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13 Sentences With "primevally"

How to use primevally in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "primevally" and check conjugation/comparative form for "primevally". Mastering all the usages of "primevally" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Georges and Anne are thrown back, almost primevally, on each other.
There was that about her which was at once elusive and primevally real.
I'm not a fisherperson by nature, but there's something primevally attractive about fishing in the summer.
Kedzie stood on tiptoe, primevally trying to lift her ears higher still to hear what followed.
No one has ever really fully explained to us many of the primevally obvious things about music.
There is usually at least one wildly funny, nutty piece as well as primevally dark, Butoh-inspired work.
We got out and pushed till we came to a house, another bungalow, that was at once shockingly new and primevally squalid.
Despite this behind-the-scenes help, there is still something primevally appealing about a show which demands its contestants can create fire.
Timpani now had softer heads, but the trumpets still rasped, and doubled horns roared and pooped their exuberant contributions while double-basses grunted primevally below.
The impulse to consider them alongside the works of a European Surrealist like Giacometti is strong, but there is also something primevally American about King's beaky, folksy creatures.
In their beauty and power, and with their hint of danger even when schooled, he senses a restoration of what has been lost to us, almost as if we had been centaurs primevally and have been reduced ever since.
Cows dead from rinderpest in South Africa, 1896 The depopulated and apparently primevally wild Africa seen in wildlife documentary films was formed in the 19th century by disease, a combination of rinderpest and the tsetse fly. In 1887, the rinderpest virus was accidentally imported in livestock brought by an Italian expeditionary force to Eritrea. It spread rapidly, reaching Ethiopia by 1888, the Atlantic coast by 1892 and South Africa by 1897. Rinderpest, a cattle plague from central Asia, killed over 90% of the cattle of the pastoral peoples such as the Masai of east Africa.
Though ultimately cast from God's 'summit' and brought low, such arrogant presumption and ambition rises primevally to transcend the powers of Heaven in the spirit of Isaiah 14:13-14: I will ascend to heaven: I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will set my throne on high. I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High. It is by this Urzeit connection to the prologue of creation, wherein a heavenly rebellion of divine beings occurs, that a fuller picture emerges for "an etiology of evil in the world: all of the evil in the world stems from a heavenly event, the rebellion of certain divine beings." Likewise does the story of fallen Watchers and giants both elucidate and advance towards an eschatological "denouement" (Endzeit) because "extirpation of evil would not occur from within the world order, but through cataclysmic extension of primeval events, culminating in a purging of the evil angels and spirits and the restoration of a perfect order" (pp. 218-219).

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