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9 Sentences With "omnivorously"

How to use omnivorously in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "omnivorously" and check conjugation/comparative form for "omnivorously". Mastering all the usages of "omnivorously" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But instead of remaining immersed in the past, Gastou moved omnivorously through the 20th century.
I try to read omnivorously, because I never know what's going to spark a new idea.
And yet somehow, improbably, Houston not only survived but prospered — and it sprawled omnivorously, becoming the nation's fourth-largest city and perhaps its purest model of untrammeled growth.
He also was not an urban artist, but a pastoral, romantic one — a lyric poet often inspired by nature who read omnivorously, breaking his experiences down, releasing them as a kind of visual music through the seismographic vibrations of his hand.
In 1880, the Pirandello family moved to Palermo. It was here, in the capital of Sicily, that Luigi completed his high school education. He also began reading omnivorously, focusing, above all, on 19th-century Italian poets such as Giosuè Carducci and Arturo Graf. He then started writing his first poems and fell in love with his cousin Lina.
In Costa Rica, adult Opilidia macrocnema obliquans have been found to be active at a temperature range of "20.0-44.9°C and most active at 0800, 1400, and 1500 hours". They have been observed to spend "most of their time on wet sand within one meter of the water line", and can be found hunting small crustaceans, as well as "scavenging omnivorously".
Use of "the adjective [imaginary] as a noun can…be traced to the works of the novelist André Gide…[and] was probably given greater currency by [Sartre's] L'Imaginaire." In Lacan's hands, the Imaginary came close to being an omnivorously colonising interpretive machine: thus René Girard regretted that "To the Lacanian, whatever I call mimetic must correspond to…'capturé par l'imaginaire.'"Girard, René. 1988 [1978].
In 1812 Maxwell Garthshorne died, leaving Maitland's father and uncle his executors. His estate included a large library behind him, and Maitland undertook to catalogue it, on condition of receiving the duplicates as his reward. From 1811 to 1815 he was living with his father, reading omnivorously, while preparing for the bar. When he applied to be called, he found there were difficulties, as he had not kept his terms at Cambridge.
He omnivorously devoured the Collected Works of Jung and began his psychological analysis of the unconscious, as well as the analysis of many individuals who came to him for counseling. Following this encounter with the unconscious Antoninus wrote the first draft of his long erotic poem River-Root / A Syzygy, which he considered to be his most prophetic work. As Everson said in an interview for Creation magazine, with its founder and editor, the spiritual theologian and Episcopal priest Matthew Fox, he saw it as a complete re-writing of the Song of Songs, bringing frank Eros back into the Psalms and undoing Christianity's longstanding separation of the sexual from the spiritual for purposes of modernity; transforming sacred doctrine mythopoetically through divine inspiration from the roots up. Jung's writings directly influenced the contributions Everson made to post-religious poetical thought in America. After leaving St Albert's, where he had practiced as a lay monk, poet and spiritual counselor for 18 years, Antoninus disrobed himself of his religious habit following an electrifying reading at the University of California at Davis campus on December 7, 1969. He left the Dominicans in 1969 to embrace a growing sexual awakening, and married a woman many years his junior, Susanna Rickson.

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