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"printing press" Definitions
  1. a machine that produces books, newspapers, etc. by pressing a surface covered in ink (= coloured liquid for writing, drawing, etc.) onto paper
"printing press" Synonyms

362 Sentences With "printing press"

How to use printing press in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "printing press" and check conjugation/comparative form for "printing press". Mastering all the usages of "printing press" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But the printing press was clearly a ... Now, the printing press was available to lots of people.
Because in an age in which every smartphone user has a printing press in their pocket, there is little premium in owning an actual, physical printing press.
When the printing press first was ... Which there was.
The printing press was first used to distribute religious materials.
"I think of it like the printing press," he said.
The printing press did it (see our essay on Luther).
But the age of the printing press is over now.
Nor did the printing press eliminate the problem of gatekeepers.
I think of AI technology as comparable to the printing press.
CAIRO (Reuters) - Sami Khangy's printing press has a problem: finding paper.
Author of The Printing Press as an Agent of Change (19133).
Instead, Venezuela turned to the printing press to cover its bills.
Jason, people had salacious journalism since there was a printing press.
For this reason, printing-press paper paths tend to sprawl horizontally.
The printing press as a technology had come into its own.
Rather, like Gutenberg's printing press, scientific advances rely on prior knowledge.
Their subjects: trees, buildings, a curious tower, and a printing press.
Before the printing press, by contrast, books had heft and individuality.
There's a green screen, a printing press, and a lot of records.
It is as if we have invented the atomic scale printing press.
And then in 1440 in Germany, Johannes Gutenberg introduced the printing press.
So the medium for a newspaper is the printing press and paper.
More important for all — the Gutenberg first and the printing press second.
"I have my own printing press now!" he added with Falstaffian relish.
The fact that we are undergoing this change, is like undergoing the printing press revolution, and it would be like undergoing the printing press and only 20 percent of people that could read or write could be women.
Moreover, Mirza Salih himself brings knowledge of the printing press to his homeland.
Examples range from the invention of the printing press to the Industrial Revolution.
You cut and pasted paper or assembled metal type on a printing press.
For Sami Khangy, who runs a printing press, the dollar shortage is urgent.
For Sami Khangy, who runs a printing press, the dollar shortage is urgent.
"The Greeks didn't have movies or Netflix or the printing press," he said.
"I think of AI technology as comparable to the printing press," he told me.
Nearly 600 years later, we don't have an easy analogue for that printing press.
In the 239th century it was the printing press that brought about moral panic.
The Berkeley museum did not get LEED credit for recycling the old printing press.
You see, when the printing press was invented, people were very afraid of it.
"There was no printing press yet, so it's almost impossible to imagine," he said.
The printing press empowered reformers; it also empowered hucksters, war profiteers, terrorists, and bigots.
My father worked two jobs his whole life, mostly as a printing-press foreman.
Modern research started about 500 years ago with the development of the printing press.
He&aposs the best thing to happen to the press since the printing press, seriously.
He is the greatest boon for the business since the invention of the printing press.
When you're building a few, It's like printing a few pages using a printing press.
Gutenberg invented his printing press around 1440; the modern paper jam was invented around 1960.
This theory holds that the printing press itself facilitated the intellectual culture that used it.
Recently, they acquired a small printing press in Switzerland to create antique-style letterpress labels.
All right, I'm still working on that metaphor, but let's talk about the printing press.
Benjamin wrote of it skeptically, charting its rise alongside the spread of the printing press.
They compared it to a superhighway, to a marketplace of ideas, to a printing press.
His commercial printing business runs a printing press that utilizes aluminum plates imported from France.
Based on prior approaches, Gutenberg's printing press made the accumulation and spread of knowledge possible.
The Internet is to us what the printing press was to humanity roughly 500 years ago.
Many, including me, have cited parallels between Gutenberg's invention of the printing press and the internet.
During her interview at Xerox, however, another engineer showed her the inside of a printing press.
All of these followed the development of technologies such as the printing press and steam engine.
Hours earlier, security officers raided a printing press in the city and confiscated his political brochures.
Mesler ran a printing press in the front, where he also lived — landlord and squatter both.
"Our original 43rd Street printing press was too small to retrofit color presses," Mr. Bodkin recalled.
Well we kept putting out the paper, somewhat miraculously, even though the printing press was underwater.
The home, in La Plata, housed a printing press for the armed leftist group the Montoneros.
In the sixteenth century, the printing press became one of the great driving forces of history.
Once a banned book became hot, anyone with a printing press could get into the game.
It was the invention of the printing press that made the proliferation of original authorship possible.
He ran the first printing press in Vilnius, and his designs were influential even beyond Belarus's borders.
The book was printed in Mainz, Germany, where the printing press machine was invented earlier that century.
The Independent sold the i last week and decided to pull the plug on its printing press.
State news agency MENA said a "high ranking security source" denied police had raided a printing press.
In 2011, Riess and Salinas bought the printing press and old company outright from the former owner.
Many became teachers and nurses while others stayed, running a dairy farm and their own printing press.
The city then became home to several firsts, including the first printing press and the first newspaper.
"The printing press has been implicated in the Reformation, the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution," he wrote.
But the printing press was functioning back then, years after the end of the destructive Cultural Revolution.
Picture a newspaper: Facebook is the front page team, printing press and delivery boy rolled into one.
Since the invention of the printing press, people have always panicked about the implications of new technologies.
You know we talk about the invention of the printing press — how it improved literacy, it caused the reformation, the counter-reformation — but there was also 30 years of religious wars that followed the printing press and it took about three decades for the world to reach equilibrium.
Back when I started I had a printing press, because it's so easy to produce a few copies.
The printing press, for example, allowed reformist teachings to spread, challenging the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.
