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256 Sentences With "outvoted"

How to use outvoted in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "outvoted" and check conjugation/comparative form for "outvoted". Mastering all the usages of "outvoted" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And the younger generations outvoted the boomers and older generations.
I certainly didn't want him, but you outvoted me (sort of).
The GOP easily outvoted the Democratic Party in the 2014 primaries.
Not only outnumbered, young people today are also outvoted by older generations.
Mr. Gimenez, who is now the mayor of Miami-Dade County, was outvoted.
Democrats have outvoted Republicans by more than 10,000 votes, doubling their lead since Saturday.
Democrats outvoted Republicans by more than 85033,000 ballots since early voting began on Feb.
Hoenig may eventually get outvoted on the FDIC, but he's experienced in intra-regulator fights.
But Tuesday's turnout, where Republicans outvoted Democrats by nearly 2-to-1, doesn't bode well for Donnelly.
But his efforts mostly fell flat as the white majority on the board outvoted or ignored him.
"Danny Kaye was all for it, but the other four outvoted him," Didier said, according to Ringolsby.
"My partners outvoted me and we terminated the contract," Jonathan D. Stein, a former partner in Roseland, said.
They were outvoted by the old, the less educated and non-urban English, who often rely on taxpayer largess.
In a Democratic primary expect them to be outvoted by around 2-1 by the suburban portions of the Third.
And since women have outvoted men by a margin of several million in recent elections, that's bad news for conservatives.
He still thinks it sounds cooler, but then Alex Warren, 19, suggested the name Hype House, and Chase was outvoted.
They learn to make a case and cope with being outvoted—and that every choice, even that to abstain, has consequences.
Meanwhile, the cities that benefited from globalization have found themselves surrounded, outnumbered and outvoted by those who have been left behind.
Volcker threatened to resign after the pair outvoted him on a key interest rate decision, but ultimately he got his way.
There's reason to believe she's starting to do that: Georgia Republicans outvoted Democrats in the 2014 primary by nearly 300,000 votes.
And the two new directors could be outvoted by the other board members, who are widely considered close to Mr. Musk.
While outvoted by the rest of the board, Buffett made a public record of his disagreement for fellow shareholders to see.
Its membership of the UN similarly infringes its self-determination, for it can be outvoted there just as it can in Brussels.
Due to Southern fears of being outvoted in the Senate, during the 22016s Michigan had to wait on Arkansas being admitted first.
But six of them come from different branches of government, leaving the citizen's commission, which technically oversees the entire process, heavily outvoted.
On the Pacific Coast, state Republican Parties have generally clung to conservative ideology and simply contented themselves to be outvoted in statewide races.
One of Kai's fellow council members voices this concern but is outvoted by his peers who have clearly become victims of Kai's violence.
When you honestly believe or disingenuously assert that you've been outmaneuvered rather than outvoted, why declare a truce, let alone cooperate, in the aftermath?
One path would be to give the Palestinians equal rights and watch as they matched or even outnumbered and outvoted the country's Jewish population.
With QV, people in the numerical majority know that they can be outvoted by the minority, and for that reason can't afford to ignore them.
Britain is against capping bonuses, arguing it has pushed up fixed pay, making banks less nimble in cutting costs in a downturn, but was outvoted.
Britain was outvoted for the first time on a big EU financial services law in 2013 when it objected to a revamp of bank capital rules.
Behind Brexit stalks the ghost of imperial exception, the feeling that Great Britain can never be just another nation to be outvoted by France or Slovakia.
Longer term, immigrant populations in Europe will continue to have children, and it's quite a while before white voters in the US can simply be outvoted.
Three financial experts on the team supported the lower price benchmark but were outvoted, their objection was ignored, and a higher level body increased the benchmark.
Those same millennials are also realizing the full extent of their political power: In 2018, millennial/Gen-Z voters actually outvoted older generations for the first time.
The message was also seemingly directed at the delegates on the floor who protested Trump's nomination, though they were vastly outvoted in RNC proceedings here this week.
Lowering the voting age to the international norm will add about 2.4 million eligible voters, but youth are not only outnumbered by their elders, they are outvoted.
We have under 10 percent of the total votes in the European Parliament and are constantly outvoted while also having only one European commissioner out of 28.
There's potential these judges could come to a decision similar to one of the three Oregon judges, Judge Josephine L. Staton, who was outvoted two to one.
It's not about courage, it's about money, and the billions of dollars Apple has made from selling Airpods has essentially outvoted headphones of the wired variety into obsolescence.
In the end, though, they were still outvoted: A total of 1.5 million votes were cast by Texas Republicans in the primary, compared to 1 million by Democrats.
Trigger happy. Evasive. LYING. Vacuous. Vapid. Vacant. Vacationing. Meaningless. Frivolous. Oblivious. Sloppy. Silly. Empty. Outvoted. Overruled. Overturned. Null. Void. Inane. Inept. Negligent. Negligible. Naïve. Juvenile. Trivial. Disappointing. Underwhelming.
Since 1964, women have consistently outvoted men in state, local, and presidential elections, with the gap steadily rising, according to the Rutgers Center for American Women in Politics.
Slovakia has been one of the harshest critics of quotas and has sued the bloc over a plan agreed last year to re-distribute migrants, but was outvoted.
However, they are outvoted and the ISIS recruiter is taken out by the end of the episode because they determine he poses an "imminent threat" to the country.
It also drew more younger people, as the three youngest generations of voters — Gen X, millennials and Gen Y — outvoted baby boomers for just the second election in history.
I wanted that record to be two songs shorter and the songs to have a little more breathing room, and I was just outvoted at the last editing session.
The 5-Star Movement is the largest party in parliament but it was outvoted by the combined forces of the League and opposition parties from the left and right.
"Sadly, though, I must warn you: I'm the only one in my family who feels this way, and because of that, I'm outvoted on what to watch," she said.
Britain was outvoted on the EU law capping bonuses, saying it would prompt banks to raise fixed pay and make them less nimble in cutting costs in a market downturn.
Go deeper: Special report: 2020's new voters will usher in an age of demographic transformation Campaigns target younger voters online Young people are outnumbered and outvoted by older generations
I don't know any clever way to overcome this other than what California has done: become extremely blue, to the point that red and purple resistance can simply be outvoted.
The demise in the 1980s of the Luxembourg compromise, which gave EU members a form of veto, and the spread of majority voting have also led to Britain being outvoted more often.
Rising inequality means that resources are concentrated in the hands of a few; they should be ever more easily outvoted by the majority who are left with a shrinking share of national income.
Ms. Glick thus concludes that the Jewish State is secure: Israel should assert Israeli law in the West Bank and offer Israeli citizenship to its entire Arab population without fear of being outvoted.
White Southerners were afraid of being outvoted by Northerners, and wanted their slaves, or at least 3/5 of them, included in the allocation of votes even though the slaves themselves could not vote.
The ultimate irony, says John Curtice of Strathclyde University, would be if, in an extremely tight vote, Britain ended up remaining in the EU only because nationalists in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales outvoted the English.
In Utah, a state that voted last week and saw a massive protest vote against Trump in 2016, the president won 88 percent of the vote, and Republicans outvoted Democrats by a five-to-three margin.
At last week's International Cricket Council (ICC) meetings, the Indian board (BCCI) was outvoted 13-1 in its bid to stall a new revenue model which considerably slashes their financial share from global events in the 2015-2023 cycle.
The bill, drafted by the ruling Socialists garnered 110 votes in the 230-seat parliament, but was outvoted by 115 opponents, with 4 abstentions, after a heated debate and a vote that required each lawmaker to declare his or her stance.
So, but -- so we're hopeful that those 60 Brexiteers will be outvoted in the House of Commons and ultimately I do think that it should be put back to the British public when all the facts are known for another vote.
Back in 2011, Roberts likewise wrote an opinion in which the five GOP-appointed justices outvoted the four Democratic appointees to invalidate an Arizona election law that provided extra funds to candidates who accepted public financing and faced big-spending opponents.
Faced with the reality of a state in which Jews quickly would become outnumbered and outvoted, even Likud voters might decide that a one-state solution in the near future is more frightening than the two-state one in the present.
Last year's Brexit referendum exposed splits that could threaten the unity of the UK, with Scotland and Northern Ireland delivering pro-EU majorities but finding themselves outvoted by the English and Welsh, who were in favor of leaving the bloc.
Of the 303 counties that generated the largest share of new jobs from 2014 through 2016, Trump carried only two: Collin County (north of Dallas) and Maricopa (Arizona), where Republican-leaning suburbs slightly outvoted a strongly Democratic metro core in Phoenix.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders appealed for unity in a last-ditch effort to break their deadlock on sharing out refugees by June, telling reluctant eastern states they could otherwise be outvoted on a dispute that has shaken the bloc's foundations.
Not only has the minority share of the vote grown since then but college whites, who are showing more receptivity to her, also significantly outvoted non-college whites as a share of the 2016 Democratic electorate (36% to 26%), the CNN analysis found.
The judges on the lower courts — a Republican-appointed Dstrict-Court judge, and two Republican-appointed Circuit Court judges who outvoted a Democratic-appointed colleague — held that the president should have gone through the administrative procedure called notice-and-comment rule-making.
Voting on policies such as reduced dance ticket prices for women and the location of men's lockers, the male students came face to face with the harsh realities of what it feels like when they are outnumbered and outvoted on issues that affect them.
With tensions running high after around 1.4 trillion euros of bond buys, such a compromise would be an important concession to conservatives like Germany, the euro zone's biggest economy, which has been outvoted in key decisions, leading to tension between Berlin and the Bank.
The short reign of the last Federal Reserve chair to lack a deep background in economics, G. William Miller, was disastrous: In 1979, he was outvoted by his own board when he opposed an interest-rate increase that was, in retrospect, badly needed to combat raging inflation.
That means that, for the past several electoral cycles, which party takes the state has come down to whether Democrats could mobilize the relatively low-propensity "Obama coalition" (black, Latino, and young voters) to make it to the polls — or whether they'd be outvoted by the older, more reliable Republican voters.
While the ruling Liberal-National coalition does not support a public inquiry into banks, even if it emerges from the ballot as the leading political force it could be outvoted on the issue in parliament, with both the main opposition Labor Party and key independent lawmakers backing a comprehensive probe.
Trump's complaints from abroad regarding Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and calling for them to recuse themselves from "Trump-related cases," are likely less about any threat he perceives from these two justices -- regularly outvoted by the conservative majority -- and more about his asserted, base-pleasing control of the federal bench.
When the Democratic senators in Wisconsin left the state borders in a 2011 boycott because they were outvoted by the Republican majority on an anti-union measure and wanted to deny a quorum, and Oregon Republican senators did the same in 2019 to avoid climate change legislation, shouldn't those stunts constitute a crime against democracy?
Mignon Clyburn, the Democratic commissioner who was outvoted 2-1 on this item, wrote in a dissenting statement that the decision today fails in its own justifications: Rather than interpret a duly-adopted, flexible rule in a manner that would be consistent with the majority's understanding of its proper scope, they have chosen to gut the rule entirely.
In that light, all of these ominous "there will be violence" warnings clearly imply that it simply doesn't matter whether or not mandatory buyback legislation is enacted by duly elected representatives of the American people with an extraordinary popular mandate, because the wildly outvoted minority would nevertheless be right to regard the law as an intolerable injustice that warrants retaliatory violence.
