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116 Sentences With "pandered to"

How to use pandered to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pandered to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pandered to". Mastering all the usages of "pandered to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

If we're pandered to it's because we allow ourselves to be pandered to.
But we're used to being pandered to, discredited, and altogether ignored.
Pandering is so cool when you're the one being pandered to.
I love Daenerys' smirk even as she knows she's being pandered to.
Strom Thurmond of South Carolina pandered to, and stoked, overt racial animosity.
"'Milano doesn't stop' just pandered to the city's gut and instincts," Pregliasco said.
Film-makers realised that fans were invested in the surprise and pandered to them.
Donald Trump, to his credit, figured this out instinctively and pandered to it brilliantly.
The European Crop Protection group called it "short-sighted," saying it pandered to activists.
The European Crop Protection group called it "short-sighted", saying it pandered to activists.
Her rivals brought delegates to their feet with speeches that pandered to identity loss.
Two, it goes against the white identity politics that the NRA has long pandered to.
The SPÖ and ÖVP have pandered to the anti-refugee right rather than confront it.
No one likes a brown-nose, and most people don't particularly love being pandered to.
Stop doing this underhanded nonsense, I want to know if I'm explicitly being pandered to!
It speaks to a major consumer demographic — Chinese shoppers — and how they're often pandered to.
"As a presidential candidate, he pandered to Islamists and mobilized Islamist groups," Mr. Abuza said.
The celebrations were tempered, though, by the way that Rutte had pandered to the right.
The old, white people who vote Republican and see D'Souza's movies need to be pandered to.
Because of a desire to retain power, conservatives pandered to the worst elements in our societies.
He's ridiculed women, pandered to evangelicals, insulted Hispanics and military POWs, yet they still voted for him.
It's more prevalent now because I think the people are being pandered to by a political party.
The first teaser trailer for Hulu's Veronica Mars revival is here, and friends, I feel sufficiently pandered to.
Night-after-night he always led with the big story and never played up or pandered to Trump.
He pandered to those among us who express ourselves in Instagram comments and how we felt about their drama.
They often pandered to stereotypes, from young, progressive millennials, to middle-aged conservatives, liberals, and seemingly everyone in between.
"The young people who are most active and militant have been pandered to by the parties," Ms. Gálvez said.
Young people at this point have really finely tuned bullshit detectors, and do not want to be pandered to.
But the perception that Trump has pandered to white supremacists, held by both white supremacists and their opponents, remains.
I want not to be pandered to by genre, or era, or a reduced, sellable version of a mood.
The grand coalition government pandered to the FPÖ rather than ostracising it, moving in its direction on refugee policy.
Our president decided to make it about that and the NFL followed suit and pandered to their fan base.
"The theater that pandered to the sexism typical of women will, I hope, regret its decision," the letter said.
Some analysts say Boeing carelessly put at risk billions of dollars of defense work or pandered to growing protectionism.
Mr Prabowo has pandered to hardline Islamists who make people of other religions or different strains of Islam feel nervous.
He has repeatedly pandered to vaccine deniers, and made public pronouncements about the alleged harms of these life-saving shots.
In the Latino business owner, you will also find a constituent who knows what it's like to be pandered to.
He imposed new repressive security measures and increasingly pandered to Islamists and ethnic chauvinism to shore up his Malay support base.
Amazon played everyone involved in the process: the governments that pandered to it and the media that covered it (including us).
LAFFER: Of course they do, and I don&apost know why they pandered to some sort of political ideology, but they do.
He was open about his past as an alcoholic, and some wondered if his public conviction just superficially pandered to evangelical whims.
May's government has pandered to proponents of an abrupt break from the EU in an attempt to avoid fracturing her Conservative party.
There will be a call for more government, through a bloated military, and untouched benefits for seniors who must be pandered to.
The "safe spaces" on college campuses have pandered to the sensitivities of some students while flat out rejecting the views of others.
