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"Orwellian" Definitions
  1. used to describe a political system in which a government tries to have complete control over people’s behaviour and thoughts
"Orwellian" Synonyms

538 Sentences With "Orwellian"

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An Orwellian world would be terrible, but not every terrible world is Orwellian.
"It's absurd and Orwellian, it's stupid and Orwellian," a former CDC official told the New York Times.
What does it matter who's in charge of this Orwellian system so long as it remains Orwellian?
So while Trump's attempt to control the way his supporters perceive reality may be Orwellian in its aims, it is contra-Orwellian in its practices.
The term "Orwellian" has always struck me as curiously Orwellian — a mild example of doublespeak that ties an author's good name to the dystopia he so memorably depicted.
This Orwellian ad engine does exist in Google's new tool.
"President Trump has done nothing wrong," said Grisham's Orwellian statement.
This sounds Orwellian, but it does not have to be.
While it may seem Orwellian, it's only half the story.
" Mr. Wooley was unrepentant, calling the criticism "a bit Orwellian.
This is Orwellian, and it's happening right now, right here.
This was research for Blumental's Orwellian undertaking: a Nazi dictionary.
Many critics call China's surveillance ambitions Orwellian, and they are.
"Orwellian nonsense," a Pell fund and Karl Marx's starring moment.
In all seriousness, though, Barr's move here is disturbingly Orwellian.
"It's absurd and Orwellian, it's stupid and Orwellian, but they are not saying to not use the words in reports or articles or scientific publications or anything else the C.D.C. does," the former official said.
Say all you want about Orwellian predictions, he didn't predict this.
In recent years, many music events have become increasingly Orwellian experiences.
A few people noticed a distinct Orwellian flavor to the event.
But that wasn't the most chillingly Orwellian passage in Christie's speech.
Friday started on an Orwellian note, as most days do nowadays.
Too much exposition and fact-heavy dialogue blunts its Orwellian bite.
There's an Orwellian quality to how language is used at HubSpot.
That's because there's an Orwellian effort to whitewash the issue altogether.
It is not that small anti-Orwellian operating system from 1984.
It would be laughable if it weren't so Orwellian and scary.
The idea is to not end up in an Orwellian society.
He runs something with the perfectly Orwellian name of Project Veritas.
And China is now constructing the first truly Orwellian surveillance state.
This distorts the meaning of the term in an Orwellian fashion.
Overall, the language Harris uses in her plan is astonishingly Orwellian.
Why the Orwellian double-speak over its first foray into print?
Nothing, though, was more thoroughly Orwellian than Christie's turn to Russia. I'm
Unsurprisingly, Muñoz's message was universally panned for its tone-deaf, Orwellian language.
Black Mirror would be too paranoia-inducing and Orwellian to watch again.
In many ways, Donald Trump's political talking points are Orwellian at best.
The language EPA has been using to promote its proposal is Orwellian.
What we witnessed was an Orwellian state unlike any place on earth.
When 1984 rolled around, it was less Orwellian than some had predicted.
"China's Orwellian War on Religion" was another column that no one read.
Orwellian "thought police" are censoring political and social views, language, even Halloween costumes.
We don't need Orwellian government surveillance if we've already consented to self-surveillance.
Our most prominent journalists seem to have missed the Orwellian irony of Sen.
People are afraid Amazon's new smart glasses will be an Orwellian privacy nightmare.
It's hard to believe this Orwellian power grab is real, but it is.
As it happened, not every tenant was aware of these particular Orwellian developments.
We have been, to our credit, alert to the dangers of Orwellian tyranny.
" Some respondents say Trump's management is "OK," while others say it is "Orwellian.
German columnists condemned the consent law as an Orwellian effort to micromanage intimacy.
"It shows what kind of an Orwellian existence we live in," said Sen.
What Macedonians call themselves will now be judged in Athens, forging an "Orwellian" state.
No wonder Andrew got Orwellian: "Accuracy is entirely subjective," he insisted, at one point.
However, more recent, nuanced reporting suggests this system is less Orwellian than it seems.
As Russia's politics grows more Orwellian, the fight over its past is heating up.
Poulton said the headlines were "unfortunate," distracting from the findings with Orwellian fear-mongering.
AI will go further, raising concerns about Orwellian snooping by employers on their workers.
In today's world, the word "Orwellian" seems to crop up regularly in the news.
Jianguo laughed when he told me; his guards were oblivious of any Orwellian connotations.
"Many critics call China's surveillance ambitions Orwellian, and they are," our correspondent, above, writes.
And it's much more comfortable to imagine censorship only happening in an Orwellian state.
Surveillance is "Orwellian when accurate, Kafkaesque when inaccurate," Privacy International's Frederike Kaltheuner told me.
Contributing Opinion Writer NASHVILLE — Last Saturday morning, all across the city, Nashville residents woke up to news that seemed almost Orwellian — or if not Orwellian, then at least Onionian: City officials had decided to cut down 274 mature cherry trees in full bloom.
As an Orwellian exercise in groupthink, I Wanna Marry Harry relies on multiple self-deceptions.
Varadkar said Bolsonaro's effort to blame non-government environmental organisations for the fires was "Orwellian".
Casual fans will be far more entertained by Mr Fogel's Orwellian tale of doping doublethink.
AVs could be seen as an Orwellian technology, an instrument of surveillance and social control.
Yet as that opening eye reminds us, we're never very far away from Orwellian omniscience.
But even non-employees such as myself could sense something almost Orwellian about the organization.
A look at how CRISPR works, and why it's stirring scientific imaginations and Orwellian fears.
" He said: "This is not the Orwellian future where history can just vanish or change.
The White House slammed that request as "Orwellian nonsense," but the airlines complied in July.
" They have an Orwellian inscription on the side of their shotguns that says "less lethal.
An Orwellian storm had whipped across Kenya's capital, and Mr. Kaikai was caught in it.
"But I could do nothing," he said, during an Orwellian press conference at the time.
In "1984," Victory gin was an Orwellian concoction, and he did not specify the proof.
Yet despite rapid digital advancements, Prince Mohamed is still far from achieving any Orwellian ideal.
"Self-identified progressives should have thrown a monkey wrench into the Orwellian machinery," said Solomon.
Medical groups decried the political "censorship" and the measures were called "Orwellian" on social media.
The idea of women reporting their periods as a legal precaution sounds absurd and Orwellian.
Still, the idea of an alcohol ration either feels either Orwellian or Victorian—or maybe both.
But when you consider everything else that Google knows about you, the proposition becomes more Orwellian.
But this raises the Orwellian prospect of managers using artificial intelligence to comb through employees' emails.
The Orwellian associations of Room 101 have also been uncomfortable for some, although not for all.
All of which raises the Orwellian specter of surveillance that tends to make some Americans skittish.
Opinion Columnist Let's be blunt: China is accumulating a record of Orwellian savagery toward religious people.
In his opinion for the court, Justice Samuel Alito compared the fees to Orwellian ideological browbeating.
It also blacklisted eight Chinese companies whose products, it says, facilitate the Orwellian surveillance in Xinjiang.
He can repeat lies and send Spicer out to do bizarre, Orwellian pressers all he wants.
Moreover, the language surrounding her government plan for "economic patriotism" is almost Orwellian in its falseness.
It was not sort of this Orwellian newspeak jargon that so many of the candidates use.
I'm not quick to call out 1984 Orwellian dystopian references, but owning the language of baseball?
State media remain Orwellian, but the internet is unrestricted and social-media apps allow for unfettered communication.
I'm also more willing to tolerate Google's data collection than Samsung's Orwellian TVs and their intrusive ads.
Let's not reduce them to an Orwellian Newspeak sound bite because it has a certain catchy cachet.
Early in the year, I was skeptical of the idea that Trump's blatant lies were truly Orwellian.
This Orwellian-sounding provision requires Americans who exercise their judgement to forgo insurance to pay Uncle Sam.
In an Orwellian twist, Tatars who opposed Russia's annexation have been charged with "threatening Russian territorial integrity".
Facial recognition, which techno-pessimists see as the advent of the Orwellian state, is not far behind.
The characters' robotic techno argot, intended to convey military expertise while camouflaging human element, is equally Orwellian.
The White House called China's tactics "Orwellian nonsense," but did little else to back up American corporations.
And critics say that the nation's push toward total surveillance is nothing short of an Orwellian nightmare.
She also drew substantial criticism for calling vaccine mandates "Orwellian" and for suggesting that antidepressants are dangerous.
Their article only reinforces the Orwellian atmosphere Mr. Trump and his defenders have created in our country.
As Trump's Orwellian adviser Kellyanne Conway admitted, they simply deployed "alternative facts" to try and rewrite history.
Speaking of being everywhere — has the tournament that branded itself the Happy Slam become the Orwellian Open?
When constructing a dystopia, it takes some doing to be both Orwellian and Huxleyan at the same time.
Just because a narrative is dystopian doesn't make it Orwellian, or like any other dystopia for that matter.
She said the idea was "draconian" and "Orwellian," raising concern she is sympathetic to the anti-vaccine movement.
That's exactly why the FBI has faced years of criticism for building this Orwellian database of Americans' faces.
But a Scottish football ground does not immediately come to mind as a candidate for such Orwellian measures.
Instead of bemoaning the Orwellian satire that has become the American news cycle, these kids are doing something.
The place is, to use Lyons's references, a hash of Orwellian doublespeak, the movie "Office Space" and Scientology.
Last month, Williamson walked back comments calling mandated vaccines "draconian" and "Orwellian," comparing them to the abortion debate.
"There are many things you can call the bill, but it's Orwellian to call it progressive," said Rep.
More important, to most Western thinkers the idea of governments controlling their people's data has something Orwellian about it.
Between this and its widespread surveillance, China seems like it's damn near close to becoming an Orwellian nightmare.[Bloomberg]
"UK police are using this Orwellian technology in complete absence of public consent or a legal basis," Carlo said.
In a fragmented media environment, an Orwellian top-down model of propaganda just doesn't make a lot of sense.
The new technology, if it spreads in the U.S., could put an American twist on Orwellian surveillance systems abroad.
A disturbing new word, with a distinctly Orwellian ring, has been coined to describe these women: previvors—pre-survivors.
The former intelligence official accused Trump of spinning his words about the matter in an "Orwellian" manner last year.
"This is Orwellian anti-science partisanship that has no place in a government agency," Schatz said in a statement.