One morning — after Carrère had petitioned them all to move from their bungalow on a cliff down to a guesthouse on the beach but was outvoted, a decision that saved their lives; a morning when they had planned to go snorkeling but Carrère's son decided he didn't want to, which also saved their lives — the tsunami struck, killing at least a quarter million people in more than five countries.
As a college student soon to vote in my first presidential election, I am always perplexed by what seems to be an odd paradox: all candidates clamor for the "youth vote," and tout it is as a symbol of great importance indicative of their broad appeal and general viability, yet, in academic circles and a majority of intellectual political coverage, many deride the notion that the youth vote matters much at all, given how youth today are disproportionately outvoted by older generations, and have poor turnout historically.
Booker also proposed council initiatives that impacted housing, young people, law and order, and the efficiency and transparency of city hall, but was regularly outvoted by all of his fellow councilors.
Rhône-Alpes region has hosted the Winter Olympics three times; in 1924 at Chamonix, 1968 at Grenoble, and 1992 at Albertville. Annecy tried to be 4th city, but it failed, getting outvoted by Pyeong-Chang.
In the April 2016 presidential primary, Republicans out voted Democrats more than 3-to-1, 1,600 votes in the GOP primary compared to 495 in the Democrat. In 2016's August primary, Republicans outvoted Democrats 895 to 698.
Being outvoted by the other delegates, Satyabhakta left the conference venue in protest. The conference adopted the name 'Communist Party of India'. Groups such as Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan (LKPH) dissolved into the unified CPI.M.V. S. Koteswara Rao.
However, the state may still be outvoted in the European Council. Hence with powers over the supranational executive of the EU, in addition to its other powers, the European Council has been described by some as the Union's "supreme political authority".
The foundation of the Council was seen as way to diminish the influence of the Sudairi brothers, who could be easily outvoted in the Council. Despite this, the Sudairis are said to have influence over more than half the council members.
Frehley was often outvoted 2–1 on band decisions after Criss' departure. Carr was not a partner in Kiss as the other three members were, but rather an employee. Frehley resented what he felt was Simmons' and Stanley's domination of the recording sessions.
The powers of the Governor General were balanced out by the establishment of a Calcutta Council which had the authority to veto his decisions. Hastings spent much of his time in office marshalling his own supporters on the Council in an effort to avoid being outvoted.
In selection deliberations, Bradman had lobbied for Tallon and Walker, asserting that Oldfield was past his best. The other two selectors, Chappie Dwyer from New South Wales and Bill Johnson from Victoria, outvoted Bradman. They selected Barnett, because of his previous tour to England, and Walker.
George (Kurt Yue) is an Asian-American member of the All Valley Committee. He is a close friend of Daniel and supports his vote on keeping Cobra Kai banned from competing in the All Valley Under-18 Karate Championships, but they are outvoted by Daryl, Ron, and Sue.
The UWT was refused permission to join the Trades Union Congress in 1974. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 made it unlawful to maintain a single-sex union. As a result, the NAS proposed a merger with the UWT. The UWT leadership opposed this, but were outvoted at the union's annual conference.
Frida was also in the choir behind her sister Molly when she performed in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2006. In 2012, Frida Sandén participated in X Factor Sweden which was broadcast on TV4. She went on to the finals, where she was outvoted on October 19 and ended up 10th.
He subscribed the articles as a member of the lower house of the convocation of 1563, and when the reformist "six articles" of the same year were debated there, in common with other exiles, he signed them, but was outvoted by a majority of one. He also subscribed the articles of 1571.
When this was shot down, she asked that they postpone a decision to allow more time for arriving at a consensus. Nijalingappa, however, forced a vote in the six-member Parliamentary Board. Mrs Gandhi was outvoted four to two. Even as a brooding Indira Gandhi left for Bangalore, a fresh opening presented itself.
When Adolf Hitler joined the party, Drexler's position was strengthened. Hitler and Drexler worked on a new constitution to marginalise the role of the Politischer Arbeiter-Zirkel. Harrer was outvoted, and resigned from the party. The DAP was renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP) on February 24, 1920.
Bertie Wooster narrates: "I should have mentioned that in the course of these exchanges Cook's complexion had been steadily deepening. It now looked like a Drones Club tie, which is a rich purple. There was talk at one time of having it crimson with white spots, but the supporters of that view were outvoted".
After the Commissions result, Payne joined many Democrats in attempting to delay the House proceedings in hopes of forcing a more favorable result, but was outvoted by Republicans and the Democrats who sided with Speaker Samuel J. Randall in accepting the Commission's result. The effort failed, and Hayes became president on March 4, 1877.
Skanderbeg refused, but he was outvoted. The Peace of Uskub was concluded on April 27, 1463, largely out a fear of a resurgent Albanian campaign like the year before. Skanderbeg did not intend to maintain the peace and told Pius that he would march against the Ottomans whenever the latter ordered him to.Noli p. 66.
As he grew more disreputable, his patrons neglected him, and by 1684 his mind was allegedly completely unhinged. He spent five years in the notorious Bedlam Hospital. He lamented his situation with the following missive: "They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me". He recovered and was released.
She ultimately landed in the bottom two with fellow contestant Mikaela Schipani, but was allowed to remain in the competition. Host Tyra Banks notably stated that she'd wanted to eliminate Kline, but was unable to do so after having been outvoted by the other judges. Kline later apologized for her behavior the following week.
I said, 'Hey, guys, this is just crazy,' and made the best speech of my life. I was outvoted thirty-nine to one. I thought to myself, 'Typical American workers'; I think I said 'pussies.' Instead of coming up with a political strategy, they reach for their guns as soon as they see a scab driving their bus.
When prompted by a government man Zubiaur responded that "colaborar no es decir a todo amén" Martorell Pérez 2014, p. 252, see also T.A., Colaborar no es decir a todo amén (Zubiaur), [in:] Montejurra 35 (1968), p. 14 outvoted, they opposed the launch of constitutional process for Equatorial Guinea claiming that access to information related was severely restricted.
The Republican Sampson would then be outnumbered and outvoted. Confident that the Democrats would not lose another gubernatorial election, Democratic legislators stipulated in the bill that the appointment power would return to the governor in 1931, which was the end of Sampson's term. The law passed the House of Representatives 53—42 and the Senate 22—15.
A statute enacted as part of the compromise prohibited the slave trade but allowed slavery itself in the District of Columbia.David L. Lewis, District of Columbia: A Bicentennial History, (W.W. Norton, 1976), 54-56. Southerners in Congress were unanimous in opposing that provision, which was seen as a concession to the abolitionists, but they were outvoted.
Outvoted, Tusten agreed to set out the following morning. They met up with elements of the Fourth Orange County Regiment ordered from Warwick by George Washington and led by Colonel John Hathorn. Colonel Hathorn assumed command and marched for the Delaware with a force of about 120 minutemen. John Hathorn led the Fourth Orange County Regiment.
This song was considered for the album Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd (2001), as mooted by James Guthrie, the compilation's producer. "I wasn't allowed to put it on Echoes," Gilmour explained. "I was outvoted."Fielder, Hugh: "Sinking the pink"; Classic Rock #48, Christmas 2002, p58 The guitarist repeated this on Johnnie Walker's Radio 2 drivetime show in 2002.
In this programme, she pointed out that the communists could never take power without the clear support of the majority of the people. On 1 January she again demanded that the KPD participate in the planned elections, but she was outvoted. The majority hoped to gain power by continued agitation in the factories and by "pressure from the streets".
It also urged the Syrian opposition to unite. The resolution said violence against civilians in Syria had violated international law and "perpetrators deserve punishment". The resolution reaffirmed a call for Arabs to impose economic sanctions on Syria and decided on ending diplomatic cooperation with Damascus. Syria's ally Lebanon, which was outvoted at the summit, rejected the statement.
Berlioz and the Romantic Century. Columbia UP (1969.) I.179n. As A.J. Ayer recounts in his autobiography, Reid is also remembered as the candidate preferred by the philosophers on the appointment committee for the chair in philosophy at the University of London. The philosophers were outvoted by the lay members of the committee, who appointed Ayer instead.
He noted that his administration would require extra time to find a successor who was backed by everyone. Alley suggested that the military should retreat back to the barracks at Camp Ghezo and leave Dahomeyan politics to the career politicians. The view was unpopular, and he was outvoted by his military comrades. Alley eventually became little more than Kouandété's mouthpiece.
Many were members of the Civil Service Clerical Association (CSCA), which became increasingly unhappy that it could be outvoted by a combination of smaller unions. As a result, it withdrew in 1937, and the next largest affiliates, the Inland Revenue Staff Federation (IRSF) and Ministry of Labour Staff Association (MLSA), left the following year. Now short of members, the confederation dissolved in 1939.
They are now referred to as the Anti-Federalists in American historiography. The proponents of "state sovereignty" and "states rights" were outvoted in eleven of thirteen state ratification conventions, then thirteen of thirteen, to "ordain and establish" the Constitution. During Andrew Jackson's administration, South Carolina objected to U.S. government's "tariff of abominations" collected as federal duties in Charleston Harbor. The Nullification Crisis ensued.
Both of de Estrada's governmental terms were short-lived. His first term as governor was an interim term due to the illness of the former governor, Enrique White. Not all leading Spaniards in Florida welcomed de Estrada's governorship. Manuel López, chief treasury official, did not want a strictly military man in charge of the royal treasury, but he was outvoted.
These resolutions were the first that fell under the ACLU's new organizational rules permitting local affiliates to participate in the vote; the affiliates outvoted the national headquarters, and rejected the anti-communist resolutions.Walker, p. 209. Anti-communists leaders refused to accept the results of the vote, and brought the issue up for discussion again at the 1954 bi-annual convention.
Victor Perlo believed that he should > succeed Ware as Group leader. He was being stubborn and surly about it. All > the other members of the leadership believed that Nathan Witt was Ware's > natural heir. A deadlock had resulted, for, though the rest might easily > have outvoted Perlo, they did not wish to risk trouble in the Group by > alienating him.
After the meeting, Enid Underwood, daughter of John Anthony and wife of the manager, talks to her father: she is aware of the suffering of the families. Roberts' wife Annie used to be her maid. She is also worried about the strain of the affair on her father. Henry Tench, company secretary, tells Anthony he may be outvoted by the Board.
The Fellows Lord Adare and William Monsell converted to Roman Catholicism. In May 1846 he resigned with Warden Singleton to return to Oxford and Exeter College, having been outvoted by the Fellows of St Columba's. Singleton met in Turl Street to discuss the opening of another college. On 9 June 1847, he helped to found Radley College, installing Singleton as Warden.
Mazingira won one parliamentary seat at the elections, after Silas Muriuki beat PNU candidate David Mwiraria to clinch the North Imenti Constituency parliamentary seat.Kiraitu retains South Imenti seat Maathai was first outvoted at the PNU primary elections and therefore vied on Mazingira ticket, but at the parliamentary elections lost again to the PNU candidate. The word Mazingira is Swahili for environment.
Gikow, p. 30 The producers were reportedly "frantic for a title"; they finally settled on the name that they least disliked:Lesser, p. 168 Sesame Street, inspired by Ali Baba's magical phrase, although there were concerns that it would be too difficult for young children to pronounce. Stone was one of the producers who disliked the name, but, he said, "I was outvoted, for which I'm deeply grateful".
