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213 Sentences With "pollinating"

How to use pollinating in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pollinating" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pollinating". Mastering all the usages of "pollinating" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Bees contribute to most of the food we eat — either directly by pollinating produce or indirectly by pollinating the feed given to livestock.
They — and many other pollinating species like butterflies — are in danger across the world: About 40 percent of invertebrate pollinating species are facing extinction, according to a U.N. report released in February.
While strawberries are capable of self-pollinating and wind pollinating, insect pollination — particularly by bees — helps them reach their maximum potential, and produces bigger, better berries, which is of economic value to growers.
If so, that may mean that beetles were pollinating plants more than a hundred million years before butterflies and bees were first pollinating flowers, which may have been around 130 million years ago.
However, flowers often have bright colors to attract pollinating insects.
Pollinating fruit trees is a job best done by bees.
Pollinating plants and cleaning up carcasses are among their jobs.
It is a great draw for pollinating carrion beetles and flies.
"Plants are growing and pollinating more because of that," Rosenstreich says.
No longer will bees waste away pollinating crap and making honey.
The artists float from workstation to workstation likes bees pollinating flowers.
Pollinating insects in general, and bees in particular, are falling in numbers.
Honeybees, native solitary bees, flies, and butterflies flit about pollinating apple blossoms.
But it was a slightly better year for our vital pollinating friends.
The fly struggles for a bit, pollinating the plant in the process.
For these foods we can thank bees and their extraordinary pollinating powers.
Do you feel like those genres are increasingly cross-pollinating with techno?
Honeybees, bumble bees, and solitary bees are all "essential" to pollinating watermelon.
They protect humans and crops by eating insects and pollinating fruit trees.
The flower may mimic the female of a pollinating insect, for example.
"It's frustrating," Mr. Terrill said as he ripped out a pollinating male.
Scientists have begun decoding the complex badinage between cactuses and pollinating bats.
Bees play a critical role by pollinating 35% of the world's food supply.
Nematodes hitch a ride on tiny pollinating fig wasps to reach new flowers.
In turn, they have to charge growers higher prices for pollinating their crops.
It was this totally crazy, creative time where everything was cross-pollinating everything.
Anxiety over pollinating insects has been an issue in the United States, too.
One almond grower and distributor said a lot of new orchards were buying the self-pollinating plants, but no one could tell if the trees were actually self-pollinating or if the bees from neighboring orchards were slipping into their blooms.
After pollinating almonds, Hiatt will send 10,000 hives up to Washington to pollinate apples.
Each person covers five to 246 trees a day, pollinating apple blossoms by hand.
The videos include birds flying and bees pollinating flowers, meant to generate calm feelings.
"We are cross-pollinating content and features…into the distinct [user interfaces]," he said.
When flown into another flower, the drone released the pollen grains, successfully pollinating the plant.
You may not like bats, but bats are vital for pollinating many crops, especially fruit.
In newsletters and online, gardeners buzz about the insects pollinating and consuming their native plants.
He used traditional breeding methods, cross-pollinating flowers, selecting for sweetness, mild earthiness and mellowness.
This isn't the first time the magical pollinating abilities of bee has been mimicked by robots.
The U.S. corn crop is pollinating this month and the weather is more critical than ever.
In fact, they've co-evolved with flowering plants over millions of years to become pollinating machines.
There was talk in Kerman about a new variety of almond tree that is self-pollinating.
Extremely low temperatures have also kept bees in their hives, instead of on the job pollinating.
Tomatoes, squash, and berries are just some of the crops we can thank bees for pollinating.
Many animal species provide humankind with "ecosystem services," like pollinating plants or as a source of food.
Pollinating plants, cleaning up carcasses, swabbing drains — they're part of every strand of the web of life.
Worker bees, in addition to pollinating flowers, are sent in search of water to cool the hives.
That bee—and all the other pollinating birds and beetles and bats and moths—is your friend.
The animals eat fruits, flowers, nectar, and roots — and they are key for pollinating plants and dispersing seeds.
The ADI looks like a honeybee, but is actually a tiny solar-powered robot designed for pollinating flowers.
Protect pollinating insects by following label directions intended to minimize drift and reduce pesticide risk to these organisms.
Bees of all kinds are crucial for pollinating wildflowers and crops, and arguably society would fail without them.
