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208 Sentences With "one's self"

How to use one's self in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "one's self" and check conjugation/comparative form for "one's self". Mastering all the usages of "one's self" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But I don't think it's impossible to do extremely well academically while challenging one's self and enjoying and developing one's self socially.
I am trying to terminate the fear of expressing one's self.
First of all it is to lose oneself, or one's self.
It was a nice backdrop for the reinvention of one's self.
Is it all a matter of happiness or peace with one's self?
"Occasion to speak up" is not just about advocating for one's self.
Just be aware of what such actions ultimately do to one's self.
Herz notes there was never overt pressure to push one's self to vomit.
Among these is aligning one's self with investors who share a company's values.
Being an object of pity does not do wonders for one's self-esteem.
Is being presumed innocent - something that's useful when defending one's self - a legal nicety?
Distancing one's self from neo-Nazis may not seem all that bold or remarkable.
He's made this an allegory for why trauma might lead to devaluing one's self.
Is being presumed innocent - something that's useful when defending one's self a legal nicety?
Any unilateral action based on one's self-interest will lead to a dead end.
For anyone, unhinging one's self from a toxic or abusive relationship is not easy.
Repeating one's self, over and over again, is the ultimate rookie mistake for beginners.
I'm talking about a belief in one's self that is at odds with reality.
In that sense, at least, ordering — and eating — for one's self is downright democratic.
How nice: to have the emergence of one's self marked by a rocket exploding!
As culture and technology have evolved, naturally, so has the practice of photographing one's self.
Making one's self small by squatting on the floor could induce a low-cut filter.
Freedom to not exert one's self, sure, but also freedom to do as one pleases.
Indeed, the quest to be true to one's self is something all these designers share.
That comes at a great cost to one's self, but it also charges other people.
Profanity, in and of itself, isn't an interesting or intelligent means of expressing one's self.
But some things are worth saying on this topic, if only for one's self clarification.
After all, a home should be full of comforting and familiar things — like one's self.
But as Manning reminds us daily, the right to one's self-image is also a necessity.
Their self-esteems are based on validation from other people, and not from within one's self.
But the presence of everything—and of all of one's self—is not always a release.
It said/says a great deal about fear of aging, loneliness, and doubting one's self-worth.
In the cases of G. and F., I prescribed some old fashioned refocusing on one's self.
The thing is to free one's self: to let it find its dimensions, not be impeded.
Does one advocate for one's self-interest, or for the interests of society as a whole?
It's not about panicking and quarantining to protect one's self, but to protect others around you.
Whatever its outcome, no one emerges from the conflict—between one's self and one's subject—unhumbled.
"It's beautiful, but it's not a celebration or a joyful expression of one's self," Chilton said.
That, sort of long story short, ended up being the next thing, just optimizing one's self.
The outer world can feel like such a mystery, but sometimes the biggest puzzle is one's self.
There's also the ancient Indian approach of shoving a gob of pH altering rock salt up one's self.
But is all that Skull & Bones skullduggery worth the debasement of one's self and others required for entry?
He frequently pitches a similar theme of solidarity and voting beyond one's self-interest on the campaign trail.
The Yoga Hosers star now says, however, that she was merely make a statement on defining one's self.
External expressions of Thanatos involve harming others, or destroying things outside of one's self: murder, fire setting, etc.
Hell can test and try one's self but it cannot hold Dante and it will not hold me.
I make ritual pieces that honor straight marriage, gay marriage, divorce, new birth, death, and ultimately, one's self.
Work is such a perfect way to run from one's self, and to not have to feel feelings.
The lack of acknowledging others' suffering outside of one's self or family is a sign of spiritual death.
"It's good to remind one's self about what the fundamental, underlying drivers of the economy are," Clemons said.
Defending one's self, client or friend is a natural instinct, and beseeching leniency is not tantamount to obstruction.
The metaphors here, located securely in the past, measure the gap between one's "distorting" reflection and one's self.
