But with a few lightly incised tweaks a resourceful artist has conjured an icon of procreative female power.
Meanwhile, historic objections to mixed-race marriages were invalid and based on prejudice alone, because of marriage's historical procreative function.
In a setting this dismal, sex seems a nonstarter, though a hardy few peddle repurposed animal carcasses as procreative aids.
"It used to be anything non-procreative was considered abnormal and that's kind of how people drew the boundaries," Lieberman said.
Unlike today's abortion-rights-feminists, the suffragists feared that sex unmoored from its procreative potential would increase male sexual immorality and infidelity.
As the peculiarly procreative generation born around the middle of the 20th century passes away, it will come to seem ever more normal.
Studies of the procreative dance are considered vital for helping save beleaguered coral reefs around the globe, including the Great Barrier Reef off Australia.
And though men quickly evolved to replace their procreative capacity, even the universal homosexuality that resulted has not made the survivors any less male.
Rather it has detached men even further from sex's procreative potential and, for the poor in particular, increased the vulnerability of both women and children.
Such expressions convey a negative attitude towards the natural procreative finality of sexuality, as if an eventual child were an enemy to be protected against.
The situation is more dramatic, but not materially different, if everyone makes the same non-procreative choice, with the result that the entire species dies out.
Another terrible finding: only 80% of those surveyed believe women should be able to have sex for non-procreative purposes without fear of becoming pregnant. Cool!
Since the 2nd Century, Catholics have opposed any means of artificial contraception on the grounds that all sex acts should be "unitive" and "procreative," rather than recreational.
You're adding yet another person who'll cause more carbon emissions, plus their children, plus their grandchildren ... and so on, in a never-ending cascade of procreative shame.
Procreative beneficence, in its broadest sense, holds that there are some human traits we'd all like our children to enjoy, and therefore are obligated to select for.
Within these snippets, one detects the struggle faced by many a female artist: the obligations of a creative existence in a turf war with the responsibilities of a procreative existence.
"The yoni is the wellspring of our creative energy," de Vos says, adding that this can refer to sexual, procreative energy, or really anything you happen to be passionate about.
Yet while setting age limits is reasonable to avoid a rash of orphans, Janet Jackson's decision to have a child at age 50 falls well within the limits of procreative responsibility.
We childless women are fairly devoid of infertile role models: Most who speak publicly about the fraught topic do so from a place of either wild grief or anti-procreative defiance.
This makes sense, especially if you look at sodomy laws in the United States, which condemned any non-procreative sex, including not only sex outside of marriage but oral and anal sex.
Netflix's delightful animated series Big Mouth may involve a running gag about furry dildos with a mind of their own and procreative sex with pillows, but it's not merely some crass cartoon.
But if some hope to turn the story into a more positive one of ethical science, feminist artists and critics have read it as an allegory of male usurpation of female procreative power.
So if you really want to be a real badass science-fiction writer, you should predict that hitching government-issued credentials to the procreative act would profoundly change our current world more than anything else.
Under prevailing church dogma, the "rhythm method"—in which married couples track their ovulation cycle and engage in non-procreative sex during the "safe periods" where the woman isn't ovulating—is natural in this way.
And all in the name of male procreative success, for previous research has shown (though the precise mechanism remains obscure) that male cowpea seed beetles with longer penile spines have greater mating success than those with short ones.
The first article in the document affirms that "God has designed marriage to be a covenantal, sexual, procreative, lifelong union of one man and one woman, as husband and wife" and not for "homosexual, polygamous, or polyamorous" relationships.
When Justin called our dog a "starter kid," I see now that he wasn't being presumptuous about our procreative plans, he was letting us know that dogs can be an important step in parenthood — they are our training wheels.
This prohibition recalls the philosopher Michel Foucault's suggestion that what society finds so disturbing about homosexuality isn't the act of gay sex itself but gay relationships, which demonstrate that procreative heterosexual monogamy is not the only way to manage the chaotic energies of erotic life.
I was nearing the age of 35 and I was single and I had not yet had a child...and then I started looking at all these statistics and realized that I was just one among many many women — millions — having children later, because we are putting our economic power ahead of our procreative power.
Remember how, at one point in this show, it was a big deal that husbands and Wives don't have sex if the Wives are infertile, because non-procreative sex is verboten, so it was a big social taboo for them to touch or look at each other in any kind of vaguely suggestive way?
The graphic murals, which resemble Kama Sutra-like, flat-perspective illustrations of practices including the relationship between spiritual forces and procreative acts, are not, perhaps, what one expects to see in connection with a holy place of spiritual contemplation, just as DeSousa's spare and restrained paintings do not immediately intuit philosophical, locational, and spiritual connections.
Inventive, sharp-witted and frequently hilarious, "New People" is set in mid-1990s Brooklyn, four years after the Los Angeles riots and two years before the fictional Senator Jay Bulworth, in the eponymous satirical film by Warren Beatty, will suggest a "voluntary, free-spirited open-ended program of procreative racial deconstruction" — crossbreeding until everybody has the same skin color.
In the Bible, procreative marriage is presented as "the norm".
It was at best only venially sinful for procreative purposes within marriage.
The Catholic Church disapproves of lust: "Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive purposes".
Prajapati (Sanskrit: ) is a compound of "praja" (creation, procreative powers) and "pati" (lord, master).Jan Gonda (1982), The Popular Prajāpati, History of Religions, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Nov., 1982), University of Chicago Press, pp.
'Aqi was a third Chumash gender defined by biological males that performed work and wore clothing traditionally of women. The 'aqi gender appears to also be closely tied to non-procreative sexual activity, such as homosexuality.
Embryo donation is one disposition option for users of in vitro fertilisation with remaining fresh or frozen embryos. It is defined as the giving—generally without compensation—of embryos remaining after in vitro fertilization procedures to recipients for procreative implantation or research. Most IVF users with supernumerary embryos make embryo donation decisions after completing their families or discontinuing use of in vitro fertilization. Recipients of embryos donated for procreative implantation typically plan to transfer fresh or frozen embryos into a prepared uterus in order to facilitate pregnancy and childbirth.
In 1978, Pieter van der Horst wrote: > Remain not unmarried, lest you die nameless.line 175, p. 99, The sentences > of Pseudo-Phocylides, translated by Pieter Willem van der Horst > Cut not a youth's masculine procreative faculty.line 187, p.
In light of the great importance many people place on their procreative decisions and the care with which they make them, a doctor whose negligence interferes with those decisions should be held responsible for the consequences of that negligence.
Although the official hardline stance on sex is that its natural purpose is purely procreative, many hardliners justify recreational sex within the context of committed relationships as potentially procreative by opting not to use birth control. Hardline has always been highly syncretic (over time absorbing influences from Islam and a host of other schools of thought) and initially claimed a Taoist foundation for their sexual morals. This appeal to the orientation of the punk and hardcore scenes met with little success, and the topics of abortion and homosexuality have always been sources of tension between hardliners and their subcultural cousins.
Book review: Fertility in Canada: From Baby-boom to Baby-bust, The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology. whereas another Canadian demographer, Roderic Beaujot, echoes the book's view that "procreative behaviour may be more a matter of mores than of economics".Beaujot R.1988.
Musonius maintained that even within marriage, sex should be undertaken as an expression of affection and for procreation, and not for "bare pleasure"."Bare pleasure" is psilên hêdonên; Nussbaum, p. 309. Musonius disapproved of same-sex relations because they lacked a procreative purpose.Nussbaum, pp.
In cases in which sexual expression is sought outside marriage, or in which the procreative function of sexual expression within marriage is deliberately frustrated (e.g., the use of artificial contraception), the Catholic Church expresses grave moral concern. The Church teaches that sexual intercourse has a two-fold unitive and procreative purpose; and that outside marriage, sex is always contrary to its purpose. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "conjugal love ... aims at a deeply personal unity, a unity that, beyond union in one flesh, leads to forming one heart and soul", since the marriage bond is to be a sign of the love between God and humanity.
Harlem Renaissance. New York: Oxford UP, 1971. Print. Pg. 87 Idealized notions of the sexual union, however, made non- procreative sex lustful and demeaning. This way of thinking immediately pushes prostitution into the spectrum of being a sinful act and portraying the act in a demeaning manner.
