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283 Sentences With "peering into"

How to use peering into in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "peering into" and check conjugation/comparative form for "peering into". Mastering all the usages of "peering into" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Jeff Treppel is peering into the retro future on Twitter.
Peering into daily life, Ríos captures routines, love, and intimacy.
Peering into the window, Dud decides to pilfer the pipe.
I'm peering into the bright glow of my father's refrigerator.
Slooh users even share discoveries they find while peering into space.
Peering into the elephant enclosure, Ethan's foot slips off the path.
It was like peering into the back of a Swiss watch.
"I had four paramedics peering into my tiny bathroom," she continues.
Afterward, guests milled around, peering into the tanks at the musicians.
All the while, a fMRI scanner was peering into their brains.
Kelen rested his shoulder against the mast, peering into the distance.
Peering into a microscope, he examined a fresh batch of albopictus .
"Almost showtime," Rock, 51, writes, with the trio peering into the camera.
Watching the performance feels like peering into a stranger's dark, interminable dream.
Watching Seinabo Sey felt a little bit like peering into the future.
Visitors walk down a narrow corridor, peering into each specially designed hellhole.
Watching an early silent can feel like peering into another person's dream.
I spent hours walking around Brooklyn Heights peering into people's living rooms.
Burtynsky was peering into the viewfinder of an eight-pound digital Hasselblad.
With Viewpoints, Facebook isn't peering into how you use third-party apps.
Opening the app and pressing play feels like peering into Freddie Mercury's brain.
It is like peering into the red-light district of high-end retail.
I looked out the back window and saw him, systematically peering into windows.
People immediately begin peering into the window, trying to see what is going on.
Choreographers keep peering into "Swan Lake," searching for new themes in its symbolic waters.
Khloé Kardashian is peering into her daughter's future — and she likes what she sees!
Three main groups are peering into the home: tech companies, hackers and the government.
This innovation in packaging enhances the feeling of peering into a gifted youngster's work.
What happens: Three small children are peering into the camera at us and giggling.
"What's the room with all the books for?" she asked, peering into our library.
"Wow," he said, peering into the apartment he left just a few years ago.
Someone was standing outside the house, peering into the window, the boy told investigators.
Heath is then seen creepily peering into Jenny's window before heading to a therapist.
"No idea who that is," one said, peering into the knot of people and cameras.
Apple's iPhones tell their owners how many hours they have spent peering into their screens.
His gaze was empty and forlorn, just like the metro car he was peering into.
Peering into the circles, we are soon snapped back toward the entirety of the painting.
The appeal of seeking out psychic services is the excitement of peering into the unknown.
You would not know that, though, from peering into its — mostly empty — high-end stores.
It was 2011 and the lawyer was peering into the darkest depths of the ADX.
Instinctively, she padded to her children's room, peering into the dark to check on them.
A photographer captured the giraffe leaning over its enclosure, peering into the rhino exhibit next door.
Scientists see Mauna Kea as a prime location for peering into the deep reaches of space.
With their radar now firing its radio signals, they began peering into the Kincade Fire's plume.
Specifically, they resort to their own tried and tested version of peering into a crystal ball.
Satellites face some obvious challenges when it comes to peering into the depths of the sea.
It could also be any time — "earlier," after all, is blurry, like peering into deep space.
News directors trying to decipher the Trending Topics algorithm were really peering into an editorial funhouse mirror.
After generations of peering into a microscope to examine cells, scientists could simply stroll straight through one.
Jim Warlick was peering into a dark tractor-trailer parked in an airplane hangar in northeast Georgia.
The parents there were confronted by their own anxieties in others' faces, as if peering into mirrors.
He described peering into the darkness over their gunsights, worn out by the shock of the missiles.
His world shrank to what rehearsals had drilled him for: peering into his sector, ready to kill.
Peering into the brain's workings as it is working offers data that might not have applications for decades.
And in the long run — peering into that burgeoning corporate cemetery — that's an incredible investment for future returns.
Books, rather than bite-sized posts and podcasts, take you spelunking instead of merely peering into the cave.
Vo likens dipping your toe into the digital records of your romantic past to peering into Pandora's Box.
In it, Trayce and Landon are huddled together on a couch in the Wagner home, peering into tablet.
It was like peering into an alternative world of everyday physics, staring backward into a geologically embryonic time.
Peering into the building where the bank had been, I was reminded of one famous customer in particular.
In another case, a victim reported seeing Ragheb in the victim's backyard, peering into the windows, authorities said.
A racing fan who grew up in North Carolina, William Byron remembers peering into windows at Hendrick Motorsports.
Peering into the windows of one family home, I could see piles of clothes, books, DVDs and magazines.