Taiwan is probably the most Orwellian example of how the Chinese Communist Party has managed to mold world opinion.
For post-war generations, the specter of an Orwellian "Big Brother" was more than a farfetched, fringe conspiracy theory.
Chris WeinmannNorwich, Vt. To the Editor: The Orwellian implications of this move by the Trump administration cannot be overemphasized.
A disturbing new word, with a distinctly Orwellian ring, has been coined to describe these women:  previvors—pre-survivors.
"In my book, they are organizations that preserve Israeli democracy, so it's a kind of Orwellian paradox," she said.
Henry's court is a little world of terror, more Orwellian than antique for all of Mantel's splendid period ornamentation.
As with the Texas law, this would push constitutional protections aside and make sheriffs Orwellian contractors of ICE enforcement.
After the U.S. objected (an official called it "Orwellian nonsense"), China said all foreign companies would have to comply.
They use 'access to care' in an Orwellian sense -- it's access to coercive treatment, forced medication and locked wards.
They use 'access to care' in an Orwellian sense — it's access to coercive treatment, forced medication and locked wards.
Several writers' names have become adjectivized — Kafkaesque, Orwellian, Dickensian — but these are designators of mood, of situation, of civic decay.
A lot of it may be vacuous, but we're not — despite our frustrations — in a totalitarian society of Orwellian Newspeak.
Therefore, according to Mark, Portal would not be applicable to the "Orwellian" scenarios that Zittrain had brought up for discussion.
To me, location-sharing apps like Find My Friends in romantic relationships amounts to embracing the Orwellian inevitability of smartphones.
So the idea that big players can't bring in features to improve their time, honestly — it feels a bit Orwellian.
Postman's thesis was that the ominous warnings of an Orwellian future, complete with totalitarian censorship, had badly missed the mark.
Novels that did take on terrorism mostly addressed the immediate, personal trauma of 9/11 rather than the Orwellian aftermath.
This refining process will repeat ad nauseam until, at last, a shared social consciousness emerges … groupthink at its Orwellian best.
Drew's audio fuses atonal and nearly-industrial rhythmic music with what sound like menacing broadcasts from some unseen Orwellian power.
But they exist on the same basic Orwellian continuum, extending corporate control ever further into the private lives of workers.
I'm afraid that despite all the lessons available from other countries' experiences, Germany is falling into the same Orwellian trap.
While the White House denounced the demand as "Orwellian nonsense," many airlines have complied, though not the major American ones.
I met so many alarmed Americans – parents, siblings, friends -- all pleading for information about travelers lost in this Orwellian maze.
This ghoulish relic of the Soviet nightmare may be the only country for which the term "Orwellian" is an understatement.
In such circles, the complexity of oligarchy and its Orwellian tentacles induces glazed eyes, if not learned helplessness by design.
And each was rebuffed at every turn by a system that is Orwellian, and a political atmosphere that is toxic.
Snapchat just got sued for being way too Orwellian ... by allegedly retaining geometric maps of the faces of its users.
Williamson landed in hot water recently for declaring that vaccine mandates were "Orwellian" and "draconian" while comparing them to abortion restrictions.
The leaders will discuss the establishment of Orwellian-sounding "regional disembarkation platforms," in an effort to prevent people from reaching Europe.
Facebook apparently just wants the world to know that such conversations, if they happened, don't currently indicate an Orwellian ad engine.
Over the last month, artists and fans waged a grassroots war to stop Orwellian surveillance technology from invading live music events.
What were the Emmys thinking celebrating this modern day Goebbels, who was the thuggish face of Orwellian doublespeak just moments ago?
Last October America's vice-president, Mike Pence, called this "an Orwellian system premised on controlling virtually every facet of human life".
This has bred an Orwellian degree of paranoia amongst Iranian women, but most My Stealthy Freedom users, including Neda, are unfazed.
Another is an Orwellian world in which the internet has become a tool of subjugation, monitored and restricted by state powers.
"Well, we saw earlier this week in Helsinki what was a truly an Orwellian moment," Flake said from the Senate floor.
It is a suspenseful Orwellian love story that could have used more breathing room to grow into a full-blown novel.
The employees—known as "FC ambassadors," for Amazon's Orwellian-sounding "fulfillment center" warehouses—flooded into the mentions of several Twitter users.
People will either grab an Orwellian product off the shelf or turn to the streets for some under-the-table exchange.
The word 'Orwellian' is now used incessantly to describe the unusual conflict between heads of state and members of the press.
The way that you're actually getting targeted, the smart targeting is what's called custom audiences, which is an oddly Orwellian name.
And true to form, they did so earlier this year, on the increasingly Orwellian-sounding annual Religious Freedom Day in January.
If some Trump administration officials have their way, this Orwellian scenario could soon become commonplace for visitors to the United States.
A diplomat friend liked to say two things work superbly in Castro's tropical Orwellian dystopia: political control and the black market.
"Let's not go down the Orwellian road, and I hope that's not where Trump is trying to lead us," he said.
This Orwellian-sounding tool, developed by the makers of Ukraine's own "Rubicon" polygraph, has a claimed accuracy of around 70 percent.
The bill, with its truly Orwellian name, passed the House Ways and Means Committee on a bipartisan basis on April 22005.
The party congress's slogan, "Poland is one", seemed like an Orwellian attempt to deny the split, or perhaps to rub it in.
Real facts are submerged into the swamp bottom of lies and manipulation (Orwellian) by the sea tides of their manufactured alternative cousins.
The fact that you see children when they are sleeping, and know when they are awake, suggests surveillance on an Orwellian scale.
Surrounded by noodle restaurants and construction sites, the Wisdom Mountain Twin Towers, where the censors do their work, don't exactly look Orwellian.
This isn't some Orwellian hypothetical; it's a serious reality for queer people in Egypt, and one that seems to be getting worse.
But, the show wasn't trying to emulate Survivor or Project Runway—its model was closer to the Orwellian pop mutant, Real World.
The parity-driven NFL sets its schedule by an Orwellian truth: All divisions are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Jessica Bruder: They've got these warehouses, which they call "fulfillment centers," which to me sounds like Orwellian jargon, all over the country.
In 2008, one journalist called it "reminiscent of an Orwellian dystopia" for its security features, arguing that it encouraged consumerism and cheating.
While the census may sound like an Orwellian device, Ball is more concerned with his characters' emotional lives than with authoritarian foreboding.
"They're complete Orwellian lies and toxic trash," Representative Bill Pascrell Jr., a Democrat who received the message, said of the talking points.
We've gotten to a point where we're able to watch reports on mass shootings without flinching — we're practically in an Orwellian world.
Meanwhile, life in the fragile democracy is becoming stranger, as a purge of people suspected of supporting a coup has turned Orwellian.
The report strikes a generally cautious note, warning against what it calls morally self-congratulatory or even "Orwellian" erasures of the past.
Speakers described hearings in Washington at which farm-state senators, who once cheered trade with China, used phrases like "Orwellian" and "concentration camps".
Qantas was given an extension of time to make the changes, which have previously been blasted by the White House as "Orwellian nonsense".
There is an Orwellian self-deception in the idea that "assisted dying" is a safe, healthy way of dying compared to "violent" suicide.
A surprise search found nooses — "braided bedsheets," in the Orwellian words of the Department of Homeland Security watchdog agency — in 15 other cells.
But the biggest issue wasn't drugs or killings but fake news — the hallmark of an Orwellian dictatorship — and the specter of martial law.
"  While the terror watch list is certainly Orwellian, it's not omniscient—not everyone who is on it is on it "for a reason.
The rationing board, known by the Orwellian acronym NICE, is a health care oligarchy that decides which drugs the UK government will cover.
With a distracted president, little oversight, and Orwellian new tools, spy chiefs may simply begin making up the rules as they go along.
Flake sees Trump as an Orwellian figure, a pathologically untruthful authoritarian who is undoing everything that America, and especially conservative America, stands for.
The administration is dismantling Obama-era abuses, ranging from the deconstruction of ObamaCare to the abandonment of Orwellian Title IX tribunalson American campuses.
Far be it from me to knock anyone's (side) hustle, but I can't fully shake the (gag) Orwellian overtones of vocation-as-relaxation.
They called the plan "Orwellian," and said it was a "shakedown" that would hurt truck drivers, small businesses and middle-class Queens residents.
By fighting for South Korea, he saved its people from the Orwellian despotism that rules on the other side of the 38th parallel.
Such power over public discourse would be Orwellian in the hands of any government, be it Ms. May's, Donald Trump's or Vladimir Putin's.
"We are already going into a scientifically designed Orwellian control system that is meant to use humans up like natural resources," Jones says.
No Arab leader will dare to support Trump's Orwellian rhetoric, which took a bad situation and made it worse with this reckless maneuver.
It may please white supremacists, who love Trump, but it is very Orwellian and incredibly disturbing that it is coming from the president.
Doctoring the photo was "nothing less than Orwellian," fumed the American Civil Liberties Union, which accused the archives of trying to hide criticism.
" The United States has also slammed China's pressure on businesses, with the White House in May calling the Chinese government's demands "Orwellian nonsense.
And the Youth Entities Law bans all political activity — in Orwellian fashion, even conversations about politics — in sports clubs and other recreation centers.
None of this constitutes an adequate response to the Orwellian goings-on at the University of Oregon and elsewhere, but it's a start.
Under such a system of pervasive control, the Orwellian tracking of Americans cannot be justified on a theory which presumes voluntary action and consent.
It is implementing the most Orwellian surveillance system on the planet, leaning especially hard on facial recognition to identify and track its Uighur minority.
"When you have a spokesperson for the president of the United States wrap up a lie in the Orwellian phrase 'alternative facts'...," Rather wrote.
I remember telling the NME that the fourth album was going to be called Orchestral Peasant: An Orwellian Romance, and they took it seriously.
This explains why so many from the "free speech" generation of the 1960s viscerally recoil at Antifa's Orwellian attempts to silence speech it opposes.
Tellingly, the new CAP government healthcare plan would essentially eliminate the popular Medicare Advantage program, replacing it with "Medicare Choice," which is Orwellian doublespeak.
District court Judge Richard Leon called the program "almost Orwellian" in 2013, though a federal appeals court later overturned that ruling after Congress acted.
