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552 Sentences With "preoccupation with"

How to use preoccupation with in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "preoccupation with" and check conjugation/comparative form for "preoccupation with". Mastering all the usages of "preoccupation with" from sentence examples published by news publications.

This preoccupation with physicality is interesting for a few reasons.
However, the novel's obsessive preoccupation with politics stifles its plot.
"The preoccupation with being sick just kills productivity," he said.
Whitten's preoccupation with experimentation has deep roots in his experience.
The second factor is my own preoccupation with death in general.
Preoccupation with crime, which jumped in the late 2000s, remains high.
Now a preoccupation with contemporary art has made it more homogenized.
She brought the family preoccupation with personality into this new relationship.
His preoccupation with language was widely shared among Bush-era Democrats.
He brought up his current preoccupation with whiteboards as an example.
His preoccupation with the actions of NFL players indicates he might.
Across the globe, there is a renewed preoccupation with survival preparation.
Warhol's preoccupation with photography is a meaty subject for a show.
Essence was more integral than logic, revealing West's preoccupation with existentialism.
"There's an intense preoccupation with orderliness, perfection or control," Foster says.
His preoccupation with being harassed often interfered with his ability to testify.
Hence his preoccupation with the poorest Mexicans, says Lorenzo Meyer, a historian.
He has a particular preoccupation with geriatrics and the aging-population problem.
Trump's preoccupation with the Russia investigation won't be solved via reason alone.
It may even help explain our current cinematographic preoccupation with societal collapse.
Policymakers' preoccupation with "winning the AI race" is reaching a fever pitch.
But his preoccupation with Japan is perhaps more unusual, if not anachronistic.
Cubans seem inoculated from the preoccupation with privacy that infects other countries.
Her works reflect a preoccupation with alternately capturing and throwing off light.
Too often, preoccupation with the effect of a problem ignores its cause.
The second shared characteristic of conspiracy theories is a preoccupation with them.
"Having that much preoccupation with their body shape would not be healthy."
Policemen were a subset of his preoccupation with embodiments of masculine power.
Fischli and Weiss extended their shared preoccupation with modern mundanity into travel photography.
They share a preoccupation with the relationship of race, ethnicity, society, and history.
In Searls's preoccupation with the Rorschach's aesthetic valences, a second-order truth emerges.
The novel's preoccupation with violative sex makes it difficult to stomach at times.
It is preoccupation with my real or imagined worries that keeps me awake.
But he and Mr. Karakaya share a fervent preoccupation with improving customer service.
Put those together and our preoccupation with making children learn is no surprise.
Kavanaugh's defenders' current preoccupation with the particularities of youth can easily appear opportunistic.
Mr. Schumer's biggest leadership obstacle may be his hyper-preoccupation with New York.
There's no doubt that our species has a preoccupation with mind-altering substances.
Kourtney called her family "gross" and "disgusting" due to their preoccupation with work.
" Ackerman also noted, pointedly, that LaPierre has a "preoccupation with possible criminal charges.
But their preoccupation with her life doesn't seem to involve her lived reality.
The works also share a preoccupation with psychology and the passing of time.
Books and TV shows are tapping into the country's anxious preoccupation with decline.
What makes Trump's lying even more puzzling is his preoccupation with the truth.
If the preoccupation with legal precedent on VidAngel's website seems unusual, there's a reason.
Then there is the preoccupation with the precise racial mixture of the royal baby.
" As for Cruz's preoccupation with him, Stone says, "It's obviously some kind of obsession.
Such distortions tend to encourage preoccupation with the trivial, and neglect of the important.
Invesco's Kristina Hooper believes Wall Street's preoccupation with the global growth slowdown is misguided.
" Chris describes her preoccupation with Dick as "seeking to quench a lifetime of thirst.
Singer still cites those losses as a reason for his preoccupation with managing risk.
My early preoccupation with absolute, illegitimate and destructive power became part of my consciousness.
The third thing was the preoccupation with the state as defender of its people.
This preoccupation with looking "tough" comes at the expense of other, more pressing needs.
Williams's preoccupation with the eternal questions of love and death hang over his work.
Harbour, 43, said his mental health was actually tied to his early preoccupation with spirituality.
One is Johns's preoccupation with the broken human physique and, later, the defenseless human psyche.
Some of the president's recent executive orders underscore his preoccupation with tackling the crime rate.
Mr. Trump's preoccupation with popularity — and comparing himself with Mr. Obama — was also on display.
His archive feels driven more by a philosophical preoccupation with relations between illusion and reality.
If this were a frat-house movie, then sure, you'd expect the preoccupation with crotches.
Mr. Trump has long demonstrated a preoccupation with those who have overseen the Russia investigation.
Does our preoccupation with the terror problem scale with the threat level in your view?
Those traits include a lack of empathy, a need for admiration, and a preoccupation with status.
Further, religious adolescents' preoccupation with unwanted sexual thoughts statistically explained their lower levels of well-being.
Yet Mr Erdogan's speeches suggest a preoccupation with quick fixes instead of worthy but arduous reforms.
Mr Modi's recent setbacks, however, stem in large part from his preoccupation with presentation over substance.
Yang's preoccupation with tech—both its promise and its downsides—sets him apart from most politicians.
"A cultural preoccupation with odor is useful in the forest with limited vision," said Dr. Kruspe.
Almost immediately, the preoccupation with daily life and its signifiers unseats an emphasis on impersonal forms.
Trump's preoccupation with foreigners "taking advantage" of Americans could still usher in an Australian-style future.
At the time, I made no connection between the sensation and my preoccupation with potential parenthood.
The telltale signs are imprinted on the national conversation, with its undue preoccupation with cultural differences.
Madeline's preoccupation with her ex and Bonnie defeats the whole purpose of the therapeutic nature of yoga.
We asked him about his preoccupation with American pop culture and why he wants to remain anonymous.
"Our preoccupation with utility and function defines the design of Mac Pro," Ive says in the clip.
But the decision cannot be divorced entirely from the EU's tiresome preoccupation with balance of various sorts.
Despite Foos's preoccupation with watching strangers have sex, the most shocking journal entry is far more sinister.
The coach was also an obsessive tinkerer whose preoccupation with modifying footwear was decades before its time.
The rise of organic food has come amid a growing national preoccupation with fitness and healthier eating.
It needs to be said that Ailes' preoccupation with personality and appearances had a serious dark side.
But I know that his preoccupation with his own grave offered a very effective way of reckoning.
For the Saudis, however, every calculation is colored by a fervent preoccupation with the intentions of Iran.
The Legislature's "preoccupation with mostly phantom election fraud," he wrote, concealed an effort to reduce Democratic votes.
Victory Day reflects Loznitsa's enduring preoccupation with communities engaging with, or enmeshed in the creation of history.
Tesla has developed a weird preoccupation with a niche area of high-performance motoring: Nürburgring lap times.
The preoccupation with Russia, in fact, has obscured the significant inroads made by Chinese intelligence and cyberspies.
Mr. Trump's preoccupation with foreigners "taking advantage" of Americans could still usher in an Australian-style future.
Its rich vocabulary reflects the islanders' preoccupation with land and family, soil and soul, weather and ocean.
Mr. Brzezinski's rationale for the rescue attempt was, perhaps inevitably, rooted in his preoccupation with Soviet influence.
"It's liberating to be released from any preoccupation with whether or not what you're doing is profound."
Evolutionary psychologists believe that our preoccupation with the lives of others is a byproduct of a prehistoric brain.
Each episode of Easy is more like a short film, chronicling an individual or couple's preoccupation with sex.
Witches were everywhere for a while, pop culture's turn-of-the-century preoccupation with "girl power" made literal.
Some of the time identity seems to be socially constructed: hence the preoccupation with gender fluidity, for example.
The artist's reputation later spiked during the 1990s, largely due to the art world's renewed preoccupation with conceptualism.
Snicket's literary references, big words, dark asides, and morbid preoccupation with death was catnip for kids like me.
Evolutionary psychologists believe that our preoccupation with the lives of others is a byproduct of a prehistoric brain.
And because strategy is amoral, the media's preoccupation with gaffes has always been an easy target for critics.
Soon I was diagnosed with agoraphobia and panic disorder, which is essentially a preoccupation with recurring panic attacks.
At its founding, the United States was a white republic whose Constitution reflected settler preoccupation with racial control.
And it taps into the 2010s' preoccupation with self-improvement by conceptualizing skin-care as a personal investment.
My own preoccupation with Washington began with an attempt to read between the lines of his major biographies.
Sugar in the diet may increase risks of opioid addiction Orthorexia is the overwhelming preoccupation with eating healthily.
He said he was disappointed in what he perceived as Mr. Rose's preoccupation with holding onto his seat.
So it's not just [a preoccupation with] the handicapped; it's public health issues [that are big] for him.
Each is a testament to Mourad's preoccupation with interstitial space, inspired by his reflections on states of exile.
The show makes its preoccupation with ripping off the wholesome veneer of small town life apparent from the jump.
"Freedom is your issue, clearly," Robbins responded, blaming what he called the man's preoccupation with race for his problems.
In the 1960s, there was a preoccupation with "Islam and modernity;" after 9/11, worries over extremism and surveillance.
The economic targets he announced suggested his preoccupation with stability, even if that were to mean slightly lower growth.
It's also one that underscores the show's preoccupation with the conflict between duty, pragmatism, and one's own best interests.
However, I find that I'm constantly looking back at Helmut Newton's style of photography and his preoccupation with women.
"An orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm!" she told me, while lamenting our continued preoccupation with "vaginal" orgasm.
The ontology of fashion may seem undeserving of our attention, but fashion reveals the cultural preoccupation with the body.
Martinez said she was deeply hurt by both the contestants' — and Luyendyk Jr.'s — constant preoccupation with her age.
Was it really the closing of the roof that changed the conditions, or was it his preoccupation with it?
If cheesecake is your obsession, Brubaker's single-minded preoccupation with that rich custard will leap right out at you.
It also signals her preoccupation with thresholds that interface both lived and historical realities in the age of Trump.
Having once been young, I can confirm that Zelda's preoccupation with French-kissing and losing her virginity rings true.
So great was Roosevelt's preoccupation with strength that nearly all of his biographers have felt obliged to explain it.
Tests also showed a preoccupation with future harm at the expense of what might be needed in the present moment.
I sometimes wonder how her hypochondria developed and if either of our parents' anxiety impacted her lifelong preoccupation with illness.
His preoccupation with digital media has led Colbert to create a virtual reality world to explore the boundaries of art.
Tokyo is a city of obsessions and obsessives, and none is more visible or pervasive than the preoccupation with food.
