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"oligarchic" Definitions
  1. of, relating to, or based on an oligarchy
"oligarchic" Synonyms

133 Sentences With "oligarchic"

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"Directly related to the oligarchic economy that we currently have is an oligarchic and corrupt political system which is undermining American democracy," he said.
Ridding Ukraine of oligarchic corruption is exactly what Ukrainians want.
The European Parliament declared it "a state captured by oligarchic interests".
Historically, it tended to ally with trade unions against oligarchic rule.
The Saudis got all the American weapons their oligarchic hearts desired.
Within this oligarchic citadel, the Shed cuts a funny, funky profile.
A separate deal also funneled Russian-linked oligarchic money into Ukraine.
The European Parliament declared Moldova "a state captured by oligarchic interests".
"Either do this or we become more oligarchic," said one Sanders supporter.
What are some oligarchic parallels you see between historical oligarchy and Bloomberg?
There are people who are exacerbating oligarchic tendencies and Bloomberg is one.
Trump is the leader of oligarchic economics who masquerades as a populist.
Fighting graft, nepotism and oligarchic power is seldom easy but Sofia's record is poor.
Members of the old Islamist-military oligarchic elite rotate back and forth in power.
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He made this sound patriotic and fun; how could an oligarchic technocracy go wrong?
Sanders contends that our current oligarchic political economy is rigged to favor the wealthy few.
In democracies, there is always an oligarchic element, but Trump makes it extremely, comically visible.
For Sanders, breaking what he describes as a corrupt, oligarchic system will take a sledgehammer.
"A typical oligarchic group would have some person in a high state position," he said.
In Mr Anderson's damning judgment, it was "an impenetrable scheme for the redistribution of oligarchic power".
Moreover, a further expansion of oligarchic business models in the media industry could make matters worse.
Economics 101: lower barriers to entry create markets that converge on perfect competition instead of oligarchic concentration.
His legacy adds up to much more than fear, corruption, and oligarchic control of the political system.
To Leshchenko, it looked like an oligarchic coup, with mercenaries carrying out the will of a businessman.
Before long, Yushchenko was pursuing the same oligarchic and nepotistic politics that he had promised to transcend.
It's a way to rationalize clinging even more vehemently to a ruinous, oligarchic status quo—democracy be damned.
However, I do believe that the key decisions are made by an oligarchic semi-clique of powerful people.
The epitome of the oligarchic lawlessness was an alleged complex financial fraud committed mostly in late November 2014.
At last, Ukraine has a government with a mandate to clean up the judiciary, parliament and oligarchic dominance.
Even so, 'the gap between the society's meritocratic myth and its oligarchic reality was becoming clear and measurable.
" Le Pen's deputy Florian Philippot fired back: "You'll see, we'll soon be sticking your oligarchic rag in the cupboard.
It's an oligarchic, corrupt dictatorship, so what it fears the most is people on the streets calling for democracy.
It was called the Social Democratic Party, but, in reality, it could have been called the Oligarchic Business Party.
But slowing or reversing our drift toward a society ruled by oligarchic dynasties is a feature, not a bug.
The risk is not of an ideological reshaping of the state, but of weak institutions failing to restrain oligarchic rule.
On Wednesday, Canada's federal telecom regulator ordered a small, affordable competitor in the country's oligarchic mobile market to shut down.
In that case, anybody who participates in the system is an oligarch, if they're holding power in an oligarchic regime.
They aim at preventing an oligarchic drift that, if left unaddressed, will continue undermining the social compact and risk killing democracy.
High-level American pressure could provide the guidance the Zelensky administration needs to continue to govern well, free of oligarchic influence.
These were leftists from wretchedly poor nations wracked by war between oligarchic establishments run by, their death squads and the poor.
Mr Pashinian stresses Armenia's strategic alliance with Russia even as his country breaks away from the oligarchic system that Mr Putin embodies.
Unlike the anti-establishment Trump, he told viewers, Clinton has the full backing of the U.S. security services, "oligarchic" corporations and the media.
"This guy is a quiet, efficient bureaucrat with no political agenda of his own and equidistant from all oligarchic clans," according to Frolov.
Ukraine still has hope that it might one day succeed in overcoming both its Soviet past and the legacy of expansive oligarchic influence.
