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253 Sentences With "poems"

How to use poems in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "poems" and check conjugation/comparative form for "poems". Mastering all the usages of "poems" from sentence examples published by news publications.

There are climate-change poems, income-inequality poems, and Black Lives Matter poems.
Mr. Muldoon writes nature poems and urban poems and sex poems; he is at home in every setting.
There are anthologies of 9/11 poems and anthologies of Iraq War poems.
These starkly succinct poems and prose poems map a powerful constellation of becoming.
When I was living in New York I was constructing poems more from other poems, doing cut-ups and experimenting with different ways of building up poems.
" HALF-LIGHT: Collected Poems By Frank Bidart "Writing the poems is how I survived.
"Poems ought to have memories," he began, then continued: They should remember other poems.
We read the poems together and we discuss the ideas the poems bring up.
His Judevine poems were collected in "Judevine: The Complete Poems, 1970-1990," published in 1991.
I would suggest for (the incoming president) a little anthology of poems -- poems by Americans, mainly poems by Americans who are not alive today so that it doesn't become political.
If they did, very few poems — or more likely, a lot of terrible poems — would be written.
"In the Western Night: Collected Poems," Frank Bidart A student of Robert Lowell, his poems breathe fire.
These poems were included in his first collection, "For the Unfallen: Poems, 1952-1958," published in 20083.
Trees in poems, especially trees In my own poems I am not ashamed to admit Embarrass me.
Humor or mockery is fine, as are serious poems, but I don't want just poems denouncing Trump.
The poems he selected for his second, unpublished collection close out what amounts to a selected poems.
Her poetry collections include Huangma Mountains, Collected Poems of Zeng Xiaoqiong, Pedestrian Bridge, and Poems Falling on Machines.
"The Poems of T. S. Eliot: Collected and Uncollected Poems (Volume 1)," edited and annotated by Christopher Ricks.
Same as above, but I have done more rereading of poems and passages of poems than of stories.
In the decades since, her relatively small body of work—some hundred published poems, a dozen stories—has been greatly outweighed by volumes of letters, previously unpublished poems and drafts of poems, biography, and criticism.
Then you got some love poems, too, you got some poems about the ways in which love doesn't work, you got some poems about the ways in which men let people that they love down.
In his new book, he set himself the challenge of writing political poems in the guise of love poems.
It was as if she were deliberately creating poems that demanded reader participation, poems that could be endlessly rewritten.
The late poems offer some of the metaphysical satisfaction we feel when we reach the final poems of Stevens.
"Widening Income Inequality" includes many occasional poems, as well as poems dedicated to—and mainly intelligible to—famous friends.
" August Kleinzahler, "Before Dawn on Bluff Road: Selected New Jersey Poems / Hollyhocks in the Fog: Selected San Francisco Poems.
She'd been working on what would later become Poems by Kali, a book of poems published concurrently with Vibration Cooking.
Books, poems and works of art can be used for educational purposes, and poems can be, say, set to music.
Lots of poets, even if they don't strum on a guitar, now write poems to be performed, poems to be heard, rather than poems to be read, just as minstrels and troubadours of the pre-Gutenberg age did.
That's also why we decided to focus — instead of the poems that are translated and known all over the world, his love poems — on the poems that have rage and fury, that combine politics and ideology with poetry.
They were too obsessed with looking like poems, I think—and sometimes they did, just poems that somebody else had written.
To the end, Harris insisted that the Ern Malley poems really were good poems, and that his editorial judgment was correct.
When we're evaluating books of poems, a great deal depends on which noun — books or poems — we think should be stressed.
Vital," is how the poet Gwendolyn Brooks began her lyrical preface to Etheridge Knight's first pamphlet of poems, "Poems From Prison.
These grinches, who formed the Saint Nicholas Society of New York, would change the world with two little poems. Yep. Poems.
It flows between a traditional interview correspondence, rants about the weather, poems, and Colo's random musings (which are like poems, too).
The cover of "All the Poems" is a cartoon, just like the cover of the old "Collected Poems," the book it supplants.
In many of his poems and prose poems, a pronoun ­– he, they, you, and we – is central to each line or sentence.
Like war poems, jail poems are often especially vivid because alertness, in brutal and alien fashion, has been forced on the speaker.
