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159 Sentences With "population control"

How to use population control in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "population control" and check conjugation/comparative form for "population control". Mastering all the usages of "population control" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Population Control / Vaccines / Bill GatesOf course population control—why else would the virus' main victim be pregnant women?
That's why Chollet's point about political population control is confusing.
We don't know how that small school will handle population control.
In the 1960s, fears of overpopulation sparked campaigns for population control.
In addition to draconian immigration measures, he pushed for population control.
Coercive enforcement of population control policies continued in violation of international standards.
But it is also a consequence of China's notorious population-control strategy.
The main method of population control has been to simply move them.
Despite warnings about a population explosion, we still don't talk about population control.
But the population control movement in the US had largely come and gone already.
Thanos when he suggested genocide as a means of conservation and population control pic.twitter.
Yet there is no evidence that she supported any kind of race-based population control.
They had almost forgotten the na-virus, a population control measure from the old days.
As for me, I appreciate Pepino's attempts to distinguish BirthStrike from larger conversations about population control.
Population control measures can make a dent, but the most meaningful interventions will come from genetics.
They suffer at the hands of farmers with guns, toxic chemicals used in population control, and deforestation.
Population control measures to reduce the number of mosquitoes are an important aspect of combating these blights.
" George Soros contributes "massive funds to eugenics programs and population control through toxic food and toxic vaccines.
Lamm has long pushed for population control, euthanasia, abortion, as he advocated for strict limits on immigrants.
The military also said there was "uncertainty" and "subjectivity" in the data used to analyze population control.
But a number of hunters say such attempts at population control have been haphazard and often inefficient.
But, given the Communist Party's historical obsession with population control, it could well become a the reality.
" It also advocated population control, leaving "fossil fuels in the ground" and replacing them with "low-carbon renewables.
And those foundations were immensely successful at spreading a gospel of population control abroad — particularly in newly independent India.
As reported in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, GonaCon proved ineffective at population control in the lab.
In response to repeated failures, the Indian government is now considering alternate means of population control for the macaques.
When political movements or leaders adopt population control as a central concern ... let's just say it never goes well.
This plunge has happened without population-control interventions as well as with them, and because Western-supported population control efforts in the developing world tended to be inhumane and not-so-mildly racist, over the last couple of decades they have fallen somewhat out of fashion, with Gatesian philanthropists and politicians alike.
" Paul Ehrlich, who co-founded the ZPG, once called abortion "a highly effective weapon in the armory of population control.
There is no dystopian militant dictator forcing this on the greater society, or some sort of crisis of population control.
These false worries became the basis for some terrible population control strategies, like the gruesome one child policy of China.
Fan theories abound online about what started the zombie virus (genetically altered food, governmental attempts at population control run amok).
Without population control, the herds double every five years until they overwhelm the land, destroy critical habitats and ultimately starve.
What's more, modified males have trouble reproducing with unmodified females, so this strategy also works as a method of population control.
Now the Chinese government has announced the Family Planning Commission will be dismantled as the administration moves away from population control.
Government-funded public rental homes are limited, with the overall land supply shrinking in China's biggest cities amid stricter population control.
Do philanthropists care about women's health care for the sake of those women, or just as a form of population control?
Child trafficking is common in China, where population control policies, although recently relaxed, have bolstered a traditional bias for male offspring.
Nick touched down at LAX Friday and didn't stand down from his comments ... saying the group is all about population control.
Experts suggest that China's demographic crisis is in part a legacy of its attempt at population control through the one-child policy.
But critics say the government mostly talks a good game on population control and that its actions have not matched its slogans.
Our company's decision comes at a time when the Chinese government is openly expanding its surveillance powers and mechanisms for population control.
To chemtrails believers, the chemicals being sprayed could be used to control the food supply, promote population control, or manipulate weather patterns.
In addition to population control and a national mobilization effort, according to the Berkeley City Council, residents should avoid "consumerism" and "narcissism."
