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104 Sentences With "planetary system"

How to use planetary system in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "planetary system" and check conjugation/comparative form for "planetary system". Mastering all the usages of "planetary system" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That makes the planetary system more like the moons of Jupiter than a larger planetary system like our solar system.
Artist's depiction of KOI-961, a planetary system discovered by Kepler.
An artist's impression of the red dwarf planetary system Kepler-444.
It's also possible that this planetary system won't be around for long.
That makes this planetary system much more conducive to hosting any potential life.
It'll be 40,000 years before they approach another planetary system, according to NASA.
It's like the Sun that we orbit and the sun of another planetary system.
But its presence in our planetary system has baffled scientists for a long time.
So far, Trappist-1 is the only musically enchanting planetary system in the galaxy.
There's also a lot of incentive to send something else to the planetary system now.
That would mean another complex planetary system is right next door to us — cosmically speaking.
After all, our planetary system flung icy objects into interstellar space when it was forming.
These are huge, basic questions about the planetary system that will remain unanswered for now.
A very small number - 2 percent - ended up kicked out of the planetary system entirely.
For the first time, scientists found evidence of a rocky planetary system surrounding a double sun.
These guidelines will fit with many of the deathly names already given to the planetary system.
Doubtful. What Kane and his team found is a planetary system with wildly changing Milankovitch cycles.
The spacecraft is still trucking along in the planetary system, observing Saturn and its 62 known moons.
This is a huge, basic question about the planetary system, and it will remain unanswered for now.
There could even be an elaborate planetary system, according to the paper submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
But it's the nature of this particular planetary system that makes the blip in the data so tantalizing.
In fact, it's so far that astronomers aren't entirely sure if it even belongs to this planetary system.
"It's hard to conceive in theory of a planetary system better suited for James Webb than TRAPPIST-1."
A comet from another planetary system could also serve as a baby picture for another distant cosmic neighborhood.
And by focusing their radio dishes onto this planetary system, scientists may detect new signals, and possibly even patterns.
The whole planetary system is located 3,700 light-years away and is thought to be 4.4 billion years old.
NASA says we now know more about the Trappist-1 system than any other planetary system save our own.
And also whether most asteroids kicked out of a planetary system would have any life on them to start with.
These potential rings would imply that the star could have an elaborate planetary system alongside its confirmed exoplanet, Proxima b.
The vehicle would then take the boulder back to our planetary system and place it in orbit around the Moon.
And the conditions of this planetary system mean astronomers are well poised to figure out if water might be there.
The image is even more unique as it's one of only two that's been captured of a multi-planetary system.
Finding another complex planetary system so close by may mean that our galaxy is filled with complex systems like our own.
"TRAPPIST has the longest resonant chain of any planetary system that has ever been discovered," Tamayo told me over the phone.
It's knowing what questions to ask and how to ask them, be it about a small product or a planetary system.
In 2012 signals started to pop up out of the data that told him Proxima Centauri could have a planetary system.
Gillon shared these reminders: TRAPPIST-1 is a compact planetary system composed of seven terrestrial planets similar in size to Earth.
From there, a structure gradually took shape that almost resembles a planetary system, with characters orbiting the central conceit like moons.
It could be a Neptune mass planet that was captured by a super-Jupiter planet during the formation of the planetary system.
That means they're like tiny time capsules, providing snapshots of what materials lurked about when our planetary system first came into being.
When our planetary system formed, the larger planets likely flung trillions of small objects at the system's edge out into interstellar space.
This region in a planetary system is where the building blocks of planets are thought to form, collecting material to become cores.
And while we can't yet say how common this type of planetary system is, binary stars are everywhere we look for them.
But if one thing's clear, it's that this little dwarf planetary system will continue to surprise us with its violent and storied past.
"How such a wide planetary system forms and survives remains an open question," Simon Murphy of Australian National University said in a statement.
An elegant pinwheel, designed to map the links among genetic mutations, looked like an old-fashioned representation of a planetary system in orbit.
If a wandering star happened whiz past a planetary system, small rocky worlds could literally be kicked into the frigid void of interstellar space.
The researchers, led by N. N. Brusilov, describe a "strong signal in the direction of HD393," a planetary system located in the constellation Hercules.
Studying Beta Pictoris for the past 30 years has allowed them to watch the process of a planetary system as it forms around the star.
The stars at the center of a planetary system are "born" together as "siblings" — this is the favored hypothesis, and the one the new study supports.
Now new research provides an explanation for the dynamics of how this planetary system could have formed and remained in stable harmony over billions of years.
First, astronomers and astrobiologists need to acquire an improved understanding of how planetary systems form and evolve, including better descriptions of planetary system architectures, compositions, and environments.
Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to our Solar System, may not have just one planet orbiting around it; the star may host a whole complex planetary system.
What makes this planetary system stand out from all the others discovered in recent years is just how similar one of its planets may be to Earth.
"There are more comets, and it's easier to fling them away from a planetary system," said Ann-Marie Madigan, an astrophysicist at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
The mission team behind Cassini has planned to send the spacecraft into Saturn for many years now, in order to protect the planetary system the vehicle has been exploring.
NGTS-4b likely formed in the outer reaches of this planetary system, but it crept closer to its host star, eventually finding itself in its current, perilous orbital position.
Now, researchers have traced a second signal they believe belongs to a super-Earth orbiting the same star, increasing the intrigue of this neighboring planetary system and its potential.
The TRAPPIST system is now the most studied planetary system outside of our own and has some of the most important hallmarks for finding life outside our solar system.
After 13 years of zooming around Saturn and its many moons, NASA's Cassini spacecraft has less than four days left at the planetary system before the probe is lost forever.
This planetary system may not be around for long But what makes HD131399Ab so unique is its strange orbit, especially since astronomers aren't sure how it got in that position.
The large number of mini-Neptunes around (almost every planetary system found by Kepler has at least one) does raise the question of why there are none in the Solar System.
Though Trappist-1 is the only known planetary system whose planets orbit in resonance, this research could lead to a better understanding of how planets form and exist around other dwarf stars.
Using Kepler's Target Pixel Files (TPF) data and the K2flix data conversion tool, citizen scientists can see the Trappist-1 planetary system from the point of view of the Kepler telescope's camera.
Then by this past summer, astronomers largely came around to the conclusion that it was instead a comet—an icy body knocked out of the distant reaches of a far-off planetary system.
I think I'm telling the story that says this is such a big and profound change in the planetary system that it's largely beyond our control with what we know about ourselves now….
"Even the closest planetary system to us may retain interesting surprises," said Fabio Del Sordo in an email, study author and postdoctoral researcher in the department of physics at the University of Crete.
Here are some of the biggest discoveries Cassini made while it was at Saturn, some of which are so monumental that scientists think we definitely need to revisit the planetary system in the future.
Last summer, as it sped through the Pluto system, the New Horizons spacecraft only had a few hours to pack its memory banks with as much data about the dwarf planetary system as possible.
In the case of this extraordinary planetary system, Rieder and Kenworthy say a catastrophic event—such as a massive collision—could have caused the rings or the planet to turn the other way around.
Fortunately, there should be a lot more data from this farflung planetary system on the way, including firmer specs on the moon's orbital geometry, which can provide clues about the origins of both worlds.
When the telescope is aimed at a particular planetary system, lasers will help align the starshade, floating more than 22015,285 miles away, between the telescope and the distant star, closing the curtains on it.
"The planetary system that this object came from originally was possibly not that different from our solar system," said Heidi B. Hammel, a planetary astronomer with the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy.
The spacecraft has transformed the way we understand Saturn and its dozens of moons, revealing never-before-seen details of the planetary system and showing us beautiful black and white views of the ringed world.
"It's a misplaced witness to the early history of the formation of our planetary system and the sun," said Thomas Puzia, an astronomer at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and an author of the paper.
"Proxima Centauri is the nearest star to the sun, and this detection would make it the closest planetary system to us," astronomer Mario Damasso, the paper&aposs lead author, told Business Insider in an email.
Sounds: The most self-promotional suggestion possible: my own sonification of the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system, which shows the connections between orbital dynamics (which aliens are surly pros at) and the music contained on the record.
Though we've sighted dozens of exoplanets (a planet orbiting a star outside of the solar system) before, this image is unique as it's one of only two we've managed to capture of a multi-planetary system.
But this world was found using a "direct imaging" technique, which lets scientists literally "take a picture of a planetary system and study the light emerging from an exoplanet independent of its host star," Johnson said.
Due to the way light spreads as it travels—called diffraction—the laser beam would spread to encompass entire solar systems after journeying many light years across space, bathing that distant planetary system within the cloaking beam.
Independence Day may have become popularly associated with hostile alien takeovers of Earth, but on Monday, Juno will reverse the trope by peacefully representing Earthlings at a foreign planetary system, without even one city-destroying death ray.
"This planet spends most of its time loitering in the outer part of its star's planetary system in this highly eccentric orbit, then it starts to accelerate in and does a slingshot around its star," Howard said.
"If these planets do not have an ozone layer, life would need to shelter underground or in an ocean to survive—and/or develop strategies to shield from the UV." Artist's rendering of the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system.
It grew out of Hamilton's elegant equations of motion for a dynamical system in the 1830s—the ones physicists use to describe the evolution of a classical planetary system, for example, or an electron in an electromagnetic field.
