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186 Sentences With "Our Lord"

How to use Our Lord in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "Our Lord" and check conjugation/comparative form for "Our Lord". Mastering all the usages of "Our Lord" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Friday, October 25 on the year of our lord, 2019.
In the year of our lord 2018, anything is possible.
Established in the year of Our Lord two thousand and four.
Our Lord Pewdiepie is under attack, his regime is being questioned.
Is it, in the year of our Lord 2017, for the likes?
It's a meeting with the passion and the resurrection of our Lord.
It is the year of our lord 2017 and everyone is sorry.
But I must hold on to the fact that our Lord is sovereign.
Because that's exactly what's happening here, in the year of our lord, 2017.
In the year of our Lord 2019, someone recreated the Bible through Bitmoji.
No. Is this what we, in the year of our lord 2019, deserve?
Mark Zuckerberg is our Lord Beaverbrook, only on a scale 150,21950 times larger.
"We're not afraid because we believe in our Lord Jesus Christ," said Felipe.
Let us now make it rain upon our lord and savior Baby Yoda.
But how did they get this way, in the year of our lord 2017?
In the year of our lord 2019, why use a hard copy at all?
A.D., which is Latin for "the year of our Lord," is commonly used today.
"Our Lord, forgive us our sins and remit us from our evil deeds," he said.
I named this planet Jurassic Park in honour of our lord and savior, Jeff Goldblum.
Our Lord can't want that, and I'm not going to be part of any schism.
"Normally as Christians we think of the birth of our lord Jesus Christ," he said.
Life has been hell for quite some time in the year of our lord, 2018.
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior The Vampire Diaries?
I'm convinced Tyler was touched by our Lord and guided home every step of the way.
"But our Lord Prime Minister Hun Sen is very clear that we still love our family."
First of all, how is this song in anyone's library in the Year of Our Lord 2016?
We must then assume that this frog is in some way connected to our lord and savior.
We close the reception out and B., our lord and savior, chauffeurs a bunch of us home.
A denial of the unicity and universality of the redemptive incarnation of our Lord Jesus' saving work.
How many Taylor Swift-themed emoji could possibly exist in this, the year of our Lord 2017?
What did the church do in the year of our Lord 2020 when sickness swept our land?
In the year of our lord, 2177, this vision was seen as something anachronistic, and thus, obsolete.
He's talking corn prices in the month of May, the Year of our Lord Nineteen Sixty-one.
"I try to be a good and faithful servant to our lord Jesus Christ," she told WOOD.
Do you ever leave a small offering to our Lord and Savior, Danny DeVito, during your restroom breaks?
It's the year of our Lord 2017 and congressmen still think it's okay to disrespect their female colleagues.
In this deranged year of our lord, 2017, maybe we could all use a little console harmony instead.
And, in the year of our lord 240, people are still streaming "Combine Harvester (Brand New Key)" online.
None of it should have to be so surprising, special or rare in the year of our Lord 2017.
Explosions of E major cap his gigantic choral-orchestral piece "The Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ" (1965-69).
But as TMZ reports, Bieber actually quit the tour because he rediscovered our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ... again.
And now, in the Year of Our Lord 2016, it has presented itself as a middle-aged white woman rapping.
While the pain is great that we carry, our Lord will carry the burden if we choose to let Him.
The Ascension of Our Lord Chapel, a Russian Orthodox Church, is the oldest extant church in Alaska, built in 1888.
"January 5, in the year of our Lord 2017, we are now allowed to wear locks in uniform," Staff Sgt.
"For these Jews are not Jews, but devils incarnate who curse our Lord," Luther wrote, according to RR Auction&aposs translation.
On the day of our lord June 12, 2018, The Cher Show makes its debut at the Oriental Theatre in Chicago.
This year of our Lord 2018, we have been blessed cursed given the chance to knock out two holidays at once.
For serious scientific reasons enumerated below, Mashable has dubbed today, July 1st, the year of our lord 2017 as...Chris-mas.
I walked inside into the office, clutching £50 and praising the skies… but our Lord saviour had something else in mind.
"What Our Lord Saw from the Cross," for example, where the whole scene unfolds from Christ's perspective, is a scene-stealer.