Cluelessly, the commish launched this Orwellian foray during Censorship Awareness Week at Wellesley, thereby signaling that its answer to censorship is, well, more censorship.
I was no stranger to red tape, but I was unprepared for the blur of Orwellian admonitions and Carrollian logic that govern the place.
" China has rebuked — and even boycotted — American companies that acknowledge Taiwan, a practice that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has called "Orwellian nonsense.
" In a brazen example of Orwellian spin, Blackburn even went so far as to call her anti-net neutrality legislation the "Internet Freedom Act.
If all that seems rather Orwellian, George Orwell's "1984" is also banned, in at least one Arabic translation, though it is allowed in another.
Last year, Xi's government went further, amending the constitution to create a new branch of government under the Orwellian title, the National Supervision Commission.
For all its Orwellian blather, the Kim family dictatorship has survived this long by being coldly rational, even as it projects wild-eyed belligerence.
Editorial Observer There is something particularly Orwellian about accusing a librarian of hate crimes because books under her care don't jibe with government propaganda.
Trump pushes Orwellian lies about Schiff paraphrasing his fateful Ukraine call, which happened during a hearing *after* the White House released the call summary.
It's the systematic elimination of free speech, free assembly, and free thought via any means necessary, including violent protest, the media and Orwellian revisionism.
Consumer groups have been quick to note that the FCC's Orwellian-named "restoring internet freedom" order did far more than just kill net neutrality.
The Trump vision is, in short, a truly Orwellian creation: a "peace plan" that actually is a plan to destroy the prospects for peace.
Overworked, Orwellian reviewers were not necessarily wrong to hate themselves, but the problem was endemic; it emerged from the professionalization of the reviewer job.
Editorial Education Secretary Betsy DeVos offered a positively Orwellian explanation Monday of why historically black colleges and universities were created in the United States.
He cited "the Orwellian-named 'antifascist' protestors," commonly known as "antifa," who successfully shut down numerous campus speaker events in recent months at Berkeley.
In a new interview with the Washington Post, former troll Marat Mindiyarov described the factory as Orwellian, complete with an "assembly line" of lies.
All hell broke loose as technologists and civil libertarians warned of an Orwellian future in which the government possessed a backdoor to all our information.
Apparently both Orwellian and Huxleyous, the game concerns a society of people under the thrall of an authoritarian regime and the Soma-like drug Joy.
This ad posits an Orwellian nightmare where the financial services industry determines if you are "great" or not with the help of an unseen narrator.
Critics paint a grim picture of India with mandatory Aadhaar: an Orwellian state with every action of every citizen under constant scrutiny at all times.
He now wants to deploy abroad the same Orwellian-sounding Central Commission for Discipline Inspection that has helped carry out his domestic anti-corruption campaign.
And how can a government that is so inept as to need recasting be trusted to avoid the Orwellian possibilities of a billion-strong database?
He called his policy the Restoring Internet Freedom Order, an Orwellian touch in the view of his critics, who see ­it as a mortal threat.
In the very first ruling on the National Security Administration's sweeping collection of "bulk metadata," federal judge Richard Leon blasted the surveillance as downright Orwellian.
In Xinjiang, China has perfected a technological police state, replete with Orwellian "political education centers," into which tens of thousands of Uyghurs have been detained.
The roughly eight minute video has Orwellian overtones, and makes the original "Big Brother" from 1984 seem tame in comparison to the Google of 2018.
Our capacity to hinder China's perfection of an Orwellian state and use that power to retain its unchallenged dominance of the Chinese people is limited.
The initial three episodes are both more violent and arguably more Orwellian than Atwood's novel, but that's neither a flaw or, for that matter, avoidable.
He has issued prominent decisions against government overreach, most notably a 2013 opinion calling the NSA's collection of domestic phone records "almost-Orwellian" and unconstitutional.
"I hate to say 'Orwellian,' but I think that's what my reaction was," Steven Aftergood, an analyst with the Federation of American Scientists, told me.
It is past time for democratic governments to provide oversight of a technological evolutionary path that has mankind destined for the Orwellian world of 1984.
DONALD MENDERRHINEBECK, N.Y. To the Editor: Mark Penn and Andrew Stein offer a breathtaking example of Orwellian doublespeak and historical rewriting for their own ends.
As you've no doubt noticed over the last few days, Libra, you are also being watched, albeit in a less Orwellian and more romantic way.
And although they may improve efficiency in police departments, the Orwellian undercurrents of a algorithmic criminal justice system have been backed up by troubling hard data.
If there is one policy dilemma facing nearly every tech company today, it is what to do about "content moderation," the almost-Orwellian term for censorship.
But 23andMe is not using your genetic information in an Orwellian ploy to help companies sell you drugs or shoes your DNA suggests you might want.
As long as we still have evidence-based institutions that are willing to contradict Trump's alternative facts, we are not quite at the Orwellian crisis point.
But to portray Roe as the statesmanlike "settlement" of a divisive issue, a jurisprudential Peace of Westphalia that is worth preserving, is nothing less than Orwellian.
Yet instead of cool hardware, this cloud-focused company gives us weird Orwellian tech demos and an announcement of the Bash shell coming to Windows 10.
Liberals should get habituated to driving home inconvenient facts to help people through the constant Orwellian struggle to see what is in front of their noses.
Nobody was more invested in that Orwellian inversion of truth than McInnes, whose Proud Boys had initiated the organizer of the fateful Unite the Right rally.
Rudy Giuliani's latest bon mot is a reminder, if anyone needed it, that calling the Trump administration Orwellian isn't hyperbole, it's just a statement of fact.
If it means that, in the future, Football Manager sims an Orwellian nightmare state where people can be executed for thought crimes, then so be it.
This is the one bit of Orwellian phrasing on this list that appears to be new, a coinage by Scott Pruitt in an interview with Breitbart.
To the Editor: Many readers will be moved by the poignant story of John Shields, even as it numbs us to the Orwellian language of euthanasia.
HRW echoed longstanding concerns about China's use of an "Orwellian high-tech surveillance state" and sophisticated internet censorship system to catch and stamp out public criticism.
But to do this, Alabama is taking an extraordinary, Orwellian step: using location-tracking technology from students' phones to see who skips out and who stays.
A number of Chinese cities are piloting an invasive program that leverages massive data collection and analysis to exert Orwellian levels of control over civil life.
Correction: An earlier version of this post stated that Williamson called mandatory vaccines "draconian" and "Orwellian" during a debate; she said it at a campaign rally.
" Not long after Donald J. Trump's inauguration, sales for George Orwell's "1984" surged, spurred by controversy over Kellyanne Conway's use of the Orwellian phrase "alternative facts.
While somewhat Orwellian, it seemed as much Yogi Berra ("Nobody goes there anymore; it's too crowded"), and it didn't seem as shocking as Ms. Conway's remarks.
It sounds a little Orwellian, but to get to post-search, our devices are going to have to be constantly listening and watching what we are doing.
Trump's never-ending vulgar, almost pornographic, display of emotions was more of an Orwellian "Reality TV" drama than a serious speech about the state of the union.
In that spirit, here's our guide to some of the most Halloweeny of astronomical phenomena, running the gamut from flesh-vaporizing lava planets to Orwellian nightmare nebulas.
And surveillance may feel Orwellian—a sensitive matter now that people have begun to question how much Facebook and other tech giants know about their private lives.
The command that big tech companies have over the dissemination of information, particularly in the era of voice computing, raises the specter of Orwellian control of knowledge.
Trump's choice for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, wants to revive the defunct Obscenity Prosecution Task Force and attack adult pornographers with Orwellian verve and McCarthy-era vigor.
That's where the Orwellian leveraging of the agency whose raison d'etre is supposed to be the protection of history and culture — not its eradication — comes into play.
"By 2020, China's rulers aim to implement an Orwellian system premised on controlling virtually every facet of human life—the so-called 'social credit score,'" Pence said.
Their music sounds cold, slick, and futuristic—but the future they envision is a portrait of Orwellian despair, a Metropolis rendered in pitch black and dried blood.
But in a particularly Orwellian twist, it turns out Pruitt is using a claim of "transparency" as a way to obscure his ideological opposition to environmental protection.
In that Western province of the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party has built an Orwellian surveillance system to monitor and control the Muslim Uighur population.
Those under the age of twelve, including babies and toddlers, were discharged to "tender age" shelters, a concept for which the term "Orwellian" does not quite suffice.
Cable networks and online news and entertainment choices have proliferated, and some observers contend that the Orwellian perils envisioned by Mr. Bagdikian have receded or become moot.
China says its actions there are meant at combating violent extremism, and it has repeatedly denied claims that the region has turned into an Orwellian surveillance state.
The party primary systems are Orwellian nightmares, and the idea of superdelegates is right up there with Jar Jar Binks, "The Chevy Chase Show" and New Coke.
The conservative media ecosystem — like the rest of us — has to recognize how critical, but also how fragile, credibility is in the Orwellian age of Donald Trump.
Language moves much faster than lexicographers do, but the lexicographer's myopic attention to detail is what keeps dictionary definitions from becoming an Orwellian organ of the state.
In a particularly Orwellian flourish, the name of this bill dedicated to diminishing the quality of the insurance coverage Americans can afford is "The Better Care Act."
But the biometric-based system has been criticized as Orwellian and dangerous because it can be used to monitor residents and because the nation has no privacy regulations.
Before my Orwellian nightmare could spin totally out of control, Rose replied and confirmed again that my ballot would be sent to my London flat in September. Phew.
We already live in the Orwellian future, where our big brother monitoring and military technology is far more extreme, although slightly less draconian than the predictions in 1984.
The American understanding of the Vietnam War requires an Orwellian double consciousness: an awareness of the Vietnam War as it happened and as we have culturally reframed it.
Unlike many other U.N. resolutions dealing with Israelis and Palestinians in Orwellian ways, merging UNRWA into UNHCR could foster an atmosphere conducive in the long run to peace.
Hackathons show "the fault lines of an emerging production system" by embodying a set of "quasi-Orwellian" ideas that are prevalent in the current economic climate, she writes.
The metallic spy, the movie's creepiest element, reinforces the Orwellian notion that nowadays there are no hiding places if the powers-that-be are out to get you.
Law and Justice is an Orwellian name for a party that constantly violates the law, breaks constitutional provisions and is hellbent on subjecting the courts to its control.
Enacted by Congress in 0003, this Orwellian law required Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to occupy an average of 34,000 beds every night across 250 detention facilities nationwide.