"Amazon played everyone involved in the process: the governments that pandered to it and the media that covered it (including us)," he wrote.
Like Mr Johnson, Mr Hunt has pandered to the right of his party by talking up the possibility of a no-deal Brexit.
Depressingly, other presidential candidates, from Ben Carson (a medical doctor) to Jill Stein, also pandered to the anti-vaxxer crowd this election cycle.
Stop Pandering, Start Listening Millennials are naturally skeptical when it comes to promises from politicians, and they know when they're being pandered to.
They've learned that their audiences want to be pandered to, don't like having their beliefs challenged with pesky evidence, and reject 'expert' testimony.
For years elected Republican officials have increasingly pandered to a small minority of extremely conservative voters—all in an effort to gain votes.
Critics said it pandered to the wishes of militias and factions that have sought to consolidate their power over the past five years.
As the campaign has run its course, the Brexit side has stoked voters' prejudices and pandered to a Little England mentality (see article).
He ruled for nearly 50 years, did some modernizing, but pandered to Europe, ignored corruption in his own regime and was finally assassinated.
And contemporary artists would bring new life to the form decades later, offering up enclosed concoctions that pandered to our eagerness to be voyeurs.
The convention-coup fantasists studiously omit from their analysis any recognition that Republicans have pandered to this Trumpian plurality for the past eight years.
Energy experts said Mr. Trump's pledges on gas and coal pandered to his audience while showing a lack of basic knowledge about energy markets.
Further, there is no elected politician who courts Antifa the way President Donald Trump and other Republican politicians have repeatedly pandered to white nationalists.
Sure, politicians have always pandered to private parties, sent different mailers to different voters, and aired different television ads in different parts of the country.
There seems to be a sense that the election of President Donald Trump, who made racist remarks and pandered to white supremacists, has emboldened racists.
Though Mr Trump, who has never won a majority in a national poll, has pandered to pro-business Republicans, his protectionism is anathema to them.
Clinton of "bigotry" toward African-Americans and said she and other Democrats had pandered to black voters without helping them find jobs and reduce crime.
Many of those people are the same hard-working, middle class families that our now billionaire president-elect pandered to for 18 or so months.
For one, a big reason there was racist violence in Charlottesville to begin with was in part because Trump had consistently pandered to white supremacists.
Tabloid publications employed populist techniques to appeal to wide swaths of readers; their contents were accessible, short, and pandered to working- and middle-class citizens alike.
His answer clearly pandered to the science-fiction loving audience, but it also acknowledged the impact the series has had on science as well as society.
Niki and Gabi, a YouTuber duo with 8.9 million subscribers, have gotten in trouble with some viewers who said they have pandered to harmful racial stereotypes.
More often than not, they pandered to vote-garnering populism and disproportionately benefited the politically connected, rather than serve their original purpose of rectifying historical economic inequality.
On The Kelly File, her Fox News show, the host said then-First Lady Michelle Obama's commencement address at Tuskegee University pandered to a 'culture of victimization.
It's tempting to look at this record, and see merely a canny capitalist — someone who pandered to the far-right wing of the Republican party for profit.
Many of the young activists at the summit told VICE News the U.N. had used them for a photo op and pandered to what might interest them.
My vote is taken for granted, yet the candidates will glad-hand each and every Iowan who wants to be pandered to ("unless I've shaken the candidate's hand …").
Project Debater cited sources, pandered to the audience's affinity for children and veterans, and did a passable job of cracking a relevant joke or two in the process.
In the past you could take MTV to task for pandering to its audience, but in the absence of a coherent message, who exactly is being pandered to?
They looked to be pleasant enough young men, but it was easy to assume that as rich royals, deferred and pandered to, they would be entitled and dull.
And a number of unqualified figures attached themselves to Mr. Trump and pandered to Mr. Kushner, Mr. Christie said, particularly after he was dismissed from the transition team.