Poets, too, get bummed, sometimes very angry, when they read poems they don't immediately understand (a lot of poems if not most).
He wrote, along with poems of more conventional lyric length, very short morsel poems and very long process poems, that last group sometimes providing a kind of "making of" documentary about how the little strobe-lit lyrics came to be.
Poet Isobel O'Hare's "erasure poems" take a black marker to public apologies from accused abusers, building poems about sexual misconduct from what's left. 
"Her poems, among contemporary Chinese poems, are like putting a murderer among a group of respectable ladies," wrote Mr. Liu, the Poetry editor.
That's why very old poems can still feel completely present and meaningful to us and why the great new poems can feel very ancient.
Including poems from well known writers and less expected artists, Black Mountain Poems produces a keener vision of the interdisciplinary culture of the famed college.
In these 70 sonnets, written after the election of 2016, Hayes set himself the challenge of writing political poems in the guise of love poems.
The mortifying thing, rather, is that if you were able to write the same poems as me, I'd have to think that my poems were untrue.
The "I" in these poems is representational, yes, but we can see the poems for what they are: fragments of experience threaded through an artistic vision.
The poems can be a little too intense or too sophisticated, and teachers could use a couple of ideas about how to bring poems into the classroom.
I thought about Sarah and her telling me to be quiet when I recited my poems and I thought, What kind of damn person doesn't like poems?
I recommend haiku by Buson and later, longer poems by Kenji Miyazawa for starters, along with the rowdy and revolutionary poems by Nanao Sakaki (many in English).
Back then every day teemed with violence, and the poems, like all of Clifton's poems, let me imagine even the wildest dudes around me as my brother.
With Christopher Bruce's "Ten Poems," however, the only music is the spoken word: recordings by the actor Richard Burton of poems by his fellow Welshman Dylan Thomas.
Malech has written nine poems, each with a line from "Metaphors" as an epigraph; each of Malech's poems is an anagram of the entirety of Plath's poem.
Some recent titles you may stumble upon include poems from Bernie Sanders's 73 filibuster speech and a translation of poems by the Syrian-Brazilian poet Waly Salomão.
His first book of poems, "The Absolute Smile," was published in 1967; his latest, "Selected Poems, 1967-2011," has just been released by the Canadian publisher Cormorant Books.
All of the book's poems bear some relationship to Hölderlin, quoting from his late work and incorporating imagery — meadow, grove, sheep, violets, wanderer — found in his late poems.
A lot of them include secular texts like poems by the lesbian poet Adrienne Rich that were appropriate for the occasion, and also some poems by Marge Piercy.
And still her answers to questions about poems written before I was born showed me a memory and a mind as sharp as what's reflected in the poems.
His painting "Ron Padgett" (2015) is a portrait of the poet, whose Collected Poems were published in 2013, and who wrote the poems in Jim Jarmusch's 2016 film Paterson.
Cats is written around Eliot's cat poems, but "Memory" is an exception: for that song, Lloyd Webber received permission from Eliot's estate to use lines from previously unpublished poems.
This new volume includes five poems from each of his previous 12 books of poems, beginning with "New Weather" (1973) and ending with "One Thousand Things Worth Knowing" (2014).
These poems, also filled with numerous images of jazz — about which Gold is passionate — and intricate references to cultural history, make Gold's poems come alive with an unexpected ferocity.
Here are two short poems rom Cairo Poems: Mid July — End of September 2011: 1 In a city under deconstruction, where ghosts come and go, throwing stones at Michelangelo.
" - Jenna, 232 "Threw love poems at him, literally.
My mother consoled me with poems by Pasternak . . .
Some of these works have now been paired with poems and collected in a new book, THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WANTED: Poems & Collages (Rizzoli Electa, $35), edited by Mark Polizzotti.
Our Op-Ed writer recalls how much his poems meant to her as a child — and asks why she was assigned only his poems about dreams, not demands, in school.
And in addition to Lisa's poems, they needed verses for the boy, Jimmy — poems that had to be exceptional and memorable, but also plausibly written by a 5-year-old.
When I first read poems — in the space of one day's subway commute, back and forth — the breakneck speed at which I could skate on the poems' surfaces felt freeing.