What's new The new studies shed more light on the star at the center of the planetary system, improve the measurements of the planets' radii and masses, and report the findings of reconnaissance observations of the planets' atmospheres.
Dorothy, Butler, Kubrick, and Nemo—these are a sampling of the new names given to some Charon's most distinctive surface features, as proposed by the New Horizons team and approved by the International Astronomical Union's Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature.
As for whether there's life in this planetary system, de Wit was hesitant to speculate about it, although he agreed that the latest findings "give more weight" to the argument that one or both of these planets might be habitable.
Anyone with an internet connection can jam on this tantalizing planetary system, thanks to a new web tool developed by Matt Russo, Daniel Tamayo, and Jason Leung, who are scientists at the University of Toronto's Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics.
"TRAPPIST has the longest resonant chain of any planetary system that has ever been discovered," Tamayo told me back in May, when the SYSTEM Sounds team first started to experiment with both sonification and visualizations of the star and its planets.
Following the identification of a possibly habitable planet by the Kepler satellite or perhaps PLATO, a European Space Agency planet-hunting telescope scheduled to be launched in 2024, the next step would be a survey of the planetary system by an unmanned probe.
It seems to be lacking small dust (and this may be related to its journey through space), and its chemistry may be different from comets in our solar system, which gives us a glimpse of the chemical make up in another planetary system.
Analyzing data from an 80-day Kepler observation of the Trappist system, involving at least seven Earth-sized planets tightly packed around a star about 40 light-years from here, Hungarian astronomers counted 42 solar flares raining lethal radiation through the little planetary system.
As the new paper points out, humanity, or any alien intelligence for that matter, is simply another expression of the biosphere: Any world hosting a long-lived energy-intensive civilization must share at least some similarities in terms of the thermodynamic properties of the planetary system.
On New Year's Eve, at 9:33 pm PT, it will make history again, when it soars past Ultima Thule—a small, cold, and mysterious world, the investigation of which could yield crucial clues about the formation of our planetary system some 4.5 billion years ago.
Mr. Wolfe broke through in 1972 with "The Fifth Head of Cerberus," a novella (which he soon expanded to three novellas) whose narrator, an inhabitant of the twin planetary system of St. Croix and St. Anne, tells the story of how he came to kill his father.
To me, the arrival of these planetary pieces formed at another star tells us that we are in the heart of a revolution—a change in viewpoints, begun hundreds of years ago, that continues to shift our perspective on our own home, our own planetary system.
Howell expects that the Hubble Space Telescope will take a look at the three newfound planets, and the K2 mission — which is responsible for finding multiple exoplanets itself — will be able to take a look at the planetary system within the next year as part of an observing campaign.
Although the first exoplanets had only been discovered a few years before Spitzer was launched, it quickly revealed our first glimpse of the weather on alien planets, revealing circling winds and hotspots, and helped uncover four new planets around TRAPPIST-1, making it the biggest known planetary system outside our own.
"Understanding the causes of the differences between the Trojans will provide unique and critical knowledge of planetary origins, the source of volatiles [chemicals like nitrogen, water, carbon dioxide and hydrogen] and organics on the terrestrial planets, and the evolution of the planetary system as a whole," said Catherine Olkin, the mission's deputy principal investigator.
"The destruction of planets could be caused by collisions of planets in a planetary system and/or a planet wandering too close to the star that it orbits—perhaps due to a collision with another body in the system," study co-author Kristina M. Punzi, astrophysics Ph.D. candidate at Rochester Institute of Technology, told Gizmodo.
The Carnegie Institution explains the significance of this: Only within the last 12 years has it become clear to astronomers that van Maanen's star and other white dwarfs with heavy elements in their spectra represent a type of planetary system featuring vast rings of rocky planetary remnants that deposit debris into the stellar atmosphere.
New Earth-Like Exoplanet Could Be Discovery of the CenturyIn what's being hailed as one of the biggest astronomical discoveries of the century, scientists…Read more Read"This cold dust is telling us there could be a planetary system with asteroid belts," Guillem Anglada-Escudé, one of the paper's authors from Queen Mary University of London, told Gizmodo.
"The new ALMA images show the disk in unprecedented detail, revealing a series of concentric dusty bright rings and dark gaps, including intriguing features that suggest a planet with an Earth-like orbit is forming there," Sean Andrews, co-author on a new study about the budding planetary system in Astrophysical Journal Letters, said in a statement.
"One of the things that she had in her class was an orrery, which is a word that I had no idea what it meant when I was in third grade, but it's a little device that has a whole planetary system in it," Dr. Garriott recalled in an interview with the Johnson Space Center in 19693.

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