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25 Sentences With "orient towards"

How to use orient towards in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "orient towards" and check conjugation/comparative form for "orient towards". Mastering all the usages of "orient towards" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The device also uses face tracking to adjust the holographic image to orient towards the speaker.
People experiencing high levels of physical or mental pain automatically orient towards themselves and begin using I-words at higher rates.
MS: In order to orient towards what to do about it — and this is actually emblematic of what, I do know the point of departure in most therapies, which, when I was a student, one of my 90 year old supervisors said, people come into therapy with a mess.
In the beginning, you know, when you're an analyst, you actually are supposed to orient towards companies that are already kind of working, and so you end up meeting companies and you learn what questions to ask, how are they ... I was doing a lot of software as a service companies.
In a 1995 study of experimentally caged larvae in the High Arctic of the Canadian Archipelago, 81% of larvae spun hibernacula. During the active season, larvae orient towards solar radiation, and each spins its respective hibernaculum over a 24-hour period. They generally pupate with their head facing south, in a north-south orientation. This cocoon helps the larvae to accumulate heat more effectively.
Phytochromes are red and far-red photoreceptors that help induce changes in certain aspects of plant development. Apart being itself the tropic factor (phototropism), light may also suppress the gravitropic reaction. In seedlings, red and far-red light both inhibit negative gravitropism in seedling hypocotyls (the shoot area below the cotyledons) causing growth in random directions. However, the hypocotyls readily orient towards blue light.
This is especially true for human adults and infants, who engage in this behavior starting at two months of age. Adults and infants take turns exchanging facial expressions, noises, and in the case of the adult, speech. Sensitivity to dyadic orientation plays a major role in the development of dyadic attention. Infants must be able to correctly orient towards in response to the attention seeking interaction.
They orient towards prey detected by their lateral eyes whenever the angle subtended by such prey exceeds 5.5°. The velocity of the prey is not involved in the determination of reactive distance, but only moving objects elicit orientation. The probability that orientation is followed by stalking is a function of both prey size and velocity. The zebra spider's stalk velocity declines progressively as it nears its (stationary) prey.
The last issue of Polar Star came out without any Russian correspondence at all. Kolokol tried to re-orient towards the European readership, and its several last issues came out in French. In August 1867 the Free Russian Press was closed. Chernetsky launched the completely new publishing house under the same name which, without making any significant mark, went on for three more years and folded in 1870, soon after Hertzen's death.
But we must think also patients parents childhood, the phenomena of transgenerational transmission, the teachers and social workers who have ignored the problem and so on. Siirala distinguishes two major factors in this collective pathology. The first is the delusional possession of reality. By that Siirala means an attitude where one's own assumptions are considered the only one, a position where things are already known - so there seems to be no real need to orient towards the subject.
Furthermore, body control, posture, lean, and openness all were found to relate to dominance. For instance, Dunbar and Burgoon (2005) found that the more body control a woman had the more observers perceived her as dominant (.27) and that in general the most powerful are also the most facially expressive and the least controlled in their body. Carney, Hall, and LeBeau (2005) found high power individuals were perceived to lean forward, have open body positions, orient towards the other, and have an erect body posture more so than those of less power.
Male leg-trembling causes females (who were in the "net stance") to orient towards and often to clutch the male. This does not damage the male or deter further courtship; the male then deposits spermatophores and begins to vigorously fan and jerk his fourth pair of legs over the spermatophore, generating a current of water that passes over the spermatophores and towards the female. Sperm-packet uptake by the female would sometimes follow. Heather Proctor hypothesised that the vibrations made by trembling male legs mimic the vibrations that females detect from swimming prey.
The roles were reversed however, when looking at a teenage dating site: women made sexual references significantly more often than males. Boys share more personal information, such as their hometown and phone number, while girls are more conservative about the personal information they allow to go public on these social networking sites. Boys, meanwhile, are more likely to orient towards technology, sports, and humor in the information they post to their profile. Social media goes beyond the role of helping individuals express themselves, as it has grown to help individuals create relationships, particularly romantic relationships.
As they rise, the towers re- orient towards the West to maximize the light afforded each unit as well as views of the Hudson River. The twisting geometry at the corners of the towers also reduces the overall bulk of the buildings and creates additional separation between the towers.Bjarke Ingels Group According to the architect, the façade design is inspired by the punched windows of the Meatpacking district's historic warehouses as well as the architecture of the surrounding West Chelsea neighborhood. Even though the façade is set on a sloping concrete exposure, each individual window remains rectangular and vertical.
Within their native rain forest habitats, the adult beetles, which are nocturnal, forage for fruit at night and hide or burrow within the leaf litter during the day. The adult D. hercules beetles are capable of creating a 'huffing' sound, generated by stridulating their abdomen against their elytra to serve as a warning to predators. Like most insects, communication within the species is a mix of chemoreception, sight, and mechanical perception. Experiments on D. hercules have shown that a male placed in the vicinity of a female will immediately orient towards her and seek her out, suggesting chemical communication through strong sexual pheromones.
Bufo bufo The common toad responds to a moving insect or worm with a series of prey-catching reactions: (1) orienting towards prey, (2) stalking up to prey, (3) binocular fixation, (4) snapping, (5) swallowing and (6) mouth-wiping with forelimb (Ewert 1974). This series of movement constitutes a stimulus-response chain, where each reaction of the toad provides the stimulus constellation for the next response. First, if an object is recognized as prey and thus catches the toad's attention, the toad will orient towards the stimulus by turning its body to face it. Then it approaches the prey, binocularly focusing intently on it.