Amber Rose's tumble here also raises questions about the company's strange preoccupation with knocking over famous women in its ads.
The Mother of All Questions unites some of Solnit's sharpest feminist polemics with her decades-long preoccupation with crafting narrative.
He traveled the world — 15 countries in all — but could not outrun his preoccupation with molding sound and fast racehorses.
Yet their preoccupation with childhood and "primitive and irrational wishes and fears" have influenced the study of authoritarianism ever since.
Relational networks emerged between the works, born out of the conceptualist preoccupation with the function rather than the form of art.
Trump, too, has demonstrated a preoccupation with the power of the executive branch to achieve ends directly, without input or compromise.
Arma 3 is a shooter game in top form, playing to Peters' preoccupation with the tactical and physical realities of war.
Spills were rare before this century, so some ascribe their increasing popularity to a modern preoccupation with opinion polls and popularity.
Autonomous' preoccupation with agency also adds moral ambiguity to a generally black-and-white condemnation of capitalism and intellectual property overreach.
In any event, given the Bible's preoccupation with loving the stranger, can one be a biblical Christian and revile the stranger?
Her preoccupation with withdrawal from the euro was misjudged and she failed to exploit anxiety over "identity or immigration", he says.
Ashbery's poems carry Western thought to such an extreme that it almost begins to appear Eastern in its preoccupation with impermanence.
Our ability to understand Russia has unfortunately been a victim of our preoccupation with China, North Korea, and the Middle East.
I feel a bond with the grandmother I never met over our preoccupation with this most inessential and ephemeral of forms.
Such an intense preoccupation with success — or at least what we've been told success looks like — is not without its consequences.
New tapes released by Barry Joules, one of Francis Bacon's closest friends, reveal the artist's lasting preoccupation with Dyer's 1968 betrayal.
It's about an external focus — a preoccupation with how the other perceives me that trumps my attention to how I'm feeling.
This uncritical idealization of the state of democracy at home was the direct result of the West's preoccupation with democratizing others.
Instead she writes a story exploring how her growing preoccupation with running has been intertwined with loving and losing her father.
His lifelong preoccupation with paint's materiality, with muted colors, and with softly trembling light informed his resistance to branding his work.
In addition to not being compelling on its own, the obsessive preoccupation with the subject distracts from otherwise fascinating case studies.
The central focus is Sam's preoccupation with finding a girlfriend, something that provides plenty of opportunities to showcase his social awkwardness.
One is an increasing preoccupation with climate change; another is concern about the failings of all political systems, including liberal democracy.
With her long fingernails, hair extensions and a preoccupation with the fashionable, she could easily be mistaken for an unremarkable teenager.
Johnson said he believed Trump's preoccupation with eliciting more military aid for Ukraine from its European neighbors was a "legitimate" concern.
His preoccupation with materiality led to the incorporation of wooden frames, bought at garage sales and thrift shops, into his paintings.
Writers' preoccupation with inheritance reflected the fact that, back then, transfers of wealth from one generation to the next were enormously significant.
Dorsey's preoccupation with appearing apolitical blinds him, and Twitter writ large, to the fact that inaction and selective enforcement are political acts.
When it comes to watching Black love on-screen, there is an overwhelming preoccupation with comparing Black stories to existing white films.
Preaching forgiveness and an end to the Ethiopian state's preoccupation with security, Abiy cuts a very different figure from his two predecessors.
And mostly that's the biggest issue, a preoccupation with what's not in the food—once someone actually tries it, we move on.
"I fell in love with this brand," says Li, who since his student days has entertained a Margiela-like preoccupation with deconstruction.
A preoccupation with love, and more specifically with the ways black people find to express love among themselves, connects him and Baldwin.
Online imagery allows adolescents to observe one another in detail and gives unprecedented power to the age-old teenage preoccupation with appearance.
Dieting in general can give rise to orthorexia, talk about your diet all the time and a preoccupation with your next meal.
It feels impossible to talk about Szapocznikow without discussing the Holocaust because its legacy is so visible in her preoccupation with embodiment.
Somehow, though, the artist's preoccupation with faces, bodies, and social types does not come across as exploitive or repressive to his subjects.
Mr. Trump's preoccupation with trade in goods contradicts his own White House economic report, which he signed and was released in February.
"Now we can acknowledge that a patient's preoccupation with physical symptoms is higher than normal whether there is a diagnosis or not."
But China's preoccupation with strong men has taken on a political dimension, feeding concerns about whether young Chinese males are in trouble.
These are foundational works, signaling the genesis of his ongoing preoccupation with poetry, with philosophy, with public art, and critical democratic ideals.
Given his preoccupation with nurturing his political base, it's certain that Trump will have a message for his voters watching back home.
William Taubman, an expert in Soviet history, said that Mr. Putin tapped into a long Russian preoccupation with being perceived as strong.
The same era, the golden age of manned spaceflight, also saw a cultural preoccupation with the extraordinary psychological situation of the astronaut.
Friedman also argues that the Bible's preoccupation with the stranger is not from the Israelites who, after all, already lived in Canaan.
" – "Also salient is a seeming preoccupation with thoughts of success and a rather undisciplined imagination that takes liberties with reality at times.
Federal officials continued to bankroll their preoccupation with proving that MDMA causes brain damage while ignoring known risks along with its healing potential.
But this sort of wonkery doesn't hit the restrictionists where they live — in their preoccupation with an exclusive, homogeneous conception of American identity.
"Stoked to spend time with old friends again on day 2 of Wizard World," Fishel joked about the group's preoccupation with their phones.
What else would explain her continued preoccupation with ruling the Seven Kingdoms when there's an entire army of dead people at her door?
In Tom Sachs's foreword to the book, he writes about his own preoccupation with "knolling," arranging objects parallel and at 90 degree angles.
Grief, coupled with the growing preoccupation with my thighs, meant I began to live in my college gym, working out hours a day.
Risks Preoccupation with constitutional reform might drain energy from non-constitutional efforts or fracture the reform coalition by stoking arguments about controversial texts.
The solipsistic preoccupation with one's own financial success is accompanied by a certain disrespect and disregard for the less fortunate and the environment.
The preoccupation with coffee — and accompanying breakfast grub — among those who fought in the Civil, Vietnam and Afghanistan wars is wonderfully detailed here.
Jenny's uneasiness—a new if unstable element in the Dardennes' films—reflects their own preoccupation with the consequences of their success and status.
If you choose to forgive and are ready to do that, then you set yourself free from the inner preoccupation with the person.
But she tried not to dwell on the time since a preoccupation with results had precipitated her mental health struggles in the past.
One is that the preoccupation with ethnic and linguistic division makes it difficult for immigrants and their descendants to integrate into Belgian society.
And in the context of China's increasing power, the establishment's preoccupation with promoting old-fashioned, Hollywood-style manliness also has a political message.
It is oracular, delirious and American — rich with the intensities of Melville, the expansiveness of Whitman and Toomer's own bedeviling preoccupation with color.
Big, brash, joyous, and with a borderline priapic preoccupation with trees, South America's first-ever Olympics kicked off last night in spectacular fashion.
Other than what appeared to have been a preoccupation with guns and possible anger over gambling losses, Mr. Paddock's reasons died with him.
Nostalgia is only heightened when you're homesick, which might explain my preoccupation with the minutia of Australian life of the 1970s and '19703s.
The circularity, though, is echt-Bausch, as is the preoccupation with things being done to impassive people, minus the Bauschian edge of cruelty.
SI: That leads nicely to my follow-up question: Do you think our persistent preoccupation with terrorism scales with the actual threat level?
But as Framke observes, you can track this shift across her work, both in terms of tone and her burgeoning preoccupation with bygone dissipation.
There's a level of callousness, there's a level of indifference towards poor and working people, preoccupation with greed, and, most importantly, lack of accountability.
It is in fact a constant, steady effect of the modern mode of life, with its perpetual preoccupation with order-building and economic progress.
But her preoccupation with the systems that sustain life and society, and the consequences of their breakdown, remain at the heart of her practice.
He doesn't like taking medicine—a belief he admits might be stemming from his preoccupation with personal safety, which stems from his OCD, ironically.
In reply, all he got were terse notes from Wilson's secretary, acknowledging receipt of his messages but citing the president's preoccupation with other matters.
His preoccupation with the moa led Mr. Dickison to complete a Ph.D. on the subject of giant flightless birds at Duke University decades later.
But its development also reflects a preoccupation with managing vast crowds and avoiding stampedes, which results in a layout that can make trips longer.
One reason that public perception and reality are so misaligned is the preoccupation with the costs of elite private colleges (which have indeed rocketed).
Experts on China and US foreign policy see the dramatic shift, at least in part, as being triggered by Trump's preoccupation with North Korea.
On Monday, the first day of Ramadan, the annual satirical television show "Selfie," which runs during the fasting month, lampooned the preoccupation with the plan.
It is apparent that Mark Rothko and Bloom, while being very different artists who pursued their own paths, shared a preoccupation with death and tragedy.
Both Mr Peterson and Mr Zizek agree that the modern left's preoccupation with identity politics and political correctness has alienated it among the working class.
A Facebook account that appears to belong to the teenager reveals a preoccupation with the racial strife that has dominated American life in recent years.
It is strange that Mr Comey, even now, defends this preoccupation with how the FBI's discreet inner working was perceived, not on what it concluded.
Addiction, he says, is defined by loss of control, exhibiting the same behavior despite negative consequences and an ongoing preoccupation with acting out that behavior.
Left unchecked, these behaviors may escalate to muscle dysmorphia, characterized by rigid diet, obsessive over-exercising and extreme preoccupation with physique, the study team writes.
His preoccupation with the weather dates back to the year before he took over, when rain soaked Washington Square Park the night before the ceremony.
Instead of appearing upset or angry, she fired off a tweet that winked at the president's preoccupation with the idea that he has small hands.
The West's preoccupation with the veil and the growing popularity of simply being "anti-hijab" as an existential and political position muddles too many things.
Mr. Finlan's preoccupation with trains becomes another of the group's strengths: He always knows when they need to end rehearsals to catch their trains home.
Smith, who was still using a flip phone, was suspicious of his girlfriend's preoccupation with social media, worrying that it would detract from the experience.
Ansarinia is not alone in her preoccupation with Iran's architectural form and the way we can use it to gain an understanding of the past.
While tales of the undead often reveal a preoccupation with the past, we noticed that many of ours also reveal an obsession with real estate.
His growing preoccupation with this woman adds to tensions on the work site, fueled by Cem's irrational jealousy of his master's imagined involvement with her.