1, p. 53; Robin Lorsch Wildfang, Rome's Vestal Virgins: A Study of Rome's Vestal Priestesses in the Late Republic and Early Empire (Routledge, 2006), p. 20. "Vesta's fire ... evoked the idea of sexual purity in the female" and "represented the procreative power of the male".Staples, p. 149.
Buzzanca, 72 Cal. Rptr.2d 280 (Cal. Ct. App. 1998), the court held that both the recipient and the father of a child conceived through anonymous sperm and egg donation and carried by a surrogate were the legal parents of the child by virtue of their procreative intent.
Against the procreative imperative theory she points out that the corollary to well-off elites such as those in northern India wanting to maximise reproduction is that poor people would want to minimise it and thus in theory should have practiced male infanticide, which it seems they did not.
Gough (1961) p. 342. Gough speculates that the Nagas were seen as phallic symbols representing the procreative powers of the ancestors. alt= Nairs believed in spirits, which on some occasions they attempted to tame by performing various rituals. According to Panikkar, they believed in spirits such as Pretam, Bhutam and Pisachu.
However, recent research shows that the toad has become less procreative, possibly due to a red leg bacteria that was discovered in 1990.Stone, M. D. Wyoming Toad Recovery Plan. US Fish and Wildlife Service. September 11, 1991. The Wyoming Toad Recovery Group, formed in 1987, was established to help initiate a plan for recovery efforts and extended research.
Active participation threatened masculinity and femininity, as well as female domestic and procreative responsibilities. This ideology was sufficient to restrict women to a subordinate, minor and often derided sporting role.’ However, Durlacher played in the Irish Championships in 1895 for the first time when she was just eighteen years old. This was unusual at the time.
Professor Jerome Y. Lettvin once quipped, "You might regard it as the womb of the Institute. It is kind of messy, but by God it is procreative!" Building 20 was always regarded as "temporary", and thus never received a formal name over its half-century of existence. The structure was removed in 1996–98 to make way for the Stata Center.
What has been learned about the Moche is based on study of their ceramic pottery; the carvings reveal details of their daily lives. The Larco Museum of Lima, Peru has an extensive collection of such ceramics. They show that the people practiced human sacrifice, had blood- drinking rituals, and that their religion incorporated non-procreative sexual practices (such as fellatio).
Since all sexual intercourse with gods is procreative, Semele was pregnant at the time, and Zeus plucks the child from its mother's womb and puts him in his thigh until he is ready to be born. Despite his half-mortal heritage, Bromius is a true god as opposed to a demi-god on account of being born from Zeus - the “twice-born god”.
Spirituality for many Asian feminist theologians involves both body and soul in harmony and focuses on the joyful celebration of life. Specifically, the female body is embraced and loved, reacting against traditions such as female infanticide and sex tourism that devalue female bodies. This spirituality is holistic and life-affirming, exhorting women's procreative power and emphasizing interconnection with all living things.
The Dayak indigenous religion, Kaharingan, is a form of animism. The Dayak arose from middle-earth out of a cosmic battle at the beginning of time between a primal couple, a male and female bird/dragon (serpent). Representations of this primal couple are among the most pervasive motifs of Dayak art. The primal mythic conflict ended in a mutual, procreative murder.
The practice of tisese allows Mosuo women to avoid the double standard that regulates women's sexuality in other cultures. Women's sexual behaviors are judged equally. Girls and boys alike are raised learning to express sexuality to the same degree. The traditional Mosuo family and kinship affords women an equality and agency over their sexual and procreative lives that is rare in most cultures.
Pattanaik (2001), p. 116Vanita & Kidwai (2001), p. 82 Courtright considers the birth to be "less auspicious" due to the lack of male input and use of bodily fluids such as sweat or menstrual blood, but Ruth Vanita points out that Hindus consider Ganesha's birth auspicious, and that the use of non-procreative bodily fluids is considered sacred and purifying in many Hindu rituals.Conner & Sparks (1998), p.
In response to this insurgence in the 1960s, single women were denied access to birth control pills by their healthcare providers. This type of pushback is consistently observed throughout studies of the evolution of American sexual morals and beliefs. Younger generations are encouraged by their elders to engage in sexual activity only if it is within the bounds of marriage and is for procreative purposes.
Celtic mythology has no stories of gay or lesbian relationships nor LGBT characters. Ancient Greek and Roman commentators attribute sexual activity between males, including pederasty, to pre-Christian Celtic tribes.; Percy (1996), p. 18. However, Peter Chicheri argues that homosexual affection was severely punished in Celtic culture due to influence from Christianity, and suggests that any non-procreative sexual experience was later expunged from mythic tales.
Religious conservatives commonly oppose pornography, along with a subset of feminists, though their reasoning may differ. Many religious conservatives view pornography as a threat to children. Some conservative Protestants oppose pornography because it encourages non-procreative sex, encourages abortion, and can be connected to the rise of sexually transmitted diseases. Concerned Women For America (CWA) is a conservative organization that opposes same-sex marriage and abortion.
"Self- Overcoming" describes it in most detail, saying it is an "unexhausted procreative will of life". There is will to power where there is life and even the strongest living things will risk their lives for more power. This suggests that the will to power is stronger than the will to survive. Schopenhauer's "Will to life" thus became a subsidiary to the will to power, which is the stronger will.
An argument in favor of this principle is that traits (such as empathy, memory, etc.) are "all-purpose means" in the sense of being of instrumental value in realizing whatever life plans the child may come to have. Walter Veit has argued that there is no intrinsic moral difference between 'creating' and 'choosing' a life, thus making eugenics a natural consequence of accepting the principle of procreative beneficence.
World Health Organization, Department of Reproductive Health and Research Global strategy for the prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections: 2006–2015. Breaking the chain of transmission, 2007, Strong views are often expressed about anal sex. It is controversial in various cultures, especially with regard to religious prohibitions. This is commonly due to prohibitions against anal sex among males or teachings about the procreative purpose of sexual activity.
Early Berbers beliefs and practices are often characterized as a religion of nature. Procreative power was symbolized by the bull, the lion, the ram. Fish carvings represented the phallus, a sea shell the female sex, which objects could become charms.J.Desanges, "The proto-Berbers" at 236-245, 243, in General History of Africa, volume II. Ancient Civilizations of Africa (UNESCO 1990), Abridged Edition.Cf. Baldick, Black God (1997) at 72, 78, 79, 81.
The lingam (also, linga, ling, Shiva linga, Shiv ling, Sanskrit लिङ्गं, , meaning "mark", "sign", "gender", "phallus", "inference" or "eternal procreative germ"A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary) is a representation of the Hindu deity Shiva used for worship in temples.Hinduism: Beliefs and Practices, by Jeanne Fowler, pgs. 42–43, at Whether the lingam symbolizes the physical body of the god or something purely spiritual is the topic of many a century-old debate within Hinduism.
In other species, the maggots use an ambush technique, waiting for the host to pass and then attacking it and burrowing into its body. Adult Tachinids are not parasitic, but either do not feed at all or visit flowers, decaying matter, or similar sources of energy to sustain themselves until they have concluded their procreative activities. Their non- parasitic behaviour after eclosion from the pupa is what justifies the application of the term "protelean".
In formulating his teaching he explained why he did not accept the conclusions of the Pontifical Commission on Birth Control established by his predecessor, Pope John XXIII, a commission he himself had expanded.See encyclical, n.6. Mainly because of its restatement of the Church's opposition to artificial contraception, the encyclical was politically controversial. It affirmed traditional Church moral teaching on the sanctity of life and the procreative and unitive nature of conjugal relations.
A pleasure-based sexual ethic is concerned with procreative sex on a secondary level, if at all. Katz follows the development of heterosexual as going through several stages. Coined in 1868 (in German, Heterosexualität) by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, the term initially referred to a person with an overwhelming drive toward the opposite sex and was associated with a number of pathologized behaviors. In 1889, Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing used the term in something like its modern-day sense.
It is believed there were pre- existing "spirit intelligences" that existed before the God the Father and Heavenly Mother created spiritual bodies for them: "self-existing intelligences were organized into individual spirit beings"Marion G. Romney, "The Worth of Souls," Ensign, November 1978, p. 13. by the Heavenly Parents and they became the "begotten sons and daughters of God".Doctrine and Covenants 76:24. The procreative process whereby the intelligences became spirits has not been explained.