So here we are, in June of 2016 the Year of Our Lord, staring a new Descendents album in the face.
Getting drunk for $3 in the year of our lord 2018 isn't easy, and I'm still amazed it was actually possible.
And don't install Flash in the year of our lord 2020—especially not from a site that's promising a pirated livestream.
As if that is in some kind of way equitable to betraying our Lord and delivering him up to be crucified.
"O holy and ever blessed Spirit, who didst overshadow the holy Virgin Mother of our Lord," prayed Jeremy Taylor (d. 1667).
"O holy and ever blessed Spirit, who didst overshadow the holy Virgin Mother of our Lord," prayed Jeremy Taylor (d. 1667).
Thus goes presidential politics in the most powerful country the world has ever known in the year of our lord 2016.
But maybe in this, the year of our lord 25k16, it's time to be a little bit more grown up about it.
Long ago, in the Year of Our Lord 2017, one of our noble Mashable writers took the BeatsX earbuds for a spin.
In the year of our lord, 2019, there is something almost mind-blowing about watching an old-fashioned bad sitcom like Fam.
" [Technode] — Paul Mozur, Asia technology correspondent • "Michelle Dean's new book has arrived right on time in the Year of our Lord #MeToo.
That would be an understandable byproduct of riding an electric scooter in a big city in the Year of our Lord 2019.
Because in the year of our Lord 2018, I can think of 0.0 good explanations for this blatant disregard of user privacy.
"If you're reading this then know that I've been killed in battle and am now with our Lord InshaAllah," the note said.
In the year of our Lord 2020, we've found a small blessing from one of the past year's breakout actresses: Florence Pugh.
The dialogue drags, from the corporate buzzwords to platitudes about life and grief which even Our Lord and Savior Helen Mirren can't redeem.
This we pray in the name of the one who calls all people to reconciling and redemptive work, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
The call went, as the kids say, viral (though not on Snapchat, which was not yet hailed as our lord and Media Savior).
In the year of our Lord 2018, audiences probably read tweet reviews just as much as, if not more than, film critics' reviews.
Oh, not to mention its additional layer of cultural relevance as an unadulterated ode to female sexuality and our Lord and Savior, Beyoncé.
Now, let's get to the good part, which was our lord and savior Shania Twain, who appeared during the show's half time set.
"In this year of our lord 2018, we're talking about paper ballots, but that actually might be one of the smartest systems," Sen.
That, indeed, is the only reason I have to type out the name "Sarah Huckabee Sanders" in the year of our Lord 2017.
"It's a secret that only our Lord knows," said Audelia Hernández Gonzalez, the pastor at one of four evangelical churches in La Unión.
When two or more people gather in the year of our Lord 2019, lamentation will be the center of some portion of the hangout.
It all started with the SonarPen, a $30 iPad stylus that made use of the headphone jack in the year of our lord 2018.
"January 5, in the year of our Lord 2017, we are now allowed to wear locks in uniform," she proclaimed in a Facebook video.
"Abigail, also known as Officer Arias 758, went to be with our Lord early this morning surrounded by her family and friends," he added.
In this hot, cold, polarized, predictable year of our Lord, a long day of kicks to the urethra leaves us yearning for a lot.
"If you're reading this, then know that I've been killed in battle and am now with our Lord, inshallah," or God willing, it read.
We are also very much not here for any of this "whiskey is a man's drink" nonsense in the Year of Our Lord 2019.
We have the eternal good news that "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1).
"Our precious little princess will now have a new body, no tubes, no more pain or sickness and everlasting joy with our Lord," it said.
In the year of our lord 2017, deus vult has come full circle as the completely unironic catch phrase of a burgeoning internet holy war.
I found myself at Primavera in The Year of Our Lord 2013, when Give Up was reissued and The Postal Service were playing reunion shows.
Have you ever heard someone rap so good you had to close your eyes and ask Our Lord Saviour what you did to deserve this?
Do you believe that Elon Musk is our lord and savior sent to this earth to make our commutes faster, cleaner, and infinitely more terrifying?
Hey, maybe it's not so hard to find some sort of gender balance at a major music festival in the year of our Lord 2018!