In this era of mindfulness, and today's preoccupation with pursuing a meaningful life, a new antidote has emerged to cure the doldrums of midlife: creativity.
Once again, he finds an explanation in the female preoccupation with people and emotion as opposed to the male orientation toward things and abstract thought.
The young cited the huge scale and timeline of the problem, a feeling of powerlessness, silence from the media, and preoccupation with more important issues.
The first link I saw between these artists, and the one that catapulted me into a speculative realm, was their preoccupation with a handful of objects.
His achievements were also overshadowed by the art establishment's preoccupation with Abstract Expressionism, whose rise coincided with Melcarth's development of his own personal, mature artistic language.
" Naeff's analysis of Beirut's cultural geography, both lived and imagined, and the city's collective preoccupation with the present moment, inform her concept of a "suspended now.
Abloh's designs for the company, meanwhile, have played on its iconic status, acting as a nod to fashion's recent preoccupation with the blue and yellow branding.
Lepore connects this trip—treated as nothing more than a colorful anecdote by Mitchell—to the young Gould's overwhelming preoccupation with theories of race and degeneration.
Hashmi's experience of the Indian Partition led her to a preoccupation with cartography and ideas of home, expressed in her experiments with collages, serigraphs and printmaking.
BDD is "an excessive preoccupation with a perceived flaw in appearance," and is a subset of OCD, that can cause people to seek frequent plastic surgery.
His preoccupation with popularity hasn't motivated him to do popular things, but it has driven him to manic outbursts about imaginary voter fraud and media conspiracies.
One of these is the preoccupation with counterterrorism and the focus on degrading and defeating terrorist groups around the world and apprehending or killing individual terrorists.
"Infiltrators exploited our forces' preoccupation with preparations for the Falluja battle to infiltrate state institutions and cause chaos," a statement from the Joint Operations Command said.
The goal of HI-RES for Cedran is to emphasize the artist's undying preoccupation with the ever-evolving and limitless possibilities of the 3D virtual world.
The last One also sold a cult of personality, offered himself as a symbol of modernity, sparked Oprah's interest and had a preoccupation with being cool.
Perhaps it is just insect swagger, or it might be the narrow preoccupation with the task at hand, common to many insects that bite or sting.
It is puzzlement — ranging from the amused to the appalled — at the gulf between her public preoccupation with ethical action and some truly filthy private behavior.
Friend Hernando Chaves told the Times that Harwick ran into Pursehouse at a professional event last month, which "seemed to "reignite his obsessive preoccupation with her.
Instead, archaeologists retreated to a much more modest and fine-comb preoccupation with what they called the "processual": very particular inquiries into very particular societal dynamics.
A preoccupation with the incumbent has lent his campaign a general election sensibility, all in keeping with the image of a front-runner he's eager to maintain.
Narcissists' preoccupation with their body image and craving to be admired could be one reason why they are more addicted to social media and post more selfies.
Narcissists don't just post more selfies, they also post more Facebook status updates about their diet or exercise routine, consistent with their preoccupation with their physical appearance.
Central to this path is Goodman's preoccupation with the body: as primordial form; as a damaged or wounded self; a ravenous psychic force; viscera and scarred skin.
Namely, its preoccupation with contrived beauty and glitz and its vulnerability to nature's impositions: the hot gale winds of the Santa Anas, the earthquakes, and the fires.
"Probably more resources are spent chasing potheads than rapists in this country," he said taking a cutting view of attorney general Jeff Sessions' preoccupation with criminalizing marijuana.
"There has been a preoccupation with the big banks," Paulson, a Republican who served under President George W. Bush, said Tuesday at an industry conference in Washington.
"There has been a preoccupation with the big banks," Paulson, a Republican who served under President George W. Bush, said Tuesday at an industry conference in Washington.
James Comey's dismissal left little doubt that Trump's preoccupation with personal loyalty—even more than incompetence, stupidity, or corruption—could be the thing that wrecks his presidency.
One is that the American preoccupation with competition with the Soviets gravely limited policymakers' and analysts' interest in and ability to see Africans except through that lens.
In the early morning hours on May 30, the president vented his frustration on Twitter with what he believes is a preoccupation with his ties to Russia.
Kraft did not succeed partly because the preoccupation with profit it inherited from shareholder 3G Capital was seen as clashing with the Anglo-Dutch firm's stakeholder approach.
Two investigations, by the National Transportation Safety Board and the California Public Utilities Commission, faulted the company for management lapses and a preoccupation with profits over safety.
It is based on 14 criteria that include frequency of internet activity, withdrawal symptoms, preoccupation with the internet and a loss of interest in other life activities.
Hill's new preoccupation with getting to the root of the offensive jokes that bind bros together strikes at the core of the work he's most known for.
With a couple of hit shows under his belt, Mr. Greenfield sees the possibility of eternal employment, thanks to the entertainment industry's preoccupation with reviving old shows.
Despite its wearying preoccupation with Bureau mischief and Solomon's softening toward his target, "Seberg" has an old-fashioned glamour that can on occasion take your breath away.
In a nation grasping for answers, the preoccupation with short-run economic changes can fill a vacuum for a time and become a football for partisan interests.
Despite the eyes on her back and people's preoccupation with how to label her, Isra has been laser-focused on pragmatic organizing efforts that have paid off.
"There is an element of it as a remote site for pilgrimages," our critic Mr. Poniewozik said when I asked him to interpret Hollywood's preoccupation with Australia.
The mystery remains obscure, but the descent into a preoccupation with solving it that the main character undergoes is front and center across all three time periods.
A preoccupation with health and well-being necessarily leads to an increased circumspection about consuming vast quantities of a dehydrating substance proven to wreak havoc on the body.
"Pathological attachment rooted in relational trauma can manifest as obsessive preoccupation with someone one dated briefly," says Sheri Heller, a licensed clinical social worker in New York City.
Most roleplaying games ride low with the spoils of war, owing to a preoccupation with shooting, looting, and conquest—historically inauspicious activities whenever they've had designs on race.
The preoccupation with simple, spartan forms is similarly the case for Po's "Red Cube" (1986), which was made, by the artist's own admittance, without the knowledge of Minimalism.
For now the BBC appears to have escaped radical government-imposed changes, reflecting both the government's preoccupation with the European Union vote and popular support for the broadcaster.
Interestingly, individuals who reported lower emotional eating, binge eating and preoccupation with food at the start of the study showed higher weight variability and less weight loss overall.
The only question is whether Bundy is the disease, or more likely, a symptom of a media preoccupation with monsters that, once unleashed, isn't always easy to control.
A preoccupation with their own woes over Brexit perhaps explains why senior EU officials appeared tone deaf to Spain's separatists -- who, it should be remembered, are EU citizens.
The figurative and chromatic elements invite comparisons to various religious, folk, and tribal traditions in India, revealing the artist's lifelong preoccupation with fusing Indian art with European Modernism.
What's surprising is that his long preoccupation with the specter of death should have achieved, at least as evidenced in his work, such a good-humored, marital intimacy.
But as Mark Tseng-Putterman has written, this fervent insistence at being the "right" kind of Asian is still invested in a preoccupation with how others see us.
It feels less like a novel than a collection of essays linked together by the author's preoccupation with her hair — or, rather, the hair of her narrator, Mila.
It requires first stepping away from one's preoccupation with consumerism and capitalism, instead putting time and energy into such issues as treating each other with respect and humanity.
Though not a novel about female adultery—the narrated infidelities are all male—it shares with the genre an intense preoccupation with its female characters' unhappy marital experience.
Lam, who is due to give a policy address next week, said it would not be the "usual comprehensive" address due to her team's preoccupation with the situation.
Quirky, droll and surprisingly dry given its preoccupation with drinking, the show serves up an amusing riff on vampire lore, and as a bonus, living in Staten Island.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Jill Mulleady's painting "A Fantasy of Transcendence and a Preoccupation with Downfall and Ruin" (383) burns with the heat of a desert.
In Stravinsky's "Variations (Aldous Huxley in Memoriam)," a similar preoccupation with timbre turns into a kaleidoscope of scintillating colors that include jazzy wind interventions, spidery strings and earthy syncopations.
Take "Splendour of Truth", a clip named after Pope John Paul II's anti-consumerist encyclical from 1993, in which Ms Karczmarczyk parodies pop to slam people's preoccupation with bling.
Rather, he was summoned to Washington as the last gasp of a Republican-led House Judiciary Committee hellbent on performing its own preoccupation with perceived political bias against conservatives.
Given the show's preoccupation with the idea that reality and simulation can be easily mistaken for one another, it was obvious that The Cradle was no mere passing reference.
Check out a few excerpts on Tumblr, and then mosey over to New Republic editor Jeet Heer's Twitter essay on Canadian literature's preoccupation with humans having sex with nature.
And they reveal his frustration with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and the president's agonizing about deploying military forces abroad and his preoccupation with the growing threat from international terrorism.
If you're of the opinion right now that it's just a game and that maybe I'm over-thinking it, I invite you to consider the game's preoccupation with milk.
Sometimes the cultural zeitgeist manifests itself in strange ways — for instance, through quirky internet memes, an obsession with nostalgia, or a preoccupation with weird and creepy legends of yore.
" In the piece, West accuses Coates, who has emerged as one of the country's leading black intellectuals, of having a "preoccupation with white acceptance" and an "allegiance to Obama.
As a mother, Shena was at odds with the manners and mores of the suburban English world — with its preoccupation with keeping up appearances — in which the family lived.
"There is a lot of ego involved in being a developer," said Kenneth S. Horn, the president of Alchemy Properties, referring to some of his peers' preoccupation with height.
This rift probably always existed, but it has been highlighted by voters' growing preoccupation with migration and ethnic change, trends that were celebrated in Hornsey but loathed in Doncaster.
Of course, until the movie can actually be seen, we won't know whether it does indeed meaningfully incorporate race into the series' preoccupation with identity in the digital sphere.
In many cases, this preoccupation with your partner's ex may stem from your own insecurities, but it can be exacerbated by your partner's comments about their ex, Dr. Brustein says.
Flynn's preoccupation with Islamic extremism, his intolerance of dissent, and his managerial ineptitude, demonstrated while running the Defense Intelligence Agency, make him uniquely unsuited to head the National Security Council.
As a malleable, translucent substance that could be colored in different ways, it gave him something that clay didn't provide – a way to explore his preoccupation with color and light.
This preoccupation with clear skin, once dismissed as "almost a waste of time" by Celsus, has now been fueled by the fires of capitalism to become a multibillion-dollar industry.
