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"paragons" Synonyms
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221 Sentences With "paragons"

How to use paragons in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "paragons" and check conjugation/comparative form for "paragons". Mastering all the usages of "paragons" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The leaders of the camp were not paragons of virtue.
Prescription drug makers are not paragons of the free market.
Successful technology companies were widely envied as paragons of American business.
Still, Clinton and Sanders are paragons of sensitivity compared with Trump.
The new "Star Wars" movies have been paragons of diverse casting.
He has found the elevator men to be paragons of trustworthiness.
Politicians are not known to be paragons of truth and accuracy.
MORE, all paragons of centrist virtue, none president of these United States.
Like real world immigrants, the alien immigrants of MIB aren't always paragons of virtue.
Mothers are either held up as paragons of selflessness, or they're discounted and parodied.
Both men were paragons of New York City hip-hop in the mid-'90s.
Brains, beyond their signature achievements in thinking and problem solving, are paragons of energy efficiency.
Only in front of the cameras and congregations are the Gemstones paragons of virtuous living.
America's allies—Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, for instance—are hardly paragons of religious tolerance.
Somehow those hapless men rose out of their stupor to become paragons of Christian virtues.
Not all the British royals, it turns out, are bred to be paragons of virtue.
Such studies are paragons of scientific collaboration and the exact opposite of creating minimum publishable units.
Dr Varanasi's ketchup bottle improved even on these paragons, by replacing the air with an oil.
These civil rights icons and paragons of nonviolence have been our guide stars throughout our history.
Or to make the other women in the administration seem like paragons of propriety in comparison.
Yet they're still good people without having to be paragons of virtue obsessed with being perfect.
He makes the Clintons look like paragons, and also makes a mockery of disclosure rules for candidates.
We expect our presidents to be paragons of rectitude and propriety, to be worthy of our pride.
They were plain-spoken, no-fuss athletes, tenacious competitors but also paragons of good cheer and sportsmanship.
The band of self-interested survivors clustered around the prime minister are not paragons of consistency or principle.
But think back to those alleged paragons of British cool: Tony Blair, Damon Albarn, and Damien fucking Hirst.
The same teachers who only recently were paragons, so many Fröbels and Pestalozzis, are now held in contempt.
Pakistan's politicians are not paragons of probity, but corruption is not the main reason for Mr. Sharif's predicament.
Over the same period Germany and Japan, paragons of industrial efficiency, have seen nearly no growth in construction productivity.
And yet the same two women were paragons of touchingly romantic old-world femininity in "Vienna Waltzes" on Sunday.
Flight attendants, normally paragons of stability when a plane hits rocky air, broke down themselves, some of them crying.
Voltaire is portrayed as the spiritual forefather of Davos, Thomas Friedman and all the other clubbable paragons of neoliberalism.
Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook and Netflix — the so-called FANG stocks — were once lumped in portfolios, paragons of the technology world.
But that's more easily said than done when progressive paragons proclaim that old-fashioned Democratic centrism is the new fanaticism.
If the WWE Hall of Fame was occupied only by paragons of moral virtue, it would be a fairly lonely place.
For as long as anyone can remember, the menu has consisted of exactly four items, all paragons of traditional Ukrainian fare.
As the film stands now, no one need be concerned about the honor of Rajputs, as warriors or paragons of virtue.
The Meyers, in Suburbicon, aren't really characters at all, but ideas, symbols, stand-ins for their entire race, paragons of black respectability.
In the 90s, boogie records by funk paragons like Zapp were reborn in the LA-bred rap subgenre known as G-funk.
America withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council, a body that includes China, Cuba, the Democratic Republic of Congo and other paragons of virtue.
Those of us who support her, in turn, should also think critically about our own need to build up our heroes into infallible paragons.
The architect was an early proponent of local food sourcing, solar energy, and walkable neighborhoods — concepts that are now considered paragons of urban design.
And I'm talking, of course, about the #MeToo movement and how it has brought down erstwhile paragons of the foodie community like Mario Batali.
Over the weekend there has been, let's say, a… kerfuffle between two paragons of Sad Music, Lana Del Rey and Radiohead, over alleged plagiarism.
Instead, MacConnell, who wants to subvert the classical paragons of male beauty, draws realistic renderings of men who are fit but not overly buff.
Nevertheless, breathless coverage of Chinese food culture from paragons of journalism like The Daily Mail, the Mirror, and even the New York Times ensued.
In doing so, these self-styled progressives have in fact become paragons of stand-pat-ism, defenders of a system that was clearly broken.
Like petulant children or President-Elect Trump, anti-abortionists love nothing better than to pose as lonely paragons of free speech and moral virtue.
Tech startups were once able to reflexively cast themselves as paragons of innovation, facing off with backwards big businesses for the unqualified betterment of society.
I would make a joke about them being major-label sellouts after being paragons of indie but those divisions have meant virtually nothing for years.
The Nokia 3310 candy bar I had in high school and the LG VX3100 flip phone I had in college were adorable paragons of compactness.
Kind of understandable then, that Britain's key culinary contributions aren't exactly viewed by the rest of the world as paragons of either health or quality.
These guys are supposed to be paragons of discipline and leadership, and other such nonsense, but when somebody else messes up, they just can't handle it.
Washington and Thundercat might be the most widely recognized paragons of Southland jazz, but they are far from the only Angelenos making exemplary contemporary jazz music.
While some of Bible's women were portrayed as paragons of family goodness, others were portrayed as harlots and hussies, purveyors of sin, deadly temptresses, and seductresses.
Why it matters: There are, and will be, many other successful and powerful technocrats, many of them just as capable as these two paragons of austerity.
Parisians have long been viewed as paragons of natural beauty, so much so that the English term "effortless" has been co-opted into their cultural lexicon.
Now that James Lively is a big sister, we want to take a moment to celebrate the paragons of parenthood that are Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds.
Fashion models tend to be seen as paragons of beauty — a message that consumers absorb, whether they want to or not — so it matters who brands work with.
She adds homilies of successful people such as Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, and Ta-Nehisi Coates, a writer, who she says are "paragons of grit".
Of course teenagers in general are not paragons of reliability, but the obstacles I often encountered in trying to meet them seemed to reflect the instability of their lives.
For instance, the contestants on the "Biggest Loser" TV show became paragons of self-control; some shed more than 100 pounds, something very few of us could ever achieve.
In all of these instances, Top Of The Lake isn't glorifying misogyny, it's simply reminding us it's lurking everywhere, even in the places that should hypothetically be paragons for justice.
President Xi Jinping has emphasized the need for officials to be paragons of virtue and to uphold public morality in his drive to restore discipline to the ruling Communist Party.
But it doesn't seem to realize that the danger Trump poses is to deprive the Journal and other paragons of supply-side economics of any kind of meaningful voter base.
When political scientists call a state rational, they are not saying its leaders always make the best or most moral choices, or that those leaders are paragons of mental fitness.
And while they endure as paragons of the children's canon, today's metropolitan world of rising rents, shrinking spaces and culturally diverse neighbors can make those older titles feel incredibly quaint.
And when one or two people manage to beat the system, we hold them up as paragons of success, as though their achievements mean that the other unfair policies were justified.
Or else we walk by a radio and hear the Jesters and the Paragons and the Flamingos and the Moonglows because a calendar next door or down the street still reads 1957.
Late last month, The New York Times published a piece, headlined "Hollywood-Style Heroism Is Latest Trend in Police Videos," about body camera footage that depicts police officers as paragons of bravery.
The democratic rump in the new parliament will have ample opportunity to show up Mr Prayuth and make life awkward for the generals, who are not paragons of efficiency as it is.
The Taylor company of the 1980s was dominated by the lovably heroic Christopher Gillis, who joined in 1976, and by such female paragons as Susan McGuire, Cathy McCann and, especially, Kate Johnson.
These paragons could also correct some of the magical thinking when it comes to free college tuition, a 70 percent tax rate on the wealthiest, or a Sanders-style health care system.
If you'd believed the heteronormative mythmaking that Hollywood's biggest stars were paragons of clean living and straight sex, welp, it turns out Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy weren't exactly made for each other.
Trump pushed unfounded conspiracy theories about Joe Biden's alleged corrupt dealings in Ukraine, and — in an especially shameless moment — held his own family up as paragons of virtue when it comes to corruption.
A noble life can be lived by those who are not paragons, by people getting by on wages too small in homes that do not fit their families in less-than-desirable neighborhoods.
When Warde Manuel stepped in as athletic director in early 2016—coming from the position at UConn, where no sentient being could possibly imagine female athletes as anything less than paragons—Szady introduced herself.
These paragons of underwater communication consist of a low-cost microprocessor (a baby version of the processor found in most smartphones) and two customised amplifiers—one to transmit signals and one to receive them.