Pollinating plants, cleaning up carcasses, swabbing drains — flies are part of every strand of the web of life.
From Spider-Man to "The Gifted," Marvel has a long tradition of cross-pollinating superpowers and teenage angst.
The alfalfa leafcutter bee, Megachile rotundata, is responsible for pollinating most of the alfalfa grown for seed production.
Bees do more than just make honey; they perform a vital role in pollinating the food we eat.
He's also aware of a nuclear option: planting hemp, which would render nearby marijuana impotent by pollinating it.
The raised circular mound is created using natural elements, like soil, wires, rocks and over 1,000 pollinating plants.
Early adopters play a vital role in pollinating the larger world with new technology, like bees do in agriculture.
Iridescence is also a feature of plants, which they use as a brilliant billboard advertisement to attract pollinating insects.
"On Saturday, it was total energy, millions of bees foraging, pollinating, making honey for winter," beekeeper Juanita Stanley said.
Well, it turns out that this particular aroma attracts parasitic flies—and it tricks them into pollinating the flower.
We will truly experience the impact of smart infrastructure technology when the technology is cross-pollinating across those silos.
Connected in subversion and in cross-pollinating scenes, all of our bands also transcend the scenes they sprang from.
Ronstadt's work, and her words in this film, testify to the multicultural, cross-pollinating vitality of American vernacular music.
For one, warmer temperatures mean trees and grass that produce the irritating allergenic pollen have longer seasons when they're pollinating.
Others will pick up the slack of pollinating wildflowers, and we have factory bees to pollinate fruits and vegetables now.
In addition to producing honey, bees have found more lucrative work, pollinating one-third of the crops grown in America.
The declines could be a harbinger of broader ecological collapse, and the disappearance of pollinating creatures threatens the food supply.
The 20,000 species of wild bees are even more important than the domesticated kind, through their role in pollinating crops.
They also need to protect the forests, hedgerows and other areas that provide pollinating bees with flowers and nesting sites.
The environmental benefits of bees are well documented; they're responsible for pollinating about a third of the world's food crops.
In one section, the ants chased away flower-pollinating bees, native ants, spiders and other insects crucial to local ecology.
There was a lot cross-pollinating with just allowing someone else to write a part on your instrument or whatever.
The move was praised by environmental groups that pointed to the role bumblebees play in pollinating the nation's food system.
In places such as California, there are not enough local bees or other pollinating insects to pollinate the massive almond orchards.
And in this metaphor, as befits a man famous for playing all his own instruments, he's also the bee, pollinating pleasure.
Pence said the tens of thousands of bees would provide the added benefit of pollinating the residence's vegetable and flower gardens.
He seized on the importance of artists inspiring one another, cross-pollinating and fueling their ideas by living under one roof.
In Greenland, botanists are discovering some flowering plants are emerging earlier each year, but not the pollinating insects they rely on.
This should not be a problem for most areas, but heat will not be desirable once corn starts pollinating next month.
It's true that only a small number of wild bee species appeared to be crucial for pollinating the 40 crops under study.
Bees have been around and pollinating flowers for more than 120 million years; they have evolved to become very good at it.
They are responsible for pollinating numerous food plants that make our diets more exciting and nutritious, including many fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
I like the idea of it as two cross-pollinating dreams, and I think that's what is represented on the Bitte cover.
Living in a balanced ecosystem keeps us from having to make all our food in a lab or pollinating our own plants.
More still will be affected by how the pollinating insects and herbivores they rely on react to the severe changes as well.
The bumblebee protections were praised by environmental groups that pointed to the role these creatures play in pollinating the nation's food system.
As bat populations recover, they will play a crucial role in pollinating and dispersing seeds that will help Puerto Rican forests recover.
Their loss could be consequential: Bats play a critical ecological role, pollinating plants in some places and controlling mosquitoes and other insects.
Indeed, a fascinating aspect about early pollinating insects is that they were paired with non-flowering plants (gymnosperms), rather than flowering plants (angiosperms).
Bees play a vital role in pollinating some of the UK's most important crops, but have been on the decline in recent years.
One answer, argues Mr Roberts, is that Mr Ashley could start "cross-pollinating" brands, the on-trend way to fill up empty shops.
Last year, images from China's Hanyuan county showed humans hand-pollinating pears, most likely in response to massive reductions in China's bee population.
