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136 Sentences With "outflanked"

How to use outflanked in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "outflanked" and check conjugation/comparative form for "outflanked". Mastering all the usages of "outflanked" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Warren, meanwhile, risks being outflanked from the left by Sen.
Corbyn opposes a December vote but may find himself outflanked.
Virtual direct democracy through social media has outflanked representative democracy.
In the process, supporters of environment protection have been thoroughly outflanked.
The human race would not only be vastly outnumbered, but outflanked too.
Trump completely outflanked Cruz while turning a process issue into a policy issue.
Republicans have outflanked Democrats by taking control of redistricting and fortifying their incumbents.
Ashland's firefighters had never seen a blaze that could not be outflanked and subdued.
These schemes seemed inspired by the government's lingering fear of being outflanked on the left.
Bernie Sanders can get outflanked in the race to define Medicare for All as Rep.
Mr. Lieberman has outflanked Mr. Netanyahu from the right on the issue of national security.
Ultimately, Le Duan outflanked his opponents and the urban offensive was incorporated into the plan.
The left's identitarian deficit explains why it has been outflanked across much of the West.
However, as the race has matured, Ms. Harris has been outflanked in money and ideology.
The theory is, Rupert Murdoch will want to take them on so he's not outflanked.
I can't even imagine Donald Trump... Remember when he's being outflanked by Steven Bannon and Breitbart?
Practically speaking, that meant neither side of City Hall wanted to be outflanked on the left.
Outflanked, the he immediately returned fire despite enemy fighters maneuvering "within five meters" of his position.
She outflanked Sanders in the spring by outlining her student loan debt proposal and wealth tax.
But post-truth politics is more than just an invention of whingeing elites who have been outflanked.
To get to the top, he has outflanked, outmaneuvered, marginalized and then removed all his principal opponents.
It had taken control of the National Assembly after years of having been outflanked by Venezuela's left.
The issue is not that the opposition outflanked the state in one election to little practical effect.
Flynn may find himself outflanked and, if the investigation into his ties to Russia continue, without many friends.
"The fire outflanked us very rapidly today," Chad Cook, an assistant fire chief, said at a news conference.
"At times, the mayor may have been outflanked by the teachers' union's very effective political organizing," he said.
His People's Party was crushed in the election, outflanked by Ciudadanos, which is against any concessions to Catalan nationalism.
"These guys have been outflanked, outmaneuvered, outsmarted, and they're not taking it very well," Carville said of the campaign.
Chinese leaders are incredibly wary of the risk of being outflanked by nationalistic sentiment on the cross-strait issue.
Outflanked and outgunned, even the army's Golden Division, a highly regarded American-trained special-forces unit, succumbed to panic.
But Trump outflanked Cruz by being even more of an outsider and portraying Cruz himself as a typical politician.
Ms. Feinstein, at 85 a patrician Democrat who prizes productive relationships with Republicans, has been outflanked by younger members.
While the old Great Powers of physics argue about what to do next, though, they may find themselves outflanked.
And Carlos Curbelo, a House Republican who proposed a carbon tax, was outflanked by his Democratic opponent Debbie Mucarsel-Powell.
Mr Erdogan may have outflanked Mr Trump, but the agreement does not give him a free hand in northern Syria.
This is why Labour and its sister parties are constantly outflanked by populists and conservatives who attack on both fronts.
And some of their rhetoric has been legitimized by mainstream politicians, worried about being outflanked on the issue of immigration.
Trump outflanked Clinton and the Democrats with so-called populist voters, those who generally favor socially conservative and economically liberal policies.
Cillizza: In 2000, it's broadly acknowledged that the Bush PR operation outflanked that of Gore -- and it made a difference. True?
He would have outflanked the 'Southern strategy' Some commentators talk about the white backlash, or "whitelash," that greeted President Obama's election.
But by holding firm to avoid being outflanked by the AfD, the CSU risks alienating the Greens, who reject an upper limit.
The visiting sister of Kim Jong-un outflanked President Trump's envoy, Vice President Mike Pence, in the game of diplomatic image-making.