Haigh, pp. 114–115. Prior to the Fifth Test, Craig wanted to drop himself due to poor form, which would have made Harvey captain. Peter Burge, the third member of the selection panel and a Harvey supporter, was comfortable with this, but Harvey ordered Burge to retain Craig. When the vote was formally taken, Harvey and Burge outvoted Craig, who was still offering to drop himself.
It was originally called "Hog Town" due to the passel of semi-wild hogs roaming the stubble fields.[11] King wanted to name the town Vanderhurst, after local merchant William Vanderhurst, but was outvoted and it was named for him. The city became known as Kings', then the City of King, and later simply King City. The King City post office first opened in 1887.
Increase Mather initially opposed the Half-Way Covenant but was persuaded to support it. While the conservatives were outvoted in the synod, they continued to publicly protest, and both sides engaged in a pamphlet war. Chauncey, Davenport and Increase Mather wrote against the synod, while Mitchell, John Allen and Richard Mather defended it. Eventually, Increase Mather changed his position and supported the Half-Way Covenant.
Mostert, p. 257 There Brueys held a conference with his officers to decide on their response should Nelson discover them in the bay. Although Rear-Admiral Armand Blanquet of Franklin argued that the fleet was safest sailing out to meet the British, he was outvoted and overruled, Brueys ordering that the ships remain anchored in line of battle to receive the British attack.James, p.
The next chance to dent his armour came at the November 1996 municipal elections, which the DS entered as part of an opposition coalition called Zajedno featuring SPO, DSS, and GSS. Democratic Party (at the time with a total of only 7,000 members across Serbia) joined Zajedno against Đinđić's personal wishes as he got outvoted on three separate occasions when the decision was discussed internally.NIN 2010, p.
Steinbrenner sought to demote Righetti to the minor leagues, but stated he "got outvoted then". Through June 1982, Righetti had pitched to a 5–5 win-loss record with a 4.23 ERA. Though his 77 strikeouts were fourth- best in the American League, his 62 walks were considered a problem. The Yankees demoted Righetti to the minor leagues, for what Steinbrenner termed a "-week intensive brushing up".
However, the moderates were outvoted by those who favoured more radical reforms, and there were angry words from those who felt the Clubs' plans had been hijacked by others. The final resolutions of the meeting carried no reference to the Hampden Clubs. Reports of the meeting in The Times criticised both the meeting and its outcome and accused the delegates of attempting to overthrow the Constitution.
Socialist and communist deputies also raised the issue in parliament, but their bid to prevent the planned sale was outvoted by the ruling centre-right coalition. Still, Christie's withdraw the works from saleA sale of Joan Miro artwork is cancelled amid a legal dispute BBC News, February 4, 2014. only hours before the auction was scheduled to start, citing "legal uncertainties created by this ongoing dispute".
After the success of Parappa, Sony was eager to release another game in the series. Instead of a direct sequel however Matsuura opted to spinoff. Artist Rodney Greenblat disagreed with this direction although he was outvoted. Matsuura also wanted to get away from the rap genre saying that the genre "has been criticized as being too temporary" opting instead to focus on rock music.
Additionally, the president provides external representation to the Union on foreign policy and security matters when such representation is required at the level of heads of state or government (bilateral summits and G8/G20). Under the Treaty of Lisbon, the European Council is charged with setting the strategic priorities of the Union, and in practice with handling crises. It has a key role in appointments, including the Commission, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the members of the Board of the European Central Bank; the suspension of membership rights; changing the voting systems in the treaties bridging clauses. Under the emergency break procedure, a state may refer contentious legislation from the Council of ministers to the European Council if it is outvoted in the Council of ministers, notwithstanding that it may still be outvoted in the European Council.
So Arminius, outvoted, agreed to lead a dawn attack on the Roman camp. In the morning, with Caecina having stiffened his army’s morale, the Romans managed to defeat the Germans attacking the camp and caused them to flee the battlefield. Caecina was then able to complete the repairs to the Long Bridge and return to the Rhine. As a result of this victory, he was awarded triumphal honours.
On the ice moon, the trainees debate their course of action. Since the Cynosurans are obviously planning to exterminate the 25,000 Earth colonists on Meraz, they vote to relaunch the ship and do everything possible to prevent the attack. Ensign Jackson protests the decision as suicidal, and demands that the Surprise either lay low or surrender to the Cynosurans. He is outvoted, and the trainees begin repairing the ship.
Yawkey grew distant, and, although he still held a general partnership in the team, by the late 1980s Sullivan was consistently outvoted 2–1 by Mrs. Yawkey's two general partnership shares. (Sullivan's title of CEO/COO, meanwhile, quietly was removed from the team's masthead.) When Mrs. Yawkey died in 1992, Sullivan and her representative, John Harrington, who headed the JRY Trust, each vowed to buy the other out.
Mostly an instrumental twenty-minute-plus piece similar to "Echoes", the opening four-note guitar phrase reminded Waters of the lingering ghost of former band-member Syd Barrett. Gilmour had composed the phrase entirely by accident, but was encouraged by Waters' positive response. Waters wanted to split "Shine On You Crazy Diamond", and sandwich two new songs between its two halves. Gilmour disagreed, but was outvoted three to one.
However, the Schieringers were waiting for them on the coastline, and the landing cost the Hollanders many lives. After the landing the Frisian strategy was to prevent the Hollanders from leaving the coast and coming inland. Juw Juwinga was one of only a few who argued against this strategy, saying that the Frisians should go home and let the Hollanders try to fight the marshy terrain. He was, however, outvoted.
She was the vice-president of the Illinois Woman's Press Club and a member of the Authors' Club. In 1892, together with Sarah Wilder Pratt, another prominent clubwoman and author of books on mathematics, she founded the Woman's Columbian Laundry, a company that should have been managed and employed only women. The venture was a success, but Pratt and Swarthout were outvoted and they filed a claim for being reimbursed.
Hus protested, receiving the support of the Czech element at the university. Having only one vote in policy decisions against three for the Germans, the Czechs were outvoted, and the orthodox position was maintained. In subsequent years, the Czechs demanded a revision of the university charter, granting more adequate representation to the native Czech faculty. The university controversy was intensified by the vacillating position of the Bohemian king Wenceslas.
Kamermayer's funeral procession in 1897 During the last years of his mayoral term, Kamermayer's health deteriorated. Moreover, he faced increasingly harsher resistance in the General Assembly as Hungarian national politics became cloudy during the premiership of Dezső Bánffy. In November 1895, his draft in connection with the market halls construction project was outvoted following a motion by fellow councillor Ferenc Heltai. Kamermayer was on sick leave more and more frequently in the following months.
They also wanted to have a fair voting system in the Estates-General. At the moment, they would be outvoted by the other two orders, who would combine their votes on any issue that suited them. They had double representation (600, rather than 300 members representing them), but each estate had a single vote, and thus having double the representative would only be effective if they were voting by head, and not by order.
Still, personal relations within the Quartet were poor. Sasha was often outvoted; he hated this, but Ipolyi was usually able to pacify him. Ipolyi himself had personal problems, Mischa had divorced his wife and remarried, and the group was still not profitable.Brandt pp 59-62 By 1934, Jews had been expelled from all German orchestras but the Quartet, as 'Hungarian' visitors, had been spared until one night, when they received threats from a Nazi group.
In this programme, she pointed out that the communists could never take power without the clear will of the people in the majority. On 1 January, she demanded that the KPD participate in the planned nationwide German elections, but was outvoted. The majority still hoped to gain power by continued agitation in the factories and from "pressure from the streets". After deliberations with the Spartacists, the Revolutionary Stewards decided to remain in the USPD.
The first elections, in line with the traditional pattern of local government in west Wales, resulted in an Independent majority. These Independents were, by and large, genuinely unattached to any political grouping. Of the political parties, Labour comfortably had the largest number of seats but were to be consistently outvoted by the Independents. In the urban part of Carmarthenshire the contests were, in the main, between Labour candidates and one other opponent.
After attending the Working Committee meeting as a representative of Vidarbha Cricket Association, Manohar said "I can't disclose what happened at the meeting. All I can say is I was disillusioned with the happenings. I had gone there with the purpose of cleaning up the image of the Board in public domain, but I was disillusioned." Manohar was outvoted 14–1 at the meeting for the appointment of three-member inquiry panel.
On joint ballot, the Clintonian electors were chosen by a vote of 74 to 45, with 28 blank votes. Thus DeWitt Clinton received the electoral vote of New York supported by the Clintonians and roughly one third of the Federalists, with the Madisonians abstaining. However, for the election of a U.S. Senator at the regular meeting in February, 1813, both factions united to support Wilkin, but were surprisingly outvoted by the Federalists on joint ballot.
The towns in the Wisbech division, predominantly Conservative Wisbech and the more Liberal inclined March, tended to be outvoted by the rural areas. The small city of Ely had formerly been part of the Newmarket constituency (the east division of Cambridgeshire). Pelling suggests Ely was Conservative "because of the cathedral and its fairly substantial middle-class population". In 1918 the former Liberal MP for Wisbech, Colin Coote, was returned unopposed as a Coalition Liberal.
On January 26, 1951, the ESA imposed nationwide wage and price controls. Labor representatives, who opposed wholesale wage controls, were outvoted nine to three.Valentine had opposed overall economic controls, but DiSalle and ODM administrator Charles Erwin Wilson supported them. Realizing that he would be overruled, Valentine resigned on January 18, 1951 and was replaced by Eric Johnston, a former president of the United States Chamber of Commerce and president of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).
The biretta was considered as possible headwear for female barristers in England and Wales. In 1922, immediately prior to the first lady being called to the Bar, there was discussion among the senior judges about what she should wear on her head. Darling J and Horridge J suggested the biretta, but were outvoted by the other nine judges present. As a result, female barristers wear the same unpowdered men's wig as male barristers, which completely covers the hair.
Retailers' cooperatives are governed by democratic member control, which generally means one vote per member. For many retailer co-ops, however, it is difficult to achieve a democratic standard. Since the members are businesses rather than individuals, offering one vote per member will leave the larger member businesses underrepresented. If the number of votes is based on the size of the business, there is a risk of all smaller businesses within the cooperative being outvoted by a larger business.
The police were able to infiltrate both parties' inner circles by sending in spies who then reported on the opposing party's intentions and hostilities. This allowed the tensions to remain high between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks and helped prevent their uniting. Lenin was firmly opposed to any reunification but was outvoted within the Bolshevik leadership. The meeting reached a tentative agreement, and one of its provisions was to make Trotsky's Vienna-based Pravda, a party-financed central organ.
The trucks assure they will not attack people who refuel them. The narrator is outvoted when he suggests they comply with this, and a bulldozer arrives and proceeds to attack the diner. The narrator and Jerry destroy the bulldozer with improvised Molotov cocktails, but the diner is half-destroyed and Jerry and the trucker are killed. The remaining three humans surrender and, taking turns, start pumping the gas into the mile-long string of waiting trucks.
However, the Sixers were still favored to beat the Celtics and repeat as champions. On April 4th, 1968 tragedy struck the world with the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Game 1 of the playoff rematch was scheduled for the next day. Many of the players on both teams were taken back by the news and some including Wali were vocal about not playing. A vote was held by the Sixers team and Wali and Wilt Chamberlain were outvoted.
