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240 Sentences With "pragmatists"

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And both are pragmatists who put their countries' interests first.
Labour is split between its magical thinkers and its pragmatists.
Kasich and Hickenlooper are pragmatists more than they are ideologues.
Weakening the pragmatists now could affect the choice of Khamenei's successor.
The money will help close the deal with the moderate pragmatists.
They ran as people not party members; as pragmatists not politicians.
Biden and Buttigieg are battling to be the pragmatists' standard bearer.
To pragmatists who accept that the future is uncertain, it is valuable.
Better, the pragmatists think, to strike smaller deals between like-minded members.
The pragmatists certainly have some support in the trading of global equities.
We debate engagement versus isolation, neoconservatives versus pragmatists, realists versus Wilsonian idealists.
Those supporting Mr. Rouhani prefer to call themselves pragmatists, centrists and moderates.
Conflicts between purists and pragmatists are nothing new in the legislative space.
Both Quigley and Margaret are, in their own ways, hard-line pragmatists.
Or pragmatists, hoping to maintain Britain's links with Europe as far as possible?
That is a problem both for Anglo-Saxon pragmatists and continental ideologues alike.
You see, despite the fact that we're fashion freaks, we're also total pragmatists.
This creates enormous incentives for independent candidates to run as issue-averse pragmatists.
Pragmatists have their own kind of romanticism, cynics their own kind of naïveté.
Meanwhile, rank-and-file pragmatists are tired of the ongoing Labour ding-dong.
But we still have this underlying fight between the pragmatists and the ideologues.
The need for reinvention will include their own transformation into Western-friendly pragmatists.
Maybe there were even some transcendentalists, existentialists, pragmatists, agrarians and Gnostics floating around.
They are pragmatists, common-sense people that you don't find on either side.
Moderates and pragmatists seeking greater political and social freedoms have mostly been barred.
I also understand that protest movements need both radicals and pragmatists to succeed.
There is some good news for lonely pragmatists clinging to a shrinking center.
What seems to irk these pragmatists is not strictly that promises like Medicare for All are, in their minds, impossible to enact, but that they are popular enough to force these pragmatists to come clean about why they oppose them.
Prophets are not pragmatists, and the fog of futility often hangs over their complaints.
Others—self-described pragmatists—fear that reliance on the MFN principle would cause gridlock.
Today's Democratic Party has little room for old-school, mechanical pragmatists such as Clinton.
This was one of the insights articulated by (my philosophical heroes) the American pragmatists.
The damage to the pragmatists' standing comes at a fortunate time for the Principlists.
Working toward these common goals, the pragmatists and the visionaries can find common ground.
These were pragmatists who understood the role of national pride in motivating political change.
Turks are pragmatists, Mr. Mühlbauer points out, saying, "Turks usually go for Plan B."
The demagogues would burn themselves out, and the pragmatists would rebuild upon the ashes.
More pragmatists who've been on the receiving end of the Fed's disastrous and misguided policies.
Campaign finance laws directly affect the relative balance between pragmatists and purists in the parties.
Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a former Brazilian president, thinks the pragmatists will prevail in such disputes.
The debate between the pragmatists and visionaries is not what most concerns the voting public.
And there are pragmatists who have given up the fight and will back Mrs. Clinton.
Lewis notes the "unstable combination" of internationalists, isolationists, and "pragmatists" that went forth to campaign.
Why is it that progressives are branded as ideologues, while centrists are seen as pragmatists?
Pragmatists will rejoin that there's no sense in advocating impeachment when the G.O.P. controls Congress.
"Secretary Ross is one of the pragmatists" who supports restoring EXIM's full powers, Hall said.
Small-government fundamentalists like Friedrich Hayek have rubbed shoulders with pragmatists such as John Stuart Mill.
In Iowa, the progressives went with Sanders over Warren and the pragmatists chose Buttigieg over Biden.
That led to the downfall of the pragmatists and catapulted hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the presidency.
It was seen as a sign that pragmatists are losing sway to Tehran's hard-liners (Reuters).
Trump and his team are tough-minded pragmatists capable of hard-headed diplomacy and decisive action.