All three states are paragons of austerity-minded budgeting, guided by a belief that taxes should be as low as possible to encourage people to spend more and companies to move there and grow.
While some were portrayed as saving their people, paragons of family goodness and repenting their sins for lives of virtue, others were portrayed as harlots and hussies, purveyors of sin, deadly temptresses and seductresses.
Even though so much about Jackson's highlights evokes Michael Vick, he holds those two names as paragons, telling Harris how much he admires their Super Bowl rings and their longevity, calling Brady the GOAT.
With so many waking hours dedicated to arcane guidelines about what does and doesn't constitute a man, I couldn't help but wonder where these paragons of masculinity find the time to live the manly lives of their dreams.
PHOENIX — Representative Martha McSally of Arizona worked hard to carve out a moderate profile since her election in 2014 to a border district seat that had been held for decades by paragons of centrism from both political parties.
A legacy of India's socialist years from 1947 until the early 1990s when the country shifted towards a more market-based economy, few of the 244 "public-sector undertakings" (PSUs), as the government calls them, are paragons of productivity.
And only a day before Mr. Trump lifted sanctions on Turkey, Mr. Erdogan had spent several hours in Sochi, Russia, with a happy Mr. Putin — another of Mr. Trump's paragons of effective governance — getting his marching orders from the Russian leader.
"Not because I want to be these women - because I'd rather die, but they're so horribly mediocre and they're always being held up as paragons of virtue (or) some sort of measuring stick to humiliate me," she said in the letter.
In five short years, BTS has gone from a modestly successful outfit frequently dismissed as a novelty act in their homeland to the most successful Korean artists in history, paragons of self-sufficiency in an industry not known for artistic freedom.
They are beset by corruption, price manipulation, insider information, government intervention and a mob-mentality trading style, all of which makes their counterparts in New York, London and Hong Kong, volatile as they are, look like paragons of orderly behaviour.
This eventually snowballed into his passion, one that started with him singing along to classic songs in Disney "paragons" like Aladdin and The Lion King, before eventually meandering into bands like Scorpion, then Bowie, until heavy metal became his foundation.
" Writers, filmmakers, podcasters and others attributed the guidelines and other measures to a new prim and paternalistic ideology taking shape under Mr. Xi, who has called on party members to be "paragons of morality" in pursuit of what he calls the "China Dream.
We certainly know that anti-Semitic, chauvinistic journalism of the period portrayed Jews as paragons of the threatening and repulsive immigrant, their quarter rife with dirt, poverty, and disease, their bodies weak and malformed, and their culture supposedly alien to the Western potential for creative expression.
But after a decade of amateurism, scams and billions of dollars of lost or stolen money, it is clear that many of the ramshackle institutions that play the role of banks in the cryptocurrency world make even their most reckless conventional counterparts look like paragons of good management.
Storey's richly imagined tale of Leonardo and Michelangelo and their rivalry, as they conceive the Mona Lisa and the David in Florence at the turn of the 16th century, casts Vasari's not-of-this-world paragons as men, and starkly different ones at that, as the title's play on oil and water suggests.
I hope the ACLU will take some time to better understand that individuals like Mr. Dakwar, far from being paragons of virtue and defenders of civil rights, are nothing more than the latest in a long line of hateful individuals, who twist facts and figures to hide their thinly veiled anti-Semitism.
Julius McMichael's spectral falsetto lead on the Paragons' "Florence" casts us off the shore of the speculative present and maroons us in a pillowy intertime, all velvet and sateen and crushed corsages on the scarred basketball dance floor, a ballad that keeps falling into dirge cadence, hovering between the aurora borealis and the void.
I'm a person who takes to her bed when forced to confront her own failures, so I was daunted by Close and the other indefatigable people — "grit paragons" — profiled by Duckworth: West Point cadets who endure a grueling rite of initiation; a woman who overcame cerebral palsy to become one of the most successful comics in Britain.
The Meyerowitzes are paragons of a specifically Manhattan-style liberal tolerance: The scene in which Danny and his sister and father react with complete nonchalance to Eliza's first student film, a self-starring quasi-pornographic fantasia about a superhero named "Pagina-Man," is likely to be cited in a good number of culture-conservative think pieces this season.
Parallel Earths are being wiped out of existence one at a time, and now the heroes of Earth-1 (the Arrow-verse, including but not limited to: Oliver Queen / Green Arrow; Barry Allen / The Flash; Kara Danvers / Supergirl; and Kate Kane / Batwoman) must hop from one universe to the next in order to find "Paragons" who will defeat the Anti-Monitor, the cosmic villain who began the eponymous Crisis.
Maybe this entire saga of Jeffrey Epstein and the Media Lab seems less than fully related to the broader point I'm trying to make about how the "future of work," as a genre of academic discussion, refers to a vicious cycle in which a few winners perpetually win at the expense of the rest of us losers, while casting themselves not as rich jerks but generous, thoughtful moral paragons.
The Anti-Monitor ultimately erases the rest of the multiverse and proceeds with his scheme to replace it with his antimatter universe. Just before the heroes on the Waverider are erased, Pariah sends the seven Paragons to the Vanishing Point. There, the Paragons fail to find a way out until Oliver, now known as the Spectre, unlocks Barry's full potential to help the Paragons escape. Later, the Paragons travel to the dawn of time where they have their battle against the Anti-Monitor who is defeated when Oliver sacrifices himself.
Marvel Comics. Soon after, Cyclops and Emma Frost revealed that Sinclair had been in a romantic relationship with a student, Josh Foley, who was abruptly departed from the school, leaving the Paragons without an advisor. Ultimately, former New Mutant, Magma stepped in to become the Paragons' mentor.
He died under unremarkable circumstances while in office, the only one of the "Four Paragons" to do so.
Byron, in the materials surrounding Manfred, would suggest that these characters are not paragons of bourgeois virtues but are, rather, creatures of fire and spirit.
Wang Bo and "Four Paragons" use their experiment of trying and exploring the new genre. Their experiments provide huge contribute to thriving literature world of Tang Dynasty.
The celestial paragons are powerful unique outsiders of the Upper Planes. They are to the celestials as the archdevils are to the devils and the demon lords are to demons.
After the Paragons restore the multiverse and defeat the Anti-Monitor, a restored Superman-96 flys in his Earth's atmosphere, having returned to his traditional red and yellow s-shield.
The Paragons were a ska and rocksteady vocal group from Kingston, Jamaica, initially active in the 1960s. Their most famous track was "The Tide Is High", written by band member John Holt.
The Paragons did all music compositions Collaboratively. This issue was resolved in Court when John Holt claimed ownership of most of the Paragon's compositions. In a case, Tyrone Evans versus John Holt, the Court ruled in favor of Tyrone Evans who claimed all compositions were done collaboratively. The Paragons started with Bob Andy/Keith Anderson and Tyrone Evans in the early sixties at Maxfield Park Children Home, most of the rehearsals of the group were done at 44A Waltham Park Road.
Once it's done, Novu brings a dying Oliver back to Earth-1; saying this wasn't supposed to be how Oliver died. Novu explains the only way to defeat the Anti-Monitor is to find the seven Paragons. After the Paragons are assembled, the Anti-Monitor possesses Harbinger then kills the Monitor. A flashback reveals Novu, before becoming the Monitor, was a scientist from the planet Maltus who experimented with time travel 10,000 years before the Crisis in an attempt to witness the birth of the universe.
St. George, patron saint of chivalry and the English Lord Chancellor, St. Thomas More (1487-1535), patron saint of lawyers, Christian statesmen and politicians, serve for members of the Order as symbolic paragons for the conduct of life.
The celestial paragons of the guardinals are collectively known as Talisid and the Five Companions. They hail from the plane of Elysium. ;Bharrai : the matriarch of the Ursinals, resides on Eronia, the second layer of Elysium. ;Kharash : the paragon of Lupinals.
The failure to capture this asymmetry between prototypical and non-prototypical cases results in ineffective study of lavender linguistics. Typical and salient examples are just two kinds of metonymic models. Others include social stereotypes, ideal cases, paragons, generators, and submodels.
People's Political Consultative Conference Cultural Weekly: 王通的价值———为《山西万荣县通化村史》序 Wang Tong is the grandfather of Wang Bo, famous poet and one of the Four Paragons of the Early Tang.
John Kenneth Holt CD (11 July 1947Some sources state 1945 as year of birth – 19 October 2014) was a reggae singer and songwriter from Jamaica who first found fame as a member of The Paragons, before establishing himself as a solo artist.
All squads were dissolved, and the remaining students were merged into one group. Ben and his fellow former Paragons Trance, Wolf Cub, and Pixie were revealed to be among the handful of still-powered Xavier students.X-Men: The 198 Files. Marvel Comics.
