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975 Sentences With "onscreen"

How to use onscreen in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "onscreen" and check conjugation/comparative form for "onscreen". Mastering all the usages of "onscreen" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Janney and her Mom onscreen daughter are tight onscreen and off.
"For me, kissing a man onscreen is no less appealing than kissing a woman onscreen," Egerton said.
Fitbit has a personalized coaching app called Fitbit Coach that provides onscreen workouts, but those onscreen sessions won't run on the Versa Lite.
"For me, kissing a man onscreen is no less appealing than kissing a woman onscreen," Egerton said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
"I love that right now we're seeing a different kind of black woman onscreen, we're seeing a different kind of black girl onscreen," she said.
And it's not necessarily what audiences are expecting onscreen, precisely because they are accustomed to seeing the opposite onscreen, so they are surprised by it.
"For me, kissing a man onscreen is no less appealing than kissing a woman onscreen," he said earlier this month in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
"For me, kissing a man onscreen is no less appealing than kissing a woman onscreen," he said earlier this month in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
If, as the old saw goes, it's impossible to depict war onscreen without glamorizing it, it may also be impossible to depict rape onscreen without eroticizing it.
And even better: The more of those that happen, the bigger the potential for Americans to see not just themselves onscreen but people who aren't themselves onscreen, too.
I'll admit it does get exhausting to constantly be thinking about the show along two rails: what's happening onscreen, and which fan theory might best contextualize what's happening onscreen.
Will they make room for women — and not just white women — to not only appear onscreen in substantial ways, but also to steer their own stories onscreen and from behind the scenes?
They had this kind of tumultuous friendship relationship, unrequited love story that happened onscreen, was picked up onscreen and then was on social media and in the press in between this time.
I promise not to cry, I've done enough crying onscreen.
It's not just about the faces that we see onscreen.
When multiple enemies are onscreen, he's helping Kratos manage targets.
And what's actually onscreen is nasty, brutish, and (mercifully) short.
The show didn't onscreen credit, but they paid me $2,000.
I find myself asking this whenever I see her onscreen.
Onscreen colors on the XL seemed faded, some users reported.
" He added: "I think you can see the chemistry onscreen.
They have explored that question directly onscreen with each other.
And each time, onscreen gods are forgiven their offscreen crimes.
"I don't have a lot of onscreen daughters," admits Watts.
The vast majority of women depicted onscreen are effortlessly beautiful.
That's not to say that she's totally over being onscreen.
This isn't the first time Alan Pangborn has appeared onscreen.
And, for some reason, it looks so much better onscreen.
Onscreen or in the ring, Idris Elba always kicks butt.
It also is extremely conscious of humanizing every slave onscreen.
It's important that all kinds of people are represented onscreen.
But the festival isn't just limited to viewing film onscreen.
Words With Friends manages to successfully recreate this experience onscreen.
It's the onscreen equivalent of a ten year old's sleepover.
According to Q, who plays Tori onscreen, size apparently matters.
However, it's unclear when we'll see them together again onscreen.
Could this Stranger Things villain be our next onscreen hero?
Still, both are women who challenge expectations of onscreen femininity.
It's also the first new onscreen appearance for Hail, Caesar!
As for bisexual men ... well, they still barely exist onscreen.
You know what does make for good onscreen storytelling, however?
Very little onscreen kids' entertainment these days escapes computer enhancement.
Smoking onscreen used to be ubiquitous because, well, everybody smoked.
Many of us want to see more of you onscreen.
Eddie Redmayne is truly a wizard, both onscreen and IRL.
Onscreen she's eating an apple; in voiceover, she sighs heavily.
Nwodim will make her onscreen debut during the season premiere.
However, this isn't the first time we've seen him onscreen.
When Diana did the superhero landing, her thigh jiggled onscreen.
All in all, he was onscreen for about 20 seconds.
Not everyone onscreen winds up better off by the end.
Some people did boo, though, when Jay Z appeared onscreen.
We're seeing more and more of that nontraditional father onscreen.
Every prop you see onscreen, we're making those decisions together.
Onscreen, the millionaire maintains the environs of the gamer boy.
A woman of many talents, Beyoncé has also appeared onscreen.
While she was shown onscreen, she did not perform live.
Nothing looks all that different onscreen in the convention coverage.
Loy and Powell were two of Hollywood's favorite onscreen pairings.
Butler's onscreen debut was in the British drama film Mrs.
But someone needs to get these two together onscreen, stat.
Dance doesn't just happen on stages, it thrives onscreen, too.
But the East Bay is no stranger to starring onscreen.
But what's onscreen is a marriage of commerce and art.
Ms. Wells is appealing onscreen and is a smart writer.
Girls are watching, and they need to see themselves onscreen.
The action stops, and the words "Missing something?" appear onscreen.
She did not so much act as perform onscreen karaoke.
Back then, female sexuality onscreen was largely synonymous with vulnerability.
It's not hard to be in love with her onscreen.
Here are some of the onscreen highlights from their careers.
How has your own relationship with depicting sexuality onscreen evolved?
Stephen King's writing continues to find a second life onscreen.
Authenticity is nakedness, which onscreen means that it is sex.
And that's the original movie — and the real Tate — onscreen.
She appeared onscreen in several episodes of the television show.
I could not be what I could not see onscreen.
What it omits may be as interesting as what's onscreen.
Will it help change the lack of Asian representation onscreen?
Onscreen, the kids were saying a tearful goodbye to Jessie.
It's been a while since you hung with girlfriends onscreen.
But onscreen, he comes across as just another generic nemesis.
He'd make a good detective and an unpredictable onscreen presence.
Ben Affleck watches Jennifer Garner, onscreen, from backstage on Sept.
Mr. Zahedi's onscreen persona is all about absolute discomfiting candidness.
They grew up onscreen throughout filming eight "Harry Potter" movies.
Apart from a grisly early scene, there's little onscreen violence.
They can just be, even with boogeypeople chasing them onscreen.
Pity we don't get to see more of her onscreen.
Embodying any of those characteristics onscreen is no small feat.
Savimbi himself appears onscreen 48 seconds into the opening trailer.
The beloved comedy duo said their onscreen goodbyes in March.
Forever after, the couple's offscreen relationship overshadowed their onscreen collaborations.
His chemistry with both Lively and his other onscreen love interest, Anna Kendrick, was almost as strong as his connection with Crazy Rich Asians' Constance Wu. Simply put: Golding is always onscreen bae material.
People want to see us onscreen together again, and that's fine.
Some of my first programs mimicked the onscreen prompts from WarGames.
So what's the makes Gosling and Stone the perfect onscreen match?
I felt that I could deliver what I wanted to onscreen.
It's Hollywood's fault for never getting the Fantastic Four right onscreen.
"Can't Regina have any fun?" her onscreen mother Maria Gibbs asks.
Trans women were taught to be that way, onscreen and off.
You already know Awkwafina as one of the funniest women onscreen.
Not in real life — at least, I hope not — but onscreen.
Animation used to be the go-to medium for superheroes onscreen.
These young women never experience a fully realized inner life onscreen.
But onscreen, Knightley's chin becomes one of her most dynamic features.
Which in turn could be applied to rotate an onscreen object.
Olivia Colman just returned to her stomping grounds — onscreen, at least.
Onscreen, Purge Night looks like one hell of a rave party.
But that inner world, that convulsing consciousness, can't be put onscreen.
Sarah Hyland is standing up for her onscreen sister Ariel Winter.
But you can't help but look at it once it's onscreen.
Cynthia Erivo and Kasi Lemmons bring Harriet Tubman to life onscreen.
He's not awful onscreen, but it's not where his strengths lie.
Leakes' onscreen altercation comes amid her husband Gregg Leakes' cancer battle.
Maybe, one day, Sturgess and Wu will reunite — onscreen, this time.
Unsurprisingly, the actors looked as radiant as they do onscreen together.
Read These Stories Next:Faking It: What Do Actors Actually Smoke Onscreen?
So, does reading in print versus onscreen build critical thinking skills?
As the smooth-talking Toby, Sullivan is a delightful onscreen presence.
Riddler, Jim Carrey cemented his oversized onscreen persona in a performance
Never once did anyone onscreen do anything particularly aversive or embarrassing.
He'll be forever remembered for his talent, both onscreen and off.
Some famous couples just work well together both onscreen and off.
Essex County, on the other hand, is harder to picture onscreen.
After a few moments, a message appears onscreen: TEST SUITE PASSED.
Chances are, you know Nate Parker for his incredible onscreen presence.
It's an abstract idea, so how do you express it onscreen?
That comfortable dynamic on the set isn't exactly reflected onscreen,though.
But the blackness onscreen is as rich and textured as skin.
Onscreen and maybe off, ambition has taken the place of lust.
Jonas also appears onscreen, drawing with black ink and with ice.
It's not the first time female friendship has been depicted onscreen.
Men onscreen often put their lives at risk for noble causes.
Just don't expect to see a kiss or a caress onscreen.
Tonnessen said the star's onscreen persona keeps motivating the collecting group.
On the next box, choose Excel and follow the steps onscreen.
The appeal of Jack Reacher seems obvious but remains elusive onscreen.
Within minutes of appearing onscreen, he dies alone in his bathtub.
David Harbour could not be more proud of his onscreen family.
Sometimes it wasn't even clear if they knew they were onscreen.
I think he really saw an opportunity to have fun onscreen.
The performances we watch onscreen have been shaped by those actions.
They represent, onscreen and off, the very changes that they narrate.
"It's one step closer to seeing it onscreen," Mr. Tarses said.