Peering into its cloudy heart, Hubble has found some of the most beautiful chaos of star birth ever captured.
Viewers see a skateboarder peering into a building that looks like it's Rhode Island — but is, in fact, Reykjavik.
Opening Snapchat lately feels like peering into the back of a dark, old wardrobe, and finding nothing but dust.
At times it felt like I was an exorcist, peering into the void and letting it speak through me.
Perhaps we can learn something about ourselves, and our political moment, by peering into Mill's own crisis of faith.
My friend Yaakov and I sat on a low concrete wall in the West Bank, peering into the darkness.
In a movie theater, you were free, say, to do some vicarious peering into the girls' shower after gym.
They stood at the doorway for more than a minute, peering into what appeared to be an empty room.
As Ms. Bouley was crouching by the abandoned den and peering into the hole, she met the likely answer.
As Ms. Bouley was crouching by the abandoned den and peering into the hole, she met the likely answer.
" Still, he acknowledged, "there's pleasure in pruriently peering into people's love lives, especially when they're not wearing many clothes.
The small scale and cute levels give it something of a diorama feel, like you're peering into these tiny worlds.
Looking at the patterns is like peering into a lake as shadows commingle with shimmering reflections of the world above.
FOR YEARS investors dreamed of peering into the books of Saudi Aramco, the oil colossus wholly owned by Saudi Arabia.
It's pretty funny, so I knelt down with my hand out to Zeus, peering into Lilly's eyes, as they approached.
That raw, vulnerable take on female friendship was exactly what made peering into the lives of Hannah Horvath and co.
Watching Happy Hour is like peering into a limpid lake: You can see all the way down to the bottom.
Peering into the fund, the largest holdings are Chinese and other Asian technology companies, such as Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu.
In the produce aisle, a man with a young face and sincere glasses is peering into a crate of—something.
Effectively peering into those haystacks is made more difficult because almost 90 percent of the plots involved a single individual.
Even the inventive "Star Trek" writers peering into the future, though, could not imagine a completely self-driving Starship Enterprise.
Peering at the city, the Washington Post wrote, was "like peering into the smoke-filled backrooms of the era's bars."
Books like Catalyst and comics like Shattered Empire had already been peering into unseen corners of the Star Wars universe.
Someone outside was peering into the house while someone inside was trying to look even deeper, into the walls themselves.
Additionally, as part of the fun of walking along the Strand is peering into beachfront homes, you'll have less privacy.
Many governments are now peering into citizens' social media profiles, and efforts to mine publicly available information are becoming official policies.
But after peering into the fish's mouth, the Missouri fisherman realized he'd actually hauled up a Russian nesting doll of nightmares.
Peering into the reception area, I saw a burly man bound securely to the confines of a high-backed wooden wheelchair.
Casual fans tuning into the final throes of the 210 regular season just might think they're peering into a parallel world.
Depending on the game you're playing, it can feel like you're peering into another world through a window on your lap.
We killed time by peering into the busy kitchen where I watched a baker pouring green batter into a shallow pan.
On Monday morning, Parisians were peering into its windows at vintage motorcycles, "Baywatch"-red lifeguard hoodies and coconut-flour tortilla chips.
The telescope can characterize their atmospheres by peering into them and even discern chemistry, weather and circulation patterns, the agency said.
The two-headed Martian had an impolite habit of peering into the fourth-story windows on both sides of the street.
Here's what you need to know to read along with the other Fed watchers peering into the central bankers' crystal ball.
The promises were made after a public outcry over reports that Uber employees were peering into the travel logs of customers.
But peering into the world of this competent stranger on Reddit, I was overwhelmed by a mix of desperation and hope.
Apparently not everyone thrills to the harmless voyeurism of peering into other people's back pages, as Baker of Bookmarc pointed out.
The intrepid orbiter was roughly 10,274 miles (16,535 km) above Jupiter's cloud tops, peering into its Great Red Spot and multicolored bands.
Click here to view original GIFThe unfortunate truth of peering into our collective past is that eventually, something intolerant rears its head.
Ajit Pai, chairman of the FCCHowever, you can still go dark, if you don't want big telecom peering into your private life.
We are peering into an alternate dimension wherein Mewtwo is floating around like a god, combining humans and animals seemingly at random.
She was waving and gesturing at the group, which was now peering into one of the shadowy rooms of the abbot's house.
The corrugated metal roofs of those still standing were ripped off, the contents visible from above as if peering into doll's houses.
" Then there's this about George W. Bush's paintings: "Like peering into the shattered mind of a suicidal beagle that's lost depth perspective.
It was like peering into what a future might look like after we are gone, a disaster movie without the movie part.