You see, bees are critical pollinators, meaning they're responsible for pollinating more than a third of the crops that feed the world's population.
In Hanyuan County, often called the pear capital of the world, workers go tree to tree, hand-pollinating the white blossoms with brushes.
He barely sleeps during almond season and spent hours creating aerial crop maps, color-coded to indicate which acres he's responsible for pollinating.
"It's inadvertently and innocently pollinating the plant," said Michael Engel, a paleoentomologist at the University of Kansas and an author on the paper.
Different bee species are harmed by climate change at different rates, and meanwhile, their pollinating activity has differing impacts on coffee crop yields.
For me the relationship between fine art and children's books has always been cross-referencing and cross-pollinating in some less obvious ways.
These pesticides are partly blamed for the worldwide decline of honeybees, which are key for pollinating crops like apples, berries, cantaloupes, cucumbers, and almonds.
Around four to six percent of all plants use deception to attract pollinating insects, but researchers have never seen a trick like this before.
In a similar way, many flowers tailor their petal shape, color, texture or nectar's scent or flavor to attract often a single pollinating species.
A few chic hotels, the area's first, have arrived, and more shops and restaurants are opening — and cross-pollinating — on the sleepy main streets.
Because bees are credited with pollinating more than $15 billion of U.S. crops each year, their resurgence is also a bonus for the economy.
But for now, they're a long way from pollinating anything outdoors: the tiny drones are not autonomous, and have never been tested outside the lab.
"Biene Maja/Maya Blau" is a is a repeated pattern of happy cartoon bees pollinating plants and frolicking in blue flowerbeds, against a blue background.
Mr. Malone — who controls the Liberty constellation of companies — called him the "honeybee" of the T.M.T. world, flying from flower to flower cross-pollinating ideas.
She made matching paintings that depict large beehives with loopy, cross-pollinating bees buzzing about — a scene she found embroidered on a thrift shop pillow.
The potential losses include medicinal plants and insects vital for pollinating food crops, as well as the destruction of coral reefs that support fish populations.
By pollinating, the hummingbirds help conserve more than a thousand different plant species, some of which Mexico exports to Canada and as far as Japan.
Bees don't just provide us with deliciously sweet honey for our cup of tea, they are also responsible for pollinating food crops across the entire planet.
Their analysis revealed not just the cycad pollen but also that the bug belongs to the family Boganiidae, of which cycad-pollinating beetles are a part.
Some people get closed off because they don't want to be too inspired by other artists, but you're not pollinating yourself correctly if you do that.
Then, when the pollinating drone strikes the flower, the sheer act of slapping the flower breaks that weak bond, and the pollen sticks to the flower.
The Shed, the new arts venue at Hudson Yards, has sought cultural cachet by cross-pollinating the likes of Gerhard Richter, Renée Fleming, and Steve Reich.
Their taste for fruit, nectar and pollen means they are responsible for pollinating flowers and distributing the seeds contained in the fruit of many plant species.
But the small consumer crafts are now being used in France to fight an invasive species of hornets that threaten to wipe out Europe's pollinating-bee population.
But DuPont's seed division, Pioneer, is already trying to use CRISPR/Cas9 to stop wheat from self-pollinating, in order to make the development of hybrids easier.
Then he would integrate, cross-pollinating new information about farm prices with the latest briefing on the French military budget, and seeing the world in subtle hues.
Pollination is a migratory practice now — more than two-thirds of America's honeybees are mobilized for pollinating almond trees, and most come from out-of-state apiaries.
But traders said they were starting to doubt that much of the U.S. Midwest would see rainfall in the coming days - precipitation needed by the pollinating corn plants.
In fact, they play a critical role in pollinating 35 percent of global crop plants, an ecosystem service that is worth as much as $577 billion a year.
The startup wants to make information more easily accessible, primarily by cross-pollinating information posted on your various online profiles and making it available in one central location.
Here are seven great things we wrote about this week: Honeybees are a vital, invisible work force in the food industry, pollinating about a third of America's crops.
At a time when some beekeepers are struggling to keep their colonies alive and pollinating, the prospect of a vaccine for honeybees has offered a flicker of hope.
The bumblebee, which is native to the Midwest and East Coast and is key for pollinating crops, has lost 90 percent of its range in the past 20 years.