Parr's last concert in the U.S. was a duet of the song with Daltrey at Madison Square Garden: joining them on stage were Yoko Ono, Julian Lennon, John Entwistle and Zak Starkey. John Entwistle had wanted to include the song in the set at Live Aid but was outvoted by the band. He went on to record the song himself. Parr was soon singing with Marilyn Martin on the song "Through the Night", from the Quicksilver soundtrack (1986).
If the number of votes is based on the size of the business, there is a risk of all smaller businesses within the cooperative being outvoted by a larger business. A democratic solution that many retailers' cooperatives employ is an increase in votes based on business size, up to a certain point, say 5 or 10 votes. This way, there is a varying degree of representation for member businesses, but no one member can gain too much control.
After the 1952 season, Veeck suggested that the American League clubs share radio and television revenue with visiting clubs, a proposal anathema to the powerful Yankees, whose broadcasting revenues dwarfed all the other AL franchises. Outvoted, he refused to allow the Browns' opponents to broadcast games played against his team on the road. The league responded by eliminating the lucrative Friday night games in St. Louis. A year later, Cardinals owner Fred Saigh was convicted of tax evasion.
Bosnia Revokes Citizenship Of 100s of Its Jihadists,; accessed 23 November 2015 The Dayton Agreement did not give the Croats a territorial unit that they could govern autonomously and within the Federation of BiH they were often outvoted. In their view, the institutional structure created with the Dayton had marginalized them. They have called for the creation of a third entity that would have a Croat majority, which the then High Representative Carlos Westendorp called "unacceptable" in 1999.
Philippe, nephew of Louis XIV, was named president of the council, but other members included the Duke of Maine and his allies. Decisions were to be made by majority vote, meaning that the Regent could be outvoted by Maine's party. Orléans saw the trap, and immediately after the death of the King, he went to the Parlement of Paris, an assembly of nobles where he had many allies, and had the Parlement annul the King's will.Antoine, p. 33–37.
Dan's only friend in the world is his cat, "Pete", a feisty tomcat who hates going outdoors in the snow. Hired Girl, Inc. manufactures robot vacuum cleaners, but Dan had been developing a new line of all-purpose household robots, Flexible Frank, when Miles announces his intention to sell the company (and Flexible Frank) to Mannix Enterprises in which Miles would become a vice-president. Wishing to stay independent, Dan opposes the takeover, but is outvoted and then fired as Chief Engineer.
The constitutional conflict about the supremacy of the sovereignty of the Generality over provincial sovereignty, that seemed to be settled by the coup of William II, became "unsettled" again after his death. De Witt of course met opposition from other provinces from time to time, and sometimes Holland was even outvoted in the States General. This posed an unenviable dilemma for De Witt. Although decisions were supposed to be unanimous in the States General, this would in practice be unworkable.
The intent of this decision to make Oregon a non-unanimous court system was to keep the minorities's opinions on the jury silent. That is exactly what happened with this case. The one African American woman in this case believed Williams was innocent but her opinion ultimately did not matter because she was outvoted. She even explained that the majority of the time during discussion the other jurors were trying to convince her to change her vote (to vote against Williams).
His mission accomplished, Prometheus departs just moments before a delegation from Zeus arrives. There are only three delegates: the brother of Zeus, Poseidon, the oafish Heracles and some even more oafish god worshipped by barbarians called Triballians. Pisthetaerus easily outwits Heracles, who in turn bullies the barbarian god into submission, and Poseidon is thus outvoted – the delegation accepts Pisthetaerus's terms. He is proclaimed king by a heavenly herald and he is presented with Zeus's sceptre by Sovereignty, a vision of loveliness.
Letter from Runciman to Beneš, 21 September 1938, Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919–1939, Third Series, vol. 2, London, 1949, appendix II, pp. 675–9. The issues complained of, in addition to the electoral system in which the SdP could be outvoted in parliament, included the appointment of Czech officials in German areas, Czech farmers moving into these areas and Czech schools being built for their children, discrimination in favour of Czech firms in government contracts and Czechs receiving preferential economic relief.
Gallagher wanted the album to be titled Universal Gleam, but was outvoted by the rest of the band and label. Universal Gleam was later used for the title of a track on Gallagher's debut solo album As You Were. The first song released from the album was "Flick of the Finger", which music video was premiered at Beady Eye's official website. The song peaked at number 138 in the UK, however, the song was not the first single from the album.
Hayat and ATV apparently achieved 99 percent of viewers all over the network. At the general meeting of the association, they were outvoted by the three stations that have a minor share in viewership. These TV stations have been changed statute and elected a new director with a request to carry out a financial control of the business association. A few months took the parallel broadcasting of the same TV content on two TV networks (Plus program and ex Mreža plus members).
Within days of Gillette's first defeat, Roosevelt nominated him as the chairman of the three-member Surplus Property Board, prompting the Washington Post and a Life Magazine editorial to quip that the president was confusing the problem of surplus property with the problem of surplus politicians.Editorial, "Surplus Property," Life Magazine, 1944-12-18 at p. 20 He took an early dislike to the job,"Inside Washington," Valparaiso Vidette- Messenger, 1945-04-16 at p. 7. and complained that he was often outvoted by the two other members.
When civil war broke out in Pakistan in 1971, Bhutan was the first nation to recognize the new government of Bangladesh, and formal diplomatic relations were established in 1973. An event in 1975 may have served as a major impetus to Bhutan to speed up reform and modernization. In that year, neighboring Sikkim's monarchy, which had endured for more than 300 years, was ousted following a plebiscite in which the Nepalese majority outvoted the Sikkimese minority. Sikkim, long a protectorate of India, became India's twenty-second state.
By the time of the 1924 relaunch Goerg Kropp was nearly 60. He worked as editor- in-chief of the house journal "Mein Eigen Heim" and as CEO ("Geschäftsführer") of the GdF. In 1925 he took a step back, resigning his post as CEO and accepting appointment as chair of the supervisory board ("Aufsichtsrat"). In 1930 he opposed the relocation of the head office location from Wüstenrot to Ludwigsburg (just outside Stuttgart) but he was outvoted and resigned his remaining offices with the GdF.
He dropped anchor with his flotilla of five ships out of sight and sent several men in to hail the French ship to assess what was on board. Jennings’, meeting with the other captains, declared he would attack at night so the Bersheba would not be sunk in a direct attack. Only Liddell voted against the attack, arguing it was piracy, as the St. Marie was a legal vessel. He was outvoted, with 23 of his crew joining Jennings' forces for the attack as well.
They helped him expel Bogdanov and his Otzovist (Recallist) followers from the Bolshevik faction of the RSDLP in mid-1909. In January 1910, Leninists, followers of Bogdanov, and various Menshevik factions held a meeting of the party's Central Committee in Paris and tried to re-unite the party. Kamenev and Zinoviev were dubious about the idea, but were willing to give it a try under pressure from "conciliator" Bolsheviks like Victor Nogin. Lenin was adamantly opposed to re-unification, but was outvoted within the Bolshevik leadership.
The Partisan military units that attacked the town belonged to the 2nd Takovo Company commanded by Tadija Andrić, part of the Belgrade Company and part of the Serbian-Sandžak Company commanded by Vladimir Knežević and Petar Stambolić. The staff of the Belgrade Company was against the attack on Sjenica, but was outvoted. On 23 November the Partisans captured and executed several Chetnik commanders near Nova Varoš. This action compromised the Partisans in the eyes of many Serbs from Sjenica who developed animosity toward them.
In the episode "Triggerfinger", Dale tells Andrea that he feels Shane is dangerous but she does not believe him. In the episode "Judge, Jury, Executioner", Dale puts his issues with Shane aside when it comes to dealing with the fate of an outsider. Despite efforts to keep the group from murdering the outsider, he is outvoted and disgusted with the group's "survival of the fittest" mindset. Rick later changes his mind and chooses to spare the boy, but Dale never lives to learn this.
Members of the OSU central council, including Ahmadinejad, Ibrahim Asgharzadeh, Mohsen (Mahmoud) Mirdamadi, Mohsen Kadivar, Mohsen Aghajari, and Abbas Abdi, were regularly received by Khomeini himself. The OSU leadership played a key role in the crackdown on dissident university professors and students during the Islamic Cultural Revolution of 1980. Many professors and students who did not support Khomeini were arrested and executed. In voting for storming the US embassy, Ahmadinejad objected, arguing that the protest ought to be directed at the Soviet embassy, but they were outvoted.
Cameron, who wants to delay for 1–2 years to continue developing Mutiny, is outvoted by Donna, Diane, Bosworth, and Gordon on the IPO; feeling betrayed, she leaves the company, and decides to move to Japan with her newly-wed husband Tom. The Mutiny IPO dramatically underperforms expectations. Gordon and Joe preserve the NSFNET deal with Gordon heading MacMillan Utility. After Ryan illegally releases Citadel's source code and becomes a fugitive from the FBI, Joe steps away from the project to keep it alive.
On May 1, 1528, Narváez made the decision to split the expedition into land and sea contingents. He planned to have an army of 300 march overland to the north while the ships, with the remaining 100 people, sailed up the coast to meet them. He believed the mouth to Tampa Bay to be a short distance to the north, when in fact it was to the south. Cabeza de Vaca argued against this plan, but was outvoted by the rest of the officers.
The Ottawa Senators objected to the adding of the team, but were outvoted. The Pittsburgh team, known as the Pirates was formed because former Toronto NHA owner Eddie Livingstone had been again threatening to form a rival league and mentioned Pittsburgh as one of the possible franchise locations. League president Frank Calder and the governors quickly agreed to grant the Pittsburgh Yellow Jackets organization an NHL franchise, known as the Pittsburgh Pirates, like the baseball club. Odie Cleghorn left the Canadiens to sign on as playing-coach with Pittsburgh.
Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik was the American head of Mizrachi, the organization of religious Zionists. His followers generally identify themselves with Mizrachi, and are strong supporters of the State of Israel. Rabbi Soloveitchik was even a candidate for Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv at one point, but was outvoted by supporters for Rabbi Moshe Avigdor Amiel. With regards to feminism, Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik was proud to point out that on his parents' wedding invitation, his grandparents are listed as "Chaim & Lifsha" on one line, with "Soloveitchik" on the next line, centered between their names.
Račan led the Croatian delegation at the 14th SKJ party congress, held in late January 1990. The congress was dominated by Slobodan Milošević's supporters and the Slovenian and Croatian delegations were continuously outvoted in trying to reach a compromise on the political future of Yugoslavia, their proposals of various political reforms and amendments to the Constitution, aiming primarily on decentralizing the federation, all being rejected. Finally the Slovenian delegation declared that they were abandoning the congress. Milošević tried to persuade Račan to stay, but Račan replied that a communist party without the Slovenes was unacceptable.
Another group of Trotskyists, based at York University, outvoted the Laxer leadership at what would be the Waffle's final conference at the end of 1974. This group became the inheritor of what was left of the Waffle and relaunched themselves as the Independent Socialists in early 1975, and then one year later renamed the organization the International Socialists (Canada). Other key participants, grouped around Leo Panitch, formed an Ottawa-based group called the Ottawa Committee for Labour Action. In some ways, the Waffle resembled the NDP Socialist Caucus and the New Politics Initiative (NPI).