The default scenarios used by investors peering into the future are from the International Energy Agency, which represents developed-world energy consumers.
People have always been fascinated with peering into the lives of celebrities, and social media can make them seem closer than ever.
By peering into the eye, doctors can detect signs of glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure and other serious or life-threatening conditions.
LA's startup community has been increasingly gathering the attention of prominent venture capitalists, especially those peering into digital media and entertainment-focused companies.
The image was taken when the orbiter was soaring 7,900 miles (12,700 km) above Jupiter's cloud tops, peering into a particularly stormy region.
Peering into one of the foamcore constructions, one gets the sense of venturing into Godard's mind, where jumbled pieces retain some underlying logic.
Using iPads, visitors can take an augmented reality tour throughout the campus, peering into areas that are usually off-limits to the public.
Wizarding World Phoenix Vanity Mirror, $129Rise like a phoenix in the morning when you get ready while peering into this ornate swivel mirror.
Mr. Argent was especially known for "I See What You Mean," a 173-foot-tall blue bear peering into the Colorado Convention Center.
Peering into the long and narrow former factory building where the festival was being held, she saw paintings being knocked to the floor.
Fellig's shot, made at night with his box camera, flash and shutter release cord, was funny; it showed him peering into the trunk.
In this fashion they spent the next 10 hours, braced awake by their own terror, peering into the darkness, waiting for the attack.
No one knows where all this is headed, but "Dark Net" is at least peering into the possible futures with more sophistication than most.
"My friend used to stay here," he said, peering into the window of a building, its walls falling apart and floors covered in debris.
I used the app for a few days, peering into crises unfolding around me in a pre-release version of Citizen for San Francisco.
Their latest album, MAGMA (out now on Roadrunner Records) sees them take a more introspective approach, peering into the dark recesses of the soul.
Ancient history: With an analysis of DNA preserved in ancient skeletons on the Iberian Peninsula, scientists are peering into human prehistory in the region.
From the perspective of an outsider peering into the EVE Online universe, it's evident that making them happen is kind of a big deal.
Other presidents have made the same journey -- all peering into the North through binoculars -- but none have actually met the despotic leaders who rule it.
He was like some fearful sailor, sawing the wheel back and forth, peering into the night and trying to steer by some far-off star.
While the singer has the propensity for peering into life's bleaker corners, but he's also reconciled his past and has no interest in dramatizing it.
Plus, peering into the planets' atmospheres is less challenging since these planets orbit around a star that's much smaller and fainter than our yellow Sun.
This model also gives Arm and its newish owner, SoftBank, a Japanese internet and telecoms conglomerate, a way of peering into the future of tech.
On STATES OF UNDRESS, model, actress, and journalist Hailey Gates explores fashion scenes across the globe, peering into issues the industry often chooses to ignore.
Peering into it, I saw a bright green light shining back at me that looked like it was going to scan my clit for fingerprints.
But in our rush to search for life by peering into deep space, have we overlooked the merits of looking for it in deep time?
Peering into the windows at the front of the building, I saw some loose pink wall insulation and a few cables on the concrete floor.
Many people take for granted that nobody is peering into their home through their internet-connected cameras, but that's not an assumption that's safe to make.
On a number of them we see a squatting figure from behind as if peering into the future, perhaps divining what we are unable to see.
As one portal opened, I crept up on it, peering into an alternate dimension that extended far beyond what had previously just been an ordinary wall.
While Casaleggio was busy peering into the future, he was neglecting more run-of-the-mill sources of revenue that Webegg needed to turn a profit.
Thus, girls have long been drawn to games of chance, of luck, of peering into a future that seemed to already have been decided for them.
Denver educator Kyle Schwartz is peering into the inner lives of her third-grade students — by asking them to write down what they wish she knew.
Peering into a tray filled with pools of pinkish-red liquid, I'm dubious as to whether what I'm looking at is the future of meat production.
The biggest obstacle was the cluster of police officers standing guard under the archway at the village's main entrance, peering into cars as they passed by.
Then, peering into the rubble by the light of his cellphone, long after rescue workers had moved on to another blast site, he saw something move.
It's as if Broadway is offering to draw us a warm bath of nostalgia just as we're bent over the tub, peering into the clogged drain.
As I walked down the barges, maneuvering around bollards, hatch covers, cables and ropes, I felt like I was peering into a series of living rooms.
What do they see, the man on the subway gazing adoringly at the woman in the faux leopard topcoat, the woman peering into the dark tunnel?
He is peering into his stricken taxi, covered in dust, its side panels missing, and its rear window sporting "plz wash me" graffiti in the dust.
Fearing booby traps, they moved carefully through buildings, peering into cupboards and behind couches, always careful not to move anything that could trigger a makeshift explosive.