From something as global as the offset printing press to something in Mexico, and further in Mexico City.
It's very unoriginal, very uninspiring, and replicating something that is created on a printing press, which seems insane.
Though he wrote before the printing press, copies of his books were numerous enough to make good bonfires.
Trained to operate an offset printing press, he became so nervous before his qualifying test that he failed.
Local media reported a printing press employee photographed the test and shared it with other parents on Facebook.
A really nice cafe housed in an old printing press with lots of colonial details has recently reopened.
At its height, the company employed some 250 people and operated its own printing press, Mr. Marquardt said.
The signing of the Declaration of Independence, two world wars, the invention of the printing press … details, details.
From the printing press to television, there was always lots of panic about the psychological or cultural implications.
"The operations of the printing press are today similar to what they were in 1985," Ms. Buffetrille said.
"Artists began experimenting with etching and engraving techniques after the introduction of the printing press…" the exhibit offers.
The Reformation itself wouldn't have happened without the printing press, so why can't free internet have a similar effect?
These include the internet, the personal computer, television, radio, the telephone, newspapers, novels, the printing press, and writing itself.
Yes, the printing press put scribes out of business, but new jobs were soon developed to take their place.
Like the communications innovations before it—the printing press, the telephone, the internet itself—Facebook is a revolutionary tool.
Printing press workers were on strike, and nothing was being published (not even the news of a new pope).
Propaganda became easier with the printing press; influence became a bona fide business with the rise of behavioral marketing.
As inventions like the printing press and the internet catapult humanity forward, "there will be a loss," Trubek said.
ROME (Reuters) - In secretive vaults in Rome, crisp 100 and 200 euro banknotes are rolling off the printing press.
His printing press enabled widespread learning and the dissemination of new data, thereby providing the foundation for new discoveries.
"Test strips are basically printed, like in a printing press," said David Kliff, who publishes a newsletter on diabetes.
A flat file with a cutting-board tabletop, a small printing press, and an easel are around the corner.
Others respond that such fears have attended every disruptive technology, dating back to the printing press in the 15th century.
The more money Venezuela receives for its black gold, the less it will need to produce at the printing press.
From the invention of the wheel to Gutenberg's printing press, humans have innovated and adapted to new technologies throughout history.
Today, the printing press and the mirror have combined in the iPhone and other personal devices, which are networked together.
Here, Jarvis — who has written extensively about Johannes Guttenberg's 15th century invention of the printing press —  takes the long view.
He spoke of bouncing from printing press jobs at several newspapers in Texas before going to Miami to find work.
Leroy Burchett was a former printing press crewman and delivery truck driver plagued with debilitating pain after two spinal surgeries.
Yes, but the printing press was obviously one of the most important things in the history of the human race.
Before the printing press, the radio, television or internet, creators were restricted to the immediate audience in front of them.
"It was a revolution in terms of media usage," with the printing press and the combination of text and art.
When John Carpenter's horror classic was released in 1978, The Times didn't review it — printing press workers were on strike.
You type a plate, run it off on a $200 printing press, and you could do a book a week.
When she wrote a scathing account of the lynching of three successful Black businessmen, white mobs destroyed her printing press.
He includes an interesting discussion of the similarities and differences between the impact of the internet and the printing press.
The printing press offered the prospect that tyrants would never be able to kill a book or suppress an idea.
It was the mid-1990s, and while the Han edition's office had computers, the Uighurs still used a printing press.
Beams that once supported a printing press are rigged with trapeze swings and glossy ribbons of fabric for aerial maneuvers.
It's not as simple as a central bank of a country turning on the printing press to issue more money.
His father, Irving, was a manager at a printing press company, and his mother, Evelyn (Neumeister) Dapogny, was a homemaker.
The course, led by MIT historian Anne McCants and Jeffrey Ravel, sees students making paper and building a handset printing press.
ROME, May 28 (Reuters) - In secretive vaults in Rome, crisp 100 and 200 euro banknotes are rolling off the printing press.
If the "Ghetto Madonna", his Virgin sculpture and the prints count as three Gates Madonnas, the printing press is his fourth.
In the early days of gene editing, biologists had a molecular tool kit that was somewhat akin to a printing press.
Theatre and books let people to step into the shoes of others, and with the printing press these stories spread widely.
The jam had occurred in Asia, where the owners of a Xerox-manufactured printing press were trying to print a book.
García-Martínez also argued that he's increasingly coming around to the oft-cited parallels between the smartphone and the printing press.
He said that for a few years in the 1980s, he worked in the printing press shop for The Miami Herald.
It took about 40 years after the invention of the printing press for paper folding to commonly create smaller, cheaper volumes.
Hudson Square, a longtime hub for printing-press businesses, has been trying since the 232s to reinvent itself, with modest success.
Pornography is what rushed along the first printing press, and spurred developments in the internet, online payment systems and other technology.
After the details of each page are lasered onto thin aluminum plates, the pressmen mount the plates on printing press cylinders.
"I thought I was dying," Mohammed Mubarak, a gaunt 22-year-old printing press worker, said one afternoon from his cot.
He flew beneath giant balloons, with guests in a wicker gondola with a kitchen, bathroom, wine cellar, printing press and darkroom.
Simon of Trent went viral thanks to a boost from the brand new social media of his day: the printing press.
In the 20th century, power came from owning the means of distributing content — like a printing press or a broadcasting tower.
This appears to be a key failing -- that there weren't multiple eyes on the page before it went to the printing press.
It also includes a printing press as I often include prints in my artwork by collaging them into my mixed media drawings.
Look at the straight line in the chart — that includes every major invention since the year 1 AD, including the printing press.
There is a printing press in the studio and at first I was fascinated by the sound, because I didn't see it.