The difference is, the audience didn't watch me grow up onscreen.
Every time he's onscreen, you want to keep watching that movie.
This was a minor godsend amid the plundering and killing onscreen.
You fear more for the editors' exhaustion than any onscreen injury.
She's seen enough onscreen sex, violence and obscenities for several lifetimes.
But BAM is devoting a whole series to Southern sultriness onscreen.
Onscreen, she makes cutting remarks that keep men on their toes.
Also, should Albinoni's Adagio in G Minor not be banned onscreen?
"I was told we had to 'part ways,'" she said onscreen.
Onscreen or off, Seberg was an arresting mash-up of contradictions.
A gymnast onscreen had smashed his face on a balance beam.
Octavia exemplifies that onscreen, and she does that in real life.
With just eight years onscreen, his career nevertheless feels epic, canonical.
Wouldn't you rather have all of this alleged offscreen cleverness onscreen?
But don't get her confused with her onscreen alter ego Cookie Lyons.
Not one person onscreen is a prop, and everyone has a personality.
We were such a tight unit, and that's what comes across onscreen.
But it might be some of her best onscreen work to date.
Reeves told PEOPLE in 2017 he wanted to reunite with Bullock onscreen.
If this description sounds familiar, it's because you've seen it onscreen before.
Rochefort last appeared onscreen in 2015's Floride, portraying an Alzheimer's sufferer.
In 1986, McGee married Carl Lumbly, her onscreen husband in Cagney & Lacey.
And how do you possibly keep track of everything that's happening onscreen?
It speaks to the power of putting everyday experiences with faith onscreen.
That's largely thanks to Brooklynn Prince's complete lack of self-consciousness onscreen.
When Sierra first appears onscreen, she is a bubble of ethereal confidence.
The iconic onscreen couple even showed off their dance moves for photographers.
The history of documentary is one long quest to define truth onscreen.
Why do you think we're suddenly seeing moms blow off steam onscreen?
Text onscreen reveals that Burden had died just days before the opening.
This also marks the best friends' first onscreen pairing since Dawson's Creek.
"The most important events of our life happen onscreen," he told me.
I grew up idolizing men in books, onscreen, and in real life.
She wore clothes that covered up her body both onscreen and off.
A breaking news graphic flew up onscreen and then there was silence.
We need more women's stories onscreen, and more women to tell them.
"Francis was a good stepmother," she said of the marriage depicted onscreen.
Yet in Hollywood, they represent 64 percent of all onscreen gang members.
Tensions are simmering onscreen between Brody Jenner and his wife Kaitlynn Carter.
And Larson has only the highest regard for her onscreen big sister.
Mount, meanwhile, confirmed that Number One would also be joining him onscreen.
"Fuller House" star John Stamos remembered his onscreen love Lori Loughlin's birthday.
In November, she reunited with Jason Momoa, who played her onscreen husband.
Read These Stories Next: Faking It: What Do Actors Actually Smoke Onscreen?
Julianne Moore's onscreen romances have an effect on her real-life romance.
Jodorowsky himself makes the occasional appearance onscreen alongside them to offer commentary.
It's telling you the story just as much as the characters onscreen.
Onscreen fables usually have at least a hint of whimsy and wonder.
We even witnessed her very first kiss onscreen in Sweet Home Alabama.
The framerate took a bigger hit when there were multiple players onscreen.
While others did, in fact, showcase Hillary Clinton onscreen, like USA Today.
Jennifer Aniston might be willing to give an onscreen collaboration another shot.
But onscreen, the gender balance and racial mix become far more evident.
What were your interactions with the prisoners like, both onscreen and off?
What's the most accurate depiction of a solar eclipse you've seen onscreen?
There is nothing we love more than a really steamy onscreen kiss.
Mr. Cranston reflected on the figure he has played onstage and onscreen.
"Is that legal?" a drunk patron queried, of the questionable fare onscreen.
Onscreen, a grimy blue tractor hauled a trailer through an autumnal pasture.
Listen, it's not like we need to see more sexual assault onscreen.
The #StarringJohnCho campaign is drawing attention to a lack of diversity onscreen.
Pitt says he often eats onscreen because he likes to stay busy.
Hepburn and Tracy's onscreen partnership is as iconic as their separate careers.
"The Amazing Spider-Man" was the hero's first live-action onscreen appearance.
They also make money through deals over channel placement and onscreen marketing.
That broadcast didn't list Stephens' race onscreen alongside his height or weight.
Everything onscreen works without a hitch, Mario Kart just like I remember.
Is there a particular play you're especially looking forward to seeing onscreen?
What could possibly be fun about that, whether onscreen, implied or otherwise?
And of course, it was wonderful to see them interact onscreen again.
Instead, the lack or mismanagement of Self Made's budget is obvious onscreen.
While his onscreen credits grew, Donald didn't want to leave theater behind.
Cher Horowitz, I should say, is my favorite onscreen Jane Austen heroine.
Later, she leveraged her onscreen success in service of a music career.
" A piece of onscreen text vows: "The saga comes to an end.
He was shot and killed by his second onscreen wife in 2005.
And there have been many onscreen moments heightened by her singular voice.
Movies do not begin and end so much as they loiter onscreen.
And when Mr. McGregor collapsed onscreen, she tried to reassure her son.
With all the reboots these days, don't rule out an onscreen reunion.
Here's a refresher on her history, both onscreen and on the page.
Yet Moss is onscreen for nearly every second of its 48 minutes.
But Ms. Rainer, sitting beside him and checking the results onscreen, approved.
Romantic comedy is apparently even tougher, at least from recent onscreen evidence.
Tap the More button, then Delete Card and follow the instructions onscreen.
Minorities can find it gratifying to see people who resemble them onscreen.
Kylie Jenner formed a crush on Taylor Lautner after seeing him onscreen.
But when the logo of its studio, Netflix, flickered onscreen, they jeered.
An onscreen talking dog is not new — remember the Taco Bell Chihuahua?
I grew up looking for myself onscreen and never could find myself.
Plus, you'l receive messages and notifications onscreen, like with other Fitbit models.
Windows 10 users can see available emoji with the system's onscreen keyboard.
THEN: Brad Pitt had his first onscreen role in the sitcom "Dallas."
How is it being stuck in onscreen teendom in your mid-20s?
How is it being stuck in onscreen teendom in your mid-20s?
Patricia Arquette's good looks are just as amazing as her onscreen performances!
The McQueen connection compounds the importance of the Mustang GT's onscreen appearance.
The McQueen connection compounds the importance of the Mustang GT's onscreen appearance.
But it's not the kind of sexiness we're used to seeing onscreen.
From 2000 on, she had only one onscreen male partner—her husband.
This year's onscreen sexual exploits are a mix of aspirational and relatable.
" Adele chatted onscreen, and Eisenman parroted her: " 'Koindah 'ystericol ta be awnest.
Having more people of color onscreen is a trending idea in Hollywood.
A transcendent feat of strength onstage is just another glassy token onscreen.
This unconvincing romantic comedy is a family affair, both onscreen and off.
Whenever Aquaman appeared onscreen, his presence usually led to a fun time.
Or what if the person onscreen refuses to conform to your expectations?
Have I ever seen the gigantism of a woman's desire onscreen before?
The Assistant also wasn't consistent with what and who it could identify onscreen.
Its one claim to fame is the first onscreen appearance of Boba Fett.
Then, through a foggy cloud of digital smoke, your costume match appears onscreen.
Things really escalate when Chyna's mom, Shalana Hunter aka Tokyo Toni, struts onscreen.
Still, that applies mostly to the apps we see onscreen, not the actors.
"It was difficult," she says of watching her life story play out onscreen.
You'll deliver a perfect onscreen performance, even while wearing your pajama bottoms. 1.
In addition to his work onscreen, Moore was a longtime UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.
Good for: Slightly dysfunctional families who get emotional watching other dysfunctional families onscreen.
For women who like seeing men onscreen, m/m doubles the eye candy.
Yet the rose-colored vision of the Jewish Catskills persists onscreen and off.
In response, the onscreen pet sheds tears and tries to calm the person.
Still, not everything that works on the page can be as compelling onscreen.
An elegant solution — but one that online dating hasn't necessarily found yet onscreen.
But what isn't obvious is: Was it really necessary to show it onscreen?
Audiences don't have access to the magical powers that help these women onscreen.
There are still so few overweight women onscreen, in starring or supporting roles.
But we're sure her onscreen brother Ross would approve of her methods anyway.
Onscreen volume controls will appear as a slider next to the hardware buttons.
I would love to continue portraying a plethora of sexualities in people onscreen.
In Blockers, the roles are reversed, behind the camera as well as onscreen.
Odds are that onscreen, the top-billed Idris Elba will get more action.
She is the most visibly exhausted I've ever seen a woman look onscreen.
In 2018, we were "blessed" with a veritable motorcade of bad wigs onscreen.
It's easy to pooh-pooh the Oscars, but onscreen representation has powerful effects.
"We may be the first to have that right onscreen," Mr. Eggers said.
The Live team had to figure out how both people would appear onscreen.
A yellow box will appear onscreen with a sun icon to the right.
Kelly Clarkson is feeling the Christmas spirit — both in real life and onscreen!
In those films, a young Argento would get raped, undress and traumatized onscreen.
They help with her onscreen work as well the behind-the-scenes tasks.
But the images it puts onscreen are often startling and hard to forget.
How has your onscreen political life informed your real one, and vice versa?
The service allows gamers to contribute directly to onscreen gameplay through crowdsourced controls.