Thought followed upon the first pulse of life, or the first breath drawn; and upon thought, mental activity. Then sprang up the wish, directed to the sacred mystery or great riddle of life. Later, from the material procreative power of love develops the clinging to existence, permeated by a joyous sense of pleasure. Lastly, Atea, the universe, floated in space, divided by the difference of sex into Rangi and Papa, Heaven and Earth; and individual creations then began.
The vastness of their habitat and its sparse population make procreative encounters a fortuitous event. The female may store a male's hydraulically implanted spermatophore (a tapered, cylindrical satchel of sperm) for long periods before she is ready to fertilize her eggs. Once she does, she may need to brood over them for up to 400 days before they hatch. Their reproductive strategy appears to be of the iteroparous type, which is an exception amongst the otherwise semelparous Coleoidea.
SALT lobbied the U.S. Congress on moral issues and promoted Christian values, including sexual abstinence before marriage, to the college- age generation. In the 1990s, O'Donnell took a public stance against masturbation, calling it "sinful" and equating it with adultery. Some commentators have noted her comments are consistent with official Roman Catholic doctrine, which condemns masturbation and other forms of non- procreative sex. O'Donnell appeared on Fox News, MSNBC and C-Span as a representative of SALT.
Hathor's joyful, ecstatic side indicates her feminine, procreative power. In some creation myths she helped produce the world itself. Atum, a creator god who contained all things within himself, was said to have produced his children Shu and Tefnut, and thus begun the process of creation, by masturbating. The hand he used for this act, the Hand of Atum, represented the female aspect of himself and could be personified by Hathor, Nebethetepet, or another goddess, Iusaaset.
Similarly, the clothes worn by anthropomorphic deities in most periods changed little from the styles used in the Old Kingdom: a kilt, false beard, and often a shirt for male gods and a long, tight-fitting dress for goddesses. The basic anthropomorphic form varies. Child gods are depicted nude, as are some adult gods when their procreative powers are emphasized. Certain male deities are given heavy bellies and breasts, signifying either androgyny or prosperity and abundance.
The Aztecs exhibited a profound duality in their approach to sexual behavior. On one hand, they held public rituals which were at times very erotic, but on the other, they were extremely prudish in everyday life. In their pantheon, the Aztecs worshiped a deity, Xochiquetzal, who was the goddess of non-procreative sexuality and love, and both female and male at the same time. In her male aspect, called Xochipilli, was worshiped as the deity of male homosexuality and male prostitution.
184 particularly embodied in the character of Pretorius and his relationship with Henry. Gay film historian Vito Russo, in considering Pretorius, stops short of identifying the character as gay, instead referring to him as "sissified",Russo, p. 50 "sissy" itself being Hollywood code for "homosexual". Pretorius serves as a "gay Mephistopheles", a figure of seduction and temptation, going so far as to pull Frankenstein away from his bride on their wedding night to engage in the unnatural act of creating non-procreative life.
Both encourage Ascesis with respect to the passions and inferior emotions, such as lust, and envy, so that the higher possibilities of one's humanity can be awakened and developed. Stoic writings such as Meditations by Marcus Aurelius have been highly regarded by many Christians throughout the centuries. The Eastern Orthodox Church and Oriental Orthodox Church accept the Stoic ideal of dispassion to this day. Middle and Roman Stoics taught that sex is just within marriage, for unitive and procreative purposes only.
Agar has written extensively on the debate about human enhancement. His first significant contribution was the 2004 book Liberal Eugenics: In Defence of Human Enhancement. In the state-sponsored eugenics defended by the followers of Francis Galton individuals would defer to the state and its experts empowered to impose on all a centrally-determined conception of the good life. Agar argued that a vigorous defense of procreative freedom could turn the morally misguided authoritarian eugenics into a morally defensible liberal eugenics.
It is a major Shaktism-tradition pilgrimage site. The regional tantric tradition considers this yoni site as the "birthplace" or "principal center" of tantra. While the temple premises, walls and mandapas have numerous depictions of goddess Kamakhya in her various roles, include those relating to her procreative powers, as a martial warrior, and as a nurturing motherly figure (one image near the western gate shows her nursing a baby with her breast, dated to 10th-12th century). The temple sanctum, however, has no idols.
MIT professor Jerome Y. Lettvin once quipped, "You might regard it as the womb of the Institute. It is kind of messy, but by God it is procreative!" Because of its various inconveniences, Building 20 was never considered to be prime space, in spite of its location in the central campus. As a result, Building 20 served as an "incubator" for all sorts of start-up or experimental research, teaching, or student groups on a crowded campus where space was (and remains) at a premium.
The Invention of Heterosexuality was first published as an essay in 1990 and then expanded into a larger book. In it, Katz traces the development of heterosexual and homosexual as a historically specific ideology of sexuality and gender, looking at the gender expectations packed into it. He notes the radical change, in the late nineteenth century, from a sexual ethic of procreation to one based on erotic pleasure and sexual object choice. He notes that a procreation-based ethic condemns all non-procreative sex.
Most other codes of law date from the second millennium BCE including the famous Babylonian Laws of Hammurabi which dates to about 1750 BCE. Ancient laws favored men, protecting the procreative rights of men as a common value in all the laws pertaining to women and sex. In all these codes, rape is punished differently depending upon whether it occurs in the city where a woman's calls for help could be heard or the country where they could not be (as in Deuteronomy 22:23-27).
The later Vedic texts fixed social boundaries, roles, status and ritual purity for each of the groups. The Shatapatha Brahmana associates the Brahmana with purity of parentage, good conduct, glory, teaching or protecting people; Kshatriya with strength, fame, ruling, and warfare; Vaishya with material prosperity and production-related activities such as cattle rearing and agriculture; Shudras with the service of the higher varnas. The effects of Rajasuya sacrifice depended on the varna of the sacrificer. Rajasuya endowed Brahmana with lustre, Kshatriya with valour, Vaishya with procreative power and Shudra with stability.
245-265 Liber also personified male procreative power, which was ejaculated as the "soft seed" of human and animal semen. His temples held the image of a phallus; in Lavinium, this was the principal focus for his month-long festival, when according to St. Augustine, the "dishonourable member" was placed "on a little trolley" and taken in procession around the local crossroad shrines, then to the local forum for its crowning by an honourable matron. The rites ensured the growth of seeds and repelled any malicious enchantment (fascinatus) from fields.
Having analyzed the sex act, Lucretius then considers conception and what in modern terms would be called genetics. Both man and woman, he says, produce genital fluids that mingle in a successful procreative act. The characteristics of the child are formed by the relative proportions of the mother's "seed" to the father's. A child who most resembles its mother is born when the female seed dominates the male's, and vice versa; when neither the male nor female seed dominates, the child will have traits of both mother and father evenly.
The progressive "transformation of love" that takes place throughout the marriage is a point of focus, stressing that the ideal represented by the union cannot happen at once, and it is observed that longer lifespans necessitate a renewal of commitment. ;5. Love Made Fruitful In this chapter the focus shifts entirely to the procreative aspect of marriage. Pope Francis discusses the spiritual and psychological issues that come into play when welcoming new life into the world, and touches on subjects such as adoption and the role of the extended family.
According to Doniger, the Mahabharata is the first ancient Hindu text where the lingam is "unequivocally designating the sexual organ of Shiva". Chapter 10.17 of the Mahabharata also refers to the word sthanu in the sense of an "inanimate pillar" as well as a "name of Shiva, signifying the immobile, ascetic, sexualized form of the lingam", as it recites the legend involving Shiva, Brahma and Prajapati. This mythology weaves two polarities, one where the lingam represents the potentially procreative phallus (fertile lingam) and its opposite "a pillar-like renouncer of sexuality" (ascetic lingam), states Doniger.
The first known use in America was in 1892, by James G. Kiernan. Here, it referred to some combination of bisexuality and a tendency to thwart the then-existing procreation ethic. Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis, published in 1889, and then in English in 1892, marked the clear turning point from a procreation-based sexuality to a pleasure-based ethic which focused on a "different-sex"/"same-sex" distinction to define the normal and the abnormal. Krafft-Ebing did not, however, make a clean break from the old procreative standards.
