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"panic disorder" Definitions
  1. an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent unexpected panic attacks

100 Sentences With "panic disorder"

How to use panic disorder in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "panic disorder" and check conjugation/comparative form for "panic disorder". Mastering all the usages of "panic disorder" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I have combination anxiety and depression, and also panic disorder.
I was immediately diagnosed with Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, and OCD.
For example, you can still experience one without having panic disorder.
And if you have them often enough, you may qualify for panic disorder.
Panic disorder has defined and limited my life since I was a child.
About 98 of the participants had panic disorder, and 252 had generalized anxiety disorder.
A different psychiatrist gives you a diagnosis: PTSD, acute panic disorder, depression, and agoraphobia.
Recently I started going to a new psychiatrist to receive treatment for panic disorder.
Her panic disorder causes to her hyperventilate sometimes to the point of her passing out.
Panic disorder is considered an anxiety disorder and is characterized by episodes of panic attacks.
It has been suggested by various therapists that I have panic disorder, or an extreme phobia.
Lindsay Johnson*, 28, has generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, agoraphobia, and claustrophobia.
Other anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder and PTSD, can be even more difficult to manage.
Six months before I started raising money for the film, I was diagnosed with panic disorder.
I had never even heard of panic disorder before, but I had to admit it made sense.
People with panic disorder frequently visit the doctor because they're afraid of dying from a heart attack.
Four percent of dentists reported panic disorder, while only 2.7 percent of the general population reported the same.
It turns out that panic disorder is associated with an increased sensitivity to carbon dioxide in the brain.
It seems the more I see my relationship to panic disorder as a journey, the better I do.
Her condition was so bad that she'd isolated herself and developed symptoms consistent with depression and panic disorder.
Soon I was diagnosed with agoraphobia and panic disorder, which is essentially a preoccupation with recurring panic attacks.
They have both also been treated for health issues arising from their detention, including anxiety and panic disorder.
But how could I make the plane, and being so far from home, accessible for my panic disorder?
Anxiety as an illness can come in several forms: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, or social anxiety disorder.
Anxiety sensitivity, which means being overly aware and frightened of physical signs of anxiety, is linked to panic disorder.
More cyclical mental states like mania or acute psychosis or panic disorder might lay dormant for a long time.
The Ethicist I am in treatment (weekly therapy and a drug regimen) for clinical depression and a panic disorder.
Though doctors treated her for symptoms of major depressive disorder and panic disorder, the woman's physical exams came back normal.
Anxiety disorders include conditions such as panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and substance/medication-induced anxiety disorders.
Moreover, it found that having an anxiety disorder or panic disorder does not appear to be a risk for the baby.
Watch more from Tonic: The Ketamine Cure Alyssa Jeffers, 26, has been diagnosed with GAD, panic disorder, social anxiety, and OCD.
Me.None of this would make sense to me until a full year later, when I was finally diagnosed with panic disorder.
Since then, it has been largely replaced by more specific terminologies, like social-anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder.
The inexplicable bleeding embarassed her, and she reported being socially isolated, with symptoms consistent with major depressive disorder and panic disorder.
Therapists there have treated more than 700 patients with O.C.D., panic disorder and social anxiety disorder with a four-day protocol.
A month later Idir, one half of the Dutch duo Blasterjaxx, publicly retired from touring due to the onset of panic disorder.
Other health conditions reported by participants were anxiety (61.1 percent), depression (45 percent), social anxiety (16.1 percent), and panic disorder (8 percent).
The practice has been scientifically proven to help treat phobias, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, and posttraumatic stress disorder.
The National Institute of Mental Health lists recurrent panic attacks — "sudden and repeated attacks of intense fear" — as a symptom of Panic Disorder.
After a decade of therapy for panic disorder under my belt, I knew how to identify the attacks, and had tools for coping.
I was having panic attacks—sudden, intense periods of blinding terror, rapid breathing, and chest pain—several times a day (diagnosis: panic disorder).
Currently, according to UOCD, 2.3% of the U.S. population (ages 18-54) struggles with OCD, making it more common than bipolar disorder or panic disorder.
He tell us that Randall's character exhibits signs of panic disorder, a form of anxiety in which patients experience recurrent panic attacks throughout their life.
Embarrassed by the ghoulishness of her symptoms, the young woman had socially isolated herself and experienced symptoms of major depression, as well as panic disorder.
I wanted to shake her and say, "Get some perspective," but this is precisely the point: For a person with panic disorder, perspective is impossible.
"If people drink heavily and regularly, they can develop an anxiety disorder that feels like generalized anxiety or panic disorder, one that's alcohol-induced," he says.