Yes, Mr Modi has pandered to religious sentiment at times, most notably by appointing a rabble-rousing Hindu prelate as chief minister of India's most-populous state, Uttar Pradesh.
There is deep frustration among many DNC officials who feel the party has pandered to their constituents and treated their states as ATMs only when national elections roll around.
Niki and Gabi, a YouTuber duo with 8.9 million subscribers, got into trouble with some viewers who said they pandered to harmful racial stereotypes in a video in September.
These books pandered to the same complaints old people have been making about young people since time immemorial, with just enough techno-scare to make them seem fresh and relevant.
Books like the best seller "Japan's Got Nothing," published in 1993, and "The Lie That Japan Is an Advanced Nation," translated from Japanese in 2008, have pandered to the crowd.
Even Bhutto, a progressive politician, had deviated from Jinnah's vision and pandered to religious conservatives when he passed a law declaring the Ahmadi minority Muslim sect to be non-Muslims.
He proposed banning all Muslims from entering the US. He blatantly pandered to white supremacists, including actual members of the Ku Klux Klan, by stalling in explicitly condemning their support.
NBC noted Sanders's 2-1 advantage over Hillary Clinton with younger voters, in a debate that has ceaselessly pandered to them by including questions from YouTube celebrities about hoverboards or whatever.
It should be noted that while NZXT says this is the first of a new line of game-themed chassis, it has pandered to the gaming crowd before with custom cases.
And as Trump has proudly pandered to bigots to build his coalition, Cruz must have known that standing up for the rights of these disfavored minorities would provoke the crowd further.
Perhaps these people were here because they knew they wouldn't be pandered to, and that they would have the excitement of figuring out what this group had to do with them.
But over the long years of Labour government, the Conservative membership turned Eurosceptic; two "bastards", Iain Duncan Smith and Michael Howard, served as leader; their successor, David Cameron, pandered to the gang.
They weren't disrespecting the flag or the military, but our president decided to make it about that, and the NFL followed suit and pandered to their fan base by creating this hysteria.
So with all his racist comments on the campaign trail, Trump not only pandered to his biggest fans, but likely got more people to think in a direction that favored his agenda.
Such comments pandered to certain irresponsible reports in Australian media, were full of prejudice against China, were baseless and poisoned the atmosphere of China-Australia relations, Geng told a daily news briefing.
While Trump's bid for office pandered to a range of hate, his opinions on abortion, sexual assault, and a general sentiment of inappropriateness toward women are what has activated his female opponents most.
Brussels had argued that the limit on the number of asylum seekers Austria would accept broke the bloc's rules, already badly stretched by the migration crisis, and pandered to growing anti-immigrant feeling.
They&aposre weren&apost disrespecting the flag or the military, but our president decided to make it about that and the NFL followed suit and pandered to their fan base by creating this hysteria.
During the campaign the divorced mother of two has voiced personal support for civil partnerships and adoption by gay couples - a first in a country whose politicians have long pandered to traditional family values.
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Dutch parliament voted on Tuesday to ban face veils in some public places, a law the government said was essential for security but which opponents said pandered to anti-Muslim sentiment.
READ MORE: Italy's populist government is pandering to anti-vaxxers during a measles epidemic It has pandered to the growing anti-vaxx movement, fueling public mistrust of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination.
They have both, unintentionally or not, pandered to perhaps the most dangerous racial demagogue of our time, one whose actions -- the substance of which will be extraordinarily damaging to African Americans -- speak more loudly than his words.
But on Monday night, CNN gave the candidates one last chance to pitch themselves to the "undecided voter," a mythical breed of Iowans who still somehow haven't made up their minds after months of being pandered to.
Instead, they pandered to their rich donors to fund their increasingly expensive campaigns, and then used the money they raised to redirect their voters' anxieties into anti-government identity politics, particularly through vitriolic anti-Obama, anti-Democrat messaging.