Q: Speaking of gender, you write that, like European Christians, Jews, particularly women, were profoundly affected by advent of the printing press.
Talented people from all over the world could shine (and did) all without  access to a printing press and a big budget.
Johannes Gutenberg's printing press and the QWERTY keyboard in many senses actually backtracked our progress by prioritizing visual technologies over auditory ones.
In the fifteenth century, no sooner had the printing press concluded its Bible-printing duties than it got to work on porn.
Once you return to shore, it's off to Bled's 11th-century clifftop castle, which houses its own chapel, museum, and printing press.
Coppola lives in Somerset, New Jersey, and works as a printing-press operator (he does his subway rounds on nights and weekends).
The printing press, developed in the 1440s, was a factor, of course, in spreading these debates among a wider range of people.
Nate Silver, for instance, has pointed out that the original information revolution began with the invention of the printing press in 1440.
But goldbuggery, hatred of fiat money, and abhorrence for the printing press did seem to be long-standing attitudes on the right.
With the onset of the printing press it became a more private experience, the content of that storytelling more realistic and linear.
Banning an app from an app store, by contrast, is like shutting down the printing press before the book is ever published.
Branchino was the former head of the engraving department of type foundry and printing press manufacturer Nebiolo, founded in Turin in 1852.
We live in a system of government that is a child of the Enlightenment, which was made possible by the printing press.
The printing press created new work for the wood engravers in Augsburg, but they quickly discovered that it had become much more repetitive.
Click here to view original GIFEveryone who was born without a smartphone in their crib knows how a printing press works... in theory.
As in the original, the modern story is stacked with antique contraptions, like a printing press and a pair of competing steam trains.
It seemed more of a print romance: The couple published magazines together and married only to rescue Zau's printing press from the Japanese.
It goes like this: Before Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, books were precious objects, handwritten by scribes and available primarily in Latin.
For all of that, I'm still waiting to see if the iPhone can do what the printing press did for religion and democracy.
There was even a printing press, with which the twelve hundred colonists aboard planned to manage a future busy with contracts and treaties.
Sascha argued for the computer; I explained the story of the printing press, and how innovation had accelerated in the past 100 years.
The printing press allowed "evil men" to "flood the market with anything that hints of lasciviousness", warned a monk in Venice in the 1470s.
I mean, to me it's comparable to the Industrial Revolution, it's comparable to the printing press, it's that level of societal transformation. Absolutely. Right.
AI and robotization are born from our minds, just like the computer before it, the satellite, the television, the printing press, and so on.
Tim Slattery, a recent graduate of R.I.T., stood in Erwin Ruiz's paper lab, inspecting a stacker—the final component of a large printing press.
Fine. I'll be happy to see a woman on that bill, too, when it comes off the printing press — in 2030, if we're lucky.
Japanese soldiers had raided the hospital and found the printing press but not copies of the declaration; a nurse had hidden them in Mrs.
The installation was a collection of a year's worth of Times newspapers structured to resemble a 12-foot-tall, 26-foot-long printing press.
Meanwhile, Luther was able to spread his ideas more quickly than ever before due to one vital new piece of technology: the printing press.
But replacing human activity is precisely what new technologies accomplish — spears replaced clubs, wheels replaced feet, the printing press replaced scribes, and so on.
Later, monks in the Middle Ages agitated against the invention of the printing press, which threatened to make their beautiful, hand-copied texts obsolete.
But I'm not sure if the world changed for the better with the iPhone — as it did with the printing press — or merely changed.
St. Bride's links with the world of printing and newspapers go back more than 500 years, when a printing press was set up alongside it.
The state owns the main printing press, which can pulp issues the government does not like and which increased prices by almost 50% in December.
The Kindle might be the most important publishing object since the printing press, but its ten year anniversary passed with little fanfare two months ago.
But then Rafael decides to do the wacky shenanigan thing instead as a romantic gesture and gets arrested for speeding out of the printing press!
Or could it be that we're overreacting, like people in the past who panicked about new technologies such as the printing press or the radio?
This Instagram-ready, industrial chic property, housed inside a former printing press, gets all the details — from décor to dining to dazzling art — exactly right.
Gary Starkweather, an engineer and inventor who designed the first laser printer, bringing the power of the printing press to almost anyone, died on Dec.
On the afternoon I visited, in a monastic building uphill from the printing press, monks held a dharma ceremony, which they do every few weeks.
Its grounds include a cave where visitors light candles, a museum housing the Middle East's oldest printing press in ancient Syriac and halls for resident priests.
Many of its members never met in person, but with the printing press and improved postal networks, they could create knowledge more efficiently than ever before.
You probably learned about Gutenberg, the printing press, and the birth of commercial printing in school — but the history of home printing is less well-known.
All Xerox printers look basically the same: a million-dollar printing press is like an office copier, but twenty-four feet long and eight feet high.
The first half of the ride is a gentle ascent along the benchmarks of human communication throughout the centuries, from cave drawings to the printing press.
Luther outflanked the power of the Catholic Church hierarchy with a new communications technology, the printing press, that allowed him to speak directly to the people.
I mean, again, the printing ... As Tyler Cowen has written, I don't know any criticism of Facebook that wouldn't have been written about the printing press.
The production system is the fastest metal printing press for mass production, the company said, and will begin shipping commercially in the first quarter of 2019.
And since 1952, The Tribune has had a joint operating agreement with The News, allowing the two papers to share a printing press and business costs.
With the prize money, Mr. Gates plans to develop a new writing venture, centered on the acquisition of a Heidelberg windmill printing press from Boswell, Ind.
Standardized spelling in English came about because of a technological advance — the printing press, which created a greater need for a common way of rendering words.
We think of the printing press as a boon for science and reason, but it took about two hundred years for that to get sorted out.