In such Scandinavian social democracies, the bid to roll back oligarchic control has again relied on the insulating political power of organized labor.
For 100 years, a tiny oligarchic elite has fought ferociously to keep hold of the reins of power and monopolize the nation's export economy.
"Conservatives can support an oligarchic economic system, rig the political system to stay in power and use nationalism to divide and conquer," he warns.
But given the increasingly oligarchic nature of our economy, it's not surprising that for many young people, capitalism looks like the god that failed.
This turns Catalan nationalism, traditionally conservative and oligarchic, into a movement through which those who have more want to emancipate themselves from the rest.
The root of the crisis lies in the failure of the governing elites to meet the Maidan revolution's main demand: ending the country's oligarchic system.
The scandal tarnished the image of pro-Western forces in the country, which the European Parliament last year declared "a state captured by oligarchic interests".
This would achieve their goal of re-channeling government benefits from the working poor, who require safety net assistance, to oligarchic holders of dynastic wealth.
Instead, there has seemed to be a return to business-as-usual horse-trading and compromise among the tightly knit Ukrainian oligarchic and business elite.
"We either do this or we become more oligarchic, so I don't think our democracy has any other choice," said Ron Yarnell of Johnston, Iowa.
The tension surfaced again on Tuesday when Ukraine's economic minister resigned to protest pressure on his ministry from an oligarchic businessman with ties to Mr. Poroshenko.
They traded cash for State Department visits and cash for government favors (like signing away 20 percent of American uranium reserves to oligarchic pals of Vladimir Putin).
The European Parliament called Moldova a "state captured by oligarchic interests" in November, and there are concerns whether the parliamentary election on February 24 will be fair.
Mr. Pashinyan has vowed to break up the cozy system of oligarchic monopolies and invigorate an economy that has left a third of the country in poverty.
"You'll see, we'll soon stuff your oligarchic rag in the cupboard," Le Pen's second-in-command, Florian Philippot said of the EU flag in a message on Twitter.
You can't legislate away negative partisanship, and you can't entirely prevent corporations and the wealthy from exerting some degree of oligarchic power without trampling on freedom of speech.
The "oligarchic media" -- the same ones Trump has called "enemies of the American people," Kiselev noted -- are at war with the new president, determined to bring him down.
Snatching a double degree in philosophy and women's studies from Vassar College, I have access to a near-oligarchic network and a prestigious institutional branding on my resume.
You can't legislate negative partisanship away, and you can't entirely prevent corporations and the wealthy from exerting some degree of oligarchic power without trampling on freedom of speech.
"In the longer term, the TCJA funnels substantial resources to the Republican Party's donor class, a process that will plausibly make American politics even more oligarchic," she wrote.
In mostly unsung ways, they expanded the public good, driven by the promise of a free-labor democracy purged of the oligarchic slavery that died with the Confederacy.
Castro on Friday reiterated Cuba's solidarity with Venezuela, saying the country was suffering a "nonconventional war imposed by imperialism and oligarchic sectors" that were fomenting violence in the streets.
So I think this is an anti-oligarchy critique: by allowing these kinds of philanthropic donations, are we setting up an oligarchic structure that exists alongside our democratic structures?
"She is the most emblematic kind of oligarchic figure you can put in a cabinet position," said Jeffrey Winters, a political scientist at Northwestern University who studies economic elites.
I think the impulse that I've made a billion dollars, I've never done anything politically competent in my life but I deserve to be president is an oligarchic attitude.
"This country is moving into an oligarchic form of a society," Sanders told the crowd at a campaign stop in Clinton, Iowa, Monday night, before the plan was released.
The two leaders represent the same strain of a rising global culture: that of viciously xenophobic tabloids, politically biased infotainment TV, tacky showbiz, irresponsible populism, rabid nativism, and oligarchic kleptocracy.
Look what's happening now with the government, a government which came into power by making the case that it wants to tackle vested interests and tackle the old oligarchic establishment.
This includes NATO interoperability, the EU Associate status implementation, but also crime fighting assistance, the banking system clean-up, and systematic reverse of the oligarchic state capture that devastated Moldova.
With international support, Ukrainian civic groups are trying to force the government to follow through on the promises of the Maidan uprising to reform a corrupt, oligarchic post-Soviet system.