The thing is, this isn't the first time Tolbert has berated Roper onscreen.
In other words, Mia is the platonic ideal of an onscreen struggling actor.
Each week, 40 million viewers watched the onscreen antics of the Ricardo family.
But while the films' similarities are striking offscreen, onscreen, their differences are stark.
You would never, ever assume that working with her or watching her onscreen.
It's unclear if Banks will also have an onscreen role in the reboot.
Their friendship was seen onscreen in the second season of Netflix's The Crown.
The episode marked her last time onscreen, according to The New York Times.
Seeing male vulnerability onscreen is also part of the power of this film.
But what sounds so delicious in the telling is pallid and ludicrous onscreen.
The keyboard disappears and you should see a set of onscreen drawing tools.
Tessa Thompson spoke with Time about the importance of advocating for representation onscreen.
As with any form of social struggle, age warfare plays out metaphorically onscreen.
It's a pleasure to watch Ms. Binoche and Ms. de Laâge onscreen together.
Natalie Portman famously shaved her head onscreen in 2005's "V for Vendetta."
When do we see the joy and dignity of any African country onscreen?
But never onstage or onscreen, where he felt free to be someone else.
John Wayne and Ward Bond are two of Hollywood's most iconic onscreen duos.
Working an incandescent rapport rarely seen onscreen, the two actors spark and spar.
Natalie Portman's first onscreen role was Mathilda in "Léon: The Professional" in 1994.
And it looks like history may be repeating itself for the onscreen lovers.
And I never once have to compare myself unfavorably with the people onscreen.
Onscreen text talked about the "countless lives" that have been destroyed by gunfire.
The last time Murray was this convincingly despondent onscreen, he was in Rushmore.
What's so striking about Won't You Be My Neighbor isn't really onscreen, though.
There is a wary acceptance that onscreen, studios cast for safe, recognizable tropes.
Wherever there is a numeral onscreen, it seems, seven makes a brief appearance.
Onscreen biometric data and real-time fan interaction would have been nearly impossible.
However, McKinnon didn't interview herself — it was the real senator who appeared onscreen.
What people are like offscreen is often relevant to what they're like onscreen.
Whenever the citizen journalists are onscreen, The Opposition's parody is sharp and specific.
That's the most significant onscreen change in the show, and it's a bummer.
It would have to clean up its act onscreen and off — or else.
No matter the onscreen decade, Elisabeth Moss knows how to suffer in it.
You probably do a lot of repetitive typing on your tiny onscreen keyboard.
For an hour onscreen, his sweaty, wide-eyed face held the room rapt.
We're giving you a sneak peek of all the sexiness to come onscreen!!!
Instead, with an image of Earth onscreen, Anders read the opening of Genesis.
Her first animal to appear onscreen was Paul Newman, a white basset hound.
"Keeping smoking onscreen is like putting arsenic in the popcorn," Dr. Glantz said.
Clearly, it's not just onscreen that he knows how to flex his muscle.
The Daniels envisioned viewers using thumbnails to flip among the alternate realities onscreen.
Is there an unwritten industry rule that says different species cannot communicate onscreen?
The project's back story is often more interesting than what plays out onscreen.
Onscreen, Butler's character Trevor is the carefree sidekick to Peter, adored by many.
When you use the onscreen tutorials, the software begins to learn your voice.
A suicide, glancingly referred to in the book, is now onscreen and graphic.
What are you most excited to see onscreen in the Lena Waithe adaptation?
The lawsuit also says that the disclaimer was only onscreen for three seconds.
Instead, she's dead within two days and having her skull sawed open onscreen.
He's the latest in an extensive and growing web of Marvel characters onscreen.
But in terms of representation onscreen, let's count this as an important milestone.
Their frequent onscreen drinking is notable, given that Prohibition was years from repeal.
Remember that summer, when "The Avengers" wowed us by putting six superheroes onscreen?
Her onscreen abortion in Season 5 was also a groundbreaking moment on television.
Americans can't stand to see an animal die onscreen in a TV show.
It's a raging oversimplification that also diminishes nearly everything else that happens onscreen.
Shortly thereafter, "Moonlight," the bona fide Academy Award best picture winner, flickered onscreen.
Overall, tobacco use onscreen jumped 280% in all films from 22016 to 20183.
But I couldn't have predicted how impactful seeing my story onscreen would be.
It's a lot to wrap your head around in writing, much less onscreen.
I'd say that every writer who contributed has a piece of themselves onscreen.
Hollywood hasn't always done a great job of representing the science community onscreen.
He puts screens onscreen — and that's a crucial part of cinematic world building.
As writer Noel Murray explains in his primer on MST3K's importance, the show has always encouraged viewers to watch the little details onscreen closely — in this case, everything from the font onscreen to the brand of lighter in Jim Hopper's hand.
While we'll have to wait to find out who will play King's onscreen love interest (unfortunately, she and Kissing Booth actor Jacob Elordi can't star in everything together) this is one spooky romance I already can't wait to see onscreen.
And in the grand tradition of sharply funny sidekicks passed over for blander heroines like Lucy, every moment Emily Lacey's onscreen is another moment I remembered that she isn't onscreen all the other moments, and what a damn shame that is.
Anyone who has witnessed him onscreen knows that Sterling K. Brown is something special.
Jason Momoa is supporting his onetime onscreen love, Game of Thrones costar Emilia Clarke.
The New Yorker doesn't use much by way of emoji, doodles or onscreen text.
"We both knew it would be the end of the relationship onscreen," she says.
The people onscreen are being silent, and we feel like we should be too.
She's just never gotten her chance to shine onscreen the way she's meant to.
The two worked together on the film and it was Fisher's last appearance onscreen.  
Reverse that equation and you'll end up with a bland show that withers onscreen.
He was just the loveliest guy, and there's something so endearing about him onscreen.
Onscreen, comedian and Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones has had a great, name-making 2016.
It also wouldn't be the first time we saw Ramirez onscreen in recent years.
How is it okay to repeat it and splash it onscreen hundreds of times?
There's no combination more dangerous than Anne Hathaway and Matthew McConaughey — onscreen, at least.
"She's a young girl romancing guys onscreen; this is against Islam!" shrieked a scholar.
This will be the first time the stepdad and stepdaughter will appear together onscreen.
And though their chemistry onscreen is undeniable, filming those love scenes together wasn't easy.
She made her onscreen feature debut in Adam Shankman's Rock of Ages, in 2012.
Early on in Netflix's The King, Joel Edgerton's Falstaff makes his first appearance onscreen.
Lip Sync Live is also adding onscreen lyrics, creating a more karaoke-like experience.
Male suffering onscreen often is built on female suffering, which it obscures and expropriates.
We've pulled together some of our favorite onscreen BFFs of all time as proof.
While A and Rhiannon are an onscreen couple, A is portrayed by many actors.
Avengers: Infinity War is an epic payoff for a decade of onscreen comics fandom.
Both audiences, really: The one onscreen, watching the wrestling, and us here, watching show.
They aren't the only filmmaker working to depict more — and better — trans stories onscreen.
By focusing solely on onscreen performances, the SAGs are less bureaucratic than the Globes.
All totaled, there are 20 workouts to choose from, all with an onscreen trainer.
It has gifted us with perhaps the most sensational black witch to appear onscreen.
But while Maya's résumé is fake, her onscreen friendship with Joan is anything but.
In doing so, the film makes a subtle but strong case for onscreen diversity.
Children can follow along with passages highlighted onscreen as the narrator reads them aloud.
I can't wait to play a part in bringing this world to life onscreen.
"That's right!" said Bush, remembering she kissed Reynolds onscreen in 2002's Van Wilder.
Twitter has one great idea — and it's a couple you've already seen together onscreen.
Getting buff and bloodied and displaying emotion onscreen seems to be a winning combo.
It underlines the verisimilitude of much of what happens onscreen, no matter how ridiculous.
There was that moment she glanced up to see she and the fam onscreen.
Based on that film, Lane said their onscreen kiss keeps him in the running.
He didn't have to do anything except be onscreen to get me to laugh.
Instead, there are onscreen controls for going home, opening the app drawer, and multitasking.
Three, according to an infographic onscreen—possibly four now, since a test in January.
Hollywood has made strides in recent years in how it depicts trans people onscreen.
During the national anthem, Willy's mother blessed each Mexican player as they appeared onscreen.
Onscreen, the films seem like a random selection from your garden-variety porn site.
The bulk of his cheesy banter is reserved for his onscreen son, Cole Sprouse.
The two worked together on the film and it is Fisher's last appearance onscreen.
" Bledel, 36, said that reuniting onscreen with the ladies "would be the best thing.
What makes The Expanse an interesting case isn't just the range of people onscreen.
They involve her onscreen boyfriend Toby Damon (played by Chris Sullivan) and a bed.
Or is your favorite group of onscreen students the stars of 13 Reasons Why?
Because then we have to take responsibility for how we feel about it onscreen.
The stars themselves appear onscreen to wish their moms a very Happy Mother's Day.
"The number of women onscreen is unchanged from the nineteen-forties," Smith told me.
And is there anything more distracting from what's onscreen than pee-pee chair-dancing?
When Alexander makes mention of Communism, Solntseva pairs it with a massive explosion onscreen.
Just saw peter jackson eating a raw carrot onscreen so better have these pic.twitter.
"If you've had intimacy in your life, you can be intimate onscreen," she said.
But when I think of Soul Train, I think about the onscreen Black beauty.
The man's behavior "combined with the carnage happening onscreen got people nervous," he said.
But the actor wasn't just a car enthusiast onscreen; he was a collector himself.