Yet they are being heavily outflanked by the Trump campaign, which has placed digital infrastructure at the center of its campaign strategy.
Turkey controls the main weapons pipeline for rebels, while Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the sponsors of several Islamist groups, seem for now outflanked.
It also explains why he spent so much time insisting he's not about to get outflanked on the right on health care reform.
Together they outflanked the Labour Party, which has been struggling in the polls amid a split over Brexit and under Jeremy Corbyn's unpopular leadership.
It made a crowdfunding plea in mid-January, as it was being increasingly outflanked by the Myanmar military in the hills straddling the border.
Despite his head start, Sanders has been outflanked during the campaign by other candidates, who have laid out more detailed climate policy proposals. Sen.
And Tokyo realized far too late its bid was being outflanked by the Germans and particularly the French, the sources involved in the bid said.
If that's the case, reform conservatives run the danger of being outflanked by Trump-like candidates willing to offer voters more populism and more anger.
In 2016, Trump tore up the neoconservative playbook, outflanked a hawkish Clinton by criticizing the wars, and ensured surprise victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
The result is a fresh, thrilling portrait of a woman who, undermined and outflanked by her advisers, manages to hold off those armadas for decades.
Outflanked by first Margaery and then the High Sparrow, two master manipulators with crocodile smiles, Cersei, with her forthright, shameless spite, seemed antiquated by comparison.
Buttigieg came in third place among Democratic candidates with 2202 percent, but was outflanked by voters who said they were "uncertain," at 2628 percent. Sens.
Outflanked on the left by rising stars like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley and Beto O'Rourke, his stronghold on the party's progressive wing has weakened.
Regionally, Iran has outflanked and outmaneuvered Saudi Arabia in crucial countries as the Arab Spring and the war in Syria have upset the local order.
Mr Abubakar, a wealthy former vice-president and customs-service chief, is a politicians' politician, a gregarious character who masterfully outflanked his rivals in Port Harcourt.
If you believe Swift is a little Machiavellian but was ultimately outflanked by West, Kardashian, and momager nonpareil Kris Jenner, this is the story for you.
From there, a scenario that's becoming all too familiar in Portland began to play out: woefully outgunned and outflanked Antifa protesters facing off with law enforcement.
Luther outflanked the power of the Catholic Church hierarchy with a new communications technology, the printing press, that allowed him to speak directly to the people.
She is drowning in the sea of 85033 contestants, many of whom have outflanked Warren on the left with outlandish proposals like the Green New Deal.
The right-leaning El Mundo newspaper suggested Casado and Rivera had outflanked Sanchez over Catalonia - an issue that has dominated national politics in the last few years.
It was the first time in years the SPD, which last won an election in 2002, has outflanked the CDU and follows installation of a new leader.
He risks being outflanked by a center-right party, Ciudadanos, that was founded on an anti-secession platform and won the most votes in Catalonia in December.
Highland Mall opened in 1971 as Austin's first enclosed suburban mall, but, like Valley View Center in Dallas, it was ultimately outflanked by competition from newer malls.
Democrats, outflanked by Mr. Trump in the 2016 presidential campaign, are seeking to recapture the loyalty of voters convinced that globalization is eroding their fortunes and prospects.
The Girondins may have helped to bring down Louis XVI but they found themselves outflanked by the Jacobins who in turn were consumed by the violence they unleashed.
Gun control groups have challenged and sometimes even outflanked the powerful National Rifle Association in the states, but gun rights advocates have won numerous victories in relaxing restrictions.
Mr. Smith played a low-key role in Labour politics until recently, but outflanked Ms. Eagle with strong media performances, and by pitching his campaign to the left.
In June it was squeezed by both the resurgent Scottish Conservatives, who picked up much of the unionist vote, and by Labour, which outflanked the SNP on its left.
Barnes & Noble (BKS) got a positive mention in Barron's, which said the shares are a bargain based on a misperception the bookseller is being badly outflanked by Amazon (AMZN).
From Israel's point of view, there is a desperate need to convince the Trump administration it is being outflanked and outmaneuvered by a combination of Russian and Iranian diplomacy.