Since Trump was elected, the bookshelves and op-ed pages have been alive with fears of Orwellian fascism — fears that, for the most part, remain far from manifesting.
At home, the party has imprisoned rights lawyers, strangled the internet, compelled companies and universities to install party cells, and planned for a potentially Orwellian "social credit" system.
"Continued political interference in China's law enforcement bodies leads to the real worry that these robots could quickly become an Orwellian surveillance tool deployed against the population," she said.
It is a clunky narrative device, suggesting that the film-makers did not have faith in viewers to understand the evils of totalitarian censorship without an Orwellian name-drop.
It begins to look very Orwellian, and I guess that technological autocracy is what I worry about in the tech sphere, that China is just blazing the trail for.
But in Singapore Tuesday it finally happened — former reality TV star turned U.S. president Donald Trump met Kim Jong Un, the ruthless dictator of the Orwellian North Korean regime.
According to the National Orientation Agency (whose Orwellian departments include one for "Behaviour Modification"), their job is to restore order and "inculcate the spirit of nationalism in all Nigerians".
Quinn's "Peace Line Series" documents the dramatic angles and skewed perspectives imposed by the Orwellian "peace walls," built over the years to partition neighborhoods into Catholic and Protestant blocs.
"These rules, it seems, are enforced by a group of campus bureaucrats and campus police with the Orwellian name of the Bias Response Team, or B.R.T.," Mr. Sessions said.
But the Orwellian nightmare that the writers concoct winds up taking a back seat to a more conventional cat-and-mouse game as Ben navigates his way through the ranks.
The statement added that "this is Orwellian nonsense and part of a growing trend by the Chinese Communist Party to impose its political views on American citizens and private companies".
The White House slammed China's demand that US airlines stop listing Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau as countries separate from China on their websites, calling it "Orwellian nonsense" on Saturday.
That year, she signed the ironically named "Fair Justice Act," an Orwellian edict that cuts short the appeals process for those who have been condemned to die by the state.
Three years ago the headquarters got a "real time crime centre", an Orwellian collection of screens to relay images from cameras all over the city, letting police monitor for trouble.
George Orwell mural picture Southwold, Suffolk, , UK. More and more, the term 'Orwellian' is applied to anything and everything – from China's surveillance state apparatus to Russia's attempts at information warfare.
"Nanny is alive and well in Westminster" ran the headline of a newspaper article about the nudge unit in 2011; the author went on to deride the unit's "Orwellian overtones".
It's symbolic Orwellian PR "doublethink" that is meant to make some people believe that fake news can actually be controlled when any idiot knows that it is impossible to do.
And now, in a different register, there is the Orwellian firing of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette cartoonist, Rob Rogers, after a 25-year career, for doing cartoons critical of President Trump.
But the demands of student activists have increasingly taken an Orwellian bent—and, if met, would eviscerate the free speech rights of faculty members, campus visitors, and even other students.
Searches for words including "mainstream," referring to the "mainstream media" or MSM, and "Orwellian," referring to author George Orwell and his flagship novel "85033," surged this year, the company said.
Ignorance of policy consequences, sexism, racism, and a disdain for intellectual achievement and science are all frightening enough in a president, but absurdly obvious pathological lying is an Orwellian nightmare.
We need to increase communication between red and blue areas to reach together for a better country and a more common understanding — breaking through the Orwellian narrowcast self-determining realities.
Technology has advanced at breakneck speed, spawning fake news, electronic soapboxes and multifarious social media on the one hand, and Orwellian big data that tread on privacy on the other.
" While expressing sympathy for the long-term goals of those advocating social change, he chastised them for what he called Orwellian humorlessness and euphemisms that threatened "the decay of language.
In an Orwellian twist, Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Jessen concluded that their experiment had succeeded because it proved that Mr. Zubaydah could not possibly have any additional intelligence to surrender.
This was his fourth (and by far longest) prison term for the offense of standing up for human dignity, whatever Orwellian name China uses to characterize it as a crime.
The junta has also set up Orwellian-sounding "attitude adjustment" centers at military bases where troublesome opposition figures and journalists are detained for up to a week at a time.
The U.S. is also facing an unprecedented opioid epidemic that continues to become more widespread every year, despite Orwellian surveillance, militarized police and the highest incarceration rate in the world.
"It's truly Orwellian, but the (Communist) party think they need to do this to survive," James Lewis, a senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told CNBC.
The system, filed under the Orwellian title "Physical store online shopping control," would intercept certain URLs, search terms, and other web activity that takes place on its in-store Wi-Fi.
This one submerges itself in paranoia and dread too, "Cuttooth" relies on the Orwellian anxiety that those around you know everything about you and you are being watched at every moment.
"It basically has the ability to turn every streetlight into a surveillance device, which is very Orwellian to say the least," ACLU senior advocacy and policy counsel Chad Marlow told Quartz.
" P. Chidambaram, who headed up the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2009, told Indian newswire service ANI that "if anybody is going to monitor computers, then it is an Orwellian state.
Twitter's attorney, Lee Rubin, said today that the disclosure limitations created an "Orwellian situation" for the company and hindered its First Amendment right to speak freely about the letters it receives.
The lead single of that album, "2 + 2 = 5," is a reference to a famous scene from George Orwell's 1984, thus ensuring "Orwellian" as the most overused adjective in Radiohead reviews.
Today, we routinely call things "Orwellian" when they seem drawn from the book: disinformation campaigns, widespread surveillance, authoritarian figures who peddle brazen lies to the public as if they are true.
For the CCLA, the inclusion of microphone surveillance in Toronto's anti-gun violence plan adds an Orwellian dimension to existing concerns that police resources will be deployed disproportionately to minority neighbourhoods.
Then there was the debut "alternative facts"—which struck me as Orwellian when I first heard it—this idea that people could be lead to believe that somehow facts are subjective.
He vows to rain "fire and fury" on North Korea, admires the world's toughest leaders, calls for television networks to lose their licenses and roasts critics on an Orwellian Twitter feed.
"  "I think that we've gone beyond the Orwellian into the Kafkaesque," Holdsworth, senior vice president of issues management at MWWPR Public Affairs, told hosts Buck Sexton and Krystal Ball on "Rising.
Beijing has demanded that foreign firms, and airlines in particular, not refer to Taiwan as non-Chinese territory on their websites, a move the White House has described as "Orwellian nonsense".
"In one way or another, we are all Orwellian," critic Iván de la Nuez muses in the exhibition's catalogue, and the galleries document a collective experience of disillusion, outrage, and melancholia.
" Wyden responded to the letter in a statement: "This Orwellian response from Custom and Border Protection does not respond to the pressing questions about the fate of children and their parents.
Scott Walker robbed public sector workers of their rights and transformed the Badger state into a "right-to-work" state, an Orwellian-named law that actually hurts workers by gutting wages.
Even if dire warnings of Orwellian police tactics are an old game, there's little question that facial recognition and tracking software are increasingly available to help cops locate and pursue suspects.
Mr. Geng did not mention Ms. Sanders's swipe about "Orwellian nonsense," nor did he say how China would enforce its wishes on the websites and the promotional materials of foreign companies.
It&aposs not just Orwellian to say that, it is breathtakingly dishonest to tell people out there that there was something we could have done to end the war in Yemen.
But the Texas native also faced an outcry when she said that the idea of mandatory vaccinations was "draconian" and "Orwellian," raising concern she was sympathetic to the anti-vaccine movement.
Sunday saw Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani use the disturbingly Orwellian phrase "truth isn't truth" to try to deflect questions about why President Trump won't sit down for an interview with Mueller.
I don't know if it was the sleep deprivation, the boredom, or the Orwellian nature of the scene in front of me, but for whatever reason, I began to get nervous.
In the Orwellian fantasy of a dystopian world, cities are filled with surveillance cameras and robots that monitor human activities around the clock — and modern life is not too far from that.
But Aadhaar is a poor way to build up an Orwellian panopticon, Mr Nilekani argues, given the wealth of information already available from telephone records, GPS data, bank statements and the like.
Watching a co-worker's communications may seem Orwellian, but the experts we talked to for this story said they have never seen financial firms use the information they gathered for anything nefarious.
I know — the idea of a city built on ad revenue brings back soul-sucking Orwellian images of corporate overlords and logo-paved streets straight out of Blade Runner or WALL-E.
On CNN, the panelists did it with a chaotic, Orwellian argument around the key question of the day: Is Donald Trump racist, or are his critics racist for calling out his racism?
In name at least, the two major parties will almost certainly continue to exist has they have since the 1820s, field candidates, and war with one another, like Orwellian superstates, in perpetuity.
He devotes only a brief passage to the Orwellian echoes in Donald Trump's presidency: the lies that warp reality, the obsolescence of facts, the divergent information universes of Fox News and CNN.
And when it reaches a point where the language and the policy are completely at odds, we call it Orwellian, after George Orwell's 1984 and the totalitarian Ministry of Truth it depicted.
Human Rights Watch has published a scathing report on China's "attacks" on human rights, claiming that the "Orwellian" system Beijing has developed at home is now being used to silence critics abroad.
But his latest, which won best animated short at the Muestra Joven festival in 2016, is an Orwellian tale about a screaming dictator lording over identically dressed workers from drab, identical apartments.
" Wooley later told New Zealand talkback station Newstalk ZB that he was surprised at the "Orwellian" reaction to the interview, adding that it was "not a good time to be a journalist.
The claim by Mr. Ryan and Mr. Goodlatte (who, hilariously, leads the House Judiciary Committee) that gutting the office would improve "due process" for accused lawmakers is a marvel of Orwellian newspeak.
We see this hate for the Constitution primarily in our universities, as across the country, what used to be bastions of free speech and civil rights have turned into Orwellian reeducation centers.
The budget increases charter school funding by $60 million, and features an Orwellian-named "education freedom" initiative which would provide $5 billion in tax credits to allow children to attend private school.
While the anonymity of cash acts as an enabler for the illegal economy, many fear that the lack of said anonymity will inevitably lead to an Orwellian society where individual freedom is limited.
The hard-Brexit, anti-immigrant, anti-business tone of the Conservative Party conference has alarmed investors, including as it did the Orwellian proposal to make companies declare the number of their foreign workers.
A smaller percentage would huff something like, "I can think for myself, thanks," as though the audio guide were an Orwellian contraption designed to erase their real thoughts and replace them with propaganda.