The grainy, abject ineptitude of what you see onscreen matches your burned-out mood.
And when people see themselves represented onscreen, they are more likely to pay attention.
Illustrations pop onscreen to punctuate points, and piped-in music swells to stoke feelings.
The leading role is still to be cast, but come through, diverse onscreen representation!
But onscreen, it's about the difficulty of navigating the digital trail she leaves behind.
"How meta," Walsh said of her transition from onscreen doctor to real-life patient.
Whenever he's onscreen, gruesome torture and murder usually accompany him — but without much depth.
He's also expected to show up onscreen in a few episodes airing next year.
I watch them and feel like what's happening onscreen is happening to my body.
And new tools are making it easier for voters to interact with what's onscreen.
Dershowitz, played by Ron Silver, is portrayed onscreen as a committed fighter for principle.
Tap the name of a control for an onscreen slider to make your modifications.
Many actors grow up onscreen, but Mr. Stamp actually had an early role recycled.
A third officer in a different uniform then appears onscreen with a gun drawn.
Are we starting to see a permanent shift when it comes to diversity onscreen?
Encounters The "Schitt's Creek" star channels her onscreen socialite at the landmark luxury hotel.
For LJ and Quinn to identify so deeply with black characters onscreen is important.
Despite his onscreen bravado, he is attracted to quieter pastimes like chess or golf.
Historically, the game-show-model format has exposed glaring inequalities, both onscreen and off.
He's that rare Hollywood animal, a starring actor who feels genuinely dangerous, onscreen anyway.
It's the camaraderie of the group's onscreen interactions that has made grover51 a fan.
Mr. Bologna's fame, like his onscreen persona, had its roots on the Broadway stage.
When the text mentions birds and trees, prerecorded birds and trees dutifully appear onscreen.
You'll never see him onscreen, but you're watching a legend go out on top.
Eventually, Salem appears onscreen, in an orange jumpsuit, beside the black flag of ISIS .
You'll see "uncredited" next to many names on IMDB, meaning they didn't appear onscreen.
Both use gyroscopes and sensors to sync your head's movement to the views onscreen.
The conservative Gary Cooper emerges as a hero in life as well as onscreen.
Muslim Americans crave seeing ourselves onscreen, and we rightly need more than one narrative.
At the screening I attended, the entire audience froze, as did the figures onscreen.
These creatures, however many times they are killed off onscreen, are endlessly renewable properties.
"It's extremely important and people want to see themselves authentically represented onscreen," he said.
Both worked the city's comedy circuit for years, writing and appearing onstage and onscreen.
They're onscreen as much as the leads, and they get their own story lines.
And seeing a black women enact it is unbelievably satisfying — and unheard-of, onscreen.
When he's onscreen "The Politician" feels as if it's taking time out to meditate.
His tenure began in November 1990, and he wouldn't appear onscreen until February 1991.
" He said "we had an inaccurate graphic onscreen while taking about this very story.
I'd never seen my fears as an African-American man onscreen in this way.
But 2016 belonged to a different kind of onscreen religion, aimed at mainstream audiences.
That's particularly true because it's hard not to miss Rose when Ben is onscreen.
More particularly, each centers on a woman who outdoes everyone else onscreen in victimhood.
Onscreen, Ms. Plaza wields a withering deadpan and a side-eye that leaves marks.
Infinity War is the closest iteration of this limitless power that we've seen onscreen.
But as shown onscreen, it's a pretty unsatisfying way to address some serious issues.
She wasn't dusted onscreen, leading fans to believe she may have survived the snap.
After sitting through the subjugation of several black characters, especially Lupita Nyong'o's Patsy, who is raped onscreen by her master and later suffers an excruciatingly unflinching whipping, I was emotionally drained by the weight of the horrors that had been depicted onscreen.
If anything it's fun for anyone who works at NY1 to see the brand onscreen.
We're all in on onscreen villains, but their backstories don't always turn out so compelling.
Eisenberg's Luthor has a much different look from the other versions of the villain onscreen.
The SAG Awards focus on the most visible part of the industry: The onscreen talent.
You can't help thinking of the age of the people onscreen and what they represent.
Watching Evans and Slate's real-life chemistry play out onscreen will be a welcome distraction.
Focusing exclusively on representation onscreen, Perry has done his part to uplift people of color.
Rush had previously opened up to PEOPLE about the importance of representing gay teenagers onscreen.
One issue we saw illustrated quite clearly onscreen was the practice of shackling during labor.
Sometimes Jim would "pet" the sleeping dog onscreen with his finger to rustle her awake.
But even with his humanity lost and his agency gone, he still represents us onscreen.
This all proves just how good an onscreen love triangle would be between those three.
Centineo said he would "totally" cast Avengers star Mark Ruffalo to play his onscreen dad.
Frankel's real-life business success offscreen makes her shameless brand promotion onscreen seem less desperate.
With such palpable onscreen chemistry, these two must make a cute real-life couple, right?
But onscreen, The Nice Guys is deficient in whatever special sauce binds these ideas together.
"We wanted to have [all of that] onscreen, all together as a piece," she said.
If we see the Incredibles onscreen this weekend, it's going to be mayhem in there.
Bring It On and The Virgin Suicides are two films that capture Dunst's onscreen innocence.
That's especially helpful since most of these characters are ones we haven't seen onscreen before.
Malcolm," which may as well end with onscreen text promising, "Yes, they will have sex.
But despite her regular onscreen presence, her little ones' perception of the star remains unchanged.
Even Boe stated that her character Jessica was slut-shamed following her own onscreen rape.
This year, however, audiences proved (almost) insatiable when it came to watching people sing onscreen.
Affleck's directorial work on Live by Night is the exact opposite of his onscreen performance.
It can be very, very hard to put sexual violence onscreen without it becoming exploitative.
This technology is used to create corresponding reactions on one of 12 animated emoji onscreen.
Lauren Graham's other famous onscreen daughter Mae Whitman will have a cameo in the revival.
Sometimes 306 Hollywood feels like an incredibly pretty act of extended onscreen procrastination and deflection.
This movie is some of the most onscreen fun on this planet or any other.
When she talks to her audience onscreen, you feel like she's talking just to you.
Despite playing rivals onscreen, the two actors couldn't stop cracking each other up while filming.
Krayenbühl and Oelbaum depict her contemporaries onscreen via actors who offer testimonials to her character.
For more than two and a half hours, fans watch as Infinity War unfolds onscreen.
People are hungry to see themselves onscreen in a way that they feel is real.
Last seen in the boxing biopic Pambelé, about Colombian fighter Antonio Cervantes, Gaviria shines onscreen.
Chloë Grace Moretz has tackled more than most at age 18 – and not just onscreen.
Spike stalks onscreen brandishing a double-barreled shotgun, sees Buffy crying, and immediately drops it.
It was overwhelming to see all those things onscreen, but it gave me a goal.
Natalie Morales, star of Battle of the Sexes, is confronting sexism both onscreen and off.
Still, watching the account unfold onscreen, you'll be shaken to the core by their prescience.
Of its seven named female characters (only one of whom isn't white), three die onscreen.
"I no longer wanted to see myself onscreen as someone's chatty best friend," she said.
"Nowadays, people are talking about it more," he told Bustle in regards to onscreen diversity.
Top of the list is the ability to write onscreen without waking the phone up.
It's a very transitional color, setting the stage for her most spectacular onscreen costume moment.
Onscreen, it resembles a mosaic by Joan Miró, all curving forms leaning into each other.
And the role required a level of onscreen smart-aleckness that often obscured her smarts.
It's also the biggest argument for letting Marvel take control of the Fantastic Four onscreen.
He shared a short video of his onscreen BFF Winona Ryder, swearing in between takes.
There's a new Android Dashboard, where you can track how you're spending your time onscreen.
The group then expanded its work, training the system to decipher letters and words onscreen.
But the bigger question is whether students are learning as much when they read onscreen.
By contrast, Grace Kelly projected refinement and poise in person, onscreen, and in other media.
In front of Silicon Valley techies, Knoll cloned an onscreen Jennifer, then cloned her again.
You can even use an eyedropper tool to select the color of an onscreen object.
She last appeared onscreen in the 2015 marital-discord drama By the Sea, opposite Pitt.
He doesn't seem to use personal social media and rarely appears onscreen outside the Jeopardy!
Navia's onscreen BFF was also cast: Sky Katz, America's Got Talent alum, will portray Tess.
Malia Obama made her onscreen debut in a music video ... which is very Harvard-centric.
Tom Cruise is back onscreen in Mission: Impossible—Fallout, and more intensely private than ever.
It's a limitation of imagination that holds women back onscreen — and also in real life.
Thus, they can operate in a publicity vacuum more than those making a living onscreen.
It's putting something onscreen that seems as if we know it, when we really don't.
The app will let you open apps, scroll with voice commands, and select items onscreen.
In season 8, she was a "friend" of the housewives, which meant less time onscreen.
Imbruglia's onscreen debut came in 1992, as Beth Brennan on the Australian soap opera Neighbours.
You want to worry about the drama that's taking place onscreen, not off of it.
Just choose the URL you want to install WordPress on and follow the onscreen instructions.
Surely it's okay if we're uncomfortable, as long as the people onscreen are uncomfortable, too.
"We have heard enough of Trump's attacks against Hispanics," reads onscreen text in the video.
Asians, and people of all ethnicities, need a fair opportunity to have their time onscreen.
I've certainly never accepted her as the onscreen feminist shero that I can count on.