In 2002 her party was outflanked by a centre-left chancellor (Gerhard Schröder) willing to rail against a right-wing American president; today she pointedly distances herself from Donald Trump.
"The fire outflanked us very rapidly today, pushed by those 40 to 50 mph winds," Ventura County Fire Assistant Chief Chad Cook said during a press conference, according to KCBS.
Gun control will come up, an issue where Hillary Clinton, the front-runner, has outflanked Bernie Sanders, a populist senator and her main rival, on the left of the party.
She knows better than anyone the danger of getting outflanked by a more liberal candidate who can inspire young Democrats and speak to the yearnings of the party's progressive base.
Petrified of being outflanked, Mr. Johnson followed suit, bringing with him the implicit threat that he could lead a rebellion against the government that other hard-line Brexiteers will follow.
But if the coronavirus gets to the point that it's starting to affect Trump's reelection possibilities, he's not going to be outflanked by the Democrats on being soft on China.
The most famous example happened back in 1985, when Michael Jackson outflanked Paul McCartney with his bid on the Beatles' back catalog, causing a deep riff between the two friends.
Barnes & Noble — Barnes & Noble got a positive mention in Barron's, which said the shares are a bargain based on a misperception that the book seller is being badly outflanked by
PRIVATE-LABEL SALES RISING FAST Tesco CEO Dave Lewis, a former Unilever executive, said branded giants were being outflanked by start-ups and retailers when it comes to developing new products.
OUTFLANKED on the populist right by Donald Trump, Ted Cruz threw in the towel in the Republican presidential-nomination race on May 3rd following his resounding defeat in the Indiana primary.
During the 2012 primaries, he outflanked the rest of the field from the right by calling for policies that would pressure immigrants to "self-deport" as an alternative to mass deportations.
The man who loves to control the news cycle was outflanked by revelations connected to two men who have, despite serving in the Trump administration, appeared to resist his corrupting influence.
But that is just one of the emerging strategies, and the conservative groups find themselves in an unusual position: divided over their messages and possibly outflanked by groups on the left.
Leon Trotsky, a Russian revolutionary who created the Soviet Red Army, saw himself as Lenin's heir, but when Lenin died, he was outflanked by Stalin in the power struggle that followed.
Biden is trying to capitalize on South Carolina, and his campaign has a plan to propel his underfunded campaign in places where they are outflanked by Sanders and Bloomberg, in particular.
Under the tutelage of her sister Maya (Mrs Clinton's former policy guru), she seems determined not to get outflanked by the left on any issue, whether she fully grasps it or not.
It outflanked critics who questioned where the money will come from, particularly if Britain leaves the EU - its biggest trading partner - without a deal to smooth over the disruption that would cause.
But having been "outflanked" on the populist right by Five Star, "Berlusconi is presenting himself as a moderating force, because he has recognized that Italian politics itself has changed," per Foreign Policy.
An ex-Russian spy poisoned in a quiet English cathedral town; a US government outflanked by North Korea on nuclear weapons; a Saudi critic murdered by Saudi officials in an Istanbul consulate.
Comcast outflanked rival Twenty-First Century Fox with its $40 billion takeover offer on Saturday in a rare three-round auction that pitted two of America's largest media companies against one another.
He publicly outflanked the city's ostensibly liberal mayor, London Breed—who opposed it on grounds that the measure didn't allow for enough accountability—and pledged upward of $2 million to the Prop.
Not just Clinton but a generation of Western mainstream politicians now find themselves outflanked by the current state of modern politics, not least contenders like Trump with no regard for the previous rulebook.
Cruz: The man who once made it his business to outflank almost the entire Republican party from the right decided to make a play for pragmatism — and found himself outflanked from the right.
Netanyahu has boasted that there is no government that will be more pro-settlement than the current one, and he can't afford to be outflanked on the right by his own coalition partners.
Even though green groups have a collective annual budget of over $500 million—significantly more than the Koch network's $400 million—they have been largely outflanked by polluting industries and the right-wing.