He put himself at the center of soccer's culture wars between the aesthetes and the pragmatists.
And it is divided not just two ways — radicals versus pragmatists — but both groups versus Trump.
PRAGMATISTS AND SCEPTICS Across the EU, no government has yet imposed an outright ban on Huawei.
With party leaders blaming each other, a group of senators, who considered themselves pragmatists, began meeting.
Tyrion and Varys — wily pragmatists advising a conquering queen — expressed deep moral misgivings about this plan.
There is no evidence that there are enough centrists or "pragmatists" to threaten the two-party duopoly.
The upshot is that the conservatives, once the great pragmatists of Australian politics, no longer value bipartisanship.
And states where black and brown voters will play a huge role...ultimately, southern Democrats are pragmatists.
Once the hatchery fish are released, the pragmatists say, you cannot control where they swim, making segregation unrealistic.
For the foreign policy pragmatists who worry about genuine openness, think Wilberforce and the eradication of Western slavery.
It would provide a "we told you so" gift to Iranian hard-liners in their struggle with pragmatists.
Today, the internal battles between idealists and pragmatists have mostly been resolved by a fresh-faced new leadership.
When parties are strong, pragmatists tend to be nominated; when parties are weak, purists tend to be nominated.
Since the pragmatists care more about winning elections than about enacting policy they have a moderating effect on politics.
The pragmatists are all locked in their cages while the purists are running around the city like feral cats.
She was instrumental in reinforcing the dominance of the "pragmatists" as opposed to the "ideologues" of his first term.
He said he wanted to empower women by teaching them to be pragmatists about what they want from men.
As pragmatists, we know from experience that in any endeavor, it is essential to have a solid asset base.
German foreign policy experts are not blind to the obvious divide between ideologues and pragmatists in Mr. Trump's administration.
But even that proved too difficult on health reform because of defections from both hard-line conservatives and pragmatists.
In this realm, the purportedly "issueless" politics of the midcentury pragmatists had the relative virtue of prioritizing local organizational strength.
" The pragmatists are saying, in essence, "We have no data on how tax reduction and fiscal stimulus will impact earnings.
Even the supposed pragmatists in Zanu-PF have argued that land should be owned by the state and leased out.
The party of Reagan, Eisenhower and Lincoln, to say nothing of Teddy Roosevelt, can certainly accommodate pragmatists along with purists.
Warren has tried to please both progressives and pragmatists, but the overlap may not be as large as she hoped.
While the United States is incapable of empowering Iranian pragmatists, midwifing a principlist consolidation now would be a grave mistake.
Johnson and Weld, former Republican governors with national profiles, were attractive to the party's pragmatists because of their potential crossover appeal.
Perhaps most important, a good many of the Republicans who had won these offices were not middle-of-the-road pragmatists.
Elections are fought between mainstream parties, which are big coalitions of idealists and pragmatists, reflecting well-structured social and economic interests.
Widespread abhorrence of it enabled the eventual rise of pragmatists led by Deng Xiaoping, who ushered in economic and social reforms.
Will the initial plan to leave Navarro out encourage trade pragmatists to reassert themselves over the trade nationalists within the administration?
The hardliners are sharpening their knives for the moment (inevitable, they believe) when the other signatories let the pragmatists down again.
They and other hardliners have solidified their popular base and marginalized for the foreseeable future Iran's pragmatists, including President Hassan Rouhani.
And now, they have had to make electoral deals with pragmatists, diluting the very notion of "reformist" as a political category.
The other side — the climate pragmatists — has called for adaptation: accepting that climate change is happening and taking steps to adjust.
The Democratic Party, for example, has pragmatists like DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, whose chief job is to help get Democrats elected.
After all, even Putin is not a lunatic or a fanatic, and the people around him are in the main selfish pragmatists.
One of the candidates will represent the aggressive progressive wing of the party, and the other contender will champion the moderate pragmatists.
Today's vote was probably the higher hurdle: members are ultimately pragmatists, stresses one insider, and will be inclined to support the leadership.
Hamas pragmatists accept that a fourth war would be ruinous for Gaza, which is already suffering from decrepit infrastructure and awful services.