The labor requires strength, patience and a centered connection to one's self before productivity and pleasure are possible.
True leadership, then, requires both an understanding of one's self and a willingness to share that self with others.
And while selfies are quite literally all about one's self, they thought of way to change "likes" into action.
That is the beginning, a sense of self-worth, a sense of how one's self can affect others' lives.
This behavior is sometimes the result of an inability to share one's self completely with a partner, Kerner explained.
Truly looking outside of one's self is a cultural progress that has sped up over the last several years.
But that doesn't mean they aren't just as damaging to one's self-esteem and mental health as physical violence.
And, of course, there's social media, which is well-known for affecting one's self esteem and sense of stability.
Posting surreal content is also a way to distinguish one's self as a more serious consumer of internet culture.
To be other than calm — to assert one's self, to demand something — requires a courage he doesn't seem to possess.
One wonders about one's self worth and one's ability to care for patients when one fails a colleague and friend.
In contrast, her underlying concern here is the relationship of one's self to a particular small portion of the universe.
First, Sagittaire asks: What's the line between self-confidence and having pride in one's self and achievements, and hubris and arrogance?
Throwing one's self down a tube of ice at speeds around 80 mph seems like a great idea for somebody else.
There is something to be said about drinking responsibly, for health, decorum, and for the safety of one's self and others.
If something is "Potentially offensive," as the clue says, perhaps it is really something that should be kept to one's self.
Over the years, he says he's encountered endless generosity — indicative of the school's motto, "non sibi," or "not for one's self."
The real test of a student's character is how one deals with falling short of what one asks of one's self.
"Look for business?" can mean to try to drum up work for one's self, but today we're talking about one's appearance.
Instead, studying right-wing successes and failures is an exercise in self-awareness, like looking at one's self in a stranger's mirror.
Thanks to the ubiquity of Facebook, the family's travails loop endlessly in households the world over—a centralized narrative unto one's self.
"My understanding of redpilled is simply to be able to think for one's self without the fear of violent repercussion," Pober said.
It is based on ignorance, and in some cases, a willfulness to see one's self as independent from and powerful over others.
Gnosis basically means "knowledge," but specifically the knowledge of hidden or purposefully corrupted spiritual mysteries including finding the divine within one's self.
But while selfies can be condemned as self-aggrandizing and only for the vain, Ali's words underscore the importance of one's self confidence.
Every wrinkle, blemish, and freckle combine to tell a person's story — an interactive and ever-changing map of one's self unspooling over time.
Yes. I think it's important to surround one's self with people they admire, and I think this is one place to do this.
No part of one's self online is truly fixed in time, or in the shape of a biography as we traditionally know it.
But for the jewelers at the Biennale this year, there is still no better way of announcing one's self on the world stage.
"To exceed one's self is even better than winning a gold medal," a commentary in The Beijing News said of Ms. Fu's performance.
Perhaps the preconditions for successful empathic observation are not merely to be struck by interest, but to see one's self in the subject.
Ordering a super peaty Scotch neat at the bar is not only offensive to one's self, but to everyone in your immediate vicinity.
They talked about the female gaze, the experience of writing about one's self and why Ms. Myles is at the center of everything.
The entire act of unraveling and putting one's self back together is captured carefully and lucidly by the poetic drift of Conner's writing.
A recurring theme throughout the collection is Olson's concept of istorin (to find out for one's self), drawn from the work of Herodotus.
" In this way, one's self becomes an amalgamation of "whatever number of bodies and souls" at the moment of "absolute surrender to the other.
That's going to bother the entirety of Silicon Valley when we're talking about the ability to express one's self on social media and privacy.
What I didn't know is that this would become an immigrant story—about finding one's self in a new land, and what that means.
YANG'S INTEREST IN contentious borders — of nations, between neighbors and within one's self — stems partly from the series of separations that marked her childhood.