"The president is enduring all the stereotypes and prejudices of Brazil's highly patriarchal and oligarchic society," said Rosana Schwartz, a historian and sociologist at Mackenzie Presbyterian University in São Paulo.
Putin's oligarchic Russia, Stephen Shenfield, author of the book Russian Fascism, told me, has meanwhile co-opted fascistic thinking called Eurasianism, a myth of common historical destiny of all Russians.
Living under an oligarchic system, we should develop a healthy skepticism of the actions of billionaires, whether they are running for office, bankrolling other candidates or giving billions to charity.
To his fear that inequality fuels demagogy should be added another concern: A society with an oligarchic concentration of wealth is likely to function as a political oligarchy as well.
As Richard Schröder, a former East German dissident, notes, the application of western laws and practices saw off the threat of oligarchic corruption that has plagued many of Germany's eastern neighbours.
I have deep, deep concerns about the shifting toward oligarchic power, especially after decisions like Citizens United that are allowing even more exertion of power and corruption within our political system.
The so-called Bourbons—oligarchic Democrats who represented tax-averse industrial barons, known as "Big Mules", and the planters—slung as much mud at Kolb as the pre-internet age could muster.
I mean, say what you want about Yale as an overarching oligarchic influence on, say, politics and the judiciary system, dude, but in the Ivy League, athletics are a far different deal.
And given the concentration of Russian oligarchic families in London and their attachment to that city, the UK in particular possesses the power to undercut the critical relationship between Putin and his cronies.
Rotenberg's success is a prime example of a political and economic restructuring that has taken place during Putin's seventeen years in office: the de-fanging of one oligarchic class and the creation of another.
Rosenberg argues that the elites have traditionally prevented society from becoming a totally unfettered democracy; their "oligarchic 'democratic' authority" or "democratic control" has until now kept the authoritarian impulses of the populace in check.
They resent what they see as an intrusive, bloated, centralized government and burdensome taxes, just like the Boston Patriots of the 21918s despised the oligarchic excesses and taxation of King George III and Parliament.
American pressure gives them excuses for bad behaviour; adventurism abroad becomes self-defence; oligarchic control of the economy is portrayed as a means to bust sanctions; and critics are dismissed as puppets of the Great Satan.
And this becomes very tricky, in part because Trump is less a refuge from oligarchy than the most oligarchic oligarch around, and in part because Lind's thesis that "economic anxiety" drove Trump's supporters is not convincing.
A key plotline throughout the second season is a looming presidential election in Venezuela and the question of whether a progressive reform candidate running on an anti-corruption platform can beat the oligarchic dictator in charge.
Ms. DeVos, there is a growing fear in this country that we are moving toward what someone call an oligarchic form of society, where a small number of very wealthy billionaires control our economic and political life.
BERLIN (Reuters) - Moldova's new government has a window of opportunity to build a functioning state free of the oligarchic systems that have blighted it in the years since independence, in 1991, Prime Minister Maia Sandu told Reuters.
So when private equity and other members of the oligarchic class survey the world of media, they see the devastation that the internet has wrought: a pile of enervated news organizations and an endless stream of sameness.
"We will continue doing everything we can to oppose the drift which currently exists toward an oligarchic form of society, where a handful of billionaires exercise enormous power over our economic, political, and media life," Sanders said.
Mihail Gofman, a senior Moldovan law enforcement whistle blower, who is cooperating with the US Government investigation, has fingered him as the pivotal figure in the sordid story of the Moldovan oligarchic state capture, including the bank heist.
There is no clearer recent example of Moscow's close ties to the Armenian oligarchic class than that of newly appointed Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan, who led Gazprom Armenia for some time and was later Vice President of Gazprombank.
Pears ranges from 1960s Oxford, where Henry Lytten, an academic and former spy, is drafting a utopian story, to a surreal, oligarchic world where a scientist, Angela Meerson, discovers a machine whose consequences reverberate across decades and realities.
Birmingham and Selma have become synonymous with the expansion of civil rights they helped forge; that history is in eternal tension with the drive to shrink this progress back to the oligarchic dark ages of the 1901 state constitution.
It is in the U.S. national interest that Putin and his ambitions fail — and that Ukrainians succeed in remaking their country along free-market, democratic lines, breaking the web of corruption, Russian influence and oligarchic domination in the way.
