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84 Sentences With "number crunchers"

How to use number crunchers in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "number crunchers" and check conjugation/comparative form for "number crunchers". Mastering all the usages of "number crunchers" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Bring on the fact checkers, number crunchers, and project managers!
Modern number-crunchers have found a way to answer such questions.
Some political number crunchers say they are a mirage in the distance.
CricViz's number-crunchers have found some evidence for the first two theories.
There is some doubt among election number crunchers that he can hit it.
Number-crunchers suggested that the most probable margin would have been about 2-0.
The financial industry was deregulated, creating an army of number-crunchers to scrutinise firms.
London's financial industry would be lost without number-crunchers from Italy, India and Indiana.
Flash estimates will be provided again once the number-crunchers improve their data-gathering.
However, Congress's own number crunchers in the Joint Committee on Taxation have reached similar conclusions.
Political number-crunchers know that the world of Big Data has myriad inputs and outputs.
Along the way, Providence jettisoned most of its original mission, replacing nuns with number crunchers.
Your guilty pleasures and weird obsessions have apparently not escaped the notice of Spotify's number crunchers.
Inflation remains in check regardless, prompting some charges that Beijing's number-crunchers might be massaging the data.
Several key economic indicators are not being published because government data collectors and number crunchers have been furloughed.
The number crunchers now peg the likelihood of a House controlled by Democrats at better than 28500 percent.
As for number-crunchers, a study found that accountants have a 95% chance of losing their jobs to tech.
But if the number-crunchers are to blame, one wonders why they do not try harder to hide it.
Tech firms want the best number-crunchers for their big-data projects, and PhD economists have the right skills.
By mid-March, Clinton had already amassed a lead in pledged delegates that most number crunchers thought was effectively insurmountable.
Its growth has slowed from double digits to less than 220006 percent—at least as reported by Beijing's number crunchers.
In the weeks that followed, number-crunchers from all sides fed proposed figures and situations into financial models during negotiations.
Official number crunchers rejigged the increase in 2015 GDP from an already-rapid 7.8 percent to an extraordinary 26.3 percent.
The staff consists of number crunchers with doctorates in economics who pore over various models to analyze growth and employment.
The staff consists of number crunchers with doctorate degrees in economics who pore over various models to analyze growth and employment.
Yet it is often wildly inaccurate: Nigeria's GDP was bumped up by 89% in 2014, after number-crunchers adjusted their methods.
In late 2014, Rozovsky and her fellow Project Aristotle number-crunchers began sharing their findings with select groups of Google's 51,000 employees.
Per the team's number crunchers, users under 25 who say they smoke weed see, on average, a 10 percent increase in likes.
Crucially, the BoE's number-crunchers want to know which micro-level data they can trust, and which tend to send misleading signals.
But in the end she said there were no number-crunchers in the office available to tabulate the volume of gym users.
It is a golden age for number crunchers in sports — the book and Oscar-nominated movie "Moneyball" gave advanced analytics mainstream acceptance.
Number-crunchers have various methods for answering that pressing question, and have released new figures for many of them in the past month.
One problem is that most businesses still operate in silos where the number crunchers and the do-gooders are entirely divorced, Vanpeperstraete says.
The weirdest claim in "The Meritocracy Trap" is that the American educational system is designed to produce super-skilled dealmakers and number crunchers.
Somewhere, deep in the Googleplex, a team of number-crunchers decided it made more sense to make its hardware prices dramatically lower than competitors.
Number crunchers at PornHub found that during the day of the march, there was an 8.2% drop in views on the streaming porn site.
In 2014 the Bank's number-crunchers highlighted the unpopularity of its studies: of the 1,611 documents they assessed, 32% were never downloaded by anyone.
Not even close The law's insurance marketplaces never came close to hitting the projection from the nonpartisan number-crunchers at the Congressional Budget Office.
From noble accountants who reluctantly cook the books for family members to number-crunchers who become pirates, pop culture has also featured some notable CPAs.
This is the time of year the art world's number-crunchers release reports that try to answer these tricky questions, and a whole lot more.
Recent research by ARK and some savvy number crunchers at Quartz and The Information provides a closer look at how much money scooter companies are losing.
Wall Street number crunchers don't expect the economy will slip into recession but experts warn that new uncertainty created by Brexit could have a corrosive effect.