Likewise, to flirt as a queer person is to immerse one's self in the act of looking and being looked at, sometimes in secret.
Consider what it means to "be present" in our lived existence: It means to be focused, thoughtful, empathetic and aware of one's self and surroundings.
While both books had a positive message at heart—that happiness lies within one's self, rather than in external factors—they, naturally enough, polarized opinion.
In Lebanese culture, fashion and aesthetics are core — not just as something to impress others by, but as a way to express one's self-worth.
Corrupting an election to keep one's self in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one's oath of office that I can imagine.
Such types of shame globally indict a person's character and destroy one's self-esteem by telling them they have no worth or are a complete failure.
But that desire to shield children — or one's self — from the more complicated truth is to deprive kids of the knowledge they need to understand racism.
If it's about personal mythology and relying on stereotypes or tropes about Native Americans to tell a story about one's self, that's worth looking at critically.
The song is largely about gassing one's self up to a point where nothing feels impossible and there couldn't have been a better time for it.
They believe that everyone should have the opportunity to choose and to think for one's self and to not be seduced by divinity or by philosophy.
Mr. Haddad offers us the cooking instructions for four ways to provide one's self with ... calories if you are not totally secure in your culinary skills.
It throws each person back on himself and leads to self-absorption and atomization, as everybody naturally worships the piece of God that is one's self.
One of the things you learn when you start out here is that the most interesting stories are always about other people, not about one's self.
It was testament to life as a continuing education, a poem about the difficulty and the necessity of being honest with the world and one's self.
I wondered aloud if by making one's self the object, the piece showed the audience where they stood, making them uncomfortable with their own relationship to power.
The essence of the Evangelical movement since the 70s has been to reject tradition, to sit alone with a Bible and figure things out for one's self.
Not because they're suddenly enlightened, but because the experience of spending so much time in an unmediated encounter with one's self, with no distractions, is terrifyingly intense.
Sepuya's intimate scenes illustrate these nuances, showing us the grace in giving up control at a time when dominating one's self-image is the popular modus-operandi.
There's always a balance between the interests of the audience and one's self, and sometimes that means coming up with words about the game of the moment.
To consider one's self more important than the shirt is an insult, a rejection of the fundamental values of the sport and the culture that surrounds it.
"These findings suggest a profound inability of people to perceive friendship reciprocity, perhaps because the possibility of non-reciprocal friendship challenges one's self-image," the study authors wrote.
" Coming out or otherwise making major realizations about one's self later in life, Fabbre noted, "often reflects a sense of awareness about time and time left to live.
Perfectionism is a broad personality style characterized by a hypercritical relationship with one's self, said Hewitt, who co-authored Perfectionism: A Relational Approach to Conceptualization, Assessment, and Treatment.
But before they get to the science experiments, there's a guest speaker to listen to, who will talk about overcoming obstacles and the power of believing in one's self.
While an engagement ring has long represented someone's relationship with another person, Fred + Far considers the oft-overlooked pinky ring as a way to show commitment to one's self.
The 41-year-old director traffics in many subjects—regret, the mind's fragility, hardcore punk music—but his prevailing theme is exile: from one's family, one's friends, one's self.
And they're likewise less often schooled in the Du Boisian narrative that governs the internal war between seeing oneself through society's eyes and seeing one's self through one's own.
I mean, so much of what a poem is, I think, is [a] devotional request for attention or to feel one's self arching in ecstasy and about to crash.
I suspect that the play wants to provide a kind of foundation for the  exploration of sexuality, when one's self-awareness alone cannot get one all the way there.
Ayahuasca, the entheogenic brew known to give people powerful visions, unadulterated understanding of one's self, as well a new appreciation of vomit, is a tonic often associated with psy-trance.
Putting any part of one's self online is always a cry for attention to some degree, but sometimes, against all logic, the desire is just as much for the opposite.