Both New York and Maryland claimed the birthplace of American Methodism, in a dispute lasting more than 150 years. At the 1860 Baltimore Conference, Maryland was outvoted and the Centennial of American Methodism was celebrated in 1866, the year Methodism was founded in New York. However, it was later discovered that a Methodist minister in Ohio in 1813 had met a German farmer who claimed to have been converted by Strawbridge in Maryland in 1763. This evidence figured in a 1916 church decision that the origin of American Methodism was in Maryland, not New York.
Brian reportedly objected to the placement of "Good Vibrations" on Smiley Smile, but for the first time, he was outvoted by his bandmates, who insisted on its inclusion. "Wind Chimes", "Wonderful", and most parts of "Vegetables" were completely rerecorded with dramatically scaled-down arrangements. "Vegetables" was reworked as a kind of campfire song, "Wonderful" traded its harpsichord, strings, and horns with a haphazardly-played organ, high-pitched backing vocals, and a doo-wop sing-along section. The predominate marimbas in "Wind Chimes" were replaced by organ and dissonant noise.
Gross, p. 98. He had advocated a much tougher version of the Taft-Hartley Act than Senator Taft himself preferred, was a vigorous anticommunist, was much more pointed in public than Farmer about rolling back the Herzog Board's decisions, and openly called for stacking the NLRB staff with Republicans to ensure that "appropriate" policy decisions were made.Gross, p. 98-99. Farmer was consistently in the minority in NLRB decisions during his first two months on the board, outvoted by the holdover Truman appointees (Houston, Styles, Ivar H. Peterson, and Abe Murdock).
The 2011 Luton Borough Council election for the whole of Luton Borough Council (a unitary authority) was held on 5 May 2011. The Labour Party strengthened its control of the council, mainly at the expense of the Liberal Democrats, winning three-quarters of the seats (albeit with less than half of the votes cast). The Liberal Democrats were marginally outvoted by the Conservatives (see table, below) but won twice as many seats, probably due to not putting up candidates for all available seats (only Labour and the Conservatives had the maximum number of candidates).
When the British generals met to discuss their options, General Clinton, who had urged an attack as early as possible, preferred an attack beginning from the Charlestown Neck that would cut off the colonists' retreat, reducing the process of capturing the new redoubt to one of starving out its occupants. However, he was outvoted by the other three generals. Howe, who was the senior officer present and would lead the assault, was of the opinion that the hill was "open and easy of ascent and in short would be easily carried."Ketchum, pp.
They reached a tentative consensus to "stop Douglas" by imposing a pro-slavery party platform which he could not run on if nominated.Heidler, David S. Pulling the Temple Down: The Fire-Eaters and the Destruction of the Union , p. 149. Jefferson Davis, a relative moderate, saw this coalition of the Deep South with Douglas's enemies in the Buchanan administration as potentially dangerous, and called for abandoning a platform as the Whigs had in 1840, just settling on an agreed-to candidate. The moderates, principally found in Alabama and Georgia, were outvoted in caucus.
With the election of 17 and 24 November 1827, the liberals became the majority in the chambre des députés. Even though nothing requires that they do so and even though it is against their beliefs, they agreed to give the leadership of the ministry to the semi-liberal Viscount of Martignac. His ministry started on 4 January 1828, and although they voted into law some liberal measures, they were unable to stop the momentum of liberalism, and Martignac resigned after being outvoted on a legal reorganisation of local governments.
His estate was sequestered by the house and he was sent to London for imprisonment in the King's Bench prison. After the Restoration, Constantine was restored to his position as recorder on 26 July 1660. He stood for parliament at Poole in 1661 for the Cavalier Parliament where he was the choice of resident freemen but they were outvoted by no-resident voters.Basil Duke Henning The House of Commons, 1660-1690, Volume 1 He was displaced from his position as recorder by the commissioners under the corporation act on 17 October 1662.
Pećanac joined forces with local leader Kosta Vojinović, and they both established headquarters on Mount Kopaonik. Rivalry quickly developed between the two leaders, mainly because Pećanac only had orders to prepare to support the planned Allied offensive, but Vojinović was conducting operations that might result in pre-emptive action by the Bulgarian occupation forces. Matters came to a head in January – February 1917 when the Bulgarians began conscripting local Serbs for military service. At a meeting of guerrilla leaders to discuss whether they should commence a general uprising, Pećanac was outvoted.
The Council, which was composed of chief executives from many leading multinational corporations, politicians from the Commons and Lords, newspaper editors and leading academics,See the IRR's website . tried to have him sacked and to close down the monthly magazine Race Today, which was accused of bias. But at an extraordinary general meeting of members in April 1972 the Council was outvoted and resigned en masse. After the change of direction of IRR, neither the corporate sector nor the large foundations were willing to support IRR's work, and the organisation faced a funding crisis.
Then he discovers that the vengeful Gloppenheimer has followed him to Osiris and is starting a rival operation, the "Cefef Aqh Hunt Club". Soon one of the ranch's round-ups gets mixed up with one of Gloppenheimer's hunts, and the Terran enemies come to blows, with Koshay's gun accidentally discharging. Two of the Cefef Aqh mayors, disaffected from Koshay and present with the hunting party, promptly try and convict him on the spot for the attempted murder of Gloppenheimer; Koshay's patron Shishirhe protests but is outvoted. Afasiè, whose uncle is a Provincial Inspector, summons aid in time to save Koshay from being hanged.
Brant attempted a compromise peace settlement between the Western Confederacy and the Americans, but he failed. In 1793, Brant spoke at a council meeting of the Western Confederacy where he suggested that they accept the American settlements north of the Ohio river while excluding white settlement to the rest of the land west of the Ohio as the price of peace. Brant was outvoted and the assembled chiefs announced that no white settlement west of the Ohio were the only peace terms they were willing to accept. The war continued, and the Indians were defeated in 1794 at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.
Peter Burge, the third member of the selection panel and a Harvey supporter, was comfortable with this, but Harvey relinquished his opportunity to seize the leadership by ordering Burge to retain Craig. When the vote was formally taken, Harvey and Burge outvoted Craig, who was still offering to drop himself. The Tests aside, Harvey continued to score regularly in the other games, and ended with 759 first-class runs at 50.60, with two centuries and five fifties. The team under Craig and Harvey, labelled the worst to leave Australian shores, went home 3–0 victors in the five Test series.
Before the meeting took place, the General Committee met the rebels and initially claimed that it would have been inappropriate to ask South Africa about D'Oliveira before the tour—although they had done so. The committee then admitted writing a letter but said that they had never received a reply. The Special General Meeting took place in December 1968, but the rebels were outvoted by the other members; Sheppard was criticised by members at the meeting, and his former friend Peter May refused to talk to him afterwards. Those opposing Sheppard suggested that he opposed apartheid whereas the committee wanted to advance cricket.
The Home Minister Guljarilal Nanda was compelled to resign, but Prime Minister Indira Gandhi refused to concede to the demands of the protesters. Two weeks later, influential saints began their hunger strikes in protest; however, fissures in the front began to appear, and Gandhi chose to incorporate a Parliamentary Committee to analyze the feasibility of cow slaughter. The front was consistently outvoted, the nominees eventually resigned, the committee never produced a report, and the politicians successfully shifted the focus of national politics away from the issue. The episode had significant effects on the national polity for many years.
Upset with the band's decision to record Music from "The Elder", he did not actively participate in the album's creation, providing lead vocals for only one track, "Dark Light". He did not appear at a special concert at Studio 54 in New York City, leaving Kiss to perform as a trio. He recorded his guitar parts at his home studio in Wilton, Connecticut, and mailed them to Ezrin. Another source of frustration for Frehley was that with the departure of Criss, and with Carr not being an equal partner in the band, he was often outvoted 2-to-1 on group decisions.
The committee's goal was to monitor government policy-making to avoid what labor unions perceived was a pro-business policy bias in during World War II.Rayback, p. 423. During the economic crisis which occurred during the Korean War, the United Labor Policy Committee oversaw the labor representatives on the Wage Stabilization Board (WSB), which regulated wages in the defense industry in the United States. During the buildup to the 1952 steel strike, the WSB imposed nationwide wage controls on January 26, 1951. Labor representatives on the board, who opposed wholesale wage controls, were outvoted nine to three.
On 26 July 1918, the Bolsheviks were outvoted 259-236 in the Baku Soviet. Shaumian's support had eroded and many of his key supporters abandoned him. Angered with the outcome of the vote, he announced that his party would withdraw from the Soviet and Baku itself: "With pain in our hearts and curses on our lips, we who had come here to die for the Soviet regime are forced to leave." A new government headed primarily by Russians, known as Central Caspian Dictatorship (Diktatura Tsentrokaspiya) was formed, as British forces under General Lionel Dunsterville occupied Baku the same day.
Immediately after agreeing to form a supreme national government, the delegates turned to the Virginia Plan's proposal for proportional representation in Congress. Virginia, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, the most populous states, were unhappy with the one-vote- per-state rule in the Confederation Congress because they could be outvoted by the smaller states despite representing more than half of the nation's population. Nevertheless, the delegates were divided over the best way to apportion representatives. Quotas of contribution appealed to southern delegates because they would include slave property, but Rufus King of Massachusetts highlighted the impractical side of such a scheme.
In 1953, Hand wrote a scathing dissent from a Second Circuit decision to affirm the perjury conviction of William Remington, a government economist accused of Communist sympathies and activities. In 1951, the same panel had overturned Remington's previous conviction for perjury, but in the appeal of the later case Hand was outvoted two to one. The prosecution produced stronger evidence against Remington this time, much of it obtained from his wife. Sentenced to three years imprisonment, Remington was murdered in November 1954 by two fellow inmates, who beat him over the head with a brick wrapped in a sock.
To some extent Miller's outsider status was intentional. Miller tried to "run the Fed as if he were still in charge of a corporation," and he was "much less inclined [than others chairs] to act on his own initiative." It is rare for the influential chair's opinion to not carry the vote at Board of Governors and FOMC meetings, but Miller was outvoted by the Board of Governors at a meeting in 1979 where he opposed an increase in the discount rate, the rate at which the Federal Reserve lends to banks. Economic historians have generally considered Miller's short tenure unsuccessful.
In June 2013, after an executive board where Pizzati requested the total power of the politic decisions and where he was outvoted, he was nominated Vice Secretary with function of Secretary from Pizzati. In late July 2013 the executive board of Venetian Independence (IV) deposed Pizzati and nominated Turco as Temporary Secretary. After the September 2013 Congress, Turco was elected Secretary, with Vice Secretary Samuel Guiotto. The 4 September 2013 he opened the conference in Vedelago where, at the presence of the most majors that supported the project of law 342, was officially launched Let Veneto Decide.
History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages vol. 5 part 2 Pietro was buried at Ferentino, but his body was subsequently moved to the Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio in L'Aquila. Philip IV of France, who had supported Celestine and bitterly opposed Boniface, nominated Celestine for sainthood following the election of Pope Clement V. The latter signed a decree of dispensation on 13 May 1306 to investigate the nomination. He was canonized on 5 May 1313 after a consistory in which Boniface's Caetani family was outvoted by members of the rival Colonna family.
After a lecture from 1/16th Cherokee Indian David "Running Horse" Sawitski, the boys are assigned to write a report on the history of Thanksgiving. They view a TV show on the History Channel that suggests the first Thanksgiving in 1621 was influenced by the presence of extraterrestrials. Despite Kyle's outrage at the program's arguments, he is outvoted, and the boys use the program as a source for their report. After turning in their reports, agents from the History Channel demand the boys tell them where they got their information on aliens, which matches History's own information.