When He chooses, our Lord changes that sound into the voice of a dove, and then into a robin redbreast, tweeting merrily in her ear.
His friend, who is wearing an Endxiety hat reading "Our Lord & Savior Elon Musk," tells him to please give up, I'm not parting with it.
One petition against the ice cream reads "Choosing the name of our Lord for a brand of soft-serve ice cream is totally offensive and revolting."
In the year of our lord 2017, Tinder is a scrub's paradise and a scrub occupies our nation's highest office, but TLC will not back down.
"How great our Lord and savior is, He chose us to have this beautiful creature in our lives for 15 short but magnificent years," Tubbs said.
That is the way that our lord and saviour JD Wetherspoon intended, and anything else is an abomination against God, against Harry, against England and St. George.
This actually happened in the Year of Our Lord 2016: an NFL team traded up to select a kicker, Florida State's Roberto Aguayo, in the second-round.
Second of all, you're not paying enough attention to the rest of the wretched hellscape that is social media in the Year of Our Lord (Bailey) 2019.
"His only priority was to serve Our Lord by serving His people," Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, the archbishop of New York, said on Wednesday in an email.
In December of 2019, the year of our Lord and Hustlers and Little Women, somehow not a single woman director got a nod from the Golden Globes.
She asked me why I was wearing it, and I said, "It's the same way nuns or Orthodox women wear it, to please our Lord," and she understood.
But they tend to skip to the end of the story in their excitement — our Lord is risen — which is, when you think about it, quite the spoiler.
Jim Owen and his wife used to read the gospel and they read it to me very much -- the gospel of God, our Lord, our Creator, our King.
"The crimes of sexual abuse offend Our Lord, cause physical, psychological and spiritual damage to the victims, and harm the community of the faithful," the pope wrote Thursday.
Years ago, Rosetta Stone relied on CD-ROM sets to teach you your chosen language, but in the year of our Lord 2019, you just need an internet connection.
It's not easy to be a platform founded on the digital free speech ideals of the early to mid-2000s in this nightmarish year of our Lord Satan, 2018.
There was not a more peaceful way for him to go into the arms of our Lord, and I know your prayers had a role in making that happen.
On this day, Monday, February 20, in the year 2018 of our Lord, Queen Elizabeth attended a fashion show — specifically, Richard Quinn's fall 2018 presentation during London Fashion Week.
The news was soon picked up by national outlets and spread on social media, in part because it's a perfect horror story for the year of our lord 2018.
This article originally appeared on VICE Poland After a vote in the Polish parliament in April, Our Lord Jesus Christ was officially crowned the king of Poland last weekend.
The year of our Lord 2019 marked the first time wireless 5G service became commercially available in the United States, but there are some major caveats to that statement.
But here we are, in the year of our lord, 2018, watching the team that is the Hard Knocks-est of the Hard Knocks actually chalk up a win.
Some of them moved to the abandoned and boarded-up Ascension of Our Lord Church, on a windswept corner of Westmoreland Street about a mile northeast of the tracks.
Esta O'Mara, 15, a freshman, said students often wear T-shirts with Bible verses, and a history teacher has been known to invoke "our Lord and Savior" during class.
On Valentine's Day, in the Year of Our Lord 2019, a 27-year-old technology salesman walked into a nondescript Outback Steakhouse with a shoddily wrapped present under his arm.
If you're reading this and you live on planet Earth in the Year of Our Lord 2017, there's a decent chance that you feel stressed and generally awful right now.
Now, in the year of our lord 2016, after 108 years of futility, the Chicago Cubs are World Series champions and it's time to shotgun that damn beer, old dude!
It has been a joy and blessing to see how our Lord has worked in Central America, and your generous giving has been a huge part of making that possible.
Hurley High School in Buchanan County, Virginia, has a Confederate flag painted onto its front doors and its mascot is still the Rebel, in the year of our Lord 2018.
Update: Way back in September, in the year of our Lord 2016, a then-unknown high school senior by the name of James Charles shared his yearbook photo to Twitter.
Here's what ravers predicted dance music festivals will be like in the year of our Lord, 2050: Noisey: What do you think dance music festivals will be like in 2050?
"The crimes of sexual abuse offend Our Lord; cause physical, psychological and spiritual damage to the victims; and harm the community of the faithful," Francis said in the law's introduction.