Those guys show up briefly onscreen, impersonated by Guy Pearce (Fitzgerald) and Dominic West (Papa).
The movie features no new onscreen interviews, so it is refreshingly free of talking heads.
Since you live with your onscreen husband, does it ever bleed into your real life?
After all, we live in an age where inclusion onscreen extends to gender-bent roles.
Endomondo has a straightforward onscreen display that shows elapsed time, distance covered and calories burned.
And if anything, the story behind the story is even more fascinating than what's onscreen.
Where the effects were unfinished, text would appear onscreen explaining what viewers would eventually see.
The principal actors onscreen are only a small percentage of the entire body of employees.
Alone of all the folks onscreen, she's the one who comes nearest to having fun.
The onscreen content is meant to complement whatever real-world task you're trying to accomplish.
Although he had rakishly batted away the questions onscreen, he now admitted to another motive.
At other times an onscreen character would cry if the child did not buy something.
In 213, for instance, the ratings system started to account for onscreen smoking of cigarettes.
Romances between men and much-younger women remain commonplace onscreen — especially in Woody Allen movies.
Her tearful reaction upon hearing it is what we see onscreen as Jaime rides away.
It would be nice to see Latinos living regular lives — not stereotype-fueled fantasies — onscreen.
"A Man's a Man" (1912) offered a rare, sympathetic perspective of a Jewish protagonist onscreen.
As a jazz musician, just seeing that play out onscreen, it was a nice moment.
Mr. Green's onscreen persona for YouTube shows like "Crash Course" is ceaselessly energetic and positive.
Given how personal the story is, was it unnerving for you to see it onscreen?
Onscreen, letting us be put off or confused by the main character isn't an option.
A female body onscreen has a way of obscuring, or distracting from, the intelligence offscreen.
Once the monster appears onscreen, no matter how horrible, it's less scary once it's concrete.
During the unusually melancholic love song "King of My Heart," they were onscreen, thickly interwoven.
Female characters behave with more assertiveness and conviction onscreen than they did in the books.
"I was really infuriated that I didn't get to die onscreen," Ms. Bianco said, laughing.
Now seems like the best moment in his onscreen life to have him contemplate space.
Actually seeing her onscreen embodied in a real person kind of ruined it for them.
Still, it's not exactly punishment to see Fey and Slattery share their wry camaraderie onscreen.
When he and De Niro are onscreen together, you believe in the power of art.
Much like his onscreen alter ego, Levy no longer feels the pressure to prove himself.
Humans don't remember their lives in scenes, but that's how memories tend to unfold onscreen.
It's always Stephen King season onscreen, but this summer the yield has been particularly abundant.
The new Buck is able to do things onscreen that Bucks of yesteryear could not.
In related experiments, participants toured virtual art galleries with the option to take onscreen snapshots.
Breakfast television had begged viewers to call the number onscreen to vote on whether Mrs.
You don't get to Brad Pitt level of acting success solely by being stoic onscreen.
THEN: Antonio Banderas made his onscreen debut in the 1982 Spanish film "Labyrinth of Passion."
" She always denied that and attributed the intensity of their onscreen chemistry to "method acting.
"I lived in a fantasy world," he says in onscreen text early in the documentary.
And let's be honest: It's hard to make mental illness, and math, compelling onscreen. 20033.
She was onscreen for a reason — to sell her brand, her lifestyle, even her book.
It showed a kind of emotional honesty that was crucial to Mr. Trump's onscreen success.
In particular, Strechay stressed that "there are a lot of comical portrayals of blindness" onscreen.
Rami Malek's first ever onscreen appearance was on an episode of "Gilmore Girls" in 2004.
Other times, their anger, filtered through the lens of a man, manifests onscreen as grotesque.
But the assignment went to an actress whose currency onscreen far surpassed hers by then.
Kaling is a trailblazer and has paved the way for how women are depicted onscreen.
The Girl in the Dark is a potent character, and it may soon appear onscreen.
She's playing Priestly's wide-eyed assistant Andy Sachs, who was immortalized onscreen by Anne Hathaway.
And when it came to minority female characters onscreen, the results were much more uneven.
When she is not onscreen, Ms. Dern is often shuttling her two children around town.
But the intersection is quieter and more orderly onscreen, which is how Cuarón remembers it.
Even though everyone watched the identical action onscreen, viewers' perceptions varied with their political beliefs.
What it is is that I have to be articulating and recreating my memories onscreen.
Mainstream moviegoing audiences rarely get to see this viewpoint onscreen, let alone presented this unapologetically.
It also has one of the most tense, extended text-messaging scenes ever seen onscreen.
She runs on resentment and hellfire, and every second she's onscreen crackles with smirking electricity.
MIUI 26 has a minimalist design with nice flat icons, and some of the Xiaomi customizations like Quick Ball, a little floating onscreen button that resembles iOS's onscreen accessibility button gives you shortcuts for things like opening the Recent Apps window and taking screenshots.
Jake and Bill's "friendship" is a disaster, but both of them find better onscreen partners elsewhere.
But how much of that is actually having a real impact on what we see onscreen?
In the novel, Kidman's character is abused by her husband Perry, played by Alexander Skarsgård onscreen.
It seems GoT fans would rather 'ship Turner and her onscreen sister and real-life BFF.
An active woman onscreen is a powerful image, and one that is inherently resistant, even radical.
Are the people onscreen are about to kill each other...or are they falling in love?
Speedman has a hunky bro vibe that tends to drag the movie down whenever he's onscreen.
Still, despite Lourd's decision to appear onscreen with her mom, it wasn't always easy for her.
And it celebrated Indian-American culture onscreen in ways that still feel admirable and unique today.
When you come from the culture that you see onscreen, it inspires you in different ways.
After this week's episode, Supergirl watchers were struck by the intimacy of Alex's coming out onscreen.
How are viewers supposed to feel anything when we don't see those onscreen feel it, too?
He was previously portrayed onscreen by none other than David Bowie in Christopher Nolan's The Prestige.
When faced with an onscreen character that actually was talking to him, Jim readily chatted back.
Instead of destroying him, the allegation of sexual exploitation revived his career as an onscreen villain.
It's safe to say that she is just as wise and relatable as her onscreen counterpart.
Here's hoping these talented buddies always find time to hang out, onscreen as well as off.
So far, Copeland is the only onscreen talent who's confirmed to be attached to the film.
She took Edward, her youngest onscreen daughter, by the hand and walked her through the scene.
This essay by the writer Tanaïs dissects the strange satisfaction of seeing her rage unfurl onscreen.
But I think it's sad that you only get to see one type of beautiful onscreen.
Recently, the LA Times asked me to name the first time I saw myself represented onscreen.
In the other snap, the actor sits on a step as he feeds his onscreen son.
Tom Hiddleston may play a villain onscreen, but he's apparently a doting boyfriend in real life.
In fact, by some strange magic, it transformed into beauty the longer I watched them onscreen.
It's a difficult time to go through, [re-]watching him [onscreen up until] when he died.
Think of it this way: You'd see a lot more spinning wheels onscreen for the latter.
Sometimes it's hard to contain real-life chemistry when actors are obligated to play platonic onscreen.
There's a long history of having female spies use sex in the transaction for information onscreen.
In recent years, Hollywood has found fewer excuses to exclude women and people of color onscreen.
Inclusion onscreen must come in tandem with inclusion offscreen — your stories (and audience) will thank you.
He filled his social media feeds with woman-hating trash talk to complement his onscreen antics.
Ultimately though, we still live in a world where plus-size women are woefully underrepresented onscreen.
He may be gone, but onscreen and through his music, Prince's legacy will live on forever.
There's the onscreen captions explaining tech jargon, like IP (intellectual property) and SDK (software developer kit).
As you pedaled, you would lean in different directions to try and "steer" toward onscreen targets.
So, how did they get the skating subculture right when it's so often inaccurately portrayed onscreen?
This could be due to an effort by directors to diversify large groups of criminals onscreen.
There's also a lot of chemistry between Fisher and Ford — chemistry that transferred onscreen and off.
Duke had quite the fun-filled day on set even aside from his unexpected onscreen performance.
More so, are these actors ever asked to explain why their characters behave so badly onscreen?
Forget "strong female character" — we need women onscreen who are messy, mean, or just simply human.
Reacting to all of this onscreen is one of the most famous women in the world.
Lately, even the trusty old librarians of onscreen search have been quietly switching to oracle mode.
Of course, the stars of our generation's defining teen sex comedy reuniting onscreen is fantasy enough.
The coaches were actors first and ad hoc coaches (Salavas smoked onscreen throughout his tenure) second.
We could bump into these people we see onscreen on the street, or visit these places.
It's hard to focus on anything else happening in the show when these two are onscreen.
In my research, I have compared the ways in which we read in print and onscreen.
Lamar and his onscreen partner's relationship faces trials, temptations and tribulations, but their connection ultimately survives.
Some responses have been delivered by a politician alone onscreen, speaking to the camera without applause.
They also reduced the size of the onscreen graphics, which were originally designed for cellphone screens.
I've learned a lot about the culture that's not onscreen, but of course you feel it.
We still need more queer people of color represented onscreen, particularly of Asian and Latin descent.
Betty Cooper, girl detective and his onscreen son's love interest—gets the bulk of the attention.
" As for the pair's onscreen romance, Russell agreed that Speedman was "a disaster of a boyfriend.
You can choose static ones or emojis will subtle animations that can interact with onscreen objects.
Here We Go Again — even though she is only three years older than her onscreen daughter.
"Who wants a fucking virgin?" she wonders, her yapper a tired-out flesh-colored blur onscreen.