And it's looking more like any happy endings we find will come courtesy of pragmatists and survivors like Davos, Tyrion, and Varys.
On one side are pragmatists focused on making Bitcoin fast, efficient, and user-friendly so that it can reach mainstream consumers quickly.
But there were also several avowed pragmatists who voiced hesitation or outright disagreement over some of their party's most ambitious policy demands.
To be clear: The divide Clinton is highlighting between liberal crusaders and establishment pragmatists very much exists in this current nomination fight.
This essay explores three partisan visions from the 1930s to the 1970s — respectively, those of programmatic liberals, midcentury pragmatists, and McGovern-Fraser reformers.
Buttigieg came out of Iowa as the champion of the pragmatists, and he no doubt hopes to hold that advantage in New Hampshire.
So while pragmatists will tell you legalization is a long way from being a reality, in some ways it seems it's already here.
Lindsey Graham votes with the president slightly more often than Murkowski and Collins, but he joins them in yet another category: the pragmatists.
"This could be the key dividing line between passionate environmentalists and economic pragmatists in the party," said pollster Nik Nanos of Nanos Research.
With a straightforward pragmatist like Trump, these solutions will only be sought after by dealing with like-minded pragmatists, such as bin Salman.
" But the pragmatists respond, "Let us know when all that is fixed, and in the meantime, this is the best we can do.
These self-described "pragmatists" would offer Medicare as an additional option alongside commercial insurance, proposing a Medicare buy-in or Medicare for some.
Universal catastrophic coverage has the potential to be a compromise that could appeal to pragmatists in both parties and break the political stalemate.
And they're intervening in primaries to fight off "partisan flamethrowers" and support candidates they view as pragmatists who will back these political reforms.
Such was the perceived threat that the regime's hardliners and pragmatists put aside their rivalries and worked together, unleashing their respective security forces.
But as much as they rail against Deng and other pragmatists who led China down this path, the neo-Maoists dabble with pragmatism, too.
This goal pushed them into battles with the pragmatists, who placed the brokerage of intraparty compromise at the very center of their political vision.
Friends say Namazi may have become a pawn in factional struggles among hardliners, pragmatists and reformers, each with economic as well as political interests.
And if I were to bet money I would say Trump is a pragmatist not an ideologue and pragmatists make deals in the middle.
The move laid bare the struggle for control of Iran's foreign policy between pragmatists, such as Mr Zarif and President Hassan Rouhani, and hardliners.
They are less prairie populists than prairie pragmatists, focused on kitchen-table issues and connecting to individual voters rather than joining the partisan vanguard.
The pragmatists are spot on about one thing: The greatest threat to this nascent revolution, and to women in general, is the misogynist right.
Pragmatists would look beyond the present conditions and examine how a friendly relationship with North Korea would serve the long-term US national interest.
Pragmatists are less and less common not just in Congress but in the country, according to a fascinating Pew study on our increasing polarization.
And now, following Mr. Trump's lead, these deal-making pragmatists don't have to bother denying inconvenient facts — they can simply dismiss them as irrelevant.
The discussions at Patriots and Pragmatists meetings are intended to focus on big picture topics related to democracy, rather than elections or political funding.
" "Some would say that he has dropped the ball ... on the other hand, I think pragmatists would say, 'Well he's got his priorities straight.
Now, campaign posters show the black-turbaned Raisi alongside Qalibaf in a yellow safety helmet, trying to appeal both to religious groups and pragmatists.
" She added, however, that "beyond their fundamental disagreements there may be a convergence in their will to present themselves as pragmatists, as deal makers.
Extreme candidates heighten polarization in politics and paralysis in Congress, discouraging moderates and pragmatists (who reflect the preferences of most Americans) from entering politics.
Brilliant Tory radicals like Mr Gove have their place—but only if they are kept under strict control by wise Tory pragmatists like Sir John.
" Pragmatists would look at the drawdowns of the Intel chart – even during its epic run – and say "There'll be a better opportunity to get in.
As these new D.A.s reimagine the American model of prosecution, they should be pragmatists, focused on the well-being of the communities that elected them.
Yigal Amir, Rabin's killer, uprooted the Oslo seeds of peace by assuring that Israeli Messianic-nationalist religious ideologues got the upper hand over secular pragmatists.