And, according to a story that preceded the printing press by two or three millenniums, so did the phoenix — roughly every five or six hundred years.
It felt like we were at a moment where music was about to be catapulted into a new era, just as language was with the printing press.
Steven Pinker, in his book The Better Angels of Our Nature, says the printing press was crucial to humanity's ethical development because it helped spread humanitarian ideas.
The invention of the printing press in 1440 allowed the mass production of books, leading to jobs to manufacture books, transport them, market them and sell them.
Civ is where I learned what monotheism and polytheism are, the requisite ingredients for gunpowder, and the world-changing effects of the invention of the printing press.
But while influencing bond yields is relatively straightforward for a central bank with a printing press, changing the psychology of inflation in Japan is proving more elusive.
The level of political and economic and religious strife that the printing press caused, it ushered in a century of bloodshed in Europe and totally changed everything.
Near a 13th-century cathedral in this Swiss city on the shores of a lovely lake, I found what I was looking for: a Gutenberg printing press.
One of those includes turning the site of The Oregonian's former printing press buildings into housing, as part of a mixed-used project just outside downtown Portland.
John Ernest Sarno Jr. was born June 19673, 1923, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, to John Ernest Sarno, a printing press worker, and the former Delia Astone, a homemaker.
And we're a long way from the kind of situation in which America would become so dependent on the printing press that we're looking at potential hyperinflation.
Every time Anderson mentioned the printing press or "print-capitalism," I couldn't help but replace the word "press" with WordPress and print-capitalism with advertising or surveillance capitalism.
As with blogs and Facebook posts, the printing press meant written thought and communication, and its wide distribution, was no longer the exclusive province of an anointed clergy.
The IFP detained 15 people at the printing press, which Manning believed was part of an operation—supported by the U.S. military—to eliminate al-Maliki's political opponents.
To print that many newspapers in a single night, massive amounts of ink are stored in extra-large containers and transported to each printing press through metal pipes.
In either technique, ink is rubbed into the lines of the plate and then transferred to a piece of damp paper under the pressure of a printing press.
My most recent book object — the Pothi Box — is a wooden structure that has within it 230 images of paper archives, a film archive and a printing press.
In 1476, about two decades after the publication of the Gutenberg Bible, a merchant named William Caxton built Britain's first printing press, in a building near Westminster Abbey.
The one-cent magenta was a temporary fill-in, one of a batch of hundreds, it's reasonable to speculate, created on the printing press of a local newspaper.
Some of these choices represent big shifts in the technology of making books like Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the printing press and use of moveable type, for example.
According to martial arts historian Thomas Green, fighting manuals produced by Masters of Defence proliferated from the 1200s to the 163s, first by hand and later by printing press.
Some examples of inmate ventures that have been successful are the printing press, the workshops, the bakery (which employs 150 people), and a couple of concrete block-making businesses.
When the printing press emerged in the Renaissance, the people gained the ability to read, but only the king and his chosen allies had the power to produce texts.
It made a huge comeback, along with painting, music, liberal arts, during the Renaissance when the invention of the printing press popularized the practice through the spread of almanacs.
This shift in power from the few to the many equals events in history like the advent of democracy itself, the invention of the printing press, and the Renaissance.
After all, it was the 16th-century proliferation of the printing press that made Martin Luther so able to disseminate his writings (often among a bourgeois and literate class).
It could happen at the U.S. federal level, too, or it could only be avoided via the monetary printing press, thereby ruining the worldwide trust in the U.S. dollar.
Presented with an academic tone, historian/author Niall Ferguson's three-part "Networld" tries to put all that in context, citing innovations ranging from the printing press to the internet.
And the right's emotional response to Fed policy — its hatred for using the printing press to boost the economy, no matter what the circumstances — always seemed real to me.
Mr. Benson, known as Chip, believed in the painterly impact of reproducing the work of photographers like Irving Penn, Lee Friedlander and Helen Levitt on an offset printing press.
On the other hand, the printing press helped Luther reach a larger public than his medieval predecessors, just as Facebook, Twitter and other new platforms offer wider audiences today.
In The Journal's Washington bureau, eyebrows rose when Baker's assistant called to ask how to send Trump a memento: a printing-press plate from an edition reporting his ascendance.
In a building dating to 1865 that housed the city's first printing press, a carved stone doorway has been filled with grey breeze blocks and the facade is badly chipped.
" Why it matters: "Not since the printing press has something changed written language as much as emojis have, says Lauren Collister, a scholarly communications librarian at the University of Pittsburgh.
Journals were enabled by the printing press and mail services, and like all pre-internet publishing models, sold subscriptions and reprints of articles to stay afloat and recover their costs.
Kodacrome rigged a elaborate net off electrically-wired lights and motors and a remarkably extensive cache of dollhouse-sized set pieces that remind me of this miniature screen printing press.
It suggests that those media companies that survive will view much of the infrastructure they possess today as just as much of a millstone as they did the printing press.
In 20183, Ms. Powell and Mr. Edelstyn set up a printing press in a disused bank branch to print their own money and sell the bills as works of art.
" — Angie Thomas, author of "The Hate U Give," in an interview with NPR Stop The Presses "The printing press has recorded and spread some of the greatest achievements of humankind.
The Reformation coincided with the rise of Gutenberg's printing press, which was used to spread the propaganda of the new faith as well as the response from the Catholic Church.
It will take a 2008-like crisis that blows through the backstop of the Federal Reserve printing press before Congress recognizes the severity of the debt crisis that faces us.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads DALLAS — When Johann Gutenberg introduced a mechanical, moveable printing press to the European world around 22017, his invention revolutionized the way that information travelled.
Two artists make use of the photocopy machine, which had much the same effect as the printing press in levelling the playing field, allowing anyone to get their message out.