"In one way or another, all of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have become captured states of the oligarchic network which emerged from the old security services of the Communist regimes," Dr. Minchev said in an interview.
"I worry very much that in our nation today we are moving toward an oligarchic form of society where a small number of very wealthy individuals and large corporations have enormous control over our economic and political life," Sanders said.
But, as they admit, initiating such reforms in the face of the oligarchic power that infuses American political institutions and that would oppose them would be extremely difficult—even supposing the vigorous "social movement for democracy" that they call for.
In past seasons, Mr. Zelensky as the fictional president has boldly confronted Ukraine's oligarchic class, calling out corrupt officials and in one scene using a vulgar term to tell the head of the I.M.F. to stop dictating economic policies to Ukraine.
In that sense (and that one alone), Soupault's avant-gardism helped cultivate a taste for the ambiguity of the post-truth political economy of the alt-right, with its toxic mix of white supremacy, misogyny, xenophobia, militarism, and oligarchic tendencies.
And the solutions of the neoliberal era offer no serious ideas for how to confront the fusion of oligarchic capitalism and nationalist authoritarianism that has now captured major governments around the world—and that seeks to invade and undermine democracy from within.
That points to the biggest risk of the Zelensky presidency: not that he turns out to be an oligarchic puppet or a Kremlin agent, but that he will not be strong enough to defend the progress that Ukraine has made against his powerful adversaries.
Nick Denton, in the last post published by Gawker before it was shuttered in 2016, laid out the structural reasons for his website's ruin: a new oligarchic, "techlord" class that was more than willing to destroy an independent media outlet over a personal grudge.
"The possibility remains that classified information submitted to Congress includes a more thorough airing of the oligarchic networks centered on the Kremlin, but a Russian business person's publicly-acknowledged wealth of course does not directly correlate to their closeness to the Kremlin," Hess noted.
"Turning the tax code into a vehicle for confronting what some call 'oligarchic drift' would undermine business confidence, reduce investment, degrade economic efficiency and punish success in ways unlikely to be good for the country or even to be appealing to most Americans," they wrote.
As Ukraine is a crucial buffer state between Europe and an increasingly belligerent and aggressive Russia, what happens there over the next weeks and months should be everybody's business as it turns another page in its slow transformation from oligarchic pluralism to real pluralism.
Today, Moscow is the capital of an authoritarian oligarchic state whose wealth — in large part derived from mining, petroleum, and other extraction industries — is hoarded by a kleptocratic ruling class that clings to power with increasing desperation, through rigged elections, riot police, and mass market distractions.
Maybe TV. Smash cut to New York City, half a century later, where, in HBO's black comedy "Succession," the oligarchic Roy family has achieved a version of young Murdoch's dream: an empire — spanning cruise ships to right-wing media — built by its patriarch, Logan Roy (Brian Cox).
He also does not give enough emphasis to other conditions: the rise of partisanship extending even to the courts, the importance of tribal media in a new communications age, the obliteration of campaign finance rules that had put some limits on the power of the oligarchic class.
Now it may be, as many postelection commentaries have argued, that the public was underinformed about the various connections between Trump's campaign staff and Russia's oligarchic-intelligence complex, and that a thorough airing of Trumpworld's ties would have made his pro-détente rhetoric seem more sinister.
The Art Strike is intended as an act of solidarity with the broader slate of #J183 events and, as the movement's site puts it, as a tactic among others to combat the normalization of Trumpism — a toxic mix of white supremacy, misogyny, xenophobia, militarism, and oligarchic rule.
This model of oligarchic rule is epitomized by the world's 26 billionaires who possess as much wealth as fully half of the world's population—or by the five people on the Supreme Court determined to use their judicial authority to impose a conservative agenda on a resistant population.
Markovits asserts that the oligarchic situation we are in today has "no historical precedent," by which he seems to mean there has never been a social order in which the people on top were there because they worked so hard and thus appeared to deserve what they had.
Mr Zelensky, a man with no political experience but with huge popularity as an entertainer, stepped onto the political centre-stage to expose the failures of Ukrainian rulers who may have experimented with various costumes and roles, but invariably represented dubious oligarchic interests for much of Ukraine's post-Soviet history.
