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26 Sentences With "null character"

How to use null character in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "null character" and check conjugation/comparative form for "null character". Mastering all the usages of "null character" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In Unicode, there is a character with a corresponding glyph for visual representation of the null character, "symbol for null", U+2400 (␀)—not to be confused with the actual null character, U+0000.
Null Byte Injection WASC Threat Classification Null Byte Attack section. In caret notation the null character is `^@`. On some keyboards, one can enter a null character by holding down and pressing (on US layouts just will often work, there is no need for to get the @ sign). In documentation, the null character is sometimes represented as a single-em- width symbol containing the letters "NUL".
The escape sequence is a commonly used octal escape sequence, which denotes the null character, with value zero.
In all modern character sets the null character has a code point value of zero. In most encodings, this is translated to a single code unit with a zero value. For instance, in UTF-8 it is a single zero byte. However, in Modified UTF-8 the null character is encoded as two bytes: 0xC0, 0x80.
Many file system utilities prohibit control characters from appearing in filenames. In Unix-like file systems, the null character and the path separator `/` are prohibited.
Terminator canaries use the observation that most buffer overflow attacks are based on certain string operations which end at string terminators. The reaction to this observation is that the canaries are built of null terminators, CR, LF, and -1. As a result, the attacker must write a null character before writing the return address to avoid altering the canary. This prevents attacks using `strcpy()` and other methods that return upon copying a null character, while the undesirable result is that the canary is known.
Other escape sequences that are found in use in various languages are `\000`, `\x00`, `\z`, or `\u0000`. A null character can be placed in a URL with the percent code `%00`. The ability to represent a null character does not always mean the resulting string will be correctly interpreted, as many programs will consider the null to be the end of the string. Thus the ability to type it (in case of unchecked user input) creates a vulnerability known as null byte injection and can lead to security exploits.
Keys include background-color, depth, compression rows, units, and custom key/value pairs. The latter can include things like copyright or comment. The list is terminated with a NULL character. The next section contains the binary image data.
The first step in every implementation of the C standard library function for concatenating strings is determining the length of the first string by checking each character to see whether it is the terminating null character. Next, the second string is copied to the end of the first. In Spolsky's example, the "Schlemiels" occur when multiple strings are concatenated together: strcat( buffer, "John" ); // Here, the string "John" is appended to the buffer strcat( buffer, "Paul" ); // Now the string "Paul" is appended to that strcat( buffer, "George" ); // ... and "George" is appended to that strcat( buffer, "Ringo" ); // ... and "Ringo" is appended to that After "Paul" has been appended to "John", the length of "JohnPaul" (or, more precisely, the position of the terminating null character) is known within the scope of `strcat()` but is discarded upon the end of function. Afterwards, when `strcat()` is told to append "George" to "JohnPaul", `strcat()` starts at the very first character of "JohnPaul" (which is "J") all over again just to find the terminating null character.
Unlike a typewriter or modern computer keyboard, the shift key isn't kept depressed whilst the corresponding characters are typed. "ENQuiry" will trigger the other machine's answerback. It means "Who are you?" CR is carriage return, LF is line feed, BEL is the bell character which rang a small bell (often used to alert operators to an incoming message), SP is space, and NUL is the null character (blank tape).
The ASCII "null" character is commonly used for this purpose. In actual practice with printers, though, one of the time slots that would otherwise contain a fill character was usually used to contain the "line-feed" character that caused the paper to advance by one line. For some printers (such as teleprinters), this was all the "filling" that was needed. As described above, printers commonly required fill characters when the carriage was returned to the left margin.
The backspace key backed up the tape so a character could be recorded over; there was also a true backspace code, which allowed overstruck characters, like á. Insertion capabilities were limited: one could insert while copying from one tape station to the other; on a single tape one null character per line was reserved for insertions. A "switch code" instructed the playback to switch to the other tape drive. In a cumbersome way, points on the tape could be marked and jumped to.
A UEF file consists of a fixed length header that identifies itself, followed by a linked list of chunks containing the data of interest. The header comprises the magic string `UEF File!`, a terminating null character, and the two-byte version number of the UEF specification in use. A reading application needs to pay attention to the version number, as the unit of measurement in some chunks differs according to the specification version, and one chunk has been redefined between versions.
In computer programming, a null-terminated string is a character string stored as an array containing the characters and terminated with a null character (`'\0'`, called NUL in ASCII). Alternative names are C string, which refers to the C programming language and ASCIIZ (although C can use encodings other than ASCII). The length of a C string is found by searching for the (first) NUL byte. This can be slow as it takes O(n) (linear time) with respect to the string length.
This assumption becomes questionable, however, if the next two bytes are both 0x00; either the text begins with a null character (U+0000), or the correct encoding is actually UTF-32LE, in which the full 4-byte sequence FF FE 00 00 is one character, the BOM. The UTF-8 sequence corresponding to U+FEFF is 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF. This sequence has no meaning in other Unicode encoding forms, so it may serve to indicate that that stream is encoded as UTF-8.
Modified UTF-8 (MUTF-8) originated in the Java programming language. In Modified UTF-8, the null character (U+0000) uses the two-byte overlong encoding (hexadecimal ), instead of (hexadecimal ). Modified UTF-8 strings never contain any actual null bytes but can contain all Unicode code points including U+0000, which allows such strings (with a null byte appended) to be processed by traditional null-terminated string functions. All known Modified UTF-8 implementations also treat the surrogate pairs as in CESU-8.