Like her onscreen daughter in I,Tonya, Janney had dreams of being a professional figure skater.
It seems significant that it's also the season with the fewest spy missions have unfolded onscreen.
There are so many interesting movies hovering in the air, none of them the one onscreen.
But I subtract points, too, because for fans of onscreen bloodshed this was an epic tease.
"The problem of the Nakba has not been tackled much onscreen after 'Khirbet Khizeh,' " Loevy said.
In the iCloud settings box, click the Set Up Family button and follow the instructions onscreen.
It must be odd watching yourself onscreen, but, then again, you must get used to it.
It also proves he's a superhero both onscreen and off, but we already suspected as much.
Queen Sugar knows this, too, and they show it in one of my favorite onscreen relationships.
Players take turns to spin an onscreen bottle, which determines their partner for the next activity.
It's a luxury that other women onscreen who find themselves in a similar position can't afford.
Are Lana Condor and Noah Centineo really dating, or do they just have killer onscreen chemistry?
I also made sure to watch on PBS, to avoid onscreen chyrons, thus maximizing my cluelessness.
His gesticulations offer hope that the Oscar nominee will have no trouble convincingly casting spells onscreen.
Feature Oliver Stone wanted a hit — and the chance to put America's most iconic dissident onscreen.
I think to be believed, onstage or onscreen, is the one hope that all actors share.
Susan Kelechi Watson said that she wanted her onscreen persona's natural hair journey to be authentic.
The nonprofit encodes languages for the digital age, preserving them in amber for their onscreen afterlife.
In all of these films, Fincher's obsession with the look of blood comes across clearly onscreen.
In Nanjiani's comic performances, on "Silicon Valley" and elsewhere, he has demonstrated onscreen magnetism and authenticity.
Every major female character on the show got sexually humiliated onscreen at some point or other!
It's a bit static onscreen, a serious movie most interested in showcasing its stars' outstanding performances.
Onscreen, Spielberg can just show you that character, and if you don't get the references, fine.
When you win a match in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, the message "WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!" flashes onscreen.
His bland wholesomeness forces Tsubasa to do the emotional lifting both onscreen and in the relationship.
The final version onscreen is impressive, but Vikander's performance gives the character the life it needs.
It all leads to the grimmest discovery of the season, coupled with its goriest onscreen moments.
It all looks very dour, much unlike the façade that a typical morning show projects onscreen.
For the first time, the importance of onscreen diversity came across as more than lip service.
They included such things as barring excessive drinking, onscreen nudity, and even sexual relationships between races.
The Grammys host is traditionally onscreen for about 15 minutes of a nearly four-hour show.
She explains that depicting two non-white people falling in love onscreen was significant to her.
In both cases, the Democrats appeared unable to claim a win, prompting Mr. Jones's onscreen lament.
She seems as twittery and free of thought as the parakeet seen in an onscreen video.
These onscreen villains torture their enemies, they kill good Americans and they might turn up anywhere.
Chastity is rarely depicted onscreen, but that, of course, doesn't mean the topic is off-limits.
She was only 14 years old when she landed her first onscreen role on Disney Channel.
Since her first appearance onscreen, in 22000, Ms. Elsner had been a fixture of German television.
For those reasons, contemporary technology has never played much of an onscreen role in Lowery's films.
"The number of onscreen days that I spent with Mark were very, very few," he said.
The audio was clear but the filmmakers weren't showing up onscreen, and the clock was ticking.
This is the problem that faces David Kim, played onscreen (and on screens) by John Cho.
No one onscreen seems satisfied with time either: They either have too much, or not enough.
Tabloids have reported that her smiley persona onscreen is not one she maintains off the air.
Of course my kid has to be making all kinds of noise onscreen the entire time.
In France, the film has been criticized a lot for putting its battle of ideas onscreen.
"Son of Dracula" was the first time Dracula's transformation from man to bat was shown onscreen.
They might sit harmlessly onscreen in Act I. But they'll be fully weaponized by Act III.
Recently, however, some aides to the president had grown impatient with Mr. Lord's mild onscreen manner.
One kind of hopes to see a revved-up fictional version of this tale onscreen someday.
Jodie, we don't see a lot of love scenes onscreen anymore, especially for people of color.
Shots were steady onscreen when, logically, they should have looked like an earthquake was taking place.
It allows viewers to instantly buy the clothes they've seen onscreen immediately after watching the episode.
The sisters have great charisma onscreen, although their mother, Hwei Lin Sung, earns the biggest smiles.
It's nominated for both, perhaps making up for its lack of onscreen diversity with "VROOM" diversity?
Seeing her onscreen as a whole person was a revelation; I wanted to know even more.
Over the past few decades, advances in C.G.I. have made these onscreen animals significantly more lifelike.
" The text onscreen reads: "In countries with gay marriage, people have lost their right to choose.
But this lie—the myth of the black sexual predator—was powerful, both onscreen and off.
The actress was 9 years old in her first onscreen role in the 1994 film "North."
By the time we got to filming the '70s, they were basically themselves onscreen, no aging.
Onscreen, the new Prince Phillip appears to throw Loechler a ring, which Loechler pretended to catch.
Portrayals of same-sex relationships onscreen can be beneficial for young queer people's psychological well-being.
Charlize Theron first appeared onscreen as an extra in 1995's "Children of the Corn III."
I think the third dancer in this number that you don't see onscreen is the camera.
Despite Ms. D'Avanzo's ability to stir up drama onscreen, her appearance in court attracted scant attention.
Her favorite princesses (besides her onscreen daughters) are Sleeping Beauty, Princess Jasmine from Aladdin, and Mulan.
You will be seeing your favorite troubled teens onscreen again a lot sooner than you expected.
The character is the most serious role the Saturday Night Live vet has played onscreen yet.
Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson grew up onscreen throughout filming eight "Harry Potter" movies.
Many of them also revise what rape looks like onscreen, and what rapists look like, too.
Kojima was blown away by how the simple characters onscreen could convey a rich fantasy world.
But onscreen, the point-of-view character is almost always going to default to the camera.
All of these details were in an effort to create a Transformer that felt fresh onscreen.
And it has one of the best examples of code switching I've ever seen captured onscreen.
Thank you for honoring African royalty and the empowered way women can look and lead onscreen.
Some of them, like Black Panther and Crazy Rich Asians, represented leaps forward for onscreen representation.
It's clearly something Game of Thrones has been building to, both onscreen and in Martin's text.
All these storylines would feel fresher and more welcome onscreen than another stab at the Phoenix.
Onscreen, a cow urinates as the artist describes searching the land for America's most authentic histories.
As always, all of OyxgenOS's extras (Shelf, gestures, dark theme, touch-sensitive/onscreen buttons, etc.) are customizable.
That said, Google also added an onscreen keyboard, which works surprisingly well for such a small thing.
Even when he's in a mediocre movie (and he often is), LaBeouf is a magnetic onscreen presence.
Once a huge deal for Hollywood, onscreen musicals were largely relegated to Disney animations by the 1980s.
In Endgame, Rogers's first minutes onscreen are spent giving himself a shave — the beard is already gone.
All of the onscreen "repossessions," of which there are not few, are rendered with alarming, gory realism.
We usually don't see two male friends embracing onscreen like that unless we're watching the World Cup.
One of those is Screen Recording, where you can record a video of what you're doing onscreen.
Did our skin look as glowy and refreshed as it does in a Real Housewife's onscreen confessional?
But even more than that, The Edge reflects the evolving ideas of onscreen masculinity and cinematic heroism.
Devine told Hollywood Life that he was stoked to be back onscreen with Wilson for the film.
So count your blessings that the movie didn't explore Hugo's backstory from the comics even further onscreen.
"Where's the audience?" she asked in mock-confusion after appearing out of focus and off-center onscreen.
But if there was a cynical cash-grab behind the scenes, The Conners displays no schadenfreude onscreen.
While Leone capitalizes on the allure of her past onscreen, IRL she's saving up for the future.
But then this year, something truly seemed to change — onscreen, in writers rooms, and in directors' chairs.
Meghan Markle just made her first solo leap into public royal work — and she did it onscreen.
Some responses have been delivered by a politician alone onscreen, speaking to the camera without applause. Govs.
For now, the only monetization seems to come from the ads that play before "hints" appear onscreen.
While his offscreen love is still blooming, his onscreen love is going through a very different journey.
The visual also has the effect of producing a lacuna onscreen, one that might unintentionally suggest gaps.
It involves dancing to rhythmic onscreen cues, with no violence beyond the threat of a twisted ankle.
Reid also said the onscreen relationship between Patrick and David (Levy) would continue to evolve this season.
Plus, it stars Debra Winger and Tracy Letts, two actors I'd love to see more of onscreen.
"Isn't this character, like, kind of racist?" he muses as Gedde Watanabe's Long Duk Dong appears onscreen.
Produced with an adult audience in mind, these exploitation movies paved the way for violent women onscreen.
Despite their onscreen rapport, Baker and Anthony Daniels, who played the protocol droid C-3P0, weren't close.
As the training progresses, the task grows harder, with more objects persisting for a shorter time onscreen.
Like any onscreen sexual assault, the care with which is dealt with afterward determines its overall effect.
Was he human for any part of the timeline we saw onscreen in seasons 1 and 2?
But for those who didn't immediately recognize the significance of what they saw onscreen, here's a rundown.
The actors gush about their onscreen kiss (which Greenfield jokingly says continues for more than 45 minutes).
Click here to view original GIFThe clown prince of crime made his onscreen debut 50 years ago.
