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322 Sentences With "oft repeated"

How to use oft repeated in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "oft repeated" and check conjugation/comparative form for "oft repeated". Mastering all the usages of "oft repeated" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"Man, be thyself," goes an injunction oft-repeated in the play.
" The oft-repeated lament of Appalachia is "rich land, poor people.
It doesn't matter that Facebook isn't "selling data"—an oft-repeated theme.
One oft-repeated rite might be dubbed "the unfurling of the banner".
The oft-repeated narrative she experienced while interviewing rapists was victim shaming.
That doesn't bode well for Trump's oft-repeated vision for defeating ISIS.
The most oft-repeated question on their lips was why wasn't Zuckerberg there?
But where were the studies establishing the oft-repeated glia-to-neuron ratio?
Another theme, manifest in the oft-repeated warning "winter is coming", was climate change.
Her oft-repeated cups are not grouped together, nor are the several "Whozat" drawings.
By now, "progress" has become one of Mark Zuckerberg's most oft-repeated talking points.
" And—the oft-repeated complaint among teachers we spoke with—"kids inevitably get distracted.
Those ideals are not just the oft-repeated one of learning for learning's sake.
It also violated another oft-repeated Trumpian principle: never, ever telegraph your military moves.
That's not just an oft-repeated perception; it's a fact backed up by research.
It's been oft-repeated that the road to hell is lined with good intentions.
" Critics said Ailes pushed a Republican agenda under the oft-repeated slogan "Fair and Balanced.
Not everyone agrees, however, with the oft-repeated European truisms about the U.S. regulatory environment.
Whitaker has echoed Trump's oft-repeated talking points: there was no collusion and no obstruction.
They also provided ample material to mock Mr. Trump's oft-repeated claims of financial prowess.
There's an oft-repeated mantra among scientists: A single study is rarely the final answer.
Pai's oft-repeated mission statement has been to "[eliminate] unnecessary and burdensome rules" at the commission.
Hill is quick to clarify the oft-repeated adage that correlation doesn't necessarily imply direct causation.
But it was not immediately clear how or why Moscow would heed Washington's oft-repeated demands.
BRUSSELS — An oft-repeated tagline throughout the promotion for "Michaelina: Baroque's Leading Lady" is "Mysterious Michaelina".
The oft-repeated assertion that losing a child destroys a relationship is not true, she found.
One of Nichols's oft-repeated phrases was "Life isn't everything," but then what was beyond life?
Yet one oft-repeated Republican Party line is that benefits like SNAP discourage people from working.
The oft-repeated assertion that losing a child destroys a relationship is simply not true, she found.
Clinton laughed off the episode, telling reporters what has become an oft-repeated story about their relationship.
As with most criticisms lodged against the Trump White House, this oft-repeated narrative is way overblown.
In one oft-repeated anecdote, he once used a chain saw to cut through a hotel room wall.
I followed the oft-repeated advice, which was to combine invented material and material from my own experience.
These are the oft-repeated mantras of frequent travelers and buying gifts for them is often a challenge.
"When white people catch a cold, black people have pneumonia," was an oft-repeated phrase in our household.
As with many other oft-repeated phrases online, "subscribe to PewDiePie" became a symbol, a meme, unto itself.
But this oft-repeated line contains three assumptions, none of which has held up well in recent years.
Politics, Breitbart believed, is downstream from culture, and for Duke, that oft-repeated dictum became a rallying cry.
It's an oft repeated maxim that gray hair starts at the temples in men (see: Paulie Walnuts, Grandpa Munster).
An oft-repeated line from some of her recent speeches: "Europeans must take our fate into our own hands."
If that doesn't convince you to be cautious, remember this old trader saw, oft-repeated by UBS' Art Cashin.
Tit-for-tat escalation would directly threaten the informal but oft-repeated quid pro quo that makes negotiations possible.
" Such questions about the prewar intelligence were left unresolved, despite Mr. Blair's oft-repeated desire for a "smoking gun.
"We need to help brands tell their stories," he added, echoing what has become an oft-repeated marketing catchphrase.
His oft-repeated contention is that Apu's positive, nuanced portrayal in the past absolves the show of any guilt.
Trump's oft-repeated vow that he will never stop tweeting may count as his most rational act as president.
On the contrary, such a return to normalcy after an inversions is an oft-repeated pattern before a recession.
On the contrary, such a return to normalcy after an inversions is an oft-repeated pattern before a recession.
In one well-known and oft-repeated variant of the Ouija board test, blindfolded participants spell much more incoherent messages.
"Those who win over women's hearts win it all" is now an oft-repeated business slogan across the Asian giant.
The oft-repeated "Ladies and gentleman, we are being momentarily held by the train's dispatcher" haunts me in my sleep.
People cannot keep the doctor they like if it is not cost effective—contrary to the President's oft-repeated promise.
Frepap's shock political victory has given the group's oft-repeated concept that they are the chosen people a major boost.
And maybe the wokerati ought to take their own most oft-repeated cliché to heart: Our diversity is our strength.
But his periodic tweets and oft-repeated complaints about impeachment make clear the subject is never far from his mind.
A month left in 2019 and here comes Rihanna with a photo album, became an oft-repeated joke on Twitter.
"What we are going to do is take back control," he said, using the oft-repeated catchphrase of Britain's "Leave" campaign.
SNAP doesn't discourage people from working: One oft-repeated Republican party line is that benefits like SNAP discourage people from working.
With private client insurance, it comes down to one basic, oft-repeated tenet: You really do get what you pay for.
Other oft-repeated tales recounted Marv putting Todd through grueling conditioning and football workouts when he was still just a child.
Their videos include the oft-repeated conservative claim that ACORN is expected to get up to $8.5 billion in government funds.
One example: Trump's oft-repeated "fake news" mantra, which is beloved by his base, doesn't mean what it purports to mean.
Mr. Kenney's oft-repeated claim that the younger Mr. Trudeau is out to shut down the oil sands, however, is inaccurate.
"We're the modern-day Brady Bunch!" was an oft-repeated line in the first season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
The oft-repeated statement that "trans women are women" is closer to an assertion of personal belief than a falsifiable scientific fact.
She's like the oft-repeated threat of your mother having eyes in the back of her head, taken to its logical extreme.