Recent presidential comments have also revealed a preoccupation with the fragility of the economy as the global expansion slows, and modestly lower oil prices would, on balance, support continued growth.
For someone chronically guilty of overthinking her actions, it's noteworthy that I did not interrogate this preoccupation with queer cinema (and for the time being, neither did my ex-husband).
"The first bullet point shows their preoccupation with bilateral trade deficits and that's unfortunate," said Chad Bown, a senior fellow and trade expert at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
It is often men like our current president, who went to great lengths to avoid military service during the Vietnam War, who have a childish preoccupation with all things military.
Whatever the motivations, the two large investors are tapping into the growing anxiety among parents about their children's preoccupation with devices, at the expense of activities like reading and sports.
By the end of Anakin Skywalker's grim journey to the Dark Side in "Revenge of the Sith" I had developed a scholarly preoccupation with the political theory of galactic imperialism.
What he meant wasn't that diversity in and of itself was bad or undesirable, but that the preoccupation with achieving it usually came at the expense of attacking economic inequality.
Explaining her own preoccupation with this novel, Lahiri, who has written a book in Italian, describes how she fell in love with "Ties" and addresses the challenges of translating it.
But another lasting legacy of this truncated relationship was King's ongoing preoccupation with relationships between men and boys, the process of attaining manhood, and the bridge between boyhood and adulthood.
The work's resemblance to cellular organisms punctuated by vacuoles and Native American dream catchers clue us in to her preoccupation with the relationship between harmful waste and ecstatic visionary states.
My current preoccupation with these deceptions may have something to do with the fact that I've been reading "The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It…Every Time," by Maria Konnikova.
While the senator's preoccupation with events from before the fall of the Berlin Wall has drawn some mockery, the people I spoke to saw it as evidence of more meaningful views.
Trump's preoccupation with Biden -- even during a pomp-saturated trip to Japan -- can be used to bolster the narrative that the longtime Delaware senator is a mortal peril for the President.
Ninja Warrior has taken every kid's preoccupation with jumping around on stuff to the national level, so it kind of makes sense that some kids are really into the hit show.
In fact, companionate love is more closely associated with relationship satisfaction than is passionate love -- the type of romantic love based on intense feelings of attraction and preoccupation with one's partner.
And most of all, he pities his father's loneliness, for being sentenced to a lifetime preoccupation with torture and a headful of savage sexual fantasies, predicated on the harming of innocents.
What they do lead to is rampant preoccupation with food and weight, a toxic cultural thin ideal, body dissatisfaction, disordered eating, and for 10% of our population, life-threatening eating disorders.
A photo of him examining the damage with his doc's iPhone camera made its way through the Internet, prompting some to mock the soccer stud for his preoccupation with his looks.
No wonder the most successful economics book of recent years, Thomas Piketty's "Capital in the Twenty-First Century", echoes the title of Marx's most important work and his preoccupation with inequality.
Amid the enduring preoccupation with geometric abstraction across the Americas, the recuperation of this lost generation—and of Havana as a site of postwar Constructivism—comes as an important historical corrective.
The most obvious one is a preoccupation with ecology; characters frequently go on esoteric tangents about the benefits of organic farming or the economic inequality inherent in historical safflower-rouge production.
Whether because of the usual Bethesda bugs or because of his preoccupation with my dog, he didn't see me, even from a distance so short he could probably hear my footsteps.
The move reported by the Washington Post Thursday night is the latest potential escalation in the president's preoccupation with a caravan of such migrants slowly trekking toward the the southern border.
Grudges Trump himself signaled his continued preoccupation with the matter Thursday afternoon, sending a message on Twitter citing his longtime nemesis, comedian Rosie O'Donnell, who called for Comey's dismissal in December.
The startup world, with its seeming preoccupation with the repeated-ad-infinitum Beckett quote, "Fail again, fail better," paints failure as a trophy, a way to gain entry to the club.
Setting aside the issue of weapon bling for the moment, games' fascination with hyper-realistic weapons and accessories was not solely the result of society's natural preoccupation with modern-day war.
Coupled with that were on-again-off-again brushes with substance abuse and a preoccupation with his own celebrity in the rarefied world of backgammon, his first wife, Renee Roberts, said.
The exhibition focuses first on Ms. Mann's preoccupation with family relations when her children were young and she adroitly registered the endemic conflicts and convolutions in the process of growing up.
Mr. Fischer wrote in the program in 2011 that he was interested in the work's connection to addiction, its preoccupation with repetition (those interchangeable gray figures) and the inability to stop.
" Psychiatric Evaluation Absent alternate influences, wrote Dr. Loftin, clinical director of the autism center at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, "Dylann pursued his preoccupation with racism with an autistic intensity.
Reports that the administration has considered designating the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization echo Mr. Bannon's own longtime preoccupation with the group, as both a screenwriter and a talk-radio host.
Organized around three large-scale port scenes, the show reflects the artist's — and Britain's — preoccupation with travel in the years after the Napoleonic wars, which restricted journeys across the English Channel.
The woke candidates have been the weakest, electorally speaking, and the defining attribute of the Democratic primary has been a preoccupation with the voters that put Trump in the White House.
Trump's first year in office has been marked by his preoccupation with an investigation he has dubbed a "witch hunt" and his reported efforts to bring it to a swift conclusion.
What Hersey and Wolfe had in common was a preoccupation with what they took to be fiction's superiority to journalism as a form of writing, or at least its superior prestige.
ET.The spree highlighted Trump&aposs preoccupation with impeachment and the Justice Department inspector general&aposs recent report that threw a wrench into his conspiracy theories about the FBI&aposs Russia investigation.
"The work connects with the artist's philosophical preoccupation with addiction and death, as well as his deep belief that contemporary art is like a drug," said Catherine Morris, Sackler Senior Curator.
Republicans will now be occupied with uncomfortable questions about the Trump campaign's relationship with Russia and the president's inevitable preoccupation with a probe that cuts so close to his inner circle.
It said the preoccupation with costs had hit the quality of public services because the outsourcing companies were sent a clear signal that cost, rather than quality, was the government's consistent priority.
Even as the S&P 500 rallies to repeated record highs, Treasury bond yields, which move opposite to their price, have steadily fallen, indicating preoccupation with the future, not confidence in it.
And that's was why 2017's Everything Now, their fifth studio album, felt so stale: it carried a new preoccupation with The Modern World and The State of Capitalism front and center.
In short, the preoccupation with narrow computational puzzles distracts us from the far more important issue of the colossal asymmetry between societal cost and private gain in the rollout of automated systems.
It's not hard to draw a line from Boghossian and Dawkins, who once compared Islam to cancer, to the current center-right media, with its preoccupation with a "culturally Marxist" campus left.
"Caroline is a human who has genuine heart, overwhelming empathy, a preoccupation with wealth, and a shallow conception of what it means to be authentic — that anyone can clearly see," she said.
But for now, the social media platform's most newsworthy and calculating abusers remain free to operate with impunity, confident that Twitter's preoccupation with free speech means it will never meaningfully stop them.
I cannot help thinking about this paradox: our preoccupation with the killing of black people in the United States versus our almost overt disregard for the killing of black people in Africa.
Short of asking women not to get pregnant until 2018, as some countries have done, US lawmakers have demonstrated once again their primary preoccupation with political grandstanding over saving actual human lives.
Despite his preoccupation with his own issues, President Trump did manage to acknowledge the tremendousness of black history, though some have called into question how much he actually knows about the subject.
Likewise, while the term "high Crimes and Misdemeanors" was not defined in the Constitution, this term reflects the Framers' preoccupation with abuses of the public trust that could harm the national interest.
And given Britain's likely preoccupation with the Brexit fallout, it is far from clear how high a priority a new intelligence organization, or a rethinking of NATO strategy, would be for Britain.
Some in Guyana worry that the government's preoccupation with oil is already displacing resources from the country's traditional industries — sugar, rice, bauxite and gold — which are the country's largest sources of employment.
In the United States, they attribute declining wages and job prospects to Mexican immigrants, Chinese exporters and the federal government's preoccupation with minority groups at the expense of the white middle class.
What's odd about Kaltenbach's work is how it seems to align with this playful attitude — jokes abound throughout the exhibition — yet its subject matter reflects a myopic preoccupation with his own career.
Already, Mr. Trump's preoccupation with North Korea has diverted attention from Chinese actions that alarm its neighbors, most notably a military buildup on islands that China built in the South China Sea.
The ubiquity of smartphones as access points to the collective cognitive realm some call the noosphere — from the Greek word "nous" for "mind" — perhaps makes our increased preoccupation with unseen powers inevitable.
My parents may have been doing the best they could do at the time, but their preoccupation with their own complicated lives left me feeling in charge of my own well-being.
Segall's preoccupation with artifacts that symbolize the circumvention of immigration policy is also seen in a pair of footprints, cast in concrete and set into the floor of the otherwise bare gallery.
The best work here, "A Fantasy of Transcendence and a Preoccupation With Downfall and Ruin" (2019), is a large Neo-Surrealist painting of a giant humanoid figure reclining on a barren landscape.
But Mr. Biss settled comfortably into the later movements, and his suspenseful treatment of the halting, fragmented ending of the work proved especially apt and profound, given his preoccupation with leave-taking.
But The Equalizer 2 expands its scope, with McCall's preoccupation with caring for the folks in his apartment complex nearly superseded by a larger political conspiracy featuring players from his past life.
Katherine, for example, sounds surprised by the network's preoccupation with reaching younger demographics, or why they'd be infatuated with a comic, played by Ike Barinholtz, perceived as a big draw among young men.
The White Houses preoccupation with oil prices, the economy and re-election may make it cautious about toughening sanctions on Iran too much when the current waivers expire at the beginning of May.
In that film, Gosling's romantic, self-consciously iconic character's unwavering subscription to notions of invincible outlaw cool, along with his predictability and preoccupation with what makes him cool, ultimately results in his downfall.
The committee noted what it described as Mr. Katsav's "obsessive" preoccupation with trying to prove his innocence, saying he could continue to offend his victims and possibly still pose a risk to women.
Mr. Pence may in fact be in a better position than Mr. Trump to reinforce the ticket's appeal to working-class voters, given Mr. Trump's recent preoccupation with personal attacks and bizarre tweets.
Given its feminist themes, it's a relevant show for us today, though its preoccupation with a woman making a life outside the home may have felt a little more current in the 1950s.
But the prevailing preoccupation with defense issues obscures a truly notable feature of Mr. Moon's visit: the group of business leaders he brought along, including from Samsung and South Korea's other major conglomerates.