Notably, women endorsed emotional reasons (think love and commitment) and insecurity reasons (boosting one's self-esteem or not wanting your partner to break up with you) more often than men.
It wasn't an intentional, insidious distraction, but it pushes at the limits of how much is too much meme-ing, specifically in regards to turning one's self into a meme.
A carnicería offers meat, a panadería bread, a salchichonería cold cuts, and there's also a tortillería — that one's self-explanatory for many who never even studied the language of Cervantes.
The readings McCain chose encapsulate the lessons he strove to impart: duty, sacrifice, honor, bi-partisanship, service to one's country and a commitment to a cause greater than one's self.
In the close of its first, the characters confront the necessity of self-recognition for survival: They must believe in the validity of one's self—otherwise, they'll never make it.
In the end, the choice seems to be learn to speak in the majority language and, in this act, lose one's self, or refuse, speaking in silence, in iterations of silence.
The takeaway is maintaining one's self-worth  —  this was difficult as I navigated a career in industries not known for gender parity, although not impossible, given the impact of this book.
Now, we're not exactly sure what life struggle would cause someone to do this to one's self, but it needs to be said that New York weather does not fuck around.
Her study found that body modification, including piercings, is self-motivated to the extent that it is consistent with one's self-image—though it's a self-image informed by external influences.
Then there is "7 rings," a song about celebrating one's self (and wealth), which comes right before "thank u, next," a track about thanking her exes for all that they've taught her.
The book's title is a tribute to many things, both the immovability of America's obsession with monuments and the task of building and rebuilding one's self in an attempt to obscure grief.
These cues were also the most successful: Undressing one's self or one's partner led to sex 100 percent of the time, while directly asking resulted in sex 76 percent of the time.
Encountering it—in the form of aggressive comments, unwanted touching or myriad other subtle manifestations—weakens one's self-image, tamps down soulful expression and makes all of us feel scared and vulnerable.
Subordinating one's self-interest to the national interest may be unnatural, but whether on the battlefield or in the courts, greatness depends on the willingness of individuals to overcome their natural inclinations.
"So many people don't realize what it's like to spend year after year not seeing reflections of yourself in literature and how damaging it is to one's self-esteem," Woodson tells PEOPLE.
I hesitated to call this collection of desires "dysphoria," that catchall term for the pain of having a body that doesn't align with one's self-image, however aspirational that image may be.
"A brand is an extension of one's self—psychologically, in terms of how you want the world to see you, or what you want the world to believe you are," says Gabay.
Dealing with rejection is a part of life, of course, and associating one's self-worth with one's career is always a bad idea, but knowing that doesn't make this incident any less painful.
Then the Facebook CEO launched into the meat of his talk about the idea of purpose — not just finding purpose for one's self, but giving others the chance to have a true purpose.
I guess now it's just about always making sure one educates one's self, and really being mindful of staying open and to learn more and more and then channel that into the show.
Skin issues can take a serious toll on one's self-confidence, and for some people, makeup is the best way to combat that — in combination with the right doctor-recommended treatment, of course.
In a black-and-white image uploaded to her story, Trump posted a quote from the 13th-century Persian poet Rumi about acknowledging one's self-worth despite what others may think or say.
And learning about narcissistic tendencies to avoid interpreting a partner's behavior as a reflection of one's self-worth or lovability can go a long way toward keeping one's life and self-esteem in tact.
And when you think about it, there's really no other holiday that champions friendship in the same way that others celebrate family, romantic partnership, religion, country, and in the case of birthdays, one's self.
He claimed his system is simple and complex at the same time, and is designed to focus on emotional healing, improving one's self image, and mastering a strict "no-contact" rule, among other things.
"We're talking about freedom to express one's self, and if you don't break any rules then you have that particular right," added Brown, an outspoken civil rights advocate during and after his playing career.
Sanchez says that it wouldn't hurt to acquaint one's self with the repercussions triggered by America's history of colonization, genocide and forced removal (signed into law by President Andrew Jackson) visited upon Native peoples.