Back turned to the viewer, a Black figure stands at the edge of a rocky abyss, peering into an inky void with a lantern in hand.
Here's Our Guide for Earthlings Peering Into a Black Hole How They Took the First Picture of a Black Hole Movies Primed Us for Black Holes.
Season one was surprisingly thoughtful, peering into the inner lives of its teenage cast while acknowledging the impact that such a documentary would have on their lives.
When famous stars play gay characters with such compassion, it can feel like they're peering into our little queer souls, like they get us in some way.
He has been peering into the gloom for hours, days, years, if he has to admit the truth about the depth of his obsession for this hunt.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Dr. Linda Liau works with the precision of a master, peering into a patient's head with magnifying loupes as she removes a brain tumor.
Image credit: Mika McKinnonFor the next hour, we paced around restlessly, alternating between peering into the mist and searching for that elusive single bar of cellular service.
Or, it hadn't until last week, when I found myself peering into the pulsing touchscreen of something called the RegisTree and being asked to determine my fate.
One hoary legend has it that a giant mythical cat called the Jolakotturinn wanders the streets this time of year, peering into the homes of small children.
The White House has its hands full with two new books — one recently released, the other about to be — peering into President Donald Trump and his administration.
I am also learning how to conduct a physical examination, from peering into eyes and ears to feeling pulses on the ankles and feet, and everything in between.
The solar eclipse last year, for one day, made space the topic du jour, especially after images of President Trump peering into the sky without sunglasses went viral.
The first time Moore saw Miles Morales, on an animated Spider-Man TV series, it was a startling experience, as if he were peering into a cartoon mirror.
But the more we refine our tools for peering into the past, the more obvious it becomes that these impressive beasts weren't killed off in a single shot.
I found myself peering into the cutout to see the relationship between the color and the nearly imperceptible reflection (That peering in is what connects Chen to Turrell).
Ms. Guy, a retired English teacher, paces the hallways of her building three times a week while her neighbors sleep, peering into garbage chutes and sniffing for smoke.
"I remember peering into his office and seeing this monolithic pile of white paper — the inverse of the monolith from '2001' — under his desk lamp," Mr. Chabon said.
After a Reddit user posted a zoomed in photo of a moth peering into a window, it spurred a flurry of memes about the insect's obsession with lamps.
Playing it felt like peering into a different world, one where skate culture was dominant and every single curb looked like potential for a sick series of tricks.
Listening to Emily Alone is transportive in the way that peering into the corners of another mind can be, but it's also just as grounding in its relatability.
There was something about him that compelled deference from Hawkins, however deeply buried and unacknowledged, for Hawkins was a man given to saving souls, not peering into them.
But if you're tired of peering into the brain of that particular type of dude — and I wouldn't blame you — there's still plenty of other scary stuff going on.
The plaintiffs claimed that Niantic's game had encouraged players to trespass on their property — sometimes blocking their driveway with cars, "peering into their windows," and littering or damaging property.
Found-footage films give audiences the experience of peering into a reality that we know, consciously, has been constructed for us by the filmmaker, but that feels entirely unforced.
Peering into a student's Google Chromebook, the list reveals a series of activities, called cards, that might vary from using an iPad learning app to watching an instructional video.
Screenshot: AT&T Road To Climate ResilianceThe simulations were done on supercomputers like Argonne's Theta computer which was previously used to map brain neurons and peering into particle physics.
Robert watched her and found this moment of marital clairvoyance endearing, more like peering into the past than into the future, glimpsing the lanky girl navigating these social waters.
Graham and Max Fortgang, New Yorkers through and through, are peering into the looking glass to tell their own unique story, and it's all about New York-style matcha.
The advantage of prophylactic laws is that we need not engage in deep fact-finding about intentions, peering into the heart of a donor or senator who violates them.
A trio of snaps shared on Instagram showed Mila and Poppy peering into his bassinet and snuggling up in Bush Hager's hospital bed alongside their mom and the newborn.
Though distinct from the painter's art, this, too, reflects the lifelong cultivation of skill: the least "natural" thing in nature is a poet peering into the bushes for material.
Peering into the future The study began with more than 12,000 men and women at an average age of 57 who were tested for their memory and thinking skills.
We don't linger on him for too long; soon we're peering into Jamal's studio session, where he is also recording a live song, and — surprise — he isn't feeling it either.
But as the saying goes, it's the journey that matters, not the destination, and the sheer pleasure of peering into and poring over these pictures ultimately eclipses any interpretive imperative.
In the name of building trust with readers, the Times' reporters must perform journalism to millions of subscribers peering into the glass offices of the newspaper's Eighth Avenue high-rise.