Technologies that once seemed a friend of freedom, allowing dissidents in dictatorships to communicate and organise more easily, now look more Orwellian, letting autocrats watch people even more closely than the Stasi did.
There's now a sprawling multimillion-dollar complex of detention sites, a makeshift courtroom with the Orwellian label of "Camp Justice," and a thriving military base populated with fast food chains and gift shops.
It sounds maybe a little Orwellian, but McLaughlin is particularly concerned that FirstNet is backed by the Department of Commerce, not Interior or Defense, and has already had $22014 billion thrown at it.
Inside the billionaire's head balances a throned mannequin wearing a VR headset, a slice of brain spinning on a metallic turntable, and an LED sign not-so-subtly winking at an Orwellian future.
People who watch too much Alex Jones—and I'm one of them—noticed many familiar visual tropes: glitches and static; Orwellian banks of TV screens; the wide desk covered with stacks of paper.
The IPAB was modeled after the U.K.'s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, or NICE — which is the most delightfully Orwellian term for a death panel they could come up with.
"Any claim that this has been a thorough, transparent process is downright Orwellian," said Patrick Leahy, a former Judiciary Committee chairman who took part in a fair share of confirmation hearings as well.
The sentences take on an Orwellian clarity — they're lean and clean, flensed of the tics, doodles and strenuous self-consciousness of his early work, and of the dour didacticism of the new novels.
Here, as everywhere, the twinned half-visages of Mayweather and McGregor glowered from posters and video screens, an Orwellian pair of Big Brothers on watch for any flagging in the suspension of disbelief.
The first is, naturally, an overwhelming fear and distrust of vaccines; the second is a terrified certainty that some day the government will find a convenient excuse to enforce Orwellian degrees of control.
Estimates vary, but by some counts over 2 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and other Muslims are detained in "vocational skill education training centers," the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Orwellian moniker for reeducation camps.
China, whose own domestic surveillance state and facial recognition advances are as cutting-edge as they are Orwellian, appears to be sitting upon a database that it can use for decades to come.
The partnership underscores how AI, now known mainly either as a powerful business tool or an Orwellian weapon against dissidents, is also being deployed by startups and advocacy groups against crime and exploitation.
When many journalists condemned Spicer on Saturday and praised him on Monday, they were sending the message that we're not in some Orwellian dictatorship where the Trump administration can deny what's indisputably true.
"Fake but accurate" has an Orwellian ring that reminds us, yet again, of Trump's unpredictability — and his willingness to make consequential decisions impulsively and without considering whether he's basing them on facts or lies.
He's a straight-talking diplomat seemingly comfortable with the Orwellian doublespeak required to survive the Trump administration, particularly as he now takes positions as a cabinet secretary that Congressman Pompeo would once have lambasted.
Following the ad slot, #boycottbudweiser and a misspelled version of the hashtag, #boycottbudwiser, began trending across the U.S.  Last night's Orwellian Super Bowl advertising should strike fear into the hearts of freedom-loving Americans.
" Critics of the FBI's position have repeatedly argued that forcing a private company to manufacture a deliberately flawed product is an Orwellian overreach under All Writs, which requires that requests not be "unduly burdensome.
Newsbook North Korea is a true Orwellian society: The totalitarian government, currently led by Kim Jong-un, keeps its citizens disconnected from the internet and controls radio stations and newspapers, filling them with propaganda.
Along with the composer Teho Teardo, whose music panders to our inner sentimentalists, these collaborators function as instruments of the Devil, or of the unseen arbiters of Mr. Walsh's version of an Orwellian future.
Under Xi, China has grown markedly more Orwellian; not only is it stamping its heel more firmly on its own citizens, but it is also exporting its digital shackles to authoritarians the world over.
This month, the Trump administration accused the Chinese government of engaging in "Orwellian nonsense" for ordering 36 airline companies to remove from their websites references to Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong as separate countries.
More than 30 years after the release of her Orwellian novel "The Handmaid's Tale," Margaret Atwood has published a follow-up, answering the questions readers have had for decades about the women of Gilead.
More than 30 years after the release of her Orwellian novel "The Handmaid's Tale," Margaret Atwood has published a follow-up, answering the questions readers have had for decades about the women of Gilead.
The head of Human Rights Watch said Tuesday the Chinese government has not only constructed "an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state" at home but is using its growing economic clout to silence critics abroad.
China has demanded that foreign firms, and airlines in particular, begin referring to Taiwan as Chinese territory on their websites, along with Hong Kong and Macau, a move described by White House as "Orwellian nonsense".
The famous Ridley Scott-directed "1984" Mac ad—in which athlete, model, and actress Anya Major smashes an Orwellian propaganda film with a giant hammer—had its official Superbowl halftime debut 32 years ago today.
"I never once gave a thought to the feelings of the people wearing hats," he admits — meaning the people singled out by Mao for national condemnation, people whom Ji duly criticized in China's Orwellian rituals.
This tattoo translates to "Revolution is a woman" (Image: AP)An Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) investigation just revealed an awfully Orwellian fact: the FBI is working with government researchers to develop advanced tattoo recognition technology.
Eufy Security Wi-Fi Video Doorbell for $108 ($52 off): Unlike Nest and Ring, there's no monthly fee to use all the features of Eufy's smart doorbell, and Eufy hasn't taken up Ring's Orwellian practices.
"Lord, help us to have the Christian's conscience and courage to resist this 'Orwellian nonsense' with more positive Gospel action and higher praise," the church said in a statement shortly before the members were detained.
She and our crew experienced China's Orwellian surveillance and harassment first-hand during their time in Xinjiang, and captured chilling hidden-camera footage of eight Uighur men detained by police in the middle of the night.
The clip, which was denounced as Orwellian by critics, became the latest in a growing line of incidents that has brought greater scrutiny to the conservative Sinclair, the largest owner of TV stations in the country.
This was performed by a third-party vendor, and while its setup of a Gateway laptop and USB-connected scanner didn't look too Orwellian, the thought of submitting my biometrics to the state gave me pause.
Banbury described the "Orwellian admonitions and Carrollian logic" of the U.N. bureaucracy, where hiring new talent takes 213 days on average and is due to expand to more than one year under a new recruitment system.
NYPD drones  Drones are coming to the nation's largest police force, and while they may have some seriously helpful applications, civil rights groups worry they could open the door to some Orwellian levels of privacy invasion.
"This is a company that has Orwellian levels of data about us, truly Big Brother-level, but it's behaving as if it has no social responsibility and is a purely neutral medium of communication," he said.
" In a letter to Ms. Garvie, James E. Craig, Detroit's police chief, disputed any "Orwellian activities," adding that he took "great umbrage" at the suggestion that the police would "violate the rights of law-abiding citizens.
And so we reach the Idiot stage of the conservative cycle, in which a Buckley Award for Sean Hannity suggests nothing ironic, much less Orwellian, to those bestowing it, applauding it, or even shrugging it off.
Before the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration debased itself Friday by siding with Trump, a top NOAA official gave staff the downright Orwellian warning not to contradict the president's bad take, according to the Washington Post.
Streep, meanwhile, portrays a widow deprived a full insurance settlement after a tragic accident, who begins nosing around about the shady and illicit doings of a shell company with the Orwellian name United Re-Insurance Group.
Many felt the photo was disturbingly Orwellian and a dark sign of what's to come if we let virtual reality become mainstream and isolate us from reality with addictive experiences that we won't be able to resist.
"The Ministry of Happiness sounds sort of Orwellian and sinister given that this is a surveillance state, but it is in line with their quite high self-regard," said Nicholas McGeehan, a researcher at Human Rights Watch.
That bill has been passed by the U.S. Senate for another six years and has now been signed into law by President Trump — a further extension of what should be an Orwellian cliché but remains quite real.
Between its exploration of the merging of humanity and technology, the intentional distortion of reality, and Orwellian surveillance, in 280 years there's every chance Anon will be yet another Niccol film renowned for its uncannily accurate prognostications.
"This is Orwellian nonsense and part of a growing trend by the Chinese Communist Party to impose its political views on American citizens and private companies," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement.
"The idea of them having a recording of all of our phone calls, it feels Orwellian," said Paul Donzella, owner of Donzella in TriBeCa and a 1stdibs dealer for more than a decade, who attended the meeting.
You can also do what I did, and stay in Maboneng, a secure and calculatedly hip arts district near downtown Johannesburg — and the brainchild of a property management group called Propertuity (a word with vaguely Orwellian overtones).
Party dissidents and critics say that the uncharismatic Milanese management consultant, who is far from a household name even within Italy, is the bland Big Brother of an Orwellian party that could shake up all of Europe.
"Police use of facial recognition software is the latest example of Orwellian technology that violates our privacy and civil liberties under the guise of public safety and it must stop," a spokesperson for Sanders's campaign told Recode.
And to capture Marcello's slowly building sense of being trapped in an inescapable situation — as well as the invasive, subtly Orwellian atmosphere of fascist life — Bertolucci's venerated cinematographer Vittorio Storaro uses a wealth of different camera techniques.
But understanding the scope and scale of the war on Muslims is central to understanding the world we live in, the Orwellian nature of the Islamophobic narrative, and the resentments and traumas we're inflicting on the future.
Well founded or not, political criticism by a group that has neither government power nor official authority is no more Orwellian than criticism of Steve Bannon for his association with alt-right anti-Semitism and white supremacy.
"This is Orwellian nonsense and part of a growing trend by the Chinese Communist Party to impose its political views on American citizens and private companies," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement.
As we fight against draconian orders that would make us turn our backs on those in need, we must also collectively fight against an Orwellian nightmare that would have us believe that two plus two equals five.
For instance, it was the EC that created the "Right to Be Forgotten," the Orwellian law that bans search engines from linking to truthful, accurate, unbiased information if an individual can make a case that it harms them.
Sanders has openly tweeted that the NSA is "out of control" and "acting in an unconstitutional manner," and in a Time report, Sanders called the NSA "Orwellian," which is definitely not a nod to the agency's literary prowess.
When Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway referred to "alternative facts " earlier this month, she succinctly encapsulated the ongoing narrative of some governments propagating the shadowy, Orwellian world of "disinformation" that has risen to prominence in recent months.