These priorities are well known and frequently mocked, providing grist for the oft-repeated claim that millennials are lazy, entitled job-hoppers.
There is an oft-repeated adage that people are much better hacking targets then the computer systems that hold our sensitive stuff.
The 22001 represents the oft-repeated claim that, on average, 22009 military veterans take their lives every day in the United States.
I want to move beyond the oft-repeated stories of Black exceptionalism and start getting creative about the parameters of Black excellence.
While punting the oft-repeated resolution to next year is tempting, you could be putting your long-term financial health in danger.
It is inconsistent with the government's own oft-repeated mantra that it is the quality of growth that matters, not the quantity.
His oft-repeated advice to young musicians was "hands on" — to keep the human touch in music rather than depending on machines.
Who can forget Trump's oft-repeated promise that "We will repeal and replace ObamaCare, and we will do it very, very quickly"?
Which of course exposes the oft-repeated midterm liberal lie that 23 million would lose their coverage should the ACA be mothballed?
It's now become one of President Trump's oft-repeated rhetorical cudgels against the Affordable Care Act and federal payments to insurance companies.
And the oft-repeated claim that the Trump era has produced a general surge in anti-Semitic violence seems dubious or wrong.
But he also bluntly sought to dispel the oft-repeated notion that the president had not been given information before making decisions.
" Bringing to mind oft-repeated FIFA buzzwords, Ausseil said the new site was "about what football does to people around the world.
" She said she shares her father's oft-repeated view that the impeachment investigation is about "overturning the results of the 2016 election.
Our oft-repeated plea is simple: We must understand and honor the past in order to learn from and not repeat it.
With this in mind, the oft-repeated idea that people who do want to discuss the election are unpleasant outliers seems misguided.
Indeed, such a rule would give the lie to Republicans' oft-repeated claim that the states should be laboratories for health-care experimentation.
Beyond young people, the CDC also cites the oft-repeated statistic that 1 in 5 Americans experience mental illness in a given year.
She, too, knows that Trump's oft-repeated claim that America is the highest (or "just about" the highest) taxed nation is totally wrong.
Other iPhone users have circulated an oft-repeated conspiracy theory about the performance of older iPhone models when a new version is released.
In essence, he has said that "never again" — the oft-repeated phrase connected to the horrors of the Holocaust — cannot be selectively applied.
Critics also found fault with his oft-repeated joke on the trail about how he "helps" raise his three children with his wife, Amy.
The 2016 campaign has brought race and politics, along with Trump's oft-repeated phrase "law and order," to the forefront, unlike in recent history.
An oft-repeated joke that mostly appeals to half-comatose internet basics, "let's get this bread," an encouraging refrain of positivity, is utterly empty.
"What about AirPower" became an oft-repeated meme at every subsequent Apple event, and speculation was an endless source of amusement to Apple fans.
The bank contrasted that with Trump's oft-repeated and controversial plan to build a "big, beautiful wall" to block out its Southern neighbour Mexico.
Successful people do tend to get up earlier than the rest of the population, which shows there is truth to this oft-repeated mantra.
Unfortunately, much of the oft-repeated advice on passwords is often incorrect, including that from login forms complimenting users on their supposedly strong passwords.
It was the composer Jean Sibelius who apparently originated the oft-repeated quip that no one ever put up a statue of a critic.
And how curious that Thatcher, whose oft-repeated mantra was "Time spent in reconnaissance is never wasted," could not or would not see this.
Trump's oft-repeated promise in 2016 that Mexico would pay for the wall electrified many of his supporters, even as Mexican officials rebuffed the claim.
"Form follows function" is an oft-repeated cliche in biology—if you know how something looks, then perhaps you can figure out how it works.
After the Dutch satirical video went viral, a host of countries have been mocking Trump's oft-repeated "America First" statement with tongue-in-cheek videos.
Monday's vote came as a surprise to many, and in a scene oft repeated since 2011, GOP leadership was left holding an embarrassing political bag.
Many may interpret Bolton's declaration, which echoes President George W. Bush's oft-repeated "axis of evil" phrase, as a new foundation for pursuing regime change.
The reporting directly contradicts Trump's oft-repeated claim that he had built his real estate empire with only a $1 million loan from his father.
Oft-repeated words, maybe, but what the heck - risk is back on, bond yields and the yen are lower, stock markets and oil are higher.
The GOP has not yet fulfilled its oft-repeated promise to repeal ObamaCare, and pundits are busy declaring that the GOP has failed for good.
The North's official Korean Central News Agency took the oft-repeated stance as it reviewed the country's major nuclear weapons and missile tests this year.
But polls have been wrong before, and it won't help that she broke with her oft-repeated vow not to call an election before 2020.
Trump and his administration immediately seized on Barr's summation of the Mueller report by insisting his oft-repeated claims of "NO COLLUSION" had been proven.
One of their oft-repeated complaints is that existing federal conscience protections are sufficient and any expansion of those protections would result in "overbroad" rules.
Macron fact-checked Trump to his face on the subject of ISIS, rejecting the president&aposs oft-repeated claim the terror group has been defeated.
And it comes in spite of Trump's oft-repeated assertion that he is the "least racist person" in the country and possibly in the world.
The surveys show only tepid support for building the wall, an oft-repeated Trump campaign promise that he sees as an essential part of his appeal.
The procedure she describes is quite different from President Donald Trump's oft-repeated claim that late-term abortions involve babies being "ripped from their mother's womb".
The oft-repeated proposition that in Islam, the gates of ijtihad (theological reasoning) were slammed shut a millennium ago is simply false, in Mr Hellyer's view.
For a long time, it was an oft-repeated trope that tryptophan, an amino acid turkeys have in spades, was responsible for the post-Thanksgiving nap.
Banks lost dollar deposits as customers traded pesos for greenbacks to stash in safety deposit boxes, an oft-repeated move in times of Argentine financial uncertainty.
There is an oft-repeated meme that, even at these ever-rising prices, college graduates do better in the long run economically than non-college grads.
The US and Iran have a complicated history and have been adversaries for decades, encapsulated in the oft-repeated "Death to America" chants from Iranian leaders.
That's why the oft-repeated maxim, "Time in the market is more important than timing the market," is one of Schwab's core investing principles, Koenig said.