When she launched into "Hello" — as perfect a song as any to reintroduce one's self to an audience — she says it was like she watched the crowd wake up to her as an artist.
You're left with the feeling that giving one's self over to the darkness can constitute its own weird form of empowerment—or, as "Languish" puts it, a path toward beauty, a path toward blindness.
"There's no one that I talk to that does not recognize within a day or a week that the loss of sexuality and being able to express one's self sexually is paramount," he says.
And they should be able to do so because, to their minds, it is a fundamental guarantee of the Constitution: the right to bear arms, the right to protect one's self and one's family.
A: There are two types of phobias around death: necrophobia, which is the fear of dead things and things associated with the dead (funerals, cemeteries), and thanatophobia, which is the fear of one's self dying.
Under all the impressive visual CGI imagery of giant food falling on the city (and on people) is a story built around the idea of being one's self, no matter how bizarre or seemingly unpopular.
It's a manhood that views women and LGBT people as inferior, sees sex as an act not of affection but domination, and which valorizes violence as the way to prove one's self to the world.
For me, Amazon's Red Oaks — a story about the summer of 1985 (the second season is about 1986), a college student and part-time tennis pro, and finding one's self — is one of those shows.
If true, a threat would destroy Leslie's argument by taking the tapes outside of patient privilege: A tape as a document for therapy is one thing; a tape recorded to protect one's self is another.
But often just hearing about how one couple has found a satisfying sex life within an ongoing saga of illness and treatment can be a useful affirmation of the possibility of doing so one's self.
"Corrupting an election to keep one's self in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one's oath of office that I can imagine," Romney said in an emotional speech on the Senate floor.
"But I am too disgusted and outraged to think about them" is a convenient way of absolving one's self of responsibility, when it's on you to to realize situations are more complicated than good and evil.
"Suicide ideation appears to be increasing among youth, and given that suicide death rates in youth are also increasing, any concern or thought of wanting to hurt one's self needs to be taken seriously," Plemmons said.
Kelly Ayotte's reading from Wisdom 3:1 "The Destiny of the Righteous" --- and putting country before one's self, are also an implicit contrast to the values of the current President, said former McCain strategist Steve Schmidt.
Learning to reflect and understand one's self is arguable more important than perhaps a physics lesson … Why learn chemistry equations when I could be spending my time pursuing and developing what I am actually passionate about.
The media that surrounds us — both social and mainstream, from Marie Kondo's new Netflix show to the lifestyle influencer economy — tells us that our personal spaces should be optimized just as much as one's self and career.
"This one's self-inflicted by our President, and we defintiely agreed with him at the beginning, but it doesn't appear that there's a plan B," Gary Wertish, the president of the Minnesota Farmers Union, recently told CNN.
The political scientist William Benoit says there are three modes of political communication: acclaim (present one's record and proposals without comment on one's rival), attack (criticise one's rival) and defend (preempt or rebut criticisms of one's self).
He explores the lives of a wide variety of historical figures like St. Augustine and Dorothy Day to illustrate his point: that true success should be associated more closely with forgetting one's self and connecting with others.
Skin color, national origin, whether one lives in the mainland United States or outside of it, and one's ability to speak Spanish, not to mention gender and sexual orientation, all play a role in one's self-concept.
Say, when one works out on a full stomach, pushes one's self while dehydrated, or overtaxes their body so much that they don't get enough oxygen, build up lactate waste in their system, and get nauseated from it.
Making Thor, I learned so much from him in terms of having a sense of humor about one's self and being silly and taking risks and so we get to just do that together all the time now.
But culture is both a set of positive affirmations about the value of one's self and one's group affiliations and a set of negative rules about what people shouldn't do if they want to continue belonging to society.
History teaches that no matter how buttoned up and politically correct a black person presents themselves, if non-blacks have a negative image burned into their heads from birth, subduing one's self will make no difference in racial progress.