Johannes Guttenberg's invention of the moveable-type printing press in the 903s made it even cheaper and more efficient to publish and purchase books on subjects like philosophy, mathematics and commerce.
The company's Analog Research Laboratory uses a printing press to design all of Facebook's internal messaging, creating posters with playful quotes and images as well as inspirational messages from Mark Zuckerberg.
Then, in the age of the printing press and mass literacy, writing acquired a kind of primacy, seen as prestigious, a standard to be learned and imitated (often even in speech).
"Computer technology, in other words, has not yet come close to the printing press in its power to generate radical and substantive social, political, and religious thought," Postman wrote in 1993.
When a printing press is repurposed into an art gallery, it seems only natural that a series of paintings of book covers would one day end up hanging on its walls.
The back story was baroque and involved (as usual) and connected Brancusi and portraits of London youth from the 1970s, Giotto and Bianca Jagger, the Gutenberg printing press and social media.
Zahid G. Muhammad, a columnist for the daily Greater Kashmir, one of the newspapers whose printing press was raided, said that he has been at home in Srinagar for 10 days.
We remain in the age of mechanical reproduction, the name famously given by the theorist Walter Benjamin to the way that works are replicated via photography, the printing press, and film.
Rusbridger's 20 years as editor of The Guardian — 1995-2015 — parallel a period of dramatic transformation in the newspaper industry, arguably the most dramatic since the invention of the printing press.
Indicated 0.43 percent lower The printing press maker said it expected EBITDA margins for its 20.4/21 fiscal year of between 20.8878-7.5 percent and revenue at the prior year's level.
Literate people—and, thanks to the printing press, there were more of these than ever before—were eager to hear from philosophers who could give new answers to the ancient questions.
Similar fears about diminished intelligence, information overload, social isolation, increased laziness, or distraction followed the printing press, gramophone, telephone, radio, and TV. The arrival of the always-on Internet was no different.
Although many aspects of our lives have adapted to the digital age, the printing press paved the way for these modern forms of communication like social media and the dreaded email newsletter.
After all, Ann Smith Franklin, this country's first female newspaper editor, taught her brother-in-law, Benjamin, how to use the printing press before he took up his trade as a printer.
The printing press is the necessary invention, but Anderson tracks the rise of nation-states to the development of vernacular media — French language as opposed to the Latin of the Catholic Church.
Every generation or so, an invention comes along that's destined to change the world as we know it — like Johannes Gutenberg's printing press, or John Campbell's sextant, or Louis Pasteur's germ theory.
Presumably this goes all the way back to China in the first millennium CE, but picked up noticeably as the printing press revolutionized life and communication throughout Europe in the 15th century.
Whether it's the wheel, the printing press, or the internet, every time a major technological innovation has happened, some element of social exclusivity and privilege has been torn down as a result.
With a hint of swagger, Warner walked me through the paper path of a hulking, truck-size iGen printing press (around a million dollars and a hundred and fifty pages per minute).
The outlet in Crystal City, one of nine nationwide, has more than $22014 million worth of equipment and technology, including industrial sewing machines, a T-shirt printing press and 3-D printers.
The current situation really does begin to look like the religious wars that ripped through Europe after the invention of the printing press, except that our religions now wear pagan political garb.
People often cite the parallel between the printing press and the smartphone, which I know sounds ridiculous and like some stupid VC pitch, but I'm increasingly thinking that is kind of true.
As the private sector has become increasingly over-levered, the baton is being passed to the public sector where resources are so strained that the printing press has become the last resort.
The Mishna, which was compiled in the third century B.C.E., and the Talmud, which expounded upon it, predated the printing press, and as such yeshiva students were trained to memorize them both.
I don't mean to brush aside the historical significance of Gutenberg's invention — the printing press has been credited with enabling everything from the Reformation to the Scientific Revolution to actual political revolutions.
When a relief mission arrived in Darien, they found, of all the wigs and combs and shoes and ambition that had left Scotland, only a deserted printing press on an empty beach.
While I clearly wasn't around at the invention of the printing press, it strikes me that this could very well be one of the lowest points for media trustworthiness since said invention.
We had to set metal letters into a composition tray, then stick that into the printing press, loading pages one at a time, and running this massive flywheel with a foot pedal.
"In principle there could be various benefits: the simple efficiency of instant global electronic transactions, preventing counterfeiting, better record-keeping and monitoring of transactions, no printing press, etc," Eliosoff wrote in an email.
The first issue of Ree Drummond's The Pioneer Woman magazine has nearly sold out during its first week of publication and will return to the printing press for 100,000 more copies, AdWeek reports.
While 52 of 60 economists who answered another question expect the central bank to stop its printing press by the end of next year, they were split if it would happen in September.
National Geographic Encounter: Ocean Odyssey, an immersive entertainment experience housed in The New York Times's old printing press room on 44th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues, is opening its door this morning.
Brandishing a newly published illustrated children's book about the life of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press, he looked at the crowd of eager, mostly school-aged children and their parents.
Jim Madewell, 71, a retired printing press foreman who said he lives 100 yards from the Dayton suspect's house, said the president's language "throws gasoline on the fire," and that leads to violence.
Jim Madewell, 71, a retired printing press foreman who said he lives 100 yards from the Dayton suspect's house, said the president's language "throws gasoline on the fire," and that leads to violence.
"The printing press, the novel, radio, television—all of these were concerned with [showing] what life was like for someone else," he says, and VR offers a new way to try someone else's perspective.
A retired faculty member of the University of Michigan, Professor Eisenstein was renowned for "The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early Modern Europe," first published in 1979.
"Print propaganda is as old as the printing press, video propaganda as old as TV. Now with AI it's becoming very obvious [that] we need to learn how to deal with this!" says Champandard.