After later discovering Dickens's "The Life of Our Lord," a narrative of Jesus that the author wrote for his children, Mr. Carter contemplated a mock debate between Dickens and Jefferson.
A lot of people bring up God, pull out God whenever its convenient for them because you've done fucked up so bad, is when you bring up our Lord and Savior.
I won't regale you with all of them, but certainly one of my top 10 is when I logged on to Facebook dot com in the year of our Lord, 2009.
Opinion Columnist The Year of Our Lord 1982, upon whose disputed summertime events a Supreme Court nomination now hinges, was part of the Reagan era but not a particularly conservative year.
It would be … interesting to send this story backward in time to a distant era like the year of our Lord 2004, and see what people back then made of it.
This article originally appeared on Noisey UK.  It is the year of our Lord 2017 and 41 year old Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson is still out here being beefed in public.
Whereas, Taylor Swift is a safe pop bet who isn't as palatable in the year of our lord 2017, as her return in mid-August was met with a frigid critical response.
I'm not here to judge your lifestyle, but it just seems kind of wild that in the year of our lord 2017 you don't know a dank meme when you see it.
"We talked the whole way about life lessons, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and joked about other things," Peck recalled in a post on to the Slidell Police Department Facebook page.
"We spoke for Sam, our lord, our monuments all across the Southland and to all the amazing Southern people," the neo-Confederate group said in a post on Facebook after the rally.
The English word "lord" comes from the Old English hlaford which derives from a compound hlaf (meaning bread, or loaf) and weard (meaning guardian) so that "our lord" is the keeper of the bread.
So, extending the thought to alt-country or whatever we're calling it in the year of our lord 2018, don't expect Wilder Maker to make it huge on the Wilco revival circuit anytime soon.
"Oh, so now crushes are oppressive?" is an actual thing an adult human man said to me in the Year of Our Lord 2017, as though campaigning for some kind of Most Spectacular Misinterpretation Award.
" Just before her son was wheeled into surgery, she wrote in a text to CNN, "I will hand my child over to [the surgeons], I hope and pray our Lord gently guides his doctor's hands.
On this eighth day of the 2017th year of our Lord, God's favorite son Lionel Messi bestowed upon the earth a gift that will be belted about by angel choirs from on high for all eternity.
Then he closed his prayer "in the name and the spirit of the Prince of Peace, Jesus our Lord," a Christian flourish that troubled even some of the most active Jewish organizers of the evangelical alliance.
I don't know where I was going with that idea), because I couldn't believe any high school in the year of our lord 2018 (that's 5778 for my fellow tribe members) would actually have a kissing booth.
I know that I have to give an account to our Lord and I wanted to be able to say to him that even if I made mistakes, I had tried to defend him, to serve him.
The BBC show, which debuted this spring, features our lord and savior Sandra Oh as a relatably bumbling and neurotic British Intelligence agent name Eve Polastri who is trying to track down a serial killer named Villanelle.
Whether she was cradled in the arms of one Hot Priest or gazing into the eyes of our lord and savior Phoebe Waller-Bridge, this guinea pig knows how to steal a scene and run a café.
Then a Catholic priest, a padre, in a Navy uniform got our attention and asked us to pray in Spanish and English, to give thanks to our Lord for all the blessings we receive for being Americans.
Brooks hasn't acknowledged the backlash he got from honoring a 10-time Pro Bowler in This Year of Our Lord 2020, but he has again pledged his support to Barry (that's B-A-R-R-Y) Sanders.
Illustration: GizmodoLast week was Garbage Week here at Gizmodo, meaning we brought our readers stories specifically focused on waste (and not the figurative kind—though in the year of our Lord 2019, such a series would certainly track).
In the year of our Lord 2019, I was brainstorming ideas for Halloween and it hit me: Now is the time to watch all of the scary movies people have referenced through the years — for the sake of content.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-second.
I am now being subjected to headlines like "Elon Musk 'deletes' Twitter account after bizarre video game fan art scandal" because apparently journalists in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Nineteen can't wrap their brains around shitposting.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fourth.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.