According to Strategas Research, number crunchers at the Congressional Budget Office underestimated capital gains tax revenues by $28503 billion after that rate was cut in 22019.
He confesses he likes to go with his gut, not follow a bunch of number-crunchers: Michael Gove's warnings against listening to experts would have him nodding.
There is no serious dispute among number crunchers about the astronomical financial burdens that Guantánamo's continued operation imposes on the United States without any identifiable security benefit.
We tested that particular theory out this year by asking the number crunchers at Pinterest to give us a list of the most-pinned gluten-free pie recipes.
Wall Street number crunchers don't expect the economy will slip into recession, but experts warn that new uncertainty created by the Brexit vote could have a corrosive effect.
These calculations may seem to be the esoteric domain of number crunchers, but the yearly growth figures — fairly or not — end up being used to answer several essential questions.
Such is the level of uncertainty that American derivatives contracts tied to deliveries in April imply an oil price of anything from $25 to $56 a barrel, according to official number-crunchers.
When approximately 40,000 Verizon workers went on strike last month, it was right in the middle of the week that government number crunchers analyze to gauge the strength of the job market.
The number crunchers never ruled the Patriots out—even though, to many, it seemed like they did: A look at the dramatic turn in win probability in the Patriots' Super Bowl win. pic.twitter.
When we imagine what goes on behind the scenes as a big department store selects items to go on sale, we picture a bunch of number crunchers working to improve the bottom line.
The world ranking number-crunchers suggested on Saturday that Koepka needed to finish no worse than a two-way tie for 11th at the Dunlop Phoenix tournament in Japan to remain on top.
Glavine, a fairly old-school player with an affinity for traditional statistics like wins and saves, made a surprising suggestion: Perhaps the number-crunchers of the game could build an argument for Jones.
Lord Ashcroft, one of Britain's most eminent number-crunchers, projects that the Tories will end the night with a significantly enhanced parliamentary majority — gaining about 50 seats over what it had before the election.
Friday's release was the first of three estimates of quarterly growth that could be revised upward or downward by government number-crunchers; the next batch of data on G.D.P. is expected on Nov. 29.
As it prepares to commit to buying billions of euros of such loans in Italy by mid July, U.S. hedge fund Davidson Kempner Capital Management has deployed legions of number crunchers to find out.
LONDON, Dec 2 (Reuters) - Number crunchers at JPMorgan have predicted global borrowing costs are likely to rise next year due to a deterioration of around $465 billion in the worldwide bond supply and demand balance.
As it prepares to commit to buying billions of euros of such loans in Italy by mid July, U.S. hedge fund Davidson Kempner Capital Management (DKCM) has deployed legions of number crunchers to find out.
Number-crunchers at Epagogix, a company in London, use an algorithm to project box-office takings of films based on their story elements—including the use of special effects, a surprise ending or a cool location.
In a similar episode in 2013 in Argentina, where the then-president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, had a penchant for prosecuting number-crunchers keen to report accurate inflation figures, the IMF threatened expulsion if statistics did not improve.
The Social Security Administration expected the number of applicants to decline after the recession when the total number of beneficiaries topped out, but even government number crunchers were caught off guard by the steepness and duration of the fall.
The Social Security Administration expected the number of applicants to decline after the recession when the total number of beneficiaries topped out, but even government number crunchers were caught off guard by the steepness and duration of the fall.
The latest quarterly earnings reports season looms on the horizon, providing full employment for business reporters, accountants, attorneys, various species of number crunchers, prognosticators, kibitzers and pizza delivery firms catering to all of them as they burn the midnight oil.
But with the number of Chartered Financial Analysts per globally listed stock up by a factor of 12 in the past 20 years, as Citi highlights, there are now many more rigorously trained number crunchers seeking informational advantage on each company.
According to Bank of Americal Merrill Lynch's number crunchers, $3.5 trillion has been wiped off the value of global equity markets over the past week, while Monday's rout triggered the 12th biggest withdrawal from stocks funds ever to the tune of $12.4 billion.
Here is the advice of a few of the nation's top number crunchers about how to assemble a winning office pool: If a team has been racking up an amazing record by beating weaker teams, that does not tell you a whole lot.
And here's where the news refutes claims that avocados are a hurdle to owning a home: YouGov's number crunchers found that 14% of millennials report making their own version of the dish at home, giving restaurant versions a big ol' DIY middle finger.