On the one hand, it could help with blockchain ecosystem development overall by cross-pollinating blockchain development projects as on-demand engineers take knowledge from one project to another.
Each location unites street art superstars and local talent, cross-pollinating techniques and cultures to create some of the strangest and most gratifying fruit in the street art world.
The Johannesburg city website cautions residents against applying chemicals to infected trees, as doing so could contaminate ground water, destroy animal habitats and kill off pollinating insects like bees.
The Johannesburg city website cautions residents against applying chemicals to infected trees, as doing so could contaminate ground water, destroy animal habitats and kill off pollinating insects like bees.
Unlike wildflower or buckwheat honeys, which are made by bees pollinating those plants, honeys from Zach & Zoe get their flavors from the addition of infusions and actual fruit purées.
Cross-pollinating Disney+ and big theatrical events is a way to keep people engaged with a franchise — even if it's exhausting and eye-roll-inducing from a creative standpoint.
Along with aiding the fertilization of wild plants, they also help to produce food: fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and livestock feed like alfalfa are grown on crops that require pollinating.
The bumblebee, which is native to the Midwest and East Coast, is key for pollinating crops, and it has lost 90 percent of its range in the past 20 years.
Books at Libreria are arranged in cross-pollinating categories like "The Sea and the Sky" and "Enchantment for the Disenchanted," so that readers may serendipitously discover new titles and genres.
But while the colors and titles evoke an Indian consciousness, the works themselves are broadly associative, and also appear to suggest cross-pollinating indigenous influences like African and Samurai masks.
Given the article's focus on bee health, it is important to note Syngenta's Good Growth Plan, which includes a commitment to provide natural habitats for bees and other pollinating insects.
At the lowest end of the spectrum are insect-like drones, just a few centimetres across, that could be used for surveillance inside buildings, search and rescue, or even pollinating plants.
One of the gallery's goals is to make connections between diverse artists, especially from various generations, genres, and regions, particularly cross-pollinating between different parts of Asia, and the Asian diaspora.
The curators have included not only visual artists, but also NGOs, activists, film and documentary makers, architects and other non-visual artists, in a network of interdependent and cross-pollinating positions.
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, who petitioned the government to give the bee protection, emphasized that bumble bees are crucial for pollinating wildflowers and a third of our nation's crops.
It took a young slave boy called Edmond Albius, working on a plantation in the French colony of Réunion, to discover a method for hand-pollinating vanilla flowers in the 5003s.
At least one pesticide from a controversial family of chemicals appears to be a threat to bees and other pollinating insects when applied to certain crops, US regulators announced this week.
But it looks like the combination of these two companies — each basically operating where they excel while cross-pollinating — may be the thing that ends up re-igniting growth at Yelp.
This research shows that, along with cues such as color and scent, this "invisible" heat also serves to attract pollinating insects (at least bumblebees), helping them to locate a reward, typically nectar.
Instead, the "brutalizing affect" of humans -- the tons of plastics found in the bodies of dead whales, the pesticide slaughter of pollinating insects, the disappearance of more than 80% of mammals -- continues.
Insects play important roles, pollinating plants, facilitating productive soil through decomposing, serving as food sources for birds and bats, spreading disease, and serving both as crop pests and predators of crop pests.
So in the 1950s, a Shropshire potato farmer named David Austin took it upon himself to create a more perfect rose—by cross-pollinating the modern ones with the old, forgotten kind.
Bees alone are responsible for pollinating about $9 billion worth of nuts, fruits, and vegetables across the US every year, and experts believe wiping them out would cause a massive ecological disaster.
This is bad news for bugs and humans alike, because insects play a crucial role in pollinating our crops and stabilizing many of the food webs and ecosystems that we rely on.
This would harm animals such as ocelots in South Texas and desert bighorn sheep in Arizona, along with endangered plants that need the free movement of pollinating insects and seed-dispersing birds.
And what with the thunderstorms, hail and high winds, a lot of bees decided they were better off staying inside where it was warm, putting off the work of pollinating the trees.
Earth's oldest pollinating insects are a bit of a mystery, but fossilized insect dung containing bits of pollen suggest they first emerged during the Middle Triassic (247 million to 237 million years ago).
The EU limited the use of neonicotinoid chemicals, produced by companies including Bayer CropScience and Syngenta , two years ago after research pointed to risks for bees, which play a crucial role pollinating crops.