We passed the Equal Pay Act in 19803, but fast forward to the year of our Lord 2019, and women are paid 80 cents on the dollar, black women 61 cents, Native American women 58 cents, Latinas 53 cents.
Image via YouTube Beyonce is unstoppable in the year of our lord 2016: she is part of the highest-paid celebrity couple, she released her most self-aware and searing album to date, and is a political and social justice force.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-second.
Via our VICE media cohorts over at i-D magazine, Frank sat down for a photo session and contributed a brief essay that reflects on the year of our lord 2017, commonly agreed upon to be the dumbest time in history.
Here are the sexiest, most iconic pictures of that fine piece of ass we call POTUS from the year of our lord 2017: Look at that confident signature of a president who definitely has full control of his mental faculties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.
Archaeologists were already aware of Xipe Tótec, which means "Our Lord the Flayed," through historical accounts and associated Aztec depictions, but this is the first known structure dedicated to the worship of Xipe Tótec, an Aztec god associated with agriculture and war.
Billy Gunn was truly ahead of his time, and it's a shame that in the year of our lord 2016, a year of eating ass and taking names, we neglected a work of art akin only to the rear of Kim Kardashian herself.
Between the indie amnesty hashtag that dominated Twitter for most of yesterday, and a Noisey article in which Johnny Borrell reflects on the genre's lowlights published the day before, indie has been trending for 48 hours straight in The Year of Our Lord 2016.
"This strong Latina wants to live … But when our Lord calls me, I do not want to be connected to machines, catheters and tubes that will cause more pain in my spine, bones, body nausea and vomiting that only debilitate my relatively young … body," prescription.
In the year of our lord, 2018, the chorus of perpetually indignant voices is largely predictable: Fox News, Canadian media start-up The Rebel, Pizzagate dunce and former Bumble user Jack Posobiec, alleged cult leader Stefan Molyneux (parroting Fox), and Infowars editor-at-large Paul Joseph Watson.
Today is the second day of the third month of the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen, and Nintendo just rolled out the day one update for the Switch, which confirmed that the console will return to using Friend Codes to connect friends online.
Give generosity to those who seek to form opinion and discernment to those who vote, that our nation may prosper and that with all the peoples of Europe we may work for peace and the common good; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Today, April 22 in the Year Of Our Lord 21, United States Men's National Team soccer coach Bruce Arena told members of the press in a conference call that we will "start talking about" United States Men's Soccer Team contending for a World Cup victory in 2026.
If everything goes according to plan, the apotheosis of Alexander Hamilton—the man, the myth, the musical juggernaut—will take place on the twelfth day of June in this the year of our Lord two thousand and sixteen at the Beacon Theatre in New York City.
Not that it can't be done—9th Wonder and early aughts Kanye West are fantastic practitioners of the form—it's just a marvel to hear Madlib, the reclusive California producer, do so in the year of our lord Beyoncé, alongside the military-precise rhymes of Freddie Gibbs.
But now, nearly 33 days after the women of Hollywood declared "Time's Up" at this very ceremony, and Natalie Portman was hailed as our lord (lady?) and savior for calling out the gender imbalance from the stage, the exclusion of female nominees in this category feels actively antagonistic.
"The prayer tonight's more for his family and for his soul to leave peacefully now to go up to our Lord and Savior to be in his arms now ... in the ultimate Kingdom, to run around as play freely as he wishes," Mikaela Moose told CNN affiliate WSOC.
In rather surreal language, it says that in the former kind of ritual, commanders may "briefly thank a Supreme Being (either generally, such as Providence, that Almighty Being, our Lord, or the Supreme Author of All Good; or specifically, such as Allah, Brahman, Christ, Ganesh, God, Yahweh, or even Beelzebub)".
" After Michael Tracey, another journalist who is largely dismissive of Trump-Russia reporting, wrote mockingly about the respect being paid to "our Lord and savior Mueller," Greenwald expressed fellowship by noting that the act of "asking for evidence, and refusing to believe it until you see it, is literally heretical.
I don't think I'm an activist because I say stuff onstage, but I happened to get this amazing opportunity to open for Eric Andre for a month, looking at 3,000 people at once, and like, what am I going to do, not talk about our lord and savior, the tall Jew king Bernie?