Anxiety disorder includes "panic disorder, specific phobias, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD)," demonstrated by persistent and debilitating fear.
More from Tonic: The Anxiety and Depression Association of America provides a comprehensive description of anxiety disorders, like generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, and social anxiety.
Early on in Stern's resonant and often funny memoir, "Little Panic," we learn that only at 25 did she discover the culprit for her symptoms: panic disorder.
Katie Wertz, 20173, Albuquerque I have three separate diagnosed mental disorders, including chronic depression, severe anxiety/panic disorder and PTSD that make me ineligible for health insurance.
"It helps me to escape my severe anxiety/panic disorder... when I'm having those attacks the familiarity and humor help me to escape and calm down," Powell explained.
Anxiety disorders — such as generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and phobias — are the most common mental illnesses in the U.S., and they affect twice as many women as men.
"For me, it's panic disorder, PTSD — I like to call myself a trauma survivor – and it's depression, but it's co-occurring depression or something like that," Catelynn said.
Hinton and his collaborators found that white Americans were more likely to experience generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety than black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans.
"Many people will struggle without being completely debilitated, so they don't meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder, whether that's generalized anxiety disorder or a panic disorder," she says.
Hayes said the idea behind ACT emerged out his own anxiety disorder, which he described as a mix of panic disorder and social anxiety, with some obsessive compulsive features.
A panic attack can be a symptom of generalized anxiety disorder, but experiencing them regularly is what's known as panic disorder; this affects about 6% of the U.S. alone.
If you can stomach it, the common and effective treatment for panic disorder is essentially exposure therapy, which involves subjecting patients to things they fear or that trigger them.
All of this contributed to an environment so toxic that I was diagnosed with panic disorder and severe anxiety, which I reluctantly took two medications for to attempt to control.
"Driving anxiety is usually a variation of a panic disorder or agoraphobia," says Frederic Neuman, psychiatrist and director of the Anxiety and Phobia Treatment Center in White Plains, New York.
I was terrified of failure—I'd been struggling with a panic disorder that destroyed my confidence, and the all-or-nothing nature of Kickstarter made the possibility of 'failing' very real.
Dr. Greenberg says that generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder can also trigger panic attacks during intimacy, but anyone can have one during their life — with or without a diagnosed disorder.
Stone started seeing a therapist who diagnosed her with generalized anxiety and panic disorder, but he did not share that with her, which she believes was important to her career dreams.
Adams also explained Justin was trying to "score Xanax," a sedative that can treat anxiety and panic disorder, but is also known to cause paranoia, impair memory and judgment and suicidal ideation.
Dr. Chambless says that the patients she sees in treatment for agoraphobia usually also have a panic disorder, which is why treatment for the phobia also often addresses panic attacks and anxiety.
Although I had been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and panic disorder in my early 20s, a combination of therapy and antidepressants kept the worst of my symptoms at bay.
Although she struggled with her anxiety and panic disorder as a kid, Stone said in the video that she "wouldn't trade it for the world," because it makes her feel things deeply.
I knew deep down that it wasn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, and yet, in the months that followed, I developed a panic disorder that consumed my life.
Eight years after my initial diagnosis with a panic disorder, I have made a kind of fitful progress towards peace, managing my condition, more or less, with medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy.
In their responses to us, many readers in this age group were much more likely than older readers to cite specific psychiatric diagnoses: social anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD, as well as depression.
One of my friends has panic disorder, like me, and she said that Zoloft did the same thing to her, and then she switched to Wellbutrin and it made a world of difference.
"Panicky stories spur the release of cascades of glucocorticoid (cortisol)," said Rolf Dobelli in the Guardian, of the stress hormone that presents itself at elevated levels in patients with major depression and panic disorder.
It's an externalization of what panic disorder and general anxiety actually feels like to live with, and playing it, being able to act it out and effectively work through those feelings, was a revelation.
Another review on gabapentin looked at studies on gabapentin's effects on psychiatric diseases—it showed some positive results in treating social phobia, but that it was not effective for panic disorder, OCD, or bipolar disorder.
Khalsa said in the past ten years, it's becoming clear that interoceptive deficits are present in a wide range of disorders, like panic disorder, depression, eating disorders, somatic symptom disorders, substance use disorders, and PTSD.
Nevertheless, Kindt's work with these anxiety disorders so far has been very successful: It has worked 70 percent of the time with panic disorder and in ten of the twelve PTSD cases she has accepted.