And it has only grown as Buttigieg has outflanked her for the moderate lane in the primary, rising to a top finish in Iowa and a strong second place finish in New Hampshire.
To avoid being outflanked, they ought to amplify the potential for cooperation with China, a power that has successfully practiced its own form of restraint, refraining from war for the past 40 years.
Since many locals believe it works better for Britain than France, and with broader irritation over Brexit, other right-wing politicians are anxious not to be seen to be outflanked by Ms Le Pen.
However, he outflanked Ms. Eagle with strong media performances and by pitching his campaign to the left of hers, as well as by highlighting his opposition to the Iraq war, for which she voted.
"Obama should take note and take the job-killing TPP vote off the table so that Democrats up and down the ballot can't be outflanked by Republicans on this important economic issue," Green said.
By the estimation of many -- but admittedly not his faithful base -- the US President was outplayed by Russia, stonewalled by China, outflanked by Germany on trade before being isolated by everyone else on climate change.
Capuano has been a progressive legislator, one who voted against the Iraq war and the Patriot Act, but Pressley outflanked him on the left by calling for the abolition of ICE, a move Capuano rejected.
Rewind three years, and Italy's Valentino, seven times smaller then than Vuitton, outflanked peers in the Instagram stakes, coming first in a listing by Engagement Labs which measured the most effective brands on social media.
Each of the ruling coalition's four ethnically-based parties faces increasing competition from newer, more strident parties in their own home provinces, and are having to become more assertive themselves to avoid being outflanked, analysts say.
But Mr. Mattis was also outflanked by the White House, which chose the Pentagon to unveil Mr. Trump's executive order on immigration, a sharply divisive move in front of military leaders who view themselves as apolitical.
This asymmetry pushed DC in a particular direction—Democrats, by and large, didn't have to worry about being burned in effigy for compromise votes, while Republicans constantly feared being outflanked to the right by primary challengers.
Airbus has been scaling back production plans for the A240, which was launched as the solution to ever-rising air travel between major international hubs but has been outflanked by improvements in the efficiency of smaller jets.
And despite her 71 years Sheikh Hasina is clearly capable of change: ignoring her party's staunchly secular roots, she has lately outflanked the BNP by winning over the Hefajat-e-Islam, an organisation of arch-conservative clerics.
Not since President John F. Kennedy was thoroughly intimidated when he met with the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in Vienna, Austria, in 1961 has an American president been so completely and artfully outflanked by his Russian counterpart.
EMBRACING THE NEW Rewind three years, and Italy's Valentino, seven times smaller then than Vuitton, outflanked peers in the Instagram stakes, coming first in a listing by Engagement Labs which measured the most effective brands on social media.
It also threatens the political power of aging leaders of Hong Kong's democratic camp, who have been advocating political reform for decades and now find themselves outflanked by young radicals with little patience for Beijing's increasingly authoritarian ways.
Mr Biden would not be outflanked on immigration by Mr Castro, who served in Barack Obama's cabinet while he was vice-president, retorting that "I never heard him talk about any of this when he was the secretary".
Even after Vice President Joe Biden and other potential alternative candidates took a pass on the race, Clinton maintained her base, Bernie Sanders outflanked him on the left, and O'Malley was stuck essentially begging for airtime during the debates.
Merkel wants to avoid being outflanked by a coalition of the SPD, the far-left Linke and the environmentalist Greens, who have held exploratory talks about the possibility of joining forces in a so-called 'Red-Red-Green', or 'R2G', coalition.
But when it came time to turn that broad rhetoric into the details of health care policy, Mr. Trump found himself outflanked by an even angrier group of insurgents — conservative House members who regarded any legislative solution whatsoever as unacceptable.
Now, as anti-immigrant parties have advanced at the expense of mainstream parties, including her own, Ms. Merkel tried a tricky balancing act between holding fast to Western values and tilting farther right to avoid being outflanked by populist challengers.
Comcast outflanked rival Twenty-First Century Fox in a $218.30 billion takeover of British broadcaster Sky on Saturday, submitting a much higher bid in a rare three-round auction that pitted two of America's largest media companies against one another.
