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160 Sentences With "picking apart"

How to use picking apart in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "picking apart" and check conjugation/comparative form for "picking apart". Mastering all the usages of "picking apart" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Nail down the documents, then start picking apart minor details.
They found critical analysis and picking apart expert opinion uncomfortable.
I felt like there were a lot of journalists who were looking into picking apart stories and picking apart reporting instead of looking at the abuse of power that's still happening across the country.
Picking apart every detail, acting like it's basically been fully announced.
But Christensen won the case after picking apart Wilkerson's wife's testimony.
Lawmakers are ready to begin picking apart President Obama's 2202 budget.
With my stuff, I have no business picking apart, trying to nitpick.
Constantly picking apart the specifics of how you're trying to do something.
Picking apart the competition The Republicans faced 54-year-old Massachusetts Gov.
Picking apart a mystery in public is fun, especially when it's in fashion.
Try to raise doubt about the accuracy by picking apart some pieces. 2.
But, occasional pantomime aside, the science that is picking apart the cosmos is sacrosanct.
The Republicans will spend a billion dollars picking apart every one of his plans.
Across social media, people were picking apart every word of the organization's public message.
We should be celebrating Kidman's victory and moving speech, not picking apart her personal life.
His coach, John Kavanagh, is outside the cage, an expert at picking apart fighter's games.
Lucky for you, you can hear Jane picking apart hoaxes on our new podcast The News.
There's a moment in Mean Girls when The Plastics take turns picking apart their own bodies.
In the first trial, the defense tried to discredit Constand, picking apart her testimony for inconsistencies.
But Clinton could have done a better job of picking apart the rationale for Trump's candidacy.
And he advises picking apart the concept of social distancing to make it feel less scary.
As regulators begin picking apart reforms only just enacted, it is worth asking why that is so.
After her philosophical preamble about the transformative nature of grief, Lisa pivoted to picking apart Bennett's report.
But Judge's style of comedy tends to skewer types and tendencies, rather than picking apart real people.
They—or at least manager Joe Girardi—are picking apart the last few days of his career.
State picking apart Asia McClain's memory on events in 20143 regarding #AdnanSyed & his whereabouts day of murder pic.twitter.
Yes, I could spend 1,500 words picking apart these movies and mocking the crazier, sillier elements of them.
But you don't feel like picking apart the individual elements when they cohere into such an organic whole.
Dr. Miller was picking apart more wood, while Mr. Choi finished a computer simulation of a large log.
Picking apart the January numbers, you see just how that way of looking at trade can be misleading.
Last Week Tonight made its name by picking apart complex issues with fact-filled rebuttals backed by primary sources.
The report has taken the cybersecurity world by storm, and experts are picking apart both sides of the story.
But there's also no point picking apart that period in Dizzee's career any more than it already has been.
But here, 4×6 graphics sum up in single images what such studies spend thousands of words picking apart.
"New Trump video offers more spin than 'hope,' " by Glenn Kessler Picking apart a message from the president's campaign.
Picking apart the Viking films frame-by-frame was one of the few ways he could hone that sixth sense.
"I can't even set foot outside without people picking apart the socks I chose to wear to the drug store."
The magazine named the actor its "Man of Style" for September, and Pratt couldn't resist picking apart the resulting images.
Over on Underwood's Instagram, the conversation continues, with fans and foes picking apart her face and even questioning her authenticity.
One of those presenters is a renowned iPhone jailbreaker who has been picking apart iOS for more than a decade.
She was precise and specific with her critique, picking apart my poem and by extension my identity as a writer.
In a statement, Sears disputed the assertion by some critics that Lampert is picking apart the company for personal profit.
You skip across the landscape, acquiring new and incredible abilities, picking apart plants, animals, and enemy bases as you go.
It's the sound of them picking apart their old sounds and sewing them back together so you can't see the stitches.
But Mueller has been picking apart complicated, secretive and well-funded Russian networks that could only have originated from the Kremlin.
Science fiction and fantasy in particular are excellent at picking apart and isolating the hope and terror surrounding our political processes.
Clinton has been aggressively taking on Mr. Trump with a series of speeches questioning his temperament and picking apart his policies.
I've spent all this time picking apart the life-outline you've already discarded because I'm not fully convinced you've discarded it.
Still, Buttigieg may have narrowly lost New Hampshire because Klobuchar had such a convincing debate performance there, picking apart his qualifications.