Boston Review published "Poems for Political Disaster," which has a foreword by the United States poet laureate, Juan Felipe Herrera, and includes poems by Stephen Burt, Monica Youn and Jorie Graham.
There are countless poems that describe grainy black-and-white photographs in a tenderly impartial tone, as though photographs and the poems that describe them weren't acts of selection and judgment.
There are words – including quotations from poems by Whitman.
Several of the poems position animals as shadow selves .
NOUNS & VERBS: New and Selected Poems, by Campbell McGrath.
"If her poems are like his boxes, a place where secrets are kept, his boxes are like her poems, the place of unlikely things to happen," Charles Simic is quoted as saying.
"Quiver of Arrows: Selected Poems, 1986-2006," Carl Phillips Wildness and control are recurring themes in Phillips's brilliant poems, and they play out too in his winding, meticulous, everywhere self-interrogating syntax.
He has written more than 200 poems about Pasolini and his life in Monteverde, and has memorized around 40 poems by his idol, which he declaims at the drop of a hat.
After that, I started reading erotic poems at a few open mic nights: there used to be one in Shoreditch called Velvet Tongue that I took a couple of poems to on occasion.
More recently, Frank Bidart, who was Lowell's student and edited his collected poems, published his own widely praised collected poems, a book that shares nothing with Lowell's aside from its engine of agony.
Several anthologies with anti-Trump poems have already come out, including, in May, " Resistance, Rebellion, Life: 50 Poems Now " (Knopf), edited by Amit Majmudar, who was one of the winners in Kristof's contest.
The exhibition includes notebooks and poems that he wrote. Berlinale
Mostly because of my early days submitting all those poems.
The desire to be present is what drives Youn's poems.
As a poet, Padgett's poems make me gnash my teeth.
Lots of people wrote parodies of her short, distinctive poems.
Those who know Smith's poems love that about them, too.
Copper Canyon Press Toi Derricotte, "I": New and Selected Poems.
Playful, with an improvisational quality, the woodcuts reflect Schwartz's poems.
People are looking to poems for that energy and insight.
Lots of them had little poems on them, like this.
In short, they read like true poems because they are.
Writing poems about the somatic reverberations of thwarted — and fulfilled!
So I wrote poems and turned them into rap songs.
The saltiness of these poems has thrilled many a beginning
I was writing poems and trying to make myself interesting.
Next to him is an anthology of Mary Oliver's poems.
My family is holy, and so I write them poems.
The poems suggest, unsurprisingly, that their lives are pretty miserable.
People wanted — and want — her life and her poems explicated.
"Look, I don't write poems to cry," Ms. Craft said.
With a few exceptions, Oliver's poems don't end in thunderbolts.
I wrote a couple bad poems about her, I'm sure.
"Faithful and Virtuous Night: Poems," Louise Gluck I'd need poetry.
Ms. Dove's poems of this nature are better than most.
Makes me think I should check out the poems, too.
These poems don't strive for effects or clamor for attention.
His poems often volley between speakers and states of mind.
And a collection of poems, "Austerity Measures," examines the crisis.
He trawled the internet, looking up love poems, romantic sayings.
His poems and his understanding of life was next level.
Novels and poems increasingly bring us news from this front.
"I liked the poems very much," John Ashbery once said.
Mr. Qappani writes poems and notes about politics on Facebook.
And I write poems, too, sometimes, especially for kibbutz festivals.
Humorous poems, but usually they come to a serious conclusion.
But under these emergency conditions she wrote her greatest poems.
They'll send their friends and family poems or even recipes.
You don't have to love poetry to love these poems.
The writers of the poems will receive a prize package.
In these poems our photographers felt the passing of time.
We talked about the Nick Flynn poems they'd been assigned.
I was reading a collection of poems by Philip Levine.
BROWN Poems By Kevin Young Photographs by Melanie Dunea Illustrated.
They emailed me their poems, which were finished as homework.
For birthdays and other special occasions, we wrote comic poems.
Sisters and millennials wrote and read poems to each other.
Fortunately, good poems, like good people, do tend to congregate.
There are typographical innovations galore, including some lovely shape poems.
Dad, you see, is writing a book about these poems.