Kenner, 1997. along with The Pioneers, The Gaylads, The Paragons, The Uniques, and The Techniques. Signature Heptones songs included "Baby", "Get in the Groove", "Ting a Ling", "Fattie Fattie", "Got to Fight On (To the Top)", "Party Time", and "Sweet Talking".Cooke, 2006.
In 1960, JBL launched a smaller and less elaborate 3-way sideboard speaker, measuring , named the "C45 Metregon". Self powered Paragons and Metregons employing the JBL SE-408S stereo amplifier were optional. A miniature version, the C46 Minigon was also available in the early 1960s.
A sketch of Lu Zhaolin by Shangguan Zhou (1743) Lu Zhaolin (; ca. 634 – ca. 684 or 686), courtesy name Shengzhi, was a Tang dynasty Chinese poet, traditionally grouped together with Luo Binwang, Wang Bo, and Yang Jiong as the Four Paragons of the Early Tang.
In November he launched a weekly magazine, the Japan Echo, which lasted for six issues. In 1892 he published From Australia and Japan (a volume of short stories which went through three editions) and a novel, Ayame-san. His stories were romances in which the heroes tended to be academic and sporting paragons with socialist political leanings, whereas the women were both mercenary and cruel, or paragons of erudition, beauty and good breeding. He also wrote several texts for pictorial guidebooks aimed at historically-minded tourists, and edited the memoirs of Hikozo Hamada, the castaway who became the first Japanese to acquire American citizenship.
Captain David N. Edwards sailed from Nantucket on 16 November 1825, bound for the Pacific on Paragons third whaling voyage. She was at San Francisco in 1826. She foundered early in 1828 a few days after leaving Oahu. She had 2100 barrels of sperm oil on board.
Ebrey (1986), 636. Paragons of filial piety painted on a lacquered basketwork box that was excavated from an Eastern Han tomb in what was the Chinese Lelang Commandery (in modern North Korea). Many central government officials also began their careers as subordinate officers for commandery-level administrations.
The celestial paragons of the archons are known collectively as the Celestial Hebdomad. They rule the layers of the Plane of Mount Celestia. ;Barachiel : ruler of the Silver Heaven of Lunia, the bottom layer of Celestia. ;Domiel : ruler of the Golden Heaven of Mercuria, the second layer of Celestia.
The celestial paragons of the eladrins are collectively known as The Court of Stars. They hail from the Plane of Arborea. ;Faerinaal : oversees the defense of the Court of Stars and liberates eladrins captured by evil forces. ;Gwynharwyf : Queen Morwel's loyal champion and a barbarian of unparalleled ferocity.
Beckford's first single "Dynamic Fashion Way" (1969) was a Keith Hudson production. It was followed by the Lee "Scratch" Perry production "Earth's Rightful Ruler" with Peter Tosh. In 1970, Jamaican singer John Holt (lead vocalist of the Paragons) heard Beckford toasting over a Duke Reid track at a dance.
In 1966, many ska musicians began to favour slower rhythms and beats, and the form began to evolve into rocksteady. A successor of ska and a precursor to reggae, rocksteady was performed by Jamaican vocal harmony groups such as the Gaylads, Toots & the Maytals, the Heptones and the Paragons.
Match (Ben Hamill) is a fictional character appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. A mutant, Hamill attended the Xavier Institute before its closing. While at the Institute, Hamill was the field leader of the Paragons training squad. Match appeared in Dark Phoenix portrayed by Lamar Johnson.
"Man Next Door" (also known as "Quiet Place" or "I've Got to Get Away") is a song written by John Holt and first recorded by his group The Paragons in 1968. The Paragons version was produced by Duke Reid and first released on his Duke label as the B-side of "Left with a Broken Heart".Thompson, Dave (2002) Reggae & Caribbean Music, Backbeat Books, , p. 404 The song has been covered by numerous other reggae artists including Dennis Brown, UB40 and Horace Andy who also sang on a more electronic version of the song for the Massive Attack album Mezzanine, with a sample of the drum break from Led Zeppelin's cover of "When the Levee Breaks".
Now we run into the main concern which is how do we treat two arbitrary but heterogeneous pieces of texts appropriately. Paragons like a chapter in a Science Magazine and an article from a sports newspaper as the other. They can be considered as two different samples since those aiming at different population.
"Let's Start All Over Again" is the tenth Diamond Records single for Ronnie Dove. It peaked at number 20 on the Billboard pop singles chart, and at number 34 on the Easy Listening chart in 1966. It is not to be confused with a different song of the same name, recorded by The Paragons and The Jesters.
James Small in the Dirnanean Summer House An 1880 description of the Dirnanean estate described it as follows: :The byres and stables are kept remarkably tidy being paragons of cleanliness in their way: while the dairy etc., are a perfect treat. The various kinds of stock grace their habitation. The accommodation of the farm servants is really comfortable.
Amidst the Crisis, Earth-38's Superman and Lois Lane as well as Earth-1's Iris West- Allen show up to recruit him to help fight the Anti-Monitor as he is one of seven heroes capable of stopping the anti-matter being from destroying the multiverse, or Paragons. However, Lex Luthor of Earth-38 shows up and uses the Book of Destiny to force the Supermen to fight each other until Lois knocks him out. When the heroes came under attack from an Anti-Monitor possessed Harbinger, Pariah used his powers to send the Paragons to the Vanishing Point and keep them safe. Once there however, Superman-96 disappears and Lex Luthor appears in his place as he used the Book of Destiny to replace him.
Under a different line-up, The Jesters reached #110 on the Billboard chart in 1960 with a version of The Diablos' "The Wind" backed with "Sally Green". Two lesser singles followed: "That's How It Goes"/"Tutti Frutti" (1960) and "Uncle Henry's Basement"/"Come Let Me Show You How" (1961). (Warner: 230–231) A brother group to The Jesters, and "equally fine" (Warner: 269) were The Paragons—"real hoodlums, real zip- gun, street-warring hoodlums", Paul Winley recalled to David Toop in 1984, "but at the time I was young and crazy myself, so it didn't make any difference". (Toop: 98) For Winley, they recorded "Florence" backed with "Hey Little Schoolgirl" (1957), "Lets Start All Over Again" with "Stick With Me Baby" (1957), the ballad "Two Hearts Are Better than One" with "Give Me Love" (1957), "Twilight" plus "The Vows of Love" (1958), and "So You Will Know"/"Don't Cry Baby" (1958). Then came their backing of Tommy Collins on "Doll Baby"/"Darling I Love You" (1959), as The Paragons alone on the re-cap "So You Will Know"/"Doll Baby" (1960) and recording under the name Mack Starr and the Paragons for their last Winley release, "Just A Memory"/"Kneel and Pray" (1961).
Argentine Nationalism was an authoritarian, anti-Semitic, racist and misogynistic political movement with support for racially based pseudo-scientific theories such as eugenics. Revisionismo (Revisionism) was the historiographical wing of Argentine Nacionalismo. The main goal of Argentine Nacionalismo was to establish a national dictatorship. For the Nacionalismo movement, Rosas and his regime were idealized and portrayed as paragons of governmental virtue.
Illustration from an 1846 reprinting The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars, also translated as The Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety (), is a classic text of Confucian filial piety written by Guo Jujing ()() Wang, Qi (). Xu Wenxian Tongkao () vol. 71. during the Yuan dynasty (1260–1368). The text was extremely influential in the medieval Far East and was used to teach Confucian moral values.
However, he accidentally entered the anti-matter universe and alerted the Anti-Monitor to the positive matter universe's existence. The Paragons successfully dissuade one version of the young Novu from time traveling, but when they confront the Anti-Monitor, he reveals he'll always learn of the multiverse because they only stopped one of infinite Novus who could potentially stumble upon him.
Archomentals are powerful exemplary beings of the Elemental Planes and the rulers of the elementals. Although they are not truly rulers of their planes, archomentals like to consider themselves as much and often grant themselves regal titles like Prince or Princess. They are compared in the source material to the archfiends or celestial paragons, and are considered to be the elemental equivalent of such beings.
Retrieved 15 November 2015 The group included Howard Barrett (who later formed The Paragons). Released by Lyndon and Sonia Pottinger's Tip-Top label in 1959, it topped the RJR charts that year. Leaving school in 1959, Dobson went on record with Charles Josephs as part of the duo Chuck and Dobby, before becoming a solo artist in the early 1960s, again recording for Pottinger.
Image depicting Luo Binwang Luo Binwang (, ca. 619–684?), courtesy name Guanguang (觀光/观光), was a Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty. His family was from Wuzhou, modern Yiwu, Zhejiang, but he was raised in Shandong. Luo is grouped with Lu Zhaolin, Wang Bo, and Yang Jiong as the Four Paragons of the Early Tang, the most outstanding poets of their time.
Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. New York: Riverhead, 1998, p. xix. He also contended in the work (as in the title) that Shakespeare "invented" humanity, in that he prescribed the now-common practice of "overhearing" ourselves, which drives our changes. The two paragons of his theory were Sir John Falstaff of Henry IV and Hamlet, whom Bloom saw as representing self-satisfaction and self-loathing, respectively.
David Clowny became Dave "Baby" Cortez and had the number-one popular hit "Happy Organ" in 1959, as well as performing with many doo-wop groups such as The Jesters and The Paragons. Bass Ronnie Bright sang with The Cadillacs for a while, and then became a studio vocalist. He was Johnny Cymbal’s "Mr. Bass Man" on the 1963 hit of the same name.
Verdun Altar The chapel of St Leopold contains the Verdun Altar made in 1181 by Nicholas of Verdun. Its three parts comprise 51 gilded copper plates modeled on Byzantine paragons, similar to the Shrine of the Three Kings at Cologne Cathedral. Originally manufactured as panels, they were assembled as an altar in secondary utilization circa 1330. The tripartite concept is reflected in the arrangement of the plates.
Chris Thompson in Brønnøysund (2008).Thompson was born in Ashford, Kent, England, but raised in New Zealand. His early musical experiences were whilst still at school with the band The Paragons that played at weekly church youth club dances. Later, as his talent became clear, the band was reformed as Dynasty with other musicians and achieved much local success on the New Zealand music scene.
According to Epic, it is a feature that can help the game to differentiate itself from its competitors. Epic also transferred some of the resources for making Fortnite to Paragons development. Esports were under consideration, with Wasilczyk saying that it would depend on the demand of the community and the game's popularity. Paragon was set to be a non-boxed game released by Epic.
Their selection, as Johan Huizinga pointed out, betrays a close connection with the romance genre of chivalry. Neatly divided into a triad of triads, these men were considered to be paragons of chivalry within their particular traditions, whether Pagan, Jewish, or Christian. Longuyon's choices soon became a common theme in the literature and art of the Middle Ages and earned a permanent place in the popular consciousness.
Paul Winley Records Inc. (more commonly credited as Winley Records) was a doo- wop record label founded in 1956 that in 1979 became one of the earliest hip hop labels. It was situated on 125th Street, Harlem, New York City. Winley released doo-wop by The Paragons and The Jesters, and hip hop records by Paul Winley's daughters, Tanya and Paulette, produced by Winley's wife, Ann.
The duo also recorded R&B; tracks for Vincent Chin's Randy's label including "Let Me Dream". The duo split after Parkins won a major talent contest and moved to the United States. Ellis remained in Kingston, working as a printer and after losing his job, he restarted his music career, initially forming a new duo with John Holt. When Holt joined The Paragons, Ellis formed a new group, The Flames.
There, Constantine encounters the Earth-666 doppelganger of Jim Corrigan, who transfers the powers of the Spectre to Oliver for him to use to save the Multiverse. As a result, the trio return to Earth-1 in failure and Constantine and the other heroes are killed by a wave of antimatter while the Paragons are sent to the Vanishing Point to regroup and prepare for their battle against the Anti-Monitor.
Regardless of execution, he typically strives to push for the advancement of lyricism in all his work. He has used Black Thought, Royce Da 5’9, and Busta Rhymes as paragons of artists who effortlessly adapt to songs without compromise and the want to live up to, if not surpass their examples. He describes his music as being created for the average person without a peg to fit in.
Statue illustrating Min Sun's story in The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars Min Sun was one of the 24 Confucian paragons of filial piety. According to legend, his mother died when he was young; and, after his father remarried, he was raised by his stepmother. Under her care, he was abused and mistreated. His stepmother, during winter, would line her own sons' clothes with warm cotton, while she would line his clothes with weeds.
While he aimed for meticulous accuracy, the biographical entries were often not particularly objectively written, as he invited serving officers to submit their own autobiographical conclusions. The accounts of their lives thus often make them appear as paragons of naval virtues. In 1859, he began a second edition of the Dictionary, containing memoirs of officers of the civil branches of the service. It was never finished and he reached no further than the letter G.
The Four Paragons of the Early Tang () is a group name for four Chinese poets of the early Tang dynasty: Luo Binwang, Lu Zhaolin, Wang Bo, and Yang Jiong. According to a Tang biography of Yang Dong, the four people enjoyed same popularity and fame in China. They thrived in the time of Emperor Gaozong. The Four Eminences abolished the Gongti Style which had been used since the Southern Qi and Liang dynasty.
In 2004, Kenson became the line developer for Mutants & Masterminds, and became a more frequent contributor to Green Ronin's products. Kenson teamed up with John Snead to produce Blue Rose, a romantic fantasy role-playing game published by Green Ronin in 2005. In 2007, Green Ronin published Kenson's Paragons setting for Mutants & Masterminds. His most notable creation is the d20 System superhero roleplaying game Mutants & Masterminds for Green Ronin Publishing, which won multiple ENnie awards.
The use of studio assistants with various levels of proficiency in his later period led to a certain loss in quality.There are two paragons of Giovanni del Biondo's style of painting in the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto ("Vision of Saint Benedict", "Saint Benedict Restores Life to Monk"). There is also a quintessential example of Giovanni Dei Biondo's style in the Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester ("Madonna With God the Father").
Magma eventually takes over duties as the advisor of the Paragons, yet that still leaves Karma as the librarian, French teacher, and advisor to the Lower School and Alpha Squadron. Karma retains her powers after M-Day.X-Men: The 198 #1 The school's population is drastically reduced and the squad system is abolished.New X-Men #20–23 She continues to reside at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, though she is not part of an X-Men team.
However, in Malory's work the Roman conquest and high point of King Arthur's reign is established very early on. Thus, everything that follows is something of a decline. Arthur, Lancelot and the other Knights of the Round Table are meant to be the paragons of chivalry, yet in Malory's telling of the story they are doomed to failure. In medieval thinking, only God was perfect, and even a great figure like King Arthur had to be brought low.
After the exercise, the New Mutants squad tried the same simulation and beat the record set by the Paragons excerise. During a team meeting with Rahne, Ben and his teammates expressed their dismay at the New Mutants squad having had beat their time. Rahne then gave them a much needed a pep talk, trying to remind them that they would have save a lot of lives if the session had been real.New X-Men II #12.
He was one of the paragons of "scholar's painting" (shi ren hua), which idealised spontaneity and painting without financial reward. He could hold two brushes in one hand and paint two different distanced bamboos simultaneously. One Chinese idiom in relation to him goes "there are whole bamboos in his heart" (胸有成竹), meaning that one has a well-thought-out plan in his mind. As did many artists of his era, Wen Tong also wrote poetry.
2 #5–7 and later is mentor to all students less than fifteen years of age (thus too young to be assigned to squads). She returns to a more modest appearance and attire to better reflect her new position. When Rahne Sinclair leaves the Xavier Institute due to a romance with a younger student, her position as advisor of the Paragons squad is left to Karma. Upon the (temporary) death of Northstar, Karma also becomes the advisor to his squad, the Alpha Squadron.
Yang Jiong was born in Huayin in today's Shaanxi province. A child prodigy, Yang Jiong passed the special civil service examination for boys and was awarded with an official appointment to the prestigious Hongwen College in 659, when he was only nine years old. Unlike the other three "paragons", He spent most of his life serving at the imperial court in the capital Chang'an. He later served as the magistrate of Yingchuan County, and became commonly known as Yang Yingchuan ().
This version of "The Tide Is High" was selected by The Daily Telegraph writer David Cheal as one of his "Top five awful cover versions" in 2002, describing it as "a ghastly, sickly confection that has none of the wistfulness or soulfulness of either Blondie's version or the Paragons' original". The group performed the track for the first time ever with the original line-up for their 2012 reformation on The Big Reunion, with Kerry Katona performing Jenny Frost's vocals.
27; Oxford University Press; Further confirming the status of the two as paragons of pederastic ethics, a domain forbidden to slaves, a law was passed prohibiting slaves from being named after the two heroes.Aul. Gel. 9.2.10; Lib. Decl. 1.1.71 The story continued to be cited as an admirable example of heroism and devotion for many years. In 346 BC, for example, the politician Timarchus was prosecuted (for political reasons) on the grounds that he had prostituted himself as a youth.
The Latin of the panegyrics is that of a Golden Age Latin base, derived from an education heavy on Cicero, mixed with a large number of Silver Age usages and a small number of Late and Vulgar terms.Nixon and Rodgers, 14. To students of Latin in Late Antiquity, Cicero and Virgil represented the paragons of the language; as such, the panegyrists made frequent use of them. Virgil's Aeneid is the favorite source, the Georgics the second favorite, and the Eclogues a distant third.