The thought of number-crunchers rejoicing at the loss of the game's greatest spectacle may reinforce the tired stereotype of quantitative analysts holing up with spreadsheets in their mothers' basements (think of Brad Pitt in Moneyball saying dismissively, "I don't watch the games").
I know we've said this for the past few years, ever since all of the number-crunchers we made fun of on Twitter started getting hired by NHL teams, and then we find ourselves reliving the same old battles all over again.
There would, of course, be complications in this owing to the way that funds are granted by CPB not just to the networks but to the stations and then to the networks,  but that's a matter for the bureaucrats and number crunchers to work out.
By looking at 50 million receipts from retail stores, restaurants, and bars, the number-crunchers behind shopper-rewards app Ibotta were able to put together a thorough analysis of price fluctuations for beer, wine, ice cream, and a bevy of other consumer goods like sunscreen.
In the 1950s, according to the historian Sam Lebovic, the Labor Department refused to say how much peanut butter the Army had purchased, for fear that enemy number-crunchers might figure out the size of the armed forces, a statistic that was already public.
" Warren arrived at the $7 billion figure, she says, because her number-crunchers believe it is the figure required to level the playing field, over the next decade, between "Black, Latinx, and Native American entrepreneurs (if they) started businesses at the same rate as white entrepreneurs.
And if this product is a success — if years from now someone tells the heartwarming story of how the Greek hordes were defeated by simple French pots — then we'll know that Yoplait's number crunchers finally figured out the formula for authenticity, and have reclaimed their crown.
The election number crunchers at Daily Kos say that to take the House in 2018, Democrats would have to win all 23 seats held by Republicans that Clinton won, hold all 220 seats held by Democrats that Donald Trump won, and still pick up several more seats.
Andrew Wiggins will continue to confound the game's number-crunchers, and the desire to make the team a retirement home for all of Thibodeau's old players from Chicago — bringing back Derrick Rose is a bad move, but their rumored interest in Joakim Noah is far worse — has been overindulged.
Those voters and the black female activists who got them to the polls sparked comparisons from political commentators and late-night comedians alike to the little-known black female number-crunchers at NASA whose work, chronicled in the book and 2016 movie "Hidden Figures," helped the space agency achieve some of its biggest early accomplishments.
As described in "Shattered," Clinton's campaign manager, Robby Mook — who centered the Clinton operation on data analytics (information about voters, given to him by number crunchers) as opposed to more old-fashioned methods of polling, knocking on doors and trying to persuade undecideds — made one strategic mistake after another, but was kept on by Clinton, despite her own misgivings.
Longshoushan is located in the centre of the prosperous areas in Liaoyuan, Jilin Province. Guilin from north to south, and to the beautiful dongliao river. Like a huge dragon, so named longshoushan. The number crunchers, green vegetation, is a famous scenic spot in Liaoyuan.
Sometimes Sports Economics can be dismissed as a side hobby for number crunchers. However, with the proliferation of globalized sports markets as well as the extreme rise in sports media, the economics of sport cannot be dismissed. In the United States, the Super Bowl regularly commands the attention of millions. In the EU, over 15 million people are employed in the sports world.
A redistribution was due before the 1999 election. Before starting the process, Labor number crunchers turned to deciding what number of Lower House seats delivered the best advantage for Labor. With an increase in Members ruled out by the Premier, the eventual strategy adopted was a cut to 93 MPs. Finalised in July 1998, the new boundaries were a disappointment for the Government.
The normal tolerance level by Chase was 5%. After Fleischmann and others stated their objections to these bad loans, the number-crunchers, who once were concerned about the loans, started to alter their reports. The diligence team concluded that there would likely be a large number of defaults in the GreenPoint package loans. The report stating this was provided to several high-ranking executives.
Marshall works out inside the apartment, while Lily is aroused by sexual images of a ringer that another MPBL team, the Number Crunchers, used against the Majeurs and even imagines an orgy involving Barney, Robin, Nick and the two women he picked up. Disgusted, Ted confronts Lily and Marshall on why they have not had sex in months, having seen this behavior previous times. They admit it is because Marvin cries whenever the two get intimate or when Marshall barely touches her. Ted takes out Marvin for a stroll while Marshall and Lily get down to business.

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