In a pure Orwellian sense, Wonder Woman is telling us that War is Peace and that Love is Hate—and that women, in their Amazon Prime, are virgin supermodels, nuclear missiles, and most of all...they are men.
"After the Orwellian-named anti-fascist protesters had successfully shut down numerous campus speaker events with violent riots, Berkeley was forced to spend $600,000 simply to prove the mob was not in control of their school," Sessions said.
"It shows what kind of an Orwellian existence that we live in [that] here in a public hearing before the American people, we can't talk about what was described in detail in this morning's Washington Post," noted Sen.
"Bernie Sanders has an outstanding record on gay rights, from his opposition to the military's anti-gay 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy to his vote against the Orwellian-named 'Defense of Marriage Act,'" campaign spokesman Michael Briggs said.
"This is Orwellian nonsense and part of a growing trend by the Chinese Communist Party to impose its political views on American citizens and private companies," the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said in a statement.
"Orwellian," of course, given that the words spoken by dozens of Sinclair anchors were put in their mouths by a company with a naked political agenda, and that the twisted arguments they read were the opposite of true.
I'm sorry to say that the process I'm describing — Orwellian though it seems to me, in that it turns supposed victims into moral bullies — is increasingly becoming a dominating fact of life on colleges and universities across America.
Until quite recently, I thought Alexa was a joke, a wild, hypothetical Orwellian item that might one day be foisted upon the world, not something that anyone might actually desire, pay for and willingly allow into her home.
Due to his prominent political support, Lindbergh taps Bengelsdorf to head the Orwellian "Office of American Absorption" which first voluntarily sends Jewish teenagers, like Sandy Levin, to be Americanized by living on farms in the south and Midwest.
Winder calls the government's explanation for why they were removed from the USDA's website "Orwellian" and has filed a FOIA request for all the communication around this decision to try to find out precisely what prompted the removal.
The filing then excoriates the University of Michigan&aposs "overbroad, vague, and subjective" bias response policy -- which comes complete with a fast-acting "Bias Response Team" (BRT) -- that the DOJ paints as an Orwellian betrayal of First Amendment principles.
Even by those low, low standards, this is a particularly lazy hit job, less an Orwellian missive from the Ministry of Truth than a cringeworthy FWD: FWD: from a confused relative who just figured out how to use email.
In August, Yale President Peter Salovey established a "Committee to Establish Principles on Renaming"—the title of which is so flatly Orwellian that the tension between the group and the school's commitment to free inquiry is impossible to ignore.
L spoke of an increasingly Orwellian America; of the symbolic value of one troubled city (Detroit, in this case, about one hour from Flint) reaching out to another; of the things, small and large, that can break a community.
Nick Bagley, a health law professor at the University of Michigan: The program to block grant Medicaid has been given the Orwellian name of "Healthy Adult Opportunity," as if stopping people from getting insurance counts as an "opportunity." pic.twitter.
"I get that comedians are protective of their jokes and don't want their routines rebroadcast, but it's rather Orwellian to not allow anyone to share an opinion on it," the attendee wrote in a Facebook post alongside the documents.
When [I am] president, we will restore net neutrality, guarantee strong data privacy protections, end the Orwellian mass surveillance of our people, guarantee affordable high-speed internet to all, and ensure technology benefits society, not just the 1 percent.
People get really excited as well about the convergence of blockchain technology and the Internet of Things, everything has an identity, every device has an identity, and you can track it all until it gets Orwellian, in some case.
Beijing has demanded that foreign firms, and airlines in particular, not refer to self-ruled Taiwan as non-Chinese territory on their websites, along with Hong Kong and Macau, a move described by the White House in May as "Orwellian nonsense".
CEO Satya Nadella penned an op-ed back in 2016 talking about shared responsibilities around AI. A few months later, at the company's Build developer conference, he laid out the potential for an Orwellian future if AI isn't handled right.
This worldview — that American politics is dominated by an Orwellian consensus ("crimethink" and "double plus ungood" are both ironic reclamations of terms used by the totalitarian propagandists in Orwell's 1984) that operates through periodic purges — is foundational to the alt-right.
Unbeknownst to anyone but the Programmer himself, his beautiful Orwellian drama had become an Ealing-esque comedy, spun around a private central dilemma—namely, How the fuck do I get these people out of here in the next 36 hours?
But if the cost of that funding is regular Orwellian editorials, which are narrated by the very anchors who are supposed to represent the organization's dedication to presenting the news without fear or favor, that very well might be too high.
Despite a surprisingly forthright statement from the Trump White House denouncing Beijing's move as "Orwellian nonsense and part of a growing trend by the Chinese Communist Party to impose its political views on American citizens and private companies," many airlines caved.
That said, the claim that net neutrality rules hurt the sick also popped up in a recent facts-optional fact sheet the agency has been circulating to try and justify the agency's Orwellian-named "Restoring Internet Freedom" net neutrality repeal.
She's called it HOPELESSNESS, an all-caps, synthesizers-blaring summation of the situations depicted therein, which included drone bombing, Orwellian surveillance, the inevitable fallibility of even the most well-intentioned elected officials, and other inescapable travails of the modern era.
"This is Orwellian nonsense and part of a growing trend by the Chinese Communist Party to impose its political views on American citizens and private companies," said a pointedly written statement attributed to the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
In "Enda Walsh in NYC," a mini-festival of sorts running now, St. Ann's will stage the American premiere of "Arlington," an Orwellian play about a woman stuck alone in a room, waiting for her chance to start a life outside.
As Konami became, as the Polygon explainer puts it, "an Orwellian nightmare," Kojima was even apparently barred from attending an awards show that eventually honored Metal Gear Solid V; that game's star, actor Kiefer Sutherland, had to accept in Kojima's place.
"Nevertheless, the Orwellian laws that allowed their imprisonment -- and the imprisonment of thousands before them -- remain on the books, and the Cuban government continues to repress individuals and groups who criticize the government or call for basic human rights," the group said.
The fruits of China's new AI industry go to repressing the Uighurs and other minorities in Xinjiang through an Orwellian world of concentration camps that uses facial recognition technology, voice-pattern analyzers, random phone searches, torture, and even organ harvesting and forced sterilization.
The goal of its "independence" is the Orwellian mandate to "overcome antireform inertia" — it conducts "pilot studies" to search for cost savings — which is a good goal — but it's granted authority to waive almost any part of current Medicare law, which is bad.
If, as the lower courts concluded in Carpenter, we have no expectation of privacy in historical CSLI, then the government could theoretically keep near-constant tabs on every American who uses a cell phone—a rather Orwellian proposition, even by today's standards.
What's next: Big Brother Watch has criticized what it calls the "lawless growth of Orwellian surveillance" in the U.K. and is gearing up to bring a lawsuit against the police, arguing that automated facial recognition violates the European Convention of Human Rights.
"Police use of facial recognition software is the latest example of Orwellian technology that violates our privacy and civil liberties under the guise of public safety and it must stop," Sarah Ford, a Bernie Sanders campaign spokesperson, told CNN Business on Monday.
After the White House on Saturday accused the Chinese government of "Orwellian nonsense" for ordering 36 airline companies to purge their websites of references to Macau, Taiwan and Hong Kong as separate countries, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs struck back on Sunday.
It would have been one thing if China had moved in the liberal direction many expected; it's quite another when Xi's rule grows ever more repressive and an estimated one million Muslim Uighurs in China's Xinjiang region undergo Orwellian re-education in camps.
Yet phone apps have taken micro-sized mixing to another level, introducing dumb stuff like the robot that helps you choose tracks, an Orwellian nightmare for selectors that want to crate-dig rather than be ruled by a dance music version of Clippy.
Spectacular revelations about surveillance practices, like those leaked by Chelsea Manning and Edward J. Snowden, spurred fears of a creeping Orwellian state, even though the vast stores of material outed seemed mostly to show ordinary government officials working hard, and even intelligently, at their jobs.
Getting rid of cash will not turn our society into an Orwellian dystopia overnight, but these concerns should act as a precaution that once we go fully cashless, it has the possibility of giving authorities the necessary tools to gain unprecedented control over their citizens.
His new film Anon, which is now available on Netflix, follows that same trend — only this time, Niccol is turning his spotlight toward privacy issues, and the Orwellian implications of a world in which everyone's lives are constantly recorded in the name of safety.
Orwellian voice recognition Using burner phones may help keep the authorities off of your scent and allow your conversations to blend into the masses of unencrypted phone traffic, but without the protection of encryption there is yet another technological foe to contend with: voice recognition.
From the surreal slow fades between rioters and attendees on the  Guardian's live coverage of the inauguration, to Sean Spicer and Kelly Anne Conway's truly Orwellian newspeak, and the sustained protests across the globe: it's been a sickening, saddening, inspiring, fearful, hopeful, angry journey.
" Former Democratic FCC commissioner Michael Copps, a longtime public interest champion who now serves as special advisor at Common Cause, ridiculed Pai's Orwellian title for the net neutrality rollback order—"Restoring Internet Freedom"—and called the Republican justification for the move "just plain rubbish.
What Obama apparently never considered was that the Orwellian surveillance tools he created, and the precedents he set of killing and jailing Americans, could one day fall into the hands of a mountebank, demagogic president unrestrained by norms and perhaps even untethered from reality.
Here is the Guardian's cut of some of Johnson's moments from the speech: Johnson countered his more Orwellian imagery with utopian examples of how technology can help humankind, and concluded by announcing a summit in London next year — although he gave no details about it.
In a real-life Orwellian nightmare, the 30-something urbanite was then shipped off to the Baikal Amur Corrective Labor Camp (BAM) in Siberia to work as a guard without any real justification—other than the fact that he was a bit too clever.
What is at stake with the American capitalist propaganda of Koons's "Bouquet of Tulips" is the recognition of art as a means of seeing through Orwellian falseness, through the clichéd, through the indifferent, through the tendentiousness of Trumped-up, hyped-up, falsified life and death.
In an Orwellian era when the president's personal lawyer says that "truth isn't truth" and when lies are excused as "alternative facts," a newly released documentary film provides a potent reminder of one public official who wasn't afraid to speak his mind without perverting reality.
"Today Xinjiang has become an open-air prison - a place where Orwellian high-tech surveillance, political indoctrination, forced cultural assimilation, arbitrary arrests and disappearances have turned ethnic minorities into strangers in their own land," Kumi Naidoo, secretary-general of Amnesty International, said by video.