It was striking, then, after the Revolutionary War, when the men who gathered for the Constitutional Convention banned religious tests for office holders, in Article VI. There would be no government church, no state religion, and, except for being signed in the Year of our Lord 1787, no mention of God in America's founding text.
What an absurd era the turn of the millennium really was: Related: Here, in the year of our lord 13k17, there is an "explainer for parents" text message primer doing the rounds on Facebook, originally from The Kim Komando Show, but now doing heavy numbers on the PSNI Newry & Mourne page in Northern Ireland.
" He continued, "Just in the same way that we talk about nominal Christians -- and we never say that as a compliment -- you're either a faithful and committed Christian, committed to the teachings and the writings of the laws and profits and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, or you're just kind of wishy-washy.
As the Year of Our Lord 2018 draws to a close and we begin to reflect on all that we've gained and lost during this latest orbit around the sun, perhaps no one metric is a better indicator of what we actually cared about than the list of the things we googled frantically along the way.
Next time you tweet about going back to the dark ages, think about what that entails: returning to nature, to your human roots, being one with the animals (before you slaughter them mercilessly with your bare hands), being at one with our lord, eating fresh food you've made yourself, and getting the absolute shit kicked out of your shins.
And while the conversation took many twists and turns, from whether or not she and Kanye fart in front of each other to what to expect from the iconic Kardashian-family Christmas card this year of our lord 2017, Kim's real reason for appearing on the show was ostensibly to discuss the latest from KKW Beauty.
In the year of our Lord two zero one six, with America seemingly teetering on the edge of oblivion, an inferiority complex-riddled sausage running for the highest office in the land, one month away from a hugely important general election, we have Revolution Radio and a conversation about pop-punk's legacy to go along with it.
That's a deflection from the truth," they said in a statement obtained by EW, later adding, "We have no direct evidence linking Ashley and Mira's allegations to our Lord of the Rings casting conversations of 20 years ago – but we stand by what we were told by Miramax when we raised both of their names, and we are recounting it accurately.
In an otherwise cataclysmic year marked by devastating natural disasters, the start of George W. Bush's second term as President of the United States, and Son of the Mask, the worst sequel to a great movie ever made, the Tide to Go Stain Remover Pen was far and away the best thing to come out of the year of our lord 2005.
"As if" is not a Clueless line I expected to hear sexualized in the year of our lord 2019 by none other than ageless snack Paul Rudd himself, but the moment those words in that inflection escaped Rudd's lips it became clear that this was always where we were heading (and he has, perhaps, been asked to say this before). 
But instead, as Francis has pushed into more divisive territory, what I had thought of as the Catholic center-left has not only welcomed that push but written and spoken in ways that suggest they want to push further still—toward understandings of the sacraments, ecclesiology, and moral theology that seem less center-left than simply "left," the purest vintage of the year of our Lord 1968 or 1975.
"Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne through Jesus Christ our Lord," Hollerith said, reciting an excerpt from the Book of Common Prayer.
"If you think," the Catholic News Service quoted him as saying, "that Pope John, on the greatest day of his life, the opening of the council, said in front of the whole world, 'My person is nothing, it is a brother who speaks to you, become a father by the will of our Lord' — if a pope said this at the height of his pontifical service, what do you think a poor little priest can say?"
Best known for providing the soundtrack to the GOAT teen drama The OC—which, in this Year of Our Lord 2017, is celebrating the tenth anniversary of its final episode—and least known for having Wes Anderson's favorite sad boy Jason Schwartzman as their drummer for NINE YEARS, Phantom Planet are lowkey one of the most successful bands to come out of that era of wholesome American indie when everyone wore ill-fitting jeans, Converse All Stars, and two polo shirts.
READ: Curious office beast, this, because I don't truly understand who is still making decisions over the phone in this, The Year of Our Lord 2K19, but every office in the country has minimum one and up to three obnoxious shithead, knobhead, dickheads who walk around shouting into their laptop on wireless headphones—always walking, always on a laptop, always on wireless headphones so they can't regulate the volume of their own voices—and yet if I, say, float a desk chair into their path as they walk around shouting, I'm the one that gets sent to HR. Three people in this office regularly wear loud shoes.

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