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, which put the printing press into overdrive just over a decade ago and whose hundred trillion notes marked the zenith of hyperinflation, says it will not recklessly print money.
Spielberg brought in some of his frequent collaborators — composer John Williams, cinematographer Janusz Kaminski — and legends like costume designer Ann Roth to make the whole thing hum along like a well-oiled printing press.
At the height of his influence, Alamo had thousands of followers, including some who worked at one of the ministry's several businesses such as a printing press he used to spread anti-Catholic messages.
Under the revised deal, the church-owned company controlling The News paid Digital First roughly $23 million for The Tribune's share of the printing press and a new revenue split that favored The News.
Sergio Zermeño, a sociology student at the national university, was part of a group that took over the university printing press to roll out the movement's newspaper and then sell copies to raise money.
Most Amish live in relatively isolated farming communities that reject pretty much any form of modern technology invented after the printing press — that means no smartphones, no television and in most cases, no electricity.
In the rest of the epilogue, he seemed to imply that he wasn't a gatekeeper after all—that, although he was clearly a publisher, his printing press should be treated more like a platform.
It's as if, when you bought a book, they threw in the printing press for free; it's like you had a phone that could turn into a radio if you pressed the right buttons.
Police raided a newspaper office and a printing press last week, looking for signs of preparation, and the regional court has ordered Civil Guard agents to shut down web pages providing information about the referendum.
There will be people that see the exhibition without the information or the curiosity to know that the artist didn't make the paintings, but, in fact, they are the leftovers from an offset printing press.
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish authorities confiscated about $271 million in fake U.S. $100 banknotes in a raid on an Istanbul printing press - the country's biggest counterfeit currency seizure in recent years, Hurriyet newspaper reported on Monday.
They're made by composing in ink — with brush, rag, finger, fingernail, stick, just about anything — on a blank plate that is then layered with a damp sheet of paper and run through a printing press.
And it's not focused on his Impressionist paintings, but his monotypes, prints made by composing in ink on a blank plate, which is then covered with a damp paper and run through a printing press.
The printing press is the embodiment of a hallowed tradition and is one site where the Tibetan language is being preserved, despite the lack of government support for immersive Tibetan-language education on the plateau.
In 2015, he and Astier de Villatte jointly acquired a printing press — among the last to use linotypes — and it is there that they've produced a reissue of "Mitsou" to perfectly match the first edition.
While the kinetic structure of steel and Perspex initially resembles an industrial machine such as a printing press, the band of "skin" features various motifs referring to the human body and, particularly, to the digestive system.
Workers at printing press maker Heidelberger Druckmaschinen in Heidelberg are among those downing their tools on Wednesday, as are staff at Kion's Still brand of forklift trucks in Hamburg and at valve maker Gestra in Bremen.
More likely, it denotes the end of one stage in the evolution of communication and the beginning of another—just as the Gutenberg printing press put paid to the livelihood of monks who produced illuminated manuscripts.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Constellations have captivated artists for millennia, but it wasn't until the advent of the printing press that their interpretations of distant star patterns could be easily shared with the masses.
In fact, when compared to other ways of sharing data — such as via web site, file transfer, email or even printing press — a well-implemented API offers a far stronger set of configurable and granular security controls.
As Patchett ends our tour, he shows the group a wall of photographs in PRN1 designed to chart the progress of human communication, from cave paintings to the printing press and onward to the typewriter and smartphone.
Luckily, with the advent of the printing press and the careful preservation of documents by archivists, primary source materials revealing the existence of female fighters over the past five hundred years exist in microfilm and Internet databases.
He proved it is possible in the print business to be successful through hiring high-quality journalists and distributing their work through both the old technology of the printing press and the new technology of the internet.
The internet should not be turned into a "printing press," with the control over information resting in the hands of a few corporations that are more interested in profits than the free and creative flow of ideas.
But I have to admit that thinking about all that is probably what led me to pick up this popularizing account of anonymity (and its twin, pseudonymity) in English literature since the invention of the printing press.
At the market, dozens of local producers, growers, and restaurants sell in a building in which the Flint Journal built a state of the art printing press in 2004, just as the print industry began seriously wilting.
Beyond making paper and a printing press, the instructors asked students to consider whether the book is dying because of digital media—a disconcerting proposition since looking at a screen both day and night sounds like ocular torture.
Later on, in the 17th and 18th centuries, following the invention of the printing press, scholars could buy friendship books pre-printed with emblems and decorative borders, so signees could fill the templates with handwritten notes and images.
Short summaries and analysis of important news stories Craig Mod wrote a compelling piece in Wired on the future of the book, and why today's books essentially look the same as when the printing press was first invented.
The building, a relic from the Work Projects Administration and once home to a printing press, had been slated for demolition, to be replaced by a new home for the museum, designed by the Japanese architect Toyo Ito.
In 2011 I was at the printing factory for the printing of my book Abstract Pictures and I recorded the printing press because I thought the super rhythmic sounds of this rotation press were a good techno soundtrack.
"You know, 500 years ago, the Reformation never would have had the success it did were it not for the revolution of the printing press and the ability to get a message out to the masses," Heil says.
But let's not forget: when Gutenberg invented the printing press, the books that were most widely read, at first, were the ones by hacks and crazies, who published in vernacular languages while reputable scientists kept publishing in Latin.
He may not have been the first person to print texts on paper using movable type—systems in China and Korea predated his—but his printing press made it faster, and cheaper, to create a record of a thought.
The family model of media ownership is still with us, even if the Xerox machine and the printing press seem to be on the way out, though now the families are named Murdoch and Koch, not to mention Bezos.