Some of the poems were haunting, including one on Dec.
They critiqued my poems and presented me with reading lists.
There have been the posthumously published poems, journals and juvenilia.
The most devastating of these poems are about Betts's sons.
Jorie Graham's new collection of poems, "Fast," does just that.
Yet the poems will not make our judgments for us.
Poetry Six contemporary poets share the process behind their poems.
Writing these poems is the closest I've felt to God.
Where are they going if not to their next poems?
Sometimes poems, sometimes history or books about dreams or consciousness.
His poems have been translated into several languages, including Russian.
So he surprised Tripp and set his poems to music.
Fans of Glück's own poems will recognize her trademark severity.
It begins with reading the words of the poems themselves.
It's other people's business whether they respond to my poems.
We don't, as a default, mark up our students' poems.
He would tell her lines of poems he really loved.
He had understood what Shakespeare meant, knew poems by heart.
Some early poems almost take the form of tiny essays.
Mahler combines two poems that don't belong to each other.
Or a rare cancer of white blood cells called POEMS?
Eliot had recorded several poems before his death in 1965.
Poetry shapes the topography, which in turn inspires the poems.
"As we walk along the path of these poems, we will see him again, this 'child of the sky,' " he added, an apparent reference to a refrain in one of Mr. Meng's untitled poems.
He borrowed his imbalance from Lowell, John Berryman, and, especially, Sylvia Plath, whose poems' occasional comparisons of her personal trauma to the atrocities of the Holocaust influenced Seidel's many blasphemous poems about the camps.
The current volume gathers together "uncollected and unpublished poems" as well as all the poems from Italy (1981), his only published book, which was put out by Dennis Cooper's long defunct press, Little Caesar.
You can feel this in the cadence of her work, and you can see it explicitly in her use of haiku-style stanzas in her longer poems ("9 Pebbles" is nine little poems in one).
My godfather gave me a beautiful illustrated Children's Book of Poetry when I was about 7, and I started with the limericks and comic poems and went on to the great heart-wrenching story-poems.
Phillis Wheatley published her first book of poems at age 20
Herman Melville's novels and poems found little appreciation in his lifetime.
I became really focused on submitting my poems to literary magazines.
Padgett's poems can be simultaneously amiable and wistful, or self-mocking.
" Instead of the Dickinson of "little-girl" poems like "I'm Nobody!
WADE IN THE WATER Poems By Tracy K. Smith 83 pp.
You can only read off of prompters and I'm writing poems.
He was in his room crying to himself and writing poems.
Many poems and songs will speak to you more directly now.
One frustration of "The Darkening Trapeze" is the "last poems" approach.
Her poetry teacher (Gael Garcia Bernal) thinks her poems are ordinary.
One collection, called "Subhuman Redneck Poems", won the T.S. Eliot prize.
People made shirts or poems that represented the software in protest.
Siri and Alexa can recite poems and haikus for your enjoyment.
Maybe between five and ten [poems] altogether from the original manuscript.
Did it feel weird or isolating to return to those poems?
Poems and chants from your childhood are repeated over and over.
Do you see your poems as improvisations or performances at all?
I wondered if they ever tried reciting love poems to someone.
But if Dylan's lyrics aren't quite poems, they're pretty damn close.
As might be expected, Ashbery's early poems show facility and talent,
His poems, like that forest, are a kind of time preserve.
Sixteen hundred poems were composed in his honor for the event.
It's unclear if her poems have reached Capitol Hill just yet.
Smith's poems expound a complicated and distinctly queer relationship to beauty.
BLUE LAWS: Selected and Uncollected Poems, 1995-2015, by Kevin Young.
Shakespeare wrote two epic narrative poems, 38 plays and 154 sonnets.
"Collected Poems" is the model for every poet who worships procrastination.
Ritvo is now permanently located, and obliquely revealed, in his poems.
How did Merrill use the Ouija board to produce effective poems?
Lee's most ambitious poems are made from the commonest verbal stock.
I found that I could express my deepest feelings through poems.
The startling, beguiling poems in this book are masterful and heartbreaking.
I MUST BE LIVING TWICE: New and Selected Poems, 1975-2014.
People would write poems or their phone numbers on the wall.