"When you educate girls, you help population control, you help the economy, you help people's health, everything starts to thrive," she says.
FAIR and NumbersUSA were founded by John Tanton, a Michigan ophthalmologist who espoused population control ideas based on an extreme environmentalist agenda.
E.A.T.H." bills — laws proposing to allow divorce, euthanasia, abortion, total population control and homosexual marriage — calling them "anti-family and anti-life.
One was a racist white supremacist who was in favor of population control and against drilling out of concern for climate change.
They were idle, lazy, and dim-witted, cursed with the inferior "breeding" that once underwrote a Progressive interest in eugenicist population control.
He has been officially recognized by the state of Massachusetts for his noted activities and unconventional techniques involving population control and applied psychology.
And that Jiu-Jitsu will come in the form of effective population control measures and the latest that genomic technologies have to offer.
The Wild Dead by Carrie Vaughn Last year, Carrie Vaughn published Bannerless, a post-apocalyptic fantasy novel about murder, population control, and family.
Rather, the group is buoyed by a foundation that bankrolls environmentalist, population-control, and right-to-die efforts—causes most conservatives find repugnant.
" Mr. Moyer interrupted to ask Dr. Greenberg what caused flu, and Ms. Rogers interjected: "I heard it's a government plot for population control.
After years advocating stricter border laws and population control, the Sierra Club, for example, adopted a "neutral" policy on immigration in the 1990s.
Still, experts maintain hunting is not a credible method of population control or an effective means to combat higher rates of violence and damage.
Certainly not Hickey, who has studied the history of the population control movement and is deeply concerned by its authoritarian, racist, and sexist past.
It's a closet drama driven by Nixon's position on abortion: From personal and religious beliefs I consider abortions an unacceptable form of population control.
"We know what needs to be done: Government has to come up with good policies on population control, alternative energy and agriculture," he said.
Many liberals were understandably suspicious of any policy or law that seemed to promote population control funded by a government they suspected of systemic racism.
Created to promote regions, places, businesses, or products, they are so ubiquitous within Japanese culture that certain prefectures have tried to enact mascot population control.
Happily, some powers of the coercive family-planning bureaucracy, which implements population-control policies, will either be scrapped or reassigned to an expanded health commission.
Aristotle also wrote in Politics that population control was essential for maintaining a good society, even if that meant using birth control or abortion methods.
Under the study, about 100 wild horses would be sterilized and studied as part of a test to explore population control options of the species.
The Roman Catholic Church objected to the Foundation for Deep Ecology, which Mr. Tompkins founded in 1990 in San Francisco, saying it sought population-control.
In current industry guidelines on population control, the phrase "non-living" is used eight times, and there's no use of a shorter, more common alternative.
That disagreement, coupled with disproportionately high infection rates among blacks, gave rise to conspiracy theories, including that the disease had been created for population control.
TRENDING Berkeley declares &aposclimate emergency&apos worse than World War II , demands &aposhumane&apos population control Target removing &apos Baby Daddy&apos Father&aposs Day cards .
He shouldn't run away from these issues or allow himself to be defined by those on the far right who subscribe to population control race theories.
In this year's soon-to-be released report, the section previously called "Reproductive Rights" will also be changed to "Coercion in Population Control," according to Politico.
" Li Yinhe, a prominent Chinese scholar of sex and the family, defended the government's approach, arguing that population control measures were "not targeted against women's rights.
It's going to take committed, global, and united action, with towns around the world devoting the necessary financial resources to take feral cat population control measures seriously.
Yet the paper-based system was too frail and difficult to manage efficiently, and the dystopian dream of panoptic population control by an all-seeing state failed.
If ethno-nationalist population control is the policy goal, then the presence of an already large multicultural population and declining white birth rates are bigger obstacles than immigration.
The first generation born under the one-child policy are reaching marriageable age, bringing with it the excess of boys over girls that was exacerbated by population control.
After years of gains, they maintain substantial territorial and population control and have effectively created a military stalemate; yet, the Taliban remains capable of conducting a sustained insurgency.