Most other information about Berber religious beliefs comes from later, classical times. The Libyans believed that divine power showed itself in the natural world, and could, for example, inhabit bodies of water or reside in stones, which were objects of worship. Procreative power was symbolized by the bull, the lion, and the ram. Among the proto-Berbers in the area that is now Tunisia, images of fish, often found in mosaics excavated there, were phallic symbols that fended off the evil eye, while sea shells signified the female sex.
However, > there remains the duty of carrying it out with criteria and methods that > respect the total truth of the marital act in its unitive and procreative > dimension, as wisely regulated by nature itself in its biological rhythms. > One can comply with them and use them to advantage, but they cannot be > "violated" by artificial interference. In 1997, the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family stated: > The Church has always taught the intrinsic evil of contraception, that is, > of every marital act intentionally rendered unfruitful. This teaching is to > be held as definitive and irreformable.
Babylonian Talmud Bava Batra 123a. Joseph Recounting His Dreams (drawing by Rembrandt) After introducing "the line of Jacob," cites only Joseph. The Gemara explained that the verse indicates that Joseph was worthy of having 12 tribes descend from him, as they did from his father Jacob. But Joseph diminished some of his procreative powers in order to resist Potiphar's wife in Nevertheless, ten sons (who, added to Joseph's two, made the total of 12) issued from Joseph's brother Benjamin and were given names on Joseph's account (as reports).
The imagery of "Root Cellar", with adjectives such as "obscenely" and "evil" in lines four and five, complicate the fecund nature of the greenhouse, oscillating "between the extremes of grave and nest". There seems to exist the notion of "danger and uncertain sexual forces", making "the procreative" threatening. The speaker wrestles with the unrelenting impulse of the vegetation to persist in living. The sheer force with which the life of the root cellar endures becomes "terrifying and perverse", forcing the reader to confront the "complexity and trauma of survival in the aftermath of birth".
The equestrian figures from episodes from the region's turbulent history incorporate representations of the channeling of ase to safeguard the conquering hero. Maternity figures invoke ase for increasing procreative abilities and fertility, while references to medicine also express the dependence of personal well-being on the judicial channeling of ase. Perhaps, then, the iconographic clue to the meaning of Epa masks is not to be found in their elaborate superstructures, but in the crude pot helmet itself as a manifestation of the efficacy of ase for communal and personal well-being.
At the same time, the Bishops at Vatican II decreed that the essential procreative end of marriage does not make "the other purposes of matrimony of less account." Because sex is considered chaste only within context of marriage, it has come to be called the "nuptial act" in Catholic discourse. Among Catholics, the nuptial act is considered to be the conjoining of a man and a woman through sexual intercourse, considered an act of love between two married persons, and is considered in this way, a gift from God.
The Church has been opposed to contraception for as far back as one can historically trace. Many early Catholic Church Fathers made statements condemning the use of contraception including John Chrysostom, Jerome, Clement of Alexandria, Hippolytus of Rome, Augustine of Hippo and various others. Among the condemnations is one by Jerome which refers to an apparent oral form of contraception: "Some go so far as to take potions, that they may insure barrenness, and thus murder human beings almost before their conception." The Catechism specifies that all sex acts must be both unitive and procreative.
Non-reproductive sexual behavior consists of sexual activities animals participate in that do not lead to the reproduction of the species. Although procreation continues to be the primary explanation for sexual behavior in animals, recent observations on animal behavior have given alternative reasons for the engagement in sexual activities by animals. Animals have been observed to engage in sex for social interaction, demonstration of dominance, aggression relief, exchange for significant materials, and sexual stimulation. Observed non-procreative sexual activities include non-copulatory mounting (without penetration, or by the female), oral sex, genital stimulation, anal stimulation, interspecies mating, and acts of affection.
He clearly also evokes God and, for some analysts, is seen as an allegory of language. The novel gives an approach to the theme of father-son relationships, probably reflecting largely the author's own attitude toward his own father, expressing the frustration of a creative son in the eye of a demanding father: > A son can never become, in the fullest sense, a father. It also addresses the more general issue of the creative or procreative process. It captures deep truths by the trick of circling them with opposite statements: > Wrong, the Dead Father said gaily.
15; Vettius Valens 1.1, 2.16, 2.36 and 38, as cited and summarized in Younger, p. 20. Lucretius observes that sex acts may have different purposes. Prostitutes employ certain movements aimed at giving their customers pleasure and at avoiding pregnancy. Wives wishing to conceive are advised against moving vigorously during intercourse, since such movements "knock the ploughshare from the furrow and misdirect the sowing of the seed".Lucretius, De rerum natura 4.1268–1273 Lucretius recommends "doggy style" (a tergo) for couples trying to conceive, because it mimics the natural procreative sex of animals.Lucretius, De rerum natura 4.1263–1267Brown, pp. 67–68.
Marital sex was considered to be essentially procreative among Middle-Republic Romans. The year of this incident was around 191 BC or later, at which time Aemilia was either pregnant with her youngest child or had given birth recently. The fact that Aemilia chose not to expose her husband's infidelity (per Valerius Maximus) could indicate either a desire to spare him embarrassment or her own desire to avoid embarrassment for herself. A Roman wife could not expect her husband to be faithful, and his misconduct whether at home or outside was not grounds for a divorce.
The Court ruled that on the basis of Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965) and Stanley v. Georgia, the above sexual actions, when consensual, should fall under the right to privacy alluded to in the Constitution. Specifically, the Court opined: > The People are in no disagreement that a fundamental right of personal > decision exists; the divergence of the parties focuses on what subjects fall > within its protection, the People contending that it extends to only two > aspects of sexual behavior - marital intimacy (by virtue of the Supreme > Court's decision in Griswold) and procreative choice (by reason of > Eisenstadt and Roe v. Wade). .
PGD has the potential to screen for genetic issues unrelated to medical necessity, such as intelligence and beauty, and against negative traits such as disabilities. The medical community has regarded this as a counterintuitive and controversial suggestion. The prospect of a "designer baby" is closely related to the PGD technique, creating a fear that increasing frequency of genetic screening will move toward a modern eugenics movement. On the other hand, a principle of procreative beneficence is proposed, which is a putative moral obligation of parents in a position to select their children to favor those expected to have the best life.
The Roman Catholic Church opposes certain types of ART and artificial contraception since they separate the procreative goal of marital sex from the goal of uniting married couples. The Roman Catholic Church permits the use of a small number of reproductive technologies and pregnancy postponement methods like natural family planning, which involves charting ovulation times. The church allows other forms of reproductive technologies that allow conception to take place from normative sexual intercourse, such as a fertility lubricant, the use of hormonal injections to grow follicles and assist in ovulation, and IUI with sperm collected using the approved method of collection during intercourse.
The Church requires members to eschew homosexual practices,CCC 2357 artificial contraception,CCC 2370 and sex out of wedlock, as well as non-procreative sexual practices, including masturbation. Procuring or assisting in an abortion can carry the penalty of excommunication, as a specific offense.CCC 2272 The official Catholic teaching regards sexuality as "naturally ordered to the good of spouses" as well as the generation of children.CCC 2353 The Roman Catholic Church has staunch pro-life efforts in all societies and endorses behavioral changes like abstinence instead of condom use to controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf was born in Mannheim, Germany, and studied composition with Brian Ferneyhough, Klaus Huber and Emanuel Nunes and music theory at the music academy in Freiburg where he graduated in 1992. At the same time, he studied musicology, philosophy with Jürgen Habermas and sociology at university. Later he was influenced by Habermas's antagonist Peter Sloterdijk and appropriated the idea of a philosophical explanation of the female orgasm (which lacks biological necessity in terms of procreative function)Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Philosophie des Orgasmus. Suhrkamp, Berlin 2019 from an email novel Sloterdijk had published three years earlier.
Contraception is gravely opposed to > marital chastity; it is contrary to the good of the transmission of life > (the procreative aspect of matrimony), and to the reciprocal self-giving of > the spouses (the unitive aspect of matrimony); it harms true love and denies > the sovereign role of God in the transmission of human life. A summary of the Scriptural support used by Catholics against contraception can be found in Rome Sweet Home, an autobiography by the Catholic apologists Scott and Kimberly Hahn, both of whom are converts to the Catholic Church from Protestantism.Scott Hahn, Kimberly Hahn. Rome Sweet Home.