Eventually, though, what emerges is a story of class — the way money (or the lack thereof) shapes people, taking root in the very foundations of one's self-identity and flowering in their interactions with the rest of the world.
And as the mysteries surrounding both Olga's death and the family's emigration from Mexico deepen, so does Julia's characterization, leading to a conclusion that eschews neat and tidy answers while embracing a deeper understanding of one's self and others.
It was like playing a song for someone, how the urgency of wanting to share gave way to a deeper anxiety, as if one were auditioning not music but one's self, with the person's judgment suspended, hovering overhead like an ax.
Of course, eating disorders are more complicated than simply being upset about the size of your jeans, but there's no question that outside pressures to fit into a certain outfit or wear a particular size can affect one's self-esteem.
"Any time a person's dignity and identity is being thwarted in any way, shape, or form—be it Islamophobia or the Islamic state—there is a natural response to stand up for one's self, honor, and dignity," says Dr. Wadud.
I think due to the abstract enormity of how we see the sea, a project like this can be a simple door into something, by putting one's self into a situation of being aware of a space they didn't understand before.
"If this injunction does not issue, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of otherwise law-abiding citizens will have an untenable choice: become an outlaw or dispossess one's self of lawfully acquired property," Benitez wrote in his 66-page order.
" In 1903, Du Bois wrote that African Americans had the "sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity.
Manning's spokesperson said US District Judge Claude Hilton, who sits in Alexandria, Virginia, found Manning in contempt and ordered her jailed until she complied — the legal term is to "purge" one's self of contempt — or until the grand jury finished its work.
In the book, the struggle is much more ethereal — it's a quest to understand the un-understandable, to fight to hold onto one's self in the face of extreme uncertainty, a quest to live in a landscape that seems to be fighting back.
With so many losing sleep over the Trump administration and America's future seeming worse with each passing week, taking time to disconnect from the internet's endless torrent of horrifying headlines to pamper one's self has quickly become an essential part of sanity maintenance.
It also showed a decrease in blood flow to the "default mode network", meaning there was less activity in the area that is activated when the mind is wandering, not committed to a task, and thinking about one's self and one's emotional state.
America's public universities were founded, Robinson notes, to democratize privilege — the privilege to prepare for a profession, yes, but also to learn how others over the course of history have answered the Great Questions, and how to ask and answer such questions for one's self.
Sharon has an uncomfortable encounter with a superior at her job and Rob may be the beneficiary of a sexist boss (Chris Noth) at his, two parallel stories that swing between the need to speak up and the difficulty of sacrificing one's self on principle.
But Mr. Spicer's performance — strident, defensive, stressed-out — carries a wealth of information: about Mr. Trump's image obsession, about what the president expects of his underlings, about the impossibility of contorting one's self into a human bridge between reality and Mr. Trump's agitated mindspace.
People really, really cared—not, I now know, because anyone gave a damn what color the dress actually was, but because its color seemed so manifestly obvious that when someone else saw it as something else, it felt like an affront, a threat to one's self-image.
And according to the resigning leaders, avoiding him, rejecting him, distancing one's self, are all "the right thing to do" -- not arguing with him, urging him to take a different course, or demanding that he choose sides between white supremacists and hostile groups on the left.
It's to feel one's self become a permanent spectator; to live with the persistent sense that something is always happening elsewhere; to feel old, outlasted, outmatched by the bizarre physics of your own lifetime: The great spinning world has toppled off its axis and rolled away.
Dear Leah, I was never the best at writing a good beginning for an email, and this sentence only serves to demonstrate the need for asking this particular first question: What's the line between self-confidence and having pride in one's self and achievements, and hubris and arrogance?
Although there are all-black movie audiences, either self-selecting or neighborhood- and film-based, people have made this explicit, presenting the idea that seeing one's self reflected not only on the silver screen or on a stage, but also in the audience can lead to a deeper validation.