Both are conservative, but neither is an ideologue — they're pragmatists who will carefully consider how the changes they make will play out on the ground.
Mark Warner (D-Va.), who worked with Corker on housing reform, said Corker's retirement is a "wake-up call" that the chamber needs more pragmatists.
The governor, John Kasich, who has become one of his party's leading pragmatists, was one of several Republican governors who carried out the Medicaid expansion.
Campaign finance laws (like McCain-Feingold, which was signed into law in 2002) contribute to polarization because it advantages the purists and ties up the pragmatists.
When you line people up by the issues, most are a heterogeneous collection of pragmatists, centrists, conflicted, and, frankly, clueless in some cases — just not ideologues.
Amy Klobuchar: Klobuchar and Biden are very similar in their approach to politics: Pragmatists who never let the perfect get in the way of the good.
GOP leaders have gleefully cast the vote as a death wish for dozens of Democratic freshman who flipped seats by running as pragmatists and political moderates.
Racial conflict belied midcentury pragmatists' claims of being the great conciliators of American politics, as the Great Migration and suburbanization transformed urban demographics in the postwar years.
Green leaders may present a united front, but there are still deep ideological divisions between purists, unwilling to sacrifice ideals, and pragmatists, itching to share in government.
The economic globalists and the military pragmatists would stay entrenched in strong positions, but old groups would likely return, such as the neoconservatives and religious faith leaders.
N.F.L. owners, the thinking goes, must be racists who don't like his politics — or cynical pragmatists who don't like that their racist fans don't like his politics.
Tennessee's three current leaders — Mr. Corker, Mr. Alexander and Governor Bill Haslam — are known as pragmatists, not firebrands, and many conservatives in Tennessee fall into that group.
The pragmatists see compromise and conciliation, toward Iran and more broadly in the world, as the most responsible way to maximize America's interests while minimizing risks and costs.
But supporters of Team Trump express confidence that curbing the menace of Iran, for instance, requires more pressure and sanctions, not concessions to strengthen pragmatists within the regime.
But the real battle will take place in the muddy ground in between those two poles, occupied by the humanitarian sceptics, the economic pragmatists and the moderate opponents.
All four of the Democratic nominees who have  lost elections since 1988—Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton—sold themselves as pragmatists rather than idealists.
On the other side are pragmatists led by Kudlow and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, concerned about the harm deepening friction could do to the U.S. economy and markets.
Democrats had hoped that their unlikely path back to a Senate majority would run through this right-leaning Southern state with a reputation for elevating pragmatists over ideologues.
What could prove decisive in Iowa, and beyond, is if centrist voters coalesce behind a single candidate or fracture among the group of hopefuls presenting themselves as pragmatists.
Most members of the Democratic Party establishment are pragmatists who made it where they are by working within the system that exists, not the one they wish existed.
Likewise, the slap against the self-styled "pragmatists" has been consistent over many decades: that they are too cautious, naïve and quick to assume good will from Republicans.
Iranian policy is dictated by these "children of the revolution," not the powerless pragmatists whom the regime only tolerates so it can present a moderate facade to Western audiences.
The fact that many of Mr Trump's picks are plutocrats reflects his preference for pragmatists over pointy-heads, as well as his belief that moneymaking is a transferable skill.
Victory for Moore might have been enough to draft in new recruits and sway some Republican pragmatists to, at the least, make a show of bending to his instincts.
"Businesspeople are first of all pragmatists," said Kathryn Wylde, who heads the Partnership for New York City, a nonprofit whose board includes many of the city's biggest business leaders.
The Liberal Party is divided between conservatives and pragmatists, while Labor has calculated that the safest path back into office is to attack the conservatives without offering radical alternatives.
The pragmatists clung to local and state power, the overhang of 19th-century-style party organization, even as they paddled upstream to adapt to new and often adverse political currents.
Still other observers, like Kenneth Pollack, think Trump's actions have empowered Iran's hard-liners at the expense of pragmatists, and that's why Iran has gone on such a risky offensive.