Once you've got the lay of the land in your head, start picking apart your targeted settlement one enemy at a time.
I know I can't be the only one that spent most of my life picking apart what I hate about my body.
But "other people" may as well be a reference to David's obsession with picking apart everyone outside the relationship with his mother.
And, to make matters even worse, the next morning I woke up to an article on Buzzfeed's homepage picking apart my answer.
Trump started picking apart some GOP accomplishments, including the big budget bill, and complaining that others, namely his border wall, remained undone.
A courtroom battle that involves publicly picking apart standard, onerous provisions of a fighter contract would have ramifications that trickle down the roster.
One of the things that both Dunham and our very own Lindsey Stanberry tapped into while picking apart the way women say sorry?
Also, I can only imagine that Google, Twitter and Amazon are bracing for the possibility of this story picking apart their businesses, too.
The Rams gave as good as they got, with Jared Goff picking apart the unheralded Chiefs defense for three touchdowns of his own.
However, picking apart new details of its Series B funding round and speaking to sources within the industry, Hyundai's investment is below $30 million.
That makes him terrific at picking apart the foibles of our modern world, and it's also made him a frequent target for Hollywood adaptation.
You could argue that I'm missing the point by picking apart the Razr's technical specifications and zeroing in on the features it doesn't have.
His probing mind works in his favor: He's virtuosic in picking apart a weak lament about poetry from a 2013 issue of Harper's Magazine.
Rather than having to deal with the fact that Cosby's own words could incriminate him, they can focus on picking apart the accusers' accounts.
Last week, the center held an off-record briefing and made follow-up contacts with reporters, picking apart the details of Mr. Sanders's plan.
But even the prospect of a huge day from Murray is tempered considerably by the prospect of Russell Wilson picking apart Arizona's awful secondary.
Many have done so in recent years, often recounting their trauma repeatedly in the face of people criticizing them and picking apart their accounts.
The Raptors seized a 92.93-44 lead with its rally and kept picking apart the Houston defense through the remainder of the first half.
And on Twitter, some users are picking apart the pilots' motives as "greedy" and "self-obsessed" while gawking at their six-figure pay package.
"Meanwhile, the Democrats are going to try to be picking apart Trump's economic plan just because this is the forum to do that, " he said.
It's a rock 'n' roll record, more so than anything else in his catalog, picking apart a broken marriage with 80s riffs and warm distortion.
"Sarah and I spent a lot of time together picking apart the song, second by second, trying to make each moment count," Christerson tells Creators.
But Mr. Putin does seek to recreate a Russian sphere of influence while picking apart the liberal international order that prevailed in the Cold War.
We have made a spectator sport out of picking apart public figures' looks, and it's not okay — whether it's during awards season or the Rio games.
But the advent of the internet has radically changed what is considered public as well as the tools available for telling—and picking apart—these stories.
It's an entirely unconscious habit I honed over a lifetime of picking apart my image in every photograph, mirror, or reflective surface I happened to pass.
Immediately after the last model left the catwalk, media in both China and the United States began picking apart the cultural messages stitched within the costumes.
"If they want to continue to go after non-related financial matters where they're picking apart associates of the President, then by all means," Nunberg said.
The group recorded each of their nine shows, and when not onstage, spent the bulk of their time rehearsing and picking apart the minutiae of their performances.
But Mr. Lampert has been accused in lawsuits filed by pensioners and Sears shareholders of picking apart the more-than-a-century-old retailer to enrich himself.
CAVUTO: Well, anyway, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer spending a good part of the day picking apart the guy who, well, the president chose to be his guy.
Frankly, many women are wondering how they'll endure what comes next: Friends expressing skepticism of survivors, commentators picking apart Ford's testimony, Republicans choosing to instead believe Kavanaugh's denial.
The astronomer who's hellbent on picking apart the universe and reducing your life to a clump of dust needs absurdly detailed star charts in order to do so.
By picking apart the inner workings of genes and molecules in the animal kingdom, scientists hope to unravel new ways to prevent or even treat cancer in humans.
The distance between a renowned filmmaker picking apart a murder conviction and a teenager determining whether two peers really hooked up is, we're reminded, a weirdly slender one.
The pile on shows a field more comfortable with picking apart Trump's economic conflict with the world's second largest economy than they were even a few months ago.
The pile on shows a field more comfortable with picking apart Trump's economic conflict with the world's second-largest economy than they were even a few months ago.