They say that > they will, for they believe that in any honest contest for the vote of the > people, the people will vote them and their allies a majority against the > candidates of the landed and well-to-do minority. But if the Communists are > wrong in their calculations and are outvoted, will they yield to a peaceful > vote? Will they champion civil liberties as ardently as they do now? This is > a question that cannot be answered until we have had the opportunity of > seeing how a transitional coalition regime works in peace time practice.
The area was bounded by the constituencies of Spalding to the north, North West Norfolk and South West Norfolk to the east, the other Cambridgeshire divisions of Newmarket and Chesterton to the south and Ramsey, Peterborough and North Northamptonshire to the west. The constituency was dominated by the Fens, a district of Liberal inclined smallholders. The towns in the division, predominantly Conservative Wisbech and the more Liberal inclined March, were outvoted by the rural areas. Upon its abolition under the Representation of the People Act 1918, the constituency formed the bulk of the new parliamentary county of Isle of Ely.
Proxy voting was used in some American U.S. presidential nominating caucuses. In one case, Eugene McCarthy supporters were in the majority of those present but were outvoted when the presiding party official cast 492 proxy votes – three times the number present – for his own slate of delegates. After the nomination of Hubert Humphrey, the New Politics movement charged that Humphrey and party bosses had circumvented the will of Democratic Party members by manipulating the rules to Humphrey's advantage. In response, the Commission on Party Structure and Delegate Selection, also known as the McGovern-Fraser Commission, was created to rework the rules in time for the 1972 Democratic National Convention.
For example, in the Blackfeet account, Old Man and Old Woman arguing over whether people should die, with Old Woman using magic to ensure that the sign that they agreed upon gave her desired result. Among the native peoples of the Western United States, a common explanation of death was that it was the result of a debate between two people or animals in which one would favour death and the other immortality. For example, the story of the Thompson Indians was that Raven wanted death as there would otherwise be too many men. Coyote preferred sleep to death but was outvoted by Crow, Fly and Maggot, who sided with Raven.
When Bridget stands up to talk to her class, Amanda is happy to announce that Bridget is leaking and her milk had left damp patches on her jumper. A couple of weeks later, Amanda who is head of the Year 12 charity committee, is left outraged when she is outvoted over who should head the Debutante ball committee, with Kate getting the position. Amanda then goes to see Kate and suggests that she should resign, so they could have a second vote and Amanda could take over. Kate tells Amanda that she is not prepared to do that and Amanda realises that she cannot manipulate Kate easily.
McAlister was also a member of the selection panel and was able to secure a majority for his selection. Hill accused his fellow selectors of conspiracy and said he had "decided to wash his hands of the affair" and that "he did not consider that the best men had been chosen". Hill's relationship with McAlister would remain fractious. Hill was also a delegate on the Board of Control, representing the South Australian Cricket Association (SACA). At the Board meeting in February 1909 to set the terms to be offered to the players selected for the tour, the SACA delegates were outvoted on every point.Haigh, p. 170.
At the subsequent November 2003 general election Ota switched from the Tokyo PR block to the single-member , which represents Kita Ward and part of Adachi Ward. The district had been represented since its inception by Liberal Democratic Party (JDP) member , who swapped with Ota to run as a candidate in the Tokyo PR block. Within Kita Ward, Ota was outvoted by Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) candidate Yukihisa Fujita 45% to 41%, with the third candidate, Mitsuo Yamakishi of the Japanese Communist Party receiving the remaining 14%. However, in Adachi Ward Ota received 52% of the vote, which was enough for him to defeat Fujita 44.1% to 42.4%.
On the inside, the town offices are located on the ground floor, while the second floor has a ballroom with a stage area at the eastern end. The building was constructed in 1887, after the town's 18th-century meetinghouse was judged inadequate to meet the town's needs for municipal functions. This building's location in southern Danville was not without controversy: some objected to its more elaborate Victorian styling, and farmers in the northern part of the town objected to its relatively remote location, but were outvoted by more numerous southerners. An attempt was made to burn the building down the night before its dedication.
Cases of disagreements between the three houses of Parliament on specific legislation would be resolved by the President's Council. It consisted of 60 members—20 members appointed by the House of Assembly, 10 by the House of Representatives, five by the House of Delegates and 25 directly by the State President. Although ostensibly based on population figures, the numerical composition of the electoral college and the President's Council meant that the white chamber could not be outvoted by the other two chambers. Thus, the real power remained in white hands—and in practice, in the hands of Botha's National Party, which had a large majority in the white chamber.
Tobias votes to take him in out of moral concern and not just leaving him for the Yeerks, while Cassie and Rachel decide that David might be their ticket to recruiting more Animorphs in the future. Jake is left with the final vote, and he sides with Rachel, Tobias, and Cassie. With Marco and Ax outvoted, they reveal to David the Yeerk invasion and give him the morphing power. From the very beginning of his recruitment, David displays his eagerness to kill by attempting to kill Tobias after morphing into a golden eagle (though in this case, he is under the control of the eagle's instincts).
He was outvoted by the other two commissioners and the commission of inquiry exonerated McDonnell. A convoy was ambushed by Māori on 23 September in retaliation, with one soldier hacked to death with a tomahawk. In September 1866 the field headquarters of the South Taranaki force was established at a redoubt built at Waihi (Normanby) and further raids were launched from it in September and October against pā and villages in the interior, including Te Pungarehu, on the western side of the Waingongoro River, Keteonetea, Te Popoia and Tirotiromoana. Villages were burned and crops destroyed in the raids and villagers were shot or taken prisoner.
He was outvoted on other issues: he felt the lyrics to "America" and "I Feel Pretty" were too witty for the characters singing them, but they stayed in the score and proved to be audience favorites. Another song, "Kid Stuff", was added and quickly removed during the Washington, D.C. tryout when Laurents convinced the others it was helping tip the balance of the show into typical musical comedy. Bernstein composed West Side Story and Candide concurrently, which led to some switches of material between the two works.Some of the music Bernstein wrote for West Side Story, but that was not used in the production, was later integrated into the Chichester Psalms.
However, the Nürburgring's organizers had a three-year contract with Formula One starting with the 1974 race which included making the track safer. Lauda was outvoted by other drivers because most of them felt that they should complete the contract so as to avoid any legal difficulties; the 1976 race was the last race on that contract. Although the contract included making the circuit safer over those years (and the organizers did that) it had already been decided that the 1976 race would be the last race at the Nordschleife. In addition to safety issues, the increasing commercialisation of Formula One was a factor as well.
"The Eastern Province members did not like the idea because they were fewer in number than those of the Western Province, and might thus be outvoted in matters connected with the frontier. Besides, it was such a long way to Cape Town that some of the members were not able to attend Parliament very regularly. They also thought something like this: "If the British Government do not appoint the Executive, they will not be likely to send out soldiers or to pay for our defence if we have another Kaffir war. They will insist that, if they provide the troops and money, all decisions on these matters ought to rest with them.
After they were outvoted by the intermediate-level teams of AHAC which wanted to promote the Capitals to the senior-level, the senior-level Ottawa, Montreal HC, Montreal Victorias and Quebec clubs left the AHAC and formed the Canadian Amateur Hockey League (CAHL), shutting out the Capitals. The club won the CAHL 1901 season title, its first league championship since winning the OHA in 1893. It wished to challenge the Stanley Cup champion Winnipeg Victorias at first but chose not to after deliberating for a week after the season, although it also had the option to challenge in the 1902 season. According to hockey historian Charles L. Coleman, it was due to the "lateness of the season".
The decision to select "Island Home" was controversial as though the public voted against it, their votes were collated as one vote with the panel members individually getting one vote each, thus the public were outvoted. The decision was intended to be ratified by the States of Jersey however the proposal was never sent to the legislature, leading to Senators requesting in 2010 that the contest be rerun and demanding that it not be officially described as the Jersey anthem. In rugby, the Jersey Touch Rugby Association refused to use it, instead preferring to retain "Ma Normandie". In 2015, the Jersey Island Games team dropped it in favour of "Beautiful Jersey" after athletes called it "dreary and uninspiring".
Re a Company No. 008699 of 1985 [1986] BCLC 383 The overriding common law rule, however, is to avoid any possibility of a conflict of interest, which precludes using management powers for the purpose of frustrating takeovers. In Hogg v Cramphorn Ltd[1967] Ch 254 the director, purportedly concerned that a takeover bidder would make many workers redundant, issued a block of company shares to a trust, thus ensuring the bidder would remain outvoted. Buckley J held the power to issue shares creates fiduciary duty to only do so for the purpose of raising capital. Directors cannot plead they acted in good faith if a court determines their interests may possibly conflict.
It is generally understood that Labour did not intend a division before the debate began but Attlee, after hearing the speeches by Keyes and Amery, realised that discontent within Tory ranks was far deeper than they had thought. A meeting of the party's Parliamentary Executive was held on Wednesday morning and Attlee proposed forcing a division at the end of the debate that day. There were a handful of dissenters, including Hugh Dalton, but they were outvoted at a second meeting later on. As a result, when Herbert Morrison reopened the debate just after 16:00, he announced that: Jenkins says the Labour decision to divide turned the routine adjournment motion into "the equivalent of a vote of censure".
The group re-recorded it two days later at RCA Studios in Hollywood, California, with a different beat and the Maestro fuzzbox adding sustain to the sound of the guitar riff. Richards envisioned redoing the track later with a horn section playing the riff: "this was just a little sketch, because, to my mind, the fuzz tone was really there to denote what the horns would be doing." The other Rolling Stones (Jones, Watts, & Wyman), as well as producer and manager Andrew Loog Oldham and sound engineer David Hassinger eventually outvoted Richards and Jagger so the track was selected for release as a single."(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones".
Others removed from their positions were Ahmad al-Mir (a founder and former member of the Military Committee, and former commander of the Golan Front) and Izzat Jadid (a close supporter of Jadid and commander of the 70th Armoured Brigade). By the Fourth Regional Congress and Tenth National Congress in September and October 1968, Assad had extended his grip on the army, and Jadid still controlled the party. At both congresses, Assad was outvoted on most issues, and his arguments were firmly rejected. While he failed in most of his attempts, he had enough support to remove two socialist theoreticians (Prime Minister Yusuf Zu'ayyin and Minister of Foreign Affairs Brahim Makhous) from the Regional Command.
In England, "Insurrection would be madness where peaceful agitation would more swiftly and surely do the work... But, mark me, as soon as it finds itself outvoted on what it considers vital questions, we shall see here a new slaveowners's war." Interview with Karl Marx, Head of L'Internationale, by R. Landor New York World, July 18, 1871. America and the Netherlands might also have a peaceful transformation, but not in France, where Marx believed there had been "perfected... an enormous bureaucratic and military organisation, with its ingenious state machinery" which must be forcibly overthrown. However, eight years after Marx's death, Engels argued that it was possible to achieve a peaceful socialist revolution in France, too.
Munson's review was successful thus far, but the contents of the fourth issue, edited by Munson, Josephson, and Burke, would act as the instigator of a well-known literary feud. Josephson, perturbed that Burke and Munson outvoted him, took it upon himself to condense one of Richard Ashton's greatest poems, which he objected to publishing, from about one hundred lines down to three. This action deeply angered Munson, and their feud caused Josephson to resign from his post and join the Broom camp. After the fallout, Secession was not published again for several months, but in the meantime, Munson and Burke spread stories to their contemporaries that Josephson “was an intellectual fakir.