The EU limited the use of neonicotinoid chemicals, produced by companies including Bayer CropScience and Syngenta, two years ago after research pointed to risks for bees, which play a crucial role pollinating crops.
" Last October, The Washington Post published an article that claimed that "the bees you're more familiar with," the "ones around your yard making honey and pollinating crops," are, in fact, "doing just fine.
He was impressed by the promise of "cross-pollinating" and "experimenting" to include a greater representative set of stories from different art histories in exhibitions that should be regularly updated every three years.
The work that honeybees do for people — pollinating food as they gather pollen and nectar for themselves — is estimated to produce about $19003 billion worth of crops in the United States each year.
"If hummingbirds disappear, the diversity of plants decreases and in the long term the ecosystem will end up poorer," Rodriguez said, adding that it was the most important pollinating bird in the Americas.
In a fascinating 2015 paper published in Nature Communications, a team of scientists discovered that only a small fraction of bee species do most of the pollinating that's so crucial to our food supply.
If anything, the acquisition means that you're likely to see Skullcandy products in even more places, with the added possibility of cross-pollinating the Skullcandy brand with the other products Incipio owns and licenses.
Part of Ms. O'Donnell's pitch for the job played up the possibilities presented by cross-pollinating podcasting with the theater; playwrights are studied in telling stories with dialogue that are laden with metaphorical opportunity.
I wanted to present the flags as indistinguishable cross-pollinating visual symbols, to empty and reconfigure their purported intent — as symbols of state sovereignty and nationhood — in order to blur and transcend national borders.
This means the 2017 corn crop will likely be pollinating and filling grain at a different point in the season than in 2016, and this is a key consideration when evaluating possible yield outcomes.
Based on 20503,000 scientific papers, it identified threats from the disappearance of insects vital for pollinating food crops, to the destruction of coral reefs that support fish populations and the loss of medicinal plants.
What's more, even those wild bees that aren't pollinating crops at all may still be providing valuable services in the wild — we just haven't studied those services yet, or slapped a dollar value on it.
Another study in Science on Thursday showed that strict limits on global warming would help safeguard most species of plants and animals, especially insects such as bees or butterflies that are vital to pollinating crops.
Mr. Fletcher tore up the concrete out back and hauled in 48.613 tons of rocks — including pea gravel, flagstone and Sonoma moss rock — making space for hundreds of pollinating plants that attract bees and butterflies.
The European Union limited use of the chemicals - made and sold by various companies including Bayer CropScience and Syngenta - two years ago, after research pointed to risks for bees, which are crucial for pollinating crops.
The distributed flowering strategy keeps the bees focused on pollinating apples during their short bloom season while still providing a variety of nectar sources that help keep them going during the rest of the growing season.
Something is stirring here and it's kicking up some of LA's eccentric histories—it's soupy and iridescent, a vortex of shifting gradients, cross-pollinating our creativity and dreams in unexpected ways, like a hazy cosmic jive.
"Because of climate change, the trees are pollinating earlier and earlier," Dr. David Rosenstreich, the director of the division of allergy and immunology for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montifore Medical Center, tells PEOPLE.
The moment we entered, Schmidt's wife, Li, presented us with a pudgy, furry, gray-yellow Centris pallida — a desert bee that specializes in pollinating the paloverde plant — that she found lying on her windshield that morning.
The European Union has since 2014 had a moratorium on use of neonicotinoids - made and sold by various companies including Bayer and Syngenta - after lab research pointed to potential risks for bees, crucial for pollinating crops.
Image: Chenyang CaiAmber fossils containing bugs are nothing new, but the discovery of a beautifully preserved Cretaceous Period beetle with bits of pollen still around it is changing what we know about the planet's earliest pollinating insects.
With help from a botanist in Japan, Perlman and his colleagues have been hand-pollinating the remaining Psychotria grandiflora by collecting viable pollen from male plants and dabbing it onto the female flowers, allowing them to reproduce.
"The honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) contributes ∼$17 billion annually to the United States economy, primarily by pollinating major agricultural crops including almond, which is completely dependent on honey bee pollination for nut set," the researchers wrote.
"If there are bees in the coffee plots, they are very efficient and very good at pollinating, so productivity increases and also berry weight," said lead author Pablo Imbach of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).