I happened to see "I, Tonya" right after "Lady Bird" and was struck by their shared preoccupation with the self-consciousness, even shame, that Americans who struggle financially are sometimes made to feel.
Rather than glance at the past with nostalgia, these artists share a preoccupation with the present moment: obscuring, adapting, and subverting surrounding signs and physical structures in order to witness, reinvent, and survive.
Yet the scale of the country, with more than 22 million births last year, and consumers' preoccupation with quality, means it is still by far the world's most important market for baby formula.
They found the red flags, including preoccupation with violence or mass attacks, anger related to a history of loss and failure, expressed need for attention or notoriety and a history of menacing behavior.
The reason for this, perhaps, is her preoccupation with precisely the stories that tend to be most invisible — those of unorthodox women and their relationships with one another, as daughters, sisters, best friends.
But his mysterious and discomfiting presence is proof as well of the director's preoccupation with the symbols and mythologies (and values) of a prelapsarian Japan, particularly those associated with Shinto and Buddhist folklore.
The White House's preoccupation with oil prices, the economy and re-election may make it cautious about toughening sanctions on Iran too much when the current waivers expire at the beginning of May.
His preoccupation with the ongoing Russia investigation adds to the unpredictability, spurring Mr. Trump to fume aloud in ways that divide the G.O.P. and raising the prospect of legal confrontations amid the campaign.
Her preoccupation with the perils of the written word in a charged political environment led her to write "After Lives: Legacies of Revolutionary Writing" (1996), a study of three writers who were assassinated.
It seems to me that the bond between Goodman and Guston doesn't have to do with cigarettes or hooded figures in her paintings, but with their deep preoccupation with the irreparably damaged body.
In one novel, "Thinner Than Thou" (2004), she satirizes a modern preoccupation with body image; in "The Night Children" (20133), runaway children live in a shopping mall and come out only at night.
Since the election of Donald Trump, however, opposition to overt racism, like free trade and supply-side economics, has been revealed as an elite Republican preoccupation with questionable currency among the conservative base.
" But, she writes, groups like ISIS have taken "some of the ideas of Wahhabism — a preoccupation with apostates and with purifying Islam — to new extremes, targeting Shia and other 'apostates' with brutal violence.
But while some have been turned off by Stewart's preoccupation with disturbing themes like degradation, sexual violence, and extreme depression, a not insignificant number of fans have been drawn in because of that.
Alibaba's reach and China's preoccupation with education could give Mattel the thrust it needs to win over the country's so-called "tiger mothers", who aggressively push their children to be the best in school.
In fact, while these paintings trespass on a particular "taboo" in their concern with menstruation, the curves and concavities of much of Mr Kapoor's previous work likewise convey a preoccupation with bodies and sexuality.
The transgender model Hari Nef, a Michele favorite, put it best when she remarked somewhere that fashion's current preoccupation with gender fluidity should not be taken as a sign of a radical new politics.
Hsieh's preoccupation with freedom and constraint is equally evident in his "Outdoor Piece", also exhibited in Doing Time, where he spent a year on the streets of Manhattan without taking shelter of any kind.
Probably the most famous and frequently referenced example of this in literary history is Proust's preoccupation with madeleines, the taste of which sends the narrator of Swann's Way down a lengthy path of reverie.
According to the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation, nearly two percent of the US population suffers from BDD, a body-image disorder characterized as an excessive fixation, or preoccupation, with an imagined defect in appearance.
With the grand prize rolling over each time, the bounty soared to a record $1.586 billion, fueled by what had become a national preoccupation with Powerball and the prospect of taking home untold riches.
The leaderless anonymous culture that once enchanted scholars such as Gabriella Coleman "ended up becoming characterized by a particularly dark preoccupation with thwarted or failed white Western masculinity as a grand metaphor," says Nagle.
Tate Britain's retrospective of Nash's career, the artist's second (the first was at Tate Liverpool in 2003), fixates largely on the blurry distinction between Nash's preoccupation with international surrealism and his penchant for patriotism.
"Do you mind if I just vent for a second?" he said on Tuesday at an outdoor event for Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia, after marveling aloud at the news media's preoccupation with "frivolous" things.
His novels shared certain characteristics with theirs — a cameralike detachment, an indifference to psychology, a preoccupation with physical details and the instability of human perception — but he took a more philosophical and political approach.
The upshot was that Rostow's status as designated administration hawk in chief induced in him a preoccupation with bureaucratic politics and buoying morale that impaired his strategic objectivity as American frustrations in Vietnam mounted.
" Noting Klemperer's preoccupation with a spouse he had lost in the war, she said, "Klemperer is inhabited by the phantasm of his lost wife: He is, in this crucial respect, 'played' by a woman.
The central thread, though, is the origin story of one Josef Loewe, our narrator, who shares with the author a birth year, 1962, and a philosophical preoccupation with the nature and purpose of narrative.
According to the findings of one of the investigations, based on interviews with the student, the instructor and others in the class, Dr. Moss had a "preoccupation" with students placing their feet on seats.
Teaching master classes at the Juilliard School in recent years, Ms. Cook often waved off her students' preoccupation with vocal perfection, pushing them instead to get at the pain and joy beneath the notes.
The order is ambiguous as to whether it sees Jews as a distinct nationality or a minority race, but either interpretation aligns with Mr. Trump's preoccupation with defining, and policing, the boundaries of identity.
A member of the government's economic team contends that Mr Bolsonaro's preoccupation with fighting culture wars serves as a "smokescreen" that allows Mr Guedes and Mr Maia to take the lead on economic legislation.
Courtesy of Oxford University Press The lack of preoccupation with ideological purity within the Democratic Party has allowed party leaders to avoid the threat of Tea Party–style primary challenges from their left flank.
Conner's preoccupation with bodily change and, later, the mental changes brought on by the ingestion of hallucinogenics, is consistent with his interest in identity and the alter ego, as well as his questioning of authorship.
Adjacent to the 12 prints, Collins presents "American Heritage Dictionary, 1982," a large-scale wall piece depicting illustrative sentences for definitions of words that involve violence, denoting the preoccupation with right and wrong in violence.
In the current political environment, however, both in Europe, against the backdrop of the migrant crisis, and in the United States, with its continuing preoccupation with terrorism and the rise of Trump, it is important.
It involves a shift away from a preoccupation with producing enough grain for the country's needs, towards boosting rural incomes by encouraging farmers to grow more profitable crops and use scarce arable land more efficiently.
His preoccupation with the character and ethics of politicians reflected his belief that his country faced a moment of great peril and needed strong, capable leadership of the kind he celebrated in his Munich lecture.
The preoccupation with orgasm through vaginal penetration alone — and the quest to induce it in every woman — opened a Pandora's box of possibilities for segmenting women's genitals into discrete components with separate sensations and capacities.
Japanese preoccupation with the smell of eggs has led to other modern wonders, like an egg that smells like yuzu citrus fruit, created by feeding chickens yuzu peel, kale, non-GMO corn, and sesame seeds.
On foreign policy, Buttigieg's background suggests a preoccupation with strength and a confidence that American military power can be wielded responsibly and unashamedly with the right person in charge, that person preferably being Pete Buttigieg.
Through his father's paintings, it becomes clear where Magdy gets many of his signature qualities: his fixation with color, his wild perception of the future, his preoccupation with history, and his romantic obsession with nature.
" And while he considers the left's preoccupation with the "25th Amendment solution" as less than rational, given the country's hyperpartisan political climate, the right's refusal to acknowledge the president's mental deficiencies is even more "crazy.
Mr. George's career encompassed several incarnations, but they converged in his preoccupation with imagery: How foreigners in Southeast Asia and post-World War II Europe regarded the United States in the global competition against communism.
Funds who own shares in Atlantia and its ASPI unit have written to the Italian government expressing great preoccupation with regards to a possible decision by Rome to revoke ASPI's motorway concession, Il Messaggero reported.
They say selfies and filters could worsen symptoms for people who have been diagnosed with or are at risk for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), or an excessive preoccupation with one or more perceived flaws in appearance.
"What stands out in her films of the preoccupation with female agency, the connection between agency and gender construction, and the obstacles facing the development of female agency in a patriarchal society," McMahan writes.
Hungry Harvest, a startup service that delivers "recovered produce" to consumers' doorsteps, has created a series of "ugly" fruit and vegetable emoji meant to get people thinking — and typing — about our preoccupation with aesthetically pleasing food.
Complicated grief can be defined as a more persistent form of intense grief in which maladaptive thoughts and dysfunctional behaviors emerge, along with continued yearning and sadness or preoccupation with thoughts of the person who died.
Notwithstanding the pervasive talk about, and seeming preoccupation with, what divides us as people, we have chosen to focus on what unites us by building bridges to protect the values of a free and tolerant society.
Hit shows like TLC's "Who Do You Think You Are?" and PBS's "Finding Your Roots," or popular genetic tests that trace biological lineage (AncestryDNA, 23andMe, Family Tree DNA) also attest to our preoccupation with blood ties.
She recalls Gertrude Stein's preoccupation with the "continuous present" of composition, and her frustration with repeatedly "beginning," a quality she associated with the 19th Century Novel and which she attempted to transcend with her word portraits.
The other affinity these artists have in common is their preoccupation with the vessel: they all improvise on a basic or — one could say — archetypal shape, transforming it into something else without subsuming its original identity.
But coming against the backdrop of the U.S. withdrawal from Syria and growing Pentagon preoccupation with great-power rivals such as China, it may mark the end of an era in U.S. foreign and military policy.
Trump's preoccupation with suggestions that he only won in 2016 because of Russia sparked destabilizing and willful presidential behavior, including the firing of FBI Director James Comey that led to a years-long special counsel probe.
Mr. Cheney's rise to power — indeed, his very persona — was based on a preoccupation with government processes and a familiarity with the national-security bureaucracies (call them the "deep state") that Mr. Trump so often disdains.
" Nef does not broadcast the medical details of her transition—a protocol observed by transgender celebrities like Laverne Cox, who once told a curious Katie Couric, "The preoccupation with transition and with surgery objectifies trans people.
"When a new child is introduced, parents may relax their preoccupation with the older child's eating behaviors, allowing the older child to respond to their own satiety cues and self-regulate their eating," Berge added by email.
A week ago, Marc Anthony openly criticized President Donald Trump for his preoccupation with NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem, while failing to respond to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.
" The magazine's report mocked the tabloid press's preoccupation with the parties: "The People name the chap they claim is The Evil Emperor of Ecstasy—a 'baby-faced' dealer who enjoys a 'virtual monopoly' of the London scene.
If this is how you're feeling, perhaps consider the possibility that your preoccupation with your friends' success is a side effect of some other malaise and, if you can address that, your status anxieties will fade, too.