"Sure, we're aware of that history, whether it's in finance, Pharma, other sports, or even old-school innovations in manufacturing or the printing press," DePodesta told me in his office, his Cleveland Browns Super Bowl Champs hat bumped sideways.
And I certainly don't deny that big changes happened in the early modern period, including the invention and adoption of the printing press, and the Reformation, and a fresh wave of interest in classical texts, among other important shifts.
To prepare for the role, he served in a variety of jobs at The Times, including as a correspondent in Washington and the night production manager overseeing the newspaper's printing press at its former location on West 43rd Street.
This year is also the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther posting his 95 theses against the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church; the Geneva museum makes a strong case that the printing press opened more minds than anything else.
"We're in the middle of a technological revolution that is going to shape the world for hundreds of years similar to the printing press, similar to the industrial revolution and for that you need semiconductors," Bapis said during the same segment.
"This sort of thing happens every time there's a major media transition, whether you're talking about Gutenberg and the [printing] press, whether your talking about the emergence of radio, the emergence of television, the emergence of the internet," he said.
When Johannes Gutenberg invented the modern printing press in the 27th century, the Christian Church jumped at the opportunity to distribute religious materials more easily, and the Bible became the first major work to be printed by the new technology.
Adrienne LaFrance, technology media critic, staff writer, The Atlantic One of the things that remains most dazzling to me about the iPhone is the fact that it is this little, glowing printing press that you can carry around in your pocket.
Gesturing towards the questions of mechanical reproducibility that have nipped at the heels of image-makers since the advent of the printing press, Auder dares you to whip out your phone, snap a shot, and layer on to the mediation matrix.
We cannot hope to know what this means as of yet, then, any more than someone who observed the advent of the printing press or gunpowder could have predicted, respectively, the Reformation or Europe's eventual seizure of much of the world.
In the 1960s, when I wrote fake checks under a business' or an individual's name and account number — in essence, stealing their identity — I needed a four-color printing press, typesetting equipment and the technical know-how to run those machines.
He had become the proprietor of a printing press when, in 1739, two London booksellers asked him to put together a "letter-writer," an etiquette manual consisting of letters that "country readers" might use as models for their own correspondence.
"Instead, what all people in government do, and this is Republicans and Democrats, they punt the question, they say 'oh, the states can't afford it, we're gonna send it to the federal government, they have a printing press,'" Paul said.
Centuries later, it's easy to read the tale of the failed Scottish colony in Panama as a farce: all that wool in the tropics, the printing press on the empty beach, an assault of pure optimism foundering against a deadly reality.
The majority of the novel is narrated, oral-history style, by a rotating chorus of ghosts—reverend, soldier, "washerlady," large-membered printing-press operator, and numerous others—who, along with Willie, are stuck in a purgatory-like realm called the bardo.
I just think that it's not like Gutenberg's printing press, necessarily, in terms of being a platform upon which a whole set of intellectual property is ... No, but we do get to yell at each other a lot, and get angry.
This demand, coupled with the renaissance in learning that coincided with the advent of the printing press, required that Masters of Defence be able not only to teach students in person, but also to be able to clearly articulate their expertise in writing.
Proponents of modern monetary theory hold that the U.S. government's monopoly over dollar issuance - the printing press - gives it the power to spend as much as needed to meet the full employment and inflation mandates currently tasked to the country's central bank.
"They call it socialism, but it is more accurately described as left-wing statism lubricated by showers of free stuff promised by politicians who believe that money comes from a printing press rather than the productive efforts of businesspeople and workers," he added.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Great Recession ended a decade ago this month, but for the U.S. Federal Reserve the fallout has posed an era-defining choice: Either jolt Americans to expect higher inflation, or keep the printing press ready for the next economic slide.
In later years, new communications tools, such as the printing press and moveable type, made it easier for philosophers including John Locke and Thomas Paine to influence new forms of democracy, which, while imperfect, have been more successful than other forms of government.
Previously known as the Polishuk House, the ship-like structure was first purchased by Yehuda Polishuk, a Ukrainian immigrant who arrived in pre-state Palestine in 1934 and leased its three curving floors to businesses including a shoemaker and a printing press.
Whether it was Johannes Gutenberg's printing press in the 15th century, the invention of the typewriter 300 years later, or the emoji of today's smartphones, the act of writing seems to be forever on the precipice of extinction, without quite falling off.
Printing press operators, which are projected to experience an employment decline of 11.8% by 2028, and print binding and finishing workers, which are likely to shrink by 15.2%, together make up about a third of the 434,830 employees in the printing industry.
Whenever new technology has made it into the hands of common folk, whether it was the printing press, the telegraph, the television, or social media, it's been followed by a period of openness, of democratic access to a giant, shiny new megaphone.
Johannes Gutenberg hadn't invented the ink, the paper, the press or the alphabet, but by combining their powers, he built the first printing press and printed the first mass-produced book: a 1,20343-page Bible printed on vellum and bound in pigskin.
So it's a source of mild concern that I keep hearing that heterodox economics — specifically Modern Monetary Theory — says that we don't have to worry about where the money will come from, that because we have a printing press deficits don't matter.
An easel marked with paint and a printing press rest near the old pot-bellied stove, which was fueled by coal carried up the four flights of stairs (here's a video previously shared by Hyperallergic of the Hoppers in their small studio).
One wildly coincidental detail about the property where Stanford Real Estate chose to build is that it, according to the San Francisco Business Times, was the former site of a Wall Street Journal printing press facility, which is the publication that exposed Theranos in 000.
There were 60-odd years between Gutenberg first printing indulgences for the Catholic Church, to cover the ruinous development costs of his newfangled printing press, and a then-obscure Wittenberg professor publishing a 95-point screed, partly against that same traffic in religious forgiveness.