In another Orwellian twist, the agency claimed that this move was designed to improve the quality of the science on which it relies, yet major scientific organizations, including the American Lung Association, the American Heart Association and the American Medical Association, denounced the move.
China In 22017, China ramped up a campaign of repression against the Uighurs, a Muslim minority group located in the northwest of the country in the Xinjiang region, where the state has been deploying an Orwellian mix of AI, facial recognition and "reeducation" camps.
The Wall Street Journal recently reported on the many new Orwellian surveillance tactics that technology is allowing bosses to deploy, from recording and analyzing all their speech to monitoring their body's fitness and even the times at which they go to sleep and wake up.
"Xinjiang has become an open-air prison — a place where Orwellian high-tech surveillance, political indoctrination, forced cultural assimilation, arbitrary arrests and disappearances have turned ethnic minorities into strangers in their own land," Kumi Naidoo, secretary-general of Amnesty International, said in a video statement.
Security experts from Stanford, Harvard and Rice universities and independent researchers laid out this Orwellian scenario in a court filing today, supporting Apple's fight against a court order to help investigators hack a smartphone used by one of the assailants in the mass killing.
He wrote a piece in mid-2013 titled "Jobs, Robots, Capitalism, Inequality, And You" that really dove into what could happen on the macro scale after the robot revolution occurs, invoking images of "post-capitalism," the haves and the have-nots and the dangers of Orwellian dystopia.
You can barely say a word about anything remotely contentious these days without some joyless leftist martinet popping off about your words being unsafe, or triggering or culturally appropriated, or whatever the latest Orwellian epithet is about sexism or racism or some other awful ism or phobia.
Not an Orwellian sequel, Baldwin says the album got its name because 1985 was the year before he was born — but also ties in themes of New York City during that time, and suggests how much little change has occurred over the span of three decades.
"There is a long list of abuses, grievances, censorship, killings in the countryside by the army, Orwellian control from city hall at a local level, unrestrained corruption, consecutive electoral frauds in national, legislative and regional elections, repression and abuse of students, persecution of NGOs," said Montenegro.
But China for example, one of the hearings we had in the intel committee was how they are exporting their digital form of totalitarianism, the euphemistic, the Orwellian "safe cities" model where they have ubiquitous CCTV cameras tied into big data and facial recognition, social media scores.
The album's graceful and tuneful (and less obviously electronic than its reputation suggests) musical vision of an Orwellian future still hasn't exactly come true and maybe never will, but perhaps it's that lingering distance which has allowed it to age so well as melancholy robot music.
But the future we're heading toward will be neither Skynet nor Orwellian Big Brother: It is much more likely to look like the hedonic society portrayed in a Brave New World, where technologies maintain the status quote through a regime of universal happiness and pervasive self-indulgence.
Honecker helped perpetuate one of the most monolithic and authoritarian regimes in Europe's history, a 21990-year dictatorship that, according to Western historians, crushed dissent, spied on a broad spectrum of the population and tried to control its people with heavy-handed propaganda and Orwellian repression.
And from what I understand, they were using scare tactics, basically, saying, "Look, once you give your name to one of those union organizers, they'll track you for life, you can't get off that list," kind of making it sound like the unions were some Orwellian nightmare.
China's aviation regulator in April gave three dozen airlines a May 25 deadline to remove references on their websites or in other material that suggest Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau are part of countries independent from China, a move described by White House as "Orwellian nonsense".
Letter To the Editor: Re "Borders, Nationalism and the Fight for a Unified Europe" (The Interpreter, July 7): The Orwellian idea of surrendering one's national identity to some so-called superstate and a distant mega-government ruling over it all was always a fatally flawed concept.
If what your government and your teachers are saying is all part of the same Orwellian monologue – if the differences between the Harvard faculty and the military-industrial complex, or between Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater, are negligible – then you have a responsibility to make a revolution.
That Sesame Credit program is part of a broader push in China to track how people go about their day, one that could feed into the Chinese government's ambitious — and, some people would say, Orwellian — effort to use technology to keep a closer watch on its citizens.
In reviewing the advances that have been made in recent decades towards the construction of an Orwellian national security state, it's not overstating it to say what once seemed possible only on the ink-lettered pages of dystopian science fiction novels has entered the realm of reality.
Because the Honor Code policies placed the burden of reporting violations on their peers, students were often known to report each other to the Honor Code Office for as little as sitting on someone's lap, creating an environment many described as akin to an Orwellian surveillance state.
"For Mick Mulvaney to suggest that Americans turn off their TVs and bury their heads in the sand when they're worried about a global health pandemic is Orwellian, counterproductive, dangerous and would be repeating China's mistake," said Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader.
In reality, the absence of protest is not because China's civil society is indifferent, but because the CCP has put in place a most sophisticated surveillance system, creating a true Orwellian state that has erased all space for civil society organizations or, in fact, any dissenting voice.
They seem to be infected by the establishment, which is trying to make the Orwellian case that these tax cuts are actually a tax increase on middle-income families, or influenced by the liberal media's anti-tax cut points that ran nonstop over the Thanksgiving recess.
Republican and Democratic lawmakers, who so rarely agree on anything, have recently joined forces to attempt to limit law enforcement agencies' ability to surveil Americans with this technology, citing concerns that the unchecked use of facial recognition could lead to the creation of an Orwellian surveillance state.
From Swain's BBC article: However, the public mood surrounding brain implants soured with the publication of his book Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society in 743, in which Delgado (somewhat naively) downplayed the Orwellian prospects of the devices and encouraged people to embrace the technology.
After the revelations of Edward Snowden, an American intelligence contractor who has fled to Moscow, many found that hard to believe: "mass surveillance"—to use the Orwellian term favoured by Mr Snowden's supporters—of all data held in America seemed a fundamental breach of Europeans' right to privacy.
The country is also experimenting with even more Orwellian technology, including the Ministry of Public Security's mass surveillance system and a "Social Credit System" that can create a blacklist for those who don't pay debts or who cheat on taxes, break traffic rules or attend an unofficial church.
With his mendacity and increasingly virulent attacks on immigrants, Muslims, women, the press, the judiciary, the intelligence services, the F.B.I. — any group or institution that he finds threatening or useful as a scapegoat — Mr. Trump is attempting the Orwellian trick of redefining American reality on his own terms.
When he promises a "deportation force" to round up illegal immigrants, or threatens to expose sensitive information on his political enemies or their wives, and even when he calls on everyone to "boycott Starbucks" for allegedly removing Christmas from their cups, he is directly raising the specter of Anonymous's Orwellian nightmare.
By the time a "Purge Mass" is committed — with two men of the cloth rapturously locked in an erotic embrace as they mutually stab a homeless man to death, all while enthralled rich white people look on — there's an eerie Orwellian symmetry between the audience onscreen and the audience offscreen.
More than any year of the band's existence, 2016 most evidently reflects the Orwellian paranoia of their post-OK Computer output—it's only now that we're willingly wearing wristbands that transmit our biometric data to tech companies and entrust multinational corporations to deliver toiletries from warehouses to our front door.
Edward Snowden says that his leak of National Security Agency documents was motivated by the fear of an Orwellian nightmare in which the authorities would use digital means to control society and eliminate opposition As our democracy and our alliances crumble, that nightmare is indeed taking shape before our eyes.
But no matter how you look at them, Russia's Facebook ads were almost certainly less consequential than the Trump campaign's mastery of two critical parts of the Facebook advertising infrastructure: The ads auction, and a benign-sounding but actually Orwellian product called Custom Audiences (and its diabolical little brother, Lookalike Audiences).
No, Jeff Goldblum serves a far greater purpose that's essential to his longevity and our salvation in an Orwellian time: Jeff Goldblum is a reverse-character actor playing Jeff Fucking Goldblum in every role, a vessel for the audience as we awkwardly laugh, scream, and question the danger around us.
For students coming of age in a world like ours, having someone talk about civil discourse because of being called a relatively benign name online is a wasted opportunity; it's these more Orwellian situations that seem to happen with increasing frequency about which George Washington students should hear expert testimony.
He has provided us with Betsy DeVos, a secretary of education nominee who is widely believed to oppose public education, and who promotes the truly Orwellian-sounding concept of "school choice," a plan that seems well-intentioned but which critics complain actually siphons much-needed funds from public to private education institutions.
Under Xi Jinping, we see China going back to a totalitarian state where there is less room for political discourse than there was in the 1980s for instance, where you have you all the elements of surveillance and control which really looks Orwellian, and all the things that you talked about plus more.
To be honest, I never really liked the name Big Brother at first because of the Orwellian nature of it, but then it started taking on a different connotation: We are the big brother that is going to show the way and tell you the shit your parents would never tell you.
The Trump administration's disdain for factual information has become abundantly clear from the falsehoods uttered by Trump's aides in recent days, such as press secretary Sean Spicer's inaccurate assertions about the inaugural crowd sizes, as well as senior advisor Kellyanne Conway's use of the Orwellian term "alternative facts" to describe Spicer's figures.
As does the very term "Orwellian," used increasingly to describe any number of troubling developments: from Trump's habitual lying to the toxic politicization of the news media; from the expansion of campus speech codes to Silicon Valley's hijacking of our data and attention (the citizens of "19843" are monitored continuously by "telescreens").
They also drive home Mr. Marks's debt to John le Carré — "Counterpart" pays hommage to Mr. le Carré's classic Cold War morality tale, "The Spy Who Came in From the Cold," while pumping up the dystopian, Orwellian mood and visuals (and borrowing discreetly from the premise of the Fox sci-fi series "Fringe").
Even in soft focus and sweaters, it'll be nearly impossible for all but Trump's most ardent supporters to separate the Spicer they see on TV from the one that declared Trump's inauguration was the most heavily attended in history, to forget about Conway's Orwellian "alternative facts" line, or to dismiss Sanders's withering credibility.
Williamson, you will recall, claimed at a June rally that mandatory vaccines are "draconian" and "Orwellian," then apologized the following day for using those terms while doubling down on her claim that "Big Pharma," in her words, "rush[es] some drugs to market," a commonly expressed anxiety in the "vaccine skeptical" community.
To the Editor: Your article about a new rule by the nation's consumer finance watchdog quotes Representative Jeb Hensarling, a Texas Republican, as saying, "In the last election, the American people voted to drain the D.C. swamp of capricious, unaccountable bureaucrats who wish to control their lives" — a stunning example of Orwellian Newspeak.