In reality, it is dominated by ethnic Tigrayans, who, despite making up only 7 percent of the country's population, control the economy, the military and the security sectors.
One of the problems with the discourse about population and climate is that it can be easily distorted for unprogressive goals, like promoting population control in poor regions.
Brian Fitzpatrick, has been in charge of the the Wallace Global Fund " for the last two decades " that gave out nearly $7 million to population control groups since 1997.
For the past three decades China has been operating a strict population-control policy, so there are now far fewer young people around to take care of the elderly.
Experts said the Asian tiger mosquitoes are particularly hard to eradicate using conventional population control methods, such as pesticides and removing stagnant water where the insects lay their eggs.
Prior to the administration of Ronald Reagan, there was a bipartisan policy consensus in the U.S. to support international population control through financial assistance for international family planning programs.
The 1933 Montevideo Convention sets out four criteria for statehood: a functioning government, a fixed population, control over territory and the capacity to enter into relations with other states.
However, in addition to being cruel, past population control campaigns were often ineffective, so it's likely that Macron and his successors will mostly fail in their anti-natal efforts.
Talking about population control might require talking about sex, and you can't really talk about sex on prime time TV or the radio, in Parliament or at village gatherings.
Mubarak was lauded for campaigns to promote population control and education, and criticized as the preening wife of a leader who presented himself as a kind of modern pharaoh.
Although the practice of culling zoo animals—euthanizing them for reasons of population control—is not restricted to Denmark, the practice elsewhere tends to be hidden, if not denied.
I share the concerns over the movement's racist past, and I also personally understand Pepino's other worry: that conversations about population control are just another way of controlling women's bodies.
In a widely shared Twitter thread, Chollet argues that Facebook is capable of "mass population control" on the political level, and its AI doesn't even need to be that sophisticated.
Extending the timeline, they saw a nightmarish future ahead for humanity: human civilizations constantly on the brink of starvation, desperately crowded under horrendous conditions, draconian population control laws imposed worldwide.
I took a bus back there after watching a harrowing documentary, "One Child Nation," about Chinese population control policy, and found myself standing in the street, unable to go in.
It's not the first step in the war against mosquitos, which is largely being performed with careful population control techniques such as the genetic engineering being performed by UK-based Oxitec.
This lack of peer-reviewed evidence, combined with a squeamishness about treading too close to population control, has made it even more difficult to convince people that it's the right move.
"Similarly, CNN host S.E. Cupp in a tweet said, "Let's just state for the record: talking about needing 'population control' through ABORTION for the sake of CLIMATE is talking about EUGENICS.
The American Wild Horse Campaign, an advocacy group, said in a statement criticizing the bureaus's new adoption program that the agency should employ other population control measures, such as fertility methods.
The administration sees the moral horror and basic decency of the American people as weakness it can exploit to extort concessions to its unpopular, hard-right agenda of ethnocultural population control.
An entire section that last year was titled "Reproductive Rights" was renamed "Coercion in Population Control," with much of the text, including most references to the availability of birth control, eliminated.
" The questioner, identified by CNN as a teacher named Martha Readyoff, said that she realized linking population control to climate was a topic "poisonous for politicians, but it's crucial to face.
No overarching conspiracy comes into sight, though — just a confluence of panic about overpopulation, a gusher of federal funds for population-control studies and age-old prejudices about ethnicity, class and poverty.
For Pepino, the risks of resuscitating population control arguments marred by racism and sexism are not worth it, especially if the math doesn't add up to a meaningful population decrease soon enough.
An injectable contraceptive vaccine called GonaCon showed promise as an alternative population control mechanism in a variety of mammals, including laboratory-raised cats, but testing its effectiveness in the wild proved difficult.
Willem Defoe co-stars as the sisters' grandfather, who raises them and teaches them how to hide from the government, and Glenn Close plays the authoritarian responsible for the population control policy.
India has been grappling with population control for decades, which has resulted in abject poverty, with government welfare programmes unable to cater to thousands of people earning less than $3 per day.