It is certainly true that judges could pretend to be principled pragmatists when they are really just subjectivists — bending and twisting the Constitution to yield the outcome that they prefer.
Facing demands to side with the pragmatists -- who favor what is often referred to as a soft Brexit -- or the ideologues in her Cabinet, she opted to split the difference.
Provocateurs may gravitate toward the completely sheer (at Sonia Rykiel) or fringe laden (Calvin Klein); pragmatists will appreciate the abundance of blazers (Balenciaga), anoraks (Public School) and trench coats (Margiela).
Bush, who was one of the last politically influential pragmatists in the Republican Party, will lie in state in the US Capitol Rotunda before a funeral at the National Cathedral.
Even as it has shifted right in the same fashion of its Southern neighbors, Tennessee has continued to elect Republican pragmatists such as Mr. Corker, Senator Lamar Alexander and Gov.
But it's crucial that the Democratic Party, now going through another torturous fight between its soak-the-rich side and the progressive pragmatists, remain open to enlightened people of wealth.
"Many pragmatists recognize that the BJP cannot dominate politics… unless it diversifies its appeal," said Milan Vaishnav, director of the South Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
May's party is divided between pragmatists who want to keep many economic links to Europe — Britain's biggest trade partner — and pro-Brexit purists who prefer a clean break, so Mrs.
What it does mean, however, is that Sanders is very well-positioned to be one of the last candidates standing -- assuming that the pragmatists eventually rally around a single person.
Remainers and assorted economic pragmatists tend to argue that the right question is whether Britain is a richer nation inside Europe or out; greatness will have to look after itself.
And while each is from a decidedly more Democratic state than Mr. Bullock, both are also unapologetic, business-friendly pragmatists with a focus on economic development that borders on obsessive.
John Kasich John Kasich's brand is built around the idea of "two paths" for the Republican Party: one for center-right pragmatists like him, the other for flamethrowers like Donald Trump.
Mr. Beshear and Mr. Hood hammered their Republican opponents on their records and issues unique to Kentucky and Mississippi while casting themselves as pragmatists with little allegiance to their national party.
People like Paula, seen last season, and Gavin, who led the group that met with the Kingdom a couple of weeks ago, came across as pragmatists just trying to get by.
While Sanders has attacked those in the center for preaching incrementalism — the reality is that pragmatists don't say 'no' to big ideas, they figure out how to actually get them done.
Trump's stance could weaken the hand of pragmatists in Tehran who have been willing to negotiate a detente with the West after decades of volatile confrontation, a former senior Iranian official said.
This article originally appeared on VICE Sports UK. When it comes to the quarters of Euro 2016, no match is quite as finely balanced as Poland's clash with the pragmatists of Portugal.
The battle between the aggressive progressives and the moderate pragmatists in the Democratic Party rages fiercely, and it's time for both sides to cool their jets and tone down the incendiary rhetoric.
Democratic centrists and self-described pragmatists now also widely subscribe to critiques of the dominant economic policies of the last couple of decades — particularly that tax policy has not produced vigorous growth.
As the party is drawn deeper into a fight that's pitting its idealists against its pragmatists, its activists against its eggheads, many officials are looking on, if not with horror, then with dismay.
The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Mayans, Druids, Spanish Inquisitors, all of history's soldiers, bandits ,and pirates were really just a bunch of malnourished pragmatists doing their best not to get bitten by a horse.
"Most business people ultimately are pragmatists and this is about playing the cards we have been dealt rather than wishing for a better hand," Roger Carr, chairman of BAE Systems, told BBC Radio.
The lesson of this year's primaries is that Democratic voters are pragmatists who pick the candidate most likely to win, rather than the one who seems the most likely heir to Karl Marx.
But the list is not complete without Vietnam, where the successful "land to the tiller" programme in the south from 1970 to 1973 ultimately led the pragmatists to break up all collective farms.
Pragmatists in Iran are trying to judge whether the new American government can be counted on to act rationally—exactly what U.S. officials always wondered about the fractured leadership of the Islamic Republic.
Like other broad-brush charges that self-styled liberal pragmatists levy against "wish-list economics" and the assault on private health insurance, the class reductionist canard is a bid to shut down debate.