"Its attempts to stay democratic while building a nation are often messy, its oligarchs all powerful and, given the virtual absence of state control over media and oligarchic competition, post-Soviet corruption is out in the open," said Serhii Plokhii, a Harvard professor and the author of a history of Ukraine.
After decades of contest between free-wheeling capitalism and top-down communist planning, a hybrid emerged in many transitional countries which is sometimes called state capitalism: in other words, a system that captures some of the efficiencies of capitalism but restricts the benefits to an oligarchic elite that husbands all forms of power.
These conditions certainly extend to Russia, which serves as a model for oligarchic states and a glimpse of what the future holds for the US. The desire to decolonize the visual arts and make way for a more socially equitable landscape also reveals the limitations of art to effect change in the outside world.
Do we want a paternalistic government operating concurrently with an oligarchic corporate sector, or an environment that allows for the longevity of small business while marshaling the moral will to compel big business to act just as we would expect any citizen to — with real care and concern for all those in its orbit?
" On Mr. Trump's Inauguration Day in January, the Queens Museum closed its galleries in solidarity with an art strike called by hundreds of artists — including Cindy Sherman, Richard Serra and Louise Lawler — to combat, as the organizers put, it "the normalization of Trumpism — a toxic mix of white supremacy, misogyny, xenophobia, militarism, and oligarchic rule.
This planet will not be secure or peaceful when so few have so much, and so many have so little – and when we advance day after day into an oligarchic form of society where a small number of extraordinarily powerful special interests exert enormous influence over the economic and political life of the world.
"As a student at James Madison High School, many years ago, I recall my social-studies teacher talking about how there were small developing countries around the world that were oligarchic societies — places where the economic and political life of the nation were controlled by a handful of very wealthy families," he recounted to the graduates.
He knew the exact percentage of Ukrainian territory annexed by the Russians in 2014 (it's seven); he had memorized the dossier of every shadowy figure on the Ukrainian political-cum-oligarchic scene; he taught the English-speaking world, to its astonishment, that it had been pronouncing "Kiev" incorrectly the whole time (it's keev not key-ehv, you philistines).
Regarding the central tenet of the revolution Sanders seeks — reversing Citizens United and an oligarchic system of big-donor super-PACs and voter suppression and replacing it with small-donor democracy, full voting rights and massive voter participation — there is not a dime's worth of difference between what a President Sanders or President Clinton would do.
So as much as I'd love to see Sansa on the Iron Throne (she deserves it more than anyone), or Arya, or some kind of Arya-Sansa-Tyrion oligarchic government similar to the elite republics of Braavos and Volantis, I don't see any reason that government should be more stable than any of the previous governments of Westeros.
"We look forward with a lot of hope and dedication to return the country to a normal course and have the state institutions work for the benefit of society and not the interests of a narrow oligarchic group," Natalia Gavrilita, the country's new finance minister and a member of Ms. Sandu's Now Platform party, said in a telephone interview.
Perhaps they will count on their erstwhile friend in the Senate, Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellKrystal Ball rips report saying Obama would intervene to stop Sanders Senate roundtable showcases importance and needs of women entrepreneurs Democrats: The 'Do Quite a Lot' Party MORE, to block Bernie at every turn from stopping the bi-partisan feeding frenzy at the oligarchic trough.
The Guggenheim, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), Brooklyn Museum, American Museum of Natural History, El Museo Del Barrio, the New Museum, and the Whitney Museum are among the institutions that have become sites of intense struggle concerning their complicity with violence, plunder, displacement, and dispossession, throwing into relief the embeddedness of these institutions in structures of settler-colonialism, white supremacy, and oligarchic rule that date to the very foundations of the city itself.
Russia and China, over time, have each evolved their own distinct, if not bizarre, version of that system—the former, a kind of oligarchic gangster capitalism, with a ruthless (though immeasurably less ruthless than Lenin or Stalin) capo di tutti capi at its apex; the latter, a successful (if thoroughly corrupt) version of state capitalism—conjoined, ironically enough, with a semi-hereditary aristocracy (also known as the "princelings") composed in part of descendants of survivors of the Long March.
"Victories across California in 2018 are going to be absolutely critical to Democrats' chances of taking back the House and gaining the political power necessary to confront and defeat Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's bigoted and oligarchic agenda," Democracy for America Chairman Jim Dean said in a statement to The Hill.

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