Some of the bureau's measures have attracted controversy over its use of helicopters to chase the animals and its removal of horses from open range as its primary method of population control.
In April, the administration ceased funding the United Nations Population Fund due to its support of and complicity with China's forced population control and abortion policies, and President Trump signed H.J. Res.
And while it's unlikely the lionfish will ever be fully eradicated from the Atlantic Ocean, the combination of commercial fishing and derby competitions are looking like an effective method of population control.
Faced with the opposition to the ban, the body acknowledged that it has raised "social, medial and population control" concerns and has since softened its stance and deferred the decision to its board.
At present it is difficult to imagine the party doing enough to make a difference—not least because it has yet to abandon its official position that some population-control measures remain essential.
An odd coalition of conservatives, populists, anti-growth environmental organizations and even liberal population-control groups support changes to the legal immigration system that would shut down all travel to the United States.
The death toll and number of people infected by the Wuhan coronavirus continues to grow, with no signs of slowing despite severe quarantine and population control methods put in place in central China.
But still, that was almost 50 years ago: Today feminist arguments are clearly dominant, population-control arguments are in relative abeyance, and the pro-choice consensus officially abjures both racism and authoritarian eugenics.
The Ehrlichs and ZPG were on the radical end of the spectrum, but the issue of population control was embraced by leaders and organizations across the left, from Planned Parenthood to the Sierra Club.
On it's own, the system likely won't be able to completely curb the spread of mosquito-borne viruses, but when used with other population control strategies, it could contribute significantly to the cause. [F1000Research]
Second, discussions of removing this invasive species are not outrageous (though the task may be exceptionally difficult given how widespread these monkeys now are; population control may be a more realistic goal than eradication).
"Our approach is population control," said Mr. Holland, 32, who started Scorpion Sweepers in 2006, putting to use his experience collecting scorpions for a laboratory while in college and his once-ignored biology degree.
Mr. Sopko said that was the first time the military had criticized its own data on population control, which he said appeared to be a response to the increasingly pessimistic picture of government control.
The vast majority of hunted species — such as waterfowl, upland birds, mourning doves, squirrels and raccoons — provide minimal sustenance and do not require population control, according to the Humane Society of the United States.
"It was used as a population control means," said Dr. Yoon Jung-won, an obstetrician at Green Hospital in Seoul and a researcher with the Center for Health and Social Change, a nonprofit organization.
While religious voices in this deeply conservative Muslim nation have voiced their support for the ban, advocates point that it is at odds with government population control initiatives and a more progressive attitude toward family planning.
Ousted President Hosni Mubarak and his wife Suzanne set up a population control program decades ago but this is the first time the government says it is motivated by concern that rapid expansion saps the economy.
"Such changes in food selection can result in large ecosystem changes as species adapted to be prey no longer have population control from predators, and other species suffer reduced populations due to additional predation," NPS said.
Hong Kong (CNN)The death toll and number of people infected by the Wuhan coronavirus continues to grow, with no signs of slowing despite severe quarantine and population control methods put in place in central China.
Wade | Dems threaten to subpoena Juul MORE (I-Vt.) is under fire from conservatives for saying he would be open to discussing population control as a means to combat climate change, reports The Hill's Julia Manchester.
The Wirth bill promoted an expansion of nuclear power, which is not mentioned by the Green New Deal, and both the Wirth and Schneider bills emphasized an issue now taboo across the political spectrum: population control.
Dawson's video focuses on a number of conspiracy theories, including subliminal suicide messaging in cartoons as a form of population control, iPhones constantly recording what people are saying, and a theory that the California wildfires were intentional.
"Republicans need to stop listening to anti-conservative nativist organizations that have roots in population control and financial ties to racist eugenic organizations," said Mario H. Lopez, president of the Hispanic Leadership Fund, a conservative advocacy organization.