This is particularly prevalent within the Five Star Movement which is split between the "pragmatists" and the "orthodox" figures — the latter could threaten to desert the party if the tie-up does happen.
After hundreds of conversations with Taliban figures, I concluded that both the pragmatists and the former champions of Osama bin Laden within the Taliban have grown weary of Al Qaeda and its ideology.
U.S. allies in Europe and Asia say they share Washington's concerns about some Iranian behaviour but believe exiting the agreement was a mistake, which undermines Iranian pragmatists, strengthens hardliners and makes further negotiations harder.
So for all the talk of the rise of the progressive left — embodied by the rock star of the class, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez — the bulk of the newcomers might better be described as pragmatists.
You might admire the stoics and pragmatists in your life for their equanimity, but in this case, "upset" means unexpectedly beat in the ol' sports arena, which is unlikeliest for the TOP SEEDED teams.
"If (the conservatives) do well this time in this election, it's not so much that they've suddenly gained popularity but … the reformists and the pragmatists have lost clout because of their performance," he said.
For pragmatists on the left, it was fairly obvious his unapologetic approach wouldn't win—not in the America that still can't decide whether blackface is bad or understand that transgender women face disproportionate violence.
Trump's move to force Iran into new negotiations has for now reunited Iranian hardliners who opposed the nuclear deal and pragmatists like Rouhani who championed it to Iran's economically crippling stand-off with Western powers.
Indeed, there seems to be an emerging schism or split within Trump Transition between what might be termed "pro-business pragmatists" like Tillerson at State and "anti-climate science idealogs" like Scott Pruitt at EPA.
The European allies believe Trump's campaign to isolate the Islamic Republic plays into the hands of Tehran hardliners and undermines pragmatists within the Iranian leadership who want to open the country up to the world.
Maybe the "pragmatists" are concerned that we lack the votes in Congress to pass Medicare for all or that the commercial interests with a stake in maintaining the status quo are too powerful to overcome.
That leaves the GOP caught between ideological stalwarts who are alarmed by how much of the Obamacare framework the plan leaves in place and nervous pragmatists who are worried about how much suffering it inflicts.
Bloomberg needs to appeal to the pragmatists of the party whose chief concern is removing Trump, and who fear that by nominating an avowed socialist, Democrats will be essentially handing the President a second term.
Gaddis sees these more successful global strategists as rope-a-dope pragmatists who remain elastic and patient enough to capitalize on events and opportunities as they unfold, rather than forcing them to fit preconceived schemes.
After pragmatists were largely barred from the parliamentary field in favor of hardliners, the election has shaped up as a referendum on the Shi'ite clerical elite's handling of the Islamic Republic's political and economic crises.
Many of those candidates adopted some liberal positions, but ran as pragmatists committed to working across the aisle, if necessary, to reduce health care costs, protect the social safety net and boost wages, among other priorities.
Pragmatists see American power as a tool, sometimes useful and sometimes not, whereas hegemonists see American power as a good within itself, something to be protected and promoted however possible, and that by disuse will erode.
To pragmatists, the incident was defused and deescalated quickly and relatively painlessly: All 10 sailors were freed within a few hours, and the only cost was that Iran released embarrassing photos of the sailors being detained.
Between these poles are two groups of pragmatists united by a desire both to avoid damaging democracy by overturning the referendum of 2016, but also to spare the economy from the ravages of a hard Brexit.
Proponents of universal health coverage currently fall into two groups: "pragmatists," who propose a mix of incremental initiatives to achieve universal coverage, and "visionaries," who prefer a single-payer approach that would eliminate private health insurance.
Factional power struggles are endemic in Iran, where hardliners around the Supreme Leader, such as the Revolutionary Guards and the judiciary, face off against the president, and pragmatists and reformists in elected institutions such as parliament.
"There's been this battle for a long time between the pragmatists and the purists," said John G. Geer, a political scientist and the dean of the College of Arts and Science at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.
This is a crucial moment for Iran as revolutionary leaders die off and competition heats up between hard-liners with a strict anti-Western Islamic ideology and pragmatists who back the nuclear deal and international engagement.