In the name of building trust with readers, the Times's reporters must perform journalism to millions of subscribers peering into the glass offices of the newspaper's Eighth Avenue high-rise.
I contemplated stepping across a fissure in a road in Leilani, but had second thoughts after peering into the dark chasm that appeared to go to the center of the Earth.
Long queues of people and vehicles waiting to cross a border, paperwork all in a flutter and stony-faced customs officials rummaging through belongings and peering into the backs of lorries.
Peering into the clouds of High Society makes your reflection appear in a far-off window; in another window, looking into a blue sky, only your features appear, recalling Magritte's Sheherazade.
Law enforcement sources tell us ... the same guy who was busted by a neighbor peering into the 'Star Trek' legend's house in January before running away came back for another peek.
To look into the Cup's eyes—well, I guess I was looking at my reflection in the Cup, so technically, they were my eyes—was like peering into an angel's soul.
Similar snowmen stoked fear among the Washington press corps last year, when ITK tweeted a picture of a countless number of ever-smiling figures peering into the White House from outside.
This is Lawrence, the man who spends his days walking round London's west end peering into shops, not Lawrence the romantic idealist waiting for the world to arrive on his doorstop.
I part the branches of shrubs and low-limbed trees, peering into their depths for a clump of sticks and string and shredded plastic — the messy structure of a mockingbird's nest.
Entering Churchill Downs on Derby day is akin to peering into a kaleidoscope — a sea of people dressed in their Saturday best, including brightly colored hats, dresses, suits and jockey silks.
It was less of an album and more of a crystal ball, peering into our technology-driven future (now present) and empathizing with our emotions before we had even felt them.
It opens — on Bob Crowley's blank white platform of a set — with most of its cast in an orgy of creative stasis, peering into laptop screens and scribbling on note pads.
Circuit Judge Richard Posner said no officer can tell by peering into a moving vehicle that a driver using a cellphone is texting, rather than doing something that may be legal.
Yet Wallace-Wells insists he's optimistic; and in fact, he obtains some consolation by peering into the abyss, entertaining the worst-case scenarios of 6 to 8 degrees Celsius of warming.
I'm hopeful that the surreal experience of peering into a dark and quiet uterus will shed new light on where my period has gone, and when it could be expected to return.
His team is working on autonomous rovers capable of peering into the tunnels through gaping, football field-sized lunar pits similar to sinkholes found on Earth that caved in from lava flow.
In direct contrast, One More Time With Feeling is so unflinchingly truthful it hurts to look into the white noise of its bright centre, like peering into the heart of a star.
What this meant was that my father spent much of his days in Vietnam peering into the dark: extracting rotten teeth, mending unhinged jaws, mining the hollowed vessel that carries the voice.
He put in new walls, paneling, cheap floor tiles and a small window frame at the back of the room, to make it look as if he's peering into his neighbor's apartment.
As McClung pointed out, the Rays were using three sets of signs, even when Houston didn't have runners on base peering into the catcher's signs — the most common method of swiping signs.
While riding home with a friend, Hansen was crossing the Brooklyn Bridge when he noticed a man standing on the edge of a beam, peering into the water below, he told WLNY.
Recovered, they were back out on in force on Monday, peering into a line of limos with blacked-out windows as they crept at earthworm pace into a packed parking lot at Gucci.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the 'Star Trek' legend was at his San Fernando Valley home Thursday around 5 PM when an adult male wearing shorts was spotted outside peering into his house.
Police flying a drone over private property and peering into homes at 400 feet without a warrant strikes an uncomfortable balance between safety and privacy that Americans should not be prepared to accept.
The museum is a charming paradise filled with opportunities for kids and adults to act out their favorite Seuss moments, while also peering into the unknown corners of the author and cartoonist's life.
They trick us into thinking that we're peering into the actual Grand Canyon, or a real-life Himalayan ridge, instead of a dusty museum display or the tiny screen of a smart phone.
But they wish that the waterfront sculpture garden outside their window did not include an enormous stone table flanked by very large, regal-looking heads that seem to be peering into their apartment.
There are many similar divots and ditches in the literary landscape, but we'll keep peering into Mr. Roth's because so few have dug and illuminated with such verve, wit, fearlessness and emotional acuity.
More than any other element in Kahn's work, the plaza's long perspective view, which suggests you are peering into infinity, sums up his struggle to embed architecture with a sense of the eternal.
But sometimes peering into someone's heart is not a selling point, as with 44 love letters written by Charles Schulz, the cartoonist who created Snoopy, that failed to sell at auction in 23.
The 30 million or so surveillance cameras peering into nearly every corner of American life might freak you out a bit, but you could always tell yourself that no one can access them all.