"As a Libra with Libra rising I'm torn: on the one hand I like being pandered to; on the other hand there will be no one left to pander to me after Facebook destroys the world," said Megan Campbell.
Meanwhile, politicians from the neo-Fascist Golden Dawn pandered to Greeks who became disenfranchised during the financial crisis, and said that they risked becoming a minority in their own country if the government allowed refugees to settle in Greece.
He has divided the country, given aid and comfort to the worst of our society, and pandered to self interests to a point where people of color, women, queer people, the working class, and the environment will suffer great harm.
So it's incredible, and terrifying, to think that we may really be about to do all of that because Donald Trump successfully pandered to cultural nostalgia, to a longing for a vanished past when men were men and miners dug deep.
From losing her majority in an election she did not need to call to failing to build a consensus around a deal that pandered to both sides of the debate but persuaded neither, May has too often stubbornly stuck to just one plan.
But as a critic, she usually disliked movies that pandered to liberals, and she had little interest in calling out movies for racism; she loved Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, which even anti-anti-racists usually admit is kind of racist.
With lyrics like "It blows my mind how these Nazis took the stage and pandered to your deepest fears" and "You all laughed until it fucking happened," it's pretty safe to say which side of Trump's legacy United Nations will stand on.
Maybe you disagree, but if you do and are complaining that Stein has "pandered to anti-vaxxers" because of her use of phrases like "that I am aware of," you should also have been furious with both Clinton and Barack Obama in 2008.
There were 16 different flavors of conventional crazy for sale in the early stages of this election cycle—candidates who not only checked all the right boxes on supply-side tax cuts and abortion restriction, but also pandered to right-wing paranoia and white identity politics.
"Too often over the course of this campaign, Republican presidential candidates have pandered to these inner-core Islamophobic leaders and their supporters with proposals like patrolling so-called Muslim neighborhoods, surveilling and shutting down mosques, and openly questioning whether a Muslim can serve as president," Awad said.
" There's a long tradition of presidential nominees using their vice presidential picks to pander to a particular constituency — though usually the constituency being pandered to isn't "women" or "Latino voters" but rather "voters from the VP nominee's home state, which happens to be a swing state in this election.
But this week, the two major candidates forced that debate into the open with Clinton's speech linking Trump to the "alt-right" movement, and Trump's new charge that the former secretary of state is "a bigot" who has pandered to minorities with feckless policies as part of a calculated quest for votes.
It is the false hope of Trump, the false prophet, to call back a way of life that is dead: where the father is king, head of his household, provider and protector and pandered to by women, expected to live and possibly to die by his work in the dark and silent ground.
" But who also then spoke in bizarre terms of "my African American" (notably, said person, Gregory Cheadle, has since left the Republican Party), made much of his job approval rating among black Americans (a mere 9%, according to a CNN/SSRS poll) when he pandered to a black audience, and publicly praised the far-right pundit Candace Owens as a "star.
The mass of new members protects Mr Corbyn and forces those who want to make their way in the party to bow to him: of three Labour mayoral candidates selected on August 9th and 10th, one (Steve Rotheram, the unexpected winner in Liverpool) is a Corbyn ally and another (Andy Burnham in Manchester) is a moderate who has pandered to Corbynistas.
" Rampell devotes most of her column to Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, dispensing with Stein in a single sentence: "Despite being a medical doctor who knows better, she's pandered to anti-vaxxers; expressed strong stances on high-profile issues, such as Brexit, only to abruptly reverse herself without explanation; and (along with running mate Ajamu Baraka) trafficked in conspiracy theories, among other disqualifying behaviors.
In a piece for Vox, blogger Ben Spielberg tries to defend Stein's history by arguing that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are guilty of pandering too: Maybe you disagree, but if you do and are complaining that Stein has "pandered to anti-vaxxers" because of her use of phrases like "that I am aware of," you should also have been furious with both Clinton and Barack Obama in 22010.

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