His invention of the Male Procreative Superiority Index (MPSI), which shed new light on African anthropogenetics, is the result of this personalised genetic epidemiology. In October 2002, the South African Medical Research Council, with Georgetown University, Washington DC, invited him to take part in an International Conference on "Developing Sustainable Health Care Delivery Systems in Africa for the New Millennium". He spoke on two topics: "An African Physician's Personal Analysis of his Continent's Sustainable Health Care Delivery Prognosis for the New Millennium", and "Setting Priorities and Overcoming Obstacles: AIDS in Africa – Obstacles to Health Care Delivery".
The UMC supports federal funding for research on embryos created for in vitro fertilization that remain after the procreative efforts have ceased, if the embryos were provided for research instead of being destroyed, were not obtained by sale, and those donating had given prior informed consent for the research purposes. The UMC stands in "opposition to the creation of embryos for the sake of research" as "a human embryo, even at its earliest stages, commands our reverence." It supports research on stem cells retrieved from umbilical cords and adult stem cells, stating that there are "few moral questions" raised by this issue.
Freud theorized that some are born with unfocused pleasure / libidinal drives, deriving pleasure from any part of the body. The objects and modes of pleasurable satisfaction are multifarious, directed at every object that might provide pleasure. Polymorphous perverse sexuality continues from infancy through about age five, progressing through three distinct developmental stages: the oral stage, anal stage, and genital / phallic stage. Only in subsequent developmental stages do children learn to constrain drives towards pleasure-satisfaction to socially accepted norms, culminating in adult heterosexual behavior focused on the genitals and reproduction or sublimations of the procreative drive.
The prospective parents of any child have an autonomy interest in making informed decisions about whether or not to procreate. Many prospective parents might want to know if they are at high risk for passing a genetic disease to their offspring. They also might want to know whether their fetus has some kind of congenital abnormality. A doctor who fails to adequately disclose the risk that his patients might have an abnormal child, or who fails to properly diagnose an abnormal fetus, is depriving the prospective parents of the chance to make a fully informed procreative decision.
"Christian theologians", including Pope Gregory I, held that abstinence should continue until a baby was weaned. Scholastic theologians from the 11th to 13th centuries shifted the time scheme to motives; the desire to procreate with "joy in a new servant of God" was considered the best motive for intercourse. Bertold of Regensburg considered a woman innocent if she was forced to do it on the prohibited times by her husband and she did not will it. Because intercourse was only allowed for procreative reasons, various penitentials (rule books) also forbade intercourse between sterile or older partners, although never assigning a penalty.
Evans 634-635 (1996), in that it was based on the narrowest ground upon which the matter could be decided, he rejected each of the reasons offered as justifications for Proposition 8. First, it had no effect on child-rearing since it made no change to laws governing parenting and adoption by either gender. Second, it would not affect the procreative behavior of opposite-sex couples. Similarly, it could not reflect a reasonable attempt to "proceed with caution" in altering social institutions because more than 18,000 same-sex couples had already married and because its intention was to create an absolute barrier embedded within the constitution (rather than a cautious restriction).
Orwell describes the emergence from hibernation of the common toad and its procreative cycle and offers it as an alternative to the skylark and primrose as a less-conventional example of the coming of spring. Orwell points out that the pleasures of spring are available to everybody, cost nothing and can be appreciated in the town as much as the country. However, Orwell is concerned with feelings in some groups that there is something reprehensible in enjoying nature. For the political discontent groaning under the capitalist system, the love of nature seems sentimental, and others seem to see the appreciation of nature as reactionary in a machine age.
Pure and refined things were considered as the "stuff of spirits; quintessence; essence", referring either to sacrificial offerings suitable for the gods/spirits or the potency of the spirits themselves. In later usage jing came to mean "germinal essence; energy that nourishes the human body; vitality". Harper translates this term both as "essence" and "specter, spectral" in the Neiye (1998: 155). The two most important philosophical concepts in the "Neiye" are the closely related notions of the vital essence and the Way. The power of the Way to generate all things is manifested as the vital essence, which is the procreative principle within all phenomena (Roth 1999: 101).
He also criticized his treatment of female infanticide and argued that he neglected "biological insights" that could have benefited his reasoning about sexual behavior. Reilly considered some of Posner's ideas, such as that women have a weaker sex drive than men, controversial, noting that there was uncertainty about the relative importance of biological factors and choice as influences on sexual behavior. She wrote that his arguments about genetic influences on human behavior, especially those concerning "the adaptive purpose of homosexuality and other non-procreative sexual conduct", had angered critics. In her view, his economic analysis of sexual behavior, although original, resembled science fiction and had provoked divided reactions from legal scholars.
Many of the world's cultures have, in the past, considered procreative sex within a recognized relationship to be a sexual norm—sometimes exclusively so, and sometimes alongside norms of same-sex love, whether passionate, intimate or sexual. Some sects within some religions, especially those influenced by the Abrahamic tradition, have censured homosexual acts and relationships at various times, in some cases implementing severe punishments. Homophobic attitudes in society can manifest themselves in the form of anti- LGBT discrimination, opposition to LGBT rights, anti-LGBT hate speech, and violence against LGBT people. Since the 1970s, much of the world has become more accepting of homosexual acts and relationships.
Hardwick (1986), the Supreme Court heard a constitutional challenge to sodomy laws brought by a man who had been arrested, but was not prosecuted, for engaging in oral sex with another man in his home.. The Court rejected this challenge in a 5 to 4 decision. Justice Byron White's majority opinion emphasized that Eisenstadt and Roe had only recognized a right to engage in procreative sexual activity, and that long-standing moral antipathy toward homosexual sodomy was enough to argue against the notion of a right to sodomy. Justice Blackmun, writing in dissent, argued that Eisenstadt held that the Constitution protects people as individuals, not as family units.Eisenstadt v.
The cinema scholar John Frazer called the mid-air transformation "enchanting", citing the film as a good example of the many short trick films Méliès made "in which the main objective is to demonstrate the white magic possible in the motion pictures." The film scholar Elizabeth Ezra argued that the fluid transformations of gender between the man and woman in the film emphasize "the procreative nature of [the magician's] art". The academician Pasi Väliaho posited that the film "dissolves the identity of forms into vectors of movement", and that it and Méliès's other trick films use bodies "first and foremost as sites of experimentation".
As did other philosophies and religions of the time, increasingly influential Christianity promoted marriage for procreative purposes. The teachings of the Talmud and Torah, and the Bible, were seen as specifically prohibiting the practices as contrary to nature and the will of the Creator, and a moral shortcoming. Even after the passing of the Theodosian code the Christian emperors continued to collect taxes on male prostitutes until the reign of Anastasius (491–518). In the year 390, the Christian emperors Valentinian II, Theodoisus and Arcadius declared homosexual sex to be illegal and those who were guilty of it were condemned to be burned alive in front of the public.
She remembers that he is particularly hairy when he takes his clothes off. The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning (DHC), also known as Thomas "Tomakin" Grahambell, He is the administrator of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, where he is a threatening figure who intends to exile Bernard to Iceland. His plans take an unexpected turn, however, when Bernard returns from the Reservation with Linda (see below) and John, a child they both realize is actually his. This fact, scandalous and obscene in the World State not because it was extramarital (which all sexual acts are) but because it was procreative, leads the Director to resign his post in shame.
Eric Croft was first elected to the Alaska House in 1996, four years after graduating law school, and was reelected four times, facing generally nominal opposition in his Democratic Anchorage district. He is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association and received both the 2003 NRA Defender of Freedom and Gun Rights Legislator of the Year awards. He is a strong supporter in Alaska's initiative process as well as a strong proponent of the prospective Alaska natural gas pipeline. A strong supporter of gender parity, he is "pro-choice," supporting a woman's right to privacy regarding her procreative rights but subject to the right to life of a viable fetus.