Here's another data point: A decades-long decline in plant-pollinating hawk moths has been reported in the Northeast, but its causes and consequences are uncertain because we know so little about the ecology of these insects.
But without a significant heat event in the forecast through the first three weeks of July, when corn is pollinating, national corn yield is unlikely to fall too far below the long-term trend - despite the expected dryness.
While alternative rock, like a bevy of other subgenres, dissolved with the rise of cross-pollinating technologies like file-sharing and streaming, the Pixies ethos lives on: It's not the skill you bring to the table that matters.
Coming down the catwalk on the far end of town, their seedpod wigs pollinating the runway as they went, his models looked fierce and formidable: half-human creatures, their articulated sleeves — telescoping rounds of leather — breathing like gills.
It's hard to imagine a time when Carlson and Maddow appeared on the same network, let alone the same show, but 15 years ago, the cable-news environment was a cross-pollinating ecosystem, and the debate format reigned.
A 4-year study sh0wed that pollinating insects boosted margins for rapeseed farmers in France more effectively than pesticides to fend off unwanted bugs and damage, according agricultural researcher INRA and the country's National Centre for Scientific Research.
Bees are responsible for pollinating nearly one-third of all crops worldwide, but this past winter saw the highest number of bee colony losses on record as pesticides, parasites and climate change make it harder for them to survive.
Once the broad contours of his vision are determined, Jacobs goes, like a queen bee in her hive, to the other departments — hair, makeup and shoes — pollinating their imagination with the mood or feeling with which he's been living.
ANSES authorised sulfoxaflor for use on straw cereals like wheat as well as fruit and vegetable crops, but prohibited it for crops that attract pollinating insects and for all crops during flowering periods, noting potential toxic effects for bees.
"If you lost all those pollinators that aren't pollinating crops, we'd start losing a lot of native plants across Europe and North America," says Rachel Winfree, an ecologist at Rutgers University and a co-author of the Nature Communications study.
As we continue to come to grips with the problems of our dystopian future, it's probably as good a time as ever to dream up some solutions with an idea straight out of the dystopian show Black Mirror: pollinating drones.
So although the new RoboBee can fly, land in water, paddle about, then burst out again, it can't be remotely controlled, and it isn't yet capable of doing useful bee tasks like pollinating the crops we all depend upon to live.
The in-between stages involve everything from pollinating apple trees by hand to researching the regions where the new variety of apple might thrive to conducting an extensive naming process once you have a winning combination of texture and flavor.
Since you ask the usual stuff includes cross pollinating the portfolio, tapping into our venture network and wider industry networks (we host a couple of concept focused events a year) and as already mentioned our investor networks are unlike anyone else's- which helps!
They're aided by Stevland, the intelligent bamboo that they met in the glass city, which first seeks to use them as tools for its own health and expansion, but which later joins them as a member of their society, cross-pollinating their values.
In a greenhouse at West Virginia University, a machine called the BrambleBee is learning to roll around pollinating blackberry bushes, knocking their flowers around (blackberry flowers self-pollinate, so bees or robots just have to jostle them to spread around the pollen).
Mr. Murphy invented LCD Soundsystem as a throwback to a golden age of New York City music: the late 1970s and the early '80s, when disco, punk, postpunk, electro, funk, salsa, art pop, Minimalism and early hip-hop were all cross-pollinating.
BANGOR, Me. — Hundreds of miles from the health care debate that will begin again this week in Congress, lobstermen here are out in force, bees are furiously pollinating the state's famous blueberries and part-time workers are preparing for another summer tourist season.
Compiled over three years and based on 15,000 scientific papers, the report identified a range of risks, from the disappearance of insects vital for pollinating food crops, to the destruction of coral reefs that support fish populations and the loss of medicinal plants.
According to biologist Jeremy Kerr, who authored a landmark study on how rising temperatures endanger honey bees, the resilience of pollinating insects means that relieving the pressure from just one or two of the many threats may give them space to adapt to the others.
This is far from unprecedented — computer-generated music has been around for decades — but OpenAI's approach appears to be flexible and scalable, producing music informed by a variety of genres and artists, and cross-pollinating them as well in a form of auditory style transfer.