It's a very healing process to see yourself represented onscreen — your journey, your community, all of it.
Last week, Viacom leveraged its onscreen talent in a public social media campaign to pressure AT&T.
Gilmore Girls' Lauren Graham posted the sweetest birthday #TBT in honor of her onscreen daughter, Alexis Bledel.
To see that very relatable experience represented onscreen is a testament to the need for female filmmakers.
The onscreen couple has since split up, which means, while Saget isn't single, Danny is still available.
But Ramsay's Twitter wit is as sharp—and dangerous—as his kitchen tools and fiery onscreen persona.
It features a physical fingerprint sensor on the back of the phone but an onscreen home button.
The two starred in eight films together and were widely considered one of cinema's greatest onscreen couples.
And a new Fullscreen web series called "FANtasies" brings fan fiction about internet stars to onscreen life.
But aside from the show's controversial onscreen decisions, there's also a pretty obvious issue with its casting.
Black women, when they are seen onscreen, don't often get the romantic storylines of their white peers.
But as Schneider made clear, the feelings of violation we see onscreen aren't just acting — they're real.
Aniruddha Kembhavi, another of Etzioni's AI scientists, shows me a virtual robot wandering around an onscreen house.
But it also has a surprisingly edge seen whenever Madeline's best friend, Celeste (Nicole Kidman) is onscreen.
But Darryl doing so opens the door for others to do the same, both onscreen and off.
It was like 'Wow, 15 years ago, this was onscreen but no one was talking about it.
"Something just connected between the four of us," Steenburgen says of their onscreen turned real-life friendship.
Users of the beta, available now, will get an onscreen mouse, keyboard and text-to-speech interface.
Hopefully, Jon Snow will be spending a lot of time onscreen with his aunt Daenerys this season.
Virtual reality's inherent grandeur is invention in story; a digression of theatre, not onscreen, but within screen.
The smallest details in the darkest or brightest areas of any onscreen image are preserved and visible.
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein has been reimagined onscreen hundreds of times and is a staple of pop culture.
These will enable you to interact with and explore the animations you see onscreen like never before.
As in TWD, there is a deep wellspring of sadness and anger underpinning the character interactions onscreen.
As The Playlist pointed out on Twitter, Streep and Skarsgård already have an onscreen connection ... sort of.
Does that mean that it would therefore be more difficult to tell a linear Deadpool story onscreen?
The keyboard cover lets you write emails (or even documents) without having to hunt and peck onscreen.
After more than 103 minutes of tickling, Cole appears onscreen by himself, looking red-faced and wrecked.
Viewing virtual porn is vastly different than watching a film onscreen — and it's fairly impossible to describe.
While the duo play enemies onscreen in the new sci-fi film, Elba, 44, is duly flattered.
This is a problem for the hardcore fans who turn up to see their favorite heroes onscreen.
Maybe you feel differently, but Tyrese has been playing the merry buster onscreen for way too long.
Westwick does have one person in his corner, and no surprise it's his onscreen love Leighton Meester.
Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), is as powerful as any onscreen hero Marvel and DC Comics/Warner Bros.
But by virtue of their youth and relatively slight physical stature, both already read as vulnerable onscreen.
Eventually the filmmakers consulted Mr. Schilling, who was loath to make an onscreen fool of his friend.
But when they're together onscreen, they appear to be having a lot of fun, which is infectious.
Plus, he's one of the movie's producers, so he's invested in the project both onscreen and off.
In season three, the outcomes of several Voltron storylines become apparent long before they actually happen onscreen.
I wanted to create a show that's as unapologetically strong and powerful onscreen as it is offscreen.
During the rapid-fire interrogation, DeGeneres asked the Honey Boy actor to reveal his best onscreen kiss.
Cumberbatch does his best to play the moment for grief, but onscreen it looks more like glory.
" Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark, seconded that: "I'm lucky to be married to Peter Dinklage onscreen.
The effort to catalog the inequity in onscreen roles for women and minorities has a new weapon.
Unlike the nerds we'd seen onscreen in the past, though, Seth wasn't just likable, but downright aspirational.
An onscreen counter shows how many pictures are piling up as you hold the shutter button down.
Do you think it's significant that moviegoers who don't see themselves represented onscreen are identifying with her?
Two of the stars of "Stranger Things," the '80s-inspired Netflix series, never show their faces onscreen.
He is a handsome presence onscreen, with a formality that grows more interesting as it is compromised.
On the other side, animations and augmented reality effects will appear onscreen to coincide with the story.
Queer women are also at risk of developing body insecurities from not seeing themselves authentically represented onscreen.
In the meantime, Captain Marvel will make her next onscreen appearance in April's highly anticipated Avengers: Endgame.
Her onscreen son, played by Mr. Cavill, is just 18 years younger than her in real life.
"It's getting a little bit better, but it's just not great," Mr. Jeong said of onscreen representation.
In other words, they're realistic college freshmen, and seeing them onscreen as women is a rare joy.
We speak of a need for more dynamic women onscreen, but this necessitates all facets of humanity.
Roberts was known for her warm onscreen presence as Ray's obnoxious mother with a heart of gold.
While not blond, his hair definitely looks lighter than how it looked onscreen in the final show.
Rez says that for onscreen continuity, hair would need to be retouched every three to six weeks.
Cylinder thingie is the "Surface Dial": let's you interact with onscreen content in new and precise ways.
A man in a red hat then appears onscreen and can be seen throwing the first punch.
Then she goes back to the canvas, inspired by her work onscreen, to make the final painting.
" And onscreen, the "Floribama" cast members seem more earnest and vulnerable than the kids on "Jersey Shore.
Hands-on is less important than onscreen: They wanted him either railing against or defending the president.
It's another to hear your fellow audience members howl with laughter and cheer as it happens onscreen.
Their entire loving, monogamous relationship is reduced onscreen to a single kiss and a brief hand squeeze.
But her generically eager performance here pales next to memories of Faye Dunaway's audaciously stylized onscreen interpretation.
The live event experience has a certain feeling, an intimacy, that you don't get online or onscreen.
Bela Lugosi will forever be known as Dracula, but he wasn't the only Dracula onscreen in 226.
The rise in these stories being told onscreen has led to the celebratory hashtag, #AsianAugust, circulating online.
Certainly, the country's acrimonious withdrawal from the European Union makes a notable contrast with the onscreen camaraderie.
Smith has restored her; the narrator notices the striking likeness of her friend to the woman onscreen.
I've never really felt like a 20-year-old onscreen, and I've always felt excited to age.
I wasn't sure what to expect, especially in an age when so much writing takes place onscreen.
As the eulogy concluded, their avatar appeared onscreen, only to turn and walk off into the clouds.
O'Hara and Eugene Levy — Daniel's father onscreen and off — were already familiar faces when "Schitt's Creek" premiered.
Alex: When you consider the Joker's popularity, I think you also have to consider his legacy onscreen.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Presenting "bad guys" onscreen poses certain ontological dilemmas for documentary filmmakers.
When the Nazi flags appeared, the room was silent except for the sounds of the protesters onscreen.
MONTCLAIR, N.J. — The earth spins onscreen amid an eerie, uncomfortable sound, like a building rush of air.
But in the last year, we've witnessed more trans male and nonbinary actors onscreen than ever before.
It's a marriage of her undeniable onscreen LIFE, and the perfect moment in which to place her.
There the younger man reads a tale, soon to be revealed as autobiographical, which is reenacted onscreen.
For years, I've admired Ms. Miller's determination as a risk-taking actress onstage as well as onscreen.
So she allows some gun play, both in-person and onscreen, but accompanies it with probing conversations.
For the rest of us, these technologies continue to stretch the boundaries of believability—onscreen and off.
Actors like Cillian Murphy and Djimon Hounsou will join Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds, and Noah Jupe onscreen.
"What's striking is how much of the onscreen talent won't be shown saying their lines," she wrote.
"Whether she was as remarkable as the woman onscreen seems entirely beside the point," Ms. Dargis added.
In Africa, he appears onscreen to stand beside the world's last two northern white rhinoceroses — both female.
Malick appears to have ditched the art of conversation, onscreen, for the sake of competing voice-overs.
Here's hoping AP and SG can stay married until then ... should make for some good onscreen chemistry.
From time to time, his son's large, ruddy face wobbled onscreen, bigger than he'd ever seen it.
Movie magic and onscreen chemistry ("alchemy," as Aldrich calls it) doesn't necessarily come from everyone's getting along.
Not everything is easy to say, to confess, and in a way that's what you have onscreen.
The overwhelming lack of these stories onscreen reveals a tacit cinematic apartheid that insists upon racial separation.
The director Rupert Sanders discussed building robots, visualizing data onscreen and greasing up stuntmen for the sequence.
Onscreen, another boy, this one white, gazes in admiration at the Marshal, as he saves the day.
First, it is connected to the bike or treadmill and tracks the performance of the user onscreen.
Onscreen, a many-eyed man and a woman with an alien bouffant crouch adversarially, circling one another.
When you're writing something like that, do you think about how much of yourself to put onscreen?
Beyond transcending language barriers, the films made it easy for them to relate to the characters onscreen.
Expect to see fast-track winners like Miss Nigeria, Miss Jamaica and Miss Canada onscreen on Saturday.
Omissions include characters, paragraphs, images and even dialogue that could be heard onscreen for the first time.
Appearing onscreen from Auckland, handcuffed and wearing a gray shirt, Mr. Tarrant sat still and said nothing.
Fans are well aware that Disney has no plans to put that story onscreen, writes Charlotte Geater.