It is thus even more important for national governments to heed the ECB's oft-repeated pleas, and do more to counter the slowdown with fiscal stimulus.
Building a wall Trump's pledge to "build a wall" between the United States and Mexico might be the most oft-repeated campaign promise in recent American history.
From the oft-repeated story of Square's prototyping in a San Francisco makerspace to numerous examples across the country—these are the places where innovation is happening.
Largely, it's the oft-repeated tale of a startup sector seeing valuations rise as early-stage companies mature, said Chad Anderson, CEO of investor group Space Angels.
Gabriel had just told her that she could trust him, and trust was the oft-repeated theme (it showed up in the script at least five times).
Indeed, an oft-repeated story these days involves Ms. May meeting a young woman in the House of Commons who was wearing a trendy pair of shoes.
Meanwhile — an oft-repeated point still worth stressing— there is surely no reason why Donald Trump's children, or Chelsea Clinton's, ought to go to college for free.
In August, the National Council on Behavioral Health released a report directly addressing the oft-repeated claim that mental illness is the primary cause of mass shootings.
Mr. Trump has also fended off unrest among employees by paying them to dismiss litigation against him, despite his oft-repeated claims that he never settles lawsuits.
Kaine called Trump's oft-repeated claim that he was opposed to the Iraq War "completely made up," recalling three incidents where Trump expressed support for the war.
But, by renegotiating NAFTA and rethinking the Mérida Initiative, Trump will fulfill his oft-repeated promise to have Mexico pay for the wall and secure the border.
Since he first made the pledge, walling off our neighbors to the south became an oft-repeated promise and rallying cry, both for the candidate and his supporters.
This article originally appeared on VICE Sports UK. Wengerisms are oft-repeated idioms used by Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger to explain away the betrayal of a complex world.
Whether intentional or not, some of the questions that Mueller did answer served as direct rebukes to Trump's oft-repeated claims about the outcome of the Russia probe.
It was Al Gore's oft-repeated "lock box" promise for Social Security funding and that resulted in his winning the elderly vote over George W. Bush in 2000.
This has became an oft-repeated reminder of the past several years across numerous national parks, as more and more visitors attempt to take selfies with wild animals.
Trump's stand-off with Iran is directly at odds with his oft-repeated pledge to keep the U.S. from diving into yet another war in the Middle East.
He even pushed back on Trump's oft-repeated characterization of the Russia investigation as a "witch hunt" during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee in mid-January.
On Friday, the Republican House of Representatives failed to fulfill its long held and oft repeated promise to repeal the flawed Affordable Care Act, widely known as ObamaCare.
The oft-repeated claim that the federal government does not fund abortions is a lie, and the Clinton rules for Title X demonstrate the depth of the delusion.
But some untruths are not at all trivial, such as the seminal untruth of the President's political career, the oft-repeated conspiracy about the birthplace of President Obama.
In line with President Xi Jinping's oft-repeated warning that investors should not speculate on housing, regulators have curtailed lending to developers and sworn off cutting mortgage rates.
It also generated thousands of complaints, including one oft-repeated horror story about an older couple who received more than 2360 phone calls in less than a month.
Success in passing the largest reform package in decades would eliminate the oft-repeated charge that President Trump has not accomplished anything in nearly a year in office.
But many untruths are not at all trivial -- such as the seminal untruth of the president's political career - the oft-repeated conspiracy about the birthplace of President Obama.
But many untruths are not at all trivial – such as the seminal untruth of the president's political career - the oft-repeated conspiracy about the birthplace of President Obama.
Biden appeared exasperated at points while defending himself against claims that have beendebunked by fact-checkers but that have been oft-repeated by the president and his surrogates.
Cruz's strong performance further bolstered his oft-repeated talking point that he is the only Republican candidate with the proven ability to actually beat Trump in an election.
Barr then pointed to several oft-repeated and criticised potential solutions, such as creating a second set of keys that law enforcement could use to access a locked phone.
" I mention the oft-repeated (erroneous) belief in music journalism about guitar music being dead, but before I can finish my sentence Yanya interrupts, visibly impassioned: "That's not true.
One of Icahn's oft-repeated bromides is that the average C.E.O. is like a fraternity president: a nice guy to have a beer with, but maybe not too bright.
Hard-liners struck a different chord, drawing on the oft-repeated propaganda message that the February elections had been "influenced" by Britain, Iran's former imperial overseer and historic enemy.
He closed his speech with an oft-repeated pledge to bring back "Merry Christmas," tying the holiday to the stated desire for movement on the tax plan in December.
On the other, because of Tehran's oft-repeated position of not allowing anyone else to export oil from the Gulf if it cannot, there may be a shooting war.
Trump quickly walked back his oft-repeated campaign promise to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and he criticized Israeli settlements as "not good" for peace.
The idea that medicine has effective treatment for every problem is assumed by many and an oft-repeated message of the expanding marketing departments of most health care conglomerates.
But the company in its release did not reiterate Musk's oft-repeated promise that Tesla would be profitable and cash flow positive in both its third and fourth quarters.
Then, after strong first-quarter growth, a Politburo meeting readout inserted an oft-repeated slogan that "houses are for living, not speculating," a hint policy relaxation was not imminent.
In "unity," an oft-repeated word, Gantz has identified another important idea eroded for too long by the master of division who has increasingly split Israel into rival tribes.
The French are indicating that they do not agree with the president's oft-repeated assertion that the left-right split is outmoded, and that he occupies the ideal center.
" Mr. Abe has not commented on the role of women in the imperial family, despite his oft-repeated political rhetoric about creating a society in which "women can shine.
He creates the "enemy" because he needs to avoid substantive comments on real issues, and his oft-repeated "believe me" can be the only truth his followers will hear.
Trump's systematic attempt to shake public confidence in law enforcement seems to run directly in contrast to his oft-repeated pledge of love for the military, police and firefighters.
The oft-repeated elevator pitch on Black Leopard Red Wolf, the buzzy new novel from Man Booker Prize winner Marlon James, is that it's the African Game of Thrones.
For those states it may be that the oft-repeated intention of their governments to develop common policies under the command of European ministers will prove acceptable and will work.
His oft-repeated assurances that people will be able to say, "Merry Christmas!" again portrays Christians as the victims of atheists, agnostics, Jews, and Muslims (all of whom they outnumber).