And where talk of population control is rarely popular (for good reason), female empowerment and greater equality are a) goals shared by powerful preexisting coalitions, b) replete with ancillary benefits beyond the environmental, and c) unquestionably righteous.
It is inefficient for government officials to allow population control of foxes only during winter, when they are hiding in their dens, said Nikolai Dikhtenko, the mayor of the village of Andriivka, who is also a hunter.
His environmentalism coincided with a keen interest in population control; he founded local chapters of Planned Parenthood and served as the president of Zero Population Growth, a group that pushes to make contraceptives and abortion services more accessible.
The U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA) said the United States has withheld funding for the third year over its work in China despite denying accusations that it was involved in "coercive abortion" as part of China's population control program.
We talked to Columbia historian Matthew Connelly about how that happened, and what foundations can learn from the disastrous history of population control when formulating programs to address other global challenges like climate change, pandemic disease, and nuclear war.
One version of the hoax began in Facebook Groups run by supporters of the pro-Trump QAnon movement and the anti-vax community, where users claimed the outbreak was a population control plot by former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates.
Sixteen-year-old Rowan lives in Eden but hidden away as an outlaw — she's the second child in a community with strict population control — and when she decides to escape her family's compound, she begins a dangerous life on the run.
Any population control proposal should consider the following factors: pain relief, antibiotics to treat infections, the long-term health and behavioral effects of removing organs, the ability to provide individual care and attention, and the safe handling and transport of large wild animals.
Some opposition is tinged with ideology, with critics tracing American support for population control back to a Cold War era when they say birth control was seen as a way to combat poverty and to stop the spread of Communism by curbing chronic poverty.
Despite the considerable efforts put in by the government to study different methods of population control for the rhesus macaque, no real research has been done to understand the long-term effects of these birth control procedures on the monkeys and their biology, said Gupta.
The Los Angeles Times reported on July 85033, 2013 that one of the funders of the extreme anti-immigration groups was motivated by a policy goal of rolling back legal immigration and a related support of the idea of population control within the United States.
The Humane Society alleges the bureau spends so much paying private contractors to hold the animals that it cannot afford to expand its program to administer birth control to the animals on the range, which it contends would be more effective for population control than round-ups.
"No person shall procreate more than two living children after a period of one year from the commencement of this Act," stated a population control bill introduced on the Parliament floor in 210 by Prahalad Singh Patel, a legislator from the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.
Proposals being discussed would reportedly replace the population-control policy — which prevents most couples in China from having more than two children and is believed to have contributed to infanticide, particularly of girls — with one called "independent fertility," and could be decided as soon as 85033.
"Measures of population control are not indicative of effectiveness of the South Asia strategy or of progress toward security and stability in Afghanistan, particularly in the wake of the appointment of U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation (SRAR) Zalmay Khalilzad," the Pentagon said in a statement.
Reinterpreting a 1930's label from Puerto Rican produce sold in the U.S., Miguel Luciano's painting "Barceloneta Bunnies" (2007), for example, addresses our country's history of forced sterilization by referencing a Puerto Rico town targeted by such programs as part of the island's population control policy.
Thereafter forced-sterilization policies lingered, but the broader progressive program shifted from genetic improvement to population control — with the promise that poorer communities and countries could be uplifted, not just culled, by reducing birthrates, and that such reductions would save the world from famine, plague and war.
RELATED: How Xi became one of modern China's most powerful leaders POPULATION One of the most dramatic policy changes during Xi's first term was China's scrapping of the one-child policy, an often-brutally enforced form of population control that had been in place for over three decades.
Population control activists had influential enemies, including the anti-abortion Catholic Church, which took umbrage at the movement's positions on abortion and contraception, and a growing New Left, which prioritized socialism and race and class issues over what it criticized as the movement's racist politics and bourgeois emphasis on conservation and environmentalism.
There has been a wave of conspiracy theories and misinformation on social media about the origin of the coronavirus since the outbreak started in Wuhan, China, such as that it was created as a bioweapon or population-control scheme or that it was caused by the deployment of 5G technology in China.