Although the precise relation is disputed, Smaranda was a relative of poet and fabulist Grigore Alexandrescu. After elementary studies in her hometown, in 1870 she went to high-school in Bucharest, graduating from the Central School for Girls. Soon after finishing high-school she married George Gârbea, a teacher, against her family's wishes. Gârbea encouraged her literary interests and introduced her to some of the cultural paragons of the age, such as Ion Luca Caragiale, George Coşbuc and Alexandru Vlahuţă.
A picture of Zhong You reading under the moonlight by the ukiyo-e artist Yoshitoshi Zhong You is one of the Twenty-four Confucian paragons of filial piety. According to legend, he was from a poor family and often foraged wild greens to feed himself, but he would carry rice from more than 100 li away for his parents. When he grew up and became an important official, his parents had already died. He lived a life of luxury, but pined for the days of his youth.
A sketch of Yang Jiong, by Shangguan Zhou (1743) Yang Jiong (; 650–695?) was a Tang dynasty Chinese poet, traditionally grouped together with Luo Binwang, Lu Zhaolin, and Wang Bo as the Four Paragons of the Early Tang. Known for his eight extant fu (rhapsody) poems, he also wrote an influential preface to the collected works of Wang Bo, in which he criticized the excessive formality of the court poetry of the preceding generation, and lauded the classical style of Wang Bo and Lu Zhaolin.
The shrine has been identified with the story of Guo Ju (), the 13th of the 24 Paragons of Filial Piety. Guo Ju is said to have lived during the time of the Han Dynasty. He prepared to bury his own infant son during a period of food shortage in order to preserve enough food to save his aging mother. When he dug the grave for his son, he found a treasure (inscribed as a gift to him) that allowed him to save his entire family.
"The Tide Is High" is a 1967 song written by John Holt, originally produced by Duke Reid and performed by the Jamaican group The Paragons, with Holt as lead singer. The song gained international attention in 1980, when a reggae version by the American band Blondie became a US/UK number one hit. The British girl group Atomic Kitten also had a number one hit with their version of the song in 2002, while Canadian rapper Kardinal Offishall had a minor hit with his interpretation in 2008.
Following the events of House of M, almost all of the Institute's students are depowered, which leads to the dissolution of the school's training squad system. Pixie is one of only twenty-seven students, including her fellow Paragons Trance, Wolf Cub, and Match, not to have lost her mutant abilities. She participates in Emma Frost's battle royal which determines who will train to be an X-Man, but does not make the team. She remains at the school, appearing occasionally as a side character.
The British Rail Class 802 AT300 is a type of bi-mode multiple unit train built by Hitachi for Great Western Railway, TransPennine Express and Hull Trains. Based on the design of the Hitachi A-train, the train is part of the Hitachi AT300 product family. Each train operating company has also given their own units a unique brand; Great Western Railway's units are branded as Intercity Express Trains (IET), TransPennine Express units are branded as Nova 1s and Hull Trains' units are branded as Paragons.
They initially recorded for Clement "Coxsone" Dodd's Studio One before cutting a succession of singles for Duke Reid at his Treasure Isle Studio in the rocksteady era of 1966–1968; They enjoyed a string of hits, including "Ali Baba", "Tonight", "I See Your Face", and the Holt-penned "The Tide Is High" (later made famous by Blondie and also covered by Atomic Kitten). "Wear You to the Ball" was another of his hits with the Paragons, and it made the charts again when U-Roy (whom he had introduced to Duke Reid) recorded a Deejay version over it. With Andy having left early on, the departures of Barrett (in 1969) and Evans (in 1970), who had both won scholarships in the US, brought the group to an end. During his time with the Paragons, he also recorded solo material for Bunny Lee ("Tonight"), and Harry J. He subsequently concentrated on his solo career, recording for Prince Buster ("Oh Girl", "Rain From the Skies"), Reid ("Stealing Stealing", "Ali Baba"), Dodd (including "Fancy Make-up", "A Love I Can Feel", "Let's Build Our Dreams" and "OK Fred"), Alvin Ranglin ("Strange Things"), and Phil Pratt ("My Heart Is Gone").
The new society promotes these values through the use of The Surge, a type of extreme cosmetic surgery that all citizens undergo at the age of 16. The Surge transforms ordinary humans into paragons of beauty, right down to perfect facial symmetry. New Pretties are given access to life in New Pretty Town, the innermost part of the city where food, shelter, and entertainment are provided by the government free of charge. Within the post-Surge part of a persons life, everyone's common beauty inspires peace and equality among the citizens.
Baird: The Birth of Television, The edit that rewrote history - via Wayback Machine Her theatrical experience, however, proved very useful as she had to learn 400 words a day to speak directly to the camera. The press, at that time, described Bligh and Cowell as 'Twin Paragons', and Bligh continued when the BBC began its regular television service a year later. She became a personality in her own right, amongst other daring escapades, she was seen being given a fireman's lift and hurtling about in a motorcycle sidecar.
In her original inception, she had short pink hair, pure black eyes and butterfly- like rainbow wings. Pixie (center) and her team After enrolling at Xavier Institute, Pixie is assigned to be part of the Paragons training squad under the tutelage of former New Mutant member Rahne Sinclair. She wears a bicycle helmet during training sessions, due to her uncertainty with flying. During this time, she develops a crush on the X-Man Cyclops and is considered a cheerful girl who fits in well with other students; she was voted Friendliest Student.
He wrote about the autumn and landscape in Tengwangge and turns to express his emotion. He described himself as an abject man with rough experience in political life, compare himself with Sima Xiangru(司马相如) reflect his strong wish in provide contribute for his country. This is a clear evidence of his "self-display". Wang Bo as one of "Four Paragons of Early Tang", the initiate of "poetry express one’s mind" settled not only the huge contribution of Early Tang poems style, but also his important status in Tang literary world.
Frank Balenger, a reporter, meets a group of four 'Creepers', urban explorers whose primary target in this case is the long-abandoned Paragon Hotel. The Creepers introduce themselves as Rick, an athletic young man who is the husband of Cora, an intelligent and attractive young woman who is still longed for by Vinnie, another member of the group. They are led by Professor Conklin, who introduced them to 'Creeping' while they were students of his in College. The history of the Paragons owner, Morgan Carlisle, is told to the group by Conklin.
A scene of historic paragons of filial piety, Chinese painted artwork on a lacquered basketwork box, excavated from an Eastern-Han tomb in Lelang Commandery. In 108 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty conquered the area under King Ugeo, a grandson of King Wiman. The Emperor set up Lelang, Lintun, Xuantu and Zhenfan, known as the Four Commanderies of Han in the northern Korean peninsula and Liaodong peninsula. The Book of Han records Lelang belonged to Youzhou, located in northwestern Gojoseon consisted of 25 prefectures, 62,812 houses, and the population was 406,748.
Retrieved 23 October 2014. He recorded his first single in 1963 with "Forever I'll Stay"/"I Cried a Tear" for record producer Leslie Kong, and also recorded a duet with Alton Ellis, "Rum Bumper", for producer Vincent "Randy" Chin.Grossinger, Richard (2005), On the Integration of Nature: Post 9-11 Biopolitical Notes, North Atlantic Books, , pp. 166–176. In 1965 Holt joined Bob Andy, Garth "Tyrone" Evans, and Junior Menz in their group the Binders; Menz departed to be replaced by Howard Barrett and they changed their name to the Paragons.
In the plot-driven series, heroines such as Marjorie Dean and Grace Harlowe are already nearly paragons when their stories begin . . . but in all cases, the series strongly suggest that if readers are to assume similar places as model girls, they should begin by reforming the self so as to measure up to the stories' idealized definitions of proper gender roles and proper middle-class attitudes . . . The best girls are loyal to principles, to friends and family, and to the school itself. They also are (or learn to be) nurturing, charitable, and kind.
At the time, Antinous's fame was increased by the work of fiction and writers and scholars, many of whom were not homosexuals. The author Oscar Wilde referenced Antinous in both "The Young King" (1891) and "The Sphinx" (1894). In "The Young King", a reference is made to the king kissing a statue of 'the Bithynian slave of Hadrian' in a passage describing the young king's aesthetic sensibilities and his "...strange passion for beauty...". Images of other classical paragons of male beauty, Adonis and Endymion, are also mentioned in the same context.
Of these, the records "Florence" and "Let's Start All Over Again" are doo-wop classics, and "Twilight" a "New York mini-classic". (Warner, 270) Jay Warner is of the opinion that the obscure "So You Will Know" is a finer record even than these. (Warner: 270) The Paragons Meet The Jesters (1959), with its street gang cover and vocal duels inspired by doo-wop's street corner singing battles and live show group competitions, was "one of the first rock and roll compilation LPs" (Warner: 231) and the most commercially successful doo wop compilation ever released.