Ancient Greek sodomising a goat by Édouard-Henri Avril François Elluin, Sodomites provoking the wrath of God, from Le Pot-Pourri de Loth, 1781 Sodomy () or buggery (British English) is generally anal or oral sex between people or sexual activity between a person and a non-human animal (bestiality), but it may also mean any non-procreative sexual activity. Originally, the term sodomy, which is derived from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Book of Genesis, was commonly restricted to anal sex. Sodomy laws in many countries criminalized the behavior. (Or ) In the Western world, many of these laws have been overturned or are not routinely enforced.
The term yoni and its derivatives appear in ancient medicine and surgery-related Sanskrit texts such as the Sushruta Samhita and Charaka Samhita. In this context, yoni broadly refers to "female sexual and procreative organs". According to Indologists Rahul Das and Gerrit Meulenbeld known for their translations and reviews of ancient Sanskrit medical and other literature, yoni "usually denotes the vagina or the vulva, in a technical sense it also includes the uterus along with these; moreover, yoni- can at times mean simply 'womb, uterus' too, though it [Cakrapanidata's commentary on Sushruta Samhita] does so relatively seldom". According to Amit Rupapara et al, yoni-roga means "gynecological disorders" and yoni-varti means "vaginal suppository".
This must either be spent luxuriously and knowingly without gain in the arts, in non-procreative sexuality, in spectacles and sumptuous monuments, or it is obliviously destined to an outrageous and catastrophic outpouring in war. Though the distinction is less apparent in Hurley's English translation, Bataille introduces the neologism 'consumation' (akin to a fire's burning) to signal this excess expenditure as distinct from 'consommation' (the non-excess expenditure more familiarly treated in theories of "restricted" economy). The notion of "excess" energy is central to Bataille's thinking. Bataille's inquiry takes the superabundance of energy, beginning from the infinite outpouring of solar energy or the surpluses produced by life's basic chemical reactions, as the norm for organisms.
Sexual activity must always be open to the possibility of life; the church calls this the procreative significance. It must likewise always bring a couple together in love; the church calls this the unitive significance. Contraception and certain other sexual practices are not permitted, although natural family planning methods are permitted to provide healthy spacing between births, or to postpone children for a just reason. Pope Francis said in 2015 that he is worried that the church has grown "obsessed" with issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage and contraception and has criticized the Catholic Church for placing dogma before love, and for prioritizing moral doctrines over helping the poor and marginalized.
The public world would be his widow and forever weep because he has left behind no figure of himself. Shakespeare argues that the young man should at least leave his widow with child before he dies, and that at least a widow will always have the image of her children to console her after her loss. Shakespeare then talks in the language of economics, concluding that if beauty is not put to (procreative) use and is hoarded as if by a non-yielding, sexual miser ("kept unused"), he will destroy it. The sonnet ends with the scathing declaration that if the young man does not marry and have children, he is committing "murderous shame" upon himself.
At this time, he wrote a letter introducing himself to Harvard anthropologist Earnest Hooton, claiming to having been "educated at Cambridge, Oxford, London, Florence, and Columbia" and having earned M.A. and PhD degrees. In reality, Montagu had not graduated from Cambridge or Oxford and did not yet have a PhD. He taught anatomy to dental students in the United States, and received his doctorate in 1936, when he produced a dissertation at Columbia University, Coming into being among the Australian Aborigines: A study of the procreative beliefs of the native tribes of Australia which was supervised by cultural anthropologist Ruth Benedict. He became a professor of anthropology at Rutgers University, working there from 1949 until 1955.
Transhumanists support the emergence and convergence of technologies including nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science (NBIC), as well as hypothetical future technologies like simulated reality, artificial intelligence, superintelligence, 3D bioprinting, mind uploading, chemical brain preservation and cryonics. They believe that humans can and should use these technologies to become more than human. Therefore, they support the recognition and/or protection of cognitive liberty, morphological freedom and procreative liberty as civil liberties, so as to guarantee individuals the choice of using human enhancement technologies on themselves and their children. Some speculate that human enhancement techniques and other emerging technologies may facilitate more radical human enhancement no later than at the midpoint of the 21st century.
Tat is reflected by ka within ka-e-i-la-hrim tantric code, while the la in that code is goddess earth. Similarly, the text maps all the portions of Vedic Gayatri mantra to be part of the secret code within the Srividya and Srichakra as it discusses Kama-kuta, asserting it to be feminine and her procreative nature. The Shakti-kuta, is described by the text as a code for the genderless individual Self (soul), masculine god (Shiva) and feminine goddess (Tripura). To accomplish Vagbhava-kuta is to master speech, to accomplish Kama-kuta is to master splendor, and to accomplish Sakti-kuta is to master and attract all three worlds, asserts the Tripuratapini text.
Floyd explains, “affection exchange theory treats affectionate communication as an adaptive behavior that contributes to humans’ long-term viability and procreative success” (Floyd, 2001, p. 40). He also described AET this way: “AET posits that affection exchange contributes to survival because it promotes pair bonding and the increased access to resources pair bonds provide” (Floyd, 2001, pp. 40–41). Another facet of AET was that the exchange of affection served as an indicator to another individual that he or she was a good prospect for parenthood (Floyd, 2001). Lastly, Floyd indicated that when parents show affection to their children, their children are more likely to be successful in reproducing; thus, the parents’ genes will be passed down further (Floyd, 2001).
Prior to this encyclical, it was believed by some Catholics that the only licit reason for sexual intercourse was an attempt to create children. At the time, there was no official church position on any non-procreative purposes of intercourse. Casti connubii does repeat several times that the conjugal act is intrinsically tied with procreation: However, Casti connubii also acknowledges the unitive aspect of intercourse as licit: Casti connubii also reaffirms the dignity of the human conjugal act as distinct from the conjugal acts of animals, by its volitive nature; that is, the act is not merely biological but rooted in the will and therefore a personal act. The 'natural reasons of time or of certain defects' are universally accepted as meaning menopause and infertility.
The Accursed Share comprises Volume I: Consumption, Volume II: The History of Eroticism, and Volume III: Sovereignty. The work's subject is political economy. Bataille presents a new economic theory which he calls "general economy," as distinct from the "restricted" economic perspective of most economic theory. According to Bataille's theory of consumption, the accursed share is that excessive and non-recuperable part of any economy which must either be spent luxuriously and knowingly without gain in the arts, in non-procreative sexuality, in spectacles and sumptuous monuments, or it is obliviously destined to an outrageous and catastrophic outpouring, in the contemporary age most often in war, or in former ages as destructive and ruinous acts of giving or sacrifice, but always in a manner that threatens the prevailing system.
According to the Art Historian Carol Bolon, the Lajja Gauri icon evolved over time with increasing complexity and richness. It is a fertility icon and symbolizes the procreative and regenerative powers of mother earth, "the elemental source of all life, animal and plant", the vivifier and "the support of all life". The earliest representations were variants of aniconic pot, the second stage represented it as the three- dimensional artwork with no face or hands but a lotus-head that included yoni, chronologically followed by the third stage that added breasts and arms to the lotus-headed figure. The last stage was an anthropomorphic figure of a squatting naked goddess holding lotus and motifs of agricultural abundance spread out showing her yoni as if she is giving birth or sexually ready to procreate.
The archaeological excavations revealed a very well designed and carved plinth of a temple, of height, sculptures of deities and animals, designs of flowers, damaged columns and panels. Four sculptures of lions on two elephants were found at the four corners of the ruins of the temple. Among the sculptures found at Malinthan, five notable ones carved out of granite stone are of Indra riding his mount Airavata, Kartikeya riding a peacock, Surya (Sun) riding a chariot, and Ganesha mounted over a mouse, and a large Nandi bull. On the basis of the erotic Maithuna sculptures found here in different postures it is believed that tantricism prevailed here as a fertility rite of the primitive tribal people who held the "mother principal as the procreative power of nature".
He further argues that the need for warriors in the villages of a pre- industrial society meant female children were devalued, and the combination of war casualties and infanticide acted as a necessary form of population control. Sociobiologists have a different theory to Harris. Indeed, his theory and interest in the topic of infanticide is born of his more generalised opposition to the sociobiological hypothesis of the procreative imperative. According to this theory of imperative, based on the 19th-century vogue for explanations rooted in evolution and its premise of natural selection, the biological differences between men and women meant that many more children could be gained among the elites through support for male offspring, whose fecundity was naturally much greater: the line would spread and grow more extensively.