At a time when an unhealthy preoccupation with the U.K. referendum on its EU membership and the declining influence of Europe continues to dominate the headlines, the region could benefit from corporate Germany flexing its muscles overseas.
Now aged 28, armed with more self-belief and less preoccupation with what other people think, I'm okay going out barefaced with the stubborn traces of my acne scarring unconcealed, my brows ungroomed and my lashes undefined.
Whether the 12-day journey to Asia offers a welcome diversion -- or whether his preoccupation with Russia becomes a dangerous distraction -- is a question that will be answered along the way as he leaves Washington on Friday.
" The magazine's report mocked the tabloid press's preoccupation with the parties: " The People name the chap they claim is The Evil Emperor of Ecstasy—a 'baby-faced' dealer who enjoys a 'virtual monopoly' of the London scene.
But the victory also brought years of American preoccupation with Iraq, leading to the decision by George W. Bush in 2003 to topple the Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, in a war that taxed American resources and patience.
" Americans tended to agree, putting China ahead of the Soviet Union as the biggest global menace in 1964, the historian Gordon H. Chang wrote in his 19603 book "Fateful Ties: A History of America's Preoccupation with China.
Despite the country's growing preoccupation with Islamic terrorism, the suggestions from Mr. de Maizière met immediate resistance in a country left deeply wary of centralized power by its traumatizing history with totalitarian government, both fascist and communist.
These themes are somewhat obscured by the novel's preoccupation with class dynamics, but they're there if you know to look — and the film orders you to look, by drawing constant attention to Faraday's greedy obsession with Hundreds Hall.
Or was I subliminally buying into cultural anxieties about racial hygiene, which the Irish musicologist Melanie Marshall, speaking at a symposium at Columbia University last month, suspected to have driven the preoccupation with "pure" voices in Thatcher's Britain?
Critics also noted that an excessive preoccupation with calorie tracking is a hallmark of anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders, so seeing calorie estimates every time they look up directions can have a very negative impact on sufferers.
My tendency to construct scenarios and perform for my camera in my portraiture and self-portraits have given me a grasp on my preoccupation with femininity, selfhood, and the ways that sexuality contributes to the construction of identity.
First of all, classical computing's preoccupation with speed is now viewed as antiquated and potentially harmful, as the search for speed blinded us to energy efficiency, arguably the focus of the most urgent current research and development work.
There were very few resources at the time for twin loss, but the few articles I found warned against projecting grief onto the surviving twin and stressed the importance of avoiding preoccupation with the baby who had died.
And Mr. Biden's preoccupation with winning back blue-collar Midwestern whites could place him at odds with Democrats who see greater potential for growth in the highly educated suburbs and across the booming Sun Belt and upper South.
The slim book contains a short but dense text that sketches out Dada's preoccupation with the present, during a period when Europe was being buffeted between regrets for the nasty past and appeals to a revolutionary utopian future.
As constructed, though, the story advances at an almost lyrical pace, investing the air kisses and preoccupation with appearances with greater gravity and allowing the characters to gradually develop over the six previewed hours of this seven-episode run.
The preoccupation with voter suppression in Georgia is justified because the race is incredibly tight: In the FiveThirtyEight forecast, Kemp and Abrams are almost neck and neck (the third candidate is Ted Metz, a Libertarian, with a 4% share).
Although he never says "to men" in the piece, that is its overwhelming implication; his preoccupation with satisfying the boners of entitled dudes as the one and only solution to gender and sex-related social issues is unquestionably paramount.
It's not particularly clear what this debate has to do with any issues in 2019, but Trump's interest in the matter seems to reflect his (outdated even in the late 19th century) preoccupation with the revenue implications of tariffs.
But some allies said Trump had not been disciplined about selling his record on the economy and that his lack of a healthcare overhaul plan was hurting him along with his preoccupation with migrants at the U.S. southern border.
But the book's preoccupation with a kind of studied ridding oneself of the superego/organized social self that comes with being an adult works on you, slowly, making you question why so many of our everyday experiences go undescribed.
Baghurst feels that everyone—friend, coach, trainer, therapist—has a responsibility to look out for the warning signs of muscle dysmorphia: a preoccupation with muscularity, a distorted self-image, body dissatisfaction, and an obsession with an idealized body type.
Honestly, "Endgame" reminded me in several moments of a Richard Linklater film: It has that same intense preoccupation with time, there's long scenes where people are just hanging out, and there are a whole bunch of startlingly likable jocks.
Even now, as figures on the right are opportunistically jettisoning laissez-faire nostrums to own the coronavirus crisis, party leaders are struggling to move beyond a preoccupation with debt, deficits, and deservedness that has constrained liberals for generations now.
The repression is severe enough to have raised concerns even within the Trump administration — not known for a preoccupation with human rights abroad — and the administration is weighing possible sanctions against the regime, a step that justice clearly demands.
Another striking example of this preoccupation with scientific achievement as represented through art is the ivory telescope that likely wasn't functional, but symbolized the continual analysis of the cosmos and nature's use in advancing the objectives of the court.
And bear in mind that one feature of eating disorders is a preoccupation with how you look to others; being addressed by a stranger in a gym who is worried by your appearance is likely to exacerbate that problem.
America's obsession with the Middle East goes back decades: to the oil crisis, to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, to the 1990 Gulf War; starting in the 1980s, the religious right developed a preoccupation with Israel and thus the Israel-Arab conflict.
The preoccupation with the closet also presents a tricky narrative hurdle for filmmakers wishing to tell a coming out story: How can these films keep their protagonists' central problem compelling when real life has made it feel so much more commonplace?
As you might have gleaned from the ongoing attempts to defund Planned Parenthood and the room full of old white men currently deciding the future of women's health, the House of Representatives has an unhealthy preoccupation with the female reproductive system.
Given Aries' preoccupation with the self and individualization, and Uranus' command over advancements in technology and pushing forward, you might have been asserting your ideas, fighting from your corner, or establishing a radical solo project of your own at that time.
Kurdish YPG militias have taken advantage of the rebels' preoccupation with fending off the Russian-backed Syrian army offensive launched last week in the northern Aleppo countryside to gain ground near an important border crossing with Turkey, the Syrian insurgents say.
"Our preoccupation with what is 'wrong' with our bodies silences our voices and prevents us from being fully engaged in the world and our own lives," Galbraith tells PEOPLE of her reason behind posting her mirror selfie and accompanying caption.
The lead judge on the case, Martine Ract Madoux, explained the absence of any sentence by citing Lagarde's preoccupation with the 2008-09 financial crisis that was raging at the time of the payout as well as her strong international reputation.
If I asked her what she thought of the clash between person and state, our preoccupation with status and wealth, our envy of the West, our pride, our tendency to self-criticize, your wife would not know how to respond.
Mr. Trump's preoccupation with military action and refusal to seriously pursue a diplomatic overture to North Korea are foolhardy, especially when South Korea is using North Korea's participation in the Winter Olympics to defuse tensions and open up space for dialogue.
He vowed to fight gun violence, and admonished President Trump for a Saturday night Twitter post that accused the F.B.I. of missing "signals" of Wednesday's deadly rampage because of what the president characterized as the agency's preoccupation with the Russian investigation.
HONG KONG — President Trump's tweet Tuesday taunting the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un over the relative strength of the two nations' nuclear arsenals set off a torrent of concern on Twitter — and a few jokes about masculine preoccupation with size.
As Mr. Spicer prepared to return to Washington, he was asked if he was worried that Mr. Trump would take offense over the skit, which many viewers saw as lampooning the president's preoccupation with the size of his inauguration crowd.
This volume's preoccupation with the meaning and methods of literature is, you realize, inevitable, given that the story it tells shows the devastating consequences of the author's decision to depict life "raw" — to use real people, often with their real names.
Aspects of "Forest Dark" will be familiar to readers of Krauss's earlier books "The History of Love" and "Great House," including a preoccupation with the writing process and a revelatory take on the ties that bind people separated by generations.
If so, the North Koreans and Chinese (who have profited mightily by U.S. preoccupation with Pyongyang) must have been unpleasantly surprised that, this time, the U.S. president did not blink or flinch or even bluster in response to the escalating rhetoric.
" Recordings of Mr. Wuorinen's more recent music, released on the Bridge label, reveal a continued preoccupation with formal rigor, but also a new sense of playfulness, as in the eloquent Fourth Piano Sonata and the absurdist cantata "It Happens Like This.
While the pound's moves since June show a preoccupation with the UK vote to exit the European Union, MUFG's Hardman doesn't buy speculation that triggering Article 50 to begin the formal process could justify another leg lower in the currency.
Put simply, there is a plausible (in theory, at least) nonracist reading of King's preoccupation with the preservation of "Western civilization" or the president's belief that some countries, like Haiti, are "shitholes" whose residents should be kept off American soil.
In a series of interviews with dozens of former employees, the report, released Thursday, alleges both a systematic shedding of employees over 40 and a preoccupation with hiring younger workers as the company pivoted towards social media, data analytics, and cloud-based services.
It's entirely possible that our recent preoccupation with Harry Potter makeup brushes, heart-shaped highlighter, and literally anything having to do with unicorns is a telltale sign that we've subconsciously decided to skip that whole adulting thing — and we're fine with that.
Longtime Verge fans who've followed the founders from Engadget to their new home at Vox Media are well aware of our preoccupation with doomsday — it's been a running gag for a decade, akin to a secret handshake between members of a club.
Two vulnerabilities are particularly worrying: a profound ignorance of economics (Mrs May hasn't had to soil her hands with any business-related subjects since she briefly worked at the Bank of England in 1977-83) and a preoccupation with internal party politics.
One clue to Snider's preoccupation with dance can be found in the painting, "And I, An Old Man…II" (2013), which cites something Vsevolod Meyerhold, an innovative Soviet Russian theater director and actor, wrote: Every movement is a hieroglyph, with its particular meaning.
That somewhat defies common sense, but The Bell Curve's preoccupation with the problem of "encouraging the wrong women" to have children clarifies that the goal is to avert the alleged dysgenic impact of improving the material living conditions of low-income children.
"To a large extent, Europe's preoccupation with the new refugees as a possible terrorist threat is a dangerous distraction from its own homegrown violent extremism, given that the Paris attackers were predominantly Belgian or French citizens," the report said, referring to the Nov.
With The Last of Us Part II Naughty Dog has an opportunity to shift mainstream video games' preoccupation with male dominance in the protector role like never before, while respecting the unique scars that both leading characters are now made to carry.