After recording a few further singles, he formed the Ambassadors in 1965 with Paragons singer Junior Menz and guitarist Eric Frater, becoming the Virtues with the addition of Dobby Dobson.Greene, Jo-Ann "Rupie Edwards Biography", Allmusic. Retrieved 26 April 2016 They recorded several singles for Harry J, as well as Edwards' first self-production, "Burning Love", credited to Rupie Edwards and the Virtues. The Virtues broke up in 1968, and Edwards started to focus mainly on his work as a producer, although he continued to release his own records in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Latino immigrant adult and youth groups organized themselves as social clubs like: Black Eagles, Flaming Arrows, Paragons and Young Lords. Those made up of the elite are best known as gentlemen's clubs (not to be confused with strip clubs) and country clubs (though these also have an athletic function, see below). Membership to gentlemen's clubs require the ability to pay large fees as well as an invitation by existing members who seek new recruits who meet personal criteria such as lifestyle, moral base, etc. Less elitist, but still in some cases exclusive, are working men's clubs.
In 1932 ter Braak, together with Edgar du Perron and , started the literary magazine Forum which proved to be one of the most important literary periodicals in the Dutch-speaking world (it expressly involved Flemish intellectuals as well) in the nineteen-thirties. Forum is widely considered a bulwark of cultural elitism, advocating a high cultural level of discourse, a rational form of literary criticism, consequent individualism and a stern disapproval of all intellectual ornamentation. “Vent boven vorm” (loosely translated: ‘personality over form’) was the catchword of the Forum movement, and Multatuli was one of its most important paragons.
There is a Freightliner Train Crew Depot here which is for the signing on of Freightliner train crew based in Tyne Yard. The yard also acts as a servicing point for railtours visiting the region, and the Smithy Lane road bridge over the northern end of the Yard is a popular location for railway photography. The Angel of the North is visible from the yard and main line on the high ground to the East. From 2019, the yard was used as a storage location for Class 800/801 Azumas of LNER and also of Class 802 Paragons of Hull Trains.
Wang Bo (; 650-676), courtesy name Zi'an (子安), was a Tang dynasty Chinese poet, traditionally grouped together with Luo Binwang, Lu Zhaolin, and Yang Jiong as the Four Paragons of the Early Tang. He died at the age of 26, possibly from drowning, while going back from Jiaozhi (Vietnam, then under Tang rule) after meeting his father. He opposed the spread of the Gong Ti Style (宫体诗风) of the Sui Dynasty, and advocated a style rich in emotions. He was also famous for the essay Tengwang Ge Xu, which is included in the Chinese middle school curriculum.
Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Wade attended Excelsior High School from 1972 to 1976. His career began in the mid-1970s, working with Yabby You, 1976's "Black Is Our Colour" immediately achieving success in Jamaica. His debut album, Black Is Our Colour was released in 1976, and was followed by further hits with cover versions of The Paragons' "Happy Go Lucky Girl" and "On The Beach". This was followed by further albums Evil Woman (1978), Dancing Time, and Fire Fire (both 1979), before Wade moved on to work with Dillinger, recording "Five Man Army" together with Dillinger, The Tamlins, Al Campbell, and Trinity.
Increasingly disengaged by the playwriting and screenwriting courses that comprised much of his major, he began to take literature classes in the second half of his collegiate career with James B. Hall, a cosmopolitan alumnus of the Iowa Writers' Workshop who had previously taught at Cornell University and later served as provost of College V at the University of California, Santa Cruz."Hall, James B(yron)", International Who's Who in Poetry, 2004, p. 138. Hall took on Kesey as his protege and cultivated his interest in literary fiction, introducing Kesey (whose reading interests were hitherto confined to science fiction) to the works of Ernest Hemingway and other paragons of literary modernism.
"The Tide Is High" was written by John Holt and originally recorded by the Paragons (the rocksteady vocal trio of which he was a member), and accompanied by Tommy McCook and the Supersonic Band. It was produced by Duke Reid and released as a 7-inch single on Reid's Treasure Isle and Trojan labels and as the B-side of the single "Only a Smile". The song features the violin of "White Rum" Raymond, and was popular in Jamaica as well as in the UK when a deejay version by U-Roy was released in 1971. Both tracks from the single were included on the 1970 collection On the Beach.
In 1879, the abbey church and monastery were restored according to plans by Friedrich von Schmidt, and the neo-Gothic twin steeples were erected. Klosterneuburg Monastery contains the Verduner Altar, made in 1181 by Nicholas of Verdun. Its three parts comprise 45 gilded copper plates modeled on Byzantine paragons, similar to the Shrine of the Three Kings at Cologne Cathedral. The monastery also contains a museum with a collection of Gothic and Baroque sculpture and a gallery of paintings, including fifteen panel paintings by Rueland Frueauf from 1505, four Passion paintings from the backside of the Verduner Altar from 1331, and the Babenberg genealogical tree.
After being arrested, Alejandro soon learns that Paloma was actually in the safe house all along, resulting in Alejandro unintentionally killing his sister. Paloma then recites the poem of the spider and the fly as her last words before dying. Paloma has a fascination for the work of Tennessee Williams, citing him on three occasions: twice in "Rule Fifty-One" ("We are all sentenced to solitary confinement within our own skins for life" and "Cruel men consider themselves paragons of frankness") and in "Spider and the Fly" ("Don't look forward to the day you stop suffering for when it comes you'll know you're dead.").
From the Han dynasty (206AD 220) down to the present day, the Zuo zhuan has been viewed as a model of correct, elegant, and sophisticated Classical Chinese prose. The Zuo zhuans great influence on the Chinese languageparticularly on Classical Chineseis evident from the fact that it is the source of more Chinese literary idioms (chéngyǔ ) than any other work, including the Analects of Confucius. The well-known Qing dynasty student anthology Guwen Guanzhi included 34 passages from the Zuo zhuan as paragons of Classical Chinese prose more than any other source. These passages are still part of the Classical Chinese curriculum in mainland China and Taiwan today.
The band's traditional sound has been described as "chunky and melodic", with Rolling Stone noting their penchant for "catchy, riffy punk-rock." Consequence of Sound writer Megan Ritt called the band "paragons" of the pop punk genre and noted how "the seasoned Floridian rockers are renowned for their heartfelt guitar anthems." The band's music typically builds upon verse-chorus song structures, combining pop-influenced melodies with fast punk rock tempos, hardcore-tinged breakdowns, and often gang vocals. Their fusion of pop punk with hardcore breakdowns has been labeled as easycore, a genre they are considered to have helped pioneer and named with one of their tours.
Because women enter the public record less frequently than men, their religious practices are less known, and even family cults were headed by the paterfamilias. A host of deities, however, are associated with motherhood. Juno, Diana, Lucina, and specialized divine attendants presided over the life-threatening act of giving birth and the perils of caring for a baby at a time when the infant mortality rate was as high as 40 percent. Literary sources vary in their depiction of women's religiosity: some represent women as paragons of Roman virtue and devotion, but also inclined by temperament to self-indulgent religious enthusiasms, novelties and the seductions of superstitio.
Concord had an active garage band scene, with groups such as the Huns, the Fantastik Four, the Phantom Raiders, the West Wind, the Swinging Sensations, the Surfmates, the West Wind, and the Ravens, whose membership included Keith Stacey's brother Don Stacey. The Tamrons also played regularly in Charlotte, which was the home of the Paragons and the Grifs. The Tamrons participated in several battle of the bands contests, such as at the Concord Recreation Center in 1967, and eventually toured in a wide area covering over a 200-mile radius. Initially, Robert Walters' father, Earl Walters, was the band's manager, but eventually Lloyd Pettus' father took over.
Bob Andy was one of the founding members of The Paragons, along with Tyrone Evans and Howard Barrett, with John Holt later joining briefly before being replaced by Vic Taylor. Andy left after Holt rejoined and worked for Studio One delivering records and songwriting before embarking on a solo career. His first solo hit record in 1967, "I've Got to Go Back Home", was followed by "Desperate Lover", "Feeling Soul", "Unchained", and "Too Experienced". He also composed songs for other reggae artists, including "I Don't Want to See You Cry" for Ken Boothe, and "Feel Like Jumping", "Truly", and "Melody Life" for Marcia Griffiths.
An instrumental loop of the track was used as bumper music for the federation's RAW is WAR program until 2002. While featured in other musical projects, he remained involved in every song Savatage recorded, including 1998's The Wake of Magellan, where he was featured as lead vocalist on tracks "Another Way" and "Paragons of Innocence". Shortly after wrapping the recording of The Wake of Magellan, he produced and sang back up vocals for Tampa/Clearwater band Dave's Not Here as a favor to former 98Rock jockey and Dave's Not Here lead vocalist, Todd T. Riley. In 2000, Oliva contributed the song "Perfect Christmas Night" to the Jim Carrey vehicle The Grinch.