Though she could be offensively assertive with her acerbic wit, notes Gerry Max, she truculently crusaded for many of the key intellectual freedom issues of her day, especially those involving women's rights, and remained, throughout a long creative life, a true friend to writers. In his autobiographical novel, Kenneth Rexroth speaks of her kindness to him and his wife when they arrived in San Francisco in the late 1920s. Mariana Bertola, Carrie Jacobs-Bond, May Showler Groves, Minna McGauley, Maud Wilde, Jeanette Lawrence, Miriam Van Waters, Mrs. David Starr Jordan, Annie Florence Brown, Gertrude Atherton Charlotte S. McClure in a Dictionary of Literary Biography essay said that Atherton "redefined women's potential and presented a psychological drama of a woman's quest for identity and for a life purpose and happiness within and beyond her procreative function".
Marriage is a sacrament, and a public commitment between a man and a woman."Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan", USCCB, November 2009 Marriage builds the family and the society. The Church considers the expression of love between husband and wife to be an elevated form of human activity, joining husband and wife in complete, mutual self-giving, and opening their relationship to new life. As Pope Paul VI wrote in Humanae vitae, “The sexual activity, in which husband and wife are intimately and chastely united with one another, through which human life is transmitted, is, as the recent Council recalled, ‘noble and worthy.’” Much of the Church's detailed doctrines derive from the principle that "sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive [between spouses] purposes".
Under the prevailing conditions of persistent precarious economic conditions and social insecurity, Romaniuk argues, the nuclear family is not an alternative to the extended kinship with its deep-seated sense of solidarity and lineage. Moved by culture and atavism, and no less by economic rationality, the belief regarding the benefits of numerous progeny for security continues to prevail, although procreative patterns are moderate to optimise the chances of coping with the challenges of modernity. Since he moved to Canada in 1964, Romaniuk took a particular interest in the demography of Aboriginal peoples. According to Romaniuk, in the four centuries since the Europeans first set foot in the country, the demography of the Aboriginal peoples has taken dramatic twists, from near extinction, due primarily to the epidemics brought by Europeans to which they lacked immunity, to impressive demographic recovery.
Despite the ethical gray area surrounding the act of cloning itself, most, if not all Christians, still hold that children who may result from the process should be loved and cared for as much as any other child, since they would be considered fully human and therefore reflect the Divine image, as defined by Gaudium et spes, a document of the Second Vatican Council. However, according to Richard McCormick, S.J., cloning disrupts the familial order. It "would involve removing insemination and fertilization from the marriage relationship, and it would also remove one of the partners from the entire process". According to Stephen G. Post, a Catholic journalist, "[removal] of the male impregnators from the procreative dyad would simply drive the nail into the coffin of fatherhood, unless one thinks that biological and social fatherhood are utterly disconnected".
There is debate over the impact of same-sex marriage upon families and children. Social conservatives and other opponents of same-sex marriage may not see marriage as a legal construct of the state, but as a naturally occurring "pre-political institution" that the state must recognize; one such conservative voice reasons that "government does not create marriages any more than government creates jobs." The article, Marriage and the Limits of Contract, argues that the definition proposed by same-sex marriage advocates changes the social importance of marriage from its natural function of reproduction into a mere legality or freedom to have sex. Dennis Prager, in arguing that marriage should be defined exclusively as the union of one woman and one man, claims that families provide the procreative foundation that is the chief building block of civilization.
Embryo donation for procreative implantation is a form of third party reproduction. Embryo donation can be anonymous (donor and recipient parties are not known to each other, and individuals have no ability to contact one another), semi-open (parties can interact via a third party, but do not share personally identifiable information in order to provide a layer of privacy protection), open (party identities and contact information are shared so the families can interact directly in various types of relationships), or ID disclosure (donor- conceived youth can request and receive donor contact information when the donor-conceived reaches the age of 18). Any children born from embryo donation for procreation would be biologically related to the gamete donors used when creating the embryos. This is the same principle as is followed in egg donation or sperm donation.
Western society's own cultural misconception of sexuality only supported perpetuation of these ancient cultural notions, as this misconception saw sexuality as purely procreative and thus purely penetrative in nature, whereas any non-penetrative sexual activity, while actually running a lower risk of STD infection, was regarded as deviant and sinful. Thereby Western science was barred from even just slightly disposing all the religious and cultural superstitions pertaining to sexuality that the Enlightenment did away with in most any other field beside sexuality. Finally, the next significant loosening of traditional Western mores occurring after WWII, caused by penicillin and the anti-baby pill, was rolled back effectively in quite a similar reactionary process when HIV and AIDS arrived during the early 1980s, with quite similar cultural patterns as before of rationalizing derivations as ideological justifications, such as moral panics and witch hunts concerning factual or putative sexual minorities aka deviants.
The Hastings Center was founded in 1969 by Daniel Callahan and Willard Gaylin, originally as the Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences. It was first located in Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y., and is now in Garrison, N.Y., on the former Woodlawn estate designed by Richard Upjohn. In the early years, the Center identified four core issues as its domain: population control, including respect for procreative freedom; behavior control, which responded to early discoveries about the brain- behavior link and efforts to find ways to modify behaviors and prompted reassessment of what is "normal"; death and dying, including the ongoing controversy over defining death; and ethical issues in human genetics. The Hastings Center continues to work on these issues and has expanded to other areas, including the human impact on nature, governance of emerging technologies such as CRISPR gene editing, and wise and compassionate health care.
Fouque stated that she found Grunberger misogynistic. In 1977, Serge Leclaire, who considers that the MLF movement led by Antoinette Fouque, Psychoanalysis and Politics, revives the psychoanalytic movement by introducing "the body and otherness", proposed to Lacan to hold a seminar within the framework of the Freudian School of Paris with Antoinette Fouque, but Lacan refused to do this.François Dosse, History of Structuralism: The Sign Sets, 1967 - Present, U of Minnesota Press, 1997, Antoinette Fouque proposed the existence of a specifically feminine libido "located at a post- phallic genital stage", of oral-genital type: a "uterine libido" or "female libido".Alain Touraine, Charles Juliet et Roger Dadoun (éditeurs), Penser avec Antoinette Fouque, éditions Des femmes, 2008, Fouque believed that, at the root of misogyny, there is the primordial envy of the procreative capacity of women, which she calls "the envy of the uterus", more powerful than the "penis envy" conceptualized by Freud about girls.
Many bioethicists emphasise that germline engineering is usually considered in the best interest of a child, therefore associated should be supported. Dr James Hughes, a bioethicist at Trinity College, Connecticut, suggests that the decision may not differ greatly from others made by parents which are well accepted – choosing with whom to have a child and using contraception to denote when a child is conceived. Julian Savulescu, a bioethicist and philosopher at Oxford University believes parents "should allow selection for non‐disease genes even if this maintains or increases social inequality", coining the term procreative beneficence to describe the idea that the children "expected to have the best life" should be selected. The Nuffield Council on Bioethics said in 2017 that there was "no reason to rule out" changing the DNA of a human embryo if performed in the child's interest, but stressed that this was only provided that it did not contribute to societal inequality.
Julian Savulescu coined the phrase procreative beneficence. It is the controversial putative moral obligation of parents in a position to select their children, for instance through preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), to favor those expected to have the best life. An argument in favor of this principle is that traits (such as empathy, memory, etc.) are "all-purpose means" in the sense of being instrumental in realizing whatever life plans the child may come to have. In some of his publications he has argued for the following: #that parents have a responsibility to select the best children they could have, given all of the relevant genetic information available to them, a principle that he extends to the use of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnoses (PGD) in order to determine the intelligence of embryos and possible children; and #that stem cell research is justifiable even if one accepts the view of the embryo as a person.
As feminist literary critic Susan Gubar argues, Mary Shelley's drama is part of a female literary tradition, including Elizabeth Barrett Browning, H.D., Toni Morrison, Margaret Atwood, and Doris Lessing, which has responded to the story of Ceres and Proserpine. These writers use the myth as a "way of dealing with their experience of themselves as daughters growing up into womanhood and potential motherhood....they use the myth of Demeter and Persephone to re- define, to re-affirm and to celebrate female consciousness itself." Poets such as Dorothy Wellesley, Rachel Annand Taylor, Babette Deutsch, and Helen Wolfert as well as Mary Shelley portray the procreative mother as a heroine who creates an arena for nurturing relationships that challenge "the divisions between self and other" that rest at the centre of patriarchy. Feminist poet Adrienne Rich writes that "the loss of the daughter to the mother, the mother to the daughter, is the essential female tragedy",Qtd.