As the late Benedict Anderson pointed out, the nation-state came about as a result of technology: The printing press created the mass market of vernacular literature, including (thanks to the likes of Martin Luther, the first best-selling writer) translations of the Holy Bible.
The building has a three-level Goss printing press that is capable of turning out a hundred and fifty thousand issues per hour, because it was purchased in the early eighties, when people once again thought the oil-shale industry was about to take off.
The printing press, the telegraph, the radio, the television, the mainframe, cable TV, the internet: Each had wild-eyed boosters who promised that a machine could hold the republic together, or make it more efficient, or repair the damage caused by the last machine.
But paper, and its adjacent innovations—from writing to inventions like the printing press, movable type, and the modern industrial model—is a broad subject, and the book becomes a march through human history, from Sumerian clay tablets to today's giant, automated paper mills.
"If I was teaching poetry, I could send a student to read nearly any poem written since the invention of the printing press, but in games my legal options limit me to, I would guess, less than 1 percent of the important games from history," Foddy said.
Thus, if in 1648 you had asked your average European about the net good or bad historical effect of the printing press — this well before the Enlightenment upsides, from science to human rights, which we now take for granted — you may well have encountered some skepticism.
At the same time, there's a revolution how we communicate through social media, which is equivalent to the invention of the printing press, except there we had hundreds of years to get used to it and here we have weeks sometimes or a year or years.
Before the printing press, we tried to integrate gestures into writing through illustrations in the margins of texts (think all of those illuminated medieval scrolls), and after the press made it difficult to illustrate formal writing, people continued to dot informal scribbled notes with communicative doodles.
They were inevitably rushing to catch a plane or rent a car that would take them somewhere we aren't usually supposed to be, whether it's a printing press down the street in Queens or a seed vault buried under 400 feet ice in the Arctic Circle.
But Mr. Kunkin was beginning to encounter financial difficulties — partly as a result of his acquisition of a printing press, which became a financial burden, and partly as a result of his decision to publish, in August 21960, the names and addresses of 21973 government narcotics agents.
The New York Times twice sent reporters to Zarephath, once in 19913, and once in 1910, to witness and write about her remarkable faith commune, where dozens of men, women and children in dour uniforms eschewed personal possessions and ran their own schools, printing press and farms.
Meanwhile, social media — the printing press of our own age — is changing the way some Christians worship: Some Christians are more likely to worship and study the Bible online or attend virtual discussion groups, while in other churches, attendees are encouraged to "live-tweet" sermons to heighten engagement.
On the outside of the museum, El Anatsui, the Ghanaian sculptor who has become one of the most imitated artists in Africa, has draped the upper facade of the entrance with a work made from his signature found bottle caps and printing plates sourced from a Pittsburgh printing press.
In short, for most of history, all human events — the rise and fall of empires, the spread of plagues, the spread and schisms of religions, the invention of wheels and aqueducts and the printing press — barely affected the typical person's life span, political freedom, economic productivity, or wealth.
However, if you slip on the floor of the studio of Hannah Cole Painter LLC, you can only sue my company for damages, and so you are limited to going after the assets of my company (my miter saw, my printing press), but you can't touch my kids' college fund.
Not coincidentally, these accounts evolved during the last time western societies were massively impacted by a revolution in communications technology, namely the introduction of the printing press, which brought both the text of the Bible and the writings of small circles of Italian and German humanists to all of Europe.
Rupert Goold's high-octane production — which includes drinking and smoking, a conga line and a rumbling printing press — plays out on Bunny Christie's Tony Award-nominated set, "a landscape of battered metal desks, stacked into rickety hills and valleys," as Ben Brantley described it in his New York Times review.
Moreover, the text of the Bible was altered by Christians for political and theological reasons in thousands of manuscripts, copied over and over by hand, for centuries before the text of the New Testament could be said to become relatively "stable" with the invention of the printing press in the 1450s.
Like clay, papier-mâché is infinitely moldable, but instead of coming straight from the earth, a noble mix of raw minerals, it has lived another life entirely, from tree to pulp to industrial printing press to breakfast table to garbage bin to art, before emerging entirely unrecognizable in sculptural form.
In particular, Manning stated that her superiors had once ordered her to assist the IFP in an investigation of a Baghdad printing press, which she had determined was unrelated to terrorism, but whose work was instead focused on reporting public corruption in the government of then-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
In her eyes, the introduction of electronic tarot is just the next logical step in the evolution of divination, which has its roots in casting stones onto a board or a skin hundreds of years ago, and was only converted to paper cards when the printing press was invented in the late 1400s.
There are reasons to be hopeful, whether it's the fact that Facebook and other social media outlets are beginning to see their role as deliverers of media, or that, historically speaking, humanity has been through cultural-upheaving media innovations (ahem, the printing press) and gotten to the other side better off than before.
One of the book's more familiar theses is the extent to which mass media (in the form of the printing press) and populism (in the form of a German-language Bible) helped to spread the Reformation's ideas; had Luther lived today, it's not hard to imagine him behind a talk radio microphone.
And Kelton has been intent in her response to the recent attention, matching Krugman and others tweet by tweet in maintaining that the U.S. government's monopoly over dollar issuance - the printing press - could be used to set whatever level of demand is needed to maintain full employment and finance climate change and other programs.
Among the photocopied zines, limited-edition monographs, and antiquarian offerings, some of the highlights weren't books at all, but objects that expanded upon the idea of what books can provide: an affordable means to experience and collect art, democratizing it in the same way that the printing press democratized information almost 600 years ago.
Nowadays people most regularly see imagery on iPhones, laptops, iPads, so more imagery is consumed through screens than via magazines or billboards and it is only really since the advent of the internet that it has been possible to totally create this different medium, not restricted by the printing press and its distribution system.

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