The lovable rogue is a fictional stock character, often from a working-class upbringing, who tends to recklessly defy norms and social conventions but who still evokes empathy from the audience or other characters. The lovable rogue is generally male and is often trying to "beat the system" and better himself, though not by ordinary or widely accepted means. If the protagonist of a story is also a lovable rogue, he is frequently deemed an antihero. Lovable rogues are not the standard paragons of virtue because they frequently break the law or seem to act for their own personal profit; however, they are charming or sympathetic enough to convince the audience to root for them.
Bob Andy's Song Book is a 1970 album of songs by Jamaican reggae singer and songwriter Bob Andy, recorded between 1966 and 1968.Barrow, Steve & Dalton, Peter (1999) "Reggae: 100 Essential CDs", Rough Guides, Andy had first found fame as the lead vocalist of The Paragons, but his peak as a solo artist came in the late '60s when he recorded a string of singles for Clement "Coxsone" Dodd's Studio One label. In 1970, these singles were compiled on the Song Book album.Harris, Craig "[ Bob Andy Biography]", Allmusic, Macrovision Corporation Many of the songs on the album have since been covered by a range of artists, including Taj Mahal, who covered "Desperate Lover" on his 1974 Mo' Roots album.
Historian Niall Ferguson uses the receptiveness to the book of these paragons of the British military and naval establishments as evidence that it was not the pacifist work it superficially seemed to be, but instead a "Liberal imperialist tract directed at German opinion", with the aim of discouraging Germany from continuing its bid to become a great naval power, a program which had begun the fierce, and expensive, naval arms race between the United Kingdom and Germany. The fact that Angell was employed as editor of the Continental Daily Mail by Lord Northcliffe, a press baron whom Ferguson refers to as an "arch-scaremonger", is to Ferguson further evidence of a deeper, non- pacifist purpose to the book.
Holt told Reid about the performance and on his recommendation Reid asked Beckford to come and see him and an informal recording deal was arranged. Beckford's first two singles released on Duke Reid's Treasure Isle label, "Wake the Town" (1970) and "Wear You to the Ball" (1970), were Jamaican hits and established his reputation as one of Jamaica's most popular toasters. Beckford then went on to work with other major producers on the island including Lee "Scratch" Perry, Bunny Lee, Phil Pratt, Sonia Pottinger, Rupie Edwards, Alvin Ranglin and Lloyd Daley. 1971 saw the release of Beckford's DJ version of The Paragons' "The Tide Is High". Beckford first toured the UK in 1972 with the artists Roy Shirley and Max Romeo.
Partick Vercher at L'Audiophile said that the ideal listening position is at least 3 metres away, and 40-50 cm lower than a normal seated position; alternatively the speaker needs to be hoisted up by that amount for a comfortable sound. The sound itself is described as possessing "unshakeable dynamics" when turned up loud, pacey without any sign of fatiguing distortion, and with an impressive separation of instruments. Sonic Flare describes the sound of the Paragon as possessing well-integrated "liquid highs, excellent midrange and bass", and proverbially worth dying for. There are rumours that Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin acquired three Paragons each – one for each of left, center and right channels – with which they used to monitor their recordings from master tapes.
Like the other three "paragons" of the early Tang, Lu Zhaolin was capable of composing the highly mannered poetry that was fashionable in the Tang court. However, his work outside the court allowed him significant freedom in his style. Lu was best known for his qilü, or ballads of seven-character lines, such as "Chang'an: Ancient Theme", but his most remarkable works are poems expressing his personal suffering, such as "Five Sorrows" and "Resolving Sickness", which were written in the style of Li Sao of the Songs of Chu. Lu was the only medieval poet to successfully revive the sao style of the ancient poet Qu Yuan; and just like Qu Yuan, he chose to end his tragic life by drowning himself.
A lacquerware-painted scene on a 1st or 2nd century CE basket from the Han colony at Lelang (modern North Korea) showing historical paragons of filial piety Although Emperor Gaozu did not ascribe to the philosophy and system of ethics attributed to Confucius (fl. 6th century BCE), he did enlist the aid of Confucians such as Lu Jia and Shusun Tong; in 196 BCE he established the first Han regulation for recruiting men of merit into government service, which Robert P. Kramer calls the "first major impulse toward the famous examination system."Kramers (1986), 752–753. Emperors Wen and Jing appointed Confucian academicians to court, yet not all academicians at their courts specialized in what would later become orthodox Confucian texts.
His final and current alias is "Green Arrow" which he adopted when returning to Star City, since Roy Harper previously confessed to being "The Arrow" to protect him. While in Russia, though not used by him to identify himself, he was known by others as Luchnik and Kapiushon. During his time in prison he was given the prison number of "Inmate 4587". After his death and resurrection, he trained with Jim Corrigan in Purgatory and became a celestial being known as the Spectre, who would assist the Paragons in escaping the Vanishing Point and sacrifice himself to use his new powers to defeat the Anti-Monitor in combat at the Dawn of Time and create Earth-Prime, consolidating the CW superhero shows into one Earth.
Like all of the entries in the series, the collection was compiled and mastered by Warren, using original 45 rpm records selected from the collection of garage rock archivist Mike Markesich (colloquially known as "Mop Top Mike"). Charlotte, North Carolina's The Paragons, whose membership featured Johnny Pace on drums and lead vocals, as well as Pat Walters, later of the Spongetones, on twelve-string guitar, perform "Abba", which they recorded at Arthur Smith's Studios, located in their hometown. The Shandells perform the "Shades of Blue", which features an accordion-like cordox. The Answers from San Bernardino, California, whose membership included steel guitarist Glenn Ross Campbell, later of the psychedelic cult band the Misunderstood, perform "Please Please Go Away" and the anti-Vietnam War protest song "Fool Turn Around".
The newspaper La Nación highlighted the camera work and said that the directors "attained to radio- graph this problem that had in check to the population, while sociologists, journalists, politicians and writers expose his points of view about a thematic that had an enormous transcendence for the agricultural sector". It added that the film attempts "to clarify some of the most complicated elements that were born from that resolution 125 and visits by means of a photography of undoubted quality fields, stays and places that saw affected by this governmental imposition" and stands out that "it shows, in definite, the fight of the men of the field for conserving his belongings, still by the expense of a fight that had few paragons in the history of the country".
The signatures of Hiroshige II - a) nidaime Hiroshige, b) Hiroshige ga, and c) Shigenobu ga Born Suzuki Chinpei () in 1826, it is said that he was born to a fireman, as was his master Hiroshige to whom he became apprenticed under the name Shigenobu at an unknown age. His earliest known work is the illustrations for a book called Twenty-four Paragons of Japan and China from 1849. Hiroshige II produced a large number of commissioned work in the 1850s in the style of the elder Hiroshige, and often signed his work Ichiryūsai mon ("student of Ichiryūsai", another art name of Hiroshige I's), and from to 1858 simply as Ichiryūsai. In 1858, he married Hiroshige I's daughter Otatsu after the master's death and inherited the Hiroshige name, as well as the names Ichiryūsai and Ryūsai.
He did not mean that people can see the gods as physical objects, but rather that they can see visions of the gods sent from the remote regions of interstellar space in which they actually reside. According to George K. Strodach, Epicurus could have easily dispensed of the gods entirely without greatly altering his materialist worldview, but the gods still play one important function in Epicurus's theology as the paragons of moral virtue to be emulated and admired. Epicurus rejected the conventional Greek view of the gods as anthropomorphic beings who walked the earth like ordinary people, fathered illegitimate offspring with mortals, and pursued personal feuds. Instead, he taught that the gods are morally perfect, but detached and immobile beings who live in the remote regions of interstellar space.
Pei Xingjian(裴行俭), who is an official Attendant Gentleman of the Ministry of Personnel(吏部). He was commented with Yang Jiong(杨炯), Lu Zhaolin(卢照邻), Luo Binwang(骆宾王) as "Four Paragons of Early Tang"(初唐四杰). As mentioned before, Wang Bo opposed Gongti Style(宫体诗风), which is a school of literature, seeking for the perfect beauty of world using, but ignore the content and sense. Wang Bo had established "poetry express one’s mind" also carry it forward, which provided a new style for Tang Literary world. Wang Bo’s poems, for example, "Farewell to Prefect Du" (Song DuShaofu Zhi Ren Shuzhou送杜少府之任蜀州) was selected in "300 poems of Tang".
Themes and subjects usually include the depiction of prominent Confucian figures such as statesmen, poets, and painters, among others. These are the subjects, for instance, of the paintings of Zhang Lu (1464-1538). Artworks also reflected prevailing interests during the Confucian period such as chess, music, and painting in addition to the depiction of the didactic pictorial narratives of the life of Confucius and the twenty-four paragons of filial piety. Confucian art is demonstrated in the Six Classics: The Book of Odes, which describes the will; the Book of Documents, which describes events; The Book of Ritual, which focuses on conduct; The Book of Music, which is about harmony; the Book of Changes for the concept of the yin and yang; and, The Spring and Autumn Annals, which describes titles and functions.