Which is how I find myself in a warehouse on the outskirts of Manchester, peering into little bowls of multi-coloured powders: electric blue garlic, golden beetroot, pink scallop roe, and dried green seaweed.
Given that the building blocks of life—simple chains of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen—probably came from outer space, studying patterns of chirality beyond Earth offers a tool for peering into our distant past.
But Lenhart cautions that research on kids, teens, and social media has shown that it's difficult for adults peering into those online communities from the outside to easily interpret the meaning of content there.
We're meant to recall everything we know about these people, all the time we spend figuratively peering into their beds, our own voyeuristic desire to know everything about their lives — and then drop it.
It's an arresting thought, and when I took a leak and made the mistake of peering into the Dantean hellhole of the chemical toilet, I nearly heaved––and that was only on day two!
As we walked the perimeter, smelling damp mushrooms and peering into the ancient windows, we marveled that the cistern had been there, hidden and unnoticed, through hundreds of trips back and forth on that road.
This is what that picture meant to me: a black man emerging from blackness, vulnerable, powerful, questioning, hopeful, peering into the future, arising from the past, a man to be reckoned with, a free man.
TOKYO — Sitting in the library of my children's new school, I listened as guidance counselors reminded us that it would be difficult to restrict screen time if we were constantly peering into our phones ourselves.
Beggs said, "I don't advocate for sequencing kids now," at least not while scientists are still learning to predict the consequences of what they find when peering into the mysteries of an individual's genetic code.
Abrams argued that early eighteenth-century literature was a mirror, reflecting reality as it was, while the new Romantic literature acted like a lamp generated by individual minds, peering into spaces illuminated by their subjectivity.
It might feel like we're peering into the distant future when we hear that by 2050, temperatures may very well climb 4 degrees, seas could rise a foot, and droughts and floods will become more common.
Two hours later he was back on an exam table, seated at the edge, doctor in her sixties studying his left forearm, lifting and looking, peering into the scratch marks, into the pores, the tissue itself.
In the sprawling scheme of Brexit — which the OBR, peering into the gloom, estimates has put a £59 billion hole in the U.K.'s public finances — £500,000 per year for fintech sounds like pretty small beer.
SHAH PORIR DWIP, Bangladesh — A skinny finger of water separates Bangladesh from Myanmar, and the other night a group of men sat on the Bangladeshi side, peering into the darkness, wondering what was left for them.
Six months later, walking through Midtown amid the bitter November cold, we noticed a bedraggled man peering into the window of a pizza shop, retreating to the curb, and then returning to look through the panes.
Peering into the brain Thanks to technologies like functional MRI scans, electroencephalograms (EEGs), and transcranial magnetic stimulation, Freedberg says we now know that disgust is linked to activity in the anterior insula region of the brain.
It keeps audiences both focused and surprised; there is a childlike joy in seeing Mr Rylance peering into a hole in the ice, then thrown sideways by the wind, then peering through a hole in a tent.
When ex-NFL player Tony Beckham left his Florida home Monday morning, he says he encountered a disturbing site: A man was allegedly peering into his teenage daughter's bedroom window and masturbating, he told local station WPBF.
Peering into the crowd, I notice that the sun-kissed, jaw-clenched spring breakers have changed the way they dance—no more pointing to the ceiling and waiting for EDM drops with the fervor of doomsday fanatics.
This new series peering into model's closets isn't exactly going to be pulling in the Pulitzers, but it fulfills the broader mission of putting VR viewers in environments they couldn't normally see with an emphasis on exploration.
Like anyone else with a desk job, I spent the majority of my waking hours peering into a computer, typing and tabbing through the days, the web browser a current of digital digression running beneath my work.
"I think the wall was needed so they might be able to have a private viewing garden for their luxury apartments, so that the public might not be peering into their compound that they've erected," he said.
By peering into the rock, the researchers were able to identify the tell-tale signs of a toothless and baleenless whale—including a thin and narrow upper jaw that had no proper surface from which to suspend baleen.
As things stand right now, the most visible impact of VR remains the distinctive, slack-jawed expression on the faces of people caught peering into 'The Future'… Expect to see a whole lot more 'VR mouth' in 2016.
But it is a reminder of how self-driving cars will make journeys of the future a little more safe, taking some rather weighty responsibilities—like peering into the dark to make out obstacles—out of human hands.
In the deep end of a derelict swimming pool in Bergen, the musicians are about to play: striding on stage to their subterranean seats, they're surrounded by a hushed audience peering into the basin from the tiled sidelines.
Beijing sees THAAD's radar system, capable of peering into China's military installations, as part of Washington's strategy of containment, with the  two powers clashing over China's possible militarization of rocks and reefs in the disputed South China Sea.