Christensen suspected that they were afraid of one of the most reliable political dangers in the region, the same force that leads would-be Democrats there to register as Republicans: being outflanked on the right is the quickest way to lose your job.
Indeed, Mr Corbyn, having done so well in the campaign, often looked the most uncomfortable, probably because he was constantly outflanked on the left by the Greens and the Scottish National Party—not a great place to be for the veteran left-winger from Islington.
On their home turf, the DUP's back has been to the wall recently, outflanked by the nationalist, pro-Irish Sinn Fein party, which pulled out of the province's power-sharing government in January, accusing the DUP of wasting millions on a botched green energy scheme.
" That woman appears in "Last Girl Before Freeway," specifically after the death of Rivers's husband, but Joan the Revolutionary is outflanked by Joan the Impaler, "one of the world's most uninhibited mean girls," as Bennetts calls her, who "focused her rage on ridiculing other women.
Mr. de Blasio also has found himself repeatedly outflanked on the left by upstart political figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic socialist who upset Representative Joseph Crowley last month in the New York Democratic congressional primary, and the actress Cynthia Nixon, a Democratic candidate for governor.
As secretary of State, Clinton seemingly outflanked congressional Republicans during the Benghazi proceedings in which she was grilled for what many consider her mishandling and lying about the terror attack on the American consulate in Libya that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead in 2012.
Co-founder Bill Gates stepped down as CEO early in 2000 and Microsoft spent the next decade and a half in a strategic dilemma as it clung to its PC-centric view of the computing world while it was outflanked by Google in the internet and Apple Inc in smartphones.
Defense officials argue that landmines can play an important role in defending US forces from both enemy armored vehicle and ground forces, helping to ensure US forces are not outflanked or overrun during an attack and can help influence the enemy's direction of movement in a manner to give US troops the advantage.
Defense officials argue that landmines can play an important role in defending US forces from both enemy armored vehicles and ground forces, helping to ensure US forces are not outflanked or overrun during an attack and can help influence the enemy's direction of movement in a manner to give US troops the advantage.
Even the big meat companies are jumping in, lest they be outflanked in the new protein gold rush; Tyson was an early backer of Beyond Meat before it started its own line of plant-based products; and Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork producer, is launching a line of soy-based products.
He was outflanked by Hillary Clinton, whose message of pragmatic competence has helped drive a campaign that offers Democrats the chance to make history by electing the first female president, and by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, whose populist message of fighting Wall Street and the nation's big banks has electrified the Democratic base.
In making these cuts, IBM has flouted or outflanked U.S. laws and regulations intended to protect later-career workers from age discrimination, according to a ProPublica review of internal company documents, legal filings and public records, as well as information provided via interviews and questionnaires filled out by more than 1,000 former IBM employees.
When international soccer is being outflanked in so many ways by the club game, when it can appear to be such an afterthought, when the next edition, in 22014, will be occur mostly during December and the one after that, in 22018, will expand to 21920 teams from 21980, these five weeks needed to be a success.
And on Monday, Mitt Romney, who ran for the presidency in 2012 with a campaign that characterized the Obama administration's stimulus spending as wasteful, proposed sending $1,000 to every adult—an idea that set off several days of chaotic debate over whether the Democratic Party had managed to find itself outflanked by the right on the question of unconditional cash assistance.
Trumka, who is , president of the AFL-CIO,  said the Democratic Party mustn't allow itself to be outflanked by presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE over the issue of trade.
If the governing GOP is unable to hear what Hayekian conservatives like Williamson are saying and just keep on smashing the lifeboats, and fail to offer a compelling alternative to Warren's vision for unrigging the economy, not only will they be totally overwhelmed on their left flank on social insurance, they might also find themselves outflanked on the issue of fair, open, competitive markets.
After an election in which the Democrats were outflanked on working class issues like trade deals and where the business-friendly DNC may have lost the election due to its inability to understand the current class reality in the US, I think it's wise to examine the class reality of the art world in relation to what kind of agency can be accessed heading into a Trump presidency.

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