You could spend hours picking apart each one, imagining the person who created them, wondering what it was that made them finally decide they needed this creative release.
Off the back of that we got all excited about the 70s and wrote a bunch of articles picking apart the music, fashion, and culture of the time.
Because of the upcoming release of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, everyone is buzzing about the show and picking apart many different aspects of its seven seasons.
Disappointingly, though, most of the documentary consists of interviews with Morgan and Anissa's parents, who, understandably, aren't that interested in picking apart the societal implications of their family tragedy.
But Hillary Clinton handled herself Thursday night with skill and grace, methodically laying out her beliefs and her vision for America while simultaneously picking apart GOP nominee Donald Trump.
Against the Nuggets, that penetration came from Nikola Jokic, who played quarterback in the high post, picking apart Golden State's aggressive passing lane defense by finding cutters and rollers.
And I'm not going to spend my time picking apart the truly abysmal conclusions and arguments the author is making, because plenty of other writers have done that already.
Coats has so far prevented outsiders from picking apart the agency, the way Trump had much earlier hoped to do by hiring people like New York financier Stephen Feinberg.
Steinfels evidently spent months picking apart last year's Pennsylvania Grand Jury report, which accused 301 priests of sexually abusing more than 1,000 children over the course of seven decades.
With centuries of critics picking apart text and subtext, the possibilities offered by the story space are far more vast than its traditional trappings first lead you to believe.
The editorial board explained their decision in detail, picking apart the politics, age, experience and electability of all of the remaining candidates in order to come to their conclusion.
You might think that someone could just arrange the same lava lamp specifications and video camera to start picking apart the security company's keys but that's simply not the case.
Surprise me, LG. Relative to the 2018 LG G7, the G8 feels more weighty and substantial, but unless you're picking apart a spec sheet, you might not notice any differences.
"As the action of Scientology, when you are picking apart the chronology of your life and its effects upon you, it really helps to have that lucidity," said the star.
Bill Clinton launched a sustained attack on Bernie Sanders at a New Hampshire campaign rally Sunday, tearing into the senator's rhetoric against Hillary Clinton and picking apart his spending plans.
Tom Price, who is expected be confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services this week, is expected to immediately start picking apart Obamacare legislation once approved by the Senate.
I was just a duffer, working at home, picking apart drinks, getting drinks out of Jeff "Beachbum" Barry's books or whatever books I could get my hands on, finding stuff online.
So I'm less interested in that, and more interested in picking apart and undoing and understanding the fabric of our nation and trying to really understand the roots of racial injustice.
Mr. Sanders delivered a clinical evisceration of Mr. Biden's record from a progressive perspective, picking apart past Biden votes and statements on economic issues, the Iraq war, immigration and L.G.B.T.Q. rights.
Mr. Sanders delivered a clinical evisceration of Mr. Biden's record from a progressive perspective, picking apart past Biden votes and statements on economic issues, the Iraq war, immigration and L.G.B.T.Q. rights.
A trial brief picking apart the House's case could be formally entered into the record later this week, after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi transmits the articles of impeachment to the Senate.
But "it's very hard to be a plaintiff", reliving traumatic experiences in a public setting where "a defence lawyer is picking apart everything you say" and "making you feel bad about yourself".
We've developed the high-level concepts that govern them and designed the networks themselves, but picking apart decisions that they make on their own is intensely difficult due to their internal complexity.
The visiting Los Angeles Dodgers are picking apart the Milwaukee Brewers' bullpen and take aim at a three-game sweep when the teams wrap up their series Sunday afternoon at Miller Park.
At first you're watching it and picking apart everything you say and do and wear, but after a couple of times you start kind of appreciating it for the memories it serves.
Congress is picking apart the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, just in time for the 10th anniversary of the Great Recession, the type of economic conflagration the law was supposed to prevent.
Christopher Berzins, a political attache in the DC office, wrote a memo to a dozen staff throughout the Canadian embassies in America and China, picking apart Trump's nationalism on trade with China.
Since starting this book, I've had friends tell me that it's "too soon" to start picking apart the bones of one of the most stunning elections in American history, and that's fine.
The National Review -- January 2016 The vaunted conservative publication swung against Trump during the GOP primary, warning that he was not conservative and picking apart what it could glean about his policy proposals.
Unhappy with CBO's reports estimating their GOP health bills would leave tens of millions more people uninsured, top Republican lawmakers have taken to disregarding CBO's analyses altogether, picking apart its methodology and asserting bias.