Milosz wanted to write poems that could survive such a judgment.
One of his poems begins: Human reason is beautiful and invincible.
That's why I've been trying alternatives and writing poems about Sunrise.
There are many subjects Felsenthal touches upon in his remarkable poems.
Were you the type to write poems for guys you liked?
Another actor, Marcel Iureș, states he won't recite any patriotic poems.
All poems poison the blood And the blood is destruction distilled.
Ms. Millay's candle-burning life, and poems, are already passionate enough.
Minstrels will not be singing epic poems about the second quarter.
Hundley has written lots of terrific lines, not to mention poems.
" Less than 20 lines later it ends, "I hate my poems.
This is the second installment of new poems by disabled poets.
Ms. Alegría said she began writing poems when she was 6.
The structure of Marilyn Singer's reverso poems is less easily repeated.
His love for life is what comes through in his poems.
All of Baker's poems are rich in observation, imagination and memory.
If they are often bleak, Shaughnessy's poems are also very funny.
The poems as you read them in the movie feel fresh.
I also admire Raymond Carver's poems as much as his prose.
Poem Selected by Terrance Hayes Titles do powerful work with poems.
His highly contained poems invariably comment on the idea of containment.
His hand on Mr. Kitab's shoulder, Mr. Zindani would recite poems.
FERLINGHETTI'S GREATEST POEMS By Lawrence Ferlinghetti Edited by Nancy J. Peters.
Inspiration ran like a tap; poems were pouring out of her.
"Poems are friendly, and they teach us how to read them."
The Shortlist LESSONS ON EXPULSION Poems By Erika Sánchez 73 pp.
But some of the more memorable poems here are highly topical.
OR WHAT WE'LL CALL DESIRE Poems By Alexandra Teague 65 pp.
" The students' own poems were titled "What Is Myanmar to Me?
"Be Recorder" (Graywolf Press, 2019) is her sixth book of poems.
Here is a collection of more of my students' found poems.
None of this would be interesting if his poems weren't great.
However, they still reach for books of poems we loved together.
"I guess I would call this collection 'emergency poems,'" he said.
HOLLYHOCKS IN THE FOG: Selected San Francisco Poems, by August Kleinzahler.
Some of them are less narratives than brief, illustrated prose poems.
Turned out, 'Love Poems for Married People' was on that list!
These poems are partly about facing old age without a partner.
Her funny, moving poems are a wonderful ode to black womanhood.
A thing that published poems, essays, short stories and philosophical lectures!
The poems work by juxtaposition with no transitions between the images.
Dunce is full of brave, tender, sweet, funny, and brilliant poems.
This book of poems is a feat of research worn lightly.
How does a poet end up writing these kinds of poems?
Now, he's going to college and performing his poems on YouTube.
All this leaves little time for her main job: creating poems.
T.A. LOVE POEMS' at the City Reliquary (July 15, 7 p.m.).
She published her first poems with the prestigious literary journal Roshanfekr.
The poems might seem that much better in Provençal or Tuscan.
Poems on paper had fallen to the floor like autumn leaves.
The poems themselves, however, present difficulties that would stymie any translator.
Isn't this why we return to certain poems, paintings, and films?
There was, too, the collaborative aspect: filtering and distilling the words of the other poets (at one point there were 30 + on the flarflist) into my own poems, and then seeing my words in their poems.
It's a theme that echoes through her most celebrated works, like her novel The Bell Jar and Ariel, a posthumously published collection of poems that included "Lady Lazarus," which is among her most well-known poems.
Considered Australia's unofficial poet laureate and for years discussed as a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature, Mr. Murray published nearly 29 volumes; his last, "Collected Poems," released last year, contains more than 19713 poems.
The poems in this book include not only "Gypsy Ballads," but the "Dark Love Sonnets," with their death-haunted homoeroticism, and poems about the deadly goring of Lorca's friend the bullfighter Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, among others.
"Summer Snow," Hass's first gathering of new poems since 2010's "The Apple Trees at Olema: New and Selected Poems," is a book that looks meaningfully back on the long life it took to write it.
Walking Backwards: Poems 1966-2016 (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) bring together a half a century of work, from the terse lyrics of the late 1960s to his long, discursive, musical poems of the last three decades.

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