You may be aware that it was exceedingly difficult, in practice, to carry out the death penalty in Jewish society ...I think it's clear that with regard to Jewish jurisprudence, the capital punishment outlined by the Written and Oral Torah, and as carried out by the greatest Sages from among our people (who were paragons of humility and humanity and not just scholarship, needless to say), did not remotely resemble the death penalty in modern America (or Texas). In theory, capital punishment is kosher; it's morally right, in the Torah's eyes. But we have seen that there was great concern—expressed both in the legislation of the Torah, and in the sentiments of some of our great Sages—regarding its practical implementation. It was carried out in ancient Israel, but only with great difficulty.
Mirbeau then underwent a grave existential and literary crisis, yet during this time, he still published in serial form a pre-existentialist novel about the artist's fate, Dans le ciel (In the Sky), introducing the figure of a painter (Lucien), directly modeled on Van Gogh. In the aftermath of the Dreyfus Affair — which exacerbated Mirbeau's pessimism« Pessimisme », in Dictionnaire Octave Mirbeau. — he published two novels judged to be scandalous by self-styled paragons of virtue: Le Jardin des supplices (Torture Garden (1899) and Le Journal d'une femme de chambre (Diary of a Chambermaid) (1900), then Les Vingt et un Jours d'un neurasthénique (The twenty one days of a neurasthenic person) (1901). In the process of writing these works, Mirbeau unsettled traditional novelistic conventions, exercising collage techniques,Cf. « Collage », in Dictionnaire Octave Mirbeau.
During his time as a studio musician, arranger, and composer, he worked with bands and musicians such as The Chimes, The Tokens, The Paragons, The Cupids, Doctor Hook, Gloria Gaynor, and many more. Having already been in the recording business as a studio musician and writer, he was able to float his interest in professional management to some of the most successful record and publishing executives of the time, eventually landing a job with the Robert Stigwood -owned record company, RSO Records. Oriolo went on to have a successful career in the music publishing business, discovering and signing musicians such as Meat Loaf, Jim Steinman, and Lisa Lisa. He also wrote music and arranged and produced records for musicians such as Lisa Lisa & the Cult Jam, Doctor Hook, Meco, Robert Gordon and many more.
AllMusic reviewer Scott Yanow stated "The Pablo label was a perfect home for Zoot Sims during the second half of the '70s; the cool-toned tenor always sounded at his best in informal settings with small groups where he had the opportunity to stretch out. This quartet set with pianist Jimmy Rowles, bassist George Mraz and drummer Mousey Alexander gives Sims a chance to interpret a variety of mostly underplayed standards". All About Jazz noted "His Pablo period arguably garners less notice than the earlier stages of his career ... But by my reckoning it's every bit as good, if not better. This set and its predecessor, If I'm Lucky, are the picks of that stellar run, not to mention lasting paragons of tenor- plus-rhythm jazz of any era ... this session really, truly does belong in every jazz collection".
He built his reputation with tunes such as "Oil Crisis" (versioning Horace Andy's "Ain't No Sunshine"), "Sons of Thunder", (toasting over Jackie Brown's "Wiser Dread"), "Gimme Mi Gun" on Gregory Isaacs' "Thief a Man" and "Poison Flour", on a recut of The Paragons "Man Next Door" rhythm. He mainly met success in the mid to late 1970s, with his best-known album being Best Dressed Chicken in Town (1978), a Greensleeves Records collection of tracks recorded in the mid-70s, featuring Alimantado toasting over singers such as John Holt, Gregory Isaacs, Jackie Edwards and Horace Andy. His tunes mixed his Rastafari movement beliefs with commentary on events then going on in his community; "Poison Flour" referenced a January 1976 incident when 79 persons in Jamaica were acutely poisoned by consuming flour contaminated by leakage of the insecticide parathion in a ship's hold.
As far as philosophy is concerned, one may adduce that ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baghdādī regarded philosophers as paragons of real virtue and therefore he refused to accept as a true philosopher one lacking not only true insight, but also a truly moral personality as true philosophy was in the service of religion, verifying both belief and action. Apart from this he regarded the philosophers’ ambitions as vain (Endress, in Martini Bonadeo, Philosophical journey, xi). ʿAbd al-Laṭīf composed several philosophical works, among which is an important and original commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics (Kitāb fī ʿilm mā baʿd al-ṭabīʿa). This is a critical work in the process of the Arabic assimilation of Greek thought, demonstrating its author’s acquaintance with the most important Greek metaphysical doctrines, as set out in the writings of al-Kindī (d.
Blondie performed the Johnny Cash song "Ring of Fire". The live recording was featured on the film soundtrack, and on a later CD reissue of the Eat to the Beat album. In November 1980, Blondie's fifth studio album, Autoamerican (UK No. 3, US No. 7, Australia No. 8) was released; it contained two more No. 1 US hits: the reggae-styled "The Tide Is High", a cover version of a 1967 song written by John Holt of the Paragons, and the rap-flavored "Rapture", which was the first song featuring rapping to reach number one in the US. In the song Harry mentions the hip hop and graffiti artist Fab Five Freddy who also appears in the video for the song. Autoamerican featured a far wider stylistic range than previous Blondie albums, including the avant-garde instrumental "Europa", the acoustic jazz of "Faces", and "Follow Me" (from the Broadway show "Camelot").
On August 4, 2017, J.T. Carter came together with a new group of "Crests", consisting of 17-year- old Peter Lemongello, Jr. and tenors Joe Rivera (formerly of Earl Lewis & The Channels) and Luis Mercado of The Fabulaires, to perform in an R&B; music festival in Indian Head, Maryland, the following day. After only one show, Mercado was replaced by D.R. Moyer, who had sung with a number of groups including The Platters, The Dubs, The Paragons and The Jarmels. Former Jarmels member Ray Orta was also called in as a fill-in replacement for Joe Rivera. On December 12, 2017, J.T. Carter's Crests performed at The Paramount Theatre in Asbury Park, New Jersey, along with over 40 other groups from the 1950s and '60s, as part of TJ Lubinsky's new PBS TV Special, "Doo Wop Generations" (part of the "My Music" series).
In 1978 Beckford started his own sound system which he named Stur Gav after his sons; the sound system would launch the careers of a younger generation of toasters and singers including Ranking Joe, Jah Screw, Charlie Chaplin and Josey Wales. In 1980 the pop group Blondie had a world-wide hit with the reggae track "The Tide Is High" which prompted Virgin to re-release the original Paragons' track from 1967 and the 1971 U-Roy version as a single that same year. His most recent album is Pray Fi Di People which was released in 2012. Beckford was featured on the album True Love by Toots and the Maytals, which won the Grammy Award in 2004 for Best Reggae Album, and showcased many notable musicians including Willie Nelson, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Trey Anastasio, Gwen Stefani / No Doubt, Ben Harper, Bonnie Raitt, Manu Chao, The Roots, Ryan Adams, Keith Richards, Toots Hibbert, Paul Douglas, Jackie Jackson, Ken Boothe, and The Skatalites.
Marguerite Martyn sketched the Castles dancing the maxixe in 1914. Lucile for Watch Your Step, 1914 As America's premier dance team, the Castles were trendsetters in a number of arenas. Their enthusiasm for dance encouraged admirers to try new forms of social dance. Considered paragons of respectability and class, the Castles specifically helped remove the stigma of vulgarity from close dancing. The Castles’ performances, often set to ragtime and jazz rhythms, also popularized African-American music among well-heeled whites. The Castles appeared in a newsreel called Social and Theatrical Dancing in 1914 and wrote a bestselling instructional book, Modern Dancing, later that year. The pair also starred in a feature film called The Whirl of Life (1915), which was well received by critics and public alike. As the couple's celebrity increased in the mid-1910s, Irene Castle became a major fashion trendsetter, initiating the vogue for shorter, fuller skirts and loose, elasticized corsets.
The number of citizens to be spared was apparently quite small, as Ezekiel protests that YHWH is destroying the last remnant of Israel (). YHWH posits that should the three 'legendary paragons of virtue': Noah, Dan'el, and Job, inhabit this land, even 'they would be helpless to save their own children from YHWH's punishment of famine, wild beasts, sword, and plague', which recalls the scenario in chapter 5 and 7 that YHWH is about to bring 'four levitically prescribed punishments against Jerusalem and Israel'. The conclusion of this chapter is clear: Jerusalem ('which is patently not inhabited by Noah, Dan'el, or Job') will not be spared, even 'for the sake of some few righteous citizens, or by the righteousness of those exiles whose children will now share in the city's doom' (). YHWH adds an ironic note that there will be survivors of the city's destruction who will be brought into exile to show the exiles of 'their obvious wickedness', so people will know that 'YHWH did not destroy the city without reason' ().

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