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13 Sentences With "nutcases"

How to use nutcases in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "nutcases" and check conjugation/comparative form for "nutcases". Mastering all the usages of "nutcases" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He was warning his colleagues that the Republican Party was being taken over by nutcases.
"   "I don't want you to think it's just a couple of nutcases running around on the fringe.
"People have the impression it's just a bunch of nutcases wanting to kill each other, but it's just ordinary people," Kavanagh said.
It was a prisoner-run jail as well though, with no guards walking around, and the other people in there were absolute nutcases.
"If you're sitting on the bench you have to carry a gun because there are so many nutcases out there that want retaliation," he said.
The Democratic field may have its fair share of old nutcases and wannabe oil lobbyists, but some of them are still more exciting than Ed Sheeran.
" Munger used California as an example, saying that: "Every 10 years, these nutcases of the right and left get together and throw all the sensible people out by gerrymandering them out.
" When I asked Feaver who was advising the Donald, he responded in an email, "I am told that some of the names are genuine 'formers,' including a few that [are not] 'nutcases.
It's not as big as right-wing nutcases fear, but it's big enough to be of significant consequence such for the rest of our lives, we are going to be talking about this problem.
I have been meeting with North Korean government officials for more than two decades in their country, Europe and Asia, and I can tell you that they are neither nutcases nor comic book characters.
"Nutcases and Knut Cases", The New York Times. In November 2012, Krugman had noted that Bill McBride of Calculated Risk, an economics blog, has treated Zero Hedge with "appropriate contempt".Krugman, Paul (21 November 2012). "All Hail Calculated Risk", The New York Times.
" He noted the anti-French and anti-American tone, and pointed out the use of offensive language: "references to 'Islamic headcases' and 'Islamic nutcases'. Arabs are casually noted to have 'hook noses' and 'slanty eyes'; a mixed-race Briton is called 'coffee-coloured'; and there are mentions of 'pikeys' and people who are 'half-caste'." Sexist content was also noted. More sinister was that "the suggestion – from both an external observer, and the protagonist’s inner voice – that Barlow [the author surrogate] may be a fraud.
Jon Kristiansen: Metalion: The Slayer Mag Diaries. Brooklyn, NY: Bazillion Points Books 2011, p. 466f. thus giving the name "dump site murder" to the case. The case was generally described as the most gruesome homicide in Finnish history.Jon Kristiansen: Metalion: The Slayer Mag Diaries. Brooklyn, NY: Bazillion Points Books 2011, p. 435. After the sentences, the media "tried to raise up Black Metal as a scapegoat for the happenings in Hyvinkää". Demonos Sova of Barathrum "tried his very best not to involve Black Metal and Satanism with the murder" and called the murderers "some nutcases", whereas the I Return to Darkness fanzine "fully supports the murder of Hyvinkää and would like to hail in honour all those who participated in it".

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