Yesterday, Catz also gave testimony in response to the oft-repeated claim that Oracle only bought Sun (where Java was first created) in order to use it to sue Google.
Other statistics oft-repeated by China: bilateral trade and investment created 2.6 million American jobs in 2015 and each American family saves $850 every year thanks to cheap Chinese goods.
A growing ecosystem to support new entrepreneursThe regular explanation for the change in mindset in Israel is the oft-repeated industry aphorism: From start-up nation to scale-up nation.
Elizabeth Warren perhaps helping split the progressive vote and the President's oft-repeated and unfounded claim that the Democratic establishment is working to undermine Sanders -- helped propel Biden to victory.
It allows Trump to claim victory on both substance of the investigation and the obstruction charges and to say that his oft-repeated mantra of "no collusion" is entirely accurate.
Perhaps the most endearing, if not oft-repeated fact about Beto O'Rourke, the former Texas congressman and one-time presidential candidate, is that he had a pretty deep punk phase.
A handful of contenders took turns criticizing Warren over everything from her support for "Medicare for All" to her oft-repeated call for an additional tax on the wealthiest Americans.
That in turn would be bound to give fuel to Trump's oft-repeated charge that the Europeans are manipulating their currency to gain an unfair competitive advantage at U.S. expense.
Prevailing there would back up his oft-repeated message that he has strong support among African Americans, a base of the Democratic Party that swings elections, particularly in the Southeast.
Appearing ill-prepared and flummoxed by questions from reporters, President Trump fell back on his oft-repeated accusation that the FBI had failed to investigate thoroughly the rival he had defeated.
But perhaps more interesting than its purported moral — that trompe l'oeil is the mark of artistic genius — is the fantasy that has sustained the oft-repeated tale all of these years.
While Mr. Thiel has suggested that the government needs to run more like a business, there is not a lot of wisdom, in my humble opinion, in that oft-repeated mantra.
Haley, eager to distance her party from the all-consuming antics of Donald Trump, made a veiled shot at the frontrunner's oft-repeated proposal to ban Muslims from entering the country.
" In the Times' piece, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders reiterated Trump's oft-repeated claim that "The president's father gave him an initial $1 million loan, which he paid back.
He declined to say if he would take military action, parroting his oft-repeated line that the US should act first and talk later, rather than telegraph military actions in advance.
Going into detail about what he'd do militarily runs contrary to Trump's oft-repeated boast that he doesn't believe in telling our enemies when and how he's going to attack them.
It's an oft-repeated statistic: The United States is home to less than 5 percent of the world's population, but it's home to almost 25 percent of the world's prison population.
There's an oft-repeated adage in the world of cybersecurity: There are two types of companies, those that have been hacked, and those that don't yet know they have been hacked.
Avenatti did not mention the arrest in his statement, which included his oft-repeated warning that the Democratic Party risked fielding a candidate lacking the killer instinct needed to defeat Trump.
The oft-repeated estimate that 53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump reflects a stark internal divide within a demographic category that encompasses about 40 percent of American voters.
"Children are not poker chips, they are people," he said, echoing the oft-repeated analysis that Republicans were using children as a bargaining chip to get wall funding and immigration reform.
Still, the endorsements have prompted a backlash locally from those who believe that the Democratic Party is failing to live up to its oft-repeated rhetoric regarding the importance of diversity.
Yes, you need to think about the oft-repeated but nonetheless true and alarming statistics: 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded till 2015 snatched the crown—till 2016 obliterated the record.
The effort represents both the last and only chance for the industry to follow through on oft-repeated calls for an American renaissance — and it exacerbates efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Washington (CNN)President-elect Donald Trump appeared open Friday to compromising on his oft-repeated pledge to repeal and replace Obamacare -- citing a conversation with none other than President Barack Obama himself.
The official data cast a new light on Prime Minister Scott Morrison's oft-repeated boast that it was his Liberal National government that was responsible for record jobs growth in recent years.
Steffens also reprints Archbishop Abuna Yesehaq's oft-repeated but never verified claim to have baptized Marley at the end of his life, which would have been a betrayal of his Rastafarian faith.
Few campaign promises have been as central and as polarizing as Mr. Trump's oft-repeated vow to build a wall along the border with Mexico, which he insisted Mexico would pay for.
May's proposal for a snap election on June 8 broke her oft-repeated vow not to call an early vote and was aimed at exploiting her popularity to gain more parliamentary seats.
The California Democrat spoke solemnly to her caucus and deployed her oft-repeated line: "None of us came here to impeach a president," according to multiple lawmakers and aides in the room.
Or maybe it was the oft-repeated phrase by our PR handlers that "the public should not feel that art is intimidating" — mentioned when updating us on the carnival and light show.
In the last days of Mr Mubarak's rule, an oft-repeated joke was that God dispatched the angel of death to fetch the president, but he was caught and tortured by state security.
It's easy to forget now, but at the time, her arrival was met with excitement: According to one oft-repeated anecdote, employees at the company slapped her face on Obama-style "HOPE" posters.
The investor psychology and why VCs aren't immune One of the most oft-repeated quotes about investing goes something like this: Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.
And at the very least, Trump's decision to hire Manafort badly undermines the President's oft-repeated promise on the campaign trail that he would only hire the best people in his White House.
Though there's an oft-repeated claim that any elite marathoner could win an ultra­marathon, you can't know if a certain runner can silence that internal voice for 100 miles until he actually does.
But Warren, in her zeal to find someone she thinks has been ill-used by private equity investors, and ignoring her oft-repeated loathing of millionaires and billionaires, has settled on Taylor Swift.
In other words, the Mila affair has become yet another episode in an oft-repeated pattern: A Westerner mocks or openly demeans Islam, often labeling it as a harsh, intolerant and violent religion.
Cora Harrington, the author of "In Intimate Detail: How to Choose, Wear, and Love Lingerie" and editor of the Lingerie Addict blog, eschews the oft-repeated 80-percent-plus number in her book.
Winner: Columbus Nashville An oft-repeated statistic around here is that 100 people move to Nashville every day, and the fashion tribe will have no trouble finding what it needs to sustain itself.
" This latest dismissal of the accusations against him, which have seen him questioned at least seven times in the investigation, echo his oft-repeated statement: "There will be nothing because there is nothing.