Mr. Hoey's sophisticated, colorful creations did not seem intended for little ones — and anyway those were scampering around across the street, splashing in small pools and peering into mirror-glass "sky lenses" outside the Fifth Avenue Apple store.
The media scrum and police cars that had occupied this part of town thinned out, and police removed some of the black tarp they put up to keep people from peering into the property as they conducted their investigation.
Meyer-Ebrecht draws depth expertly; viewing the works feels like peering into a world that expands directly from our vantage point — as if climbing a staircase, peering up at a roof, or glancing across the aisle at a theater.
It's easy to see how the iPhone changed the world 26 years ago — now pretty much every public place is packed with people peering into their palms in a way that would have been difficult to imagine before 27.
Video shared on social media by the New York Police Department showed the man fumble the ring before lying on the sidewalk in the popular tourist destination and peering into the grating while his partner looked on in concern.
I cannot get used to seeing myriads of people in the street peering into little boxes or holding them in front of their faces, walking blithely in the path of moving traffic, totally out of touch with their surroundings.
Quill can't actually see you, but she can feel your presence, and while peering into a pool of water, the hazy reflection shows a creature not unlike the unsettling No-Face character from the Studio Ghibli classic Spirited Away.
Those queries often come down to biochemistry and the search for particular combinations of elements and compounds—picked up by a rover on Mars or by a future telescope peering into an exoplanet's atmosphere—that indicates a lurking living being.
Peering into INSTINCTUAL DRIFT, what looks like some sort of leisurely feast from ancient times cracks into various fragments that reveal a congested traffic jam, rendered in black and white as if to emphasize the dull, pointlessness of the situation.
For someone that seems awfully serious in her press shots––often peering into the lens or into the distance as if deep in thought––and who is often painted as being shy or soft-spoken, Barnett is a comfortingly warm presence.
But the question of why — why target bystanders, and in such numbers — is perhaps best answered not by peering into the minds of the attackers but by examining the structure of a war that increasingly pulls its participants toward the senseless.
Peering into this strange and exotic world many thousands of miles away, the brief glimpses of the Argentinian female fans in the stands, some dancing in their t-shirts and shorts, contrasted sharply with the mostly hijab-clad women of her everyday life.
With a soundtrack of ominous violin shivers and double-bass groans, the camera approaches one of those miniature rooms, getting closer and closer until the viewer is somehow peering into an actual full-sized bedroom in which an actual boy is sleeping.
Not only is this ideal for viewing on smartphones (the intended medium), but by parroting the format of Instagram videos and stories, it makes the viewer feel like they're peering into something personal that they're not supposed to be let in on.
The Today co-anchor, 37, celebrated the siblings' first meeting with a trio of snapshots on her Instagram account Monday, showing Mila and Poppy peering into Hal's bassinet and snuggling up in Bush Hager's hospital bed alongside their mom and the newborn.
Each night, peering into the V-berth, the triangular-shaped bed in the bow of the boat, I watched my two sons sleeping, bottoms raised, hands draped across their faces in that deep slumber that comes after a day of playing hard.
I was peering into the virtual world of Here and Now, a short film that Facebook's internal creative studio, known as The Factory, created to help prove that VR and its kissing cousin 360 video can be used to create mainstream-friendly content.
A typical scene in the old-fashioned-looking shop, with its glimmering chandeliers and yellowing posters of drivers in Borsalinos, has customers peering into the mirrors and occasionally grinning as they pull down the brims of homburgs or Open Road cowboy hats.
And, like those other great feasters who suffered through gout and liver failure after years of extreme eating, there's always the sense that Steven is putting his life on the line for his next meal, peering into the void every time he takes a bite.
Here's how he described his experience of peering into Mir while he was flying by the station in a Soyuz capsule: "Looking into the station I could see a lone ray of light shining through the port widow and outlining the dining table," Linenger recalled.
"I thought it would be very interesting to create this voyeur experience for our readers, in which they are peering into a conversation that Joe and this artist are having on a very familiar layout," said Antonio De Luca, an assistant editor at The Times.
While brooding over Hargreeves' death, the siblings each find relief in dancing to Tiffany's "I Think We're Alone Now" by themselves, in an enjoyably goofy sequence that culminates in a striking shot of the mansion as if it were a dollhouse the viewers are peering into.
Loosely based on the novella by Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany's features the indelible scene in which Holly eats her morning bun and drinks her coffee while peering into the windows at Tiffany's — the same windows you can peek into today, if you walk by them.
" While Google security researchers don't dwell into who's really behind these operations, they do hint that they agree with the now widespread belief that APT28 works for the Russian government in a clever, indirect, way—in the very title of the report: "Peering into the Aquarium.