Red Dead Redemption is a game that's aged weirdly in the eight years since its release, as Austin, Patrick, Natalie, and Rob discover over the nearly two hours spent picking apart the game's conclusion.
In interviews, GOP lawmakers are picking apart the diplomats' testimony and echoing Trump's denials of a quid pro quo, essentially arguing that Trump's denials are more powerful than a cadre of diplomats' consistent testimony.
Ms. Warren has more pointedly began picking apart the records of her rivals — mostly Mr. Biden and Mr. Buttigieg, among those onstage — but she has often seemed reluctant to bluntly and directly criticize them.
He was aware, for example, before Wednesday's game against the Houston Rockets, that members of the news media and the general public were picking apart his defense and referring to him as a liability.
She is an extraordinarily formidable e-mailer, picking apart casual correspondence with the cool ferocity of a world-class logician; it sometimes felt as if Ludwig Wittgenstein was at the other end of the computer.
For the game's toughest encounters, I basically had to learn the layout of the level and come up with a strategy for picking apart the tougher enemies while harvesting resources from the fodder-type enemies.
" Despite the split, Iaconetti said the exes ares on "friendly terms" and chose to openly speak about the breakup because what she "wanted to prevent was everybody's personal interpretations and all the social media picking apart.
Not in a competitive sense, but, like, after shows picking apart what was working and there was a lot of positive reinforcements living around that time, and it was a really great period for the band.
He's only interested in picking apart why he finds a moment or a gesture GIF-able and compelling, and he uses the blog as a space to root around in his brain and pick out themes.
Picking apart numerous potential connections between mothers who show evidence of infection with the mosquito-borne virus and babies born with microcephaly, in which the head is abnormally small, will require precision and patience, specialists say.
Coker's role seemed to be constantly evolving this season, and it culminated in his outdueling Cook and picking apart a Spartans defense geared to stop the Heisman Trophy winner Derrick Henry and force Coker to beat them.
When he'd started picking apart the console's software a decade earlier, it had seemed like harmless fun—a way for him and his friends to match wits with the corporate engineers whose ranks they yearned to join.
She arrived in Brazil two months ago, rail thin, after an anguishing period during which she joined an ever-growing mob in the capital, Caracas, picking apart piles of garbage for bits and pieces of discarded food.
Cornet, who had reached the last-16 here only once before in 12 earlier attempts, sensed a big opportunity, and tension crackled on the court as she set about picking apart the game of her higher-ranked opponent.
The more aggressive attack on Dr. Blasey's credibility came after Democrats had spent days picking apart Judge Kavanaugh's testimony, looking for contradictions to undercut his denials that he ever mistreated women while drunk in high school and college.
Taken as a whole, the draft reviews offer a sharp critique of the Trump administration EPA, picking apart scientific lapses in a number of signature proposals from the agency, some which have been heralded by the president directly.
But because fanfiction doesn't have to worry about conventional story structure — because the story is taken care of by canon — fanfiction has the luxury of picking apart those tropes without destroying the stories built on top of them.
Back in July, the actress wrote a poignant op-ed for The Huffington Post about how fed up she is with the practicing of picking apart women in the headlines — through gossip, through body-shaming, and through pervasive sexism.
GOP groups have poured money into an effort to define Ross as an out-of-touch liberal elite, picking apart her record working as a top attorney for the North Carolina chapter of the liberal American Civil Liberties Union.
On Saturday, Jay Sekulow, Trump's personal attorney, thanked Crow for his service before picking apart Crow's assertion that Trump was "only interested in Ukraine aid" by citing the President's wish to cut aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
But unlike the posters' attempts to tell stories, Drexler hones in on the male figures, extracting them from their pop cultural homes and examining them in isolation, picking apart the allusions to character and reducing them to mere men.
Picking apart the MoU, the objections they have raised are many, foremost being that that the agreement gives Tasveer Foundation and Poddar complete control over VAG, allowing him to use it to show his collection and potentially promote his business interests.
For better or worse, TV didn't hold back this year: It offed beloved characters, broke up couples we assumed were ride-or-die, and dropped major reveals that made fans run to the message boards for immediate picking apart and discussion.
Because Silicon Valley's companies evolve so much faster than the bureaucracies of Washington can, Roper and the SCO draw inspiration from the private sector picking apart the genius of Pokémon Go. 'We don't want to delegate everything to the machine.'
