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7 Sentences With "pepping up"

How to use pepping up in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pepping up" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pepping up". Mastering all the usages of "pepping up" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Innovation spreads faster in a unified market, pepping up productivity.
There is talk of a "reflation trade", with tax cuts in America pepping up global growth.
Based on the first several days of shows and presentations, there is no question things need some pepping up.
For years Mr Moonves impressed Wall Street by pepping up the business even as the industry of broadcast television declined around it.
In " They Also Ran " (21940), a still entertaining study of defeated Presidential candidates, Irving Stone offers another kinetic portrait of Willkie, this time as an electricity baron in his early forties: He did not rest behind his desk on Pine Street, but went on the road himself as a sort of supersalesman, instilling confidence in local power companies, pepping up appliance firms, spending as many as two hundred days a year in small towns across the face of the nation, making friends with merchants, newspapermen, consumers, selling them the idea that the more electricity they used the cheaper it would be . . .
Tanacetum cinerariifolium also called the Dalmatian chrysanthemum Commercial pyrethrin production mainly takes place in mountainous equatorial zones. The commercial cultivation of the Dalmatian chrysanthemum takes place at an altitude of 3000 to 6000 meters above sea level.Anonym. 1987 (March). Pepping up pesticides naturally.
" In the opinion of George Martin, "At that stage 'Please Please Me' was a very dreary song. It was like a Roy Orbison number, very slow, bluesy vocals. It was obvious to me that it badly needed pepping up. I told them to bring it in next time and we'd have another go at it.

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