Both sexes of Neumania papillator are ambush predators - perching among the fronds of the aquatic vegetation, they hunt copepods (small crustaceans) which pass by in the water column. When hunting N. papillator adopts a characteristic stance termed the 'net stance' - their first four legs are held out into the water column, with their four hind legs resting on aquatic vegetation. This allows them to detect vibrational stimuli produced by swimming prey and thus orient towards and then clutch at the prey. During courtship, males actively search (swimming/walking) for females \- if a male finds a female, he slowly circles around her whilst trembling his first and second leg near the female.
In general, platformist groups aim to win the widest possible influence for anarchist ideas and methods in the working class and peasantry--like especifismo groups, platformists orient towards the working class, rather than to the rest of the far left. This usually entails a willingness to work in single-issue campaigns, trade unions and community groups; and to fight for immediate reforms while linking this to a project of building popular consciousness and organisation. They therefore reject approaches that they believe will prevent this, such as insurrectionary anarchism, as well as "views that dismiss activity in the unions" or that dismiss anti-imperialist movements.Anarkismo, 2012, "About Us".
In summary, a single prey fish creates a rather simple particle velocity pattern while pressure gradients of many closely swimming (schooling) prey fish will overlap; that creates a complex pattern, and accordingly the predator will be unable to identify the individual fish through lateral line perception.Larsson M (2009) Possible functions of the octavolateralis system in fish schooling. Fish and Fish 10:344-355 The lateral line system is necessary to detect vibrations made by prey, and to orient towards the source to begin predatory action. Fish are able to detect movement, produced either by prey or a vibrating metal sphere, and orient themselves toward the source before proceeding to make a predatory strike at it.
The orientation of face determines the focus with which the face negotiator will direct her or his attention and energy of the conflict messages. Because of different concerns, caused by different underlying cultural values, face negotiators may orient towards self-face (one's own image), other face (the other conflict party's image) or mutual face (both parties' image and/or the image of the relationship).Ting-Toomey, 1999 For example, in individualist cultures, such as the United States, Germany, and Great Britain, there is great value on personal rights, freedoms and the "do it yourself" attitude. Individualists cultures are seen as promoting independence for individuals In collectivist cultures such as Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Colombia, more value is placed on "we" vs. "I".
Friedman advocates that the United States draw back from Israel, which is strategically secure, fully capable of surviving on its own, and is no longer heavily dependent on the US, and slightly re-orient towards Arab states to create a balance of power. He also advocates a deal with Iran which would essentially allow it a secure sphere of influence in the region and an alliance with Turkey to counterbalance Iran and Israel. Friedman argues that while Israel's position is secure due to a balance of power between its Arab neighbors, including alliances with some of them, the main danger it faces is intervention of or alienation from major powers over the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and that it must manage the conflict prudently.
Sensitivity to eye contact is present in newborns. From as early as four months old cortical activation as a result of eye contact has suggested that infants are able to detect and orient towards faces that make eye contact with them Farroni, T., Massaccesi, S., Menon, E., & Johnson, M. H. (2007) Direct gaze modulates face recognition in young infants. Cognition, 102(3) 396-404.. This sensitivity to eye contact remains as the presence of eye contact has an effect on the processing of social stimuli in slightly older infants. For example, a 9-month-old infant will shift its gaze towards an object in response to another face shifting its gaze towards the same objectSenju, A., Csibra, G., & Johnson, M. H. (2008) Understanding the referential nature of looking: Infants’ preference for object-directed gaze.
Sometime after the affinity for orange objects arose, male guppies exploited this preference by incorporating large orange spots to attract females. Another example of sensory exploitation is the case of the water mite Neumania papillator, an ambush predator which hunts copepods (small crustaceans) passing by in the water column. When hunting, N. papillator adopts a characteristic stance termed the "net stance": its holds its first four legs out into the water column, with its four hind legs resting on aquatic vegetation; this allows it to detect vibrational stimuli produced by swimming prey and to use this to orient towards and clutch at prey. During courtship, males actively search for females; if a male finds a female, he slowly circles around the female whilst trembling his first and second leg near her.
Dr Heather Proctor (formerly at the University of Toronto, now at the University of Alberta) studied the courtship behaviour of Neumania papillator, and noticed that male leg trembling caused females (who were in the 'net stance') to orient towards and then often clutch the male. This did not damage the male or deter further courtship; the male then deposited spermatophores and began to vigorously fan and jerk his fourth pair of legs over the spermatophore, generating a current of water that passed over the spermatophores and towards the female, for about 60 seconds. Sperm packet uptake by the female would sometimes follow. Proctor hypothesised that the vibrations the trembling male legs made were done to mimic the vibrations that females detect from swimming prey - this would trigger the female's prey-detection response causing females to orient and then clutch at males, mediating courtship.
The WIL began to orient towards the trade unions, and deprioritised entrism into the Labour Party. After the appointment of Roy Tearse as industrial organiser (replacing Gerry Healy),Bornstein, S. & Richardson, A. (1986) War and the International, London: Socialist Platform, pg.69 the WIL found itself involved through him in setting up a solidarity committee in support of victimised workers called the Clyde Workers Committee after the original organisation bearing that name which had led the revolt on the Clyde during World War I.Bornstein, S. & Richardson, A. (1986) War and the International, London: Socialist Platform, pg.70 This body called a conference in Glasgow on 5–6 June 1943, which attracted delegates from "Yorkshire's West Riding, Newcastle, Nottingham, Huddersfield, Barrow and London" and set up the Militant Workers Federation with Tearse as Secretary and offices in Nottingham near the Royal Ordnance Factory.

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