That bloc, these candidates and their advisers acknowledge, could lose influence if a herd of self-styled pragmatists end up stampeding into the Democratic contest, atomizing the center even as progressive competitors carve up the left.
Bush's single term was not so long ago, but he was both the last president of the generation that served in World War II and one of the last politically influential pragmatists in the Republican Party.
If you'll forgive a bit of jargon coinage — an ancient and glorious tradition among pundit types — we might term those divisions: pragmatists versus hegemonists, diplomats versus militarists, and Middle East reformists versus Middle East status quo-ists.
Pragmatists warn of the dangers of identity politics and emphasize a more traditional mix of working- and middle-class appeals, hoping to avoid scaring off older, white Americans, who tend to vote at a more steady clip.
Xi Jinping's initial speeches as President about "putting power into a cage" had given hope to many liberal pragmatists, but what he really meant quickly became clear: he intended to cage any threats to his own authority.
Bridging the gap between the hard-right wing of the party and the pragmatists is the House speaker and convention chairman, Paul D. Ryan, whom many Republicans tried to lure into challenging Mr. Trump at the convention.
Cynics and pragmatists might argue that this is just good business: Anti-immigration policies make it difficult to recruit global talent; investing in renewable energy and waste reduction is a win-win for the planet and the bottom line.
Trump's anxiety about fulfilling his top campaign goal comes at the end of months of bitter debate inside the West Wing over how to fund the border wall between those seen as ideologues and those who consider themselves pragmatists.
Macron could chose between several environment specialists in his LREM party, including Hulot's deputies Brune Poirson and Nicolas Lecornu, both seen as pragmatists, as well as ADEME state environment agency chief Arnaud Leroy, who helped Macron write his energy program.
The European allies have opposed the U.S. decision to abandon the nuclear deal, which they say plays into the hands of hardliners in Iran and undermines pragmatists within the Iranian leadership who want to open the country up to the world.
Macron could chose between several environment specialists in his LREM party, including Hulot's deputies Brune Poirson and Nicolas Lecornu, both seen as pragmatists, as well as ADEME state environment agency chief Arnaud Leroy, who helped Macron write his energy programme.
In other ways, they remain trapped in the mental world of the long '90s, when pragmatists were supposed to limit themselves to tinkering with the status quo—a way of thinking that helped produce today's populist revolts in the first place.
And the episode reflected the broader tension in the party between pragmatists who want to pursue a more cautious agenda ahead of the 2020 election and liberals eager to halt what they see as the right's norm-breaking and extremism.
Thatcher appears to have been one of those economic pragmatists for a brief period, when Great Britain voted by referendum to stay in the European Economic Community, in 1975, and she saw the economic possibilities of a large internal market.
And next month organizers of a group of leading donors and operatives from the right and left called Patriots and Pragmatists are expecting their biggest turnout yet at a meeting in San Francisco, according to people familiar with the planning.
Even as they try to win over the sort of conservative activists dedicated enough to participate in a rare April election, the Republicans are casting themselves more as can-do pragmatists in the spirit of Mr. Trump than unwavering ideologues.
A more traditional blend of fiscal conservatism and social liberalism can also be found among several self-designated centrists and pragmatists, like Mr. Biden and former New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who officially registered with the party in October.
On Iran more broadly, pragmatists see decades of enmity that has been costly for the US and brought little benefit, whereas a smidge more compromise and even cooperation will not just serve US interests but also reduce the costly risk of war.
LONDON (Reuters) - A tough line from President Donald Trump has been met by a show of unity from both sides of Iran's political divide, uniting hardliners who cast the United States as an implacable enemy with pragmatists who seek rapprochement with the West.
Purists want to see the tiny remaining population of wild fish segregated from hatchery fish so that a native group can thrive; pragmatists believe such segregation is impossible because of habitat loss and the fact that hatcheries have already created genetic commingling.
In the months to come, the battle between the progressive idealists, led by Warren, and the moderate pragmatists, led by Biden, will truly take shape as the voters decide which vision for the Democratic Party will be up against Trump in 2020.
Given how partisan and ideological discussions about CVE in this country are, the space for any practical proposals to emerge and receive support from pragmatists in Congress, as well as state, local, and community actors, let alone the private sector, is extremely limited.