In the wake of tensions with the North, South Korea lost its focus on Vietnam, and when negotiations eventually returned, a preoccupation with defending his own country led to a significant minimization of the number of soldiers Park was willing to send.
Bin Laden's preoccupation with climate change also emerged as a theme in the first tranche of documents from the raid that was declassified in May 2015, as well as in an audio recording released via the al Jazeera network in January 2010.
His preoccupation with a peace deal to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is another factor I can only attribute to a man caught between two countries trying to do what he could to ensure that one didn't destroy the other.
Researchers, too, say they have been frustrated by both the Bush and Obama administrations because of what they say is a preoccupation with research that can be distilled into simple checklists, even at the risk of casting unnecessary suspicion on innocent people.
Picasso's profile in the country was further boosted by his decision to join the French Communist Party in 20193 (though he was hardly an active member): his left-leaning politics and preoccupation with peace seemed to put him in service to the proletariat.
A significant moment late in the play, involving a puppet of the artist (designed by Charlie Kanev and Sarah Nolen), by then severely emaciated, doesn't come off, either — partly because the narrative has long since blurred, overwhelmed by the production's preoccupation with atmosphere.
But they're still mining many of the themes they outlined in block capitals in their EP title: On The Seduction of Kansas, frontwoman Katie Alice Greer touches upon the American preoccupation with war, consumerism, and cultural icons, but never without a playful edge.
WASHINGTON — President Trump's allegations that former President Barack Obama tapped his phone and his assertions that the bureaucracy is leaking secrets to discredit him are the latest signs of a White House preoccupation with a "deep state" working to thwart the Trump presidency.
The burst of activity came during a three-month period that reveals an extraordinary preoccupation with his potential general election rival, and provides a window into Trump's thinking in the run-up to his fateful July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Hadjithomas and Joreige have long shared a preoccupation with whether the endless production of war images (not only in the media but also in contemporary art and culture) has led us to legitimize violence and produce an entire psycho-visual code around it.
Yesterday on Fox Sports' The Herd, Cormier told host Colin Cowherd that his preoccupation with a Jon Jones rematch is all consuming, that it transcends even the regulatory concerns and legal guidelines of the UFC and its anti-doping partner, the USADA.
Plus, Trump has shown an innate ability to distract Americans from the news that benefits him, such as his preoccupation with the Russia investigation, his divisive insistence that a wall be built on the southern border or that the Affordable Care Act be repealed.
More recently, the sensationalizing notion at the center of Dan Brown's mega-selling book " The Da Vinci Code "—that one of the apostles depicted in Leonardo's "The Last Supper" is actually, and visibly, a woman—connects him with our current preoccupation with gender fluidity.
The Heian conflation of taste, ethics, and identity, not to mention their preoccupation with sending each other poem fragments like so many text messages and then fretting about not getting replies, wasn't so far off from our own era of late decadence, the 21st century.
Ally's exasperation stems in large part from Cooper's rendering of Jackson, which taps more explicitly than previous versions into the story's preoccupation with the emasculation of its out-of-control star, who faces the loss of his employment and fan base, and thus his power.
Though experts agree that Mais Medicos had many pressing flaws, including failing to outgrow its initial emergency aims and building a lasting healthcare infrastructure for rural communities, Bolsonaro's preoccupation with Cuba's role in it suggests the decision was based on ideology rather than true reform.
He has done so against the advice of most economists and his own economic report, as The New York Times reported in March: Mr. Trump's preoccupation with trade in goods contradicts his own White House economic report, which he signed and was released in February.
Organized around three large-scale port scenes, including an unfinished work that inspired new technical analysis by a Tate Britain conservator, the show reflects the artist's — and Britain's — preoccupation with travel in the years after the Napoleonic wars, which restricted journeys across the English Channel.
Moreover, one can see in Packer's ideal not only the emotional and moral distance that makes breezy punditry about distant wars possible, but also the roots of Packer's preoccupation with social media, which has collapsed the gap between writers and the rest of the world.
Readers of his poems will recognize his preoccupation with Lvov, a city lost to his parents and their friends after Poland ceded it to the Soviet Ukraine after World War II. With it, they also lost culture, beauty and any sense of being at home.
Katie Roiphe originally gained notoriety by criticizing what she called the "neo-Puritan preoccupation" with date rape — her past writing on sexual assault was one reason many were concerned that she had been assigned to write about the Shitty Media Men list for Harper's.
Read more: Trump's views on the US auto industry are childish and intended only to rally his supportersWhat the industry wasn't counting on the president's pathological preoccupation with California's country-like independence and his enthusiasm for reversing everything that Obama achieved when he was in office.
A sign of their relative power has been their preoccupation with managing China's rise without inciting a clash with the dominant superpower, the US. Trump, for reasons far deeper than his own political woes, will confront a far different challenge in dealing with a newly potent China.
While the lyrics to the song as a whole suggest that the Porsche fantasy is actually just shorthand for anticipating the spoils of hard work that's been a distraction after the end of a relationship, it does brings Pop 2's preoccupation with automation to the fore.
In some, the tape is applied straight, with its color (red, yellow, gray, or beige) determining the color of the piece, an early indication of the artist's preoccupation with the subtle distinctions of monochrome, which led her to make paintings comparing different brands of the same color.
Measures to censor don't work in China and they haven't worked in the U.K. The legislature would serve citizens better by squashing this preoccupation with pornography and instead putting a real effort into educating kids — and possibly the adults in Utah — about what is healthy sexual behavior.
The impasse is particularly remarkable given that even some immigration hard-liners do not regard the wall as their highest priority and fear that Mr. Trump's preoccupation with it will prompt him to cut a deal that trades a relatively ineffectual measure for major concessions on immigration.
Some readers of Book 1 will feel as though they're on a treasure hunt for allusions to the French masterpiece: There are reflections on how different rooms feel, meditations on famous paintings, a preoccupation with a beloved grandmother, early fumblings with girls that result in premature ejaculations.
The smartest move it could make would be to abandon its preoccupation with direct sales and avoiding the US franchise dealer systems and adopt a hybrid model, partnering with a major dealer chain for service in the same way it has allied with big banks for financing.
Jeff Bezos, Amazon's founder and chief executive, has been dismissive of the preoccupation with near-term stock price swings, often quoting the influential investor Benjamin Graham, who said the market is a voting machine in the short run and a weighing machine in the long run.
To the Editor: Re "As the U.S. Disengages, Peril Ahead for the World" (Op-Ed, June 15): François Delattre, France's departing ambassador to the United Nations, eloquently calls on America to rise above preoccupation with daily provocations and insults to our values and to civil discourse.
In this work, Susplugas summarizes our modern relationship to the pharmakon: the dependency of our culture on many of these substances isn't content-driven but fetish-driven, which brings to the fore Kliushnikov's preoccupation with the role of the pharmacological as a part of the utilitarian structure of capitalism.
Mr. Guénolé, Ms. Nardon and other analysts say that Mr. Macron is taking advantage of the vacuum left in Europe by Prime Minister Theresa May's preoccupation with how to get Britain out of the European Union and Chancellor Angela Merkel's focus on maintaining an unwieldy coalition in Germany.
Ann Wolbert Burgess, a psychiatric nursing professor at Boston College who studied the personalities of 36 convicted serial killers in the late 1970s and early 1980s with FBI agents in the Behavioral Science Unit, said serial criminals commonly develop a preoccupation with their crime at an early age.
"Certainly bond yields pulling back today is helpful for stocks, at least for the short term, that has been the narrative that is out there - that higher bond yields are weighing on stocks and this preoccupation with three percent," said Willie Delwiche, investment strategist at Baird in Milwaukee.
Moreover, if Jason Bourne is a modern-day answer to James Bond, it's worth noting the only nefarious group here is the CIA, without requiring made-up acronyms like SPECTRE, as the preoccupation with Bourne stretches all the way to the agency's director (a perfectly cast Tommy Lee Jones).
Didn&apost go that way, and thus we got an insane episode of Musk tweeting his way into an SEC investigation and eventual settlement, a pitched battle between the #TSLA fanboy and the #TSLAQ bankruptcy crowds, and a preoccupation with Tesla&aposs inner-workings that resembled Cold War Kremlinology.
Organized around three large-scale port scenes, including an unfinished work from the Tate Britain that inspired new technical analysis by a Tate conservator, the show reflects the artist's — and Britain's — preoccupation with travel in the years after the Napoleonic wars, which restricted journeys across the English Channel.
But Mr. Trump's preoccupation with the wall and anti-immigrant politics reflects how he has embraced the once-fringe views of Mr. King, who has used racist language in the past, promotes neo-Nazis on Twitter and was recently denounced by one Republican leader as a white supremacist.
The Bechers also taught Andreas Gursky, Thomas Struth, and Axel Hütte, and certain similarities are evident among the pupils — for instance, a knack for capturing a sense of vastness within a delineated space, an overt preoccupation with geometry and scale, and a deliberately distinct style or visual imprint.
In the eyes of the Saudi leadership, these risks to their regime come partly from external threats and partly from weaknesses and contradictions inherent to the Saudi system itself — which means that a Saudi preoccupation with threats to the regime is, in some ways, baked into the system.
His preoccupation with art's complicity in economic or political injustice has made him a frequent target for politicians, vandals and censors — most notoriously in 1971, when the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum canceled his show rather than exhibit his forensic documentation of the run-down real estate holdings of a Manhattan landlord.
"A preoccupation with penalizing poor whites reveals an uneasy tension between what Americans are taught to think the country promises—the dream of upward mobility—and the less appealing truth that class barriers almost invariably make that dream unobtainable," Nancy Isenberg wrote in the preface to her book White Trash.
Yet there is a sense that the point of overkill has long since been reached, that football has developed an unhealthy preoccupation with a custom that, a decade or so ago, would happen only once or twice a season to salute a double-winning centre-back or a semi-legendary manager.
But the fact that they are getting attention also reveals a broader preoccupation with the distance traveled and the advancing age of this financial cycle, with an implicit suggestion that these signals are building to some culmination of this bull market rather than serving as mere markers along the way.
And for decades, Allen and Farrow's adopted daughter Dylan has alleged that her father molested her when she was 7 years old, while friends of Farrow's have long maintained that whatever might have happened, Allen had an unnatural preoccupation with Dylan when she was young, for which he sought therapy.
As with many heartthrob solo debuts, what stands out about this one is a glistening male vanity that can result in detail-obsessed fussiness or a solemn preoccupation with having real feelings as the case may be, and always the absurd self-objectification of anxious self-redefinition, yet that isn't even the problem.