Last year, with a brand-new generation of Star Wars movies on the horizon, everyone was picking apart the merchandise associated with Star Wars: The Force Awakens looking for clues as to what would happen in J.J. Abrams' forthcoming film.
But of course, fandom being what it is, dedicated Trekkies are already picking apart the trailer and diving into Star Trek's rich history in search of clues and insights that could help them better understand what Picard is all about.
More money has started to pour into the state to define Ross as an out-of-touch liberal elite, picking apart her record working as a top attorney for the North Carolina chapter of the liberal American Civil Liberties Union.
It's hard when all your friends deny you the pleasure of picking apart a celebrity's Starbucks order but at least exercising my taste buds with this little experiment did more to wake me up than my usual morning coffee experience.
The lawyers specifically disputed the claim that Trump tied aid to Ukraine to the investigations by picking apart witness testimony and asserting that the White House was in the right to ignore subpoenas because the House proceedings were unfair to the president.
"They're doing a great job of appearing reasonable, but picking apart the maximum pressure campaign, and positioning themselves to be accepted as a nuclear weapons state in the future," said Evan S. Medeiros, a former senior Asia adviser to President Barack Obama.
Justice Samuel Alito emerged as the most vocal critic of the court's involvement, often picking apart the manageability of tests that were presented to the court and worrying that every single dispute in the future would have to be resolved by the judiciary.
Internet sleuths have already begun picking apart big and small moments in the 10 episodes of The Society Season 1, which should keep us busy and entertained as we wait for Netflix to greenlight and then drop season 2 to drop sometime in the future.
By the time she penned her second album, this gnawing, niggling panic swelled to the point where Brown christened her sophomore collection Anxiety, with the title track picking apart her reliance on pills to calm her down and her frustration with her state of mind.
Rather than picking apart emails about how to dodge an expensive union labor requirement, lawyers have wrangled over whether they can introduce thank-you letters from children who participated in energy classes, or show videos of Ms. Toscano-Percoco interacting with students in the classroom.
In the meantime, critics and fans will engage in a flurry of speculation, picking apart each episode to figure out what it could mean for their favorite (and least favorite) characters, all the way up until May 19, when the show will have given all the answers.
LOS ANGELES — At some point in the future, filmmakers will be able to create CG worlds, creatures and stories from whole cloth that are so convincing, so tactile and touchable, you'll no longer be vexed by that instinctual sense of picking apart what's real and what's animated.
" El Pres -- who was leaving one of his famous Pizza Reviews in NYC -- wasn't done picking apart Mike Mayock and the rest of the Raiders organization for the way they've handled AB. "He's just doing what he did at Pittsburgh at the end of his career.
Nintendo should not have been able to pull this off, and nothing about the company's previous history with Zelda suggested they were poised to turn a series regularly criticized for playing it too safe into a game developers will be studying, picking apart, and copying for the next decade.
For others, it was a time of study; picking apart the earnings reports that came in droves, on balance showing strengthening fundamentals, greater optimism about the future than in years past, supportive of a 17 multiple on the but not indiscriminately so, which is in itself supportive of further upside.
Using octopus DNA for our own gene editing probably won't be happening any time soon, but it's an example of why he thinks the molecular approach is so useful: we can start picking apart the genome to see how exactly octopuses do the things they do, rather than just marvel at them.
Wing Bowl rules state each contestant must get an equivalent number of "drums" (the knobby part) and "flappers" (the double-bone segment), so after learning from a first-year fiasco that saw PJW top management picking apart already-sauced wings just before plating, the parts are separated before they get dunked in the hot oil.
Like on 2016's yearning Patientness—as moving of a meditation as I can remember about the merits of taking life slowly—the musician born Johanne Swanson turns her gaze inward, picking apart thought processes and behavioral tics, trying to trace the outlines of the self in as tidy a manner as she can.
Hollywood is squeezed between a generation that is tired of its rules, and one that refuses to play by them Changing the Academy doesn't just mean forcing the organization to change; it means picking apart the perceived sanctity of the institution itself, so that individuals feel free to take stands that align with their own moral standards.
Affliction even subtly shapes the journalistic persona Didion crafts for herself in her canonical essays: a rigorously unsentimental reporter writing about senseless violence and serial killers, picking apart the hollow promises of the American dream, but still facing all this darkness with a beguiling female fragility, plagued by migraines and existential angst, packing her own size 2 black cocktail dresses when she hits the road.

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