There is talk he will focus on strengthening pre-kindergarten programmes, advancing the oft-repeated Democratic line that investing in ways to keep children in classrooms will keep them out of prison as adults.
"May stuck to her speaking notes," the diplomat said, echoing frustration in some European capitals that they have gained little from the British prime minister beyond her oft-repeated mantra that "Brexit means Brexit".
There are a lot of lessons from the Biosphere 2 project that we, I and other members of its core team, can share with you so we can move beyond the oft-repeated misunderstandings.
In one of the oft-repeated lines of his song — "can't no VC tell me nothin'" — Erwin urges founders to not give in to investor demands, and stick to their beliefs and their ideas.
The film assumes that the oft-repeated circumstances surrounding the rape and murder of Kitty Genovese in Kew Gardens, Queens, in March 1964 are true — that 37 witnesses (actually, 38) did nothing to intervene.
For years, Americans have heard the oft-repeated line that government workers make less than their counterparts in the private sector and they are making a big sacrifice by continuing to work in government.
Most just walked by reporters, headed for Friday night flights back to their districts, where they would have to explain their failure to deliver on the most fundamental, oft-repeated promise in successive elections.
In design terms, too, the play benefits from the somewhat larger dimensions of the Trafalgar stage, giving the lie to the oft-repeated mantra in the theater that smaller and intimate are always better.
But his Russian counterpart spun the exchange differently — claiming that the president "accepts" Mr. Putin's oft-repeated denials that he had anything to do with attempting to swing the 2016 election to Mr. Trump.
In the Ebola paper, Fischhoff and his coauthors concluded that "there is reason for optimism" about public understanding of risk, with the critical and oft-repeated caveat that it all rides on precise communications.
Mr Guaidó's oft-repeated three-point programme, backed by Donald Trump's administration, is "an end to the usurpation" (meaning that Mr Maduro steps down), a transitional government and a free presidential election within a year.
With the executive order signed on January 2000th, President Donald Trump took the first steps toward making good on his oft-repeated campaign promise to build a wall across the entire 303,230-mile-long border.
Michael Flynn, it will be impossible for Comey to walk away from his previous and oft repeated refusals to comment on specific individuals under investigation without shattering what remains of his own reputation for integrity.
Turner Prize-winning artist Jeremy Deller confirmed authorship of a poster featuring the phrase "Strong and stable my arse," a play on the oft-repeated (and much derided) campaign slogan of Prime Minister Theresa May.
Trump Jr.'s book echoes many of the president's oft-repeated issues with his critics and political opponents, and is filled with easily disproven claims about the Trump family and its finances, among other topics.
McNamee's oft-repeated claim is that surveillance capitalism undermines democracy by manipulating users' habits and choices, but his rhetoric effectively cedes agency to tech companies: we're helpless unless Silicon Valley agrees to change its ways.
To use an oft-repeated thought experiment, would a sufficiently powerful AI, told to produce (say) paperclips, end up hoarding resources until it destroys the world and uses all the Earth's resources to build paperclips?
Conservatives called the hearing to accuse Big Tech of censoring conservative voices, an oft-repeated claim on the right echoed by luminaries like RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and Brad Parscale, Donald Trump's re-election campaign manager.
Word of the private wall's construction is likely to rile opponents of efforts to build up barriers at the US southern border, while energizing supporters of Trump and one of his most oft-repeated campaign promises.
WASHINGTON — John F. Kelly, the homeland security secretary, said Wednesday that it was doubtful that a wall along the full border with Mexico would ever be built, despite an oft-repeated campaign promise by President Trump.
WASHINGTON — A hotly anticipated report on the origins of the investigation into President Trump's ties to Russia debunked Trump's oft-repeated claim that the whole thing began as a politically motivated conspiracy to take him down.
It also hints that Mr Gorsuch might be sceptical of laws allowing abortion and could—in line with Mr Trump's oft-repeated wish—reconsider Roe v Wade, the nearly 45-year-old precedent protecting women's reproductive choice.
"The importance of the Party's control over the military is an oft-repeated phrase, but Xi has emphasized it heavily during his tenure," Tom Rafferty, China manager at the Economist Intelligence Unit, told CNN earlier this year.
Even if you isolate just Trump's oft-repeated boast that he has cut more regulations than any past president, The Washington Post Fact Checker noted that it's virtually impossible to decide whether that's true or not. 413.
When I broke the news to my family, they went through the familiar stages of processing—denial, "you're just being trendy," anger—but the one I remember best was the oft-repeated admonition not to tell anyone.
But those lessons are boring and oft-repeated — does Los Angeles really need to be told for the millionth time that it has a sprawl problem, or a traffic problem, or a lack of good public transit?
At various points during the day, clips from Trump's speeches were played for senators in the chamber, including his oft-repeated remarks that Article II of the Constitution allows him to do "whatever he wants" as president.
Their home at the foot of East Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountains had "running water, if you were willing to run and get it" — one of Parton's many, oft-repeated "Dollyisms" that makes light of her hardscrabble upbringing.
At the same time, labor market slack poses a downside risk, Poloz said, reiterating the bank's oft-repeated concern that the job market is not as strong as employment growth and a steadily declining unemployment rate would suggest.
Trump's threat of military action played into Maduro's hands by supporting his oft-repeated assertion that the U.S. "empire" has been waging economic war on Venezuela and wants to invade the country to steal its vast oil reserves.
Despite the oft-repeated claim that such data-driven approaches are more objective than past methods of determining the risk of recidivism or anything else, it's clear that our very human biases have rubbed off on our machines.
Babis's oft-repeated pledge is to "manage the state like a company", and he has been compared to other businessmen-turned-politicians, such as U.S. President Donald Trump and former Italian prime minister and media magnate Silvio Berlusconi.
"Unfortunately, the most oft-repeated claims are flat out wrong and portend a dangerous path of retreat from the strong trade approach that has long been a powerful positive force for American workers, consumers and families," she wrote.
Maxine Waters and others responded with chants of "lock him up," a reference to Trump's oft-repeated promise to put 2016 rival Hillary Clinton behind bars over her use of a private email server while secretary of state.
You may have heard the oft-repeated stat that 33,255 Americans died from opioid overdoses in 22010, or 2694 people a day, but that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how many people are affected.