He wanted the windows in the sides to appear as though "somebody was peering into a living room and you see the warm brick tones of the fireplace and you see the Christmas tree and the garland and the twinkling lights and the gifts," Scott says.
While Hubble is expected to stick around and continue beaming imagery back to Earth for another 10-20 years, its successor — the James Webb Space Telescope — is expected to launch in early 2021, and bring an array of improvements to Hubble's core mission of peering into deep space.
Specific science goals include peering into the distant universe to capture the light from the first galaxies and stars, comparing the oldest galaxies with galaxies today, looking through dust clouds invisible to Hubble to see stars form, and even studying the atmospheres of planets outside the solar system.
That was the moment at which my younger son realized he had left his cellphone in the cab, and all five of us ran wildly through the streets, peering into the window of one taxi after another, searching for the kindly driver who had brought us all that way.
Click here to view original GIFInstead of sticking his camera's lens in the eyepiece of a powerful telescope peering into the heavens, filmmaker Thomas Vanz captured this stunning footage of a giant star going all supernova by actually pointing his camera at a glass aquarium filled with colorful inks and water.
The only evidence that this slyly morbid anti-monument was ever created is a short film and a series of black-and-white photographs from that day, one showing Oldenburg peering into the hole alongside a group of boys who had gathered to watch, like characters from a Charles Addams cartoon.
Efros's lab has overcome the site's "platform bias"—its preference for cats and pop stars—by developing a neural network that mines, from "life style" videos such as "My Spring Morning Routine" and "My Rustic, Cozy Living Room," clips of people opening packages, peering into fridges, drying off with towels, brushing their teeth.
Truly eccentric Of the 10 awards handed out annually, other highlights from this year included prizes for a German team who discovered that if you have an itch on the left side of your body, you can relieve it by peering into a mirror and scratching the right side of your body (and vice versa).
Haritha Siddabathuni Som, team lead at the Argonne National Laboratory's Leadership Computing Facility, lists off the supercomputer's impressive stats — it's the facility's most powerful supercomputer yet, occupying 24 server racks, and when it's not mapping mouse brains, it's working on other huge data sets, including some from CERN's Large Hadron Collider, peering into the mysteries of particle physics.
Hoganson's purpose is to undermine the myth from within, and yet like all such revisions, even the most progressive and well-meaning, it leaves intact the most pernicious core of the fiction: that the Midwest is synonymous with small-town America, and that by peering into any one of these hamlets one can glimpse the soul of the nation.
Somehow this structure of unsurpassed beauty and relevance to Western culture and tradition, which has been protected, revered, and unscathed in Paris since medieval times, was nearly burned to the ground in 2019, a time which has technology capable of exploding a hydrogen bomb, sending men to the moon and peering into the furnace of a black hole.
We start to get a glimmer of hope that Facebook understands just how creepy it is to build its business model on peering into our personal lives, that it's maybe reining in some of its worst practices, and then more worst practices pop up in the one communication app that has become as indispensable to the workplace as Facebook has become in our downtime.
On Friday afternoon, after visiting the Demilitarized Zone and peering into North Korean territory in what has become a ritual for American officials making a first visit to the South, Mr. Tillerson explicitly rejected a Chinese proposal to get the North Koreans to freeze their testing in return for the United States and South Korea suspending all annual joint military exercises, which are now underway.
Keith TidmanBethesda, Md. To the Editor: Re "Peering Into Light's Graveyard: The First Image of a Black Hole" (front page, April 11): Given the recent publicity surrounding your effort to publish a diversity of voices, I was disappointed to discover that your announcement of the first-ever image of a black hole didn't make a single reference to the woman who created the algorithm that made it all possible.
While Ma didn't cook for me, she taught me a vocabulary that forced me out into the world, peering into other people's homes, knocking on doors of strange shops in alleyways, forging relationships with samosa sellers in our neighborhood, watching on as others bustled around stoves for hours at end, producing steaming pots of food that I would grow up to love: kosha mangsho with floating black cardamom and thick chunks of meat, rajma chawal in which spicy red beans fell over hot white basmati rice.
Whether Shamir is singing about how the internet generation deal with constant anxiety by tagging each other in sardonic memes on "90s Kids" ("Our parents say we're dramatic, but they always ask for more than we do / so fuck you") or the lingering specter of toxic masculinity among cishet dudes on "Straight Boy" ("Cause being true is not their thing / Oh, it eats them up internally") or dealing with existential dread and what it means to be alive in "Astral Plane" ("And I'm ready for the sky to move, and beam me up to space / And I know, the world will miss me so"), each track feels like peering into somebody's late night iPhone notes and realising they kind of resemble your own.

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