Before the questions raised within anthropology about the study of ‘kinship’ by Schneider and others from the 1960s onwards, anthropology itself had paid very little attention to the notion that social bonds were anything other than connected to consanguinal (or genetic) relatedness (or its local cultural conceptions). The social bonding associated with provision of and sharing of food was one important exception, particularly in the work of Richards, but this was largely ignored by descriptions of ‘kinship’ till more recently. Although questioning the means by which ‘kinship bonds’ form, few of these early accounts questioned the fundamental role of ‘procreative ties’ in social bonding (Schneider, 1984). From the 1950s onwards, reports on kinship patterns in the New Guinea Highlands added some momentum to what had until then been only occasional fleeting suggestions that living together (co-residence) might underlie social bonding, and eventually contributed to the general shift away from a genealogical approach.
In addition to condemning use of artificial birth control as intrinsically evil, non-procreative sex acts such as mutual masturbation and anal sex are ruled out as ways to avoid pregnancy. Pope Paul VI, rejecting the majority report of the 1963–66 Pontifical Commission on Birth Control, confirmed the Catholic Church's traditional teaching on contraception, defined as "every action which, whether in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible", declaring it evil, and excluded. Prohibited acts with contraceptive effect include sterilization, condoms and other barrier methods, spermicides, coitus interruptus (withdrawal method), the Pill, and all other such methods. Restricting sexual activity to times when conception is unlikely (the "rhythm method" and similar practices) is not deemed sinful, but only when it is practiced for "just reasons" and not "motivated by selfishness".
Gebundene Ausgabe, Plutarch: Malice of Herodotos (Aris & Phillips Classical Texts), 1992 In either case, Plato claimed they saw fit to forbid it to the inhabitants of the lands they occupied, since "It does not suit the rulers that their subjects should think noble thoughts, nor that they should form the strong friendships and attachments which these activities, and in particular love, tend to produce."Tom Griffith (Translator), Symposium of Plato, 1993, p112 Sextus Empiricus writing in his "Outlines of Scepticism" (circa C.E 200) asserted that the laws of the Persians were tolerant of homosexual behaviour, and the men "indulge in intercourse with males" (1:152)Julia Annas (ed), Sextus Empiricus: Outlines of Scepticism, University of Cambridge Press, 2000, p76 Around 250 BCE, during the Parthian Empire, the Zoroastrian text, the Vendidad, was written. It contains provisions that are part of sexual code promoting procreative sexuality that is interpreted to prohibit same-sex intercourse as a form of demon worship, and thus sinful. Ancient commentary on this passage suggests that those engaging in sodomy could be killed without permission from the Dastur.
They must be capable of fulfilling the promises they make on the wedding day; that is, not suffer from any psychological infirmity (Canon 1095) that will prevent them from giving themselves in a partnership of the whole of life that has as its ends the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of children (canon 1055). They must intend the words that they speak on the wedding day; that is, intend to form a permanent and faithful partnership, open to sexual acts that are procreative (canon 1101). Serious failures in these areas can allow a possible successful application for marriage nullity. There are other reasons that might justify an allegation of invalid consent, such as a serious error concerning the person to whom marriage promises are made (Canon 1097), one party being seriously deceived by the other at the time of the wedding (Canon 1098) or one of the parties being subjected to force or grave fear without which the marriage would not be occurring (Canon 1103).
Numerous Roman mosaics of Venus survived in Britain, preserving memory of the pagan past. In North Africa in the late fifth century AD, Fulgentius of Ruspe encountered mosaics of Aphrodite and reinterpreted her as a symbol of the sin of Lust, arguing that she was shown naked because "the sin of lust is never cloaked" and that she was often shown "swimming" because "all lust suffers shipwreck of its affairs." He also argued that she was associated with doves and conchs because these are symbols of copulation, and that she was associated with roses because "as the rose gives pleasure, but is swept away by the swift movement of the seasons, so lust is pleasant for a moment, but is swept away forever." While Fulgentius had appropriated Aphrodite as a symbol of Lust, Isidore of Seville ( 560–636) interpreted her as a symbol of marital procreative sex and declared that the moral of the story of Aphrodite's birth is that sex can only be holy in the presence of semen, blood, and heat, which he regarded as all being necessary for procreation.
Seana Shiffrin, Gerald Harrison, Julia Tanner and Asheel Singh argue that procreation is morally problematic because of the impossibility of obtaining consent from the human who will be brought into existence. Shiffrin lists four factors that in her opinion make the justification for having hypothetical consent to procreation a problem: # great harm is not at stake if the action is not taken; # if the action is taken, the harms suffered by the created person can be very severe; # a person cannot escape the imposed condition without very high cost (suicide is often a physically, emotionally, and morally excruciating option); # the hypothetical consent procedure is not based on the values of the person who will bear the imposed condition. S. Shiffrin, Wrongful Life, Procreative Responsibility, and the Significance of Harm, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 133. Gerald Harrison and Julia Tanner argue that when we want to significantly affect someone by our action and it is not possible to get their consent, then the default should be to not take such action.
Oannes first appeared from the sea to teach the Babylonians the art of writing, sciences and crafts, the building of cities, the surveying of land, the observation of the stars, and the sowing and harvesting of all kinds of grains and plants. He was believed to have been "reincarnated" several times. Berossos, priest of the Temple of Bel, in Babylon, knew of as many as six such reincarnations.Orpheus the fisher; comparative studies in Orphic and early Christian cult symbolism, J. M. Watkins, London, 1921 In addition, “procreative deities, either male or female, played a part in the birth of other deities or great personages, such as the Ugaritic tradition of Lady Asherah, ‘the Progenitress of the gods’; Mami, 'the Mother-womb, the one who creates mankind'; Father Nanna, the 'begetter of gods and men'; the Assyrian traditions that Tukulti-Urta was created by the gods in the womb of his mother and that Sennacherib's birth was assisted by Ea, who provided a 'spacious womb', and Assur, 'the god, my begetter'; and the North Arabian myth of the mother goddess who was responsible for Dusares.
Lot prevents Sodomites from raping the angels, by Heinrich Aldegrever, 1555 The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, John Martin, 1852 The story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis does not explicitly identify homosexuality as the sin for which they were destroyed. Some interpreters find the story of Sodom and a similar one in Judges 19 to condemn the violent rape of guests more than homosexuality, but the passage has historically been interpreted within Judaism and Christianity as a punishment for homosexuality due to the interpretation that the men of Sodom wished to rape, or have sex with, the angels who retrieved Lot. While the Jewish prophets spoke only of lack of charity as the sin of Sodom, the exclusively sexual interpretation became so prevalent among Christian communities that the name "Sodom" became the basis of the word "sodomy", still a legal synonym for homosexual and non-procreative sexual acts, particularly anal or oral sex. While the Jewish prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos and Zephaniah refer vaguely to the sin of Sodom, Ezekiel specifies that the city was destroyed because of its commission of social injustice as well as its commission of 'abomination': The Talmudic tradition as written between c.
The Catholic Church requires those who are attracted to people of the same (or opposite) sex to practice chastity, because it teaches that sexuality should only be practiced within marriage, which includes chaste sex as permanent, procreative, heterosexual, and monogamous. The Vatican distinguishes between "deep-seated homosexual tendencies" and the "expression of a transitory problem", in relation to ordination to the priesthood; saying in a 2005 document that homosexual tendencies "must be clearly overcome at least three years before ordination to the diaconate."Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders , Congregation for Catholic Education, 4 November 2005 A 2011 report based on telephone surveys of self- identified American Catholics conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute found that 56% believe that sexual relations between two people of the same sex are not sinful. In January 2018 German bishop Franz-Josef Bode of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Osnabrück, and in February 2018 German Roman Catholic cardinal Reinhard Marx, chairman of the German Bishops' Conference said in interviews with German journalists that blessing of same-sex unions is possible in Roman Catholic churches in Germany.NDR.

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