In his remarks at an ethanol plant in Council Bluffs, for instance, Mr. Trump claimed that Mr. Biden's only message was to criticize him, and then brought up his oft-repeated insult for his 2016 opponent, Mrs. Clinton.
Petrobras' decision not to cut ties with Seaview - despite evidence turned up by its own probe that something was amiss - is a case that challenges the company's oft-repeated narrative that it was an unwitting victim of corruption.
WASHINGTON — President Obama's final defense budget acknowledges that despite his oft-repeated pledge to end two protracted, costly and exhausting conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the country's military will remain on war fronts when he departs the White House.
She has offered little beyond her oft-repeated catchphrases that she wants the "best possible deal" for Britain and that she will trigger the formal divorce procedure - Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty - by the end of March.
But one should also be open to the existence of scientific knowledge in civilizations that preceded the present one in which the West dominates, and propagate the oft-repeated narrative that true scientific knowledge evolved only in the West.
Besides being a clever way to keep the proceedings visually dynamic despite most of the film occurring in the Beksińskis' apartment, this oft-repeated technique recalls the way Zdzisław's wild worlds are constrained by the edges of the canvas.
WASHINGTON — Even as President-elect Donald J. Trump vows to unify a divided nation, he faces a momentous decision over whether to make good on his oft-repeated campaign pledge to have a special prosecutor "lock up" Hillary Clinton.
John F. Kelly, the homeland security secretary, told members of Congress this month that it was doubtful that a wall along the full border with Mexico would ever be built, despite the oft-repeated campaign promise by Mr. Trump.
If Saeb, with his oft-repeated talking points and distortion of our messaging is honest, he must admit that he and others who say the same things over and over again haven't achieved peace and Palestinians continue to fall further behind.
Holder, who served under President Barack Obama, is seen in the video telling an audience in Georgia that former first lady Michelle Obama's oft-repeated slogan "When they go low, we go high" needs an update for the Trump era.
Trump's new trucker hat in question features a green and khaki camouflage print with his oft repeated slogan, "Make America Great Again," stitched across the front in blaze orange, a color combination every hunter out there should instantly identify with.
On one hand, they won't want to just roll over like they did at the Bundy Ranch, but then there's that oft-repeated refrain, "They don't want another Waco"—a 1993 siege that was disastrously mishandled, resulting in 82 deaths.
Tillerson was the ur-example of Trump's oft-repeated campaign promise that when he was President the best and brightest in the business world, who weren't involved in government at all, would rush to be part of a Trump administration.
The Swiss Franc hit a two-week high against the dollar after Swiss National Bank Chairman Thomas Jordan said the franc was currently "highly valued" but avoided reiterating his until summer oft-repeated statement that the franc was "significantly overvalued."
But after the oft-repeated storyline collapsed under the weight of the Comey and Sessions testimonies, the Democrats find themselves in an awkward position where they, once again, may have to start talking about the issues that affect regular Americans.
When more than 22016 Iraqi Chaldean Christians in Michigan were arrested and threatened with immediate deportation the weekend of June 212, the Trump administration's oft-repeated promises to protect Christians around the world rang not just darkly hollow but demonstrably false.
The administration's oft-repeated language that denuclearization must be "irreversible" and "verifiable" was not even mentioned in the joint statement, nor any reference to North Korea's egregious human rights violations and Kim's illegal imprisonment of more than 100,000 people in gulags.
That may have something to do with a new Heritage Foundation report that insists the White House's oft-repeated claim that 20 million previously-uninsured people only got coverage because of Obamacare is wildly exaggerated... by as much as 300 to 400 percent.
It's a yarn I'm so tired of winding round and round, and my metaphorical swift is bulging with enough to make onesies for a thousand lumberjacks, but despite everyone inherently knowing the oft-repeated woes of the modern bourgeois feminist, it bears repeating.
Also, will Trump's apparent support for the Iraq War in a September 2002 interview with Howard Stern -- which surfaced late Thursday and seemed to contradict his oft-repeated claim that he opposed the war since before it began -- hurt him with voters?
Not only did it debunk the president's oft-repeated etiological myth about having only received a $1 million loan from his dad, Fred, which he later had to pay back with interest—it showed how the father-son team systematically cheated on taxes.
Nominating a rookie senator like Cruz would also undermine the oft-repeated conservative talk radio and TV critique that Obama was unprepared to govern because he served only briefly in the Illinois state senate and the U.S. senate prior to his 2008 election.
Dan Doctoroff, Sidewalk's chief executive, makes little effort to hide his irritation when presented with Mr. Balsillie's oft-repeated argument that the project was a back door for Google to use data from the physical world in the way it uses online data.
Despite the president's oft-repeated claim that coal-fired electricity generation is making a comeback, there is likely to be a significant number of retirements of coal plants this year, according to an assessment by the consulting firm S&P Global Marketplace Intelligence.
One photo of Saavedra features her hurling that brick, an image that recalls the oft-repeated but still unproven tale of black trans activist Marsha P. Johnson throwing the first brick at the Stonewall Riots and sparking the contemporary gay rights movement.
The spectacle of an Irish leader opining on the dysfunction of British politics — not to mention brushing aside Mr. Johnson's oft-repeated vow to carry out the will of the people by delivering Brexit — does not sit well with many in Britain.
Trump family lore is so full of falsities, including the oft-repeated claim that the same woman who couldn't fathom Taco Bell was an Olympic skier (she wasn't), that the personal narrative that Trump Jr. offers cannot be considered reliable or informative.
In his remarks, Boehner predicted that GOP lawmakers might be able to nix certain provisions of Obamacare, but not the entire law — despite the GOP's oft-repeated promise over the last seven years to wipe the Affordable Care Act off the books.
The case posed an ironic twist to Trump's oft-repeated but unsubstantiated claim that millions of non-citizens fraudulently cast ballots against him in 2016, skewing the popular vote in favor of his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, while he won in the Electoral College.
Tarullo told CNBC he wants to see more evidence of a sustained uptick in inflation toward the Fed's 2 percent target before raising rates, an oft-repeated assertion of his that immediately dampened investor expectations that the central bank will raise rates at its Sept.