It also exercises powers of appointment, such as appointment of its own President, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and the President of the European Central Bank. It proposes, to the European Parliament, a candidate for President of the European Commission. Moreover, the European Council influences police and justice planning, the composition of the Commission, matters relating to the organisation of the rotating Council presidency, the suspension of membership rights, and changing the voting systems through the Passerelle Clause. Although the European Council has no direct legislative power, under the "emergency brake" procedure, a state outvoted in the Council of Ministers may refer contentious legislation to the European Council.
He was chairman of the President's Council, which resolved disputes between the three chambers regarding "general affairs" legislation. This body consisted of 60 members – 20 members appointed by the House of Assembly, 10 by the House of Representatives, five by the House of Delegates and 25 directly by the State President. Although the reforms were billed as a power-sharing arrangement, the composition of the electoral college and President's Council made it all but impossible for the white chamber to be outvoted on any substantive matter. Thus, the real power remained in white hands—and in practice, in the hands of the National Party, which had a large majority in the white chamber.
Valerie, the PR person, tells the band that Ross Halfin is coming from England to photograph them later that day. Sebastian insists on taking a jog and a makeover against the majority's will, seemingly upsetting the rest of the group, especially Jason. During the wardrobe-check for the shoot, the group meets "Heatherette", a styling team, who presents the group a (perhaps deliberately) outrageous set of clothes. (Jason calmly remarks "I'm English", upon being presented a star-spangled jacket.) The group protests, except for Sebastian who picks out a jumpsuit, but is outvoted by the rest of the band, after pointing out that his choice is embarrassing to the rest of the band.
As soon as talks about the constitution of the new state began, two diametrically opposite sides, Serbian and Croatian, were established. Both Pašić and regent Alexander wanted a unitary state but for different reasons. Pašić considered that the Serbs could be outvoted in such a state and that an unconsolidated and heterogeneous entity would fall apart if it was a federal one, while the regent simply didn't like to share power with others, which was shown 8 years later when he conducted a coup d'état. Stjepan Radić, a leading Croatian politician for a joint Serbian-Croatian state would be a temporary solution on the way to Croatian independence, asked for a federal republic.
In the NHL's season-ending awards, Kariya was named to the NHL Second All-Star Team, having been outvoted for left wing on the First Team by Red Wings forward Brendan Shanahan. He also ranked seventh in Lady Byng voting. During pre-season play in September 2000, Kariya received a one- game suspension after slashing Minnesota Wild player Aaron Gavey, though he was able to serve the suspension during exhibition play. Several months into the 2000–01 season, Kariya suffered a broken right foot after blocking a shot from Tampa Bay Lightning defenceman Pavel Kubina during a game in December 2000. Missing 15 games, he returned to the lineup in late-January 2001.
In a council, Ternay advocated abandoning the position, but was apparently outvoted, with the council opting to leave the ground forces and some marines, but also making provision for their eventual recovery by the fleet after it left the harbour. However, given a favourable wind and foggy conditions, Ternay decided to depart that night, and slipped away, leaving the ground forces to surrender three days later. Ternay's return to France was difficult: he was forced to run from British ships to the Spanish port of Corunna, and only reached Brest in January 1763. Although criticised by d'Haussonville for abandoning him, Ternay's actions met with approval, since he had managed to save his fleet.
In April 1967, Heseltine persuaded BPC to inject a further £150,000 into Haymarket, increasing its ownership stake to 60%, whilst Heseltine and other directors retained smaller shareholdings. Haymarket doubled their magazine portfolio by taking over the management of twenty of BPC's magazines (many of which had been acquired by BPC in lieu of bad debts by other publishers), including Autosport. However, they were now effectively a subsidiary of BPC; Heseltine, Masters and Tindall could potentially be outvoted or even sacked by the four BPC directors on the board. BPC installed a new financial controller who installed cost and cashflow management for the first time, and insisted on finally closing Town magazine at the end of 1967.Crick 1997, pp. 147–9.
Even as his songwriting role within Kiss was increasing, Frehley found himself increasingly at odds with the musical direction of the band. After Peter Criss was voted out of Kiss in 1980, Frehley was often outvoted 2–1 in band decisions, as replacement drummer Eric Carr was not a partner in Kiss and had no vote. Frehley's participation in the recording of 1981's Music from "The Elder" was far more limited than with previous albums. This was in large part due to his unhappiness with the band's decision to create a concept album rather than a straightforward rock album, and also, by Frehley's own admission, his "not relating all that well" to producer Bob Ezrin, who cut many of Frehley's solos from the recorded tracks.
A few years later East Retford was also disfranchised but its seats were transferred to the neighbouring hundred of Bassetlaw rather than to one of the new cities. As late as 1829, however, parliamentary reform remained a marginal issue for most people, both inside and outside parliament.J A Phillips, The Great Reform Bill in the Boroughs (Oxford 1992) p. 17 Even those - like county landowners in those counties which contained the unrepresented cities, such as Yorkshire, who were increasingly finding themselves outvoted in their own counties by urban voters, or Whigs like Lord John Russell - who favoured reform, did so not for democracy, but to make the system a better reflection of national interests (that is to say, property), rather than numbers.
In 1906, after backing several workers' riots, Bianchi expressed his pacifism in front of the PSI leadership, and was not universally welcomed. Transferred to Savona, he played a crucial part in the events that led the syndicalists out of the PSI—in between the PSI Bologna Congress of 1907 and the first Syndicalist Congress in July 1908 (in Ferrara). After being arrested several times and travelling throughout Italy, Bianchi became editor of La Scintilla in 1910; he launched the idea that PSI and syndicalists should reunite on electoral lists for the expected administrative elections. He was outvoted, and resorted to expressing his views solely through the paper—which he turned into a daily, the backer of several local proletarian revolts in 1911.
Victoria was left without a WHL team when the Cougars franchise relocated to Prince George in 1994. The city acquired a professional ECHL team in the Victoria Salmon Kings in 2004 when the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre was opened, but the city had made inquiries about returning the WHL to Vancouver Island in the past. While two minority owners of the Chilliwack Bruins hoped to purchase the team and keep it in Chilliwack following the 2010–11 season, they were outvoted by the remaining partners who opted to sell the team to a group planning to relocate the franchise. On April 20, 2011, the WHL announced the approval of both the sale, and the relocation of the Bruins to Victoria.
Their presence was due to the fact that the king had need of their co-operation to raise money by grants and aids, a development that was being paralleled in England. The Cortes henceforth consisted of the churchmen, the nobles and the representatives of twenty-seven (later thirty- eight) "good towns"—towns which were free of a feudal lord, and, therefore, held directly by the king. The independence of the burgesses was better secured in Navarre than in other parliaments of Spain by the constitutional rule which required the consent of a majority of each order to every act of the Cortes. Thus the burgesses could not be outvoted by the nobles and the Church, as they could be elsewhere.
Nasser (right) and Mohamed Naguib (left) during celebrations marking the second anniversary of the 1952 revolution, July 1954 Gamal Abdel Nasser laughing at the Muslim Brotherhood for suggesting in 1953 that women should be required to wear the hijab and that Islamic law should be enforced across the country. In January 1953, Nasser overcame opposition from Naguib and banned all political parties, creating a one-party system under the Liberation Rally, a loosely structured movement whose chief task was to organize pro-RCC rallies and lectures, with Nasser its secretary-general. Despite the dissolution order, Nasser was the only RCC member who still favored holding parliamentary elections, according to his fellow officer Abdel Latif Boghdadi. Although outvoted, he still advocated holding elections by 1956.
The 1928 United States presidential election in Ohio was held on November 6, 1928 as part of the 1928 United States presidential election. State voters chose 24 electors to the Electoral College, who voted for president and vice president. Between 1856 and 1908, Ohio had voted consistently, though generally narrowly, for Republican candidates, because the heavily Yankee northeast and Ohio Company counties of the southeast slightly outvoted the anti-Civil War Appalachian south and German-American counties of the northwest.Phillips, Kevin P.; The Emerging Republican Majority, p. 343 Woodrow Wilson, who grew up in Appalachia whose culture exert a major influence on Buckeye State politics, would carry the state his both of his winning presidential campaigns in 1912 and 1916.
As was customary, each Estate assembled in separate rooms, whose furnishings and opening ceremonies deliberately emphasised the superiority of the First and Second Estates. They also insisted on enforcing the rule only those who owned land could sit as deputies for the Second Estate, thus excluding the immensely popular aristocrat Mirabeau. Since the Third Estate could always be outvoted by the other two, despite representing over 95% of the population, from the beginning a key objective was for all three to sit as one house. Led by Sieyès, they therefore demanded the credentials of all deputies be approved by the Estates- General as a whole, rather than each Estate verifying its own; once approved, the built-in weighting of the Estates-General in favour of a minority would be dissolved.
After releasing their second album Blue Blood in 1989, which reached number six on the Oricon chart and charted for more than 100 weeks, selling over half of a million copies, X Japan received the "Grand Prix New Artist of the Year" award at the 4th Japan Gold Disc Awards in 1990. Sony told the band they could go anywhere they wanted, so Yoshiki visited Paris and London, while the other members chose Los Angeles. When deciding where to record their next album, Yoshiki was outvoted. X left Japan on November 24, 1990 to begin recording Jealousy in LA.Stated in Jealousy's CD booklet, July 1, 1991. When members arrived back in their home country in June, 500 members of the Japan Self-Defence Forces were at the airport to control the crowd.
This seeming flip-flopping on the national issue was effectively used by DS' political opponents and Đinđić's critics across the political spectrum. As the Bosnian War ended with the signing of the Dayton Peace Accord in November 1995, in addition to his grip on power domestically, Milošević enjoyed stable support from the international community that recognized him as the "peace and stability factor in the Balkans". The next chance to dent his armour came at the November 1996 municipal elections, which the DS entered as part of an opposition coalition called Zajedno featuring SPO, DSS, and GSS. Democratic Party (at the time with a total of only 7,000 members across Serbia) joined Zajedno against Đinđić's personal wishes as he got outvoted on three separate occasions when the decision was discussed internally.
By the end of 1965, Berry Gordy was scouting to get the group signed to his fabled Motown Records label. Gladys Knight initially refused to sign due to her fears that the label would overlook them for the more popular artists on his roster, but she was outvoted by the Pips. They would sign with Motown in 1966, being assigned to Motown's Soul Records label, a label which featured acts who had more of an R&B; flavor than a pop flavor. Their first Motown single, "Just Walk in My Shoes", was a hit in England, but the group was disappointed in Motown having The Andantes sing over the Pips' signature harmony in the song, resulting in the group demanding that the Andantes not be featured on any more of the group's recordings.
Peers in the network vote on cryptographic hash functions of preserved content and a nonce; a peer that is outvoted regards its copy as damaged and repairs it from the publisher or other peers. The LOCKSS license used by most publishers allows a library's readers access to its own copy, but does not allow similar access to other libraries or unaffiliated readers; the system does not support file sharing. On request, a library may supply another library with content to effect a repair, but only if the requesting library proved that in the past that it had a good copy by voting with the majority. If the reader's browser no longer supports the format in which the copy was collected, a format migration process can convert it to a current format.