Related: The Iraqi Town Where Kurds and Turkmens Shoot Each Other, Not Islamic State "Infiltrators exploited our forces' preoccupation with preparations for the Fallujah battle to penetrate state institutions and cause chaos," the military said, referring to a city 30 miles west of Baghdad controlled by Islamic State for more than two years.
A preoccupation with the fine print of a sport that tends to lend itself to obsessiveness—the lineup of personnel and the use of backup quarterbacks and the recounting of coaches' interviews rendered by color analysts and sideline reporters—has rendered him one of the most weirdly influential figures in college football.
The only conceivable ends toward which orchestration of this resolution would constitute the most rational means is the reinvigoration of the worldwide anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, at the very moment when international preoccupation with jihadist terror and pushback regarding its rampant anti-Semitism were beginning to limit its growth.
When you combine this with a (small and recently reversed) trend of conservative speakers on college campuses being shouted down and disinvited, you end up with a conservative preoccupation with what's going on at America's colleges: a conviction that repressive campus liberalism is a threat to the future of conservative ideas in America.
M.F.A. programs have propagated a puritan preoccupation with "craft," she wrote in the London Review of Books in 2010, with whittling tidy, teachable, forgettable books while leaving the work of the novel — "the juxtaposition of personal narrative with the facts of the world and the facts of literature" — to memoirs and essays.
Bergman's preoccupation with eyes calls to mind the fascinating modernist painter John D. Graham (1886-1961), whose portraits of cross-eyed women constitute a body of work that has yet to be fully reckoned with, even though he was an important and influential friend to Arshile Gorky and Willem de Kooning, among others.
But Washington, along with other major Western governments, has allowed the Ethiopian government to flout the ruling: Since at least the mid-1990s, U.S. policy toward the region has been driven by an almost single-minded preoccupation with counterterrorism, and Washington considers Ethiopia to be its main security partner in the Horn of Africa.
That language is front and center in the exhibition, which follows Heaney through his early life as a teacher at St. Joseph's College in Belfast, the publication of his first volume of poems, "Death of a Naturalist" (1966), his growing renown, further publications, increasing preoccupation with events in Northern Ireland, and his 1995 Nobel award.
More importantly, the song introduced the themes that made Bowie the artist we know today: a preoccupation with space and the mystery of the beyond; an experimental bent that manifests itself in a sparse backing track and an unorthodox verse structure; and a literary bent that emphasizes character development rather than Bowie's personal introspection.
This is the rare case in which a rapper successfully translates the messy SoundCloud rap aesthetic into an album without sacrificing the mess — the distortion, the static, the lo-fi murk, the random noises surfacing and subsiding, the preoccupation with death and horror tropes (for instance, "Lost Souls" and "Suicide Season"), and the defiant incoherence.
As such, there is room for the curators to insert some of their own interpretations with varying degrees of credibility, such as that the fluid lines and preoccupation with dreams and sexuality evidence a link back to Surrealism; Ireson argues thus because he was also reading Freud and Jung, and corresponding still with Georges Bataille and André Breton.
That said, there are some habits to look out for, including a preoccupation with food, weight, calorie-counting, and/or exercise; avoiding or making excuses to miss social events where food will be present; or skipping meals and hoarding food, says Rachel Goldman, a licensed psychologist and clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at the NYU School of Medicine.
Louis C.K.'s character, a successful TV producer, is aghast at the prospect of his 17-year-old daughter becoming romantically involved with a famous 68-year-old movie director (the two are played by Chloe Grace Moretz and an appropriately weird John Malkovich), whose preoccupation with young women is laughed off by most of those around him.
There's a certain kind of fantasy novel that feels tinkered over, far past the point of usefulness, to such a degree that the author's preoccupation with his special world supersedes, in an odd way, the book for which it was invented — the book becoming only an artifact of the process, an externality, rather than its endpoint.
Mr. Fallon's songwriting on "Painkillers," his first true solo album, shows the same instincts he displayed in the Gaslight Anthem: a preoccupation with a particularly American stripe of yesteryear, a fondness for addressing women with charming names ("Lily, I don't know how to start this letter"), a willingness to put the self on display in all its ugliness.
Within the European contingent, there is a collective preoccupation with "bullshit jobs" — the subject of a 2013 article by David Graeber which rightly identifies that the working lives of many people in the modern era are consumed by essentially purposeless tasks, fundamentally designed (never forget, they are designed!) to eat up time in exchange for a paycheck.
Goth-kid-turned-librarian Leila Taylor explores similar themes in her treatise Darkly: Black History and America's Gothic Soul and finds that compelling intersections between the gothic preoccupation with pain, horror, violence, and trauma makes goth culture uniquely suited to exploring while reckoning with America's history of enslavement, colonialism, and the unrelenting violence against Black bodies.
Were the very things that have made Germany seem so safe to so many Israelis — the national preoccupation with contrition, aversion to raw nationalism, and determination never to repeat the sins of the past — now in danger of being shunted aside by a new generation unburdened by collective guilt and determined to assert its national identity?
In May, the World Health Organization officially added a new disorder to the section on substance use and addictive behaviors in the latest version of the International Classification of Diseases: "gaming disorder," which it defines as excessive and irrepressible preoccupation with video games, resulting in significant personal, social, academic or occupational impairment for at least 12 months.
These failures of basic apprehension underline, in turn, another core paradox of intellectual conservatism: For the conservative elites' self-advertised preoccupation with ideas and the ennobling Western tradition of critical inquiry, the American right has always been, as people as different as Lionel Trilling and Pat Buchanan have recognized, more an affair of the viscera than the head.
During this time of American preoccupation with internal politics, Russian President Vladimir PutinVladimir Vladimirovich PutinAs Buttigieg rises, Biden is still the target Yang jokes first thing he'd say to Putin as president is 'Sorry I beat your guy' Biden: Impeachment hearings show 'Trump doesn't want me to be the nominee' MORE may be trying to drive a wedge into the transatlantic sanctions coalition.
The case fused two conflicting themes in the nation's public life: its enduring preoccupation with the royal family — witnessed most recently in the marriage this month of Prince Harry and the American actress Meghan Markle — and the struggle to avert terrorism a year after a suicide bombing in Manchester followed by attacks on bridges over the River Thames in London.
All the existential angst of human life is here: our "just had to laugh" in the face of death; our fascination with depictions of war (especially if we read the book); our preoccupation with dumb trivia that actually reveals more about society than we'd care to admit (the Albert Hall, an upper-class haven, is the yardstick for the number of holes in working-class Blackburn, Lancashire).
The third study consisted of 317 adolescents and it went a step further than the two previous studies by testing—and finding support for—a statistical model in which (1) being religious predicted putting more effort into suppressing and avoiding sexual thoughts, (2) suppression predicted more obsessive preoccupation with unwanted sexual thoughts, and (3) preoccupation, in turn, predicted lower levels of psychological well-being.
We must not let our preoccupation with President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE-the-person get in the way of supporting sound foreign policymaking that benefits the people of Iran and American national security.
Two years ago, this 55-year-old artist's preoccupation with the border reached something of a crescendo when he and the photographer David Taylor, 873, a University of Arizona art professor, set out on a 3,700-mile buddy trip to fabricate and install 47 sheet metal obelisks along the old, unmarked 1821 boundary between Mexico and the western territories of the United States, a border that existed only in treaties.
It is also an opportunity to see the origins or early iterations of many of Nelson's later habits: her preoccupation with violence; her remarkably unprecious treatment of sex; her haphazard (but often effective) jumps between tenses; her tendency to introduce quotations from other books, rendered in italics, into the middle of paragraphs as sentences borrowed for those paragraphs, by far the most visible stylistic feature of The Argonauts.
Hillary and her husband's never-ending, murky money-grubbing; her meticulous image-molding; her Wall Street ties and secret speeches to Goldman Sachs; her adherence to said establishment's obsessive preoccupation with free-trade deals over anything else in American life—including climate change, massive economic disruption, and the rupturing of countless middle- and working-class communities—had come to shed a sinister glare over even the most innocuous events in her life.
The problem is partly structural: Eyre and Munro have leaned heavily on Lucy's childhood, all but erasing the novel's thread involving literary mentorship, and certain details, such as Lucy's enduring preoccupation with the Nazis (her father, stationed in Germany, killed two local boys at point-blank range; her husband's German father was a prisoner of war; and, with almost apologetic gratuitousness, Lucy notes that her angelic doctor is Jewish), fail to cohere.
Critics of neoconservatism might argue that this preoccupation with ideological purity has also contributed to its policy failings — that in the runup to invading Iraq, neoconservatives were more focused on high-minded arguments about democracy promotion and the nature of Arab autocracy than they were on the nitty-gritty of Iraqi sectarian politics or post-conflict reconstruction; that after Iraq collapsed, neoconservatives remained too committed to their ideals to ask whether some of those ideals had led them astray.
The exhibition embraces four themes that have distinguished New York: Money (New Amsterdam began as, in effect, a for-profit company), diversity (which fostered tolerance or, at any rate, indifference to most minorities — with the conspicuous exception of more than two centuries of enslaved blacks, illustrated by a 1770 slaves-for-sale newspaper advertisement), density (which produced slums, skyscrapers and the city's recyclable real estate) and creativity (which percolated from the vitality demanded by the density, diversity and preoccupation with making money).
Granted, there are certain bridges to be found: Broodthaers's dialogue with Mallarmé begins in the poetry and culminates in his reimagining of Un coup de dés as nonverbal abstraction; the eagles that appear several times in the poems, as pointed out by Elizabeth Zuba in her translator's note to the Siglio volume, adumbrate his later preoccupation with the bird (the line "O Melancholy bitter castle of eagles" from My Ogre Book is even carried over into one of his Department of Eagles museum projects).
This preoccupation with what it means to be seen/not seen runs throughout this nearly half-century survey, from the early body print "Spade (Power for the Spade)" (1969) to recent works, such as "Untitled" (2015), a thinly painted, brushy abstraction on canvas covered by the kind of ratty, orange plastic tarp seen at construction sites and used by the homeless, and "Untitled" (2014), an antique wood-and-plaster framed glass mirror more than 10 feet high, with two sheets of gray, galvanized steel haphazardly attached to its front.
This year's ceremony was peppered with pointed jokes and attacks on the sitting president — jokes that began in host Stephen Colbert's monologue with a dig at Trump's preoccupation with never winning an Emmy for The Apprentice and continued with an outrage-inducing cameo from Trump's former White House communications director Sean Spicer, several mentions of the president in acceptance speeches, and a 9 to 5 reunion that saw Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, and Dolly Parton take the stage and not-so-subtly imply that Trump is a lying bigot.

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