The null character is often represented as the escape sequence `\0` in source code string literals or character constants.Kernighan and Ritchie, C, p. 38 In many languages (such as C, which introduced this notation), this is not a separate escape sequence, but an octal escape sequence with a single octal digit 0; as a consequence, `\0` must not be followed by any of the digits `0` through `7`; otherwise it is interpreted as the start of a longer octal escape sequence.In YAML this combination is a separate escape sequence.
In 2004, Linuxant, a consulting company that releases proprietary device drivers as loadable kernel modules, attempted to abuse a null terminator in their `MODULE_LICENSE`, as visible in the following code excerpt: MODULE_LICENSE("GPL\0for files in the \"GPL\" directory; for others, only LICENSE file applies"); The string comparison code used by the kernel at the time tried to determine whether the module was GPLed stopped when it reached a null character (`\0`), so it was fooled into thinking that the module was declaring its license to be just "GPL".
The alias files in macOS start by the magic number `62 6F 6F 6B 00 00 00 00 6D 61 72 6B 00 00 00 00` which is in ASCII `book␀␀␀␀mark␀␀␀␀` (␀ representing the Null character). Following the magic number, it has been reported that an alias has a set of records inside it, each record is 150 bytes long and consists of the fields shown below (all integers are big endian).Some information about MacOS aliases collected from the web. (reverse engineering effort) However, alias files are far larger than this would explain, and include other information at least including icons.
Turing's method of deriving the cam settings of the wheels from a length of key obtained from a depth, involved an iterative process. Given that the delta psi character was the null character '/' half of the time on average, an assumption that ΔK = Δ\chi had a 50% chance of being correct. The process started by treating a particular ΔK character as being the Δ\chi for that position. The resulting putative bit pattern of x and • for each chi wheel, was recorded on a sheet of paper that contained as many columns as there were characters in the key, and five rows representing the five impulses of the Δ\chi.
The time between characters need not be an integral multiple of a bit time, but it must be at least the minimum number of stop bits required by the receiving machine. When the line is broken, the continuous spacing (open circuit, no current flowing) causes a receiving teleprinter to cycle continuously, even in the absence of stop bits. It prints nothing because the characters received are all zeros, the ITA2 blank (or ASCII) null character. Teleprinter circuits were generally leased from a communications common carrier and consisted of ordinary telephone cables that extended from the teleprinter located at the customer location to the common carrier central office.
Each subsequent call to `strcat()` has to compute the length again before concatenating another name to the `buffer`. Analogous to Schlemiel not carrying the paint bucket (or the string's length) with him, all the subsequent `strcat()`s have to "walk" the length of the string again to determine where the second string should be copied. As more data is added to `buffer` with each call to `strcat()`, that terminating null character also gets farther away from the beginning, meaning that subsequent calls are increasingly slow. The problems illustrated by Spolsky's example are not noticed by a programmer who is using a high-level language and has little or no understanding of how the language implementation works, including some basic knowledge of its underlying principles and functions.
The reason that this provided a way into Tunny was that although the frequency distribution of characters in the ciphertext could not be distinguished from a random stream, the same was not true for a version of the ciphertext from which the chi element of the key had been removed. This was the case because where the plaintext contained a repeated character and the psi wheels did not move on, the differenced psi character (Δ\psi) would be the null character ('/ ' at Bletchley Park). When XOR-ed with any character, this character has no effect. Repeated characters in the plaintext were more frequent both because of the characteristics of German (EE, TT, LL and SS are relatively common), and because telegraphists frequently repeated the figures-shift and letters-shift charactersNewman c.
This is followed by a PRINT command to send a null character, because the newly assigned output device doesn't get initialised until the first character is sent to it—a common source of confusion.) Once this was done, the Double Lo-Res screen was displayed and cleared, and the PLOT, HLIN, and VLIN commands worked normally with the x coordinate range extended to 0 though 79. (Only the Apple IIc and IIgs supported this in firmware. Using double-lo-res mode from BASIC on a IIe was much more complicated without adding an & command extension to BASIC.) There were two major problems when using this mode in Applesoft. First, once the mode was activated, access to the printer became complicated, due to the 80 column display firmware being handled like a printer.
When electromechanical teleprinters were used as computer output devices, one or more null characters were sent at the end of each printed line to allow time for the mechanism to return to the first printing position on the next line. On punched tape, the character is represented with no holes at all, so a new unpunched tape is initially filled with null characters, and often text could be "inserted" at a reserved space of null characters by punching the new characters into the tape over the nulls. Today the character has much more significance in C and its derivatives and in many data formats, where it serves as a reserved character used to signify the end of a string,"A string is a contiguous sequence of characters terminated by and including the first null character" — ANSI/ISO 9899:1990 (the ANSI C standard), section 7.1.1 often called a null-terminated string.
The relationship amongst these elements still applies when they are differenced. For example, as well as: :::: K = \chi ⊕ \psi It is the case that: :::: ΔK = Δ\chi ⊕ Δ\psi Similarly for the ciphertext, plaintext and key components: :::: ΔZ = ΔP ⊕ Δ\chi ⊕ Δ\psi So: :::: ΔP = ΔZ ⊕ Δ\chi ⊕ Δ\psi The reason that differencing provided a way into Tunny, was that although the frequency distribution of characters in the ciphertext could not be distinguished from a random stream, the same was not true for a version of the ciphertext from which the chi element of the key had been removed. This is because, where the plaintext contained a repeated character and the psi wheels did not move on, the differenced psi character (Δ\psi) would be the null character ('/' at Bletchley Park). When XOR-ed with any character, this character has no effect, so in these circumstances, The ciphertext modified by the removal of the chi component of the key was called the de-chi D at Bletchley Park, refers to the de-chi as being "pseudo plain" and the process of removing it as "de-chi-ing".

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