The pact is sought by a broad spectrum of GOP defense hawks, Democrats pressing to maintain recent gains in domestic programs, and a dwindling cadre of Washington pragmatists eager to demonstrate that they can make divided government work in an increasingly toxic atmosphere.
What's different now is that Warren is emerging as the frontrunner — and centrists and pragmatists in her party are starting to hit the panic button as Warren's plan seems tailor-made to make enemies of doctors, hospitals, the insurance industry and some employers.
The argument frequently pits cynics and pragmatists, who see Barack Obama's high-minded-candidacy-turned-difficult-presidency as an object lesson in the unloveliness of governing, against idealists and counterfactualists, who say Obama never attempted to turn the promise of his campaign into progressive action.
" He believes that it's "much more a collection of distinct identity groups, and less a party of ideology … better characterized as a party of policy pragmatists, one that is a much more culturally, racially ethnically diverse coalition of groups and their interests around the country.
Hardliners like the IRGC have gained standing at the expense of pragmatists in Iran's multi-tiered leadership since President Donald Trump decided in May to pull the United States out of the 2015 international nuclear deal with Tehran and re-impose sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
Perhaps most significantly, Patriots and Pragmatists gatherings have drawn major donors like William D. Budinger, a former Democracy Alliance board member, and representatives of deep-pocketed grant-writing foundations like Pierre Omidyar's Democracy Fund and Democracy Fund Voice, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation's Madison Initiative.
An explicitly two-speed Europe, where the integrators pursue the dream and the pragmatists pursue both national and common interests would have the result of retaining much of the value the Union has added to European life, and depriving the national populists of a large part of the problem.
The divisions between hard-liners and pragmatists on Mr. Trump's economic team are more pronounced than on his national security team, where Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state, and the national security adviser, John R. Bolton, urged him to walk away from a bad deal with North Korea.
His enemies are ignorance, both from his paramour, Mia (Emma Stone), and the public; the cruel passage of time; and black musical pragmatists, in the form of Keith (John Legend), an old nemesis who plays an improbably popular funked-up, synth-heavy jazz hybrid with his band, the Messengers.
Religion, tribe, place, all contribute to ongoing trauma in the Middle East — between Sunnis and Shias, between the privileged and the demeaned, between Jews and Arabs and Christians, between pragmatists who want things to improve and ideologues and fanatics who can't see a way to live beyond their respective obsessions.
When it comes to refugees, the second issue touching on race, the government is seeking to exploit divisions on the Labor side between the pragmatists in Parliament who want to wait until after the election to close the Pacific Island detention camps and the party members who want to bring the refugees home immediately.
"They have decided that rather than compromise with or 'appease' the Americans as the pragmatists might want, they want to turn up the heat on the United States by driving up the price of oil, conjuring the threat of a wider conflict in the Middle East, and threatening to abandon the limits on their nuclear program," according to Pollack.
In the current configuration of the Trump administration, three separate groups tangle for foreign policy primacy: the economic nationalists/populists led by Stephen Bannon, the military pragmatists represented by Secretary of Defense James Mattis and National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and the economic globalists fronted by National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.
The ability of the governor and the mayor to work together was a key factor in persuading Amazon to split its new office space between Long Island City and the Washington suburb of Crystal City, Va. "We're both pragmatists," Mr. de Blasio explained, adding that he and the governor spoke several times during the yearlong negotiation.
The pluralists were a disparate group of philosophers: pragmatists in the tradition of Peirce, James and Dewey; metaphysicians following classical thinkers such as Aristotle and Aquinas or the process philosophy of Whitehead; and, most prominently, "continental philosophers" working out of recent European movements such as phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre); post-structuralism (Foucault, Derrida); and critical theory (Habermas and the Frankfurt School).
A STUDY OF attitudes towards immigration in Germany, published in July last year by More in Common, a campaigning organisation, identified five distinct groups of broadly similar size: liberal cosmopolitans (all in favour), humanitarian sceptics (for an open-border policy, but concerned about integration), economic pragmatists (supporting it when it pays), moderate opponents (advocating full repatriation in due course) and radical opponents (strongly against).

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