Araoz also accused Epstein of having failed to use a condom during the alleged rape, which she said led her to suffer a "panic disorder" that was exacerbated by her father's recent death from AIDS.
Throughout the series, we meet a Goop staffer suffering from a panic disorder, another who's dealing with the trauma of her father's suicide, and another who has trouble with intimacy since coming out as gay.
Finally, the uncomfortable truth about these psychiatric disorders (particularly major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder) is that they are chronic and relapsing in the vast majority of cases — like migraines and seizures.
However, women without previously diagnosed heart disease who had anxiety disorders, including things like panic disorder and generalized anxiety, had higher rates of ischemia compared to those without anxiety disorders, she told Reuters Health by email.
So, in addition to bipolar and ADHD, other misdiagnoses that continue to flood the medical records of young people everywhere include acute stress disorder, adjustment disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and panic disorder, to name a few.
Kessler said women are also more likely to have anxiety disorders, not every anxiety disorder, but the ones that are associated with suicide, such as panic disorder and phobias, and post-traumatic stress from sexual assault.
The panic disorder hallmark is palpitations, but it's still possible to experience an attack without them—Bienvenu says a common mistake among medical students is ruling out panic attacks because the patient's heart wasn't beating fast enough.
He also explored the idea that a person with panic disorder will suffer less if they are able to find meaning in the experience, in part by helping others, as explored by psychologist and Auschwitz survivor Viktor Frankl.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, having asthma makes it over four times more likely for you to develop panic disorder, an anxiety disorder characterized by repeated panic attacks.
Indeed, doctors at the Montreal Heart Institute reported in 1996 that about a quarter of 441 patients who came to the emergency room because of chest pain were in fact suffering from panic disorder, not a heart ailment.
Anxiety sensitivity is also major risk factor for panic disorder—you say you don't think you have this, but if your problems worsen, or you feel you can't cope, you should seek the advice of a mental health professional.
If you do get a diagnosis of say, major depressive disorder or panic disorder or social anxiety disorder, you may be eligible for additional accommodations and supports and services through your school's disability services beyond the basic counseling center.
Between ages 29 and 36, a one-point increase in the original peer victimization score predicted 69 percent higher odds of panic disorder and a more than tripled risk of obsessive-compulsive disorder for the low birth weight babies.
Since people with panic disorder can be afraid of any physical sensation that reminds them of panic attacks, like a rising heart rate, they may stop doing things like exercising or having sex that would get their heart rate up.
He did not use a condom, "which substantially contributed to extreme emotional distress and the development of a panic disorder, which was exacerbated by the fact that Ms. Araoz had recently lost her father to AIDS," according to the complaint.
While severe disorders may still require pharmacological intervention, techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy (ET) are highly effective in conditions such as anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, PTSD and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) when administered by a qualified practitioner.
Tim Ryan, 48Sentence: 14 months in Sheridan Correctional Center, IllinoisDiagnosis: Substance abuse, anxiety, panic disorder I struggled with a lot of things as a kid: learning disabilities, panic, anxiety, but I choose to mask all that with drugs like cocaine and alcohol.
That ebook was one of the few things for purchase that I ever recommend to anyone with panic disorder—not because it was an instant cure—but because the author, Barry McDonagh, introduced me to a new way of thinking about my panic attacks.
Being crammed in a car, driving seven hours a day, performing every night, and sleeping in strange places with new people is not the least bit appealing to someone who suffers from Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia (both of which I was later diagnosed with).
In a study published recently in the JAMA Psychiatry journal, researchers at Duke University found that victims of bullying in childhood were at increased risk of anxiety disorders in adulthood, and those who were both victims and perpetrators were at increased risk of adult depression and panic disorder.
"We included panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder and separation anxiety," said the lead author, Zhen Wang, an associate professor of health services research at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science (they did not include children with post-traumatic stress disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder).
"Specific phobias are very interfering for the person—the level of fear that that individual is experiencing is going to be pretty significant, like produce panic attacks and those sorts of things," says Todd Farchione, a researcher and associate professor at Boston University and the director of the Intensive Treatment Program for Panic Disorder and Specific Phobias.
The queue of patients is already full, a virtual line running out the door, into the distressed white marble hallway—a forty-three-year-old mom with panic disorder; a fifty-nine-year-old man with back pain; a thirty-three-year-old clerk with chronic knee pain; a college kid who has trouble getting to sleep at night.
But the ABA's resolution against them contends that "the defense has no medical or psychological basis," and their use "to make a case for either insanity or diminished capacity is inappropriate," since homosexual panic disorder—what was once thought by psychiatrists to be a panic brought on by perversion—is no longer recognized by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

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