This is Black Mirror's first true storyline set in the past rather than the future, so naturally, it plops us down in 1984 — nominally because 1984 was a primo moment in the history of video game development, but more obviously to ensure that our ensuing experience is as on-the-nose and Orwellian as possible.
After a 15-day hiatus from the cameras, White House press secretary Sean Spicer returned to face the press Tuesday in a televised briefing that began with an Orwellian tribute to the president's recent trip abroad and ended, fittingly, with the press secretary walking out in the middle of an argument about fake news.
When I later visited Obama's former campaign mastermind David Axelrod in Chicago, I brought up the soft Orwellian vibe of an information space where old media structures and hierarchies have been erased by Silicon Valley billionaires who convinced the suckers that information was "free" and everyone with access to Google was now a reporter.
Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un trading threats with words like "fire and fury"; Pakistan deploying tactical nuclear weapons to counter Indian conventional threats; Russia enunciating an Orwellian doctrine of "escalate-to-de-escalate" that calls for early use of battlefield nuclear weapons; and major nuclear-weapons states modernizing their arsenals — nukes are back.
Voters across the country asked election officials to remove their names from voting rolls so that their personal information would not be turned over to the Orwellian Election Integrity commission that the president established to try to substantiate his outrageous and false charge that there were three million or more illegal voters in 20203.
While some users are likely to be creeped out by Facebook asking them to feed it selfies to log in, the reality is that the site already has an Orwellian stockpile of information on members—such as years' worth of embarrassing photos, awkward statuses, the content of direct messages, cell phone numbers, addresses, and debit card information.
In December, the BBC reported that China is building what it calls "the world's biggest camera surveillance network," complete with 170 million CCTV cameras that are already in place, with an estimated 5003 million new ones to be installed in the next three years, a starkly Orwellian reminder that China is quickly becoming the world's biggest Big Brother.
"It is Orwellian to lecture others on nationalism when she's the one who drapes herself in a flag and drives around in a tank," said SNP candidate for Edinburgh North and Leith, Deidre Brock, referring to a photo shoot in which Davidson posed in a British army tank and a Union Jack, the symbol of British unity.
" In this world view, power and nationalism provide their own imperatives -- an idea more commonly advanced by the Chinese government, which also on Tuesday imposed their final deadline on US airlines to change the name of Taiwan on their maps and websites -- a move which the Trump administration had previously (and accurately) described as "Orwellian nonsense.
Most media outlets have reported glibly on the figures, with some going so far as to compare the Amazon best-seller list (where purchases of "21984" have gone up nearly 21984,21984%) to a "political barometer" before making the obvious parallel between the Orwellian concepts of newspeak and doublethink and the words of Conway and actions of White House communications director Sean Spicer.
Taser Debuts Orwellian New Name, Offers Free Body Cams for Every Cop in America On Wednesday, stun gun maker Taser announced that it's offering free body cameras to every police…Read more ReadHarlan Yu is a principal researcher for Upturn, a tech policy nonprofit that produced the Body Worn Camera scorecard—a 2016 report rating body camera policies for different police departments.
No one (except perhaps the acidic H. L. Mencken, who famously described American democracy as "the worship of jackals by jackasses") could have imagined that the 250st-century catastrophe to befall the U.S.A., the most debasing of disasters, would appear not, say, in the terrifying guise of an Orwellian Big Brother but in the ominously ridiculous commedia dell'arte figure of the boastful buffoon.
XOCHITL GONZALEZ Brooklyn To the Editor: While I generally agree that identity politics is too limiting to deal with the larger threats of a Trump presidency, the sheer size of the march shows that it was not simply about identity politics but was instead about mass revulsion in response to Donald Trump's bullying, unstable character and Orwellian disregard for the truth.
To show the threat of spying and convey Snowden's personal motivations, the movie gets imaginative at times, and depicts one of Snowden's bosses as an Orwellian character: he's named O'Brian (a nod to O'Brien, the sinister government official in 1984) and his last communication with Snowden is via his head projected on a giant screen, hinting that he has been spying upon Snowden's girlfriend.
The letter comes after the right-leaning news company faced widespread criticism from journalists and others on social media over the promos, which were read by dozens of news anchors at stations around the U.S. A Deadspin compilation showing news anchors side-by-side reading the same script in unison went viral and was deemed "Orwellian" by former CBS News anchor Dan Rather, among others.
" Similar concerns about an Orwellian consolidation and centralization of government media control have been expressed over administration efforts "to curb the flow of information from several government agencies involved in environmental issues," and the possibility, as Politico reported, that the new White House might also try to put its stamp on the Voice of America, the broadcasting arm that "has long pushed democratic ideals across the world.
"  Nearly 22019 years later, our decadence had been codified in what observers such as David Foster Wallace calls politically correct English (PCE) in "Consider the Lobster" (2011): "PCE purports to be the dialect of progressive reform but is, in fact — in its Orwellian substitution of the euphemisms of social equality for social equality itself — of vastly more help to conservatives and the U.S. status quo.
Again, everyone involved tends to be pretty sensitive about this, because the alternative could be a devastating war potentially capable of dragging in the Taiwanese government's Western allies like the U.S.As Reuters noted, the PRC has been increasing pressure on foreign firms that do business on the mainland to not imply that Taiwan is not a part of China, which Donald Trump's administration referred to as "Orwellian nonsense" in May.
Because what will happen is if everyone goes to their respective corners and the tech community says 'Either we have strong, perfect encryption or else it's Big Brother and an Orwellian world,' what you'll find is that after something really bad happens, the politics of this will swing, and they will become sloppy, and rushed, and it will go through Congress in ways that have not been thought through.
Script analysis of this sort, according to The Black List, is not new: The 4-page summary report that users would have received covered several practical areas, such as a film's potential genre, rating, and film budget: It could also measure the protagonists' and antagonists' likeability: And it could also do Orwellian deep dives into each characters' "sentiment," like this breakdown of three characters' anger, annoyance, fear, and happiness.
"What will happen is, if everybody goes to their respective corners, and the tech community says 'either we have strong perfect encryption or else it's Big Brother and an Orwellian world', what you'll find is that after something really bad happens, the politics of this will swing and it will become sloppy and rushed and it will go through Congress in ways that are dangerous and not thought through," the president said.
Kevin Cox/Getty Images The Trump administration has reportedly banned officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from using these seven words in budget documents — a move that some are calling downright Orwellian: According to the Washington Post's Lena Sun and Juliet Eilperin, who broke the story Friday night, CDC policy analysts at headquarters in Atlanta were briefed about the banned words at a Thursday meeting with officials who oversee CDC's budget.
In 1984, George Orwell wrote his imagined dystopian regime "told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears," but Fox News has actually figured out a tactic even more pernicious: Fox News' own masters of Orwellian doublespeak, its Hannitys, Carlsons, and Doocys, the ones who smugly declare down up and up down, aren't even bothering to tell their viewers to ignore their eyes and ears, because the truth never even approaches their airtime.
But in his article for National Review, Richwine argues that not only is Wax "almost certainly correct" in her view that black students "rarely" graduate in the top half of Penn Law's classes, but to punish her for saying so is "almost Orwellian" — as, in Richwine's view, it's Penn Law's fault that black students are (again, in Wax's opinion) underperforming: All of the problems listed by Dean Ruger are the direct result of Penn's affirmative-action policies.
Our pet, our favorite, was a sci-fi movie we called "Yet Another World," a tale of alternate nightmare Earths—one a "Mad Max" post-apocalyptic landscape, the other an Orwellian dystopia—that begin to communicate with each other to form a mutual resistance to their twin conditions; in the story, a man from the post-apocalypse (Harrison Ford, probably, or Bruce Willis) falls in love with a lady scientist from the dystopia (Michelle Pfeiffer, so hot in glasses!).
If Edward Snowden had released his bombshells about Orwellian illegal spying and data seizures by the Obama administration in October 2012 (instead of 2013), Mitt RomneyWillard (Mitt) Mitt RomneyA US-UK free trade agreement can hold the Kremlin to account Ex-CIA chief worries campaigns falling short on cybersecurity Overnight Defense: US, Russia tensions grow over nuclear arms | Highlights from Esper's Asia trip | Trump strikes neutral tone on Hong Kong protests | General orders ethics review of special forces MORE might have won that November.
There is an exuberance in inflicting torment and suffering that goes beyond the traditional and practical zero-sum politics of exclusion in the Middle East, whether it is the Orwellian joy of launching military operations with monikers like "Operation Olive Branch" and "Restoring Hope," the enthusiastic and vindictive mass murder or incarceration of political opponents in countries like Egypt and Turkey, the brazenness of chopping up a journalist inside a consulate, or the vulgarity of a political discourse in which every day is a witch hunt.
Sen. Jeff FlakeJeffrey (Jeff) Lane FlakeArpaio considering running for former sheriff job after Trump pardon Overnight Energy: Warren edges past Sanders in poll of climate-focused voters | Carbon tax shows new signs of life | Greens fuming at Trump plans for development at Bears Ears monument Carbon tax shows new signs of life in Congress MORE (R-Ariz.) on Thursday blasted President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE's rhetoric during his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling it an "Orwellian moment" and the result of his colleagues indulging in "myths and fabrications" on Trump administration policies.
How prophetic was George Washington when he defined the fundamental principle of political parties stated in his farewell address; "They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction…" Literature provides even more frightening scenarios than Washington's prophecy with the Orwellian prediction that "…they adored the Party and everything connected with it... All their ferocity was turned outwards, against the enemies of the State…" Are we replacing the state with the party and blurring distinction between the state and the party?
At Frieze Masters, Frieze's sister fair devoted to work before 2000, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac took as inspiration George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984," which has been on best-seller lists again thanks to disquieting times in the U.K., Europe and the U.S. But Ropac presented a counterpoint to the Orwellian vision of progressive dehumanization, with artworks all made in 1984 that instead pointed to that year as a time of dynamism and creativity, including work by Jean-Michel Basquiat, George Baselitz, Joseph Beuys, Robert Rauschenberg and Ilya Kabakov who, along with his wife Emilia, is being recognized with a big show at the Tate later this month and an ongoing retrospective at the Hirshhorn in Washington, D.C. The Brit duo Gilbert and George, who in 1984 were nominated for the very first Turner Prize, are included as well.

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