In a profile of the rising star for Spin Magazine, Andy Cush described Jones like this:Alex Jones believes that the U.S. government perpetrated the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center... He believes that the government adds chemicals that turn children gay to juice boxes and water bottles, as a means of population control.
The Trump administration is slashing $32.5 million in federal funding for the UN's reproductive health agency after accusing it of supporting forced abortion in China, reports the AP. The administration accused the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) of supporting China's population control programs that include "coercive abortion" or "involuntary sterilization," through China's National Health and Family Planning Commission.
Talking to rural Chinese parents who relinquished daughters, other rural families who took those daughters in, and a third, almost entirely unrecognized category of parents—those who hid over-quota, unregistered children from population control officials—Johnson learned that few families in the region used the expression "more sons, more happiness" that was supposedly typical of Chinese son preference.
Efforts to find permanent, affordable housing, to rebuild roads and bridges, and for disease control and eradication could come to a grinding halt – and do we really want to see epidemics of Zika, dengue and West Nile sweep across East Texas and Louisiana, all because we can't cough up the bucks to help local officials with mosquito population control?
"People who shill for groups that are intertwined with eugenicists, population control environmentalists, and who have alt-right extremists on staff, and whose core beliefs about humanity spit in the face of basic conservative principles should have no place in a Republican administration," said Mario H. Lopez, president of the Hispanic Leadership Fund, a conservative advocacy organization.
The revelations come at a time when the U.S is upping its troop numbers in an effort to try and reverse the deteriorating security situation in the war-embattled nation, in which the Afghan government's district and population control has declined to its lowest levels in years and armed clashes inside the country are at an all-time high, as reported by the United Nations.
And, conscious of the racist specter of past population movements — from the anti-immigration politics of ZPG to the overlap of eugenics and environmentalism to the forced sterilization of poor women of color in the US and beyond — the group is quick to point out that it "disagrees with any population control measures" and "recognizes the colonial violence" that those measures have entailed in the past.
For instance, Sanjay Gandhi, a self-proclaimed devotee of free markets and the de facto ruler of India in the mid-1970s, not only put his political opposition in prison, he also presided over the forced sterilization of millions of poor men in a program of population control aggressively promoted in the Third World by the Ford Foundation, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Articles about population growth sometimes mention when we're expected to hit 9 billion or 10 billion, and then ask, "So is it time for all countries to turn to drastic population control in order to sustain life on Earth, or is it a violation of human rights, no matter what?" without mentioning that populations are expected to decline on their own, no coercion required.
Related: North Korea to US: Stop Your South Korean War Games and We'll Stop Threatening Nuclear War Weddings and funerals might be a bit much, but the thing is the police, the people that will be enforcing the travel controls and doing what is called population control, are also the same agencies that actually register people for marriages, issue marriage licenses, and issue death certificates.
Of the millions of people infected with dengue every year worldwide, an estimated 500,000 develop severe symptoms requiring hospitalization, and of those some 12,500 people die, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) The government's Disease Control Division has requested technical assistance from the WHO in implementing mosquito population control methods, according to a report published this week, in a bid to help stymy the spread of the nationwide disease.
Unlike "hearts and minds" doctrines favored by contemporary western democracies, this approach to counterinsurgency—sometimes referred to as "draining the sea"—does not seek to win over oppositionist populations through compromise or provision of services, but instead aims to inflict such unbearable pain that locals are forced to either withdraw their support from insurgent groups or flee areas outside regime control, thereby undermining rebel governance and facilitating government population control through aid provision.
The lineup, starting Thursday and presented by Film at Lincoln Center and the IFC Center, includes Rachel Leah Jones and Philippe Bellaiche's opening-night "Advocate," about the Jewish-Israeli lawyer Lea Tsemel's representation of Palestinian clients; "One Child Nation," Nanfu Wang and Jialing Zhang's examination of China's fight for population control; and Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam's "The Sweet Requiem," which follows a Tibetan refugee on her search for the truth about her past.

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