BEIJING, Feb 2700 (Reuters) - Beekeepers in China, the world's top honey producer, are bracing for a bleak start to the key spring pollinating season as travel curbs aimed at containing a coronavirus outbreak keep them at home while their bees go without food for weeks.
She's saying that he's part of a social and algorithmic network in which he's cross-pollinating audiences both intentionally, in terms of whom he has on and what shows he goes on, and unintentionally, in terms of what the algorithm learns to show his followers.
As Viners blew up, they started appearing in each others Vines — Logan Paul would hang out with King Bach who'd hang out with Lele Pons and so on and so forth, cross-pollinating in a way that felt like naked self-promotion, a digital circle-jerk.
Writing in the latest edition of Current Biology, researchers from the University of Salzburg in Austria and the University of Bayreuth in Germany describe the unique strategy employed by the Giant Ceropegia, a plant with an umbrella-like flower that it uses to temporarily imprison pollinating insects.
The meeting was supposed to kick off the pollinating season, but the beekeepers, many of them wearing tucked-in plaid shirts and trucker caps with dirt-curled bills, had already been at work for a couple of weeks, summoned to the state early by a heat wave.
Suddenly Jackmaster's troops have grown considerably in size, Ben UFO is playing squiggly techno to rugby players and acts like Bicep—able to provide enough obscure trance-cum-Italo for the heads, and enough chunky takes on 90s classic for the rest—are cross-pollinating these crowds even further.
The report found that 75 percent of the world's crops depend, at least in part, on pollinators, and it warned that 16 percent of vertebrate pollinators, like hummingbirds and bats, are threatened with extinction, while, in some regions, as many as 40 percent of pollinating insects could face the same fate.
The report found that 19623 percent of the world's crops depend, at least in part, on pollinators, and it warned that 16 percent of vertebrate pollinators, like hummingbirds and bats, are threatened with extinction, while, in some regions, as many as 40 percent of pollinating insects could face the same fate.
A salad of Chinese cabbage, cucumber, onion and beef in a soy-sesame chile dressing was followed by plov, or rice pilaf, the Persian-influenced Central Asian staple that probably originated in the culinary methods of the Islamic golden age, pollinating national rice dishes from Spanish paella to Indian biryani.
Combining wide-ranging disciplines to measure how the loss of the natural world affects human societies, the report identified a range of risks, from the disappearance of insects vital for pollinating food crops, to the destruction of coral reefs that support fish populations that sustain coastal communities, or the loss of medicinal plants.
Meanwhile Stormy Daniels's attorney has virtually taken up residence in television studios, getting as much attention as Clark Gable playing Rhett Butler in "Gone With The Wind," dangling tidbits of dirt to wangle more invitations to appear, pollinating the airwaves with tales from the swamp, suggesting the president's former fixer will soon cop a plea deal with the feds.
They pop up multiple times over the course of the game, and their music — written by Bowie and longtime collaborator Reeves Gabrels — later appeared, in altered form, on the album Hours.... While Omikron isn't much more than a footnote in the wider history of video games, it's notable as an early example of games cross-pollinating with other realms of entertainment.
Genevieve: I'll throw in a couple more subtle nods to this episode's thematic fixation on our food and where it comes from: Mischa is smuggled out of the country inside an empty refrigerator, and when Elizabeth returns home from her first trip to Kansas, she joins Philip on the couch in front of a nature documentary showing footage of bees pollinating plants and making honey.
This year, I've traveled more for gigs than I've ever done before, and I see so many of my peers and the female DJs I admire rapidly moving upwards: Honey Dijon was recently on tour with Disclosure; the Black Madonna's schedule is said to be booked solid through the rest of the year; Lauren Flax's name is popping up more and more in the cross-pollinating electronic music scenes; and Susan Morabito is enjoying a second-wave revival, with whole the Fire Island and gay circuit scene seemingly wrapped around her finger.
Marvel has consistently followed a well-thought-out game plan in each of its development "Phases" -- introducing its marquee heroes like Iron Man, the Hulk, Captain America and Thor in individual movies before uniting them in "The Avengers" in Phase One; broadening and cross-pollinating with sequels, interconnected storylines and lesser-known, tonally different characters like Ant-Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy in Phase Two; and building an even more cohesive universe with crossovers, a host of even more widely appealing new leads like Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange and a re-integrated Spider-Man while tying up an era of cinematic storytelling in Phase Three.

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