" He helped a kid fighting leukemia make his culinary dream trip The show's website on Friday posted an homage to Bourdain featuring one of his many oft-repeated quotations -- one that seemed to embody his philosophy: "If I'm an advocate for anything, it's to move.
But at an event in Frankfurt he avoided reiterating his until summer oft-repeated statement that the franc was "significantly overvalued", a mainstay of the SNB's communications since it suddenly scrapped a limit on the franc against the euro two and a half years ago.
Second, while acknowledging that one of my greatest influencers on economic theory is Milton Friedman, his oft-repeated argument — that free trade with a "closed" nation is one of the surest ways to drive it toward freedom and partnership — has not worked with the Chinese.
"CNN spent a full week-plus doing nothing but having these headlines saying President Trump is not expected to bring up Russian interference with President Putin," said Conway, referring to an oft-repeated CNN report that Trump wouldn't broach the election interference topic with Putin.
According to Dr. Berman, these ideas can be brought on in part due to misunderstandings of one's anatomy and sensation, ignorant jokes or digs from partners, or general social osmosis of the idea, oft repeated and disproven, that frequent sex can irreparably stretch a vagina.
Earlier last month Fitzgerald and I had met in Dubai, Fitzgerald hewed to the Irish government's oft-repeated line that there could be no return to a hard border, and said the onus squarely fell on the British government to develop a workable solution.
The agency left unaddressed the oft-repeated claim by U.S.A. Gymnastics officials that after initially presenting the sexual assault allegations to the F.B.I. in July 2015, they came away with the impression that federal agents had advised them not to discuss the case with anyone.
"His plot to murder people he did not know was designed to, in his oft-repeated words, 'take his country back' from government leaders by forcing them to change government conduct he perceived as favoring Muslims," prosecutors wrote in a pre-sentencing court filing.
The mockumentary-cum-comedy, which follows Cohen's hapless Kazakhstani reporter alter ego Borat Sagdiyev on a caustic and absurd odyssey through the US, produced some objectively stupid gross-out jokes and slapstick and birthed a thousand oft-repeated (and occasionally problematic) copycat attempts and memes.
The rubric got traction on social media, became the headline of a widely read piece for The Atlantic by savvy columnist Salena Zito, and has been oft-repeated by other commentators, including tech pioneer and Trump backer Peter Thiel in a much-watched National Press Club address.
In the years since, and especially in recent months, governments in Italy, the U.S., Hungary and elsewhere have adopted tough anti-migrant policies that fly in the face of Francis&apos oft-repeated call for governments to open their hearts and doors to those in need.
Donald Trump: True: 2% Mostly True: 7% Half True: 19803% Mostly False: 17% False: 40% Pants on Fire: 19% Hillary Clinton: True: 23% Mostly True: 28% Half True: 21% Mostly False: 15% False: 11% Pants on Fire: 1% The facts: Politifact ranks this oft-repeated claim False.
Where the press went wrong The presidential campaign has been rife with such examples of faulty establishment media-think, from the early insistence that Jeb Bush would be the Republican candidate to beat to the oft-repeated claim that Donald Trump's latest incendiary claim was political suicide.
In her most recent documentary, Every 30 Hours (a reference to the oft-repeated statistic that a woman in Argentina is killed, on average, every 30 hours), filmmaker Alejandra Perdomo examines how victims' parents attempt to reclaim their deceased daughters' identities and dignity following media coverage.
The oft-repeated mantra that tax cuts for the rich will trickle down to help all of us, most recently heard in the Trump White House's claim that his trillion dollar tax cut for corporations would give each worker a $2132,2900 raise, keeps coming up empty.
The order partially fulfills an oft-repeated campaign promise by Trump, who appealed to religious conservatives in his 2016 run for the White House, although he would need an act of Congress to rescind the underlying law that he has opposed, known as the Johnson Amendment.
A daily morning look at the financial stories you need to know to start the day -Donald Trump's GOP convention speech was filled with promises to fix the economy, but a return to Law and Order and national security were the most oft-repeated messages of the address.
Washington (CNN)The Trump administration has tried multiple times to cut billions from foreign aid programs aimed at fighting corruption in Ukraine and other countries, despite President Donald Trump's oft-repeated claim that fighting corruption in Ukraine is a top issue for his administration, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.
Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg were ready to pounce on Warren at the start of the debate, when the oft-repeated question of whether Warren would raise taxes to pay for the Medicare-for-all plan she's backed was raised yet again.
" Sentiments in the letter echoed the school's Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression, which was issued last year and includes an oft-repeated quote from former President Hanna Holborn Gray: "Education should not be intended to make people comfortable, it is meant to make them think.
The oft-repeated observation that "the cream always rises to the top" functioning like a kind of mantra at Podcast Movement, an expression of the scene's unshakable belief that any show that's good enough—even if produced on a shoestring by a total unknown—will find its audience.
It is a familiar one for the British: According to an oft-repeated legend from World War II, Winston Churchill decided to let the Nazis bomb Coventry, at a cost of hundreds of lives, rather than reveal that Britain had used its Enigma machine to crack German codes.
That, in addition to President Trump's oft-repeated and oft-inflated figures on the value of Saudi arms purchases from the US. As key as they might hope Saudi Arabia will be in this coalition-in-the-making, its track record as a military power is spotty at best.
In December, Stephen Colbert told CBS's John Dickerson in an interview, "Now I have no choice but to actually enjoy this incredible gift every day that Mr. Trump will be," referring to the oft-repeated notion that President Trump would be a boon to late-night comedy shows.
MADRID — Living in Europe, I'm frequently reminded of an oft-repeated dictum from my high school French teacher, Madame Morris, who insisted that Europeans — at least the late 218th-century ones she knew — would rather invest in a few quality garments than a closet full of cheaply made clothes.
Beachfront hotels (like the Ilikai of Hawaii Five-O fame), shopping malls, luxury high-rises, power plants, military training centers, freeways, and even telescopes went up—drawing ire from native residents and environmentalists, and leading to the oft-repeated joke that Hawaii's state bird is the construction crane.
" Among the sections deleted were one that said America looked forward to engaging someday with a "representative Iranian government" on the basis of mutual respect, and another that cited Henry A. Kissinger's oft-repeated line that Iran needed to decide whether it is a "nation or a cause.