Alexsi's stubborn defiance of any state's rules — he betrays Russia to Germany to England to Russia to England, betrays everyone but himself — captures a thread that runs through all five of these worthwhile novels, the idea of holding out against dishonesty, slipping through its maze to remain true to one's self.
"The path to the revolution is never easy, we might have to go through Arduous March again—in which we only had to eat roots of the grass—and we might have to fight against our enemies all by one's self," the editorial said, according to a CNBC translation of the Korean text.
For Fraser, the amount was symbolic, which is why she will never disclose it; the piece was about the desires and fantasies that drive artists, patrons and dealers to collude in a market that reduces art to a transaction and a meditation on the experience of selling intimate parts of one's self.
Mr. Baker brought up the negative impact of hyper-awareness of power dynamics and double consciousness, a term coined by W.E.B. DuBois in his 1903 treatise, "Souls of Black Folks," to describe the constant state of awareness for one's self and awareness of how that self may be perceived by a white person.
I also think love could come in many unexpected forms: love of a place that I'll want to return to once this is over; a renewed love for journalism in the expansive forms I'll be trying; love for one's self that comes when you're stretched to your limits and can see your capabilities.
Deep Springs — a tuition-free, highly selective two-year liberal arts college and working ranch near Death Valley in California — combines intense study, manual labor and intimate community to give students "a sense of the purpose of education not just being for oneself but for something larger than one's self," Mr. Sweeney-Taylor told me.
They are figuring out what it means to be a woman — to have ties to Denver that run so much deeper than the white transplants who "came with the tech jobs and legalization of weed;" to reckon with mortality; and to try to love family, partners, and one's self, even when that love is imperfect.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads In The Souls of Black Folk (19993), W. E. B. Dubois focused on an issue that mainstream America – from Hollywood to the White House – prefers to ignore: It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others.
Sixty years before the Workshop was formed, writing in The Souls of Black Folk (1903), W. E. B. DuBois summed up why a group like this was necessary, and why it had to happen in the early 1960s: It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others.
While on the surface, the two sites may appear redundant as they both essentially explain memes, the more clinical (and advertiser-friendly) database at KnowYourMeme complements the intentionally abstruse and problematic slang-filled Dramatica pages, just as studying Latin benefits from exposing one's self to both the formal structure of classical and the common parlance of vulgar.
It was adopted by the Buddhist sages as a symbol of the diamond-like clarity and brilliance of the mind's true nature, and has come to stand for a special class of Buddhist teachings [the Vajrayana] … A dependable way to introduce one's self to the brightly colored and minutely articulated visionary inner worlds, to "see" with Vajravision, is through an entheogenic or psychedelic experience.
If they admit the truth that one's self-perception and self-identity are completely subjective, determined by an infinitely complex jumble of social, cultural, biological, and other factors — some learned, some not, some innate, some not — then they give away the game; they would then have to admit that it is arbitrary, insensitive, and ultimately unfair to deny to the individual membership in her professed race.
It is common in priest circles to find reasons for things, and there are usually plenty on offer as to why an ordained priest would forsake his vows and get involved with a woman (to take the obvious case) or with another man: frustration, disappointment, loneliness, experiencing one's self as sexual once the microscope of training has ended — even the freedom a man experiences being on his own.
"The world has change and brothas far from the same," he rapped, and continued: Am I losing my mind No; I think I found it Realizing greatness in one's self is very astounding and truth be told, I recognize a King cause when I look in the mirror all I see is me And us, so please trust, we can't be touch standing together forever is a necessary must.
Yet we share a rough idea of what's meant: a lasting awareness of one's self moving in a sea of selves, dependent yet alone, or a deep and common wish that "I" somehow belong to "we," and that "we" belong to something even larger and less comprehensible; and the recurring thought, so easy to brush aside in the daily effort to get through our to-do lists, that our time matters precisely because it ends.

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