The rebel victory forced the Byzantine army to retreat to the coastal cities, leaving the entire interior of southern Italy to the Norman and Lombard rebels. Following the victory, the town of Matera switched its support to the revolt, while the coastal cities Bari, Monopoli and Giovinazzo relinquished their allegiance to the Byzantine Empire in order to avoid Norman raids.. After the battle, the rebel leader Atenulf was sent back home after it was found that he had kept the money received for Boioannes ransom for himself. Although the Norman knights pushed for the next leader to be a Norman, they were in the end outvoted by the Lombards and had to settle for Argyrus from Bari. The battle of Montepeloso was the last pitched battle fought between Normans and Byzantines in the Italian peninsula..
The ANC's tricolour flag; black for the people, green for the land, and gold for the resources of Africa Mandela took Xuma's place on the ANC national executive in March 1950, and that same year was elected national president of the ANCYL. In March, the Defend Free Speech Convention was held in Johannesburg, bringing together African, Indian, and communist activists to call a May Day general strike in protest against apartheid and white minority rule. Mandela opposed the strike because it was multi-racial and not ANC-led, but a majority of black workers took part, resulting in increased police repression and the introduction of the Suppression of Communism Act, 1950, affecting the actions of all protest groups. At the ANC national conference of December 1951, he continued arguing against a racially united front, but was outvoted.
Then-Soviet Ambassador to Turkey, Sergei Vinogradov, responded in the form of a memorandum sent to the Soviet capital on December 10, 1946, asserting that a conference held in such a climate as described by the United States was unacceptable, in that the Soviet Union was certain to be outvoted. He predicted that, instead of a regime change, which was the steadfast and undying goal of the Soviet Foreign Ministry, the current infrastructure with which the straits were regulated would survive, albeit with some changes. The Soviet ambassador to Turkey during the first year-and-a-half of the crisis, Sergei Vinogradov, was replaced by the Soviet Politburo in 1948. With his successor, Aleksandr Lavrishev, came a set of instructions from the Soviet Foreign Ministry which would prove to be the last momentous Soviet document on the straits.
It was thought that after Kenna stepped down the 1st Ward would be moved south and the Loop would be divided across multiple wards. Upon redistricting in 1948, the 1st Ward was combined with the erstwhile "Bloody 20th" Ward across the Chicago River's south branch. The 1st Ward committeemen of both parties resigned in favor of their counterparts of the old 20th Ward, largely due to the fact that the old 20th could have outvoted the old 1st. Nevertheless, the 1st Ward's reputation would last long after Kenna's death; by the 1980s it was well associated with organized crime. In 1991 allies of Mayor Richard M. Daley proposed, and the City Council approved, a redistricting that renumbered much of the 1st Ward as the 42nd Ward at the request of businesses in the area, who felt that the 1st Ward had gained too much of a negative connotation.
The Democrats dominated the Second Party System and set low tariffs designed to pay for the government but not protect industry. Their opponents the Whigs wanted high protective tariffs but usually were outvoted in Congress. Tariffs soon became a major political issue as the Whigs (1832–1852) and (after 1854) the Republicans wanted to protect their mostly northern industries and constituents by voting for higher tariffs and the Southern Democrats, which had very little industry but imported many goods voted for lower tariffs. Each party as it came into power voted to raise or lower tariffs under the constraints that the Federal Government always needed a certain level of revenues. The United States public debt was paid off in 1834 and President Andrew Jackson, a strong Southern Democrat, oversaw the cutting of the tariff rates roughly in half and eliminating nearly all federal excise taxes in about 1835.
William was ordained a minister of the gospel in 1866; he was called a "lay minister" or "licentiate", although the meaning of the latter term is unclear. In 1867 he accepted a call to the pulpit at Charlottesville's first Black church, the First Baptist Church of Charlottesville. As of early 1863, when the Emancipation Proclamation freed all the enslaved in Confederate territory, Black worshippers did not want any longer to be required to sit in the balcony of the First Baptist Church and to be outvoted routinely on issues of importance to them; they also felt that the minister discriminated against free blacks. The Church split into Black and White congregations with the same name in the same building, although at first the Black church was required under Virginia law to have a White minister and white trustees, so the same minister led both congregations.
Subsequent changes as a result were a swift decline of the DS in the opinion polls (including withdrawal from politics of a significant number of individuals, as well as a fraction breaking off and forming a new political party under the leadership of former minister Dušan Petrović called Together for Serbia) and SNS' plummeting. It led to after restructuring the government only PUPS remaining in support of Đilas by late 2013, with more and more pressure for an early election in Belgrade. In the end he was outvoted in late September 2013 and the government named a provisional team to administer the capital city until early elections, headed by acting mayor Siniša Mali who is closely associated with the SNS. Many parties and individuals participated in the provisional local government, but the DS withdrew from it early on; the long- lasting enforced government was perceived by the Democrats as a tyrannical act aimed at weakening their position and strengthening the Progressives' chances.
Corpus Christi College was reluctant – partly because of the cost involved at a time when the college's income was affected by an agricultural recession, but also because the fellows of the college feared that they would be outvoted by professors. Although the chair was renamed as the Corpus Christi professorship in 1882 on the basis that provision had been made to endow the chair out of the college's revenues, the college never provided sufficient funds to establish a full endowment for the chair, and its obligation to do so (to the college's relief) was removed in 1925. The chair was renamed in 2003 after Professor A. Richard Diebold Jr., to mark his donation to the university to support the chair. It is now associated with a fellowship of Worcester College, although Anna Morpurgo Davies (appointed in 1971) was a fellow of Somerville College instead because at that time Worcester did not have women fellows.
As part of the growing "Bismarck Cult" in Germany that saw his popularity after his removal from office soar, the national student union had first launched a competition to design a Bismarck Tower in March 1898 to honour him. Their chosen design of the "Götterdämmerung" ('Twilight of the Gods') created by Wilhelm Kreis was selected in 1899 and became the standard model for all such monuments. Following this trend the student body of the Hannover Technical College (the present-day Leibniz University Hannover) demanded in early 1899 that such a monument be erected in the city, which could also serve as a meeting place for large nationalist events. On 25 July 1899, an assembly of city magistrates and the civic council outvoted the Social Democrats and German-Hanoverian Party to commit to creating a memorial. It was decided in March 1901 that it would be built in the centre of the Aegidien-Masch, a wild meadow land area used for various leisure activities at the time, instead of the alternative site of the Eilenriede forest.
"We Are the World" gained further promotion and coverage on May 25, 1986, when it was played during a major benefit event held throughout the US. Hands Across America—USA for Africa's follow-up project—was an event in which millions of people formed a human chain across the US. The event was held to draw attention to hunger and homelessness in the United States. "We Are the World"'s co-writer, Michael Jackson, had wanted his song to be the official theme for the event. The other board members of USA for Africa outvoted him, and it was instead decided that a new song would be created and released for the event, titled "Hands Across America". When released, the new song did not achieve the level of success that "We Are the World" did, and the decision to use it as the official theme for the event led to Jackson—who co-owned the publishing rights to "We Are the World"—resigning from the board of directors of USA for Africa.
Clemens served as the representative from Madison County, Alabama to the Alabama Secession Convention where he and his like minded "wait and seers" were outvoted in a landslide by advocates of secession. Because of his military experience and rank he was commissioned Major General of the Army of Alabama soon after the inauguration of Jefferson Davis, a position replaced by a generalship in the Confederate Army upon its creation, but in 1862 he resigned his commission altogether due to his political opposition to the war for secession. He did not serve in the Union Army against Alabama, but he made no secret of his pro-Union views and wrote to various members of the Lincoln administration and the United States War Department advising them on how best to mollify the South peaceably and how to deal with Reconstruction upon the Confederacy's inevitable defeat. His death from natural causes on May 21, 1865, came too soon for him to take an active role in the reconciliation of the nation.
Andreyev spent the early part of the Russian civil war as a trade union and communist party organiser in the Urals, where he oversaw the nationalisation of the factories, and for ensuring that the new soviet republic was supplied with metal, and food He was posted in 1919 to Ukraine as the leader of the metal workers' union, and a member of the All-Russian Central Trade Union Council (TUC). In the latter part of 1919, Lenin came up against heavy opposition from the trade unions, who wanted democratic control of industry, which Lenin believed would undermine efficiency and delay economic recovery. In January 1920, he was outvoted in a meeting of the communist 'fraction' of the All-Russian TUC. Throughout, Andreyev was one of the minority who supported Lenin's line. His reward was to be appointed head of the railway workers' union, and at the 9th Communist Party Congress in March 1920 he was one of three union leaders, along with Mikhail Tomsky and Janis Rudzutaks elected to the 19-member Central Committee, which, prior to the creation of the Politburo, was the body that effectively ruled Russia and its former colonies.
Bringing Allen Young, Harvey Wasserman, Verandah Porche and some of the other Washington staff with them, along with Sheila Ryan of the Washington Free Press, they moved into the New York office; but a culture clash soon developed between the headquarters staff and the already existing local staff in New York, which had been originally recruited by SCN, and who had been running their own affairs up to that point. Over the summer the staff divided into warring cliques polarized between Bloom and Mungo, who controlled the board of directors, and Cavalletto, who held the lease on the office and was paying the rent. The Bloom/Mungo group was repeatedly outvoted in staff votes by the locals, who outnumbered them; only Steve Diamond of the New York group sided with the outsiders. In August, a successful fundraising event led to an ugly fight over control of the organization's funds, with an angry posse of LNSers trailing Bloom, Mungo and Diamond to Massachusetts where they had used the $6000 cash from the fundraiser to make the down payment on a farm which was to be the new headquarters of LNS.
Newcastle United made an offer of £2,250,000 for Kitson in September 1994, which was initially turned down by Derby chairman and majority shareholder Lionel Pickering who felt that Kitson was worth between £3 to £4 million. However, Pickering was outvoted 4–1 by the club's directors and reluctantly agreed to the transfer, which went ahead on 24 September. The deal almost collapsed when Newcastle refused to adjust their pay structure and accommodate Kitson's personal demands and a bid was made by Everton, but the deal went through less than 24 hours after Pickering said that "God must be a Derby fan" and Freddie Fletcher, chief executive of Newcastle, had said the deal was "dead and buried", with Kitson signing a three-year contract at £3,500 a week. He scored his first goal for Newcastle in the 2–0 win over Manchester United in the third round of the League Cup in October 1994, though he was still very much the club's "backup" striker behind Andy Cole and Peter Beardsley. However, when Cole was sold to Manchester United in January 1995, found himself at centre-forward for the second half of the 1994–95 season.
The horse was walked most of the way from Healing, Lincolnshire to Aintree, arriving the on the evening before the race in a very poor looking state, which led to the bookmakers offering the horse the next day at any price the public wished to offer, so poor were his chances thought to be. In addition Tom Olliver, the twice winning rider of the National who on the favourite Vanguard commented to Loft as they left the paddock that his horse looked like a Lincolnshire prize ox and might do well to complete one circuit of the course. In addition Cure-All's position in the race had hung in the balance for some time prior to the off as his nominee owner, Sterling-Crawford being one of two owners who lodged a protest of over the safety of the ground on which the race was to be run, claiming that the rain of the previous night, followed by a sharp overnight frost had left the ground too hard. When he was outvoted by his fellow owners he decided not to withdraw the horse and the conditions worked in Cure-All's favour, coming past many tired horses to win in a new record time.

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