As Mr. de Blasio answered questions from legislators, the governor was addressing reporters about a scheduled meeting on Tuesday with President Trump (that had been planned a week before), the oft-repeated ill impacts of the president's 2017 tax bill on New York and an approaching winter storm.
It starts with a smash – heavy electric lead guitar, bleached-out vocals, classic rock rhythm guitars – it ends with "Don't Give a Damn," a honky tonk hit reminiscent of Madman Across the Water-era Elton John and the Rolling Stones' oft-repeated advice that you can't always get what you want.
It starts with a smash—heavy electric lead guitar, bleached-out vocals, classic rock rhythm guitars—it ends with "Don't Give a Damn," a honky tonk hit reminiscent of Madman Across the Water-era Elton John and the Rolling Stones' oft-repeated advice that you can't always get what you want.
An oft repeated talking point holds that Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE's supporters remain firm in backing the president.
Senator Joni Ernst, Republican of Iowa who is up for re-election next year, mused aloud this week about the possibility that the federal government had been "spying on political opponents," alluding to the president's oft-repeated contention that the F.B.I. and Obama administration officials inappropriately snooped on his campaign.
The president also moved to reiterate earlier promises that include securing the southwest border; issuing an oft-repeated $1.6 billion update on the border wall; pledging an end to birthright citizenship; and unleashing a diatribe against the groups of migrants making their way north to the United States' southwestern border.
That's more than five lies or distortions a day -- ranging from his insistence that he had the biggest inauguration crowed ever (he didn't) to his oft-repeated claim that the US is the highest-taxed nation in the world (it isn't) to his insistence that he ended Obamacare (he didn't).
Patrick Leahy, who was among the Democrats voting against reopening the government Monday, said that either the Department of Homeland Security should pay for building the wall with its own existing budget or they can get Mexico to pay for it, a reference to an oft-repeated Trump campaign pledge.
That juxtaposition of organicism and artificiality (or perhaps timeless beauty) constitutes one layer of meaning in the work; another emerges when one learns that Lee's mother made beaded bags for a living, a fact — oft repeated by Lee herself in interviews — that links the baubles to gendered forms of labor.
It may come as a relief that, despite this oft-repeated allegation, Republicans in Congress are actually working toward a win-win scenario, where more children are adopted and placed into foster care, and where adoption providers of every stripe can continue serving their communities with a clean conscience and a whole heart.
Aside from its lyrical ring, the axiom owes much of its popularity to the oft-repeated refrain that "space is hard," and that people courageous enough to venture off the planet can expect to experience all manner of discomfort, from cramped quarters to dizzying g-forces, and sometimes even injury or death.
And by now, we all know the oft-repeated refrain from legal analysts, voiced with greater and greater fervor recently: Even though the President's pardon power is unfettered (he can use it, legally whenever he wants, on whomever he wants -- including, according to him, himself) -- it does not extend to state crimes.
O'Rourke's fundraising prowess coupled with anecdotal reports of surging enthusiasm at his campaign events have drawn national attention to the race -- though polling from Quinnipiac University at the end of May showed Cruz with an 11-point lead, and it's an oft-repeated refrain that no Democrat has won statewide office in Texas since 1994.
But a failure to follow through on their oft-repeated promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act and their inability to get much traction on other major legislation has left them grasping for success — a need made even more urgent by the beating the party took around the country in Tuesday's off-year elections.
Qanon followers employ multiple strategies to support voter ID laws, from accusing opponents of voter ID laws of racism, to leaning into Trump's own oft-repeated conspiracy theory that voter fraud favored the Democrats in 2016, to the confusing suggestion that a lack of voter ID laws helped Russian interference in the 2016 election.
RELATED: Pence-Kobach voting commission alarms states with info request He also pushed back at the President's oft-repeated claim that 3 million to 5 million people may have voted illegally in the 2016 election, suggesting that it is more likely that a person would be struck by lightening than that they would impersonate another person at the polls.
Moreover, if you agree with Mr. Trump's oft-repeated views that China and other countries seize unfair advantage in trade by depressing their currencies (economists generally argue that's not the case with regard to China at present, but it has been in the recent past), you should want low-interest-rate policies out of the Fed.
An oft-repeated tale that acquires newer hues and aspects even after all these years, it is a story that isn't just limited to the three people at the centre of it all – it signaled the rise of tabloid journalism in Mumbai and caused the Indian state to undertake a major judicial reform by banning trial by jury.
While speculation abounds as to whether President Trump's Russia policy is in fact driven by something other than what he thinks is best for our country, the administration's oft-repeated and oft-discounted claim that President Trump has been tougher on Russia than his predecessors misses the point -- we are still under live attack by Russia.
Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE won among Hispanic voters in Nevada, according to entrance polls released from Tuesday night's caucuses, fulfilling an oft-repeated campaign pledge.
Trump's oft-repeated defense that his remarks were "locker-room" banter — Melania followed up by dismissing them as "boy talk" — and thus forgivable, says that of course guys speak in ways we delicate flowers could never understand when they are in the safely macho space of the proverbial locker room (or older men on a tour bus on the way to a professional engagement, that is).
Some of the more oft-repeated details: She named her youngest song Michael Corleone, after the character from the Godfather series; she was addicted to "bazooka," a form of smokeable, unrefined cocaine; she would frequently have orgies with both sexes and force men and women to have sex at gunpoint; and part of her smuggling operation involved custom-made lingerie with special packets designed to hold cocaine.
Jeb Bush mocked Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE for being "low energy" last month — turning the presumptive GOP presidential nominee's oft-repeated insult back against him.
Xi was designated the Party's "core leader" in October last year, a powerfully symbolic title that was not granted to his predecessor Hu Jintao, who relied on a more consensus-building governance style compared to the all-powerful Xi. "The importance of the Party's control over the military is an oft-repeated phrase, but Xi has emphasized it heavily during his tenure," said Tom Rafferty, China manager at the Economist Intelligence Unit.
It was also our most recommended book by EC members, and I've also personally loved it (and discussed it a bit, although never truly got around to reviewing it – sorry!) Price: $13 on Amazon Routledge / 258 pages / October 2018 McLuhan's oft-repeated and often wrongly-interpreted "the medium is the message" is a key aspect of communications studies, but another angle is that the medium determines the types of stories that can be communicated.

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