In all seriousness: When you consider the greater history of lesbian characters onscreen, a disturbing trend emerges.
He is onscreen for a simple reason: Be Tom Cruise, and thus get people to buy tickets.
For instance, when there's a two-person debate, the networks customarily keep both onscreen the full time.
But what Benioff and Weiss describe has little to no relationship with what we've just seen onscreen.
Quite simply, Homecoming proves that Holland is a star and the best Spider-Man we've seen onscreen.
It's in their blood and to see them onscreen together like that in that pairing was pretty great.
Just hold up your phone when you're confused, look for the onscreen arrows, and put it back down.
But when Holdo actually appeared onscreen in The Last Jedi, there was no mention of her romantic life.
While the bulk of Thompson's fame comes from her presence onscreen, her IRL self is just as noteworthy.
If that line sounds familiar, it's because you've heard it uttered onscreen before in a very similar scenario.
Holland got his big onscreen break in 2010 starring in The Impossible alongside Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor.
The crowd at my screening clapped and cheered and cried and sang along, just like the crowd onscreen.
There's a consulting service connecting filmmakers with scientist script advisers — and it's changing what science looks like onscreen.
"Little" celebrates Black women, from the actors onscreen to the team behind the camera to the costume design.
Little celebrates Black women, from the actors onscreen to the team behind the camera to the costume design.
But, while this relationship is amazing to see onscreen, it's not one that's found in the comics. But!
Manfred Muggs Manfred Muggs, Ethel's father, has never been seen onscreen, but his family has been burned before.
When Arlyn plugged it in, an animated German shepherd appeared onscreen, standing at attention on a digitized lawn.
Eight tablets with sleeping pets onscreen are lined up for testing before being shipped to their respective seniors.
And while I enjoyed watching all of these women onscreen, none of them come off as particularly realistic.
Plus, when I tried to change Jibo's onscreen avatar to sunglasses, the change never transferred to the robot.
It's hard to relate to characters when the women onscreen don't look like you, or anyone you know.
According to writer and producer Matt Roners, it's a question of what one is able to transmit onscreen.
Bannon's interest in alternate realities, as presented onscreen, in video games or in cyberspace, becomes a recurring theme.
"When you're culturally horrified about politics, you want to put out affirming messages of love onscreen," she said.
Tellingly, its onscreen functionality — where a circular menu appears right beneath it — will only work with the Studio.
When it came to her onscreen foe, Ashley Jacobs, Olindo said she couldn't think of one positive characteristic.
Andrews originated the titular role onscreen in the 1964 Disney original, for which she won her first Oscar.
The China Onscreen Biennial is playing at various venues in Los Angeles and Washington, DC through November 18.
"She's going through like a real feminist empowerment moment, albeit, it's inappropriate," Barrymore mused of her onscreen character.
Selena Gomez celebrated the Fourth of July by heading to Disneyland with her former onscreen brother, David Henrie.
We're taking a look back at the most memorable onscreen proposals, on both the big and small screens.
Video game culture is comfortable with talking about how we identify with the characters that we're seeing onscreen.
And until they cast Aladdin, they can't cast Jasmine, as the co-stars must have onscreen chemistry together.
You activate whatever onscreen item the cursor is on by pressing a button that's also a scroll wheel.
"Every time we see her onscreen or on the posters, it's just like she's visiting us," Tenenbaum says.
Set your TiVo to record during the game, and when it's over, look for the onscreen SKIP icon.
The story is specific, but the narrative is one we've seen onscreen before, from Mommie Dearest to Precious.
The power of women coming together, both in the writer's room and also in the messaging, and onscreen.
When Pribis or Carpenter are onscreen for HQ, they are the sole show runners for that particular game.
What do you think Hollywood can do to make sure there are more atypical roles for women onscreen?
But it was a real possibility in 1982, which made the onscreen stakes feel all the more visceral.
The woman who brought gum-loving Violet Beauregarde to life onscreen, Denise Nickerson, shared her sadness on Twitter.
The photos show Hyland, 25, with co-stars and onscreen siblings Ariel Winter, 18, and Nolan Gould, 17.
It's something that isn't often seen in real life or onscreen, but DuVernay makes a case for it.
"They don't know people, they know them as a persona onscreen that they see," she continued to PEOPLE.
Carey Mulligan is putting an end to the idea that every woman we see onscreen must be likeable.
And seeing his onscreen connection with Lewis, Watts says the actor "should be a dad" in real life.
"Please don't put me between these two ever again," she captioned a photo of the three onscreen BFFs.
That feels like a sign from the show itself, telling us not to believe everything that happens onscreen.
So the red carpet isn't totally cancelled, though most of the livestream's onscreen interviews weren't featured on it.
Tom Holland is arguably the best onscreen Spider-Man to date Let's get something out of the way.
Also, he's just more fun to watch onscreen than Steve Rogers, with his scoldy pure-and-Puritan vibe.
Just 4 feet 11½ inches, she could be underweight and still appear heavy or out of proportion onscreen.
As for his lovable onscreen bromance with Oscar Isaac's Poe Dameron, Boyega said their friendship will "absolutely" continue.
Once connected, I rotated an onscreen R2-D2 until the real robot toy was facing away from me.
If you're an iPhone owner you probably spend a good chunk of your day using the onscreen keyboard.
They briefly split in 2013 before reuniting both off and onscreen in X-Men: Days of Future Past.
With interactivity and with getting onscreen animation that fits with the images, it just would have fallen apart.
And, after getting to know her onscreen in the work room, you can tell she came to win.
But Mandy Moore, who brings the This Is Us character to life onscreen, is under no such obligation.
There were often 12 people onscreen at any given time, and that really required a lot of planning.
A familiar face or distorted limb appears onscreen for a moment, before blurring again into blotchy, dissolving orbs.
But Morgan Freeman, who has played God both onscreen and in the hearts and minds of moviegoers everywhere.
Specifically, the way it's portrayed onscreen, and how we can be better at handling mental health issues IRL.
The new controversy comes almost exactly one year after Johansson dropped out of playing a transgender man onscreen.
"We had lunch every few months," Hunt, 56, tells PEOPLE about staying in touch with her onscreen husband.
The pair of them do a decent amount of onscreen smooching (along with crying tears in disturbing colors).
For now, they're not elaborating – but emphasize the undeniable chemistry that is evident both in person and onscreen.
The film is already being praised as a correction to the few depictions of female middle age onscreen.
Snapshot By her own admission, Geena Davis is not the norm when it comes to gender disparity onscreen.
That ended after a half-dozen songs, and scenes from black-and-white movies replaced Mr. Dylan onscreen.
There isn't even an onscreen message or display until your phone's battery is perilously close to permanent death.
In a "Rogue One" trailer, a black woman in a luminous robe flashed onscreen for perhaps a second.
Add uncertainty to the mixture — Ms. Arnold did not give out scripts — and the energy becomes palpable onscreen.
In addition to his work on the field and onscreen, Casey was known for his painting and poetry.
The Cleveland Fox affiliate used a photo of Stephens, but didn't include any onscreen information about his race.
Along with Michael, Saru is the first character who instantly makes sense, almost from his earliest moments onscreen.
And here's the fabulous thing about cooking shows: You, too, can enjoy the onscreen meal you're drooling over.
As we all learned from Kazaam and his aborted hip-hop career, Shaq isn't exactly a natural onscreen.
That being said, no matter how banal the depiction onscreen, the players will likely endure plenty of criticism.
If you put her real bedroom onscreen, it would look sort of small and maybe not so glamorous.
But for the most part, I was surprised with the representation of female characters onscreen in these films.
Even so, I was able to hold one of them and use it to control the onscreen character.
Onscreen, our heroes are accidental witnesses, innocents for whom the contagion of state violence triggers an extraordinary metamorphosis.
Is there a facet of blackness you haven't seen onscreen that you hope to see or play someday?
With its dozens of characters and crisscrossing multiyear storylines, the show may be the MCU's closest onscreen cousin.
Some locales are rendered similarly onscreen to the book's descriptions, while others veer far from the source material.
The seven live actors offer their own running commentary and re-enact the scenes playing onscreen above them.
When his wife became pregnant, she would pop onscreen every few weeks to show me her expanding abdomen.
He met Taupin (Jamie Bell onscreen) by chance after both answered an ad in a British music magazine.
Apparently the Catch-22 of "Catch-22" is that to put it onscreen, you have to eviscerate it.
But Mr. Anderson's onscreen aesthetic is all about creating narratives and moods — of yearning, of melancholy, of passion.
But I found plenty to enjoy here, and I was never once confounded by what was happening onscreen.
You felt good watching him onscreen because he'd make you at ease, just with the way he was.
Latino actors, the minority group that Hollywood excludes the most onscreen, are waiting for their own #OscarsSoWhite moment.
Mr. Greenburg said he did not feel that Mr. Lederman's limited role had required him to be onscreen.
The program is free with in-app purchases, and you can start the lessons with an onscreen keyboard.
Also, the catch with comedy is if you're funny in real life it doesn't mean you're funny onscreen.
Just as El Santo inspired Mr. Sánchez, Jack Veneno inspired Manny Perez, the actor who plays him onscreen.
Even before he shows up onscreen, about 20 minutes into "Loro," Silvio Berlusconi is the center of attention.
Mr. Cutler also said that standard 70 millimeter allowed for more light onscreen than Imax 70 millimeter does.
It actually takes quite a bit of onscreen talent and editing skills to get viewers … I'll admit it.
These quirky notes that flash up onscreen help to orientate the viewer and maintain the show&aposs pacing.

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